The Australia/New Zealand Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) on Risk Preparedness (JSC-ANZCORP) was established in November 2020, having previously been the ANZ Risk Preparedness Working Group, formed in 2017. A Joint Scientific Committee is equivalent to a National Scientific Committee (NSC) that extends across two national jurisdictions.
JSC-ANZCORP supports the goals of ICOMOS-ICORP and applies them to the local Australian and New Zealand context.
The purpose of the JSC-ANZCORP is to assist Australia ICOMOS and ICOMOS New Zealand to:
- promote the protection of cultural heritage in times of disaster, whether natural or human made, fast or slow onset
- promote cooperation with government, emergency services and civil defence and the inclusion of cultural heritage in emergency plans at local, regional, state and national levels
- build the capacity of heritage professionals in disaster risk management planning and emergency response for cultural heritage, and
- establish a network of professionals that can respond responsibly to emergencies as they arise in the Australian and New Zealand context.
More detailed information about the JSC-ANZCORPis available in the Terms of Reference document (link below).
The current members of JSC-ANZCORP are:
Catherine Forbes – Convenor (email Catherine)
Flavia Kiperman – EC Representative
Olufemi Adetunji
Kerryn Armstrong
Bretony Colville
Temitope Egbalakin
Gloria Gamboz
Zoe Guthrie
Anna Hyland
Ania Kotarba
Tanya Park
Victoria Pierce
Robyn Riddett
Amanda Ohs – Convenor
Chessa Stevens – EC Representative
Dexell Aita
Lynn Campbell
Clara Caponi
Win Clark
Kate Hooper
Carole-Lynne Kerrigan
Andrew Marriot
Calum Maclean
Helen McCracken
Susanne Rawson
Vanessa Tanner
Fiona Wykes
Membership of the JSC-ANZCORP is open to Australia ICOMOS and ICOMOS New Zealand members with an active interest in and/or whose professional practice relates to the area of risk preparedness. There are two levels of membership:
Full Membership
Membership of the JSC-ANZCORP will include full members of Australia ICOMOS and ICOMOS New Zealand with an active interest in promoting the protection and risk management of cultural heritage vulnerable to disaster (both natural and human made, fast and slow onset), including young and emerging professionals.
Affiliate Membership
Affiliate membership will be open to those that are not members of Australia ICOMOS or ICOMOS New Zealand, but who can contribute their specialist expertise to fulfilling the ToR of the JSC-ANZCORP (such as engineers, disaster and emergency management specialists, anthropologists and conservators). Affiliates can participate in JSC-ANZCORP meetings and activities and will be encouraged to apply for Australia ICOMOS/ICOMOS New Zealand membership where appropriate.
Download the JSC-ANZCORP Terms of Reference_September 2020.
Download the ANZCORP Membership application form.
If you are interested in joining this Committee, please email Catherine Forbes (Australia ICOMOS) or email Amanda Ohs (ICOMOS New Zealand).