Proceedings of the 2018 Australia ICOMOS Cultural Landscape Symposium Diversity and the Implications for Management (Australia ICOMOS, 2020)
- Click to download: Australia ICOMOS Cultural Landscape Symposium – Diversity and the Implications for Management_Proceedings
Held in Hobart, Tasmania, in November 2018, the Symposium was an initiative of the Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes.
The volume provides an insight into the current state-of-play in the recognition and management of cultural landscapes. The Proceedings include nine papers from the 2018 Symposium, and collectively reflect a diversity of cultural landscapes and their different management needs. The papers focus largely on the Australian situation, although there are two overview papers that discuss the international framework for cultural landscape recognition and management and one paper focussed on an international urban landscape (Rio de Janeiro). Some papers explore the frameworks for identifying and managing broad classes of cultural landscape, while others look at how the diverse values of cultural landscapes need to be recognised and provided for in managing such landscapes. The papers explore a diversity of urban and rural cultural landscapes, as well as protected area landscapes and the challenges of integrating and managing their natural-cultural attributes and values.
Proceedings of the 2018 Australia ICOMOS Science Heritage Symposium Under the Microscope – Exploring Science Heritage (Australia ICOMOS, 2020)
- Click to download: Australia ICOMOS Science Heritage Symposium Under the Microscope – Exploring Science Heritage Proceedings_v2_20 May 2020
Held in Hobart, Tasmania, in November 2018, the Symposium was an initiative to investigate the little explored and largely uncelebrated tangible heritage of Australian science. The key aim of the Symposium was to begin a multidisciplinary exploration of the heritage of Australian science, including what science heritage is, what significant science heritage we have in Australia, and whether there are particular management needs for the conservation of this heritage.
The nine papers in this volume provide tantalising glimpses of the heritage of the scientific work that has been undertaken in the Australasian region which, although changing in nature, continues to include baseline and applied research, innovations and world firsts. The volume demonstrates that there is a considerable amount of significant heritage deriving from this science in Australia, that this heritage derives from very different scientific fields, is widespread, and encompasses science heritage archives and objects, sites and complexes, and landscapes. Several key themes emerge in the volume’s papers, including the importance of defining the scope of science heritage broadly, and the importance of people and networks and connections in the history and heritage of science. In relation to the protection and management of science heritage, the ‘invisibility’ of this heritage is seen as a key conservation issue, as is also the need for active management of the heritage. Other important areas covered are the intersection of science heritage and engineering heritage, whether researched landscapes are science heritage, and the value of education and partnerships in science heritage conservation. This volume also contains a list of Australian science heritage places included on state and national heritage registers, and a summary of the Discussion held at the end of the Symposium that looked at ‘Science Heritage and the Next Five Years?’