National Scientific Committees

The objective of National Scientific Committees (NSCs) is to engage Australia ICOMOS members (and non-members in some instances) who have an interest and/or expertise in a particular area, but who are not members of an International Scientific Committee (ISC).

All National Scientific Committee members are bound by the Australia ICOMOS Code of Conduct for members of the EC & all sub-Committees & Groups.

The first Australia ICOMOS NSC to be formed was the joint NSC for Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes. We now have a growing number of NSCs. Click on the links below for more information on these committees.


National Scientific Committee history & convenors

Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes NSC

  • Formed formally in 2010, informally from 2008
  • Current Co-Convenors: Stephanie Johnston & Elisa Palazzo
  • Previous Co-Convenors: Stephanie Johnston & Susan Fayad (Nov 2019 – Nov 2022)
  • Previous Co-Convenors: Kieran Davis & Sue Rosen (March 2016 – November 2019)
  • Previous Co-convenors: Juliet Ramsay & Sue Rosen (June 2015 – March 2016)
  • Previous Co-convenors: Rachel Jackson & Kirsty Altenburg (2011 – June 2015)
  • Previous Co-convenors: Sandy Blair & Juliet Ramsay (2008 – 2011)

Intangible Cultural Heritage NSC

  • Formed May 2014
  • Previous Co-convenors: Natalia Antiqueira Ribeiral & Lance Syme (2020 – 2024)
  • Previous Co-convenors: Richard Morrison (2014 – 2020) & Lisa Sturis (2019 – 2020)
  • Previous Co-convenors: Richard Morrison (2014 – current) & Chris Johnston (2017 – 2019)
  • Previous Co-convenors: Richard Morrison (2014 – current) & Tanya Park (2015 – 2017)

Energy & Sustainability NSC

  • Formed October 2014
  • Co-convenors: Helen Wilson & Rachel Jackson, 2014 – current

Fortifications & Military Heritage NSC

  • Formed February 2017
  • Co-convenors: Matthew Kelly & Iain Stuart, 2017 – current

Rock Art NSC

  • Formed October 2017
  • Current Co-convenor: Sally Kate May 

NSC on Industrial Heritage

  • Formed February 2018
  • Current Co-Convenors: Megan McDougall & Keith Baker, November 2019 – current
  • Previous Convenor: Iain Stuart, February 2018 – November 2019

JSC on Risk Preparedness

  • Formed as ANZ Risk Preparedness Working Group in 2017, converted to JSC in 2020
  • Current Co-convenors: Catherine Forbes (Australia) & Amanda Ohs (New Zealand), 2020 – current