[NEW ITEM] “The Burra Charter: An Introduction” available to view online
[NEW ITEM] Caring For Country Webinar 1: “OCEANIA WISDOM FOR A CLIMATE CHANCE”, 4 August 2021, 12.00 noon AEST
[NEW ITEM] Call for additional proposals from Oceania to secure a regional balance for the ICOMOS Advisory Committee 2021 Scientific Symposium – Final deadline: 15 July
[NEW ITEM] WEBINAR: Deco Filipino with Ivan Man Dy, 14 July
[NEW ITEM] The Heritage Council of Victoria welcomes its new chair and members
[NEW ITEM] ACAHUCH Symposium 2021, 25-26 November, Uni of Melb – call for papers deadline: 23 July
[NEW ITEM] WA Heritage Awards – nominations close 6 August
[NEW ITEM] Architecture of Macquarie Street with Roy Lumby, 8 August, Sydney
[NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – What’s On
Sustainable Shine Dome: Possible Futures, online event, 14 July
Book Launch, 6 August, Canberra: Fatal Contact: How Epidemics Nearly Wiped out Australia’s First Peoples
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advocacy Advisor, National Trust of Australia (Victoria), Full Time, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, GHD, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Associate or Associate Archaeologist, GML Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Architectural Consultant, Heritage 21, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Heritage 21, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, ERM, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior to Principal Level Heritage Consultant, ERM, Perth [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Project Support Administrator, Artefact Heritage Services, Sydney [DEADLINE: 13 July]
SITUATION VACANT Education Programs Manager, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Port Arthur, Tasmania [DEADLINE: 11 July]
SITUATION VACANT Interpretation And Experience Manager, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Port Arthur, Tasmania [DEADLINE: 11 July]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Architect, Tanner Kibble Denton Architects, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
1. [NEW ITEM] “The Burra Charter: An Introduction” available to view online
The Burra Charter: An Introduction
Released 7 July 2021
This video provides an introduction to the Burra Charter, how it is used, by whom and for what purpose.
2. [NEW ITEM] Caring For Country Webinar 1: “OCEANIA WISDOM FOR A CLIMATE CHANCE”, 4 August 2021, 12.00 noon AEST
Wednesday 4 August 2021, 12.00 noon AEST
(Webinar duration approx. 1 hour 30 mins)
Register at this link | Webinar N° 959 0721 9926 | Code: 718730
#ICOMOS #AustraliaICOMOS #ICOMOSNZ #ICOMOSPASIFIKA18 #climateheritage #climatecrisis
Join us for Webinar 1 in the Caring For Country Webinar Series rescheduled to 4 August 2021. This webinar series has been organized by the Caring For Country Committee, a Working Group of Australia ICOMOS with members from Australia ICOMOS, ICOMOS New Zealand, ICOMOS Pasifika and Non-ICOMOS members from Oceania.
‘Oceania Wisdom for a Climate Chance’ brings together a group of distinguished First Nations Australians, Ni Vanuatu, and Australian South Sea Islanders, who will present their insights on the impacts of climate change on their respective domains of land and water and the Indigenous responses to these.
Co-ordinated by (Waskam) Emelda Davis, Dr Anne Poelina and Dr Marie Geissler, it highlights the ‘climate chance’ that now exists, as a window of opportunity for governments and outside agencies seeking sustainable and long-term solutions from the impacts of climate change, to work alongside First Nations people. Through this process they will be informed of the ancient wisdom traditions and intimate knowledge of lands and their interconnected biospheres and seasons that First Nations peoples hold. This knowledge draws on thousands of years of successful natural resources management of country by First Nations peoples, where practices for land stewardship are highly individualized and responsive to the different circumstances of each habitat. Elders to speak include Aunty Shireen Malamoo, (Waskam) Emelda Davis, Dr Anne Poelina, Uncle Ben Harry, Pastor Ray Minniecon and Samson Vivil Fare. Dr Marie Geissler will give the introduction to the webinar.
For more information, download the Oceania Wisdom – Webinar 1, 4 August flyer.
Read the Caring for Country newsletter – Issue 1, June 2021.
3. [NEW ITEM] Call for additional proposals from Oceania to secure a regional balance for the ICOMOS Advisory Committee 2021 Scientific Symposium – Final deadline: 15 July
This year, the ICOMOS Advisory Committee will organize its Scientific Symposium online on 9-10 November 2021 on the theme: Living Heritage and Climate Change.
However, we noticed a gap in the proposals received and are missing some from the Latin America, the Arctic, the Middle East and North Africa, and Oceania.
This call is for these four regions to secure a geographical balance.
Such proposals include a paper or poster presentation, knowledge café, workshop or kiosk. Please see the full call for papers.
For more information, visit this link.
To submit your proposal before 15 July and for further questions, please email ScSy21[at]
4. [NEW ITEM] WEBINAR: Deco Filipino with Ivan Man Dy, 14 July
Filipino architects and artisans were able to merge the design elements of Art Deco with their local aesthetic and culture; making the style their own, while retaining its distinctive beauty.
Founder of Old Manila Walks, Ivan Man Dy will take us on a tour of his beloved Deco buildings, through multiple cities and islands. From the safety of your computer screen, experience this virtual event presented by the Art Deco Society of Washington, USA.
5. [NEW ITEM] The Heritage Council of Victoria welcomes its new chair and members
Internationally renowned academic, Professor Philip Goad has been appointed Chair of the Heritage Council of Victoria.
Professor Goad is a Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor and Chair of Architecture at the University of Melbourne. Professor Goad is also Co-Director of the Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage. He has extensive experience as an architect, consultant, curator and researcher.
The Heritage Council of Victoria is also pleased to announce other new appointments and reappointments as recommended by the Minister for Planning and approved by the Governor in Council.
Dr Helen Doyle has been appointed History alternate member and Simon Molesworth AO, QC has been appointed as Legal member. Jamie Lowe and Rueben Berg were reappointed to Council for a second term.
6. [NEW ITEM] ACAHUCH Symposium 2021, 25-26 November, Uni of Melb – call for papers deadline: 23 July
ACAHUCH Symposium 2021: Navigating Encounters and Exchanges
The University of Melbourne
25-26 November 2021
Key Dates
Submission of abstracts deadline: 23 July 2021
Registration opens: 17 September 2021
Symposium (Japanese Room TBC): 25-26 November 2021
Final papers due (for publication): 11 February 2022
Buildings for industry, agriculture and trade in Australia, the Pacific and South-East Asia share an important but forgotten history of encounter, exchange, and influence. Industrial heritage is also under-represented in World Heritage lists, with the Asia Pacific region poorly represented and global connections between industrial sites insufficiently understood (Falser & Yang, 2001). This symposium addresses these research gaps by providing a forum for academics, archivists and heritage practitioners to share their examinations of unprecedented buildings for trade and industrial-scale resource extraction across Asia-Pacific’s multiple colonial entities and their successor nation-states.
The one-day symposium will feature international and local keynote speakers as well as panel discussions that explore flows and connections of commodity, craft, labour and expertise between sites and communities across Asia Pacific from 1800s – 1950s and beyond. We invite:
- research on the infrastructure built by transnational companies and commercial enterprises and their construction of facilities for industrial agriculture, aquaculture, trade and tourism
- identification and exploration of traces and sites of encounter between colonial enterprises and indigenous societies, and between migrant labour and its hosts
- considerations of the post-colonial afterlife of these places, their continued use, and reinterpretation as heritage places today
For more information, visit the Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) website and see the call for papers.
7. [NEW ITEM] WA Heritage Awards – nominations close 6 August
The Western Australian Heritage Awards recognise outstanding commitment and contribution to heritage conservation, adaptive reuse, interpretation, tourism and promotion in Western Australia.
Western Australians are urged to nominate their heritage heroes for the Heritage Council’s prestigious WA Heritage Awards.
Since the first Awards in 1992, the Heritage Awards have been an opportunity to showcase the excellent work being done by those within the heritage sector. The State Government Awards recognise the outstanding contribution of private owners, volunteers, professionals, organisations, local governments and State Government agencies who work hard to promote and conserve WA’s cultural heritage.
Categories include:
- Voluntary individual contribution
- Professional contribution
- Contribution by a community-based organisation
- Contribution by a private organisation
- Contribution by a public organisation (includes local governments and State Government departments)
- Interpretation project
- Heritage tourism product
- Conservation or adaptive reuse of a State Registered Place
Nominations are completed and submitted online. Register or login to the WA Heritage Awards portal, to start a nomination
More information on the Awards can be found at the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website or by contacting the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage via emailing the Heritage Awards team.
Nominations close 4pm, Friday 6 August 2021.
8. [NEW ITEM] Architecture of Macquarie Street with Roy Lumby, 8 August, Sydney
The history of Macquarie Street is reflected in the buildings which line it – including significant examples of twentieth century architecture.
Intended as a ceremonial thoroughfare by Governor Macquarie, it was the site of Sydney’s first permanent public buildings.
Tickets are now on sale for this non-virtual stroll, guided by heritage architect Dr Roy Lumby. (Fingers crossed, we’ll all be liberated by then.)
9. [NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – What’s On
Click on the link below for upcoming events at the Johnston Collection.
Sustainable Shine Dome: Possible Futures, online event, 14 July
The University of Canberra has partnered with the Australian Academy of Science, GML Heritage and GHD Engineering to develop a sustainability plan as a pathway to a net-zero future for the National Heritage listed Shine Dome. The multidisciplinary research team is investigating innovative approaches to ensure progressive energy and emissions reductions and a range of sustainability measures that will contribute to the ongoing protection and promotion of the Shine Dome’s unique national heritage values.
As part of this research project a series of three public symposia are being held that build a conversation around heritage values and sustainability. Two public symposia have been held to date, the first setting the groundwork for the project and research questions, the second focusing on technical discussions related to carbon emission reductions and creative approaches to cultural sustainability.
As the final of the series, you are invited to join us for “Possible Futures”, which will focus on broad challenges and practical issues to the Australian response to climate change, lessons for a carbon active future, and specific findings and recommendations for the Shine Dome.
This is now an online event but will be broadcast from the Shine Dome.
Date: 14 July 2021
Time: 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Venue: Broadcast from the Shine Dome, online audience
Register at this link.
Book Launch, 6 August, Canberra: Fatal Contact: How Epidemics Nearly Wiped out Australia’s First Peoples
Dymocks Canberra and Monash University Publishing are delighted to invite you to the launch of
Fatal Contact: How Epidemics Nearly Wiped out Australia’s First Peoples
By Peter Dowling
When: Friday 6 August 2021 @ 6.00pm
Where: Dymocks Bookshop Canberra, Canberra Centre, Shop CL17, 148 Bunda Street, Canberra ACT 2601
RSVP (appreciated): by email or (02) 6257 5057
More information at this link.
Develop Professional Skills with ACAHUCH MicroCerts in Urban and Cultural Heritage: Registrations Open
Drawing upon the world-leading research, teaching and industry expertise within the Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH), these online microcredential offerings are designed for professionals of diverse backgrounds seeking to expand their applied skills in Urban and Cultural Heritage.
Upcoming microcerts include:
New Approaches to Heritage Significance (August 2021)
Learn cutting-edge techniques for assessing the cultural significance of heritage places. This course is designed for experienced and emerging social planners and practicing architects interested in the role of cultural heritage towards placemaking, design and sustainability.
Statutory Heritage (September 2021)
Gain insights into the urban and cultural heritage system from leading heritage practitioners. This course is designed for professionals in both the government and private sectors seeking the fundamentals of local, state, and national heritage legislation.
Each MicroCert is taught fully online with a total of 37.5 hours including assessments and is designed to provide you the flexibility to upskill, expand your knowledge or begin a pathway to further study.
Designed with contributions from leading Australian architects and planners, state and local authorities, heritage bodies and community groups, microcredentials are awarded through information-rich digital certificates and can be shared with prospective employers and accrediting bodies digitally and via social media, such as LinkedIn.
Contact the learner support team for more details.
Global Encounters and First Nations Peoples research project – seeking input
Our research project, Global Encounters and First Nations Peoples: 1000 years of Australian History, seeks to reframe our telling of the who, when, where and how contacts occurred between Indigenous peoples and those who came from across the sea. See project details at Global Encounters & First Nations Peoples – Monash Indigenous Studies Centre.
We are aware that there is a great deal of interest amongst community historians, divers, and detectorists in pre-British visitations to the Australian continent, and as part of the project we are undertaking a survey of Torres Strait and the Australian East Coast evidence of contacts which might, for example, involve Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Melanesian or Polynesian visitations.
We are seeking to catalogue digital images of artefacts that may have arrived in Australia prior to European settlement, the stories of their discovery, and especially information regarding the location they were found. This includes items in private hands. We acknowledge there may be concerns regarding the laws governing heritage artefacts, especially items which might have been in a family for generations, and anonymity, if requested, is assured. It would be greatly appreciated and acknowledged if curators could advise if they have such items in their collections. The evidence might be scant, contestable and difficult to assess but we would like to hear about it so it can be added to the big picture. We would also, where possible, like Indigenous groups to share with us stories of external contact.
Professor Lynette Russell AM, FRHistS, FASSA, FAHA
ARC Kathleen Fitzpatrick Laureate Fellow 2020-2025
Monash Indigenous Studies Centre
School of Philosophical, Historical, and International Studies
Deputy Director CABAH
Monash University
Mike Rowland
Adjunct Associate Professor, Archaeology
College of Arts, Society and Education
James Cook University, Cairns
Consultant (Archaeology/Cultural Heritage)
T. 07 3202 6625 M. 0403 026 624
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advocacy Advisor, National Trust of Australia (Victoria), Full Time, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
The National Trust of Australia (Victoria) is an independent, non-profit organisation supported by a large community base. We are Victoria’s premier heritage and conservation organisation and our mission is to inspire the community to appreciate, conserve and celebrate its diverse natural, cultural, social and Indigenous heritage. We’re looking for a qualified and passionate heritage professional to join our Advocacy Team, who will lead strategic projects including major campaigns and policy development; assess the impacts of proposed developments, planning policy, and major projects on heritage places across Victoria, write submissions and advocate for positive heritage outcomes; represent the National Trust through planning processes including Planning Panels and Heritage Council hearings; build relationships with our stakeholders; and contribute to our heritage programs.
For more information on the role and how to apply, click here.
Applications will close when a suitable candidate is found.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, GHD, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
GHD are currently looking for a Heritage Consultant to join our dynamic Planning, Approvals and Heritage Team in Melbourne.
We are seeking someone with 1-2 years of experience across heritage approval processes under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006, Heritage Act 2017 and a tertiary qualification in archaeology, cultural heritage management, conservation architecture or a related field.
For further information and to apply, visit this link.
For any other questions, please contact Paul Inglis on +61 3 8687 8619.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Associate or Associate Archaeologist, GML Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
About us
GML Heritage is one of Australia’s leading heritage consultancies. We have over 30 years of experience and a reputation that sees us working on some of the most interesting and challenging projects in heritage.
At GML we share a commitment to provide heritage advice and services that are founded on bold thinking, intellectual rigour, industry best practice and effective community engagement.
We were recently recognised with the Best Heritage Consulting Firm (<$30m revenue) honour at the 2021 Client Choice Awards (that’s two years in a row!), and our projects and staff continue to win awards for innovative advice and solutions.
Our people are creative and committed specialists including archaeologists, architects, historians and built heritage experts.
Go to our website to find out more about who we are and read about the types of work we do.
The role
Due to significant growth, we have a new vacancy for a Senior Associate or Associate Archaeologist to join our Sydney team.
The right candidate will have a successful background in either Historical or First Nations Archaeology in consulting or another commercial environment.
Along with other senior staff you will mentor a highly talented team of early and mid career archaeologists and you will manage projects related to your skill set and strengths.
In return we offer you a great working environment, a highly competitive remuneration package and a range of other perks. Not to mention some of the most interesting, high profile projects in NSW and the opportunity to work with staff across our offices and across our disciplines.
We would love to hear from experienced and enthusiastic professionals today.
Please email Anna Kearsley, People and Culture Manager for a role description and application pack.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Architectural Consultant, Heritage 21, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Heritage 21 is a specialist firm of dedicated heritage practitioners operating throughout NSW, Qld, Vic and the ACT. Located in Alexandria, the firm assists clients with heritage projects within the private, public and government sectors through the heritage approval process at both State and Local government levels.
Our in-house heritage staff have expertise in built heritage, urban planning, history, research, and architecture.
The perfect candidate will need to have the ability to take on a variety of tasks, from managing projects, preparing cultural heritage assessments and report writing. The successful applicant will work closely with the other team members and will report to the Studio Manager.
If you are self-motivated, have a passion for heritage and attention to detail, then PLEASE APPLY for this position by sending us your confidential CV.
For more information about this opportunity, see the Heritage 21_Heritage Architect Consultant_July 2021 position description.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Heritage 21, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Heritage 21 is a specialist firm of dedicated heritage practitioners operating throughout NSW and the ACT. Located in Alexandria, the firm assists clients with heritage projects within the private, public and government sectors through the heritage approval process at both State and Local government levels.
Our in-house heritage staff have expertise in built heritage, urban planning, history, research, and architecture.
The perfect candidate will need to have the ability to take on a variety of tasks, from managing projects, preparing cultural heritage assessments, report writing and mentoring junior staff. The successful applicant will work closely with the other team members and will report to the Studio Manager.
If you are self-motivated, have a passion for heritage and attention to detail, then PLEASE APPLY for this position by sending us your confidential CV.
For more information about this opportunity, see the Heritage 21_Senior Heritage Consultant_July 2021 position description.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, ERM, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
ERM is seeking a Heritage Consultant to join our growing team in Sydney on a permanent contract basis. ERM’s National Heritage Team is comprised of highly-regarded archaeologists, anthropologists, heritage architects, interpretive specialists, and historians, working across all regions of Australia.
The position offers an excellent opportunity to be part of an industry-leading multi-disciplinary consultancy, and develop technical and professional skills in a supportive team environment.
The role will involve working as part of a team in the preparation of cultural heritage and archaeological assessments, consulting with and working alongside Traditional Owners, undertaking field survey, research, report writing and project management. This is an excellent opportunity for a professional looking to advance their career with a global environmental leader.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
SITUATION VACANT Senior to Principal Level Heritage Consultant, ERM, Perth [Applications reviewed upon submission]
ERM is seeking an experienced Senior to Principal Level Heritage Consultant to join our team in Perth on a permanent contract basis. ERM’s National Heritage Team is comprised of highly-regarded archaeologists, anthropologists, heritage architects, interpretive specialists, and historians, working across all regions of Australia.
The position offers an excellent opportunity to be part of an industry-leading multi-disciplinary consultancy, and develop technical and professional skills in a supportive team environment, with access to an engaged international technical specialist community. The role will involve working as part of a national team in the preparation of cultural heritage assessments and management plans, Aboriginal stakeholder engagement and consultation, undertaking field survey, research, report writing and project management. This is an excellent opportunity for a professional looking to advance their career with a global environmental leader. We are seeking an enthusiastic, flexible and collaborative candidate who wish to see their work contribute real value towards environmental and heritage sustainability.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
SITUATION VACANT Project Support Administrator, Artefact Heritage Services, Sydney [DEADLINE: 13 July]
About Artefact “Illuminate the Past – Inspire the Future”
At Artefact we create great heritage outcomes. While we know worthwhile things are not always easy, we believe innovative thinking and solid advice from our exceptional team will lead to solutions that engage and empower our clients.
We strive to support each other, achieving empowerment both as individuals and together as a team. This is how we grow our unique culture. We recognise that work should be rewarding, challenging and fun. Career is such a big part of life why not make it count? Especially when we love what we do.
We are looking for people who are curious, collaborative and brave to help create a company that works, lives and plays by its values every day.
About the role
The project support team is critical to the consulting team’s delivery of quality heritage outcomes. Reporting to the Project Support Officer (PSO), you will have a variety of responsibilities including project maintenance, scheduling, ensuring an efficient workflow and searching for innovative and timely solutions to team requirements. In the course of normal operations, this role works most effectively in the office environment.
For more information about this opportunity, click here.
Applications close 11.59pm, Tuesday 13 July 2021.
SITUATION VACANT Education Programs Manager, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Port Arthur, Tasmania [DEADLINE: 11 July]
Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority is seeking an innovative Education Programs Manager to lead, develop, manage and deliver primary and secondary curriculum-based and lifelong learning programs to meet the learning needs of diverse education audiences at three landmark World Heritage Convict Sites: the Cascades Female Factory, the Coal Mines and the Port Arthur Historic Site.
To apply, visit this link
For more information:
Emily Kocaj
Director Public Programs
email Emily
ph: 0429 426 435
Closing Date: 11:55 PM, Sunday 11 July 2021
SITUATION VACANT Interpretation And Experience Manager, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Port Arthur, Tasmania [DEADLINE: 11 July]
Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority is seeking a dynamic Experience and Interpretation Manager to deliver the content-driven visitor experience at three landmark World Heritage Convict Sites: the Cascades Female Factory, the Coal Mines and the Port Arthur Historic Site via the development and delivery of interpretative spaces, digital content, print and live experiences.
To apply, visit this link
For more information:
Emily Kocaj
Director Public Programs
email Emily
ph: 0429 426 435
Closing Date: 11:55 PM, Sunday 11 July 2021
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Architect, Tanner Kibble Denton Architects, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Tanner Kibble Denton Architects is seeking a Senior Heritage Architect, offering a great opportunity to work with our award-winning heritage team. We’re passionate about heritage conservation and adaptive re-use and we have some exciting projects across the full range of heritage practice – adaptive reuse, CMPs, heritage appraisals, archival records and fabric repairs.
We are looking for people who enjoy unique challenges, are focussed and have a range of skills and local experience in heritage architecture. Immediate start available.
Please contact George Phillips by email for more information. A detailed role description will be provided on request.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131