The Heritage Planning Working Group (HPWG) has been established to examine planning policy and provisions, and current proposed changes to this, across Australia in relation to cultural heritage and its conservation, and to identify issues for heritage conservation, as well as actions that could be taken by Australia ICOMOS alone, or in partnership, to address or mitigate identified issues.
The formation of the group has been prompted by the extensive statutory planning changes occurring throughout Australia, much of which have significant potential impacts for cultural heritage.
This Working Group was formed in August 2017 and comprises practitioners with experience in heritage and planning, and an active engagement with heritage planning (the area where both disciplines overlap).
Current Members
Deborah Lindsay (SA) – Convenor (email Deborah)
Anita Krivickas (NSW) – EC Representative
Jane Alexander (QLD)
Anne McConnell (TAS)
Leigh Barrett (WA)
Lara Goldstein (NSW)
Stephanie Harder (VIC)
David Jones (VIC)
Agnieshka Kiera (NSW)
Annabel Neylon (VIC)
Vanessa Neilsen (QLD)
Sera Jane Peters (VIC)
Paul Rappaport (NSW)
Sue Jackson-Stepowski (NSW)
Thomas Wheeler (NSW)
Ian Wight (VIC)
Michael Queale (SA)
David Parham (TAS)
Terms of Reference
Download the document: Heritage Planning WG Terms of Reference_May 2017