Interpretation & Presentation of Heritage Places

ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites (ICIP)

The main task of ICIP is to study the evolving technologies and techniques of public interpretation and presentation, evaluating their potential to enrich contemporary historical discourse and to heighten sensitivity to the universal values and particular modes of human expression embodied in cultural heritage sites.


Heritage Interpretation Policy, NSW Heritage Office, 2005 [PDF size: 107KB]

Guidance on best practice in interpreting heritage places and objects.

(From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke)


Interpreting Heritage Places and Items, NSW Heritage Office, 2005 [PDF size: 120KB]

(From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke)


Sharing our Stories, The National Trust of Australia (WA) & Museums Australia (WA)in partnership with Lottery West, 2007

Sharing our Stories aims to provide guidelines for community groups, local councils, government agencies and funding bodies in: understanding the principles of heritage interpretation, and the role it plays in community development.

(From personal reference resources of AICOMOS member Anne Brake)


We’re a Dreaming Country: Guidelines for Interpretation of Aboriginal Heritage, 2012

We’re a Dreaming Country provides guidelines to ensure the respect, acknowledgment and ownership of Aboriginal place and story unfolds in a respectful and sensitive way for a variety of audiences. In this manner we can, together, acknowledge the past, reconcile the present and ensure custodianship for the future.

(From personal reference resources of AICOMOS member Anne Brake)