Editorial (vol 13 no 1)
Mary Sheehan
Australia ICOMOS Victorian conference 21-24 March 1996 program (vol 13 no 1)
Urban Consolidation – Formal Opening Address (vol 13 no 1)
Rob Maclellan
The Great Australian Sprawl (vol 13 no 1)
Graeme Davison
Social Aspects of Urban Consolidation (vol 13 no 1)
Patrick Troy
Fringe Development and Landscape Impacts – ‘Concerts in Cul-de-Sac’ (vol 13 no 1)
Tony Sabino
Urban Consolidation in the Context Of Contemporary Development Trends (vol 13 no 1)
Chris Maher
Urban Conservation and Urban Consolidation – 20 Years Progress (vol 13 no 1)
Nigel Lewis
Laying a Yellow Brick Road – The Rise of the Suburban Driveway (vol 13 no 1)
Karen Olsen, Rowan Wilken