International Scientific Committee on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration
The aim of this Committee, consistent with ICOMOS’ objective of international cooperation, is to explore the basis and framework of conservation, restoration and preservation theory and practice in the globalised world. With these developments in mind, the Committee hopes to achieve the ambitious goal of analysing recent problems and suggesting appropriate proposals, perhaps even answers.
The activities of the Committee in the field of conservation and restoration can include examining the existing corpus of documents and scientific studies; identifying needs and uncovered areas of interest; developing ideas and visions for the future; cooperating with other ICOMOS committees and scientific units of other institutions (such as UNESCO, ICCROM and ICOM) in order to establish an integrated theoretical basis for the preservation of cultural heritage.
This ISC has no website at present.
Australian members
- Ms Meredith Walker – Expert
- Mr Andrew Sneddon – Expert
Australian voting member
Email Andrew