Heritage Skills Education Reference Group

The Heritage Skills Education Reference Group was established in August 2021 to advise Australia ICOMOS on matters concerning skills training and education relating to the protection, conservation and revitalisation of sites, built heritage, moveable forms of heritage and associated intangible aspects.

The roles and responsibilities of the Heritage Skills Education Reference Group are as follows:

A.   Develop national cooperation in the field of skills training and education in the protection, conservation and revitalisation of sites, built heritage in general, and moveable forms of heritage and associated intangible aspects.

B.   Promote networking between interested parties and encourage knowledge and skill sharing in line with the stated purpose of the group.

C.   Promote the collection and dissemination of information about existing heritage training programs.

D.   Encourage further studies and development in skills training and education in subjects related to heritage conservation.

E.   Develop cooperation by creating links with schools, centres, committees and international organisations and agencies involved in conservation training and education.

F.    Develop strategies that provide a framework for action, and aligns stakeholders at the national, regional, and local levels to develop synergistic capacities in skills training with one another.

G.   To be available (together or individually) as a resource that may be consulted for advice by the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee and Australia ICOMOS members, working groups or committees in relation to relevant issues.

Current members are:

Mitch Cleghorn (Co-convenor)
Yolanda Cool (Co-convenor) 
Trisch Baff
Nadia Watson
Samantha Westbrooke

Download the Heritage Skills Education RG_Terms-of-Reference_August 2021-Final.