[NEW ITEM] Membership of the Australia ICOMOS Heritage Planning Working Group – call for Expressions of Interest: deadline COB 15 October 2021
[NEW ITEM] ACAHUCH + AIA Heritage Awards 2021, online, 29 September, 12.30-2.00pm AEST
[NEW ITEM] “Community Engagement in Interpreting World Heritage Values” lecture – watch online
[NEW ITEM] REMINDER: REB&CG and WHEA draft World Heritage Strategy Plan – submissions invited and close 24 September
[NEW ISSUE] News from MoAD @ Old Parliament House
[NEW ISSUE] News from World Monuments Fund
[NEW ISSUE] The Best in Heritage news update
Save the date: 2021 Duldig Lecture on Sculpture, 19 September, online
TALK: Seymour Cottage, Singapore cottages, and portable buildings, 19 Sept (or 10 Oct if COVID strikes!), Romsey, VIC
WEBINAR: The pros and cons of wet steam lubrication, online, 27 September
Fremantle Studies Day, 24 October, Fremantle
International Wood Committee (IIWC) “Minimal Intervention Challenge” – submissions due 20 September
Call for Heritage Council of WA nominations – deadline: 24 September
Call for City of Melbourne’s Parks and Gardens Advisory Committee nominations – deadline: 30 September
European Training Network PhD position – application deadline: 30 September
Greenline – have your say by 3 October
Getty Conservation Guest Scholars Program – apply by 1 November
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Program Manager, Heritage Property Activation, Heritage South Australia, Adelaide [DEADLINE: 26 September]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Director Conservation & Infrastructure, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Port Arthur, TAS [DEADLINE: 26 September]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Built Heritage Advisor, Philip Leeson Architects, Canberra [DEADLINE: 5 October]
SITUATION VACANT Property Manager, Working Heritage, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Finance and Payroll Officer – Permanent Part-Time, Working Heritage, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Architect (Registered in Victoria), Purcell, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Architect/Project Manager, Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, Sydney [DEADLINE: 1 October]
SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultant & Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRS Heritage Studio, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
1. [NEW ITEM] Membership of the Australia ICOMOS Heritage Planning Working Group – call for Expressions of Interest: deadline COB 15 October 2021
The Australia ICOMOS Heritage Planning Working Group (HPWG) was formed 2017. In accordance with Australia ICOMOS policy, it is now time to refresh the membership of this Working Group.
The purpose of the HPWG is to examine planning policy and provisions and current changes across Australia in relation to heritage and its conservation, and to identify issues for heritage conservation and potential actions for Australia ICOMOS.
The intention was never for this group to hold regular meetings, but to act as matters arise. Initially we looked at policy across all jurisdictions, and discussed several pertinent common issues.
Members of the refreshed HPWG will be selected based on demonstrated expertise and experience in heritage planning and policy. Membership is recommended to include two co-convenors or a convenor and a deputy convenor, and representation across all jurisdictions.
Young and emerging professional members with specialist skills or interest in the area, but who may not have sufficient expertise to become a member, may apply to become an adjunct member, which is normally a one-year appointment that is reviewed at the end of the year.
Further information about the Heritage Planning Work Group can be found at this link.
Please note that all individuals who express an interest in any Australia ICOMOS Working or Reference Group agree to be bound by the documents that can be found here. Once formed, the new Group may like to reconsider its Terms of Reference, and whether a Reference Group may be more appropriate.
Members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to express an interest in becoming a member of this Work Group by sending a completed HPWG_EOI-form_Sep-2021 to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB 15 October 2021.
For further information please contact the current Convenor, Deborah Lindsay via email.
2. [NEW ITEM] ACAHUCH + AIA Heritage Awards 2021, online, 29 September, 12.30-2.00pm AEST
Join Professor Philip Goad (Co-Director of The Australian Centre of Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage and Melbourne School of Design Chair of Architecture), and jurors of the AIA Heritage Architecture panel Peter Malatt (Six Degrees), Louise Goodman (FJMT Studio) and Chris Jones (Decibel Architecture) in discussion with AIA 2021 award winners in the categories of Heritage — Kerstin Thompson of KTA, Patrick Kennedy of Kennedy Nolan, Brett Nixon of NTF Architects and Williams Boag Architects. Panellists will discuss their winning projects, the process the AIA takes in adjudicating these awards, and share their thoughts on current issues in heritage, conservation and renewal. This will be followed by an open discussion and the opportunity for questions from audience members to panellists.
3. [NEW ITEM] “Community Engagement in Interpreting World Heritage Values” lecture – watch online
The next webinar in WHIPIC’s 2021 Heritage Interpretation Series, themed ‘Presentation: Delivering Multiple Values of World Heritage’, can be viewed online here.
This lecture, “Community Engagement in Interpreting World Heritage Values”, was presented by Dr Sarah Court.
WHIPIC = The International Centre for the Interpretation and Presentation of World Heritage Sites under the auspices of UNESCO
4. [NEW ITEM] REMINDER: REB&CG and WHEA draft World Heritage Strategy Plan – submissions invited and close 24 September
Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens (REB&CG) World Heritage Environs Area (WHEA) draft World Heritage Strategy Plan (Strategy Plan).
The draft Strategy Plan and proposed planning scheme amendments are now available for anyone to view and respond to at the Engage Victoria website.
What is the World Heritage Strategy Plan?
As a place included in both the Victorian Heritage Register and the World Heritage List, the REB&CG must have Strategy Plan in accordance with the Heritage Act 2017 (the Heritage Act).
The Strategy Plan sets out strategies for the appropriate use of the WHEA, an area around the REB&CG. The WHEA acts as a ‘buffer zone’ to protect the world heritage values of the site. Areas within the WHEA are subject to height and set-back controls within the planning schemes of the City of Melbourne and City of Yarra.
The Strategy Plan forms part of the World Heritage Management Plan for the REB&CG and was completed in 2013. These plans must be reviewed every seven years, a draft Strategy Plan has been prepared to replace the 2013 Strategy Plan.
In addition to the draft Strategy Plan, draft planning scheme amendments have been exhibited to give effect to the Strategy Plan in the City of Melbourne and City of Yarra. These planning scheme amendments are also available for public comment and are supported by an Explanatory Report.
Making a submission
Information on how to make a submission to the Heritage Council is available at this link.
The draft Strategy Plan will be publicly advertised until 24 September 2021.
Any submission in relation to the draft Strategy Plan and/or proposed planning scheme amendments must be made on or before 24 September 2021.
5. [NEW ISSUE] News from MoAD @ Old Parliament House
To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click on the link below.
6. [NEW ISSUE] News from World Monuments Fund
To read the latest news from World Monuments Fund, click here.
7. [NEW ISSUE] The Best in Heritage news update
Click here to read the latest news from The Best in Heritage.
Membership of the Australia ICOMOS Heritage Skills Education Reference Group – call for Expressions of Interest: deadline COB 1 October 2021
The membership of the newly created Australia ICOMOS Heritage Skills Education Reference Group (HSE-RG) is to be formed directly by Expression of Interest.
The purpose of the HSE-RG is to advise Australia ICOMOS on matters concerning skills training and education relating to the protection, conservation and revitalisation of sites, built heritage, moveable forms of heritage and associated intangible aspects of heritage. For the purposes of HSE-RG, training is defined as: vocational, technical training and craftsmanship, traditional skills, professional skills training at university level, training at postgraduate – specialist level, education of the general public, decision makers and others (in)directly involved with heritage conservation.
The mandate extends equally across architectural conservation practice, bench conservation practice, Indigenous and non-Indigenous traditional skills education and the intangible aspects thereof. Active practitioners and knowledge holders are encouraged to apply.
Members of the HSE-RG will be selected based on demonstrated expertise and experience relevant to the advocacy and strategic work of the HSE-RG and Australia ICOMOS. Expressions of interest are also invited from those who have a particular interest in heritage skills education but may not have had extensive experience in this area. This may include Young and/or Emerging Professional members, or members with the drive to develop their capacity to contribute.
The HSE-RG is to have broad geographic representation across Australia and also represent a broad range of expertise in the area of Heritage Skills Education. There is no limit on the number of members that the Heritage Skills Education Reference Group may have, but for practical purposes it is considered desirable to have approximately 12-15 members.
Please consult the Terms of Reference to ensure a sound understanding of scope and responsibilities of the group.
Members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to express an interest in becoming a member of this Reference Group by sending a completed HSE-RG_EOI form_Sept 21 to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB 1 October 2021.
For further information please contact the interim convenor, Mitch Cleghorn via email.
Save the date: 2021 Duldig Lecture on Sculpture, 19 September, online
For the 2021 Annual Lecture on Sculpture we are honoured to welcome guest speaker Maree Clarke, a Mutti Mutti-Wamba Wamba-Yorta Yorta-Boon Wurrung artist, designer, curator and researcher. Maree will deliver an address that provides insights into sculpture in contemporary society in an online event.
We can’t wait to welcome Maree Clarke into the museum’s 2021 cultural program for this important flagship event, which is being presented in conjunction with the University of Melbourne.
Sunday 19 September, 2pm to 4pm
Register your interest via Eventbrite.
TALK: Seymour Cottage, Singapore cottages, and portable buildings, 19 Sept (or 10 Oct if COVID strikes!), Romsey, VIC
Join Portable Buildings Australia in Romsey for a presentation on
Seymour Cottage, Singapore cottages, and portable buildings
Presented as part of Romsey & Lancefield Districts Historical Society’s “Talking History” series, Portable Buildings World Heritage Nomination Task Force (PBWHNTF) member and esteemed Melbourne architectural historian Professor Miles Lewis will discuss Romsey’s 165 years old Seymour Cottage, Singapore cottages, and portable buildings. He will be joined by PBWHNTF members Andrew Muir and Tony Isaacson.
This is a special event not to be missed by anyone with an interest in architecture and history, or wanting to get out of Melbourne for a day as soon as it’s permitted and safe to do so.
Romsey Community Hub, 96 Main Street, Romsey VIC 3434
Sunday 19 September 2021
2:00pm to 4:00pm
$25 pp includes refreshments
The alternative date is Sunday 10 October if getting together or travel are not permitted on 19 September.
Here is the link to buy your tickets | Here is the flyer
WEBINAR: The pros and cons of wet steam lubrication, online, 27 September
Join us in helping the UK’s Science and Industry Museum (Manchester) work out whether wet steam lubrication is right for their steam engines.
The Details
The UK’s Science and Industry Museum, Manchester (part of the Science Museum Group) has asked the Big Stuff community to help them work out an innovative plan for operating their steam engines in their newly designed Power Hall. They want to create a display that is exciting, informative AND environmentally friendly. However, their steam engines use large quantities of water which get contaminated with lubricating oil and have to be jettisoned as waste. So they are interested in using wet steam lubrication for the engines, but want to see how it works in practice and whether it will translate to the museum situation successfully.
Whether you have experience with this method or are just interested in knowing more please join us for a great debate. More information is available here and schematics of the proposed gallery plan and steaming plan are available at this link.
27 September | 8-10pm AEST
Fremantle Studies Day, 24 October, Fremantle
In the midst of the COVID pandemic the 2021 Fremantle Studies Day explores issues of migration including the need for and consequences of managing the arrival of people into Australia, the potential for issues like racism to emerge and the impact of other cultures on the very fabric of our town. What better place to hold this than the Woodman Point Quarantine Station, built to protect the nation from the ravages of the Spanish Flu.
Cost: Members $20, non-members $25
Venue: Woodman Point Recreation Camp (previously WP Quarantine Station) end of O’Kane Court, Coogee
Bookings: ESSENTIAL. Entry is via a code you will receive on registration; by Tuesday 19 October via email to the Fremantle History Society
Download the Fremantle Studies Day flier.
International Wood Committee (IIWC) “Minimal Intervention Challenge” – submissions due 20 September
Wooden heritage is especially rich and diverse in examples that spread through every culture and latitude. Due to the specific characteristics of wood, its conservation involves specific approaches that might differ from those accepted in the conservation of heritage built with other materials, such as disassembling. The appropriateness of approaches in wooden heritage conservation is a constant discussion in meetings and Symposia. However, it is widely accepted that interventions should, as stated in the 2017 IIWC Principles, follow the minimal intervention criteria. In this context, the IIWC is launching a challenge to the community of wooden heritage conservation.
The aim is to have each one of us thinking in the concept of “minimal intervention”, with the desired output of having a number of definitions of the concept related to different cases and situations of wooden heritage conservation. For that, each one of those that are willing to participate would prepare a short presentation, in which to explain the approach to the concept of minimal intervention in that case.
The examples might be a part of a repair, disassembling, reconstruction, change of use, relocation, temporary and evolving heritage, and so forth. It can focus on tangible and/or intangible aspects.
The case can be a project in which you have worked, but it can also be any case that you might consider of interest to showcase a specific definition or approach.
The format is Pecha-Kucha, which means 15 slides that last 20 seconds each, this is 5 minutes.
The presentations should include the context of the case, the condition of the wooden heritage, the research carried out, the approach to its conservation, and finally the conservation process. It is requested that all presentations include in the last slide, the definition of ‘minimal intervention’ adapted to the specific case, which should be written in a few words. Please follow this template: TEMPLATE_IIWC_MIC (PPT file).
Queries can be directed to IIWC Bureau member Tanya Park via email.
Submissions should be sent to this email address by 20 September.
Call for Heritage Council of WA nominations – deadline: 24 September
Heritage Minister David Templeman invites nominations from suitably experienced and qualified individuals interested in becoming a member of the Heritage Council.
Nominees will have demonstrated knowledge of or experience in one or more of the fields outlined in section 14 of the Heritage Act 2018.
The Council consists of nine members. There are four vacancies to be filled with the successful nominees commencing in January 2022.
Applicants should be prepared to make a substantial commitment in terms of time and expertise to help identify, conserve and ensure the sensitive development of the State’s heritage places.
All submissions will be considered. Appointments will be made for a term of up to four years.
Further information is available at the WA Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.
Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to Ben Harvey, Executive Director Heritage Services, Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage on (08) 6552 4122 or at this email address.
Nominations close at 5pm on 24 September 2021.
Call for City of Melbourne’s Parks and Gardens Advisory Committee nominations – deadline: 30 September
Are you a passionate advocate for parks and gardens?
The City of Melbourne is seeking expressions of interest from community members to participate in the Parks and Gardens Advisory Committee – four community member appointments are available.
The committee is involved in strategy development, policy review, planning and design, and community engagement planning around complex issues affecting Melbourne’s parks, gardens and urban landscapes. These issues include climate change, urban expansion, water shortage and increased use.
For more information and to apply, visit the City of Melbourne website.
Applications close at 5pm on 30 September.
European Training Network PhD position – application deadline: 30 September
A position for a PhD student will open soon, within the scope of a European Training Network (ETN): Sustainable Building Lime applications via Circular Economy and Biomimetic Approaches (SUBLime).
The topic of the PhD: Thermo-physical and short-term mechanical properties of lime-based mortars: upscaling from micro to macro scale. You can see a description of the topic here.
We are looking for dedicated and highly motivated Early Stage Researchers (ESR), who will join our team to craft the future of lime mortars/plasters in new construction and conservation of the built heritage.
Please note that there are Eligibility Criteria. You can check them here.
If you are interested in applying, please email your CV to Dr. João Pereira by 30 September 2021.
Greenline – have your say by 3 October
Have your say on our bold and transformational vision for the north bank of the Yarra River, Birrarung.
The City of Melbourne is taking the first step to deliver the Greenline initiative to transform the north bank along the Yarra River – Birrarung, with the commencement of community consultation on the Draft Greenline Implementation Plan.
The implementation plan sets out a bold and transformational vision for the revitalisation of the north bank of the river, guiding the prioritisation and development of five precincts covering four kilometres between Birrarung Marr and the Bolte Bridge.
Greenline will introduce:
- Opportunities to acknowledge and celebrate Aboriginal culture and knowledge on and along the Yarra River Birrarung to foster an understanding of the precincts’ Aboriginal cultural values, telling stories of Melbourne’s histories while re-introducing diverse ecologies to the central city
- Improved connection between public spaces to support access and seamless movement of pedestrians and cyclists, providing opportunities for varied experiences with the Birrarung
- Enhancement and reimagining of the north bank’s heritage assets through adaptive reuse, supporting an invigorated, lively river front precinct
- Immersive experiences and creative landscapes to invite public participation, play, education, and wonder in the central city, transforming the north bank into a truly iconic Melbourne waterfront with a global reputation
The Yarra River – Birrarung Strategy provides us with direction for the protection and enhancement of the river and surrounding environment, and is a key guiding document for the Greenline.
The City of Melbourne does not own or independently manage the waterways or banks of the Yarra River – Birrarung so the transformation of this area will be a collective responsibility of all Victorian Government partners and adjoining landowners.
For more information, visit this link.
Consultation closes 3 October.
Getty Conservation Guest Scholars Program – apply by 1 November
The Conservation Guest Scholars Program provides opportunities for professionals to pursue research on topics that bring new knowledge and fresh perspectives to the field of conservation. Guest Scholar grants are for established scholars, or individuals who have attained distinction in their fields. Applications are welcome from researchers of all nationalities working in conservation, historic preservation, heritage science, and related fields.
Applications for the 2022-2023 residency period are now available.
For eligibility, terms and how to apply, visit this link.
For questions regarding the program or the application process, please email the Getty Scholars Team.
The deadline to apply is 1 November 2021.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Program Manager, Heritage Property Activation, Heritage South Australia, Adelaide [DEADLINE: 26 September]
Heritage South Australia, Department for Environment and Water, invites applications for this opportunity.
The Program Manager, Heritage Property Activation is responsible for the provision of a range of services relating to the strategic and operational management and maintenance of the portfolio of heritage properties managed by Heritage South Australia within the Department for Environment and Water.
The role will develop, implement and monitor the delivery of these heritage activation and conservation projects. This will include managing a small team, relationships with tenants and customers; ensuring leases, bookings, maintenance requests and capital works projects are delivered effectively; and leading on strategic activation projects and negotiations.
For more information, including the Role Description, visit the iworkforSA website.
Applications close Sunday 26 September 2021, 11.45pm
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Director Conservation & Infrastructure, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Port Arthur, TAS [DEADLINE: 26 September]
Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA)
- Outstanding career and lifestyle opportunity in a stunning location (Port Arthur)
- Unique senior leadership role across three iconic Tasmanian tourist sites
- Balance conservation, visitor experience and community outcomes
PAHSMA is responsible for conserving, protecting and promoting the award-winning UNESCO World Heritage listed Port Arthur Historic Site, the Cascades Female Factory and the Coal Mines Historic Site in Tasmania. Visit the Port Arthur website for further information.
Reporting to the CEO, the Director Conservation & Infrastructure is responsible for ensuring the protection and management of the heritage values of the three sites managed by PAHSMA whilst also balancing the visitor experience and community outcomes. They will provide strategic direction, executive leadership and advice on issues of heritage, conservation and environment. They will develop and implement a strategic vision for the long-term conservation of the Port Arthur historic sites in line with domestic and international guidelines and laws.
Promoting cultural significance of the Port Arthur historic sites and best practice conservation methodology (developed by the Authority), the Director will write lectures, presentations, academic papers and journals, attend conferences, workshops, provide technical advice and engage with site visitors and the community. They will be a comfortable and confident communicator with exceptional stakeholder and community engagement skills and will build and grow relationships across the heritage sector, with government and academia. The Director will need to work in partnership across the organisation to provide quality visitor experience and heritage outcomes in order to meet both conservation and tourism objectives.
The Director will demonstrate exceptional experience from heritage, conservation, architecture, consulting or other related sectors, with a strong reputation in the field. This would include the expertise necessary to lead and inspire a diverse team in a complex and evolving environment that will enable PAHSMA to achieve its objectives and support a high-performance culture. A highly collaborative approach in order to be an effective member of the senior leadership team and to provide expert advice to the CEO and Board is essential.
For further enquiries, please contact Phillipa Whitehouse at Watermark Search International on 0438 678 833. To submit an application, please provide a short form application of no more than 2 pages addressing the selection criteria together with your resume to Watermark Search International by email by 11.59 PM 26 September 2021, quoting Ref No 69386.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Built Heritage Advisor, Philip Leeson Architects, Canberra [DEADLINE: 5 October]
About Us
Philip Leeson Architects is an architectural practice with a focus on heritage management. We are looking to expand our heritage team in 2021. We provide architectural heritage advice, write Statements of Heritage Effect and prepare Conservation Management Plans. Our clients range from local government to Commonwealth agencies like the ANU, developers, other architecture firms and private clients. Heritage has been part of our practice for over 20 years, and we see it as an important part of our work going forward.
The Position
We are looking for an individual with interest and some experience in heritage practice, a grounding in architecture would be ideal. We are open to various levels of seniority from keen entry level to relatively expert. To be considered for the position, you should have:
- Education and / or on-the-job training in heritage management
- Some experience with / particular interest in the built environment / built heritage
- Excellent written communication skills
- Willingness to learn, engage, ask questions and up-skill, and
- Good interpersonal and oral communication skills, and be able to work collaboratively within a team and for diverse clients
We are after an individual who can grow into the role with a view to a long-term commitment to our team and our practice. The position could be part-time or full-time, depending on the individual.
Please contact Brandon Reid on (02) 6295 3311 or email Brandon to discuss the position. We invite candidates to submit a CV and cover letter outlining your suitability and fit.
Applications close 5 October 2021, 11:59pm.
SITUATION VACANT Property Manager, Working Heritage, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Property Manager – No Suit Required
At a time when many of us feel COVID – exhausted, working for a small, stable and values driven organisation is a breath of fresh air.
Working Heritage manages a unique product which is 16 heritage sites across Victoria and which we re-purpose for commercial use through heritage architecture and property management services. The most famous of our sites is the Royal Mint in the Melbourne CBD.
Our properties have special qualities that draw people to them, and by reusing them they can continue to be physical touchstones of community identity. Our latest project is Kyneton Primary School, which is being repurposed as a community and creative industries precinct.
We have a dedicated, resourceful and passionate team who continue to grow the organisation, which is how this position has become available.
Your opportunity
You will be an experienced and self-sufficient Property Manager who will be responsible for:
- Ensuring suitable contracts, asset maintenance, management plans and budgets are in place to protect and enhance assets
- Leading market engagement processes
- Lease establishment, negotiation and renewal
- Supporting site project planning through showcasing assets and sharing usage insights
- Analysing property markets and providing commercial advice
- Establishing proactive property inspections, compliance programs, audits and schedules
- Providing strong customer service to tenants
- Contributing to post-completion project reviews
Whilst we are looking for specific skills, we are also open to developing and supporting you if you are a great team fit. Ideally, we are seeking:
- A Bachelor, Diploma or Certificate in Property Services or equivalent
- Demonstrated commercial knowledge of the Victorian Property Market
- 5+ years’ experience in negotiating, interpreting and establishing lease agreements
- Strong tenant relations experience
- A valid driver’s licence
- Australian work rights
To thrive in this position you will be a self-starter, team oriented and an open communicator who is willing to roll your sleeves up and get involved.
If this sounds like you, then please apply to Renee by email.
Sometimes it’s easier just to talk, so feel free to contact Renee on 0404 875 849.
SITUATION VACANT Finance and Payroll Officer – Permanent Part-Time, Working Heritage, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
At a time when many of us feel COVID – exhausted, working for a small, stable and values driven organisation is a breath of fresh air.
Working Heritage manages a unique product which is 16 heritage sites across Victoria and which we re-purpose for commercial use through heritage architecture and property management services. The most famous of our sites is the Royal Mint in the Melbourne CBD.
Our properties have special qualities that draw people to them, and by reusing them they can continue to be physical touchstones of community identity. Our latest project is Kyneton Primary School, which is being repurposed as a community and creative industries precinct.
We have a dedicated, resourceful and passionate team who continue to grow the organisation, which is how this position has become available.
Your opportunity
You will be an experienced and self-sufficient Finance and Payroll Officer who will be responsible for managing, monitoring, processing and maintaining our accounts in an accurate and timely manner.
This includes administering and managing purchasing and payment processes pertaining to accounts payable and receivable including invoicing, reimbursements, expenses and remittance.
You will work closely with the Chief Financial Officer and ensure timely and accurate processing of staff salaries and related entries.
Whilst we are looking for specific skills, we are also open to developing and supporting you if you are a great team fit. Ideally, we are seeking:
- 5+ years’ experience in Finance and Payroll or an equivalent position
- A qualification in finance or business administration is desirable
- Experience with MYOB account management software
- Australian work rights
To thrive in this position you will be a self-starter, team oriented and an open communicator who is willing to roll your sleeves up and get involved.
If this sounds like you, then please apply to Renee by email.
Sometimes it’s easier just to talk, so feel free to contact Renee on 0404 875 849.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Architect (Registered in Victoria), Purcell, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Purcell is an award-winning architectural and heritage consultancy practice with a strong commitment to quality. We have staff of approximately 250 talented architects, designers, heritage consultants and surveyors across 14 offices in the UK, Hong Kong and Australia. Together, we work on some of the finest buildings from meticulous heritage and conservation schemes to bold contemporary design.
Our Australian team is expanding and is looking for an exceptional Senior Architect to join our Melbourne studio. The aim of this full-time, permanent role is to assist in the effective delivery of projects, either as project leader or project runner, in collaboration with wider teams. The role requires a demonstrated ability to work effectively, focussed and either individually or collaboratively in a team environment.
We’re after a results driven, tenacious, go getter to take on managing a mixture of bespoke conservation, heritage advisory and architectural projects with opportunities to support business development.
For more information about this opportunity, visit the Purcell website.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Architect/Project Manager, Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, Sydney [DEADLINE: 1 October]
Who is the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust?
The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust was created by the Australian Government and is responsible for vision planning and management of Sydney Harbour sites including Cockatoo Island in Sydney Harbour, Woolwich Dock and Parklands in Woolwich, Sub Base Platypus in Neutral Bay, Georges Heights, Middle Head and Chowder Bay in Mosman, North Head Sanctuary in Manly, Marine Biological Station in Watsons Bay and Macquarie Lightstation in Vaucluse.
The Harbour Trust’s vision is to create and share extraordinary places on Sydney Harbour and amplify their stories. Our mission is to “bring to life our natural and cultural heritage and provide a lasting legacy for all Australians through conservation, remediation and the adaptive reuse of places in our care”.
Sites that were for many years hidden away from public view are now open for all, containing an extraordinary mix of historic buildings, magnificent harbour views, pristine natural landscapes and defence heritage. These public spaces and parklands now offer major events, exhibitions, venue hire, accommodation, tours and business tenancy.
What is the role?
The Harbour Trust is looking to engage a Heritage Architect/Project Manager whose role will be to develop and manage Capital Works and Operational projects, requiring project planning, relationship management, and resource negotiation to support the strategic, operational and heritage objectives of the Trust.
What are we looking for?
The successful candidate will be able to show how they have:
- Demonstrated experience and expertise in implementing and directing works programs in accordance with Commonwealth heritage, planning legislation and policy including design, contract management and administration to projects such as buildings, contract administration, heritage works, safety and procurement
- Demonstrated heritage expertise in providing whole of business heritage advice and support
- Proven ability to manage resources, both human and financial, across multiple projects with experience in preparing budgets and managing expenditure
How to apply?
Please refer to the position description – SHFT Heritage Architect Project Manager PD and send your resume and covering letter to the Harbour Federation HR Team by email.
Salary remuneration is between $108,336 to $120,376.
Position closes on Friday 1 October 2021.
You can refer to our careers page on our website for more information on who we are and what we do.
SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultant & Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRS Heritage Studio, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
NBRS Heritage Studio is continuing to grow and is working on some exciting new projects, and we are now on the look-out for Heritage Consultants/Advisors with varying levels of experience to join our team. This is a great opportunity to be involved in a wide range of projects encompassing all aspects of heritage management and conservation.
NBRS Heritage Studio
NBRS manage heritage sites of Local, State and Commonwealth levels of significance across a wide range of projects. We work across Australia and internationally out of our Melbourne and Sydney Studios.
In these roles you will report to the Studio Principal and will be involved in all areas of heritage management and conservation practice. This involves direct client and consultant liaison, assessment of heritage issues and provision of written advice.
You will have the opportunity to work independently as well as collaborating on larger, more complex projects. You will be involved in heritage assessments, nominations and studies; heritage impact statements; conservation management plans; conservation works schedules and interpretation plans.
For more information and to apply visit this link, and for any further details contact NBRS via email.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131