GA2020 Marker Event (online)
Wednesday 7 October 2020
8.00pm AEDT (Sydney / Canberra), 11:00am CEST (Paris), 5:00am EDT (New York)
Join Australia ICOMOS at a special Marker Event to acknowledge the excellent work and wonderful support for the 20th Triennial General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS that could not be hosted in Sydney in 2020 (more information below)
[NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS thanks the contributors to GA2020
[NEW ITEM] Futures Past and Possible: Histories of and for Tomorrow lecture (Zoom), 8 October, 5.30pm AEST
[NEW ITEM] ICOMOS Ireland Annual Maura Shaffrey Lecture (online), 9 October, 4.30am AEST | 8 October 6.30pm CET
[NEW ITEM] The Johnston Collection Lecture (TJC) series, next lecture Tuesday 6 October
[NEW ITEM] International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction – 13 October 2020
[NEW ITEM] $61.7 million boost for environment, jobs and tourism – Joint media release
[NEW ITEM] Launch of the Melbourne MicroCerts in Urban and Cultural Heritage: Forthcoming Information Session, 21 October 2020
[NEW ITEM] Protected Areas Collaboration for Learning & Research – Media Release and Seeking Expressions of Interest for various committees: deadline 22 October
[NEW ITEM] Sustainable Heritage Management Foundation Course, November 2020 to April 2021 – applications close 26 October
[NEW ITEM] Heritage NSW goes digital
[NEW ITEM] Tapestries at the House campaign, Sydney Opera House
2020 Online Lecture Series: ‘Understanding World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation’ – next session, 7 October
ICOMOS Webinar Series: Cultural heritage solutions for water challenges – next session, 14 October
FUTURE FORUM 2020: Visions for the future of Aboriginal Heritage in Western Australia, Friday 16 October 2020, Fremantle, WA
Art Deco from the National Collection: The World Turns Modern, until 8 November at the Hazelhurst Gallery, Sydney
Conference: 25th Anniversary of the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects, 8-9 October 2020, Rome/online – register for online participation
“Archaeological World Heritage Sites – Cross-border Conservation, Communication, Cooperation” conference, Germany, 5-6 November 2020
2020 Congress ‘Practices and Challenges in Built Heritage Conservation’, Edinburgh, 2-6 November 2020 – grants available, various deadlines
Heritage casual training assessor opportunity
NUS (Singapore) post-graduate programs in Architectural Conservation – applications close 2 October
Invitation to participate in research survey – closes 5 October
UK | Australia Season 2021-2022: Australia-based applications open, deadline extended to 5 October 2020
The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2020 (WA) – public consultation period closes 9 October
Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards – nominations open until 23 October
Attingham Trust courses – apply by 27 January 2021 for next year
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Artefact, Sydney
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, City of Adelaide
SITUATION VACANT Chief Executive, Placemaking NSW, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Operations Manager, National Trust of Australia Queensland, Brisbane
SITUATION VACANT Director Public Programs, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA), Port Arthur, Tasmania
SITUATION VACANT Associate Director (Built Heritage), Urbis, Melbourne
1. [NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS thanks the contributors to GA2020
On behalf of Australia ICOMOS, I wish to thank all those who contributed to planning and supporting the ICOMOS 2020 General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GA2020).
While we are all disappointed that GA2020 could not be held, we witnessed the extended cultural heritage community both in Australia and internationally work together in preparation for an outstanding event.
Australia ICOMOS would like to acknowledge the wonderful commitment of the many individuals, committees, strategic partners, sponsors and corporate patrons involved in preparing for GA2020.
The long list of acknowledgements attests to the range of contributors, and we know that these people were supported by others who are unnamed.
Amongst the many, I would particularly like to highlight the vision, leadership and dedication of Richard Mackay, Steve Brown, Ona Vileikis and Julian Siu, ably assisted by Arinex.
As we work together for the ICOMOS 2023 General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GA2023) to be held in Sydney, 31 August – 9 September 2023, we will build on the excellent work and fantastic support that has gone before.
With thanks,
Helen Lardner
President, Australia ICOMOS
2. [NEW ITEM] Futures Past and Possible: Histories of and for Tomorrow lecture (Zoom), 8 October, 5.30pm AEST
From bushfires to COVID-19, the trials of 2020 have left many wary of what tomorrow may bring. Yet ours is not the first generation to be preoccupied with tomorrow. Through historical narratives, we can reflect on futures of the past, that is, on the kinds of futures that peoples in the past expected, hoped, or feared. Although some futures past did unfold, it is not necessarily the realisation of these futures that makes them worthy of historical study. Rather, it is the particular conditions that produced those forecasts, predictions, or possibilities – as well as what they set in train and how – that is the historian’s concern. The future, after all, is always as much about the past as it is about the present.
Focusing on Australian climate futures, past and possible, this lecture will be presented by Associate Professor Ruth Morgan, an environmental historian and historian of science at the Australian National University where she is Director of the Centre for Environmental History. She will consider the ideas and ideals that have animated settler understandings of Australia’s climes and how their legacies may shape tomorrow.
This free event will be delivered as a Zoom Webinar, hosted by the History Council of Victoria as its Annual Lecture.
DATE: Thursday 8 October 2020
TIME: 5.30 to 6.45pm
CLICK HERE for further information and reservations.
3. [NEW ITEM] ICOMOS Ireland Annual Maura Shaffrey Lecture (online), 9 October, 4.30am AEST | 8 October 6.30pm CET
ICOMOS Ireland Annual Maura Shaffrey Lecture
People and Place: Shared Heritage through Intangible Cultural Heritage
Friday 9 October 2020, 4:30-5:30am AEDT
The ICOMOS Ireland Annual Maura Shaffrey Lecture 2020 will be hosted by guest Speaker Clara Arokiasamy OBE on the topic of People and Place: Shared Heritage through Intangible Cultural Heritage, followed with a response by Virginia Teehan, CEO, The Heritage Council.
The lecture will be preceded by the launch of Other Stories: Cultural Heritage and Society by Minister Malcolm Noonan.
For more information and to register, visit this link.
Download the Annual_Maura_Shaffrey_Lecture_2020 postcard.
4. [NEW ITEM] The Johnston Collection Lecture (TJC) series, next lecture Tuesday 6 October
TJC is thrilled to bring you a new offering from their virtual programming series presented by The Friends – a series of Zoom lectures by renowned literary lecturer Susannah Fullerton.
These lectures will be available to all our subscribers, with a special discounted ticket for members of The Friends. If you are not yet a member, you can join here.
For details on all the upcoming lectures, visit this link.
5. [NEW ITEM] International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction – 13 October 2020
In 2020 Blue Shield Australia is encouraging our members and friends to acknowledge the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction on 13 October as a useful time to get ready for the next Australian natural disaster season. The theme that BSA has decided to focus on for 2020 is ‘Practical Preparedness’.
Key Points
- Update your Emergency Contacts List and make sure it’s accessible to everyone who needs it
- Review your current disaster preparedness plan or develop a plan that covers a key activity in each of the four basic protection measures: prevention, preparation, response and recovery
- Make contact with your regional GLAM colleagues (galleries, libraries, archives, museums, historical societies, national trust sites…)
- As a GLAM group, connect with your local council and emergency services contacts
For more information and resources, visit the Blue Shield Australia website.
6. [NEW ITEM] $61.7 million boost for environment, jobs and tourism – Joint media release
Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following joint media release from the Hon. Sussan Ley MP & the Hon Michael McCormack MP, dated 1 October 2020.
Joint media release
– The Hon. Michael McCormack MP, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development, Leader of the Nationals, Federal Member for Riverina
– The Hon. Sussan Ley MP, Minister for the Environment, Federal Member for Farrer
Senator The Hon. Simon Birmingham, Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, Senator for South Australia
The Morrison-McCormack Government is building a more secure, resilient Australia with a $61.7 million investment in our environment, through the $1 billion COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Fund.
This investment will create jobs, boost local tourism and preserve our environment as part of our economic recovery plan.
The funding includes:
* $33.5 million for heritage upgrades to fund conservation work, infrastructure upgrades across 23 national and world heritage sites, preserving and enhancing them while creating jobs and lasting benefits for our tourism industry.
* A $20 million reef builder shellfish restoration program to be invested in at least 11 bushfire and COVID-19-affected coastal communities to rescue native marine ecosystems from the risk of local extinction, rejuvenating local fish stocks and creating spectacular tourism dive sites in the process.
* $8.2 million to support Great Barrier Reef projects including $3.2 million to engage tourism operators in reef monitoring and conservation work, along with $5 million for Townsville’s Reef HQ.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the funding would create or support around 1,000 jobs while assisting the recovery efforts of many regional communities affected by the pandemic and recent bushfires.
“These initiatives will sustain jobs and local businesses, improve facilities and encourage people to visit regional communities and world heritage sites,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.
“We are talking about projects that will create lasting legacies in regional centres, small towns and on the Great Barrier Reef, which will be a big boost to local communities.”
Minister for the Environment Sussan Ley said the announcements showed the Morrison-McCormack Government was delivering practical and lasting environmental outcomes while creating jobs and growing local economies.
“Working with the Nature Conservancy, we will restore native shellfish reefs lost decades ago through over-fishing and dredging, creating spectacular dive hotspots, a paradise for recreational fishers and helping to protect local coastlines from erosion,” Minister Ley said.
“At the same time, we will be embarking on a major program to support national and world heritage sites that will help preserve and enhance these areas while making them more accessible to Australians wanting to appreciate their unique qualities.
“Tourism operators in the Great Barrier Reef are passionate about its preservation and tapping into their capacity at this time to get operators back out on the water monitoring coral condition, controlling native pest outbreaks and restoring local reef sites is a real opportunity for the Reef.”
The 33 heritage projects will be delivered in partnership with states, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island, with a focus on providing immediate economic stimulus through local job creation.
Federal Tourism Minister Simon Birmingham said the funding would restore and conserve some of Australia’s most iconic natural wonders and heritage sites, providing a vital boost to tourism operators who have been doing it tough as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“These sites are some of Australia’s most incredible and treasured tourism drawcards, and enhancing visitor experiences will help attract more visitors and support thousands of local businesses and jobs,” Minister Birmingham said.
“These projects will help to protect natural environments, upgrade facilities and revitalise heritage sites, ensuring that visitors can enjoy these unique attractions for generations to come.”
Project details:
Sustaining Tourism at Australia’s Iconic World and National Heritage Sites: The $33.5 million heritage site upgrades will involve additional co-contributions of at least $16.9 million from states and the Northern Territory and cover 33 projects across 23 sites, creating an estimated 550 jobs. Projects will include:
* Upgrades to walker accommodation huts on the Tasmanian Wilderness Overland Track.
* Construction of a new history and interpretation visitor’s centre at the Cascades Female Factory in Hobart.
* Upgrades to walking tracks in the Gondwana Rainforests in NSW to improve steps, handrails, track surface, decking and edging.
* Conservation and interpretation works for the Fremantle Prison Main Cell Block to enable the public to see it as it would have functioned in the 1850s and 1860s.
* A new culture and tourism hub and visitors centre and the development of four kilometres of mountain bike trails and trail-head facilities for the Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area.
* Conservation works, repairs and upgrades at the Hermannsburg Historic Precinct in the Northern Territory.
* Conservation, physical repairs and interpretation at the Moonta Historic Mine Site in South Australia.
* New water crossing and track upgrade at Budj Bim Cultural Landscape in Victoria.
Reef Builder – The Coastal Communities Recovery Project: $20 million will be delivered in partnership with the Nature Conservancy and additional co-funding from state governments. The program will contribute to the restoration of at least 11 natural shellfish reefs that once stretched along much of Australia’s coastline, delivering up to 170 new direct and indirect jobs. Projects will:
* Cover sites including: NSW: Port Stephens, Botany Bay, Sapphire Coast; South Australia: Glenelg, Onkaparinga and Kangaroo Island; Queensland: Noosa River; Western Australia: Peel Harvey estuary, Swan River, Albany; Victoria: Port Phillip Bay, Gippsland Lake; Tasmania: Hobart (D’Entrecasteaux Channel).
* Boost fish stocks by thousands of kilograms each year.
Great Barrier Reef Tourism Industry Activation and Reef Protection and Renewing the Reef HQ in Townsville:
* Marine Park tourism operators on the Great Barrier Reef will be contracted to deliver in-water reef site maintenance and monitoring across the Reef, supporting up to 300 existing jobs in the industry.
* An open tender process will be run by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.
* In-water activities under this initiative directly support the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s Reef Blueprint, which outlines what actions can support reef resilience.
* Australia’s largest coral reef aquarium, Reef HQ at Townsville, will receive a further $5 million facelift, creating up to 20 local jobs and helping Reef HQ drive further tourism numbers by enhancing access and visitor experiences at the aquarium and education centre.
Note: above media release reproduced exactly as published on this website.
7. [NEW ITEM] Launch of the Melbourne MicroCerts in Urban and Cultural Heritage: Forthcoming Information Session, 21 October 2020
The Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) at the University of Melbourne is excited to announce the launch of a comprehensive suite of professional development short courses.
The ACAHUCH Melbourne MicroCert series is designed for professionals of diverse backgrounds seeking to expand their applied skills in Urban and Cultural Heritage.
Our four online short courses draw upon the world-leading research, teaching and industry expertise within the Centre.
Statutory Heritage (Inaugural Delivery: November 2020)
An ideal introduction to urban and cultural heritage practice, statutory heritage schemes, and the key players in the field.
Introduction to Values-Based Heritage (Inaugural Delivery: early 2021)
Learn about cultural heritage values, the Burra Charter and established approaches to managing heritage places.
New Approaches for Heritage Significance (Inaugural Delivery: early 2021)
Explore new ways of approaching and assessing the cultural significance and diverse values of heritage places.
New Tools for Documenting Heritage Fabric (Inaugural Delivery: mid-2021)
Discover the new technologies changing the ways that historic buildings, structures and materials are documented.
To learn more about the ACAHUCH Melbourne MicroCert series, register for our lunchtime information session on Wednesday 21 October.
8. [NEW ITEM] Protected Areas Collaboration for Learning & Research – Media Release and Seeking Expressions of Interest for various committees: deadline 22 October
The Protected Areas Collaboration for Learning & Research (PAC) – previously the Protected Areas Learning & Research Collaboration (PALRC) – is delighted to announce that a new joint venture agreement is shortly to be finalised with prospective partners, Tasmanian Land Conservancy, and the Blue Mountains World Heritage Institute. >> read more here.
Applications are open for our Executive Council and practice committees
PAC is rejuvenating its governance structure. As part of this undertaking, we are now completing a process of establishing a new governing Executive Council and two revitalised committees: an Academic Programs Committee and a Protected Areas Practitioners Committee. >> more info here.
Applications close 22 October.
9. [NEW ITEM] Sustainable Heritage Management Foundation Course, November 2020 to April 2021 – applications close 26 October
UNESCO has launched the inaugural Sustainable Heritage Management Foundation Course for heritage practitioners in the Asia-Pacific region to upskill and reskill core competences
Pressures on cities such as the current pandemic, climate change, economic slowdown, and conflicts mean that approaches to heritage management need to be reinvented. Beyond conservation-related objectives, heritage managers must also mobilize heritage for local development, as defined by the Sustainable Development Goals.
Conducted by UNESCO Bangkok in cooperation with the Think City Institute and the Asian Academy for Heritage Management, this course will upskill and reskill professionals working in heritage management, with a focus on South-East Asia, to meet these new demands.
The Course offers a combination of self-paced online learning and interactive webinars, followed by a capstone project and finale event.
DURATION: 6 Months (November 2020 – April 2021)
*UNESCO Bangkok is offering a limited number of scholarships with priority given to World Heritage site managers from South-East Asia.
For more information: visit this link | download the poster.
10. [NEW ITEM] Heritage NSW goes digital
With the launch of three new social media accounts!
We are pleased to announce the official launch of three new Heritage NSW social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, in joint collaboration with the Heritage Council of NSW and the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee (ACHAC). The official name of our account is: ‘Heritage NSW’ The voice of the Heritage Council of NSW, the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee (ACHAC) and Heritage NSW.
Our new digital presence will bring immediate benefits including:
- Direct connection with our customers, partners and the wider public
- Ability to have two-way conversations with our customers in real time
- Opportunities to build our profile internationally
- Ability to drive new customers to our Heritage NSW website
- Uncover industry trends and heritage news
How do I locate the accounts?
To find the three accounts, simply type in the following ‘handles’:
- Facebook (
- Instagram (heritagensw)
- LinkedIn (
11. [NEW ITEM] Tapestries at the House campaign, Sydney Opera House
The four tapestries that call the Opera House home reveal fascinating stories about the Opera House’s rich cultural heritage and design legacy.
The Tapestries at the House campaign at the Sydney Opera House incorporates new online exhibitions, articles and a podcast about the four tapestries that call the House home: Le Corbusier’s Les Dés sont Jetés, John Coburn’s Curtain of the Sun and Curtain of the Moon and Jørn Utzon’s Homage to Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach.
The new podcast, with design enthusiast Tim Ross, unravels the fascinating stories behind the four magnificent tapestries of the House and explores their rich cultural heritage. Listen now to the House Stories: The Tapestries podcast, check out new exhibits on Google’s digital museum platform and get creative with educational resources for kids.
ICOMOS GA2020 MARKER EVENT: Wednesday 7 October 2020 – Registration is now open!
The image of the Sydney Opera House is used under licence from the Sydney Opera House Trust
Australia ICOMOS invites our global colleagues to join a special Marker Event to acknowledge the excellent work and wonderful support for the 20th Triennial General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS that could not be hosted in Sydney in 2020.
The GA2020 Marker Event will be held online on Wednesday 7 October 2020 from 8.00pm AEDT (Sydney / Canberra), 11:00am CEST (Paris), 5:00am EDT (New York).
The event will be a live-streamed panel discussion involving the 14 expert co-chairs of the GA2020 Scientific Symposium streams, on the theme of Shared Cultures – Shared Heritage – Shared Responsibility; and will include the launch of a special ‘legacy’ issue of Historic Environment as well as the proposed themes for ICOMOS GA2023.
The event is complimentary and open to members of ICOMOS, colleagues from IUCN, ICCROM and other partner organisations and communities. Attendees will be able to access the event in English, or via simultaneous translation in French and Spanish.
Register here to secure your virtual spot!
For more information on the program and registration visit this link.
For enquiries, please contact the ICOMOS GA2020 Scientific Symposium Co-Chairs; Dr Steve Brown & Dr Ona Vileikis by email.
2020 Online Lecture Series: ‘Understanding World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation’ – next session, 7 October
The preparatory office for the International Centre for Interpretation and Presentation of the World Heritage Sites under the auspices of UNESCO (hereinafter the Centre) is pleased to announce that the preparatory office for the Category 2 Centre, newly approved at the 40th session of the General Conference (2019), was launched in late May under the supervision of the Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) of the Korean government. The Centre will play a pivotal role in World Heritage interpretation and presentation, which contributes to raising public awareness of the value of World Heritage and the importance of protecting it.
In 2020, the Centre will be holding an online lecture series titled ‘Understanding World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation’, starting on 10 September (next session is on 7 October).
The previous sessions are now available to stream from the YouTube and Facebook links below.
The lectures will be made available to the public via the Cultural Heritage Administration and the Centre Preparatory Office’s YouTube channel and the Facebook page. The lectures and Q&A sessions will be conducted in English and publicly accessible for viewing without prior registration. Videos of the sessions will be uploaded to the YouTube channel and Facebook page after the Live stream to be viewed at any time. The time schedule of lectures will be adjusted according to the local time in the region of the speaker’s residence, and the time will be announced in advance on the preparatory office’s YouTube channel and Facebook page.
Download the World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation Online Lecture Series leaflet for more information.
▶ Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea’s YouTube & Facebook
▶ Preparatory Office for the Centre’s YouTube & Facebook
ICOMOS Webinar Series: Cultural heritage solutions for water challenges – next session, 14 October
The overall aim of the webinar series is to inform water professionals and heritage experts about the Water and Heritage initiative and its activities, which aim at recognition by water managers that water related heritage can contribute significantly toward water challenges. The specific objective of the webinars is to encourage national working groups to be initiated with the longer-term objective to mobilize support to have Water and Heritage discussed at the UN International Water conference to be held in New York in 2023; see the Chair’s Statement of the symposium ‘Water and Culture’ held on February 3 in Tokyo.
Webinar 2: Cooperation between the Water and Cultural Heritage sectors
14 October 2020,12.00-13.30 Central European Time (click here to check your local timings)
For more information all on the sessions, visit this link.
Download the ICOMOS Water Heritage webinars 2020 leaflet.
FUTURE FORUM 2020: Visions for the future of Aboriginal Heritage in Western Australia, Friday 16 October 2020, Fremantle, WA
The Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists (AACAI), the Anthropological Society of Western Australia (ASWA) and Australia ICOMOS are hosting a one-day forum on ‘Visions for the future of Aboriginal Heritage in Western Australia’.
Date: Friday 16 October 2020
Time: 8am to 5pm (drinks and canapes afterwards until 7.30pm)
Venue: Esplanade Hotel, 46-54 Marine Terrace, Fremantle, Western Australia
Check out the event on Facebook.
Download the WA Aboriginal Heritage Future Forum October 2020 flyer.
Registration Fees*
$160 General Admission
$120 for First Australians
$120 for AACAI/ASWA/AICOMOS Members (current membership)
$120 for Students (with valid student email)
*Registration includes morning tea, lunch & afternoon tea during the forum, and canapes & drinks in evening. A small booking fee by Humanitix will apply. 100% of profits from booking fees will be directed to Indigenous Scholarships.
For bookings visit this link.
Numbers are limited to 200 people (due to current Government restrictions for events/gatherings). Registrations will close on Friday 2 October (unless capacity is reached before then).
Travel subsidies for First Australians based outside of Perth to partially offset the cost of getting to Fremantle are being offered. Amounts will vary depending on distance travelled and the total number of applicants. Travel subsidies can be requested through the Humanitix registration page. If you know of anyone who wants to take up this option, please contact JJ McDermott by email or phone 0458 608 786 for assistance with the booking.
Art Deco from the National Collection: The World Turns Modern, until 8 November at the Hazelhurst Gallery, Sydney
The term was coined during the 1960s: but what precisely is ‘Art Deco’? The answer might seem straightforward – but there are many differing opinions.
One scholar, Jared Goss, calls it “an umbrella label for the vast range of design and architecture created globally between the First and Second World Wars.”
Whatever definition we choose, Art Deco certainly made a huge impact in Australia. From the 1920s onward, its influence was felt across architecture, design and the decorative arts.
A new exhibition has arrived in Sydney which gives visitors a glimpse of this exciting period in world history.
Exhibits include paintings, sculpture, design and photography. With works by Rupert Bunny, Raynor Hoff, Napier Waller, Hilda Rix Nicholas, Thea Proctor and Harold Cazneaux.
One of the highlights is Jean Broome-Norton’s sculpture Woman with Horses (1934). There’s also a Café Australia chair (1916) by Marion Mahony and Walter Burley Griffin – one of only four known examples.
Art Deco from the National Collection: The World Turns Modern is at the Hazelhurst Gallery until 8 November 2020.
This will be the exhibition’s last stop before it returns to the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra.
Conference: 25th Anniversary of the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects, 8-9 October 2020, Rome/online – register for online participation
UNIDROIT (International Institute for the Unification of Private Law) is running an international conference to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects.
It can be followed on Zoom and interested people can pre-register online via this link.
For more information about this event, click here.
“Archaeological World Heritage Sites – Cross-border Conservation, Communication, Cooperation” conference, Germany, 5-6 November 2020
On the occasion of the Federal Republic’s six-month Presidency of the Council of the European Union (July-December 2020), this conference, organised by ICOMOS Germany, will focus on archaeological World Heritage sites in Europe, the protection and preservation of which can only be guaranteed by the European states and their neighbours together.
There are currently 46 UNESCO World Heritage sites listed on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, 43 of which are World Cultural Heritage sites and three Natural Heritage sites. Eight of these World Heritage sites are cross-border and transnational sites. Hardly any other signatory state to the UNESCO World Heritage Convention has such a high proportion of multinational or transnational World Heritage sites as the Federal Republic of Germany. In particular, among the Cultural Heritage sites of the Federal Republic of Germany inscribed on the UNESCO list over the past decade, there are a number of archaeological World Heritage sites that have re-accentuated the Federal Republic’s World Heritage profile. These are for instance the Frontiers of the Roman Empire (Limes) (2005), the Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps (2011), the Caves and Ice Age Art in the Swabian Jura (2017), or the Archaeological Border Complex of Hedeby and Danevirke (2018).
For more information about this conference, visit the ICOMOS Germany website.
2020 Congress ‘Practices and Challenges in Built Heritage Conservation’, Edinburgh, 2-6 November 2020 – grants available, various deadlines
IIC 28th Biennial Congress: Current practices and challenges in built heritage conservation
The organisers of this congress (the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works IIC) hope to encourage attendance from conservators and cultural heritage professionals from all over the world and for those who are at different stages of their career including students and early career professionals.
The various grant and bursary programs are summarised below. For more detailed information visit the IIC Congress website.
Tru Vue
Thanks to the generosity of Tru Vue, we will be offering a number of funded places for non-members to attend online – whatever your location or employment circumstances. Deadline for applications is 15 October 2020.
The Brommelle Memorial Fund
This fund was established in 1990 in memory of Norman Brommelle, who was Secretary-General of IIC between 1958 and 1988. The fund is used to provide assistance for students of conservation who wish to attend the Institute’s international congresses. The Fund will normally provide support towards 100% of the registration fee for participating in the Congress online. Deadline for applications is 15 October 2020.
Heritage casual training assessor opportunity
Transport for NSW are seeking expressions of interest from heritage professionals to be training assessors for a new heritage training course.
New South Wales and other Australian states including Victoria have been experiencing a large volume of work in the construction industry, particularly in the transport sector, which is forecast to continue. A large number of the projects involve work that includes national, state and locally heritage-listed buildings, structures and their surrounds. A number of government agencies in NSW worked together to develop a Heritage Supervision course to provide training for individuals who are involved in works affecting heritage-listed buildings and structures. There is a need to provide this training to people who have a variety of professional backgrounds but no formal understanding of heritage conservation and management. These include personnel within both public and private organisations (project managers, for example) who have decision-making responsibility relating to heritage-listed assets as a regular part of their daily activities, but who may be unaware of legal obligations in relation to heritage assets.
The new heritage training course is owned by Heritage NSW, with Transport for NSW creating course content that will be delivered in an online format.
Assessors must have the following requirements:
- Current professional heritage experience
- Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
- Can be based anywhere in Australia with reliable internet service
If you are interested in being involved or finding out more, even if you don’t yet have the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, then please contact Richard Shorten by email.
NUS (Singapore) post-graduate programs in Architectural Conservation – applications close 2 October
The National University of Singapore (NUS) has some new programs – an MA in Architectural Conservation and Graduate Diploma in Architectural Conservation.
Download the course brochure for more information; also visit the National University of Singapore website.
Apply by 2 October for the January 2021 intake.
Invitation to participate in research survey – closes 5 October
John Gillen, a Master of Cultural Heritage student at Deakin University, is undertaking research on the extent of use of information communication technologies (ICTs) in field recording of historical heritage in Australia. His research project is titled: “To what extent is the use of ICTs in the field recording for historic heritage places and historical archaeology sites occurring in Australia; and what factors, if any, may be inhibiting the widespread use of them?”
Participation will involve answering 26 questions about your experiences recording historic heritage and historical archaeology as well as using ICTs in the field and will take approximately 15 minutes.
More information (the Plain Language Statement) and the survey itself is available at this link.
The survey will be open until 5 October.
UK | Australia Season 2021-2022: Australia-based applications open, deadline extended to 5 October 2020
Australia-based arts organisations and individuals are invited to submit project proposals for inclusion in the UK | Australia Season 2021-22.
The UK | Australia Season 2021-22 will celebrate and strengthen the partnership between Australia and the UK.
The Season is a joint initiative by the British Council and the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to strengthen and build cultural connections. This will be the first time the Australian Government and the British Council have collaborated on a reciprocal Season, which will take place from August 2021 to March 2022.
Under the theme ‘Who are we now?’ and particularly in light of the COVID pandemic, the Season will reflect on both nations’ shared history and culture. The Season will explore the UK and Australia’s current relationship, and imagine our future by bringing together artists, universities, and civil society leaders from both countries in a diverse and inclusive way.
The Australian program will take place in the UK from August to November 2021, and the UK program in Australia from September 2021 to March 2022.
The Season is inviting participation from across the Australian creative sector. Projects across all art forms are welcome to apply. A welcoming and supportive environment for First Nations participants is central to the Season.
Funding opportunities available
Australian organisations applying for inclusion in UK | Australia Season will have the opportunity to also apply for grant support in two ways:
1. The British Council’s UK | Australia Season Grant
The UK | Australia Season is supported by the British Council Board of Patrons, which includes UK and Australian representatives and is chaired jointly by Sir Lloyd Dorfman CBE and David Gonski AC.
Australian projects to be presented in the UK can bid for up to AUD $40,000 under the UK | Australia Season Grant. Please note this grant is only available to organisations.
Organisations can apply for this grant during the application process on the Australia-based applications page on the British Council website.
2. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Australian Cultural Diplomacy Grants Program (ACDGP)
UPDATE: Information relating to the ACDGP is now available from DFAT. Australian individuals and organisations can apply for grants of up to $60,000 AUD. ACDGP applications must be made via the SmartyGrants portal by Monday 5 October 2pm AEST. A reminder that organisations are also eligible to bid for up to $40,000 AUD as part of the UK/Australia Season Grant (see above).
Australian applications for the Season are now open until 2pm Monday 5 October 2020.
UPDATE: Webinar audio available on line
A webinar for Australia-based arts organisations and individuals looking to find out more about the Season recently took place. The panel included representatives from the Australian High Commission in the UK, DFAT and British Council Australia, who shared key information around the Season concept, funding opportunities and eligibility criteria. There was also an extensive Q&A session for live participants. Audio of the webinar is now available to (audio commences at 8:03).
Find out more
Twitter: @AusHouseLondon and @AuBritish
Facebook: Australian High Commission UK and British Council Australia
Please use #UKAUSeason where appropriate, we would love to share content posted by our colleagues across the sector where possible.
The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2020 (WA) – public consultation period closes 9 October
The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2020 is now open for public consultation. This new legislation will replace the outdated Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972, concluding more than two years of consultation with Aboriginal people, industry representatives, heritage professionals and the Western Australian community.
>> more information about the entire review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972
>> more information about the final phase
Submissions close Friday 9 October 2020.
Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards – nominations open until 23 October
The Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards celebrate the wonderful achievements of the Victorian museum and gallery sector. This year we are also showing our appreciation of our sector’s resilience and creativity in times of uncertainty that has been 2020.
This prestigious event celebrates organisations and individuals whose passion and work build a strong Victorian museum and gallery industry.
We would like to invite you to nominate a special individual or a project for one of our awards and help us recognise the remarkable work of our Victorian community.
Objectives of the Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards
The Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards recognise outstanding achievements and service in the museum, gallery, and collecting sector. The objectives of the Awards are to:
- Raise awareness of museums and galleries as effective vehicles for engagement with ideas and communities
- Reward and encourage best practice by individuals and organisations
- Celebrate the value of museums and galleries to local and wider community groups
For more information and to download forms and guidelines, visit the Australian Museums and Galleries Association website.
Nominations close 23 October.
Attingham Trust courses – apply by 27 January 2021 for next year
Since its foundation in 1952 The Attingham Trust, an educational charitable trust, has enjoyed outstanding success within the worlds of arts and heritage. The alumni of its courses make up an influential, international network of professionals, many of whom represent major cultural institutions.
The Trust currently runs three annual residential courses, The Attingham Summer School, The Attingham Study Programme and Royal Collection Studies and, in alternate years, two non-residential courses, French Eighteenth-Century Studies and The London House Course.
All course details for 2021 will be available on their website in early October and new applications will be encouraged.
Closing date for receipt of all applications will be 27 January 2021.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Artefact, Sydney
About Artefact
Artefact provides services across all aspects of cultural heritage management, built heritage, heritage interpretation and archaeology. We have a wide range of clients and a diverse portfolio, so life is never boring! For more detailed information on who we are and what we do visit our website.
We are growing and are keen to get the right people on board to take this journey with us. If you are an experienced Heritage Consultant (built heritage, Aboriginal or historical) who values being part of a close-knit team, loves the challenges of working on a diverse range of projects and is committed to making your career count, we are looking for you!
About the role
The position involves working effectively within small teams. These teams are responsible for the provision of Cultural Heritage Management services to a variety of clients and for completing projects on time and to budget. As a heritage consultant you will provide technical advice, assistance and heritage services to a wide range of clients, from individual homeowners to large corporations. The role is full-time and based out of our office on one of Sydney’s heritage wharves. For more information about this opportunity, click here.
Applications close 11.59pm, Wednesday 7 October 2020.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, City of Adelaide
About Us
From the start, the vision for Adelaide was a city of the future – one that celebrated its unique natural surrounds and structured its footprint in a way that would allow it to adapt to the changing needs of the community and a dynamic global landscape. Our focus is on our community’s wellbeing and quality of life – investing in city improvements and on future planning, so we continue to design a liveable city where future generations can continue to live authentic and meaningful lives. This is an exciting opportunity to join our team and be a bigger part of our amazing city!
About the Opportunity
In this role you will provide heritage architecture and conservation advice and assistance to owners and occupiers of heritage-listed properties, to support the appropriate use and conservation. You will also contribute to research, promotion and policy projects as part of the Council heritage program.
For more information and to apply, visit this link.
Applications close midnight Sunday 11 October 2020.
SITUATION VACANT Chief Executive, Placemaking NSW, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment is recruiting for a new role, Chief Executive, Placemaking NSW, which aligns to their strategy to keep Sydney green and create accessible places that delight and make NSW a great place to live and work.
Chief Executive, Placemaking NSW will bring three teams together – Sydney Olympic Park, Place Management NSW and Hunter Central Coast Development Corporation, to drive an integrated approach across some of the State’s most treasured places.
The great places managed within these teams are known and loved globally for their world-class events, venues, parklands, heritage, sustainable economies and thriving communities.
The new role will support a coordinated approach to placemaking across the arc of planning delivery, precinct management, design, public spaces and place excellence.
Building and driving a strategic vision for The Rocks, Darling Harbour, Sydney Olympic Park and the Hunter and Central Coast supports our Premier’s priorities to increase the proportion of public spaces easily accessible to communities across NSW, as well as increasing the tree canopy and green cover across Greater Sydney.
The job advertisement is now live on I work for NSW Government website.
Applications close on 5 October 2020.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Operations Manager, National Trust of Australia Queensland, Brisbane
National Trust of Australia Queensland (NTAQ) is a membership-based community organisation and registered charity that works to protect, conserve and celebrate the environmental, built and cultural heritage of our state. NTAQ connects communities through meaningful partnerships. The NTAQ portfolio of properties includes Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, Wolston Farmhouse at Wacol and nine other properties across Queensland. Please visit the NTAQ website for more details.
For more information about this role, visit this link.
SITUATION VACANT Director Public Programs, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA), Port Arthur, Tasmania
PAHSMA has created a new role that will be an active member of PAHSMA’s Executive Leadership Team. The Director will work in a collaborative manner to deliver the conservation and tourism outcomes for the organisation. The role is responsible for creating a vision and framework for the planning, design and delivery of content and programs that educate, engage and enhance visitor, public and community understanding and appreciation of the heritage values of PAHSMA’s three sites. This includes the values that accrue from the sites’ inclusion as part of the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage Property. We are looking for someone who can provide leadership and direction for interpretation, guiding, education and experience development for all the Port Arthur Historic Sites, and work in partnership with the other members of the Executive Leadership Team to ensure the reflection and protection of our heritage values and conservation messages, and to ensure consistency in visitor experience and services across all PAHSMA sites.
Contact Officer: Stephen Large, m: 0419 388 791
Closing Date: 5 PM, Monday 12 October
To apply: visit this link
SITUATION VACANT Associate Director (Built Heritage), Urbis, Melbourne
Urbis is a market-leading firm with the goal of shaping the cities and communities of Australia for a better future. Drawing together a network of the brightest minds, Urbis consists of practice experts, working collaboratively to deliver fresh thinking and independent advice and guidance – all backed up by real, evidence-based solutions.
An exciting opportunity has arisen for an Associate Director to be part of Victoria’s premier planning team, focused on building our built heritage offering in Victoria as a priority, followed by archaeology. We are looking for an enthusiastic, commercial, proactive and experienced heritage consultant or heritage architect to build our new Melbourne Heritage team, supported by our highly experienced and successful Melbourne Directors and a market leading National Heritage team in Sydney and Brisbane.
If you are an enthusiastic candidate, with the desire to become part of a driven and highly professional team, click on “Apply for this job” via the following link.
For any questions please contact us at this email address.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131