ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage (ISC20C)
The ICOMOS ISC20C focuses its efforts on mid to late twentieth-century places that are most at risk, through lack of recognition and inadequate conservation. The multi-disciplinary committee co-ordinates a range of projects, conferences, declarations, and publications to address these issues. New members are always welcome.
Guidelines for Evaluating and Nominating Properties that have achieved Significance within the Past Fifty Years. National Register Publications, National Park Service, The U.S. Department of the Interior
(From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Gunny Harboe)
World Heritage Papers 5: Identification and Documentation of Modern Heritage. UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2003 [PDF size: 1.4MB]
In order to gain better understanding, raise public awareness and promote inscription of Modern Heritage, study and evaluation of possibilities, establishment of criteria and selection of properties and sites is needed. To continue and complement the work done by ICOMOS in this field, two meetings were held at UNESCO Headquarters in February and October 2001 respectively to define direction and objectives for a Programme on Modern Heritage. This publication contains the position papers that were written to facilitate the debate during the October 2001 expert meeting. Its aim is to present a framework of conceptual thinking on the significance of Modern Heritage, its preservation and some of the pivotal issues concerning identification and valuation.
(From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sandra Uskokovic)
Twentieth-Century Heritage Survey Stage 1: Post Second World War (1946-59): Overview History. S. Marsden, 2003-2004 [PDF size: 1.47MB]
This document, prepared for the Department of Environment and Heritage (South Australia) provides an overview history of the events and themes that characterize the physical, cultural and social development of the state of South Australia after World War II and identifies heritage places within this context.
(From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke)
Twentieth-Century Heritage Survey Stage 2: Post Second World War (1928-45), Volume 2. P. Bell, C. Cosgrove, S. Marsden & J. McCarthy, Historical Research Pty Ltd., 2008 [PDF size: 10.2MB]
This report, submitted to the Department of Environment and Heritage (South Australia), provides inventory sheets for key heritage places dating from1928-45.
(From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke)
Conserving Twentieth-Century Built Heritage: A Bibliography. S. Macdonald & G. Ostergren (eds.), Getty Conservation Institute, 2011
This bibliography includes texts of international, national, and regional significance. It is organized as a subject bibliography and is structured so that users can easily expand upon it as needed to include specific local references or additional subject categories (such as twentieth-century landscape architecture design).
(From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Susan Macdonald)
Modern Heritage Properties on the World Heritage List. UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2012 [PDF size: 16KB]
Provides an overview of modern world heritage properties on the World Heritage List as on July 2012.
(From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sandra Uskokovic)
Regional Meetings on Modern Heritage, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
A brief overview of 5 regional meetings on modern heritage organised by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre in collaboration with regional partner institutions between 2002-2005 respectively.
- 1st Regional Meeting on Modern Heritage, for Latin America, 11-13 December 2002
- 2nd Regional Meeting on Modern Heritage, for Asia and the Pacific, 24-27 February 2003
- 3rd Regional Meeting on Modern Heritage, for Sub-Saharan Africa, 4-7 March, 2004
- 4th Regional Meeting on Modern Heritage: North America, 10-12.November 2004
- 5th Regional Meeting on Modern Heritage: Mediterranean Basin, 29-31 March 2005
(From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sandra Uskokovic)