Intangible Cultural Heritage

ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICICH)

The objectives of ICICH are to:

  • Promote international cooperation in the identification, study and solution of issues related to the ethical identification, protection, interpretation, and management of the intangible cultural associations attributed to monuments and sites
  • Co-operate with the International Scientific Committees of ICOMOS in reviewing doctrinal documents as well as management and conservation practices, in light of the role of intangible attributes in the significance and values of cultural heritage sites
  • Advise ICOMOS on any role it may have in the implementation of, or other activities associated with, UNESCO’s International Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage
  • To advise ICOMOS on the role of intangible attributes, in the role it plays in the implementation of other UNESCO Conventions and international treaties, such as the World Heritage Convention and The Hague Convention


National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage (NSC-ICH)

The Australi ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage (NSC-ICH) aims to provide a focus for professional development, building awareness and advancing practice in relation to the intangible cultural heritage associated with places and environments, both natural and cultural.

The NSC is a new initiative, created from the interests of heritage professionals across Australia and culminating in the proposal for a NSC being accepted by Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee in May 2014. The NSC was officially launched at our first Symposium in October 2014. It is the second NSC created by Australia ICOMOS. The inaugural meeting of the NSC was held on Sunday 19 October.


Exploring Intangible Cultural Heritage in Museum Contexts: a pilot project (report)

This report demonstrates the benefits of involving ICH practicing communities and artists as intermediaries between the diverse groups of bearers and cultural organisations, in order  to forge an equitable tripartite curation that might make collections and museum spaces alive and relevant to contemporary society. It also shows why, as a consequence, museums could benefit from  reviewing and recasting their physical and practical boundaries. Bearer communities are guardians of our rich and diverse cultural traditions, collective memories, history, stories and rites and ritual practices.

Click on the link above for more information and to request a copy from ICOMOS UK.