[NEW ITEM] City of Newcastle Urban Design Review Panel – EOI invited | deadline: 16 March
[NEW ITEM] Webinar: Charles Moore and Joseph Maiden – Outreach and Impact, 17 March, 5.45pm AEDT
[NEW ITEM] Design in Context Case Studies – call for submissions |deadline: Friday 26 March 2021
[NEW ITEM] National Trust (NSW) 2021 Heritage Awards – submissions invited by 29 March 2021
[NEW ITEM] Book in Exchange for Book Review
[NEW ITEM] 6th Heritage Forum of Central Europe, ONLINE, 16-18 June 2021 – call for papers deadline 31 March
[NEW ITEM] Locomotive 3801 relaunches from 13-14 March
[NEW ITEM] Introducing Heritage Victoria’s new website, and an update on the consultants directory
[NEW ITEM] Greener Places Design Guide – Consultation Report available online
[UPDATED ITEM] New book: The Making of Indigenous Australian Contemporary Art. Arnhem Land Bark Painting 1970-1990 [cover image credit]
[NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House
[NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – News
[NEW ISSUE] News from World Monuments Fund
[NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin
2021 International Online Workshop on Indigenous Heritage, 10-12 March 2021, ONLINE
New exhibition at Port Arthur – Underworld: Mugshots from the roaring twenties, until 30 May
4th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism, online, 20-21 May 2021 | abstract deadline: 2 March 2021 [EXTENDED]
DIGIARCH 2021, 24 March 2021
PhD candidate seeks a second PhD supervisor
Assessment of Lake Burley Griffin and Adjacent Lands for the Commonwealth Heritage List – comments invited by 26 February 2021
2021 Inner West Built Environment Awards (Marrickville Medal) – submissions open & close 7 March
Safeguarding and reactivating our heritage – grants available | deadline: 26 March
Insurance cost offset grants available for exhibitions of cultural material – applications close 26 March
Professional Development: ACAHUCH MicroCerts in Urban and Cultural Heritage: now from April 2021 onwards
Nominations open – 2022 World Monuments Watch | deadline extended to 1 May 2021
International Heritage Co-operation Program | Call for Proposals 2021 – deadline 1 October 2021
Call for Articles: Heritage Special Issue “Smart Heritage: Converging Smart Technologies and Heritage” | see note re: deadline
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Graduate Archaeologist (Identified position), GML Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, Extent Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologists, NSW, Extent Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Advocacy Support Officer, National Trust of Australia (Victoria) [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRS Heritage Studio, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant/Advisor, NBRS Heritage Studio, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, Extent Heritage, Melbourne [DEADLINE: 5 March]
SITUATION VACANT Programme Manager Endangered Wooden Architecture Programme, Oxford Brookes University [DEADLINE: 28 February]
SITUATION VACANT Experienced Architect, Hector Abrahams Architects, Sydney [DEADLINE: 1 March]
1. [NEW ITEM] City of Newcastle Urban Design Review Panel – EOI invited | deadline: 16 March
The City of Newcastle is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified design professionals qualified in, but not limited to, architecture, landscape architecture, urban design and heritage conservation, to join the City’s Urban Design Review Panel (UDRP).
The Urban Design Review Panel is a specialist group of design professionals with extensive experience and appreciation of the design issues of the Newcastle Local Government Area. Acting in an advisory capacity, the panel plays a vital part in improving the design quality of new development within the City of Newcastle by providing independent, impartial, expert design advice.
Positions will be filled in accordance with the procedures outlined in the adopted UDRP Charter with successful applicants appointed for a fixed 3-year contract.
For details on how to apply and further information on the Urban Design Review Panel, please visit this link.
Submissions will be received up to 2pm, Tuesday 16 March 2021.
Enquiries can be directed to the tenderlink forum or to Tania Antony on 02 49742735 or email Tania.
2. [NEW ITEM] Webinar: Charles Moore and Joseph Maiden – Outreach and Impact, 17 March, 5.45pm AEDT
Webinar: Charles Moore and Joseph Maiden – Outreach and Impact
17 March, 5:45pm AEDT
An online talk by Colleen Morris | bookings are essential
This talk discusses the influence of two directors of Sydney Botanic Garden: Charles Moore, director 1848 to 1896, then Joseph Maiden, 1896 to 1924; periods of continuous direction of 48 & 28 years respectively. As to record-keeping the two were antitheses: on Moore’s death the assiduous Maiden, who left voluminous records, wrote that Moore ‘wrote but little’.
However, Moore’s talent as a designer had an impression on a young William Guilfoyle, who undoubtedly drew on his knowledge of the Sydney garden when he designed the now-renowned Melbourne Botanic Garden. Both Moore & Maiden were influential in shaping attitudes to botany, horticulture, forestry and science in NSW and Australia at a critical time and this presentation will broadly discuss their legacy.
Sydney-siders can thank both for Sydney Botanic Gardens, Hyde, Centennial & Moore Parks and many more, via James Jones, right-hand-chap. Country NSW people can thank all for plantings around public buildings and sites, state-wide. Delivered via the state nursery in Campbelltown by NSW trains.
Melbourne-ites can thank both for Melbourne Botanic Gardens (via Double Bay boy, William Guilfoyle) and we can all thank them for a legacy of experimentation, importation, trialling and public green open space embellishment, which we continue to enjoy the benefits and fruits of, mostly unawares.
Cost: *$15 / 10 AGHS and Foundation & Friends, Sydney Botanic Gardens
Info and Bookings: visit this link
3. [NEW ITEM] Design in Context Case Studies – call for submissions |deadline: Friday 26 March 2021
The NSW Heritage Office is updating the Design in Context: Guidelines for Infill Development in the Historic Environment, prepared originally in 2005 as a joint publication of Heritage NSW and the NSW Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects.
Detailed information is available in the Design in Context Case Studies – call for submissions.
The deadline for submissions is Friday 26 March 2021.
4. [NEW ITEM] National Trust (NSW) 2021 Heritage Awards – submissions invited by 29 March 2021
Do you know any projects completed in the last 12 months which promote, preserve or protect the built, natural or cultural heritage of New South Wales?
Projects large and small can be entered by organisations, individuals and community groups that demonstrate excellence in conservation, advocacy, education, interpretation and communication – including a new specific category for projects that promote greater conservation, understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal heritage.
Considering the adaptation of the heritage, culture, arts and community sector in a virtual world over the past year, we encourage any online programs, exhibitions, experiences and community activations and events to be submitted.
Entries close on Monday 29 March 2021. COVID-19 regulations pending, the National Trust Heritage Awards will be presented at the highly anticipated luncheon ceremony on Thursday 13 May 2021 at heritage-listed Doltone House in Pyrmont.
Click here to watch last year’s virtual ceremony, or click here to view the 2019 ceremony highlights, live from Doltone House.
For more information, key dates, entry criteria and the entry process, visit the National Trust Heritage Awards website, or contact The National Trust’s Event Coordinator Jilly Clark via email.
5. [NEW ITEM] Book in Exchange for Book Review
The following new publication is available for review. You will need to write a review of about 700-800 words to be published in Historic Environment (HE), in exchange for the free book. The book review will need to be submitted by mid-April 2021.
- Paine, Ashley, Susan Holden & John Macarthur (eds). 2020. Valuing Architecture: Heritage and the Economics of Culture. Published by Valiz
Please email Ian Kelly, the HE Reviews Editor, if you are interested in reviewing any of the above title. First come, first served!
6. [NEW ITEM] 6th Heritage Forum of Central Europe, ONLINE, 16-18 June 2021 – call for papers deadline 31 March
The organisers of the 6th Heritage Forum of Central Europe, which will be held online on 16–18 June 2021, invite papers that address the theme “Heritage and Development”.
Proposals for 20-minute presentations should include a brief biographical note with your title and institutional affiliation and a maximum 150‑word abstract in English. They should be submitted by email by 31 March 2021.
Visit the conference website and download the call for papers for more information.
7. [NEW ITEM] Locomotive 3801 relaunches from 13-14 March
Following a decade-long restoration, Transport Heritage NSW is pleased to announce the return of locomotive 3801 – designed in the late 1930s and built in 1942. Stand by for belching steam and shrieking whistles, with special rides departing from Central Station on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 March 2021, followed by a program of day trips and shuttle ride weekends in regional NSW.
>> book now, tickets are selling fast
8. [NEW ITEM] Introducing Heritage Victoria’s new website, and an update on the consultants directory
On 22 February 2021 Heritage Victoria launched our new website. The user-friendly, accessible site explains our role and how you can be a good custodian for heritage.
Regular users will find our important information is simplified and streamlined. If you are new to Heritage Victoria, we welcome you to take a look around.
About the website
Our website is an important way for us to share information and updates about our role and responsibility. We interviewed our stakeholders to better understand how our website was being used. We also asked them what information they were looking for on our website, and whether they found it.
We used this information to identify opportunities including:
· intuitive design
· simple guidance on our statutory processes
· a new mapping tool so you can easily find out if a property has statutory heritage protection
· online application forms for permits and permit exemptions
· accessible, easy-to-read content
· more great images of heritage places
· celebration of heritage achievements
· clarifying Heritage Victoria’s role
We’ve rebuilt our website from the ground up with our stakeholders at the centre. It’s also part of a broader plan to create a more consistent experience for customers across Victorian Government websites. The new website’s look is in line with the Single Digital Presence.
What’s new
We’ve worked to bring you:
· a user-focused website built around your needs
· a trusted place for all information about Heritage Victoria’s role and responsibilities
· videos and infographics to communicate our processes
· refreshed and easy-to-understand content
Heritage professionals will find:
· a much simpler menu and layout
· dedicated pages with resources for heritage consultants, archaeologists and maritime archaeologists
· a single resources library where all policy, guidelines and forms are stored
· quick links to our new online forms
· clarity on our processes and timeframes
Update on the consultants directory
The ‘consultants directory’ hosted on Heritage Victoria’s website is a useful register of people and companies who provide specialist advice or technical assistance for heritage properties, objects or collections.
With the launch of the new website, custodianship of the consultants directory will transfer to the National Trust of Australia (Victoria). The new directory will be launched on the National Trust website in May 2021. A link will be included from Heritage Victoria’s website to the new directory.
If you would like to express interest in being included in the consultants directory, please register your details online, and someone from the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) will contact you.
9. [NEW ITEM] Greener Places Design Guide – Consultation Report available online
The draft Greener Places Design Guide (draft guide), which was on public exhibition in June 2020, supports the implementation of Greener Places: an urban green infrastructure design framework, and provides information on how to design, plan and deliver green infrastructure in urban areas throughout NSW.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to have their say. The Department of Planning, Industry & Environment is thrilled with the level of engagement and feedback received on the draft guide. It is key to supporting the delivery of great public spaces and greener places across NSW.
We have produced the draft Greener Places Design Guide Consultation Report, which is now available on our website.
The report includes:
- a brief outline of the engagement undertaken during the development of the draft guide
- a summary of the key themes arising from the submissions received during the draft guide’s public exhibition in 2020, and our responses
- next steps for the development of the guide
We are working towards releasing a final guide which will provide the guidance needed to ensure green infrastructure is planned, delivered and maintained like other forms of grey infrastructure such as roads and railways.
The guide will support the implementation of the proposed Design and Place SEPP as well as delivery of the Premier’s Priorities.
You can read more about this work on the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment website.
10. [UPDATED ITEM] New book: The Making of Indigenous Australian Contemporary Art. Arnhem Land Bark Painting 1970-1990 [cover image credit]

The Making of Indigenous Australian Contemporary Art. Arnhem Land Bark Painting 1970-1990
By Dr Marie Geissler
Cover Image: John Mawurndjul, John Mawurndjul (Kuninjku people), Born 1952, Kubukkan near Marrkolidjban, Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Namanjwarre, saltwater crocodile 1988, Earth pigments on Stringy bark (Eucatylptus tetrodonta), 206.0 x 85.0cm (irreg), Collection Art Gallery of South Australia, Maude Vizard-Wholohan Art Prize Award 1988, © John Mawurndjul/Copyright Agency 2020.
11. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House
To read the latest newsletter from the MOAD @ Old Parliament House, click on the link below.
12. [NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – News
Click on the link below to read the latest from The Johnston Collection.
13. [NEW ISSUE] News from World Monuments Fund
To read the latest news from World Monuments Fund, click here.
14. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin, click on the following link.
Membership of the Australia ICOMOS Strategic Advocacy Reference Group – call for Expressions of Interest: deadline COB 12 March 2021
The current membership of the Australia ICOMOS Strategic Advocacy Reference Group (SARG) has been in place for a number of years, and it is time to refresh the membership, in accordance with the Australia ICOMOS policy for all groups.
The purpose of the SARG is to develop strategic level advice for Australia ICOMOS in relation to political and government level advocacy for cultural heritage, in particular for good heritage practice and heritage outcomes, primarily in the Australian context. It is also to review the strategic advice from time to time, to provide ongoing advice in relation to strategic level advocacy to Australia ICOMOS, and to consider advocacy training needs for Australia ICOMOS. The SARG is not primarily intended to undertake specific advocacy tasks, but rather to provide broader strategic guidance.
Members of the SARG will be selected based on demonstrated expertise and experience relevant to the advocacy work of Australia ICOMOS, although expressions of interest are also invited from those who have a particular interest in strategic advocacy but may not have had extensive experience in this area. This may include Young and/or Emerging Professional members, or members with the potential to develop an ability to contribute. Current SARG members are able to nominate to renew their membership.
More information can be found on the Strategic Advocacy Reference Group webpage and in the EOI document (link below). Please note that all individuals who express an interest in any Australia ICOMOS Working or Reference Group agree to be bound by the documents that can be found here.
Members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to express an interest in becoming a member of this Reference Group by sending a completed SARG_EOI form_February 2021 to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB 12 March 2021.
For further information please contact the current convenor, Duncan Marshall by email.
2021 International Online Workshop on Indigenous Heritage, 10-12 March 2021, ONLINE
ICOMOS Canada and the Indigenous Heritage Circle are coordinating the 2021 International Online Workshop on Indigenous Heritage to launch the ICOMOS Working Group on Indigenous Heritage.
The three-day workshop will consist of keynote speakers, panel discussions, breakout discussions, and artistic expressions / performances exploring important questions and themes surrounding Indigenous Heritage.
The goal of the workshop is to:
- Draft a work plan for the Working Group on Indigenous Heritage
- Review its mandate
- Develop an ICOMOS Declaration on Indigenous Values and Heritage
For registration, please visit this link.
8. [NEW ITEM] New exhibition at Port Arthur – Underworld: Mugshots from the roaring twenties, until 30 May

The World Heritage-listed Port Arthur Historic Site is hosting a traveling photographic exhibition – Underworld: Mugshots from the roaring twenties from 18 February to 30 May.
Sponsored by Spirit of Tasmania, it features a selection of intriguing criminal portraits of police suspects from the 1920s. Explore more than 130 candid and compelling mugshots taken by New South Wales Police between 1920 and 1930. Known as the ‘Specials’, they are unlike any found elsewhere in the world. The exhibition will be on display daily from 11am-4pm at the Port Arthur Asylum. Port Arthur Historic Site ticket holders can enter the exhibition for free.
More information and bookings can be made on our website.
4th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism, online, 20-21 May 2021 | abstract deadline: 2 March 2021 [EXTENDED]
4th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism
Alanya HEP University, Alanya, Turkey – Online
20-21 May 2021
The organizing committee of the 4th International Conference on Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism (ICCAUA 2021) invites abstracts for this conference. The ICCAUA 2021 conference will be held online at Alanya HEP University, Alanya, Turkey, on 20-21 May 2021.
The general conference topics are listed below, with more information at the conference website.
– Architecture and Technology
– Sustainability and Urban Design
– Heritage and Cultural Landscapes
– Habitat Studies and Infra Habitation
– Civil engineering
The publication opportunities can be explored here.
The deadline for abstracts is 2 March 2021.
ALSO NOTE: The conference registration fees have been reduced considerably
DIGIARCH 2021, 24 March 2021
DIGIARCH 2021 – Cultural heritage in the digital age
24 March 2021
The digital age has long since dawned in the field of cultural heritage maintenance. The aim of this conference is to reflect on how to deal with the possibilities of digitized or digital cultural heritage – also against the background of recent experiences of the coronavirus crisis. The conference combines archeology, monument preservation and other areas of cultural heritage.
For more information, visit the conference website. Tickets are via this link.
PhD candidate seeks a second PhD supervisor
Facility Condition Audits (FCAs) form a fundamental element of building maintenance and asset management throughout the whole-of-life (WoL) of a building. Without such inspections, the condition of a building remains unknown, exposing the asset to accelerated deterioration, inappropriate interventions, and increased risk to stakeholders. However, FCAs conducted on a heritage facility within a larger portfolio do not recognise or account for the specialist nature of such community assets. Traditionally, such audits were conducted by qualified inspectors completing handwritten audits based on their specialised understanding of heritage construction materials, design, legislation, and sustainable usage of the building.
Present-day audits possess several issues due to the involvement of unqualified inspectors and biased/inconsistent computer programs that do not reflect heritage concerns, and past literature is mostly limited to the issues and concerns of traditional pre-computer FCA processes.
Contrary to traditional practice, today, unqualified inspectors with limited heritage experience collect site data using computers, leaving the software to make decisions about the facility condition. These programmes are tailored too standard buildings and not heritage assets. Past research considering the issues of present FCA procedures centred upon computer site-data collection by unqualified and limited experienced inspectors hardly exists. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the historical circumstances that led to the present FCA procedures, skills gaps of inspectors and methodologies to separate heritage buildings from the portfolios for individual attention.
Individuals with relevant industry experience with respect to the abstract above, who wish to explore becoming a PhD supervisor for this research, can contact either of the individuals listed below.
PhD candidate: Kevin Stone MA BSc MRICS, 0435 087 581, or email Kevin (or alternate email here)
Main supervisor: Dr Chris Landorf, University of Queensland, +61 7 3346 7098, or email Chris
Assessment of Lake Burley Griffin and Adjacent Lands for the Commonwealth Heritage List – comments invited by 26 February 2021
The Australian Heritage Council has issued a Notice Concerning the Assessment of a Place for the Commonwealth Heritage List. People are invited to comment on the assessment by emailing the Australian Heritage Council.
For more information about this assessment see this Lake Burley Griffin notice, Canberra Times.
More information about the process can be found here.
The deadline is 26 February 2021.
2021 Inner West Built Environment Awards (Marrickville Medal) – submissions open & close 7 March
Submissions for the 2021 Awards now open!
Entries are now open for the 2021 Inner West Built Environment Awards. The two awards, which celebrate the rich heritage of the inner west, are the Marrickville Medal for Conservation and the Inner West Urban Photography Competition.
The theme of this year’s awards is “Our Heritage For the Future”.
Detailed information available here.
Submissions close on Sunday 7 March.
Safeguarding and reactivating our heritage – grants available | deadline: 26 March
Applications for Round 6 of the Victorian Government’s competitive community Living Heritage Grants Program will open on 1 February 2021 and close on 26 March 2021. Eligible applicants may apply for an amount between $20,000 and $200,000 per project, to fund conservation works to ‘at risk’ places and objects included on the Victorian Heritage Register.
To find out if you are eligible, read the 2021 Program Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions at the Living Heritage Grants Program website.
To apply, follow the link to the online application portal at Living Heritage Grants Program website.
For more information, visit the Living Heritage Grants Program website or contact the Living Heritage Team is via email.
Insurance cost offset grants available for exhibitions of cultural material – applications close 26 March
The Australian Government International Exhibitions Insurance (AGIEI) program is a funding program designed to offset insurance costs for touring major exhibitions of cultural material. Generally, these exhibitions include works from international collections.
The program aims to assist cultural institutions to provide access to significant cultural material the Australian public would not otherwise have an opportunity to access. By providing assistance with insurance costs, the Australian Government is able to encourage and support the staging of major exhibitions drawn from some of the world’s most historically significant and culturally rich collections.
Applications are sought for projects commencing between 1 July 2021 and 31 December 2022.
For more information visit the Australian Government Grants website.
Applications close 26 March 2021.
Professional Development: ACAHUCH MicroCerts in Urban and Cultural Heritage: now from April 2021 onwards
The Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) at the University of Melbourne is excited to announce the launch of a comprehensive suite of professional development short courses. The ACAHUCH Melbourne MicroCert series is designed for professionals of diverse backgrounds seeking to expand their applied skills in Urban and Cultural Heritage.
Our next lunchtime information session will be held on Wednesday 24 March 2021.
Our four online short courses draw upon the world-leading research, teaching and industry expertise within ACAHUCH.
Introduction to Values-Based Heritage (April 2021)
Gain an understanding of the leading approach to heritage management.
New Approaches to Heritage Significance (June 2021)
Learn cutting-edge techniques for assessing the cultural significance of heritage places.
New Tools for Documenting Heritage Fabric (July 2021)
Discover the technologies changing the ways that historic buildings, structures and materials are documented.
Statutory Heritage (September 2021)
An ideal introduction to urban and cultural heritage practice, statutory heritage schemes, and the key players in the field.
To learn more about the ACAHUCH Melbourne MicroCert series, please contact the Learner Support Team.
Nominations open – 2022 World Monuments Watch | deadline extended to 1 May 2021
World Monuments Fund (WMF) is now accepting nominations for the 2022 World Monuments Watch.
The World Monuments Watch is a two-year program that seeks to discover, spotlight, and take action on behalf of heritage places facing challenges or presenting outstanding opportunities of direct relevance to our global society. Every two-year cycle of the Watch includes 25 heritage places from around the world, selected for their cultural significance, the need or opportunity for urgent or timely action, and the potential for World Monuments Fund to make a meaningful difference.
Through the Watch, WMF collaborates with local partners to design and implement targeted conservation programs – including advocacy, planning, education, and physical interventions in the historic built environment. The ultimate goal of the program since its inception has been to improve human well-being through cultural heritage preservation.
The 2022 cycle of the Watch is taking place amidst circumstances that have revealed the profound interconnectedness of our world. Together, we can innovate to create a more harmonious world where the past and present cohabitate, where local communities and their cultural heritage are recognized and respected, and where we and future generations have the capacity to appreciate our history, respect our differences, and better understand each other.
We are looking for nominations with clear potential to respond to the global need to ensure equitable representation for all, and the pressing challenges of climate change and imbalanced tourism.
To learn more about the nomination process, click here.
In conjunction with the 2022 World Monuments Watch, WMF is also highlighting past Watch sites that engage with priority themes for the 2022 Watch: underrepresented heritage, climate change, and imbalanced tourism.
Submissions will be accepted until 1 May 2021.
International Heritage Co-operation Program | Call for Proposals 2021 – deadline 1 October 2021
The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Canberra, Australia welcomes project proposals for Dutch-Australian Cultural Heritage.
Project proposals are now welcome for initiatives under the International Heritage Co-operation program of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Proposals for projects that actively promote intangible and tangible shared Dutch-Australian cultural heritage will be accepted for consideration until 1 October 2021 for grant allocations up to $30,000 (AUD)
The 4 Ms | Maritime, Military, Migrant & Mercantile heritage
The Embassy’s International Heritage program focuses on four pillars: Maritime, Military, Migrant and Mercantile heritage – the so called 4 M’s. The focus of the program over the next four years is on the sustainable preservation of this heritage, particularly through digitization.
For detailed information, including eligibility and selection criteria, visit the Kingdom of the Netherlands website.
Applications will be accepted until 1 October 2021 or until funding is exhausted. Early applications are advised.
Call for Articles: Heritage Special Issue “Smart Heritage: Converging Smart Technologies and Heritage” | see note re: deadline
Smart technology and artificial intelligence are expanding into novel research and practical fields to create innovative solutions for society. Next in this evolutionary expansion is the heritage discipline, from which the convergence forms the unique Smart Heritage discourse. Smart Heritage is the convergence of autonomous and automatic technologies with the subjective processes associated with interpreting and valuing the past.
This Special Issue of Heritage (ISSN 2571-9408) provides a platform for examining, investigating, and proposing the convergence of smart technology and artificial intelligence with the heritage discipline. The issue welcomes contributors to explore this convergence in the areas of heritage, digital information technology and computing, museum studies, architecture, governance and policy, and urban planning.
Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Marc Aurel Schnabel, Mr. David Batchelor, Dr. Michael Dudding; Victoria University of Wellington
More Information is available at this link.
NOTE: Whilst the publisher deadline is 31 December 2021, the editors will progress with an issue once they have sufficient numbers of articles, and publish later articles in a part-two following issue.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Graduate Archaeologist (Identified position), GML Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
GML Heritage is seeking a bright and dynamic Graduate Archaeologist to join our consulting team. This is a full-time position based in Sydney. This role is currently only open to applicants who identify as being an Australian First Nations Person.
About us
GML Heritage is one of Australia’s leading heritage consultancies. We have over 30 years of experience and a reputation that sees us working on some of the most interesting and challenging projects in heritage.
At GML we share a commitment to provide heritage advice and services that are founded on bold thinking, intellectual rigour, industry best practice and effective community engagement.
We were recently recognised with the Best Heritage Consulting Firm (<$30m revenue) honour at the 2021 Consult Australia Client Choice Awards (that’s two years in a row!), and our projects and staff continue to win awards for innovative advice and solutions.
Our people are creative and committed specialists including archaeologists, architects, historians and built heritage experts.
The Position
In this role, you will work with and learn from experienced consultants across a range of heritage services. The role sits in the Sydney Aboriginal Cultural Heritage team but might work with colleagues from all over Australia.
You will conduct archaeological field work and support the productions of high-quality reports as you would expect but no two days will be the same.
You will use your knowledge of Archaeology to support a wide range of projects – large and small – with public and private clients. Go to our website to find out more about who we are and what we do and read about the types of work we do.
How to Apply
A position description can be accessed on our careers page.
If this role sounds like you and you are ready for the challenge, then please send your CV and a covering letter addressing the essential criteria noted in the role description to GML Heritage via email. Please include Graduate Archaeologist Identified in the subject heading
Applications will be reviewed upon submission. Please note only applications that address the selection criteria will be considered.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, Extent Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
About Extent Heritage
Extent Heritage is a leading heritage and archaeological consultancy servicing Australia and the Asia Pacific since 1998. We specialise in the provision of archaeological and heritage management services to a diverse range of clients in the private and public sectors.
Our team of archaeologists and heritage specialists have over 25 years’ experience in providing quality archaeological and heritage advice to clients. With extensive experience and the ability to resolve complex heritage management issues, our highly respected and motivated team is the cornerstone to our success.
About the role
An exciting opportunity exists for a Heritage Advisor to join Extent Heritage’s Sydney office Heritage Places team on a full-time basis.
The core business of our heritage places team broadly includes heritage advice and assessment, architectural and building conservation, interpretation, photographic documentation, and cultural heritage management.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
Applications will be reviewed upon submission.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologists, NSW, Extent Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
About Extent Heritage
Extent Heritage is a leading heritage and archaeological consultancy servicing Australia and the Asia Pacific since 1998. We specialise in the provision of archaeological and heritage management services to a diverse range of clients in the private and public sectors.
Our team of archaeologists and heritage specialists have over 25 years’ experience in providing quality archaeological and heritage advice to clients. With extensive experience and the ability to resolve complex heritage management issues, our highly respected and motivated team is the cornerstone to our success.
About the roles
We have a number of senior roles to fill in our NSW Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Services Team. We are looking for candidates with experience managing a range of commercial consultancy projects across Aboriginal and/or historical archaeology. Project management, stakeholder engagement, client liaison, archaeological assessment and excavation, and reporting are critical.
Positions will suit highly motivated and experienced individuals with well-developed research, writing, analytical, project management and technical skills. An understanding of New South Wales heritage legislation is essential and you must love working in who enjoys in a close-knit, supportive team environment.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
Applications will be reviewed upon submission.
SITUATION VACANT Advocacy Support Officer, National Trust of Australia (Victoria) [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Advocacy Support Officer, National Trust of Australia (Victoria), 6 month contract, part time (0.6FTE/3 days per week)
Do you want to make a difference in the protection and celebration of Victoria’s cultural heritage? A rare opportunity for a highly motivated individual has opened up at the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) in our small and dynamic advocacy team. The Advocacy Support Officer will be the first point of contact for the National Trust advocacy team, and will assist in the delivery of the Australian Heritage Festival (18 April—2 May), providing administrative, editorial, customer service, and marketing support to the Festival Coordinator, and liaising with National Trust staff and event organisers across Victoria. The Advocacy Support Officer will also assist with the establishment of a new industry directory service in consultation with heritage and allied professionals across Victoria, and provide support to our small, busy team, undertaking a range of administrative duties including filing and archive management, writing advocacy briefs and correspondence, media monitoring, and coordinating our busy property certificates service.
Applications will close once a suitable candidate is found. For details on how to apply, visit our website.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRS Heritage Studio, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
NBRS Heritage Studio is continuing to grow and we are now on the look-out for a Senior Heritage Consultant to join our experienced team.
This is a rare opportunity for a seasoned professional with a passion for heritage advice and conservation to join our multi-disciplinary practice and contribute to the growth and development of a high-performing team.
The Role
Working within the Heritage Studio and as part of a dynamic team, you will be responsible for writing reports and providing heritage advice to external clients and NBRS architectural projects.
The role is responsible for providing advice across all areas of heritage management and conservation practice including: heritage studies, thematic histories, heritage assessments, nominations; impact statements; conservation management strategies and conservation management plans; condition assessments; conservation schedule of works; maintenance schedules; expert evidence; archival recording and interpretation plans.
Utilising your excellent writing and advisory skills, the role will see you prepare reports on development feasibility with respect to heritage management issues; recommend maintenance strategies to remediate deteriorated fabric and maintain buildings and sites; and assist in the development of precedents of services and products.
In addition to heritage knowledge, you will also have excellent interpersonal skills to liaise and build relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
This is a ‘hands on’ role and we need a real team player with a positive attitude to take on each new task, no matter how big or small.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
Applications will be reviewed upon submission.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant/Advisor, NBRS Heritage Studio, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
NBRS Heritage Studio is working on some exciting new projects and we are now on the look-out for a Heritage Consultant/Advisor to join our team.
This is a unique opportunity for a dynamic individual with a passion for heritage advice and conservation to join our multi-disciplinary practice and contribute to the growth and development of a high-performing team.
The Role
Working within the Heritage Studio and as part of a close-knit team, you will be responsible for writing reports and providing heritage advice to external clients and NBRS architectural projects.
The role is responsible for providing advice across all areas of heritage management and conservation practice including: heritage studies, thematic histories, heritage assessments, nominations; impact statements; conservation management strategies and conservation management plans; condition assessments; archival recording and interpretation plans.
Utilising your excellent writing and research skills, the role will see you prepare reports on development feasibility with respect to heritage management issues; recommend maintenance strategies and assist in the development of precedents of services and products.
In addition to heritage knowledge, you will also have excellent interpersonal skills to liaise and build relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
This is a ‘hands on’ role and we need a real team player with a positive attitude to take on each new task, no matter how big or small.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
Applications will be reviewed upon submission.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, Extent Heritage, Melbourne [DEADLINE: 5 March]
About Extent Heritage
Extent Heritage is a leading heritage and archaeological consultancy servicing Australia and the Asia Pacific since 1998. We specialise in the provision of archaeological and heritage management services to a diverse range of clients in the private and public sectors. With teams based across Australia, Extent Heritage provides a single point of service for heritage assessment and management requirements across the country.
Our team of archaeologists and heritage specialists have over 25 years’ experience in providing quality archaeological and heritage advice to clients. With extensive experience and the ability to resolve complex heritage management issues, our highly respected and motivated team is the cornerstone to our success.
About the role
An exciting opportunity exists for a Heritage Advisor to join Extent Heritage’s Heritage Places team in Melbourne on a full-time basis. This role will report into Team Leader (Heritage Places), Victoria.
The core business of our Heritage Places team is built heritage conservation, inclusive of heritage buildings and structures, landscapes and objects. The team works with a wide range of clients, including local and state government, architects, planners, developers and owners of heritage places to proactively identify, assess and manage heritage. This client base presents staff with many unique and diverse project opportunities.
More information about this opportunity can be found here.
Applications close 5 March.
SITUATION VACANT Programme Manager Endangered Wooden Architecture Programme, Oxford Brookes University [DEADLINE: 28 February]
The School of Architecture is host to a £5 million grant-giving programme that will improve the documentation of endangered wooden architecture throughout the world and make records freely available online. The Endangered Wooden Architecture Programme (EWAP) has been made possible through a grant from Arcadia – a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin.
The aim of the programme is to provide funding to researchers to establish an open-access digital repository, which will document endangered wooden building traditions and preserve records long term. The programme further aims to develop research capacity, foster new collaborations and initiatives, and raise awareness and appreciation of wooden architecture around the world.
The role of the Programme Manager is to ensure the smooth running of the programme and to ensure that the programme objectives, tasks and deliverables are met within the defined timetable and budget. Specifically, the Programme Manager will be responsible for developing and implementing a rigorous grant application system, maintaining regular contact with grantees, and supporting the transfer of project data into the Arches database.
The Programme Manager will assist with the development, maintenance and enhancement of the programme data management plan and metadata field structure, and develop, implement and manage an online training programme for grantees. On a day-to-day basis, the Programme Manager will be responsible for managing the programme’s administration, budget and finances, publicity and media strategy.
This is a full-time, fixed-term appointment for 5 years starting on 1 June 2021.
For more information about this role, visit the Oxford Brookes University website.
Applications close 28 February 2021.
SITUATION VACANT Experienced Architect, Hector Abrahams Architects, Sydney [DEADLINE: 1 March]
Hector Abrahams Architects is looking for an experienced architect to lead projects in our Practice
Applicants should demonstrate that they:
- Enjoy exploring ideas and problems through drawing
- Have an interest in old and existing buildings and how they can be maintained and adapted
- Have an interest in and knowledge of how buildings are put together, detailing, materials, process, construction and craftsmanship. A particular interest in and knowledge of traditional materials and craftsmanship will be a significant advantage
We have and pursue projects ranging from the conservation of heritage buildings, through new building and creative re-use, to strategic thinking and planning for a variety of institutional and community clients. It is a very interesting collection of problems to explore.
Applicants should have about 5 years’ experience post-graduation. Applicants should be registered architects in NSW or in an equivalent system (e.g. the UK or NZ).
Please send us a letter of introduction, CV, Sample portfolio to Hector Abrahams Architects by email before Monday 1 March 2021.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131