Young/early career professionals

Australia ICOMOS is particularly interested in involving young and early career professionals in its activities, working groups, International Scientific Committees and Executive Committee.

There are many advantages of becoming involved with ICOMOS early in your career, such as:

  • Discounted membership fees (half price) for under 30s who qualify for Full International membership
  • Associate membership for early career professionals who do not yet meet the experience requirements for full membership
  • Access and eligibility (for Full and Associate members) to apply through Australia ICOMOS for the US ICOMOS Summer Internship Program – an amazing, fully-funded internship with a cultural heritage organisation in the US
  • Access to the Young/Early Career Professionals Mentoring Program, a 6-month long program, which connects early career professionals with highly experienced cultural heritage professionals
  • Annual social drinks, usually in conjunction with a conference or other event, for networking opportunities and a chance to chat with other ICOMOS members in a relaxed and casual environment
  • Eligibility to apply (full members – Young professional or otherwise) for the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee or for membership of an International Scientific Committee

Australia ICOMOS has also established the President’s Award, which recognises the important contribution made by the active engagement of younger and/or early career professionals in the cultural heritage field.The inaugural award was presented in 2016. More information on this initiative can be found at the Australia ICOMOS President’s Award webpage.