HE, vol 31 no 2, 2019 – Conserving it Together – Heritage at Risk


Contents (vol 31 no 2)

Editorial: Culture: Conserving it together (vol 31 no 2)
Kerime Danis, Mary Knaggs & Elizabeth Edwards

Contributors (vol 31 no 2)

Are we really prepared for disaster? Responding to the lessons from Christchurch (vol 31 no 2)
Catherine Forbes

Climate change, sea-shore erosion and the disappearance of cultural sites: Putting the record of archaeological remains in Islanders’ hands (vol 31 no 2)
Christophe Sand

Applying and communicating Indigenous land management knowledge systems and practices to climate change adaptation (vol 31 no 2)
Martin Bryant, Penny Allan & Lizzie Yarina

Architectural heritage under threat: Disaster and the difficulty of conservation: A case study of Kinmen Island, Taiwan (vol 31 no 2)
Yi-Jen Tseng

Sustainable planning and management solutions for the flood-damaged cultural landscape of Nan’anzui, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China (vol 31 no 2)
Xu Ying & Ma Zhiliang

The changing fabric and use of Levuka’s historic residences and shop houses (vol 31 no 2)
Masami Fukumoto, Tsuguto Ezura & Kiho Yaoita

Australia and Pacific Island countries: The need to collaborate to protect underwater cultural heritage (vol 31 no 2)
Andrew Viduka

Understanding the meaning of ‘shipwreck’: The relationships between cultural and environmental influences in north-eastern Australia (vol 31 no 2)
Grant Luckman

Prospects for World Heritage in the equatorial and south-western Pacific region (vol 31 no 2)
Kevin Jones