[NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS Submission to the Review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA) – Phase 3 Draft Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2020
[NEW ITEM] Peter Phillips’ candidacy for the 2020 ICOMOS Board elections
[NEW ITEM] Books in Exchange for Book Reviews
[NEW ITEM] SDGWG Webinar 2: Economy & Prosperity, 17 October, 14:00 – 15:30 CET | 22:00 – 23:30 AEDT
[NEW ITEM] Henry Parkes Oration, 19 October, 5.45pm – Museum of Australian Democracy + LIVESTREAM
[NEW ITEM] Zoom Lecture: Uni of Syd Alumni Speaker Series, with Angie Abdilla, 20 October, 1.00pm AEDT
[NEW ITEM] ICAHM webinar on authenticity, 25 October, 12.00pm GMT | 10.00pm AEDT
[NEW ITEM] State of Environment 2021 public consultation – have your say by 25 October
[NEW ITEM] Sydney Open, 6-8 November – program online | including New Heritage session, 6 November, 7.30-8.30pm AEDT
[NEW ITEM] Former Hoffman Brickworks, Brunswick, Victoria Demolition and development application
[NEW ITEM] Next PAC scholarships round open and closes 11 November
[NEW ITEM] Call for Expressions of Interest for IIWC Membership: deadline 15 November 2020
[NEW ITEM] ICOMOS France conference on Timber Heritage Buildings, Zoom, 4-6 November 2020 (information in French only)
[NEW ITEM] World Heritage – Mission to Shape the Future! conference, Leipzig, 5-6 November 2020 – registration open until 30 October
[NEW ITEM] Digital Forum Urban Agenda for the EU, 24-25 November 2020, online delivery
[NEW ITEM] ICCROM launches a community-based game on IDDRR
[NEW ITEM] CHNT conference, 4-6 November 2020, ONLINE – program online + more news
[NEW ISSUE] Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin
[NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House
Call for Expressions of Interest for ISCES Membership: deadline 26 October 2020
Capturing Intangible Heritage: NSC-ICH Annual Meeting & Webinar, 5 November, 4-6pm (AEST)
Webinar: Heritage and Waste, 16 October, 12:00-1:30 pm EST (Canada) | 3am, 17 October AEDT
World Monuments Fund events: Fake Heritage book launch, 21 October | “Heritage Now” series – next session 30 October
2020 Online Lecture Series: ‘Understanding World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation’ – next session, 22 October
Fremantle Studies Day, 25 October, Fremantle
ICOMOS Webinar Series: Cultural heritage solutions for water challenges – next session, 17 November
Launch of the Melbourne MicroCerts in Urban and Cultural Heritage: Forthcoming Information Session, 21 October 2020
Protected Areas Collaboration for Learning & Research – Media Release and Seeking Expressions of Interest for various committees: deadline 22 October
Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards – nominations open until 23 October
Sustainable Heritage Management Foundation Course, November 2020 to April 2021 – applications close 26 October
Deakin University – apply now for Heritage courses offered in 2021 | Dual Award application deadline: 31 October 2020
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Environment Officer – Heritage, Sydney Metro, Sydney [DEADLINE: 23 October]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Heritage South Australia [DEADLINE: 31 October]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Lovell Chen, Melbourne
[NEW] SITUATION WANTED Master’s student seeking work experience
SITUATION WANTED PhD candidate seeking professional opportunities
1. [NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS Submission to the Review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA) – Phase 3 Draft Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2020
Australia ICOMOS has made a major submission to this review, a copy of which can be found on the Submissions page of the Australia ICOMOS website. This is the third submission Australia ICOMOS has made to the review. Australia ICOMOS commended the Western Australian Government for undertaking a substantial review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA). However, the Draft Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2020 falls very far short of what is required today, particularly in relation to recognising the rights of Indigenous people and in providing adequate protections for Aboriginal cultural heritage. The draft bill in its current form is unlikely to deliver adequate or effective Aboriginal cultural heritage protection or Aboriginal participation. It would not be able, in its current form, to protect from situations such as arose with the Juukan Gorge rockshelters.
Australia ICOMOS has strongly urged that the current Draft Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2020 be significantly amended to address these shortcomings. It has also recommended that final review of the bill be delayed until the findings of the Joint Standing Committee for Northern Australia’s Inquiry into the Destruction of the Juukan Rockshelters are handed down and can be taken into account.
2. [NEW ITEM] Peter Phillips’ candidacy for the 2020 ICOMOS Board elections
Peter Phillips has advised the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) that after much thought and discussion, he has decided to withdraw his candidacy for the Presidency of ICOMOS, and instead to nominate simply for a position on the Board. He writes:
- “I have come to this decision after a very difficult six months or so in the Secretary General’s position, during which there have been numerous Zoom meetings and email exchanges going late into the night. I have come to realise that until the world has successfully dealt with COVID-19 (at least another year and possibly more) this pattern would be likely to continue even more relentlessly if I were President. Consequently, I am now very doubtful that I would be able to bring to the position the time and energy that it will undoubtedly demand. I believe that instead I can better serve ICOMOS by remaining on the Board and being able to choose what I take on, such as helping to mentor the new Board members and future leaders.
I know that this decision may disappoint many of you and I assure you that it has not been an easy one. I am more grateful than I can say for all the support I have received.”
The EC fully supports Peter’s decision, and would like take this opportunity to acknowledge his dedication to both ICOMOS and Australia ICOMOS, and the tremendous amount of time and energy this has involved over many years.
3. [NEW ITEM] Books in Exchange for Book Reviews
The following new publications are available for review. You will need to write a review of about 700-800 words to be published in Historic Environment (HE), in exchange for the free book. The book reviews will need to be submitted by early November.
Yujie Zhu and Christina Maags, 2020. Heritage Politics in China: The Power of the Past, Routledge
Rodney Harrison et al, 2020. Heritage Futures: Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices UCL Press
free download from this link**
Please email Ian Kelly, the HE Reviews Editor, if you are interested in reviewing any of the above title. First come, first served!
NOTE: ** The first person to email the HE Reviews Editor about this one will have their review published.
4. [NEW ITEM] SDGWG Webinar 2: Economy & Prosperity, 17 October, 14:00 – 15:30 CET | 22:00 – 23:30 AEST
The ICOMOS Sustainable Development Goals Working Group (SDGWG) is pleased to announce the second webinar of the SDGWG Webinar Series, which will form part of the ICOMOS Webinar Series.
SDGWG Webinar 2: Economy & Prosperity: Driving Community-Based Sustainable Development through Cultural Tourism and Employment
Travel, tourism and COVID-19
Travel & Tourism is a dynamic engine of employment opportunities, where jobs in the industry particularly support women, youth and other, often marginalised groups of society. In 2019, Travel & Tourism’s direct, indirect and induced impact accounted for US$8.9 trillion contribution to the world’s GDP, or 10.3% of the global total, and 330 million jobs, representing 1 in 10 employed around the world. In January 2020, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Tourism Barometer recorded that international tourist arrivals worldwide grew 4% in 2019 to reach 1.5 billion visitors in total. Based on current trends at that time, economic prospects and the UNWTO Confidence Index, the organization forecasted a growth of 4% in international tourist arrivals worldwide in 2020….
(>> read more at the registration link below).
Details of the Webinar
This webinar will provide an overview of the current and future view of the cultural tourism-supported visitor economy, and the design and implementation of innovative cultural tourism-related digital and funding platforms incorporating the tourism and employment SDG Targets outlined below:
- SDG Target 5a: Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance and natural resources, in accordance with national laws.
- SDG Target 8.9: By 2030 devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism which creates jobs, promotes local culture and products.
- SDG Target 12b: Develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts for sustainable tourism which creates jobs, promotes local culture and products.
- SDG Target 14.7: By 2030 increase the economic benefits to SIDS and LDCs from the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism.
Date: 17 October 2020
Time: 14:00 – 15:30 CET | 22:00 – 23:30 AEST
Register at this link
Zoom links will be provided on completion of the registration process.
5. [NEW ITEM] Henry Parkes Oration, 19 October, 5.45pm – Museum of Australian Democracy + LIVESTREAM
Henry Parkes Oration
19 October, 5.45pm
Museum of Australian Democracy
You are invited to hear Professor Mark Kenny give the Henry Parkes Oration 2020 – Why looking back is the only way forward: COVID-19, the Federation, and the chance of genuine reconciliation.
Mark Kenny is currently Professor at the ANU’s Australian Studies Institute, with research interests across national politics, comparative studies, democracy and the rise of populism. He joined the Institute after a high-profile career as a journalist, including six years as chief political correspondent and national affairs editor for The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times.
Tickets are free and include a beverage | Bookings essential as spaces are limited
>> more information + registration links
6. [NEW ITEM] Zoom Lecture: Uni of Syd Alumni Speaker Series, with Angie Abdilla, 20 October, 1.00pm AEDT
Please join the University of Sydney School of Architecture, Design & Planning for online Semester 2 ADP Speaker Series with Angie Abdilla.
How can Country Centered Design create systemic change, Indigenous agency and autonomy?
Old Ways, New is an Indigenous-owned and led social enterprise based on Gadigal land in Redfern, Sydney, working with Indigenous Custodian, knowledge holders and young people.
The company has two arms, working as one body. They deliver consultancy services for the built environment, designing immersive experiences that combine Indigenous cultural knowledges and placemaking principles. These profits support Indigenous-led initiatives and programs as part of the research & development arm of the company. This work provides a pathway to utilise Indigenous Knowledges and Knowledge systems in the design of new and emerging engineering practices and computer software technologies. Why? For the restoration, revitalisation, health and wellbeing of Country and its communities.
Date: Tuesday 20 October
Time: 1:00 – 2:00pm AEDT
Cost: FREE
ONLINE: RSVP on EventBrite for the link
NOTE: This is a free event, however there is limited capacity so please be sure to RSVP.
7. [NEW ITEM] ICAHM webinar on authenticity, 25 October, 12.00pm GMT | 10.00pm AEDT
The ICAHM webinar on authenticity is fast approaching!
On 25 October 2020 (noon GMT), three presenters will explore the concepts of authenticity within different global contexts, followed by a ‘round table’ discussion on authenticity in archaeological heritage management.
- Dr James Flexner “Building authentic community partnerships in fieldwork”
- Prof Michael Jansen “Authenticity(ies) in the understanding of conservation during the British Raj and their reflection in today’s World Heritage”
- Dr Ndukuyakhe Ndlovu “Authenticity and integrity in an African context: a critical review”
Register in advance for this meeting and you will then receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting.
Please contact Matt Whincop by email if you have any questions about the webinar or have a suggested discussion topic for the round table.
The International Committee for Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM) looks forward to having you join them.
8. [NEW ITEM] State of Environment 2021 public consultation – have your say by 25 October
State of the Environment 2021 (SoE 2021) public consultation scoping papers are now available on Have Your Say for your feedback. We want your input to make this report as useful as possible.
There are twelve themes covering Air quality, Antarctica, Biodiversity, Climate, Coasts, Extreme events, Heritage, Indigenous knowledge, Inland water, Land, Marine and Urban.
Each thematic scoping paper has been drafted by independent authors including Indigenous experts integrating Indigenous knowledge and western science systems. This will ensure Indigenous views, values and knowledge are used to inform decision making for better environmental outcomes in caring for country.
Please review with our purpose in mind to: provide a strategic view to shape policy and action, engage with users to influence behaviour and assist with assessing our interventions as stewards for the Australian environment.
Scoping papers:
- set out a proposed structure, indicative scope of the theme and linkages to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal framework
- include an outline of key data sources and propose a number of potential case studies to illustrate emerging issues, current management initiatives and lessons learned
- indicate the interlinkages between the themes and how these interlinkages might be managed as the authors develop their themes.
Visit this link to access these draft scoping papers, together with a short survey. The survey will close at midnight on Sunday 25 October.
Additional information
These documents are early drafts and the absence of a particular subject, topic or issue does not necessarily mean the authors will not include it as they draft their thematic content over the months ahead. Your feedback on subjects, topics or issues that you think should be included will help ensure that the reports reflect user needs; suggested case studies and policy or program responses are also requested.
9. [NEW ITEM] Sydney Open, 6-8 November – program online | including New Heritage session, 6 November, 7.30-8.30pm AEDT
Join us for our first-ever digital Sydney Open, going live 6-8 November. We invite you to discover your city in new ways with our line-up of live streamed talks, never before seen content, self-guided audio tours and more.
Enjoy a special sneak peek of the program here.
Of particular interest might be the session on New Heritage, 6 November, 7.30-8.30pm AEDT.
10. [NEW ITEM] Former Hoffman Brickworks, Brunswick, Victoria Demolition and development application
Former Hoffman Brickworks, Brunswick, Victoria Demolition and development application.
Victorian Heritage Register No. H0703.
The Statement of Significance can be found at this link.
Heritage Victoria has advertised a permit application to demolish the brick pressing shed (B5) and former steam engine house (B6) and construct a seven storey replacement building with rooftop garden.
The submission period closes on 10 November 2020.
A link to the application documents can be found here.
Posted at the request of Megan McDougall and Keith Baker
Co-convenors, Australia ICOMOS NSC on Industrial Heritage
11. [NEW ITEM] Next PAC scholarships round open and closes 11 November
The Protected Areas Collaboration for Learning & Research (PAC) is inviting applications for their next scholarship cohort. You can find the list of eligible courses at their Current Courses page.
Please familiarise yourself with course prices and gather any further information about scholarship courses before applying for a scholarship.
To be eligible for a scholarship, applicants must be based in Australia, Asia or the Pacific.
More information on how to apply is available here.
Please note submissions are due by midnight AEST 11 November 2020.
12. [NEW ITEM] Call for Expressions of Interest for IIWC Membership: deadline 15 November 2020
Expressions of interest are invited from ICOMOS members of various professional backgrounds who have experience, knowledge, or particular interest in the preservation of wood in historic buildings or structures to join IIWC, the ICOMOS International Scientific Wood Committee established in 1975. There are two categories of individual membership: Expert members (with a speciality in the field of wood conservation) and Associate members (who wish to gain knowledge and build up an expertise in a given field through active volunteer work).
An Expert Member of the IIWC will be accepted on the basis of their individual profile, particularly knowledge of / associations with the conservation of wooden cultural heritage, application of the IIWC principles and the diversity of their application in different cultures and contexts. IIWC was formed largely by the original authors of the Nara Document on Authenticity, which came to be fully realised in the formation ICH Intangible Cultural Heritage committee.
Individuals who wish to become members of IIWC, whether in the Expert or Associate category, must also be members of ICOMOS. All members are expected to contribute to the activities and objectives of the IIWC.
We encourage early career ICOMOS members (Emerging Professionals) to apply. Emerging Professionals are individual members of ICOMOS who are students or in the early stage of their careers. An Emerging Professional may be an Expert Member or an Associate Member as described above.
For more information and instructions on how to apply, visit the IIWC website. Any queries in relation to the IIWC can be directed to Tanya Park by email. Tanya is an Expert member of this ISC and is also the current voting member representing Australia ICOMOS.
Apply by 15 November 2020.
13. [NEW ITEM] ICOMOS France conference on Timber Heritage Buildings, Zoom, 4-6 November 2020 (information in French only)
ICOMOS France en partenariat avec la SFIIC et le LRMH organise le colloque “Intervenir sur le bâti en bois du patrimoine: méthodes d’hier à aujourd’hui”.
Compte tenu de la situation sanitaire actuelle et des restrictions réglementaires relatives au rassemblement de personnes, ce colloque vous est proposé en visio conférence sur ZOOM.
Nous sommes très heureux de maintenir ce riche programme et, de cette manière, atteindre un public plus large en France et à travers le monde.
Une publication scientifique disponible en fin d’année 2020/ début 2021 rassemblera l’ensemble des interventions qui vous seront présentées.
Le tarif de participation à l’événement est fixé à 70 euros (60 € pour les membres ICOMOS et SFIIC). Il comprend le pré-achat de la publication ainsi que les liens de connexion pour assister en direct aux différentes présentations plénières et ateliers ainsi qu’aux débats qui s’en suivront.
L’inscription est obligatoire. Dans les onglets ci-dessous, vous trouverez:
1/ le programme complet des journées
2/ le formulaire de demande d’inscription.
A réception de votre inscription, nous vous adresserons par email les modalités de paiement.
Lorsque votre paiement sera effectué, nous vous confirmerons par email votre inscription ainsi que les identifiants de connexion aux conférences auxquelles vous vous serez
For any questions regarding the registration process (or anything else), email ICOMOS France.
14. [NEW ITEM] World Heritage – Mission to Shape the Future! conference, Leipzig, 5-6 November 2020 – registration open until 30 October
The official program of the World Heritage – Mission to Shape the Future! conference, Leipzig, 5-6 November 2020 is now online.
This year‘s conference, with the theme “World Heritage and Sustainability”, deals with the potential of World Heritage education for a sustainable design of our future. The aim is to interpret the World Heritage Site in a contemporary way and to focus in particular on young people. Motivating the younger generations to actively participate in the sustainable further development of World Heritage Sites can serve as a model and provide impulses to develop entire regions.
Please register until 30 October 2020 at this link.
15. [NEW ITEM] Digital Forum Urban Agenda for the EU, 24-25 November 2020, online delivery
Digital Forum Urban Agenda for the EU Culture and Cultural Heritage in Europe – strengthen – promote – develop
24-25 November 2020
The German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community and the Italian National Governmental Agency for Territorial Cohesion invite you to attend the Digital Forum Urban Agenda for the EU on 24-25 November as part of the EU Council Presidency. During the Forum, the Action Plan on cultural heritage will be discussed and finalized.
Register at this link.
For more information, download the Digital Forum_Urban Agenda – Nov 2020.
16. [NEW ITEM] ICCROM launches a community-based game on IDDRR
The International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR) was on 13 October. To mark this day, ICCROM launched a new resource: inSIGHT – a participatory game that offers its users the opportunity to build a common understanding of how the cultural and natural heritage of a place contributes to capacities for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development.
The game is intended for a wide range of institutions and individuals interested in developing community-centred disaster risk reduction initiatives. It involves residents of a city, town or village, from different age groups, as well as different professions and social backgrounds, who through the game can learn how to use the traditional knowledge held by a local community for reducing disaster risk.
This resource, that was part of their broader project with the Swedish postcode foundation, can be downloaded from the ICCROM website.
17. [NEW ITEM] CHNT conference, 4-6 November 2020, ONLINE – program online + more news
Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) conference
Artificial Intelligence : New pathways towards cultural heritage
4-6 November 2020
The final program is now online.
The Archaeological Heritage Network, with funding from the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, has provided CHNT with funds to sponsor cultural heritage students, professionals and researchers from low & middle income countries. To apply for sponsorship, please visit this CHNT page.
18. [NEW ISSUE] Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin
To view the latest issue of the GCI bulletin, click here.
19. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House
To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click on the link below.
Call for Expressions of Interest for ISCES Membership: deadline 26 October 2020
Expressions of interest are invited from those with an interest / experience in the conservation of energy, sustainability and climate change relating to cultural heritage to join ISCES, the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Energy and Sustainability. Membership is available as either an expert member or associate. An Expert Member of the ISCES will be accepted on the basis of their individual profile, particularly knowledge of / associations with energy, sustainability and climate change relating to cultural heritage. An Expert Member must be a member of ICOMOS. An Associate Member of the ISCES will be interested in gaining knowledge and building up expertise in areas relevant to the objectives of the ISCES and also must be a member of ICOMOS. All members are expected to contribute to the activities and objectives of the ISCES.
We encourage early career ICOMOS members (Emerging Professionals) to apply. Emerging Professionals are individual members of ICOMOS who are students or in the early stage of their careers. An Emerging Professional may be an Expert Member or an Associate Member as described above.
For more information, read the ISCES Call for EOI for Membership info_2020 Oct doc | download the ISCES EOI for Membership_October 2020_form.
Apply by 26 October 2020.
Capturing Intangible Heritage: NSC-ICH Annual Meeting & Webinar, 5 November, 4-6pm (AEST)
National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage (NSC-ICH)
Capturing Intangible Heritage: Annual Meeting & Webinar
5 November 2020, 4-6pm (AEST) – Online
The NSC-ICH welcomes everyone to join us for a virtual event this November for a short annual meeting, followed by a 90 minute webinar featuring three outstanding speakers and time for questions and discussion.
This year our annual event on intangible cultural heritage focuses on the diversity of cultures and expressions, and their transmission and recording.
Our three presentations span multiple cultures: from Karanga – the ancient Māori art of calling, to recording and protecting Aboriginal intangible heritage in Victoria, and the challenges of ‘trans-cultural’ intangible heritage in diverse contemporary societies.
For more information about these speakers and to register in advance for this event, please visit this link.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. We hope you will join us!
Download the Capturing Intangible Heritage flier.
Webinar: Heritage and Waste, 16 October, 12:00-1:30 pm EST (Canada) | 3am, 17 October AEDT
Webinar: 16 October 2020, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm EST | 3am, 17 October AEDT
Heritage and Waste Values, Circular Economy and Deconstruction
How can heritage and conservation better address the waste of building materials? This free webinar discusses new approaches and strategies with reference to dynamic heritage values, Circular Economy principles and practices of deconstruction for reuse.
The speakers all contributed to the 2020 special issue on ‘Heritage and Waste’ of the Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development.
For more information and to register, visit this link.
Download the Heritage and Waste webinar poster.
World Monuments Fund events: Fake Heritage book launch, 21 October | “Heritage Now” series – next session 30 October
Fake Heritage: Why We Rebuild Monuments book launch
Also in October, Yale University Press will publish Fake Heritage: Why We Rebuild Monuments by our very own John Darlington, Executive Director of WMF Britain. We are delighted to host a conversation between the author and journalist/broadcaster Sir Simon Jenkins on 21 October.
“Heritage Now” Series – next session 30 October
Whose heritage gets to be recognized and protected? How do heritage sites affect their surrounding environment and communities? Social justice, climate change, and sustainable tourism are only some of the considerations World Monuments Fund (WMF) integrates into our work. Cultural heritage exists in the present as much as it does in the past, and can play a fundamental role in our future.
WMF is therefore excited to be launching Heritage Now, a series of live events exploring cultural heritage at the nexus of current political, social, and environmental issues. The second session is on Friday 30 October, a discussion of monuments with difficult pasts from an international perspective, inspired by the ongoing American Confederate monument debate.
2020 Online Lecture Series: ‘Understanding World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation’ – next session, 22 October
The preparatory office for the International Centre for Interpretation and Presentation of the World Heritage Sites under the auspices of UNESCO (hereinafter the Centre) is pleased to announce that the preparatory office for the Category 2 Centre, newly approved at the 40th session of the General Conference (2019), was launched in late May under the supervision of the Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) of the Korean government. The Centre will play a pivotal role in World Heritage interpretation and presentation, which contributes to raising public awareness of the value of World Heritage and the importance of protecting it.
In 2020, the Centre will be holding an online lecture series titled ‘Understanding World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation’, starting on 10 September (next session is on 22 October).
The previous sessions are now available to stream from the YouTube and Facebook links below.
The lectures will be made available to the public via the Cultural Heritage Administration and the Centre Preparatory Office’s YouTube channel and the Facebook page. The lectures and Q&A sessions will be conducted in English and publicly accessible for viewing without prior registration. Videos of the sessions will be uploaded to the YouTube channel and Facebook page after the Live stream to be viewed at any time. The time schedule of lectures will be adjusted according to the local time in the region of the speaker’s residence, and the time will be announced in advance on the preparatory office’s YouTube channel and Facebook page.
Download the World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation Online Lecture Series leaflet for more information.
>> Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea’s YouTube & Facebook
>> Preparatory Office for the Centre’s YouTube & Facebook
Fremantle Studies Day, 25 October, Fremantle
The annual Fremantle Studies Day brings together papers focusing on the history and heritage of the significant port city.
This year’s program includes a paper on Some surprising aspects of the Round House, Fremantle’s (and Perth’s) oldest extant building. We will take a photographic journey through early Fremantle with the photographer A T Maywood and hear of the difficult lives of many married (or de facto) colonial women.
More details in the Fremantle Studies Day 2020 flier.
Sunday 25 October
North Fremantle Community Hall
1.30pm (registrations open at 1.00pm)
Bookings essential: email the Fremantle History Society to register
Cost: Members $20, Non-members $25
A sumptuous afternoon tea will be served. An activity of the Fremantle History Society.
ICOMOS Webinar Series: Cultural heritage solutions for water challenges – next session, 17 November
The overall aim of the webinar series is to inform water professionals and heritage experts about the Water and Heritage initiative and its activities, which aim at recognition by water managers that water related heritage can contribute significantly toward water challenges. The specific objective of the webinars is to encourage national working groups to be initiated with the longer-term objective to mobilize support to have Water and Heritage discussed at the UN International Water conference to be held in New York in 2023; see the Chair’s Statement of the symposium ‘Water and Culture’ held on February 3 in Tokyo.
Webinar 3: Telling examples and assessment methodologies
17 November 2020,12.00-13.30 Central European Time (click here to check your local timings)
For more information all on the sessions, visit this link.
Download the ICOMOS Water Heritage webinars 2020 leaflet.
[UPDATED] “Archaeological World Heritage Sites – Cross-border Conservation, Communication, Cooperation” conference, Germany, 5-6 November 2020
On the occasion of the Federal Republic’s six-month Presidency of the Council of the European Union (July-December 2020), this conference, organised by ICOMOS Germany, will focus on archaeological World Heritage sites in Europe, the protection and preservation of which can only be guaranteed by the European states and their neighbours together.
There are currently 46 UNESCO World Heritage sites listed on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, 43 of which are World Cultural Heritage sites and three Natural Heritage sites. Eight of these World Heritage sites are cross-border and transnational sites. Hardly any other signatory state to the UNESCO World Heritage Convention has such a high proportion of multinational or transnational World Heritage sites as the Federal Republic of Germany. In particular, among the Cultural Heritage sites of the Federal Republic of Germany inscribed on the UNESCO list over the past decade, there are a number of archaeological World Heritage sites that have re-accentuated the Federal Republic’s World Heritage profile. These are for instance the Frontiers of the Roman Empire (Limes) (2005), the Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps (2011), the Caves and Ice Age Art in the Swabian Jura (2017), or the Archaeological Border Complex of Hedeby and Danevirke (2018).
For more information about this conference, visit the ICOMOS Germany website.
Launch of the Melbourne MicroCerts in Urban and Cultural Heritage: Forthcoming Information Session, 21 October 2020
The Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) at the University of Melbourne is excited to announce the launch of a comprehensive suite of professional development short courses.
The ACAHUCH Melbourne MicroCert series is designed for professionals of diverse backgrounds seeking to expand their applied skills in Urban and Cultural Heritage.
Our four online short courses draw upon the world-leading research, teaching and industry expertise within the Centre.
Statutory Heritage (Inaugural Delivery: November 2020)
An ideal introduction to urban and cultural heritage practice, statutory heritage schemes, and the key players in the field.
Introduction to Values-Based Heritage (Inaugural Delivery: early 2021)
Learn about cultural heritage values, the Burra Charter and established approaches to managing heritage places.
New Approaches for Heritage Significance (Inaugural Delivery: early 2021)
Explore new ways of approaching and assessing the cultural significance and diverse values of heritage places.
New Tools for Documenting Heritage Fabric (Inaugural Delivery: mid-2021)
Discover the new technologies changing the ways that historic buildings, structures and materials are documented.
To learn more about the ACAHUCH Melbourne MicroCert series, register for our lunchtime information session on Wednesday 21 October.
Protected Areas Collaboration for Learning & Research – Media Release and Seeking Expressions of Interest for various committees: deadline 22 October
The Protected Areas Collaboration for Learning & Research (PAC) – previously the Protected Areas Learning & Research Collaboration (PALRC) – is delighted to announce that a new joint venture agreement is shortly to be finalised with prospective partners, Tasmanian Land Conservancy, and the Blue Mountains World Heritage Institute. >> read more here.
Applications are open for our Executive Council and practice committees
PAC is rejuvenating its governance structure. As part of this undertaking, we are now completing a process of establishing a new governing Executive Council and two revitalised committees: an Academic Programs Committee and a Protected Areas Practitioners Committee. >> more info here.
Applications close 22 October.
Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards – nominations open until 23 October
The Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards celebrate the wonderful achievements of the Victorian museum and gallery sector. This year we are also showing our appreciation of our sector’s resilience and creativity in times of uncertainty that has been 2020.
This prestigious event celebrates organisations and individuals whose passion and work build a strong Victorian museum and gallery industry.
We would like to invite you to nominate a special individual or a project for one of our awards and help us recognise the remarkable work of our Victorian community.
Objectives of the Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards
The Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards recognise outstanding achievements and service in the museum, gallery, and collecting sector. The objectives of the Awards are to:
- Raise awareness of museums and galleries as effective vehicles for engagement with ideas and communities
- Reward and encourage best practice by individuals and organisations
- Celebrate the value of museums and galleries to local and wider community groups
For more information and to download forms and guidelines, visit the Australian Museums and Galleries Association website.
Nominations close 23 October.
Sustainable Heritage Management Foundation Course, November 2020 to April 2021 – applications close 26 October
UNESCO has launched the inaugural Sustainable Heritage Management Foundation Course for heritage practitioners in the Asia-Pacific region to upskill and reskill core competences
Pressures on cities such as the current pandemic, climate change, economic slowdown, and conflicts mean that approaches to heritage management need to be reinvented. Beyond conservation-related objectives, heritage managers must also mobilize heritage for local development, as defined by the Sustainable Development Goals.
Conducted by UNESCO Bangkok in cooperation with the Think City Institute and the Asian Academy for Heritage Management, this course will upskill and reskill professionals working in heritage management, with a focus on South-East Asia, to meet these new demands.
The Course offers a combination of self-paced online learning and interactive webinars, followed by a capstone project and finale event.
DURATION: 6 Months (November 2020 – April 2021)
*UNESCO Bangkok is offering a limited number of scholarships with priority given to World Heritage site managers from South-East Asia.
For more information: visit this link | download the poster.
Deakin University – apply now for Heritage courses offered in 2021 | Dual Award application deadline: 31 October 2020
Deakin University DUAL AWARD 2021: Study in Australia and Germany – and earn two Masters qualifications
Master of Cultural Heritage & Museum Studies (Deakin) and World Heritage Masters (Brandenburg Technical University – Cottbus, Germany): application deadline 31 October
Applications are now OPEN for 2021 entry to Deakin’s internationally recognised post-graduate programs in Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies.
Expressions of Interest are also now INVITED for our unique dual award with our partners at the World Heritage Studies program at BTU-Cottbus in Germany. Join our 2021 cohort beginning in March:
- Apply online to enrol in the Master of Cultural Heritage & Museum Studies (Professional)
- Send your CV and an Expression of Interest letter to Kristal Buckley by email by 31 October 2020.
For further information, visit our blog or contact Kristal Buckley by email.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Environment Officer – Heritage, Sydney Metro, Sydney [DEADLINE: 23 October]
About us
Sydney Metro is a fully automated rapid transit system which offers a new generation of fast, safe and reliable train services. Sydney Metro also leads the development of vibrant station precincts to meet customer and community needs, transforming the way Sydney travels and helping shape the future of Australia’s largest city.
The opportunity
Right now, we have an opportunity for an Environment Officer – Heritage to join the Environment, Planning and Sustainability team. The primary purpose of this role is to provide environmental heritage management support for the project by monitoring, influencing and reporting on heritage requirements in accordance with relevant legislation, division systems and processes and best practice.
For more information and to apply, visit this link.
Applications close: 11.59pm, 23 October 2020.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Heritage South Australia [DEADLINE: 31 October]
The Heritage Officer will be responsible for assessing places, objects and State Heritage Areas (under the Heritage Places Act 1993). Other duties may include projects, policy work and briefings to support the heritage listing process, the South Australian Heritage Council and to improve information about South Australia’s heritage.
Contract Length
Up to 30 June 2021
Special Conditions
- A current driver’s license and willingness to drive is essential
- May be required to participate in fire management and associated duties
ASO4 – $72,135 min per annum up to $75,616 max per annum
Anna Pope, Manager, Heritage and Maritime, Heritage South Australia | 0457 502 468 | email Anna
Application Instructions
All applications to be submitted online. Applicants to submit a CV and letter of application (max 3 pages) addressing the competency elements outlined in the Role Description.
Applications close: 6:00pm, 31 October 2020.
For further information, from Saturday 17 October 2020 go to and search for “Heritage Officer”.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Lovell Chen, Melbourne
Lovell Chen has an exciting and challenging stream of work ahead of us, and we are looking for an exceptional, highly motivated Heritage Consultant to join the heritage team in our busy East Melbourne office.
The primary responsibilities attached to the position are the preparation of and contribution to the full range of heritage reports, including heritage appraisals, heritage impact assessments, and conservation and heritage management plans. The role also involves supporting the management and delivery of all types of heritage projects, located in Victoria and nationally, and is integral to the development and management of client relationships. The position has excellent potential for career development and provides an opportunity to mentor other heritage team members.
For more information, see the Senior Heritage Consultant_Lovell Chen-2020-10-12 position description.
[NEW] SITUATION WANTED Master’s student seeking work experience
Vivian Lu is a Master of Urban and Cultural Heritage student at the University of Melbourne and is seeking an internship and/or general work experience in the field of heritage interpretation, grassroots preservation and research within Victoria. She also holds a Honours degree in History and has a particular interest in cross-cultural and diasporic heritage. Vivian can be contacted at this email address.
SITUATION WANTED PhD candidate seeking professional opportunities
Olufemi Adetunji is currently a PhD candidate (finishing November 2020) at the University of Newcastle, Australia, conducting research on connections between cultural heritage, climate change and adaptation. He is seeking opportunities for part- or full-time employment and/or other work experience in heritage conservation, research, teaching, etc, in any state and territory within and outside of Australia. Also, he is undertaking a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
Anyone who might have a suitable opportunity for Olufemi is encourage to email him at this address for more information.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131