[NEW ITEM] State Memorial for Jack Mundey AO, 17 October 1929 to 10 May 2020
[NEW ITEM] IMPORTANT information from Australia ICOMOS
[NEW ITEM] JSC-ANZCORP – Applications for Membership Welcome
[NEW ITEM] AICCM Agents of Change series: Session 1 – 25 March, 7-8.30pm AEST
[NEW ITEM] SYMPOSIUM: The Sustainable Shine Dome: Planning Sustainable Futures for Heritage, 2pm AEST, 26 March
[NEW ITEM] When Will We Return to Venice and Should We? presentation, Friday 26 March, 3am AEDT
[NEW ITEM] Encounters, 2021 South West Heritage conference, 22-23 April, Busselton, WA
[NEW ITEM] Archaeological Sites: Conservation and Management – now available online!
[NEW ITEM] ALIPH Call For Projects that protect or rehabilitate cultural heritage threatened or damaged by conflicts – deadline: 16 April
[NEW ITEM] ICOMOS Statement on the situation in Tigray (Ethiopia)
[NEW ITEM] YRSB22, Prague, 4 July 2022 – call for abstracts deadline: 1 June 2020
[NEW ITEM] World Monuments Fund Joins Climate Heritage Network
[NEW ISSUE] Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden news
[NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin
Membership of the Australia ICOMOS Strategic Advocacy Reference Group – call for Expressions of Interest: deadline COB 12 March 2021
EOI invited – Securing the Next ICOMOS Generation: Transitioning the Advisory Committee | deadline: 30 March 2021
Webinar: Charles Moore and Joseph Maiden – Outreach and Impact, 17 March, 5.45pm AEDT
Geelong UNESCO Design Week Events, 19-29 March 2021
Architectural Drawings by Miles Lewis: online launch, 4pm AEDT, 28 March
Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail, 10-11 April 2021
Solidarity in culture: Heritage protection under conditions of crisis conference, Online, 18-20 March 2021
DIGIARCH 2021, 24 March 2021
6th Heritage Forum of Central Europe, ONLINE, 16-18 June 2021 – call for papers deadline 31 March
Heritage Council of Victoria vacancies – applications close 12 March
City of Newcastle Urban Design Review Panel – EOI invited | deadline: 16 March
Feedback on the Australian Heritage Strategy – deadline: 18 March
Design in Context Case Studies – call for submissions | deadline: Friday 26 March 2021
Safeguarding and reactivating our heritage – grants available | deadline: 26 March
Insurance cost offset grants available for exhibitions of cultural material – applications close 26 March
National Trust (NSW) 2021 Heritage Awards – submissions invited by 29 March 2021
Climate Change and Risk Assessment for Cultural Heritage virtual course, 2021 edition – starts 10 April
Professional Development: ACAHUCH MicroCerts in Urban and Cultural Heritage: now from April 2021 onwards
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Principal Heritage Officer, Heritage Branch, QLD Department of Environment and Science, Brisbane [DEADLINE: 23 March]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Cultural Heritage Specialist, AECOM, Brisbane [Applications reviewed upon submission]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Secretary General, Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC), Québec City, Canada [DEADLINE: 16 April]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Project Officer (Temporary) NSW National Parks and Wildlife, Historic & World Heritage Team, [Applications reviewed upon submission w deadline 14 March]
SITUATION VACANT Graduate Archaeologist (Identified position), GML Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, Extent Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologists, NSW, Extent Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRS Heritage Studio, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
1. [NEW ITEM] State Memorial for Jack Mundey AO, 17 October 1929 to 10 May 2020
A State Memorial Service for Mr Jack Mundey AO took place on Wednesday 10 March 2021 in Sydney, at Sydney Town Hall.
The State Memorial was an important opportunity to honour the former trade union leader and conservationist who led Sydney’s Green Bans movement during the 1970s.
To watch the memorial, read the biography and/or sign the condolence book, visit the NSW Government website.
2. [NEW ITEM] IMPORTANT information from Australia ICOMOS
E-newsletter sending issues
We are aware that some members and e-news subscribers have not been receiving the e-news directly from the Secretariat. We are aware of this problem and are working to resolve it as quickly as possible.
In the meantime, feel free to share the link or forward the email widely.
Reduced staffing at the Secretariat Office
The Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office will be staffed at a reduced level between 19 March and 5 April inclusive.
Though the Secretariat will be staffed intermittently, responses to queries, processing of publications orders, etc may take longer than usual.
The e-news will still be published. Please ensure all submissions for the e-news are submitted by 2pm Thursdays – this deadline will be strictly adhered to.
Australia ICOMOS appreciates your patience during this time.
3. [NEW ITEM] JSC-ANZCORP – Applications for Membership Welcome
The Joint Australia ICOMOS and ICOMOS New Zealand Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness (JSC-ANZCORP) is inviting new membership applications.
The purpose of the JSC-ANZCORP is to assist Australia ICOMOS and ICOMOS New Zealand to:
- promote the protection of cultural heritage in times of disaster, whether natural or human made, fast or slow onset
- promote cooperation with government, emergency services and civil defence and the inclusion of cultural heritage in emergency plans at local, regional, state and national levels
- build the capacity of heritage professionals in disaster risk management planning and emergency response for cultural heritage, and
- establish a network of professionals that can respond responsibly to emergencies as they arise in the Australian and New Zealand context
Members of the committee come with a broad range of expertise and experience – architects, engineers, conservators, anthropologists, cultural heritage managers, museum specialists and specialists in emergency management. They work in the public, private and educational sectors. They have had experience in developing guidance on managing risks to heritage places pre-, during and post- disaster, undertaking post-disaster damage and needs assessments, emergency salvage operations and post-disaster recovery. They have worked in areas affected by cyclone, flood, building fires, bushfires, earthquakes, tsunami and more. If you wish to join the group, to contribute or to learn, you can access our terms of reference here.
Please complete the membership application form and return by email to Catherine Forbes (Australia ICOMOS) or by email to Amanda Ohs (ICOMOS New Zealand).
All applicants must be willing to contribute to the committee’s activities. Applications are welcome from emerging heritage professionals as well as highly experienced professionals.
4. [NEW ITEM] AICCM Agents of Change series: Session 1 – 25 March, 7-8.30pm AEST
Agents of Change: 10 Agents Over 10 Months
The AICCM Preventive Special Interest Group is proud to announce a new series of online forums. Following on from the successful 2019 conference Managing Risks to Collections, 10 AGENTS OVER 10 MONTHS will explore and expand the traditional 10 Agents of Deterioration to encompass relevant and topical themes – such as the climate change, bushfires, repatriation, and COVID.
The series will run from March to December covering one Agent per month, and has been developed to enable our Conservation community to continue to share knowledge, insights and experiences virtually through talks, presentations, workshops, panel discussions and hybrid events throughout 2021.
Speakers: Amanda Pagliarino and Ainslee Meredith, who will discuss their research mapping climate change and risks for Australian cultural collections
Thursday 25 March 2021
Bookings required: click here to register
5. [NEW ITEM] SYMPOSIUM: The Sustainable Shine Dome: Planning Sustainable Futures for Heritage, 2pm AEST, 26 March
The University of Canberra has partnered with the Australian Academy of Science, GML Heritage and GHD Engineering to develop an innovative sustainability plan for a net-zero emissions future for the National Heritage listed place, the Shine Dome. The multidisciplinary research team is investigating innovative approaches to ensure progressive energy and emissions reductions and a range of sustainability measures that will contribute to the ongoing protection and promotion of the Shine Dome’s unique national heritage values.
As part of this research project a series of three public symposia are being held that build a conversation around heritage values and sustainability. To kick off the series, a December 2020 event Envisioning Sustainable Futures for Heritage began the conversation and brought together local and international experts including the Getty’s Susan Macdonald and Dr Caroline Noller of The Footprint Company. A link to the event audio visual recording can be found here.
To continue the conversation, this symposium will consider innovative approaches to the conservation and renovation of existing places including a discussion on emerging technologies and opportunities that contribute to sustainable heritage futures.
6. [NEW ITEM] When Will We Return to Venice and Should We? presentation, Friday 26 March, 3am AEDT
When Will We Return to Venice and Should We?
Thursday 25 March
12:00 noon (EDT) | 3am AEDT – ONLINE
A Heritage Now Event – FREE
In 2020, COVID-19 brought tourism in Venice to a halt, damaging the city’s economy while giving it a respite from the regular onslaught of visitors. The pandemic highlighted the precarity of the city’s position, highly dependent on a tourism economy that has adverse effects on its residents and built environment, as well as the existential threat presented by rising sea levels.
On Thursday, March 25 at 12:00 noon (EDT) // 4:00 pm (GMT), join World Monuments Fund President and CEO Bénédicte de Montlaur for an online discussion on the future of Venice and the monumental challenges the city faces.
Bénédicte will be joined by guest speakers Jane da Mosto, environmental scientist and Founding President of We are here Venice (WahV); Tomás Saraceno, visual artist; and David Landau, scholar, curator, philanthropist, and author.
RSVP at this link
7. [NEW ITEM] Encounters, 2021 South West Heritage conference, 22-23 April, Busselton, WA
Encounters, 2021 South West Heritage conference
22-23 April, Busselton
The program for the 2021 South West Heritage Conference has been released. Program highlights include:
Cultural encounters in Gatharraguda, the Shark Bay World Heritage Area
Harry Oakley, Dr Jade Pervan, Aidan Ash, with Malgana Rangers
Aboriginal healing and truth-telling through digital heritage preservation
Reena Tiwari and Professor John Stephens
Positive outcomes for hopeless cases
Ian Boersma
Developing the Busselton Cultural Precinct
Maxine Palmer
Encounters with WA’s iconic heritage places
Nerida Moredoundt
Reimagining the visitor experience at Strawberry Hill, Barmup
Kelly Rippingale
Aboriginal engagement at National Trust WA places in Noongar boodja
Leanne Brass
Conserving Woodbridge
Caroline Stokes
Delegates will also have the opportunity to choose from site visits to iconic South West heritage destinations such as Busselton Jetty, Busselton Cultural Precinct, Old Butter Factory Museum, Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse and Ngilgi Cave or Wonnerup House.
The conference will feature practical advice and hands-on workshops that focus on the care and conservation of heritage places, with specialists demonstrating basic conservation and maintenance tips that can be adopted by any property owner or manager.
A local government workshop will provide local government delegates with practical advice and updates on current practice for community heritage, assessment of local heritage places and heritage in planning.
The program is available to be viewed online alongside information on presenters and topics.
Follow the Heritage Council on Twitter or visit the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website to be the first to know when registrations open later this month.
8. [NEW ITEM] Archaeological Sites: Conservation and Management – now available online!
The Getty volume Archaeological Sites: Conservation and Management, edited by Sharon Sullivan and Richard Mackay, which was published in 2013 as part of the Getty Conservation Institute ‘Readings in Conservation’ series, is now available online, in both readable and downloadable format at this link.
This was the fifth volume to appear in the Getty Conservation Institute’s Readings in Conservation series, which gathers and publishes texts that have been influential in the development of thinking about the conservation of cultural heritage. The volume features more than seventy texts that have made important contributions to understanding the conservation and management of archaeological sites, addressing key issues from both a historical and a contemporary perspective.
The editors hope that online access will even further increase the use of this volume, especially to support emerging professionals and archaeological site managers.
And – of course, you can still order the hard copy version – at the same link!
9. [NEW ITEM] ALIPH Call For Projects that protect or rehabilitate cultural heritage threatened or damaged by conflicts – deadline: 16 April
ALIPH (the International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas) invites applications for projects that protect or rehabilitate cultural heritage threatened or damaged by conflicts around the world.
The projects must develop protection measures or deliver concrete conservation or rehabilitation outcomes.
In addition, they must:
- Contribute to local capacity building at all levels of expertise, in particular by offering on-the-job training
- Contribute to awareness raising on cultural heritage protection
- Promote cultural diversity and gender equality
- Contribute to economic and social sustainable development, reconciliation, and peace-building
For more information, visit the ALIPH website and/or read this document.
Applications close 16 April.
10. [NEW ITEM] ICOMOS Statement on the situation in Tigray (Ethiopia)
The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) is deeply disturbed by the growing number of accounts relating to the unspeakable suffering inflicted on the civilian population in Ethiopia’s Tigray region – including mass killings.
There are also mounting reports that Tigray’s rich and significant heritage is falling victim to the fighting.
11. [NEW ITEM] YRSB22, Prague, 4 July 2022 – call for abstracts deadline: 1 June 2020
We are pleased to announce that the fourth iiSBE Forum of Young Researchers in Sustainable Building 2022, which will be held in Prague, Czech Republic on 4 July 2022 just opened a call for abstracts.
The event will be focused on actual PhD research development in the field of sustainable building. The mission of the conference is to bring young doctoral researchers in sustainable building together to share research outcomes, discuss and get feedback from their colleagues, along with their participation in the peer-review process of the conference.
The previous YRSB conferences were held in 2013, 2016 and 2019 also in Prague and had a large success among doctoral students. Last time, 26 active PhD participants from 21 countries all over the world enjoyed the event, including all the social parts.
The themes for YRSB22 are:
• Adapting buildings to climatic goals
• Innovative materials, products and systems for sustainable buildings
• Integration of principles of circular economy into building design process
• Decision-support tools and assessment methods for sustainable built environment
• Sustainable retrofitting of existing buildings
• Sustainable urban development
For more information, visit the conference website.
Abstracts deadline: 1 June 2020
12. [NEW ITEM] World Monuments Fund Joins Climate Heritage Network
World Monuments Fund (WMF) is proud to announce its membership with the Climate Heritage Network (CHN), a group of arts, cultural, and heritage organizations dedicated to aiding communities in tackling climate change and achieving the ambitions of the 2015 Paris Agreement.
Building on this commitment, WMF will use its global platform to drive climate action and contribute new knowledge on how heritage can help communities respond to the effects of a warming planet.
13. [NEW ISSUE] Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden news
To read the latest Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden E-news, click on the link below.
14. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin, click on the following link.
Membership of the Australia ICOMOS Strategic Advocacy Reference Group – call for Expressions of Interest: deadline COB 12 March 2021
The current membership of the Australia ICOMOS Strategic Advocacy Reference Group (SARG) has been in place for a number of years, and it is time to refresh the membership, in accordance with the Australia ICOMOS policy for all groups.
The purpose of the SARG is to develop strategic level advice for Australia ICOMOS in relation to political and government level advocacy for cultural heritage, in particular for good heritage practice and heritage outcomes, primarily in the Australian context. It is also to review the strategic advice from time to time, to provide ongoing advice in relation to strategic level advocacy to Australia ICOMOS, and to consider advocacy training needs for Australia ICOMOS. The SARG is not primarily intended to undertake specific advocacy tasks, but rather to provide broader strategic guidance.
Members of the SARG will be selected based on demonstrated expertise and experience relevant to the advocacy work of Australia ICOMOS, although expressions of interest are also invited from those who have a particular interest in strategic advocacy but may not have had extensive experience in this area. This may include Young and/or Emerging Professional members, or members with the potential to develop an ability to contribute. Current SARG members are able to nominate to renew their membership.
More information can be found on the Strategic Advocacy Reference Group webpage and in the EOI document (link below). Please note that all individuals who express an interest in any Australia ICOMOS Working or Reference Group agree to be bound by the documents that can be found here.
Members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to express an interest in becoming a member of this Reference Group by sending a completed SARG_EOI form_February 2021 to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB 12 March 2021.
For further information please contact the current convenor, Duncan Marshall by email.
EOI invited – Securing the Next ICOMOS Generation: Transitioning the Advisory Committee | deadline: 30 March 2021
During the Advisory Committee meeting in 2020 a recommendation was passed to seek volunteers to shadow and support the work of the Advisory Committee Officers (ACOs) in driving the work of the ACOs and implementing the recommendation of the 2020 Advisory Committee meeting. ICOMOS members are invited to actively volunteer to support the implementation of these Advisory Committee resolutions.
This initiative aims to facilitate and encourage ICOMOS members to share, experience and communicate the role of the Advisory Committee and the work of the ACOs, to share the lively debate and experience and increase the pool of future candidates standing for election as ACOs and to help support and increase the efficiency of the work done by the Advisory Committee and ACOs.
Advisory Committee Volunteers would be working directly with the ACOs on organisational and scientific project co-ordination and development. Assignments are varied and include – amongst many others – the development of the new Triennial Scientific Plan, working on the Sustainability and Communications Task Force, an ICOMOS mentoring scheme, developing regional National Committees communications, groups and meetings, and supporting World Monuments Watch reviews.
The Advisory Committee Volunteer EOIs should take the form of a brief email including a short description (250 words) about your professional background, any past roles with ICOMOS and other relevant experience.
We seek expressions of interest (EOI) from members to support the work of the Advisory Committee and ACOs in 2021. Interested ICOMOS members should send their EOI to Deirdre McDermott by email by 30 March 2021.
If you have any questions please email the ICOMOS Secretariat by 30 March 2021.
Webinar: Charles Moore and Joseph Maiden – Outreach and Impact, 17 March, 5.45pm AEDT
Webinar: Charles Moore and Joseph Maiden – Outreach and Impact
17 March, 5:45pm AEDT
An online talk by Colleen Morris | bookings are essential
This talk discusses the influence of two directors of Sydney Botanic Garden: Charles Moore, director 1848 to 1896, then Joseph Maiden, 1896 to 1924; periods of continuous direction of 48 & 28 years respectively. As to record-keeping the two were antitheses: on Moore’s death the assiduous Maiden, who left voluminous records, wrote that Moore ‘wrote but little’.
However, Moore’s talent as a designer had an impression on a young William Guilfoyle, who undoubtedly drew on his knowledge of the Sydney garden when he designed the now-renowned Melbourne Botanic Garden. Both Moore & Maiden were influential in shaping attitudes to botany, horticulture, forestry and science in NSW and Australia at a critical time and this presentation will broadly discuss their legacy.
Sydney-siders can thank both for Sydney Botanic Gardens, Hyde, Centennial & Moore Parks and many more, via James Jones, right-hand-chap. Country NSW people can thank all for plantings around public buildings and sites, state-wide. Delivered via the state nursery in Campbelltown by NSW trains.
Melbourne-ites can thank both for Melbourne Botanic Gardens (via Double Bay boy, William Guilfoyle) and we can all thank them for a legacy of experimentation, importation, trialling and public green open space embellishment, which we continue to enjoy the benefits and fruits of, mostly unawares.
Cost: *$15 / 10 AGHS and Foundation & Friends, Sydney Botanic Gardens
Info and Bookings: visit this link
Geelong UNESCO Design Week Events, 19-29 March 2021
Geelong UNESCO Design Week Events, 19-29 March 2021 – Geelong and Region Branch of the National Trust (GRBNT)
History buffs (and people interested in science, engineering and design) must not miss these events about Geelong’s brilliant inventor James Harrison during Geelong’s UNESCO Design Week (19-28 March).
Discoveries of the First and Second Industrial Revolutions were made mostly in the UK and America – except for Harrison’s world-changing 1854 invention of a steam-powered ice making machine here in Geelong, which was then part of a remote British colony.
1. An Online Livestreamed Session James Harrison (1863 – 1893) Inventor – Editor – Entrepreneur
Harrison’s fascinating story includes his professional life as the founding Editor of the Geelong Advertiser in 1840 and his journeys to England pursuing development of his refrigeration inventions.
He was a community leader, an 1850s Town Councillor, politician, philanthropist and advocate for Geelong. Local admirers will take you on some of his life’s journey. Discover his local and world-changing influences.
· When – 19 March 2021 at 7 pm AEDT (Harrison’s Scottish compatriots may view the event at 8 am)
· Where – online; tickets $6, via Trybooking
2. An Exhibition: James Harrison’s Momentous Achievements – models, medals, memorabilia
Patents and models of refrigeration machinery invented by this untrained draughtsman, engineer and visionary will be displayed, with nationally-significant family memorabilia and a timeline of Harrison’s life. Much of the display is on loan from his descendants for just one week, as is a model from Scienceworks.
The venue, Barwon Grange, was being built in 1854 at the same time as Harrison was experimenting nearby.
· When – 20 & 21 March; then 24, 25, 26, 27 & 28 March
· Check Trybooking for daily opening and ticket times
· Attendance numbers at the Exhibition will be subject to COVID restrictions applying at the time
· Where – Barwon Grange (National Trust property), 25 Fernleigh St, Newtown, Geelong
· Tickets for timed entry are $6, via Trybooking
Information on the full Geelong UNESCO Design Week Program is at this link.
Further information on the GRBNT UNESCO Design Week events is at this link.
Architectural Drawings by Miles Lewis: online launch, 4pm AEDT, 28 March

Architectural Drawings by Miles Lewis
This book illuminates the art of architectural drawings.
The best trained and most experienced librarian or curator is likely to confront difficulties in dealing with architectural drawings. Even an architect will be unable to understand some aspects of drawings a century old.
Professor Miles Lewis, a leading architectural historian, in conjunction with the International Confederation of Architectural Museums (Australasia) demonstrates to professional curators how to collect, interpret and conserve these ephemeral works of art. In so doing he reveals fascinating insights and wonderful images for all who appreciate and practise fine art and architecture.
The Author
Miles Lewis AM FAHA, Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning, at the University of Melbourne, is an architectural historian specialising in the cultural history of building.
He edited the international text Architectura, and is an honorary life fellow of the Comité International d’Architecture Vernaculaire. He also has a specialised architectural library collection, some hundreds of titles from which have recently been digitised and added to the online Building Technology Heritage Library (USA).
More information
Online Launch
An online launch for the book is being held on 28 March at 4pm as part of the NGV Art Book Fair. Registration is free but bookings are required – book at this link.
Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail, 10-11 April 2021

The Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail will be held on 10 and 11 April with early bird tickets to the event now on sale.
Over 120 local and guest artisans will demonstrate rare trades that helped build the Bathurst region including blacksmithing, saddlery, dry stone walling, whip making, glass artistry, tapestry, embroidery, carpentry and joinery, violin making and more.
Early bird tickets are just $15 and tickets can also be purchased on the weekend of the event.
For more information, visit this link, follow the event on Facebook and download the Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail 2021 flyer.
Individuals who are interested in demonstrating at the event – download this document EOI to demonstrate at the Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail for details.
Solidarity in culture: Heritage protection under conditions of crisis conference, Online, 18-20 March 2021
Join us at the international virtual conference Solidarity in culture: Heritage protection under conditions of crisis
ICOMOS will be represented during this conference, on Friday 19 March during the Keynote Session 2:
Solidarity in Cultural Heritage: Synergies, Understandings and Opportunities in Coming Together to Protect Our Collective Cultural Heritage
- Christopher Marrion, ICOMOS-ICORP / Marrion Fire and Risk Consulting PE LLC, USA
- Zeynep Gul Unal, ICOMOS-ICORP / YTU, Turkey
More information can be found in the Virtual conference Solidarity in culture leaflet or at the conference website.
DIGIARCH 2021, 24 March 2021
DIGIARCH 2021 – Cultural heritage in the digital age
24 March 2021
The digital age has long since dawned in the field of cultural heritage maintenance. The aim of this conference is to reflect on how to deal with the possibilities of digitized or digital cultural heritage – also against the background of recent experiences of the coronavirus crisis. The conference combines archeology, monument preservation and other areas of cultural heritage.
For more information, visit the conference website. Tickets are via this link.
6th Heritage Forum of Central Europe, ONLINE, 16-18 June 2021 – call for papers deadline 31 March
The organisers of the 6th Heritage Forum of Central Europe, which will be held online on 16–18 June 2021, invite papers that address the theme “Heritage and Development”.
Proposals for 20-minute presentations should include a brief biographical note with your title and institutional affiliation and a maximum 150‑word abstract in English. They should be submitted by email by 31 March 2021.
Visit the conference website and download the call for papers for more information.
Heritage Council of Victoria vacancies – applications close 12 March
Applications are currently being sought for the following vacant Heritage Council positions:
- Member with recognised skills or expertise in heritage law, planning law or property law
- Alternate Member with recognised skills or expertise in history
The Heritage Council of Victoria is made up of ten members and ten alternate members and is an independent statutory authority established under the Heritage Act 2017 that makes decisions on heritage issues in Victoria.
More detailed information is available at the Heritage Council of Victoria website.
Candidates are required to provide an Expression of Interest letter and a detailed CV through Get On Board.
Information for candidates, including required documentation and how to apply online, is available at Get On Board.
Expressions of Interest close on 12 March 2021.
City of Newcastle Urban Design Review Panel – EOI invited | deadline: 16 March
The City of Newcastle is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified design professionals qualified in, but not limited to, architecture, landscape architecture, urban design and heritage conservation, to join the City’s Urban Design Review Panel (UDRP).
The Urban Design Review Panel is a specialist group of design professionals with extensive experience and appreciation of the design issues of the Newcastle Local Government Area. Acting in an advisory capacity, the panel plays a vital part in improving the design quality of new development within the City of Newcastle by providing independent, impartial, expert design advice.
Positions will be filled in accordance with the procedures outlined in the adopted UDRP Charter with successful applicants appointed for a fixed 3-year contract.
For details on how to apply and further information on the Urban Design Review Panel, please visit this link.
Submissions will be received up to 2pm, Tuesday 16 March 2021.
Enquiries can be directed to the tenderlink forum or to Tania Antony on 02 49742735 or email Tania.
Feedback on the Australian Heritage Strategy – deadline: 18 March
The Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment is undertaking a mid-point review of the Australian Heritage Strategy. You can give your feedback on the strategy by visiting its Have Your Say page. Submissions via the Have Your Say website close on 18 March 2021.
Australia ICOMOS members are encouraged to provide feedback, which will be in addition to formal submissions made by Australia ICOMOS and key groups within the organisation. Australia ICOMOS has long encouraged the development of a strategic approach by the Commonwealth, and the first strategy was produced in 2015. The mid-point review is an opportunity to reinforce or stress key strategic directions, both practical issues where progress can readily be made as well as some aspirational directions.
The Department intends to seek further feedback on an updated draft strategy in mid 2021.
You can send questions about the review process to the AHS Review Team by email.
The strategy and other information can be found at this link.
Design in Context Case Studies – call for submissions | deadline: Friday 26 March 2021
The NSW Heritage Office is updating the Design in Context: Guidelines for Infill Development in the Historic Environment, prepared originally in 2005 as a joint publication of Heritage NSW and the NSW Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects.
Detailed information is available in the Design in Context Case Studies – call for submissions.
The deadline for submissions is Friday 26 March 2021.
Safeguarding and reactivating our heritage – grants available | deadline: 26 March
Applications for Round 6 of the Victorian Government’s competitive community Living Heritage Grants Program will open on 1 February 2021 and close on 26 March 2021. Eligible applicants may apply for an amount between $20,000 and $200,000 per project, to fund conservation works to ‘at risk’ places and objects included on the Victorian Heritage Register.
To find out if you are eligible, read the 2021 Program Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions at the Living Heritage Grants Program website.
To apply, follow the link to the online application portal at Living Heritage Grants Program website.
For more information, visit the Living Heritage Grants Program website or contact the Living Heritage Team is via email.
Insurance cost offset grants available for exhibitions of cultural material – applications close 26 March
The Australian Government International Exhibitions Insurance (AGIEI) program is a funding program designed to offset insurance costs for touring major exhibitions of cultural material. Generally, these exhibitions include works from international collections.
The program aims to assist cultural institutions to provide access to significant cultural material the Australian public would not otherwise have an opportunity to access. By providing assistance with insurance costs, the Australian Government is able to encourage and support the staging of major exhibitions drawn from some of the world’s most historically significant and culturally rich collections.
Applications are sought for projects commencing between 1 July 2021 and 31 December 2022.
For more information visit the Australian Government Grants website.
Applications close 26 March 2021.
National Trust (NSW) 2021 Heritage Awards – submissions invited by 29 March 2021
Do you know any projects completed in the last 12 months which promote, preserve or protect the built, natural or cultural heritage of New South Wales?
Projects large and small can be entered by organisations, individuals and community groups that demonstrate excellence in conservation, advocacy, education, interpretation and communication – including a new specific category for projects that promote greater conservation, understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal heritage.
Considering the adaptation of the heritage, culture, arts and community sector in a virtual world over the past year, we encourage any online programs, exhibitions, experiences and community activations and events to be submitted.
Entries close on Monday 29 March 2021. COVID-19 regulations pending, the National Trust Heritage Awards will be presented at the highly anticipated luncheon ceremony on Thursday 13 May 2021 at heritage-listed Doltone House in Pyrmont.
Click here to watch last year’s virtual ceremony, or click here to view the 2019 ceremony highlights, live from Doltone House.
For more information, key dates, entry criteria and the entry process, visit the National Trust Heritage Awards website, or contact The National Trust’s Event Coordinator Jilly Clark via email.
Climate Change and Risk Assessment for Cultural Heritage virtual course, 2021 edition – starts 10 April
Virtual Course on Climate Change and Risk Assessment for Cultural Heritage
2021 Edition available in Spanish, Portuguese and English
Considering the current climate emergency and its impact on heritage conservation, the general objective of this virtual course is for participants to acquire tools to characterize a cultural institution based on the analysis of its building and its collections, in order to evaluate the risk to which its heritage is exposed.
Graduates and students of technical and university careers linked to the management of cultural heritage. Professionals in architecture, design, museology, conservation, restoration, related specialties, cultural managers and public officials.
Duration of the course
The course will last ten weeks (equivalent to 30 hours), will begin on 10 April 2021. The contents and activities of the course modules will be published each week.
More information about this course is available via this link.
Professional Development: ACAHUCH MicroCerts in Urban and Cultural Heritage: now from April 2021 onwards
The Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) at the University of Melbourne is excited to announce the launch of a comprehensive suite of professional development short courses. The ACAHUCH Melbourne MicroCert series is designed for professionals of diverse backgrounds seeking to expand their applied skills in Urban and Cultural Heritage.
Our next lunchtime information session will be held on Wednesday 24 March 2021.
Our four online short courses draw upon the world-leading research, teaching and industry expertise within ACAHUCH.
Introduction to Values-Based Heritage (April 2021)
Gain an understanding of the leading approach to heritage management.
New Approaches to Heritage Significance (June 2021)
Learn cutting-edge techniques for assessing the cultural significance of heritage places.
New Tools for Documenting Heritage Fabric (July 2021)
Discover the technologies changing the ways that historic buildings, structures and materials are documented.
Statutory Heritage (September 2021)
An ideal introduction to urban and cultural heritage practice, statutory heritage schemes, and the key players in the field.
To learn more about the ACAHUCH Melbourne MicroCert series, please contact the Learner Support Team.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Principal Heritage Officer, Heritage Branch, QLD Department of Environment and Science, Brisbane [DEADLINE: 23 March]
Principal Heritage Officers in the Heritage branch provide a high standard of timely, professional advice about implementing the state’s strategic approach to identifying and conserving historical heritage places. For this position there is a focus on places with archaeological cultural heritage significance: terrestrial as well as underwater cultural heritage in Queensland, including ship and aircraft wrecks in State and coastal waters. You will be required to work independently and demonstrate leadership within your discipline group. This Principal Heritage Officer position is located in the Development Assessment and Archaeology team, a multidisciplinary group of highly skilled officers responsible for assessing the impacts of development on places on the Queensland heritage register under a range of legislation including the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 and the Planning Act 2016.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
Applications close 23 March.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Cultural Heritage Specialist, AECOM, Brisbane [Applications reviewed upon submission]
AECOM’s multidisciplinary team of dedicated heritage specialists has an exciting opportunity for an experienced Archaeologist / Cultural Heritage Professional to join the team in Brisbane. This role will see you join a team of heritage specialists with experience in both Aboriginal and historical heritage. We offer clients expertise in heritage management, impact assessments, excavation/salvage and community consultation.
Reporting to the Cultural Heritage Team Lead, you will utilise your well-developed technical expertise to carry out cultural heritage assessments for a range of clients and stakeholders. You will undertake desktop assessments and complete field surveys to identify, document and assess heritage values under State and Commonwealth legislation.
You will produce high quality reporting tailored to our client’s needs and expectations. You will have a client-focused approach, with a passion for fostering positive relationships with clients and communities, and for delivering above-expected outcomes.
This role will give you the opportunity to work in a professional team of specialists who are focused on delivering high quality work for diverse heritage projects around Australia in the Defence, renewables, infrastructure and other sectors. You will be encouraged to grow and develop your career with our business.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
Applications will be reviewed upon submission.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Secretary General, Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC), Québec City, Canada [DEADLINE: 16 April]
The Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) is looking for a Secretary General.
The OWHC is looking for a leader whose main objectives will be to develop and maintain strong bonds among World Heritage Cities and partner organizations, increase the OWHC’s membership, develop a fundraising strategy and represent the interests of the organization around the globe.
Candidates selected for an interview will be contacted in May 2021. These selected candidates will be invited for an interview by the OWHC Board of Directors, which will take place virtually late Spring, early Summer. The Board of Directors will select, among the applicants, three (3) candidates to be proposed to the OWHC General Assembly. These candidates will be invited to the World Congress and General Assembly of the OWHC to be held in Québec City from 7-10 September 2021. The travel expenses of these candidates will be covered by the OWHC*.
For all applicants: the deadline to submit your candidacy is 16 April 2021. This application must be sent exclusively to Ms Andréanne Charest by email. Any questions related to the post and the submission of candidacies must also be sent to Ms Andréanne Charest.
More informatio about this opportunity can be found here.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Project Officer (Temporary) NSW National Parks and Wildlife, Historic & World Heritage Team, [Applications reviewed upon submission w deadline 14 March]
This role will support delivery of a stimulus funded program that was announced in late 2020 by the NSW Government. This funding – provided to create jobs and grow the NSW economy – will focus on the maintenance, repair and restoration of visitor and park management in key locations including some NSW State Heritage Register listed locations to improve the local environment, enhance the visitor experience and support local tourism.
We are looking for a self motivated and highly organised person to fill a Senior Project Officer role with specific historic heritage responsibilities.
About the role
In this role, you will undertake key accountabilities in the context of heritage conservation and philosophy, ensuring high quality work is delivered. You will be providing high level advice and services relating to the assessment, conservation, adaptive reuse and maintenance of historic heritage assets and collections. You will also support the NPWS Operations branches with completing permits and applications for approvals.
To be successful for this role, you will have strong understanding and experience in applying best practice in historic heritage conservation and extensive experience of the NSW Heritage Act approvals process. You will have great interpersonal skills with the ability to supervise a small team ensuring deadlines are met and delivered at high quality. You will also be able to work with limited supervision and re-priortise your work when required. Experience with the Microsoft Office suite is highly desirable. Your ability to write clear reports and briefing notes to a high standard is essential for this role.
For more information about this opportunity, visit the I Work for NSW website.
Applications close Sunday 14 March 2021 (11:59pm).
SITUATION VACANT Graduate Archaeologist (Identified position), GML Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
GML Heritage is seeking a bright and dynamic Graduate Archaeologist to join our consulting team. This is a full-time position based in Sydney. This role is currently only open to applicants who identify as being an Australian First Nations Person.
About us
GML Heritage is one of Australia’s leading heritage consultancies. We have over 30 years of experience and a reputation that sees us working on some of the most interesting and challenging projects in heritage.
At GML we share a commitment to provide heritage advice and services that are founded on bold thinking, intellectual rigour, industry best practice and effective community engagement.
We were recently recognised with the Best Heritage Consulting Firm (<$30m revenue) honour at the 2021 Consult Australia Client Choice Awards (that’s two years in a row!), and our projects and staff continue to win awards for innovative advice and solutions.
Our people are creative and committed specialists including archaeologists, architects, historians and built heritage experts.
The Position
In this role, you will work with and learn from experienced consultants across a range of heritage services. The role sits in the Sydney Aboriginal Cultural Heritage team but might work with colleagues from all over Australia.
You will conduct archaeological field work and support the productions of high-quality reports as you would expect but no two days will be the same.
You will use your knowledge of Archaeology to support a wide range of projects – large and small – with public and private clients. Go to our website to find out more about who we are and what we do and read about the types of work we do.
How to Apply
A position description can be accessed on our careers page.
If this role sounds like you and you are ready for the challenge, then please send your CV and a covering letter addressing the essential criteria noted in the role description to GML Heritage via email. Please include Graduate Archaeologist Identified in the subject heading
Applications will be reviewed upon submission. Please note only applications that address the selection criteria will be considered.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, Extent Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
About Extent Heritage
Extent Heritage is a leading heritage and archaeological consultancy servicing Australia and the Asia Pacific since 1998. We specialise in the provision of archaeological and heritage management services to a diverse range of clients in the private and public sectors.
Our team of archaeologists and heritage specialists have over 25 years’ experience in providing quality archaeological and heritage advice to clients. With extensive experience and the ability to resolve complex heritage management issues, our highly respected and motivated team is the cornerstone to our success.
About the role
An exciting opportunity exists for a Heritage Advisor to join Extent Heritage’s Sydney office Heritage Places team on a full-time basis.
The core business of our heritage places team broadly includes heritage advice and assessment, architectural and building conservation, interpretation, photographic documentation, and cultural heritage management.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
Applications will be reviewed upon submission.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologists, NSW, Extent Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
About Extent Heritage
Extent Heritage is a leading heritage and archaeological consultancy servicing Australia and the Asia Pacific since 1998. We specialise in the provision of archaeological and heritage management services to a diverse range of clients in the private and public sectors.
Our team of archaeologists and heritage specialists have over 25 years’ experience in providing quality archaeological and heritage advice to clients. With extensive experience and the ability to resolve complex heritage management issues, our highly respected and motivated team is the cornerstone to our success.
About the roles
We have a number of senior roles to fill in our NSW Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Services Team. We are looking for candidates with experience managing a range of commercial consultancy projects across Aboriginal and/or historical archaeology. Project management, stakeholder engagement, client liaison, archaeological assessment and excavation, and reporting are critical.
Positions will suit highly motivated and experienced individuals with well-developed research, writing, analytical, project management and technical skills. An understanding of New South Wales heritage legislation is essential and you must love working in who enjoys in a close-knit, supportive team environment.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
Applications will be reviewed upon submission.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRS Heritage Studio, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
NBRS Heritage Studio is continuing to grow and we are now on the look-out for a Senior Heritage Consultant to join our experienced team.
This is a rare opportunity for a seasoned professional with a passion for heritage advice and conservation to join our multi-disciplinary practice and contribute to the growth and development of a high-performing team.
The Role
Working within the Heritage Studio and as part of a dynamic team, you will be responsible for writing reports and providing heritage advice to external clients and NBRS architectural projects.
The role is responsible for providing advice across all areas of heritage management and conservation practice including: heritage studies, thematic histories, heritage assessments, nominations; impact statements; conservation management strategies and conservation management plans; condition assessments; conservation schedule of works; maintenance schedules; expert evidence; archival recording and interpretation plans.
Utilising your excellent writing and advisory skills, the role will see you prepare reports on development feasibility with respect to heritage management issues; recommend maintenance strategies to remediate deteriorated fabric and maintain buildings and sites; and assist in the development of precedents of services and products.
In addition to heritage knowledge, you will also have excellent interpersonal skills to liaise and build relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
This is a ‘hands on’ role and we need a real team player with a positive attitude to take on each new task, no matter how big or small.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
Applications will be reviewed upon submission.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131