Earthen Architectural Heritage

ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage (ISCEAH)

The goal of ISCEAH is to maintain broad membership, carry out scientific inquiries, specialized studies, and to share information thereby contributing to the development of better practice and methods for the protection and conservation of the world’s earthen architectural, archaeological and cultural landscape heritage.


VerSus Research Project – Reinterpreting the contribution of vernacular heritage to the future

The main aim of the project is applying the principles of vernacular earth construction in contemporary sustainable design.  This concerned with the evolution of the sustainable concept itself, the heritage aspect, the construction process, building performance, maintenance, environmental principles, and socio-cultural principles.

VerSus intends to be an open source of information to disseminate principles, techniques and solutions in Europe.

The booklet “Lessons from vernacular heritage to sustainable architecture” can be downloaded from here.

(From personal reference resources of ICOMOS member Liliana Duran)