Energy and Sustainability Working Group

The International Scientific Committee on Energy and Sustainability (ISCES) was established by ICOMOS at the General Assembly in Paris in 2012. The aim of the ISCES is to further the conservation and protection of heritage places through the soundly-based application of energy conservation and sustainability principles to heritage places. 

Following the formation of ISCES, ISC founding members Peter Phillips, Rachel Jackson and Helen Wilson met to form an Australian working group.

The Energy and Sustainability Working Group (ES WG) had its first meeting on 11 June 2014 to discuss an Australian work program and contribution towards ISCES. Current projects include the preparation of an Australian Energy and Sustainability Bibliography relating to historic buildings to upload to the Australia ICOMOS website and also contribute to the international bibliography under preparation. The working group is also contributing to the preparation of the ISCES website and discussing possible research projects, workshops and seminars to spread the word.

The Energy and Sustainability Working Group comprises:

Catherine Forbes
Caroline Grant
Eric Martin
Helen Wilson – contact Helen
Jean Rice
Jennifer Faddy
Ken Horrigan
Kerime Danis – EC Representative
Louise Honman
Noni Boyd
Peter Phillips
Rachel Jackson – contact Rachel
Robyn Riddett
Stephen Schrapel
Thomas Trudeau

Members of Australia ICOMOS who are interested in joining the Australian Energy and Sustainability Working Group should contact the working group through Helen Wilson or Rachel Jackson.