CAR – Rock Art

International Committee on Rock Art

The aim of the Rock Art Committee is to promote international co-operation and to provide advice to ICOMOS and to UNESCO organs on their activities in the field of rock art. CAR initiates and co-ordinates world-wide actions in favour of the knowledge, the protection and rehabilitation of humankind’s rock art heritage, through the following activities and interventions aimed at raising the awareness of States to this heritage:

  • By promoting international co-operation in this field
  • By establishing links between researchers and specialists
  • By providing advice to international organisations; by promoting and producing publications
  • By creating a world inventory of rock art
  • By developing traditional methods and modern digital techniques for documentation and preservation of rock art, including those which are inexpensive, non-tactile and non-intrusive, as well as protective devices

CAR has developed a draft Charter for Rock Art in view of its ratification as an ICOMOS doctrinal text. Furthermore, in co-operation with ICOMOS International and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, the Committee is developing a series of Regional Thematic Studies and Pre-Nomination Guidelines as new tools to ensure a better representation of rock art sites on the Word Heritage List in future.

This ISC has no website at present.

Australian Members

  • Prof Sharon Sullivan – Expert
  • Prof Peter Veth – Expert
  • Prof Jo McDonald – Expert
    Australian voting member
    Email Jo