[NEW ITEM] UNESCO Cities of Design Sub-network Meeting, 12-14 October, online
[NEW ITEM] WHIPIC Lecture: “Heritage and Participatory Media in the Age of Data Technology”, 14 October, 7.00pm AEDT
[NEW ITEM] Interim Report tabled – Proposal to Raise the Warragamba Dam Wall
[NEW ITEM] Art and Artisan Illuminate Online Event, 22 October, 2.00 pm AEDT
[NEW ITEM] AICCM Agents of Change series: #8: DISASTERS – 28 October, 7-8.30pm AEDT
[NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – News
[NEW ISSUE] Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden news
[NEW ISSUE] Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin
[NEW ISSUE] News from World Monuments Fund
Caring For Country Webinar 3: “Burning Country”, 13 October 2021, 12.00 noon AEDT
Heritage Pathways 2021, Online Symposium, 20 November 2021 – CALL FOR PAPERS | deadline 29 October
Membership of the Australia ICOMOS Heritage Planning Working Group – call for Expressions of Interest: deadline COB 15 October 2021
AICCM Disaster Preparedness Calendar launch, 13 October, online
Fremantle Studies Day, 24 October, Fremantle
Virtual Conference: Promoting Cultural Heritage as a key driver for local Climate Action, 14 October
Flinders University Climate Change seminar, online & on campus, 16 November – call for abstracts deadline: 4 November
Australian Heritage Grants Program – applications close 28 October
Blue Plaques NSW program update – Nominations through local MPs and MLCs closes 31 October
Getty Conservation Guest Scholars Program – apply by 1 November
WA Heritage Council Heritage Grants Program – applications close 10 December
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Museum Conservation Assistant (permanent part-time), ACT Historic Places, Canberra [DEADLINE: 14 October]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Property Management Support Officer, National Trust of Western Australia, Perth [DEADLINE 20 OCTOBER]
[NEW] SITUATIONS VACANT Built Heritage Consultants, RBA Architects + Consultants, Melbourne [DEADLINE 22 OCTOBER]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, Dunedin City Council, New Zealand [DEADLINE: 27 October]
SITUATION VACANT Built Heritage Consultant, GBA Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Officer (1x permanent) & Heritage Officer (1x 2-yr contract), Brisbane City Council, Brisbane [DEADLINE: 12 October]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant (Archaeologist), City Plan Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, City Plan Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Advisor – Heritage Places, Extent Heritage, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Property Manager, Working Heritage, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Finance and Payroll Officer – Permanent Part-Time, Working Heritage, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Architect (Registered in Victoria), Purcell, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
1. [NEW ITEM] UNESCO Cities of Design Sub-network Meeting, 12-14 October, online
UNESCO Cities of Design Sub-network Meeting, 12-14 October
NB – commencing each evening at 9pm AEDT, ending around 10.15pm
As a virtual convening, this event provides an exciting opportunity for communities from across all 40 design cities to participate in and learn about a range of projects taking place across the network.
The theme for this year’s convening is REIMAGINE, RENEW, REGENERATE.
This compelling 3-day program includes live-streamed panel sessions focusing on one theme each day – REIMAGINE (Tuesday), RENEW (Wednesday) and REGENERATE (Thursday).
The panels showcase projects from Australia, Europe, Asia, North and South America and the Middle East. Leading design experts will share projects that focus on how design is being incorporated in cultural, creative and social initiatives, sustainability advancements and within the built form. Each panel includes a moderated discussion with speakers to encourage thought-provoking discussion.
As the host city, Geelong invites you to learn more about how design is being used in our city.
2. [NEW ITEM] WHIPIC Lecture: “Heritage and Participatory Media in the Age of Data Technology”, 14 October, 7.00pm AEDT
The International Centre for the Interpretation and Presentation of World Heritage Sites under the auspices of UNESCO (WHIPIC) is holding a second online lecture series during 2021 with the theme ‘Presentation: Delivering Multiple Values of World Heritage’.
The next lecture, ‘Heritage and Participatory Media in the Age of Data Technology’, will be held on 14 October (Thursday) at 10:00 CET | 17:00 KST [7.00pm AEDT | 6.00pm QLD | 5.30pm NT | 6.30pm SA | 4.00pm WA]. The lecturer is Professor Elisa Giaccardi (Delft University of Technology).
The lecture consists of a 30-minutes presentation and a 20-minutes Q&A session. The lecture and Q&A session will be conducted in English and publicly accessible for viewing without prior registration. The recorded video of the lecture will be uploaded to the YouTube channel and Facebook page after the event to be viewed at any time.
Links for the lecture
– YouTube
For more information about this lecture series, download the [WHIPIC] 2021 Online Lecture Series.
3. [NEW ITEM] Interim Report tabled – Proposal to Raise the Warragamba Dam Wall
The interim report of the Select Committee on the Proposal to Raise the Warragamba Dam, entitled ‘Proposal to Raise the Warragamba Dam Wall’ has been released and was tabled with the Clerk of the Parliaments on 5 October 2021.
The report is available on this website, along with submissions, transcripts of evidence and other inquiry documents.
The report and its recommendations are now with the government for consideration. The government is required to respond to the recommendations within six months.
4. [NEW ITEM] Art and Artisan Illuminate Online Event, 22 October, 2.00 pm AEDT
Art and Artisan Illuminate Online Event
When: Friday 22 October
Time: 2pm – 3:45 pm
Where: Zoom
The International Specialised Skills Institute (ISS Institute) exists to develop an innovative, skilled and smart Australia by cultivating the mastery and knowledge of talented Australians through international applied research Fellowships.
Our final Illuminate event for the year focuses on Art and Artisan skills with Fellows Alex Taylor and Amelia O’Donnell presenting on their experiences as George Alexander Foundation Fellowships.
>> more information & registration
5. [NEW ITEM] AICCM Agents of Change series: #8: DISASTERS – 28 October, 7-8.30pm AEDT
Agents of Change: 10 Agents Over 10 Months
The AICCM Preventive Special Interest Group is hosting a series of online forums. Following on from the successful 2019 conference Managing Risks to Collections, 10 AGENTS OVER 10 MONTHS will explore and expand the traditional 10 Agents of Deterioration to encompass relevant and topical themes – such as the climate change, bushfires, repatriation, and COVID.
The series will run from March to December covering one Agent per month, and has been developed to enable our Conservation community to continue to share knowledge, insights and experiences virtually through talks, presentations, workshops, panel discussions and hybrid events throughout 2021.
28 October 2021
>> more information | registration
Speakers: Jennifer Thompson, Scotia Monkivitch & Dr Dolapo Fakuade
6. [NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – News
Click on the link below to read the latest from The Johnston Collection.
7. [NEW ISSUE] Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden news
To read the latest Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden E-news, click on the link below.
8. [NEW ISSUE] Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin
To view the latest issue of the GCI bulletin, click here.
9. [NEW ISSUE] News from World Monuments Fund
To read the latest news from World Monuments Fund, click here.
Caring For Country Webinar 3: “Burning Country”, 13 October 2021, 12.00 noon AEDT
NIFW 2018 Bundanon on Dharawal Yuin Country; Photo credit: Bear Hunt Photography
Caring For Country Webinar 3: “Burning Country”
Wednesday 13 October 2021, 12.00 noon AEDT
#ICOMOS #AustraliaICOMOS #ICOMOSNZ #ICOMOSPASIFIKA18 #climateheritage #climatecrisis
Join us for the third Webinar in the Caring For Country Webinar Series.
This Webinar Series has been organized by the Caring For Country Committee, a Working Group of Australia ICOMOS with members from Australia ICOMOS, ICOMOS New Zealand, ICOMOS Pasifika and Non-ICOMOS members from Oceania.
Webinar 3: Burning Country: Aboriginal Fire Practice in Caring for Country
Indigenous fire practice is a key aspect of caring for country and very important to maintaining cultural connections to place. In the face of climate change and other threats, caring for country practices, including fire practice, contain answers to the healing of damaged landscapes and managing climate change impacts. Through community engagement and empowerment, burning country can also provide communities with economic opportunities.
The presenters of this webinar, Ricky Archer, CEO Northern Australia Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance (NAILSMA) and Victor Steffensen, co-founder of Firesticks Alliance Indigenous Corporation, will share examples that illustrate key aspects of Indigenous fire practice and highlight the issues and opportunities that exist for its implementation across vast areas of Australia. They will also discuss the barriers to its use.
NAILSMA, a major landowner in the Northern Territory, works closely with Indigenous groups and organisations across Australia’s top end and has utilised savannah burning methodologies to provide economic benefits to communities across the region. Ricky Archer will describe how the application of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) provides solutions and opportunities for communities. He will also discuss the barriers that prevent adoption of traditional burning practices as a land management tool by the broader community. In 2020, the CSIRO partnered with NAILSMA to publish Our Knowledge Our Way Guidelines for Caring for Country. This document focusses on how non-Indigenous researchers should engage with Indigenous communities on projects.
Victor Steffensen, author of Fire Country, an essential reference on the topic of burning country, will talk of his experience of learning about fire from elders in his country in northern Queensland: the importance of ‘reading’ the country, the importance of passing on knowledge to communities and the importance of implementing knowledge via action, and the importance of community being involved and benefitting from that action.
For additional information about this webinar and the speakers, read the Caring for Country newsletter – Issue 3, Sept 2021.
The Videos from our first Caring For Country webinar Oceania Wisdom For a Climate Chance are on the ICOMOS Webinar Series webpage. Links to the Full Webinar 1: Oceania Wisdom For a Climate Chance and Webinar 2: Climate Change Adaptation for Aboriginal Cultural Heritage will be available soon.
Our thanks to Jaye Cook, Australia ICOMOS Associate Member and member of the Caring For Country Committee, for designing the graphics, logo, and templates for newsletter and presentations for the Caring For Country Webinar Series.
Contact us at this email address.

Heritage Pathways 2021, Online Symposium, 20 November 2021 – CALL FOR PAPERS | deadline 29 October

Join Australia ICOMOS for Heritage Pathways 2021, a half-day symposium exploring issues that are important to early-career professionals and academics, as well as innovations in cultural heritage practice. We are seeking short papers, or ‘snapshots’, that critically respond to one or more of the following provocations:
- Where is the cultural heritage profession currently and where are we going?
- What impact has the COVID-19 pandemic had on the profession, including successive lockdowns in some states and territories?
- What new approaches and issues are important to emerging cultural heritage professionals and academics looking towards the future?
- How is current research and policy responding to issues of social justice, sustainability and climate change, intangible values, Reconciliation and decolonising places and approaches?
- How can we ensure that cultural heritage is relevant to all people within the community, beyond professional or academic disciplines?
- How can established cultural heritage practitioners work with early career professionals to future-proof the cultural heritage profession?
Want to be involved?
Please submit a 100 word abstract (6-minute presentation) and 50 word bio to the Heritage Pathways Team by email by Friday 29 October 2021. We welcome submissions from postgraduate candidates in both coursework and research programs, and early career professionals and practitioners working in or alongside the cultural heritage field. In addition to the short papers/snapshot session, the symposium will also feature video submissions, with further information regarding this to be announced shortly.
Note: The symposium will be open to attendees at all stages of their careers. Watch this space for further information regarding ticketing.
For further information, please contact the Heritage Pathways Team by email or visit the symposium website.
Download the Heritage Pathway 2021_Call for Papers.
Membership of the Australia ICOMOS Heritage Planning Working Group – call for Expressions of Interest: deadline COB 15 October 2021
The Australia ICOMOS Heritage Planning Working Group (HPWG) was formed 2017. In accordance with Australia ICOMOS policy, it is now time to refresh the membership of this Working Group.
The purpose of the HPWG is to examine planning policy and provisions and current changes across Australia in relation to heritage and its conservation, and to identify issues for heritage conservation and potential actions for Australia ICOMOS.
The intention was never for this group to hold regular meetings, but to act as matters arise. Initially we looked at policy across all jurisdictions, and discussed several pertinent common issues.
Members of the refreshed HPWG will be selected based on demonstrated expertise and experience in heritage planning and policy. Membership is recommended to include two co-convenors or a convenor and a deputy convenor, and representation across all jurisdictions.
Young and emerging professional members with specialist skills or interest in the area, but who may not have sufficient expertise to become a member, may apply to become an adjunct member, which is normally a one-year appointment that is reviewed at the end of the year.
Further information about the Heritage Planning Work Group can be found at this link.
Please note that all individuals who express an interest in any Australia ICOMOS Working or Reference Group agree to be bound by the documents that can be found here. Once formed, the new Group may like to reconsider its Terms of Reference, and whether a Reference Group may be more appropriate.
Members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to express an interest in becoming a member of this Work Group by sending a completed HPWG_EOI-form_Sep-2021 to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB 15 October 2021.
For further information please contact the current Convenor, Deborah Lindsay via email.
AICCM Disaster Preparedness Calendar launch, 13 October, online
Join the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM) for the launch of the AICCM Disaster Preparedness Calendar!
Wednesday 13 October 2021 is International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction. Australia is experiencing an increasing number of natural disasters, some truly devastating in their impact. While there are many disasters we can’t prevent from happening, we can reduce the impact on our collections should they occur.
Date: Wednesday 13 October 2021
Time: 11am–12pm (AEDT)
Location: Online via Zoom, registration required
>> more information and the link to register
Fremantle Studies Day, 24 October, Fremantle
In the midst of the COVID pandemic the 2021 Fremantle Studies Day explores issues of migration including the need for and consequences of managing the arrival of people into Australia, the potential for issues like racism to emerge and the impact of other cultures on the very fabric of our town. What better place to hold this than the Woodman Point Quarantine Station, built to protect the nation from the ravages of the Spanish Flu.
Cost: Members $20, non-members $25
Venue: Woodman Point Recreation Camp (previously WP Quarantine Station) end of O’Kane Court, Coogee
Bookings: ESSENTIAL. Entry is via a code you will receive on registration; by Tuesday 19 October via email to the Fremantle History Society
Download the Fremantle Studies Day flier.
Virtual Conference: Promoting Cultural Heritage as a key driver for local Climate Action, 14 October
Putting Cultural Heritage and local Communities at the heart of our response to Climate Change
Organised by ICOMOS UK
Thursday 14 October 2021
10:00 – 16:30 BST
This Cultural Heritage, Communities & Climate Crisis conference seeks to highlight how local communities should be at the heart of government/agency climate change strategies while cultural heritage should be a key driver.
We will bring together speakers from cultural agencies and civil society as well as independent research organisations engaged in championing communities’ involvement in climate action through culture. They will explore relationships between agencies and communities in the context of climate change and showcase some exemplar cultural actions initiated by heritage agencies, civil society, local communities and the private sector across the UK.
For more information and to register, visit this link.
Flinders University Climate Change seminar, online & on campus, 16 November – call for abstracts deadline: 4 November
Archaeology, History, Indigenous & Heritage responses to the IPCC 6th Assessment Report
and agendas for climate research and adaptation
A seminar of the Deep Pasts and Human Scale Research Theme
Convened by: Dr Ania Kotarba and Dr Alessandro Antonello
Tuesday 16 November 2021
College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Flinders University, Bedford Park campus and Online
The recently released IPCC 6th Assessment Report on the physical basis of climate change has forcefully foregrounded how climate extremes and natural disasters will increasingly be part of our daily and seasonal lives. In the face of these predictions and projections, humanity must both drastically reduce carbon emissions and adapt their lives to climate extremes and environmental challenges.
The Seminar organisers are inviting the submission of abstracts for 10–15 minutes presentation, with a deadline of 4 November.
For more information about the seminar, themes and abstract submission, view the Flinders_Climate change_seminar_16 Nov.
Australian Heritage Grants Program – applications close 28 October
The Australian Heritage Grants Program provides $5.347 million per annum with a call for applications each year. This is the fourth year of the program. All National Heritage listed places recognised for their natural, Indigenous, or historic heritage values may be eligible for funding of between $25,000 and $400,000 under this program.
National Heritage listed places will be supported through the protection and promotion of their listed values by strengthening the conservation, management and recognition of these places, and through public and community engagement. In recognition of the continuing effects of COVID-19, activities such as re-establishing or maintaining activities directly impacted by COVID-19 may also be supported through this round to aid in economic recovery.
The Australian Heritage Grants Guidelines, and additional information about the program, are available at the Business Grants Hubs website.
Applications close 28 October.
Blue Plaques NSW program – nominations through local MPs and MLCs closes 31 October
This recently announced NSW Government program aims to foster curiosity and appreciation of our heritage by recognising the places, personalities and historical events that matter to communities.
We encourage you to contact the office of your local Member of Parliament (MP) or a Member of the Legislative Council (MLC) as soon as possible to put forward your ideas for Blue Plaques.
MPs and MLCs will have until 31 October 2021 to submit their nominations to Heritage NSW for consideration.
Please see the Heritage NSW website and Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn for more information.
We would love to see a wide diversity of stories and cultures represented with the Blue Plaques.
Getty Conservation Guest Scholars Program – apply by 1 November
The Conservation Guest Scholars Program provides opportunities for professionals to pursue research on topics that bring new knowledge and fresh perspectives to the field of conservation. Guest Scholar grants are for established scholars, or individuals who have attained distinction in their fields. Applications are welcome from researchers of all nationalities working in conservation, historic preservation, heritage science, and related fields.
Applications for the 2022-2023 residency period are now available.
For eligibility, terms and how to apply, visit this link.
For questions regarding the program or the application process, please email the Getty Scholars Team.
The deadline to apply is 1 November 2021.
WA Heritage Council Heritage Grants Program – applications close 10 December
The WA Heritage Council’s Heritage Grants Program is now open for applications. The program offers funding assistance to projects that conserve or celebrate State Registered Heritage places, and supports investment in the preservation of WA’s rich history. The Minister for Heritage announced the opening of the program on 30 September, the full media release can be read here.
More information on the Heritage Grants Program, including how to apply, can be found at the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.
An information webinar on the program will be held at 11:00am, Wednesday 20 October. To participate you must register your interest here.
Applications close at 4pm, Friday 10 December.
Contact: Emily Craig-Wadham, Senior Heritage Grants Administrator
Phone enquiries: (08) 6552 4031
Email enquiries via this address
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Museum Conservation Assistant (permanent part-time), ACT Historic Places, Canberra [DEADLINE: 14 October]
The Museum Conservation Assistant will work across ACT Historic Places properties and assist in caring for the items within the collections, and in the overall presentation of the properties for public access and engagement. As part of the Collections Management team, The Museum Conservation Assistant will assist in the conservation of the significant museum collections at Lanyon Homestead, Mugga Mugga Cottage and Calthorpes’ House, including conservation cleaning, maintaining museum presentation, security, condition reporting, documentation and operational support for events and education. This is an exciting opportunity for a museums professional to work with some of Canberra’s most important places and collections.
For more information and to apply, visit this link.
Applications close 14 October.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Property Management Support Officer, National Trust of Western Australia, Perth [DEADLINE 20 OCTOBER]
This role involves the provision of support in the coordination and maintenance of the portfolio of National Trust properties and the upkeep of residential and commercial leases.
Please contact Enzo Sirna via email for further detail or visit the WA State government jobs board.
Closes Wednesday 20 October 2021.
[NEW] SITUATIONS VACANT Built Heritage Consultants, RBA Architects + Consultants, Melbourne [DEADLINE 22 OCTOBER]
RBA Architects + Conservation Consultants is an established and leading specialist built heritage conservation practice based in St Kilda, Melbourne. We are a mid-sized, research-driven practice with a passion for engaging in and advancing the constantly emerging and dynamic discipline of contemporary heritage management.
Sustained growth with a broad base of public and private clients means that we are currently seeking highly driven built heritage professionals of varying experience levels to join our Cultural Heritage Management team.
Candidates should have a working knowledge of the built heritage planning systems and hold an honours or postgraduate degree in a relevant field.
Entry-level applicants should be tenacious and have a proven willingness to learn, up-skill, and complete projects to a high standard. Excellent written and communications skills are required. A grounding in architecture would be optimal.
An exciting opportunity also exists for an experienced Built Heritage Consultant. Applicants for this role must demonstrate extensive familiarity and capabilities in the field and an excellent track record in delivering complex heritage projects. Experience in the preparation of proposals and tenders for heritage projects is also preferable.
We are committed to flexibility for employees and seek individuals eager to grow into the role with an eye to a long-term commitment to our practice. These roles offer a broad scope for career growth and development and the prospect of working with a dynamic, good-humoured team on an array of stimulating built heritage projects.
Candidates are encouraged to explore our website and submit a CV to Roger Beeston, Director via email. Video submissions are accepted.
Applications close 22 October.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, Dunedin City Council, New Zealand [DEADLINE: 27 October]
Dunedin is arguably the heritage capital of New Zealand and has a wealth of built and cultural heritage, and a community that is dedicated to its retention and celebration. Dunedin City Council has been a leader in encouraging heritage conservation and adaptive re-use and is seeking someone to continue that legacy. Are you the can-do, positive person that is ready to take up that challenge?
The Heritage Advisor also has a key role to play in heritage strategy and policy formation and implementation as part of District Plan changes, resource consents and other Dunedin City Council policies and strategies.
You will have a talent for networking, and for bringing together diverse groups to achieve great outcomes for our city. A tertiary degree in Resource Management, Planning or a heritage-related discipline is essential, with experience in heritage protection or policy.
Dunedin City Council is seeking an experienced heritage expert with a passion for working with building and landowners, key stakeholders, and the wider community to encourage heritage conservation, reuse of heritage buildings, and heritage celebration. This includes supporting the Dunedin Heritage Fund and running a range of events that promote and support heritage work in the City.
If you have the passion to continue the legacy that has seen some significant revitalisation projects completed to date, we would welcome your application.
For more information, visit this link.
Applications for this role will be considered as they are received, and suitable applications may be progressed prior to the closing date of 27 October 2021.
SITUATION VACANT Built Heritage Consultant, GBA Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
GBA Heritage is a well-established built heritage consultancy practice, respected for our role in heritage asset management, advisory services and liaison on heritage issues. Our multi-disciplinary team provides services ranging from conservation and adaptive re-use advice, skilled liaison with government bodies throughout NSW, and the preparation of heritage impact statements, conservation management plans, archival recordings, cultural tourism and interpretation plans, in addition to Land and Environment Court appeals. We have a broad base of private, corporate and government clients, offering the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of challenging projects.
We are seeking a highly motivated Heritage Consultant who can work both independently and as part of a medium-sized team of skilled professional staff.
You will have considerable experience in the heritage field with a good understanding of complex heritage assessments, a familiarity with the relevant legislation, excellent project delivery skills, including the preparation of coherent, legible reports. You will also have a strong track record of establishing trusted advisor/client relationships. Your role will include the provision of responsible, rational and creative expert heritage advice to clients, architectural colleagues and building contractors.
For more information about this opportunity including how to apply, see the GBA Heritage Consultant PD_1 October 2021.
SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Officer (1x permanent) & Heritage Officer (1x 2-yr contract), Brisbane City Council, Brisbane [DEADLINE: 12 October]
- Permanent opportunity sees you provide heritage conservation advice, research and analysis across a broad portfolio
- Apply your hands-on heritage expertise to help shape quality heritage outcomes for Brisbane
- Collaborate with a passionate team focussed on achieving best practice for a range of program partners and customers
A unique opportunity is available for established professionals to join Brisbane City Council and add value in our City Architecture and Heritage team. We are a multi-disciplinary team of experts in heritage including historians, planners and architecture and policy specialists, providing strategic planning, policy guidance and advice for the identification, conservation and promotion of heritage places and character areas across Brisbane.
We are looking to place 1x permanent Heritage Officer and 1x Heritage Officer on a 2-year contract. Based in Brisbane’s CBD and reporting to the Principal Heritage Officer, these roles represent an attractive opportunity for built-environment specialists, historians, architects, urban planners, or other similar specialists to make a valued contribution to Council’s work in shaping Brisbane’s cultural heritage.
Click this LINK to learn more about this fantastic opportunity!
Applications close 12 October.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant (Archaeologist), City Plan Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
The City Plan group of companies has over 25 years’ experience as an industry leading specialist consultancy. With offices in Sydney, the Central Coast and the Gold Coast, we provide services in the area of Building Regulations and Certification Services, Accessibility and Heritage Consultancy.
Our team is expanding and as such an opportunity is available for a suitably qualified and motivated Senior Heritage Consultant (Archaeologist) to join City Plan’s Heritage team, providing high level cultural heritage consulting services from our Sydney office.
This opportunity will appeal to an experienced heritage consultant who is wishing to further their career in a highly regarded consultancy involved in a variety of projects across NSW and Australia.
More information about this opportunity is available in the CPH Senior Heritage Consultant Sept 2021 document.
Applications will be considered upon submission.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, City Plan Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
The City Plan group of companies has over 25 years’ experience as an industry leading specialist consultancy. With offices in Sydney, the Central Coast and the Gold Coast, we provide services in the area of Building Regulations and Certification Services, Accessibility and Heritage Consultancy.
Our team is expanding and as such an opportunity is available for a suitably qualified and motivated Heritage Consultant to join City Plan’s Heritage team, providing high level cultural heritage consulting services from our Sydney office.
This opportunity will appeal to heritage consultant who is wishing to further their experience, broaden their skills and career in a highly regarded consultancy involved in a variety of projects across NSW and Australia.
More information about this opportunity is available in the CPH Heritage Consultant Sept 2021 document.
Applications will be considered upon submission.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Advisor – Heritage Places, Extent Heritage, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
About Extent Heritage
Extent Heritage is one of Australia’s largest heritage and archaeological consultancies, servicing Australia and the Asia Pacific since 1998. We specialise in the provision of archaeological, built heritage, heritage management and interpretation services to a diverse range of clients in the private and public sectors. With teams based in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Hobart, Extent Heritage provides a single point of service for heritage assessment and management requirements across the country.
About the role
An exciting opportunity exists for an experienced and self-motivated Senior Heritage Advisor to join Extent Heritage’s Heritage Places growing team in our Melbourne office on a full-time, permanent basis.
The core business of our Heritage Places team is built heritage conservation, inclusive of heritage buildings and structures, landscapes and objects. The team works with a wide range of clients, including local and state government, architects, planners, developers and owners of heritage places to proactively identify, assess and manage heritage. This client base presents staff with many unique and diverse project opportunities.
The Heritage Places team prepares heritage advice and impact assessments, heritage studies, referrals to council statutory planning teams, architectural and building conservation, photographic archival recordings, strategic advice and policy, and conservation management documentation. The team also develops interpretation strategies and plans.
More information is available at the link below.
Applications are submitted via the ‘APPLY’ link on and will be reviewed upon submission.
SITUATION VACANT Property Manager, Working Heritage, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Property Manager – No Suit Required
At a time when many of us feel COVID – exhausted, working for a small, stable and values driven organisation is a breath of fresh air.
Working Heritage manages a unique product which is 16 heritage sites across Victoria and which we re-purpose for commercial use through heritage architecture and property management services. The most famous of our sites is the Royal Mint in the Melbourne CBD.
Our properties have special qualities that draw people to them, and by reusing them they can continue to be physical touchstones of community identity. Our latest project is Kyneton Primary School, which is being repurposed as a community and creative industries precinct.
We have a dedicated, resourceful and passionate team who continue to grow the organisation, which is how this position has become available.
Your opportunity
You will be an experienced and self-sufficient Property Manager who will be responsible for:
- Ensuring suitable contracts, asset maintenance, management plans and budgets are in place to protect and enhance assets
- Leading market engagement processes
- Lease establishment, negotiation and renewal
- Supporting site project planning through showcasing assets and sharing usage insights
- Analysing property markets and providing commercial advice
- Establishing proactive property inspections, compliance programs, audits and schedules
- Providing strong customer service to tenants
- Contributing to post-completion project reviews
Whilst we are looking for specific skills, we are also open to developing and supporting you if you are a great team fit. Ideally, we are seeking:
- A Bachelor, Diploma or Certificate in Property Services or equivalent
- Demonstrated commercial knowledge of the Victorian Property Market
- 5+ years’ experience in negotiating, interpreting and establishing lease agreements
- Strong tenant relations experience
- A valid driver’s licence
- Australian work rights
To thrive in this position you will be a self-starter, team oriented and an open communicator who is willing to roll your sleeves up and get involved.
If this sounds like you, then please apply to Renee by email.
Sometimes it’s easier just to talk, so feel free to contact Renee on 0404 875 849.
SITUATION VACANT Finance and Payroll Officer – Permanent Part-Time, Working Heritage, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
At a time when many of us feel COVID – exhausted, working for a small, stable and values driven organisation is a breath of fresh air.
Working Heritage manages a unique product which is 16 heritage sites across Victoria and which we re-purpose for commercial use through heritage architecture and property management services. The most famous of our sites is the Royal Mint in the Melbourne CBD.
Our properties have special qualities that draw people to them, and by reusing them they can continue to be physical touchstones of community identity. Our latest project is Kyneton Primary School, which is being repurposed as a community and creative industries precinct.
We have a dedicated, resourceful and passionate team who continue to grow the organisation, which is how this position has become available.
Your opportunity
You will be an experienced and self-sufficient Finance and Payroll Officer who will be responsible for managing, monitoring, processing and maintaining our accounts in an accurate and timely manner.
This includes administering and managing purchasing and payment processes pertaining to accounts payable and receivable including invoicing, reimbursements, expenses and remittance.
You will work closely with the Chief Financial Officer and ensure timely and accurate processing of staff salaries and related entries.
Whilst we are looking for specific skills, we are also open to developing and supporting you if you are a great team fit. Ideally, we are seeking:
- 5+ years’ experience in Finance and Payroll or an equivalent position
- A qualification in finance or business administration is desirable
- Experience with MYOB account management software
- Australian work rights
To thrive in this position you will be a self-starter, team oriented and an open communicator who is willing to roll your sleeves up and get involved.
If this sounds like you, then please apply to Renee by email.
Sometimes it’s easier just to talk, so feel free to contact Renee on 0404 875 849.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Architect (Registered in Victoria), Purcell, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Purcell is an award-winning architectural and heritage consultancy practice with a strong commitment to quality. We have staff of approximately 250 talented architects, designers, heritage consultants and surveyors across 14 offices in the UK, Hong Kong and Australia. Together, we work on some of the finest buildings from meticulous heritage and conservation schemes to bold contemporary design.
Our Australian team is expanding and is looking for an exceptional Senior Architect to join our Melbourne studio. The aim of this full-time, permanent role is to assist in the effective delivery of projects, either as project leader or project runner, in collaboration with wider teams. The role requires a demonstrated ability to work effectively, focussed and either individually or collaboratively in a team environment.
We’re after a results driven, tenacious, go getter to take on managing a mixture of bespoke conservation, heritage advisory and architectural projects with opportunities to support business development.
For more information about this opportunity, visit the Purcell website.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131