Full International Membership


Individuals with appropriate conservation experience over a substantial period of time (the equivalent of at least three years full-time), whose current core professional focus is heritage conservation, and who practice within the terms of The Burra Charter and the Ethical Principles for ICOMOS Members, are eligible to be Full International Members. This category would also be suitable for qualified tradespeople with extensive experience in heritage conservation.

A discounted membership rate is available to Full International Membership applicants who are either under 30 years of age (known as Young & Emerging Professionals) or who are retired or unwaged.

Both Young & Emerging Professionals and unwaged/retired members receive the same benefits as Full International members. Additional documentation is required for Young & Emerging Professionals and Retired/Unwaged applicants.


Full List of Benefits

  • Fortnightly email news with information about national and international activities, current heritage issues and employment opportunities
  • Subscription to the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment
  • Regular newsletters from ICOMOS headquarters in Paris
  • International ICOMOS membership card, which can be used for discounts for some historic properties, museums and heritage organisations internationally and in Australia click here for details
  • The right to use the post-nominal M.ICOMOS
  • Opportunities to participate in national and international ICOMOS activities including the national and international Executive Committee and International Scientific Committees, expert panels and advisory committees
  • Voting rights in Australia ICOMOS
  • Professional networking opportunities
  • Discounts at Australia ICOMOS functions and conferences
  • Discounts on Australia ICOMOS publications
  • Access to professional information through the members only section of the website

Application requirements

  • A personal statement of relevant professional experience, which notes your demonstrated willingness and ability to practice within the terms of the Burra Charter and the Ethical Principles for ICOMOS Members
  • Agreement to abide by the Ethical Principles for ICOMOS Members
  • Signed Statement of Commitment form
  • Signed nomination forms from two financial, Full International Members of Australia ICOMOS**

    **PLEASE NOTE: this application requirement is mandatory and nominators must be currently financial, Full International Member of Australia ICOMOS. Please also note that the nominator must be an Individual Full member as opposed to the contact person of an organisation or company that is an Institutional member of Australia ICOMOS. A list of current members is available from this link. Prospective applicants who have trouble fulfilling this application requirement are encouraged to contact their State Representatives to assist with finding a nominator.

  • A brief (100-200 words) statement from one of your nominators supporting your application
  • A current Curriculum Vitae
  • For RETIRED/UNWAGED applicants – evidence of retired/unwaged status at the time of application is required
  • For YOUNG & EMERGING PROFESSIONAL applicants – evidence of age under 30 years at the time of application & subsequent renewal is required. Upon turning 30, Young & Emerging Professionals automatically become Full International Members.

Membership Fee

  • The Full International Membership Fee is set by the Australia ICOMOS Executive and published on the web
  • Young & Emerging Professional Members, Unwaged or Retired Full International Members pay half the Full International Membership fee
  • A set of pro-rata fees applies to applications that are approved part way through the financial year.