Indigenous Heritage Reference Group

The Indigenous Heritage Reference Group is comprised of:

Convenor: Anne McConnell (email Anne)

Kylie Christian
Neale Draper
Vanessa Hardy
Doug Williams
Adam Black
Sharon Hodgetts
Ken Mulvaney
Silas Piotrowski
Jo Thomson
Reena Tiwari – Adjunct Member

The members of this reference group each have high level qualifications and/or experience in Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait islander cultural heritage. The purpose of the group is to provide advice as needed to the President and the Executive Committee on any issues that arise. Issues may relate to specific sites as in the case of Indigenous issues in World Heritage Monitoring Missions or ‘framework’ issues as in the case of preparing submission on legislation reform. This reference group does not hold regular meetings but is called into action as issues arise.

The Indigenous Heritage Reference Group (IHRG) has determined that it will have up to two Young & Emerging Professional (YEP) members at any one time, who will be termed ‘Adjunct members’ and be appointed for one year initially, with the term to be reviewed after one year.

The conditions of appointment as an Adjunct member are that:

  • The appointment is initially for 1 year with this to be reviewed at the end of this period
  • Adjunct members are expected to participate fully in the Reference Group, but they will not have ‘voting rights’ (note – the IHRG works mainly by consensus and rarely votes on issue, one exception being new/renewed membership)
  • Adjunct members may not as an individual represent the Reference Group unless they have been authorised to do so by the Reference Group Convenor or the Australia ICOMOS President or Vice President

Terms of Reference

Download the document: IHRG Terms of Reference _Approved May 2021

Australia ICOMOS also has a Statement on Indigenous Cultural Heritage.