Industrial Heritage

The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH)

 The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage, better known by the more manageable TICCIH (pronounced “ticky”), is the world organization for industrial heritage. Its goals are to promote international cooperation in preserving, conserving, investigating, documenting, researching, interpreting, and advancing education of the industrial heritage.


Integrated Mine Closure: Good practice guide (2nd edition), International Council on Mining and Metals, 2019

Integrated Mine Closure: Good practice guide provides practical guidance for a key challenge to mining: closing a mine in a sustainable manner. This is what ultimately defines the long-term environmental and social impact of a mine.

The toolkit is structured according to the mine life cycle, starting out with conceptual closure planning and becoming iteratively more detailed.

Also visit the International Council on Mining and Metals website for more information about planning for the closure of mines.

(From personal reference resources of AICOMOS member Corinne Unger)


Independent report: Identifying potential overlap between extractive industries and natural World Heritage sites, United Nations Environment Programme, 2013

This report presents the results of a study into potential overlap between extractive industries (mining, oil and gas) and natural World Heritage sites. At the time of this study, the UNESCO World Heritage (WH) List included 217 properties recognized for their natural Outstanding Universal Value. UNEP-WCMC, with inputs from a number of partners, conducted an analysis at the global level of the association between the IHS and SNL global datasets on extractive activities and natural WH sites. Noting the inherent limitations of using global data for site-scale analysis, the resulting report provides statistical and geographical data on the extent of potential overlap indicated by the global extractives datasets. The report provides discussions and conclusions and suggests possible next steps.

(From personal reference resources of AICOMOS member Corinne Unger)


Strategic Framework for Managing Abandoned Mines in the Minerals Industry, Ministerial Council on Mineral and Petroleum Resources, 2013 [PDF size: 759KB]

This publication was produced jointly by the Ministerial Council on Mineral and Petroleum Resources (MCMPR) and the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA). The
MCMPR consists of the Australian Government Minister for Resources, Energy and Tourism, and state and territory ministers with responsibility for minerals and petroleum, to encourage a strategic approach to abandoned mines management, which promotes efficiency, sustainability, innovation and consideration of the unique assets and community values for each mine.

(From personal reference resources of AICOMOS member Corinne Unger)


Industrial Heritage Re-tooled: The TICCIH guide to Industrial Heritage Conservation, J. Douet (ed.), 2012

The book is a compilation of the latest approaches to the conservation of industrial heritage presented by around thirty specialists. Some of the topics covered by this publication include: the scope of industrial heritage; re-use and re-purposing; listing and designation; sustainable development; industrial archaeology; museums and collections; documentation and recording; industrial tourism; and historic photographs and archives.

Visit the TICCIH website for further information on the publication and ordering a copy.