[NEW ITEM] The Australia ICOMOS / University of Canberra Heritage Studies PhD Scholarship – submit EOI by 28 June
[NEW ITEM] ACT Region Heritage Symposium 2021, 7 August, Canberra – call for papers | deadline 28 June
[NEW ITEM] Invitation | Call for Participation: Gender and Cultural Heritage webinar, 24 June, 12:00pm – 13:45pm (CET)
[NEW ITEM] Workshop: Cultural and Natural Heritage and Climate Challenges, 1-2 July, Online – register by 25 June
[NEW ITEM] Caring For Country Webinar 1: “OCEANIA WISDOM FOR A CLIMATE CHANCE”, 7 July 2021, 12.00 noon AEST
[NEW ITEM] Forthcoming Vacancies on Working Heritage Inc Committee of Management – apply by 6 July
[NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin
INFORMATION ADDED: 2011 UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, 10th Anniversary Celebration, 23-24 June
Presentation: The life and times of Moir and Sutherland, 2 July, Sydney
National Endangered Skills and Trades – Seminar, 2 July & Trades Show, 3-4 July, Canberra
Enduring Design Conference 2021, 29 June, Brisbane
CHNT conference, 2-4 November 2021, Vienna – call for submissions: deadline 30 July
National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards 2021 – nominations close 21 June
Seaplanes on Lake Burley Griffin – public consultation invited by 22 June
PhD position, University of Minho, Portugal: seismic assessment of heritage masonry buildings – submit EOI by 23 June
NSW Heritage Act Review – submissions close 27 June
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Project Officer – Historic Heritage, National Parks & Wildlife Service, Sydney or Wollongong [DEADLINE: 22 June]
TENDER OPPORTUNITY Sydney Metro, Expert Conservation Team [DEADLINE: 24 June]
SITUATION VACANT Architect / Access Consultant, Eric Martin and Associates, Canberra [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Architect, Eric Martin and Associates, Canberra [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUTATION VACANT Senior Heritage Architect, Tanner Kibble Denton Architects, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
1. [NEW ITEM] The Australia ICOMOS / University of Canberra Heritage Studies PhD Scholarship – submit EOI by 28 June
Applications are now invited for an exciting co-funded PhD opportunity offered through a partnership between Australia ICOMOS and the University of Canberra.
The 3-year stipend scholarship will be offered to an exceptional candidate who will pursue a doctoral project that responds to the Australia ICOMOS strategic agenda, expands thinking around heritage in Australia and produces a legacy of research data and analysis that has the potential to influence practice, policy and conceptual/theoretical innovation. Applicants are asked to propose a research project in response to the Research Provocation document that has been prepared in consultation with Australia ICOMOS members and academics, and is available upon request. The PhD can be pursued via a range of approaches: including traditional thesis, by publication, or through a practice based approach to produce research artefact(s) and exegesis.
Candidates must meet all requirements to be accepted into the University of Canberra PhD program, should be available to study full-time and take up the scholarship in Semester 2 this year.
The supervisory panel for the project will be led by Professor Tracy Ireland and include relevant experts from academia and Australia ICOMOS, negotiated with the successful candidate to best support their project.
The candidate would be based in the Centre for Creative and Cultural Research, Faculty of Arts and Design, at the University of Canberra (UC). UC developed Australia’s first courses in heritage and conservation commencing in 1978 and today hosts a diverse array of programs and funded research projects specialising in multi and interdisciplinary research crossing boundaries of critical heritage, science and technology, creative arts, digital humanities, design and sustainability. Current and recent projects include: ARC Linkage Heritage of the Air, ARC Linkage Laser Ablation for Conservation and Restoration of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, The Sustainable Shine Dome, Digital Modelling for Climate Resilience for the Old Great North Road, Ginninderry Living Lab Research Framework, Haig Park Experiments-Urban Activations. The Centre for Creative and Cultural Research hosts a cohort of over 40 PhD scholars working in a range of disciplines, providing research support, access to funding for conferences and fieldwork, a seminar series and a rich calendar of training workshops, boot camps, and weekly ‘shut up and write’.
Interested applicants should contact Tracy Ireland by email to register interest and request the Research Provocation document. Expressions of Interest then need to be received by 28 June 2020, including a CV and a 2-page statement that provides an overview of the intended focus of your research in response to the Research Provocation. Explain how your expertise will assist in completing a PhD, what outputs and outcomes you would envisage from this work, and how it would contribute to furthering Australia ICOMOS’ strategic agenda. More detail on the EOI requirements is provided in the Research Provocation document, available upon request.
2. [NEW ITEM] ACT Region Heritage Symposium 2021, 7 August, Canberra – call for papers | deadline 28 June
ACT Region Heritage Symposium 2021: Heritage at Times of Crisis: Saving, Sustaining, Sharing
7 August 2021 | ANU Acton Campus
In a Land of Fires, Droughts and Flooding Rains, and now Climate Change, and a health pandemic,
what role at such times has a community’s heritage in maintaining its sense of place, of belonging, and continuity?
In this year’s Symposium, we will explore this question with a series of papers addressing examples of problems and solutions: case studies that assist us in dealing with such crises and change, including being locked down or out during a pandemic. Does our heritage assist us? We look to gain a wider understanding of how heritage can support us at such difficult times.
Call for papers
You are invited to offer a paper, or short 5-minute vignette, with case studies of problems and solutions for this topic, sent by 28 June to Liz McMillan, National Trust (ACT) by email.
For more information, see the 2021 ACT Heritage Symposium Call for Papers Flyer.
3. [NEW ITEM] Invitation | Call for Participation: Gender and Cultural Heritage webinar, 24 June, 12:00pm – 13:45pm (CET)

The ICOMOS Our Common Dignity Rights-Based Approaches Working Group would like to invite you to join the second Heritage Thursdays webinar on Thursday 24 June 2021, 12:00pm – 13:45pm (CET).
The webinar will explore Gender and Cultural Heritage by sharing news, events and media from around the world and will include a roundtable of esteemed speakers who will lead discussions on the empowerment of women, architecture, art, museums and LGTBQI+ and cultural heritage.
The webinar will be in Spanish, with English and French translations.
Register here or watch the stream via FaceBook
For the webinar on June 24, which will focus on the gender perspective on Heritage, we are looking for small interventions on various issues related to gender and human rights in relation to cultural heritage, whether they are lines of research, experiences, projects or organizations whose work focuses on this issue. We are also interested to receive any recent news on gender and cultural heritage. You can send your intervention to the ICOMOS Our Common Dignity Rights-Based Approaches group via email in the following formats before 22 June:
– A video with a maximum length of 1 minute
– One or two slides and a short script to be read by the organization
– A link to a piece of news related to the subject that will be shortly reviewed
The webinar will be held in Spanish but we can provide help with translations.
4. [NEW ITEM] Workshop: Cultural and Natural Heritage and Climate Challenges, 1-2 July, Online – register by 25 June
Cultural and Natural Heritage is threatened by numerous climate change impacts, such as heat waves, sea level rise, increased risk of storm surges and flooding. It is therefore crucial to evaluate the vulnerability of Cultural and Natural Heritage and how it may be impacted by climate change.
On 1-2 July 2021, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) will host a virtual workshop with key sectoral stakeholders to discuss climate challenges for Cultural and Natural Heritage, data needs and potential solutions offered by C3S.
During two half days, we will focus on:
- Understanding the climate change-related challenges of the Cultural and Natural Heritage community
- Identifying specific needs for climate data, tools and services in order to meet these challenges
We will take this opportunity to present the C3S service offering, demonstrate where it fits in the climate service value chain, and determine ways in which it could support the Cultural and Natural Heritage community.
We are pleased to invite you on behalf of the C3S to register here before Friday 25 June at 18:00 CEST. After your registration, we will contact you to provide detailed information on the agenda and on how to connect to the event.
Together with our invitation, we would like also to share with you a questionnaire where we aim to collect specific needs and requirements focused on the Cultural and Natural Heritage stakeholders.
5. [NEW ITEM] Caring For Country Webinar 1: “OCEANIA WISDOM FOR A CLIMATE CHANCE”, 7 July 2021, 12.00 noon AEST
Caring For Country Webinar 1: “OCEANIA WISDOM FOR A CLIMATE CHANCE”, Wednesday 7 July 2021, 12.00 noon AEST
(Webinar duration approx. 1 hour 30 mins)
Register at this link | Webinar N° 995 6534 4014 | Code: 198534
#ICOMOS #AustraliaICOMOS #ICOMOSNZ #ICOMOSPASIFIKA18 #climateheritage #climatecrisis
Join us for Webinar 1 in the Caring For Country Webinar Series organized by the Caring For Country Committee, a Working Group of Australia ICOMOS with members from Australia ICOMOS, ICOMOS New Zealand, ICOMOS Pasifika and Non-ICOMOS members from Oceania.
‘Oceania Wisdom for a Climate Chance’ brings together a group of distinguished Oceania Elders who will present their insights on the impacts of climate change on their respective domains of land and water and the Indigenous responses to these.
Co-ordinated by Emelda Davis, Dr Anne Poelina and Dr Marie Geissler, it highlights the ‘climate chance’ that now exists, as a window of opportunity for governments and outside agencies seeking sustainable and long-term solutions from the impacts of climate change, to work alongside First Nations people. Through this process they will be informed of the ancient wisdom traditions and intimate knowledge of lands and their interconnected biospheres and seasons that First Nations peoples hold. This knowledge draws on thousands of years of successful natural resources management of country by First Nations peoples, where practices for land stewardship are highly individualized and responsive to the different circumstances of each habitat. Elders to speak include Aunty Shireen Malamoo, Emelda Davis, Dr Anne Poelina, Pastor Ray Minniecon and Hon Samson Vivil Fare.
For more information, download the Oceania Wisdom – Webinar 1 flyer.
6. [NEW ITEM] Forthcoming Vacancies on Working Heritage Inc Committee of Management – apply by 6 July
The Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change is seeking expressions of interest for nine Working Heritage members. The terms of appointment are due to commence during the second half of the year.
These positions provide an exciting opportunity to contribute and provide high level advice on the conservation and management of some of Victoria’s treasured places, including the Royal Mint in central Melbourne, Farm Vigano in Melbourne’s North, Jacks Magazine in Maribyrnong, Carome Homestead and courthouses in country towns.
The committee’s role is to manage these properties in a way that ensures they have a purpose now and in the future.
Applicants will be shortlisted on the basis of experience in one or more of the following:
- Community engagement
- Business management
- Finance or accounting
- Public relations or marketing
- Property / asset management
- Leasing / licensing
- Property / land law
- Public sector / governance experience
Applicants with specialist skills and experience in one of the following areas will be highly regarded:
- Experience and skills in building / heritage conservation
- Experience in sustainability
The Victorian Government is committed to ensuring the diversity of our boards represents the diversity of our communities. Women, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples, people with a disability, young people, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and LGBTQI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, and intersex) people are encouraged to apply.
Applicants from rural and regional Victoria are also encouraged to apply.
For all enquiries regarding the appointment process, please contact Sarah Wordsworth on 0438 427 526 or email Sarah.
Applications close on Tuesday 6 July 2021.
7. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin, click on the following link.
Membership of the Australia ICOMOS Indigenous Heritage Reference Group – call for Expressions of Interest: deadline COB 21 June 2021
The membership of the Australia ICOMOS Indigenous Heritage Reference Group (IHRG) was last refreshed in late 2017. In accordance with the Australia ICOMOS policy for all groups for a number of years, it is now time to refresh the membership.
The purpose of the IHRG is to advise Australia ICOMOS on matters pertaining to Indigenous heritage conservation principles, policies and practice. (It should be noted that while Australia ICOMOS recognises that Indigenous cultural heritage encompasses a broad range of values including, but not limited to, sites and places of historical or contemporary importance and the land itself, the consideration of Indigenous heritage by Australia ICOMOS does not include general land management and conservation, which is outside the focus of Australia ICOMOS). The IHRG provides advice as needed to the President and the Executive Committee on any issues that arise in relation to the conservation of Indigenous cultural heritage. Issues may relate to specific sites as in the case of Indigenous issues in World Heritage Monitoring Missions, or ‘framework’ issues as in the case of preparing submissions on legislation reform. This reference group, initially a Working Group, has existed since 1998. The Group does not hold regular meetings, but acts as issues arise.
Members of the IHRG will be selected based on demonstrated expertise and experience in the area of Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage conservation. Members must have a high level of expertise in Australian Indigenous heritage management. In selecting members, regard will also be given to ensuring the IHRG has broad geographic representation across Australia and that the membership represents a broad range of expertise in the area of Indigenous heritage conservation. Membership is open to Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia ICOMOS members. Indigenous members are strongly encouraged to apply. Current IHRG members are able to nominate to renew their membership. Young and/or Emerging Professional members with a specialist skill or interest in Australian Indigenous heritage management, but who don’t have sufficient expertise to become a member, may apply to be an Adjunct member (this is initially a one year appointment, which is reviewed at the end of the year).
More information can be found on the Indigenous Heritage Reference Group webpage and in the EOI document (link below). Please note that all individuals who express an interest in any Australia ICOMOS Working or Reference Group agree to be bound by the documents that can be found here.
Members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to express an interest in becoming a member of this Reference Group by sending a completed IHRG_EOI form_May 2021 to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB 21 June 2021.
For further information please contact the current convenor, Anne McConnell by email.
INFORMATION ADDED: 2011 UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, 10th Anniversary Celebration, 23-24 June
The HUL Anniversary Event (23-24 June) not only marks the start of the 2021 celebration but serves as a catalyst for greater adoptions of the HUL approach. At the same time, the event serves as a platform to share lessons learned from COVID-19 and to resume discussions on the future of urban management. Topics such as public space, renovations, tourism, infrastructure and livelihoods will be explored. The Recommendation will provide an overall framework, while local needs and resources determine the implementation form.
On 23 June, the HUL Call for Action will be launched. The Call breaks the Recommendation down into concrete “Three Actions” (see “Call for Action”), in order to promote the HUL implementation for cities. The main participants will be Mayors, partners and high-level representatives from World Heritage and non-World Heritage cities, as they have the capacity to champion and mainstream the approach in their urban planning. Following the launch, panel discussions will explore the role of the Recommendation within the post-COVID-19 urban setting. Thematic lenses such as crisis response and recovery and local-actor empowerment will closely reflect the Call.
On 24 June, the session will focus on the application of the HUL approach to the World Heritage cities. Challenges triggered by the pandemic such as the drop in tourism and restricted urban-based activities will be discussed, with HUL serving as a potential mitigation framework. The invitees will consist of site managers, national focal points, city planning departments and experts, devising in-depth, practical conversations. Case studies collected, analysed and developed during preparatory technical meetings will also be presented.
In the context of this event, the World Heritage Centre is calling for case studies on urban heritage management practices. Topics include transportation and infrastructure, public space, renovations, tourism, traditional livelihoods and circular/green economies, revolving around the idea of recovery and “building back better” with heritage cities as thriving, sustainable and resilient urban centres strongly connected to their communities. The case studies will be presented in the preparatory technical meetings, which will take place on 16 and 21 June.
Submit a case study
See Concept Note
See HUL Call for Action
Download the HUL_General invitation_final.
Presentation: The life and times of Moir and Sutherland, 2 July, Sydney
The life and times of Moir and Sutherland
A presentation by Peter Freeman OAM
Practicing both as architect and historian, Peter Freeman has dedicated more than four decades to the conservation, documentation and celebration of Australia’s architectural heritage.
He is the author of many books on Australia’s heritage and vernacular buildings, and has worked on conservation projects across the country. In 2019, Peter was awarded a medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for his service to architecture.
In this presentation, Peter will focus on the life and times of Malcolm Moir and Heather Sutherland – Canberra’s 20th-century ‘architectural power couple’; and the work of the two modernists Neville Ward and Ian Slater, who joined the practice following the tragic death of Heather Sutherland in 1951.
We’ll discover how they designed a singularly coherent collection of residential and commercial buildings, spread throughout the fledgling city.
This will be a rare opportunity to hear from one of Australia’s foremost heritage architects and historians.
Peter will be signing copies of his new book Thoroughly Modern: The Life + Times of Moir + Sutherland Architects.
Date: Friday 2 July 2021
Time: Light refreshments at 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start
Place: The Powerhouse Museum, Ultimo
Tickets: Members** $25; Non-members $35 (**Twentieth Century Heritage Society of NSW & ACT)
>> book here
National Endangered Skills and Trades – Seminar, 2 July & Trades Show, 3-4 July, Canberra
National Endangered Skills and Trades Seminar, 2 July, 6-8.30pm
Join us at the National Museum of Australia for the opening event of the National Endangered Skills and Trades festival. This seminar will feature a panel of speakers addressing the theme ‘Innovation: Using heritage and archives’ to discuss how heritage, archives and traditional trades can adapt and stay relevant.
The National Endangered Skills and Trades festival aims to raise awareness for the need for a new training model for traditional trades. Across the world there are trade masters, guilds, associations and self-taught enthusiasts working to preserve skills that are at risk of being lost. Endangered Heritage aims to raise awareness of these groups and the employment opportunities that lie within.
>> more information & bookings
National Endangered Skills and Trade Show, 3-4 July, 9am-4.30pm each day
The National Endangered Skills and Trade Show (NESTS) is an annual event where Endangered Heritage showcases a variety of artisans, makers, and repairers who are equipped with years of traditional knowledge that are slowly becoming rarer as the years go on.
The National Endangered Skills and Trade Show aims to bring together traditional training combined with innovative youth to create new industries and opportunities.
Enduring Design Conference 2021, 29 June, Brisbane
The Enduring Design Conference is a one-day public conference with an exciting line-up of domestic and international speakers.
Tried and tested traditional design and building skills have responded to local cultural and climatic conditions for thousands of years, producing buildings and urban landscapes that are sustainable, durable, and foster local character and regional diversity.
The Enduring Design Conference is a one-day public event bringing together an exciting line-up of domestic and international experts and industry leaders in the field of Enduring Design. Hear from local and global perspectives as panelists discuss the underlying principles and perspectives of applying Enduring Design today, Environmental Sustainability, Social Sustainability, Heritage perspectives and Materiality and Trades.
Cost: $25 for students | $70 for non-students
>> more information and bookings
CHNT conference, 2-4 November 2021, Vienna – call for submissions: deadline 30 July
International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies
Hybrid CHNT 26, 2021
The World’s Heritage in the Digital Age
2-4 November 2020
Vienna, Austria
After 25 years, the organization of the “International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies” is under new management. From 2021 onwards, the conference will be organized by the newly founded association CHNT – ICOMOS Austria, a branch of ICOMOS Austria, in cooperation with the Municipal Department for Cultural Affairs. With a heartfelt thank you to the Museen der Stadt Wien – Urban Archaeology Vienna for making the conference possible the last 25 years.
Call for submissions: papers, short papers, posters, apps and science slam
Submissions can be made according to the themes found in the 2021 program.
More information about the call is available here.
Deadline for submissions: 30 July
National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards 2021 – nominations close 21 June
The National Trust Awards recognise projects in the ACT that make a significant contribution to the conservation of the built, indigenous and natural environment in accordance with the principles set out in the Burra Charter.
The Burra Charter provides guidance for the conservation and management of places of cultural significance (cultural heritage places). The Charter sets a standard of practice for those who provide advice, make decisions about, or undertake works to places of cultural significance, including owners, managers and custodians.
More information about the awards can be found here.
Nominations close 21 June.
Seaplanes on Lake Burley Griffin – public consultation invited by 22 June
The National Capital Authority (NCA) has released for public consultation a Discussion Paper concerning possible seaplane operations on Lake Burley Griffin (the Lake).
The NCA is established under the Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Act 1999. The agency manages the Australian Government’s continuing interest in the planning, development and enhancement of Canberra as the National Capital. In performing its functions under the PALM Act and other relevant legislation, the NCA manages the Lake and is responsible for licensing commercial activities.
The Discussion Paper has been prepared to encourage feedback from the community and stakeholders. Community consultation will provide valuable feedback to ensure that the potential impacts of the activity on the Lake and other lake users, as well as the benefits that the seaplane activity may bring to Canberra, are fully understood. The National Capital belongs to all Australians, and the NCA seeks to understand and reflect a broader, national perspective about activities in Canberra.
More information is available at the National Capital Authority website.
The NCA welcomes feedback by close of business on 22 June 2021.
PhD position, University of Minho, Portugal: seismic assessment of heritage masonry buildings – submit EOI by 23 June
The Historical and Masonry Structures (HMS) group of the Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), University of Minho, Portugal, plans to open a PhD student position (duration of the contract planned for 3 years) within the STAND4HERITAGE (S4H) project, which is funded by a European Research Council Advanced Grant.
The position will focus on the definition of a set of new standards combined with an integrated analytical approach for the out-of-plane seismic assessment and subsequent intervention design of heritage masonry buildings. This is the main challenge of S4H, since it introduces rational rules for a task that has been approached mainly empirically.
Necessary qualifications: MSc degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent with some background in structural and seismic engineering. Additional experience in programming (eg. Matlab, Python, Grasshopper), numerical simulations or similar qualifications would be considered an asset. Students completing their MSc degree this summer are invited to demonstrate their interest in the position.
If interested, please send your motivation letter and your résumé with a copy of the BSc and MSc certificate to Dr Marco Francesco Funari by email by Wednesday 23 June (23:59 GMT). Students completing the MSc degree this summer must provide together with the BSc Diploma, the current courses certificate and GPA.
NSW Heritage Act Review – submissions close 27 June
An Upper House committee has established an inquiry into the Heritage Act 1977 (NSW). The inquiry will examine the effectiveness of the Heritage Act and the NSW heritage regulatory system, along with heritage aspects of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Read the entire media release here: Media release – Establishment – Review of the Heritage Act 1977
Other relevant links:
Submissions are open until 27 June 2021.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Project Officer – Historic Heritage, National Parks & Wildlife Service, Sydney or Wollongong [DEADLINE: 22 June]
Do you have professional experience in working with heritage buildings and sites? Are you looking for your new, exciting and challenging career? If so, come and join the NSW National Parks Historic Heritage team and help conserve and protect the large and diverse portfolio of historic heritage places on the National Parks estate.
- Opportunity to work with National Parks and Wildlife Services
- Location negotiable to work from our Parramatta or Wollongong Office
- Salary from $97,152 – $107,864 plus employer’s contribution to superannuation and annual leave loading
- Ongoing full-time opportunity
About the Role
National Parks has an opening for an experienced Historic Heritage Buildings Project Officer to work within the small Historic Heritage team.
This role will focus on providing expert heritage planning and architectural/building advice to facilitate the appropriate maintenance, repair and conservation of heritage assets within NSW National Parks. The successful applicant will work closely with the National Parks and Wildlife Service operations staff advising them on a wide variety of heritage projects, contributing towards good heritage management, conservation, and maintenance outcomes.
To be successful for this role, you will have a building and/or architectural background and excellent working knowledge of applying best practice in historic heritage planning and conservation. Your knowledge of the NSW Heritage Act approval processes and National Parks & Wildlife Service Act will be highly valued. You will have great interpersonal, collaboration and communication skills which is critical to this role. Experience with the Microsoft Suite is highly desired. You will also have a strong understanding of project management principles.
For more information visit this link.
Applications close 22 June.
TENDER OPPORTUNITY Sydney Metro, Expert Conservation Team [DEADLINE: 24 June]
Sydney Metro is seeking the services of an expert conservation team to undertake the next stage of conservation works for the Barangaroo boat uncovered during excavations for the Barangaroo station box. This open tender can be accessed through the NSW procurement website.
Tenders must be received by 12:00pm, 24 June 2021.
SITUATION VACANT Architect / Access Consultant, Eric Martin and Associates, Canberra [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Eric Martin and Associates is a long-standing niche architecture firm with specialist expertise in the provision of advice on conservation and adaptive reuse of heritage buildings and the assessment and design of buildings to ensure the provision of equal access for people with disabilities. These specialties are built on the foundation of architectural services of design, documentation and construction. We are one of the few practices in Australia that brings these three areas together into a universal design framework.
We are looking for an experienced architect and access consultant to assist in the demands on the Practice for the provision of disability access assessment and advice. Experience in the provision of access advice for people with disabilities and/or design for access using appropriate legislation, codes and standards is essential. Accreditation with the Association of Consultants in Access Australia and other access frameworks (such as LHA and SDA) is highly desirable. However in recognition of the specialist nature of the field we will consider applicants who wish to develop this area of expertise and are willing to undertake the development required for accreditation.
More information (including how to apply) is available in these docs: Architect – Access Consultant ad_EMAA_May 2021 | PD – Architect Access Consultant_EMAA_May 2021
SITUATION VACANT Senior Architect, Eric Martin and Associates, Canberra [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Eric Martin and Associates is a long-standing niche architecture firm with specialist expertise in the provision of advice on conservation and adaptive reuse of heritage buildings and the assessment and design of buildings to ensure the provision of equal access for people with disabilities. These specialties are built on the foundation of architectural services of design, documentation and construction. We are one of the few practices in Australia that brings these three areas together into a universal design framework.
We are looking for an experienced registered architect with the ability to lead a technical team and manage contracts as well as bringing a design flair to meet the needs of clients. Experience in contract management is essential.
More information (including how to apply) is available in these docs: Senior Architect ad_EMAA_May 2021 | PD – Senior Architect_EMAA_May 2021
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Architect, Tanner Kibble Denton Architects, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Tanner Kibble Denton Architects is seeking a Senior Heritage Architect, offering a great opportunity to work with our award-winning heritage team. We’re passionate about heritage conservation and adaptive re-use and we have some exciting projects across the full range of heritage practice – adaptive reuse, CMPs, heritage appraisals, archival records and fabric repairs.
We are looking for people who enjoy unique challenges, are focussed and have a range of skills and local experience in heritage architecture. Immediate start available.
Please contact George Phillips by email for more information. A detailed role description will be provided on request.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131