Principles, Theory & Philosophy of Conservation

The Burra Charter: The Australia ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Significance. Australia ICOMOS, 2013.


Reconstruction and Replication of Buildings and the Construction of Unbuilt Designs: USA Society of Architectural Historians Heritage Conservation Committee Issues Position Statement, June 2018

This position paper raises some interesting policy issues about the authenticity of reconstruction and the prioritisation of conservation. 

(Suggested for the Australia ICOMOS Toolkit by Sheridan Burke, President of the ICOMOS Advisory Committee)


Heritage Curtilages, Heritage Office, Dept of Urban Affairs & Planning, 1996

NSW Heritage Council document that provides guidance for identifying, conserving and managing the curtilage and setting of heritage items. Note that:

a) This is the only-such guidance available in Australia (there’s little enough in Australia on landscapes/elements)

b) It remains useful guidance on the four types of curtilage (lot; expanded; reduced; composite)

To purchase this publication – available copies are limited – visit the Heritage Branch, Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW) website.

(From personal reference resources of AICOMOS member Stuart Read)


Conservation Principles, Policies and Guidance. English Heritage, 2008

The primary aim of the Conservation Principles, Policies and Guidance is to support the quality of decision-making, with the ultimate objective of creating a management regime for all aspects of the historic environment that is clear and transparent in its purpose and sustainable in its application.

(From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke)


The Illustrated Burra Charter: Good Practices for Heritage Places. M. Walker & P. Marquis-Kyle, Australia ICOMOS Inc., 2004.

The Illustrated Burra Charter outlines the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter process for cultural heritage conservation. The Burra Charter is extensively applied and used throughout Australia, and has also been applied in countries of Latin America, North America, Europe and Asia.


ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration (SCTC)

The aim of SCTC is to explore the basis and framework of conservation, restoration and preservation theory and practice in the globalised world. With these developments in mind, the Committee hopes to achieve the ambitious goal of analysing recent problems and suggesting appropriate proposals, perhaps even answers.

This ISC has no website at present.


Guideline: Assessing Cultural Heritage Significance- Using the Cultural Heritage Criteria

This guideline provides a methodological framework for assessing cultural heritage significance of heritage places. It is the basis on which places are assessed for entry onto the Queensland Heritage Register and received an award for excellence from the Queensland Division of the Planning Institute of Australia Awards.

(From personal reference resources of AICOMOS member Fiona Gardiner)


The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB)

The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings was founded by William Morris in 1877 to counteract the highly destructive ‘restoration’ of medieval buildings being practised by many Victorian architects. Today it is the largest, oldest and most technically expert national pressure group fighting to save old buildings from decay, demolition and damage.

The SPAB Manifesto can be read on their website and it can also be downloaded as a PDF by clicking on the link below.

(From personal reference resources of AICOMOS member Liliana Duran)