Acknowledgements (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Cultural Heritage and Tourism Evolution (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Claude Moulin
History Through the Remains of the Past (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Susan Marsden
The Cultural Dimensions of Australia’s Environment (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Jim Russell
Cultural Heritage – Stereotypes and Realities (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Peter Forrest
Willunga – Place, Time and Image (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
John Brine
Point Stuart – Strategies for Cultural Heritage Tourism (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
David Carment, Eve Gibson
Pioneer Cemeteries as Tourist Attractions (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Gordon Grimwade
Victoria’s Historic Wineries – A Resource for Tourism (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
David Dunstan
The Tensions of Making Use of Our Cultural Heritage (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Jane Lennon
Wilpena Station, Flinders Ranges National Park – Planning for Cultural Tourism (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Michael Williams, Lyn Brake
Realising the Cultural Tourism Potential of South Australian Shipwrecks (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Bill Jeffery
Ravenswood – Mining, Tourism and Heritage (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Diane Menghetti
Packaging and Marketing Cultural Heritage Resources (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Claude Moulin
Cultural and Heritage Tourism – The New Grand Tour (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Michael Hall, Heather Zeppel
The European Experience (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Graham Brooks
Understanding Heritage Sites, Tourists, Specialists, Managers and Politicians – Then Providing Interpretation (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Christine O’Brien
North Terrace Project – Revitalising a Cultural Tourism Precinct (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Anne Draper, David Crinion
Cultural Tourism – Observations of a Bureaucratic Experience (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Ray Tonkin
Cultural Heritage and Tourism for Small Entrepeneurs (vol 7 no 3 & 4)
Julie Hurley, Trevor Budge