[NEW ITEM] ICCROM Lecture Series: World Heritage Leadership Program, 30 July, 12pm (Rome) / 8pm AEST
[NEW ITEM] Performing The City Online Symposium, 7 August, 10am – 4pm, AEST
[NEW ITEM] ICOMOS and ICOM Joint Statement on Hagia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey)
[NEW ITEM] Change Over Time journal – call for abstracts deadline: 15 September 2020
[NEW ITEM] Russell Jack House: modernist yet distinctively Australian
[NEW ITEM] The Johnston Collection – thank you
[NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House
[NEW ISSUE] The Best in Heritage news update
[NEW ISSUE] News from World Monuments Fund
[NEW ISSUE] Conservation and Preservation of Islamic Architectural Heritage newsletter
EPWG Webinar: ‘Heritage and Climate Change: Mobilizing for Climate Action’ | Saturday 18 July, 14.00 PARIS / 10.00pm AEST
Strengthening Protected Area Management Effectiveness Webinar Series, first session Wednesday 22 July, 8-10pm AEST
University of Canberra short course, 22-24 July 2020
Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions – applications close 20 July 2020
Multidisciplinary Australian-Danish Exchange (MADE) program – applications due 27 July
World Heritage Management Plan (WHMP) for the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens (REB&CG) review – community consultation open and closes 27 July
Inquiry into the destruction of 46,000 year old caves at the Juukan Gorge in the Pilbara region of Western Australia – submissions due 31 July 2020
ICOMOS Training Course “Heritage Communities and Human Rights”, 2-5 September 2020, Estonia & online – applications close 31 July
Heritage Fund Open for Expressions of Interest – deadline: 31 August
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Heritage 21, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, GML Heritage, Canberra
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Manager, RPS Group, Brisbane
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Urbis, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Senior Consultant/Heritage Architect, URBIS, Brisbane
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Trethowan Architecture, Melbourne
1. [NEW ITEM] ICCROM Lecture Series: World Heritage Leadership Program, 30 July, 12pm (Rome) / 8pm AEST
Impact Assessment for World Heritage II – steps and processes

This webinar will take you through the principles and processes that you need to be aware of when conducting impact assessments. Especially when conducting an impact assessment for World Heritage, it is important to base the assessment on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV), and all other values and attributes of the heritage place.
Adopting a sound impact assessment procedure can help States Parties, heritage managers, decision-makers, communities or others in managing World Heritage properties in circumstances where a transformative action is proposed or undertaken in or around the properties – in particular those related to development projects, resource extraction or mass tourism – which may affect the Outstanding Universal Value of the property.
This webinar will take you through the steps and processes of conducting an impact assessment with various different case studies.
Date: 30/07/2020
Time: 12:00 PM (Rome, Italy) / 8.00 PM (AEST)
Location: Online
- Eugene Jo, World Heritage Leadership Programme Manager, ICCROM
- Sarah Court, ICCROM Focal Point on World Heritage Impact Assessment
- Mizuki Murai, World Heritage Conservation Officer, IUCN
- Richard Mackay, ICOMOS Focal Point on World Heritage Impact Assessment
Follow this link to the webinar – NOTE: * Registration is required
2. [NEW ITEM] Performing The City Online Symposium, 7 August, 10am – 4pm, AEST
Please join the University of Sydney School of Literature, Art and Media for their online symposium. This event is co-presented by Sanné Mestrom, Ian Maxwell and Luke Hespanhol, University of Sydney.
Public space is always contested. Competing interests vie for access to sites, proposing divergent—sometimes compatible, but frequently conflicting—uses, meanings, aesthetics, aspirations.
The discourses and practices engaging directly with the question of public space range from those of the physical/structural industries associated with the built environment (landscape architecture, urban planning), through to the cultural, sociological, and the phenomenological (the public realm as experienced directly through embodiment). And of course, everyone—not only scholars and other professionals—has a stake in the game: we all share—and contest—the places in which we live, work, play, and gather.
‘Public art’, as a specific set of practices and ideas, is a key player in these contests. More, in its capacity to engage imagination and playfulness in the materiality of made objects and environment, public art has the capacity not only to participate in the struggles, but, by grounding interdisciplinary perspectives in that materiality, to serve as
an organising logic for place itself.
For more information and to register, visit the University of Sydney website.
3. [NEW ITEM] ICOMOS and ICOM Joint Statement on Hagia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey)
ICOM and ICOMOS have issued a joint statement on Hagia Sophia, in which they express their concerns regarding the decision to reverse the status of Hagia Sophia from a museum to a mosque, and the possible repercussions on the conservation and accessibility of this outstanding cultural heritage.
>> read the statement on the ICOMOS website
4. [NEW ITEM] Change Over Time journal – call for abstracts deadline: 15 September 2020
The journal Change Over Time: An International Journal of Conservation and the Built Environment, published by the University of Pennsylvania Press, invites submissions for:
Historically, human societies have isolated outsiders and transgressors to defend themselves against perceived danger. Occasionally, we have isolated ourselves to protect others. The locales in which we have performed isolation range from elaborate complexes and stately edifices to prosaic makeshift shelters. Places of isolation, detention, and quarantine reveal often unspoken truths about the states and the societies that created them. This issue will explore the ways in which communities have preserved and remembered the liminal sites they once designed to tame and physically contain their fears.
Abstracts of 200-300 words are due 15 September 2020. Authors will be notified of provisional paper acceptance by mid-October 2020. Final manuscript submissions will be due mid-March 2021.
For more information, visit the Change Over Time website.
5. [NEW ITEM] Russell Jack House: modernist yet distinctively Australian
In the early 1950s, a young architect purchased a block of bushland on Sydney’s north shore. There, beneath the eucalypts, a new kind of Australian house began to take shape.
The architect, Russell Jack, worked closely with his partner, John Allen – and they drew upon Japanese traditions and the organic work of Frank Lloyd Wright. The house would subsequently win the Sulman Award for domestic architecture in 1957.
Architectural historian, Zeny Edwards, has compiled an architectural profile of Russell Jack House. Included are many interior photos; along with enthusiastic coverage from The Australian Women’s Weekly in 1958.
Links to other online resources are provided (including striking and sympathetic interiors by its current owner, Annalisa Capurro.
6. [NEW ITEM] The Johnston Collection – thank you
Dear friends, supporters, and communities,
A heartfelt thank you to all of our wonderful supporters who have generously donated to this years OPENING DOORS Fundraising Appeal. We have had an overwhelming amount of support, and it means so much to us here at TJC.
We are so pleased to share with you that this year’s campaign has raised $26,706, bringing our overall fundraising total over the past five years to $579,109. We are honoured to receive donations from 285 individuals and philanthropic organisations, 71 of which are new donors this year.
Thank you all so very much. Funds raised through the OPENING DOORS Fundraising Appeal enable us to ensure The Johnston Collection will be sustained for future generations and increase access to the Collection and engage with communities.
Your donations dedicated to the OPENING DOORS Fundraising Appeal help us to open doors to provide extraordinary art and experiences and to preserve William Johnston’s legacy well into the future.
A huge thanks to Lisa Arrowsmith, Chair, OPENING DOORS Fundraising Committee who works tirelessly to coordinate our campaign. We couldn’t do it without you!
Your ongoing support means a lot to us at this time. As a self-funded independent museum, the current period of unplanned closure represents a real challenge. Your donations help fund your Museum during this difficult time.
In the last year OPENING DOORS funds were used to publish TJC Collection Online, create TJC360° and refresh the exterior of Fairhall.
Take care, stay safe, and thank you.
7. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House
To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click on the link below.
8. [NEW ISSUE] The Best in Heritage news update
Click here to read the latest news from The Best in Heritage.
9. [NEW ISSUE] News from World Monuments Fund
To read the latest news from World Monuments Fund, click here.
10. [NEW ISSUE] Conservation and Preservation of Islamic Architectural Heritage newsletter
Click on the link below to read the latest newsletter from The Center for Conservation and Preservation of Islamic Architectural Heritage.
11. [NEW ISSUE] ISCARSAH Newsletter
Read the latest newsletter from the International Scientific Committee on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage (ISCARSAH) – Iscarsah newsletter_15-16-17
SAVE THE DATE – GA2020 MARKER EVENT: Wednesday 7 October 2020, 8.00 – 10.00pm AEDT
Australia ICOMOS invites members and heritage colleagues to join us at our GA2020 MARKER EVENT to acknowledge the work undertaken to organise the 20th Triennial General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS that could not be hosted in Sydney in 2020.
The Marker Event will be a live-streamed panel discussion on the theme of Shared Cultures – Shared Heritage – Shared Responsibility; and will include the launch of a special ‘legacy’ issue of Historic Environment on this theme.
More information will be provided closer to the time.
Australia ICOMOS 2020 President’s Award – nomination deadline extended to Friday 24 July
The Australia ICOMOS President’s Award recognises the important contribution made by the active engagement of younger and/or emerging career heritage practitioners. The award is open to Australia ICOMOS members and non-members.
There are two categories for the President’s Award:
1. A student / young / emerging heritage practitioner; and
2. A trainee / apprentice or emerging tradesperson.
Winners of each category will be awarded a certificate and $1000 cash prize!
Visit the President’s Award webpage to find out more including eligibility criteria and how to submit a nomination.
Nominations close 24 July 2020.
EPWG Webinar: ‘Heritage and Climate Change: Mobilizing for Climate Action’ | Saturday 18 July, 14.00 PARIS / 10.00pm AEST
The ICOMOS International Emerging Professionals Working Group (EPWG) is excited to be hosting the second part of the webinar series on the subject of ‘Heritage and Climate Change’ this July 2020!
This second session will feature speakers who are contributing to the efforts of the ICOMOS International Climate Change and Heritage Working Group (CCHWG) + Climate Heritage Network (CHN).
Across the globe, communities are transforming to address the causes and impacts of climate change. How can heritage help? What does the practice of cultural heritage look like when it’s part of the solution?
This program explores these questions through the work of three colleagues on the frontlines of climate action, in Thailand, Fiji, and Puerto Rico, to demonstrate how cultural heritage can drive and enable climate action.
Registration forms in various languages are available at the links below.
For those that can’t join zoom, this webinar will be broadcast live via the ICOMOS Facebook Page – view the Event Page.
Download the CCHWG x EPWG webinar_18 July 2020 poster.
Strengthening Protected Area Management Effectiveness Webinar Series, first session Wednesday 22 July, 8-10pm AEST
The team out of IUCN WCPA have put together a free online webinar series, scheduled for the second half of July 2020.
The series is titled ‘Strengthening Protected Area Management Effectiveness’ and is made up of four sessions, each intended to strengthen and continue connections amongst protected area practitioners and those involved in the evaluation of management effectiveness for protected areas.
Session 1 – 22 July 2020, 8.00 – 10.00pm AEST
Exploration of the different approaches and tools used in Protected Area Management Effectiveness around the world
>> more information
Please see the event flyer for more information and links to register for the next sessions.
*** Please Note ***
The link to session three in the flyer is down. Please follow this link to register.
CHNT conference, 4-6 November 2020, Vienna – REVISED FORMAT & extension to call for papers, posters and apps: deadline 31 July
Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) conference
Artificial Intelligence : New pathways towards cultural heritage
4-6 November 2020
Vienna, Austria
COVID-19 update
Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, the organisers have mapped out the following scenarios for this conference:
- Scenario 1: Hybrid Conference (Participants and Live Stream for colleagues, who have travel restrictions)
- Scenario 2: Virtual Conference
The final decision in relation to which scenario will prevail will be 31 August 2020 at the latest.
Call for papers, posters and apps
We know how to digitize our heritage, so what is the next step: making our Cultural Heritage more accessible to the general public / researchers, and even accessible when it is not there anymore.
In recent years, the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches has increased rapidly in cultural heritage (CH) management and research. A main driver is the availability of remote sensing data, allowing us to detect new archaeological sites and to monitor the preservation of known monuments. Due to advances in computer power and a wide range of free machine learning tools, large amounts of remote sensing data can be processed automatically for CH purposes instead of covering only small areas by expert inspection
More information about the calls are available here for papers and posters and here for the app.
Deadline for submissions: 31 July
The organisers have also started a “Culture = Future” page, for which they invite statements and thoughts from you about colleagues who have lost or will lose their jobs, because there are less excavations, less projects, the money is needed for something else but not for archaeology, museums and cultural heritage – view this and consider submitting your thoughts.
University of Canberra short course, 22-24 July 2020
The University of Canberra is offering an online short course over winter, perfect for those who want to broaden their horizons around how the creative and cultural sector and economy works, and how to make better use of digital heritage collections.
Click on the link below for more information.
Hacking Heritage: the GLAM Workbench with Tim Sherratt
22 – 24 July
Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions – applications close 20 July 2020
After 10 years of European funding, 400 students and 65 countries, applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions are opened up to 20 July 2020. This international course on the conservation of heritage structures was the winner of the 2017 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage “Europa Nostra”, and presents a unique opportunity to meet people from all over the world.
This Masters Course, which is running its 13th Edition, is organized by a consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, including the University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic).
The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications.
A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4,000 to 13,000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.
Please find full details on the MSc programme, as well as the electronic application procedure, at the course website.
Visit also the SAHC blog and connect via LinkedIn.
Multidisciplinary Australian-Danish Exchange (MADE) program – applications due 27 July
Established at the Sydney Opera House’s 40th Anniversary in 2013, MADE by the Opera House is an Australian-Danish exchange program that, in the lead up to the 50th Anniversary in 2023, will create an alumnus group of 100 students to continue the international and interdisciplinary links first forged by Jørn Utzon’s masterpiece. Each year, five students from a NSW university and five students from a Danish tertiary institution will participate in the program in Denmark and Australia respectively. Also known as the Multidisciplinary Australian Danish Exchange, MADE is an extra-curricular program offered to Australian and Danish students of architecture, engineering and design (in the built environment) in their 2nd year of study or above.
If you are a NSW student of architecture, engineering or design, the Multidisciplinary Australian-Danish Exchange program MADE by the Opera House is giving Australian students the chance to win AU$6,000 and the opportunity to work on a collaborative project in Denmark.
Applications close Monday 27 July 2020, 10am (AEST). For more information and to submit an application, visit the Sydney Opera House website.
World Heritage Management Plan (WHMP) for the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens (REB&CG) review – community consultation open and closes 27 July
The review of the World Heritage Management Plan (WHMP) for the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens (REB&CG) (‘the review’) is underway.
The review is being undertaken by the Steering Committee for the REB&CG (‘the Steering Committee’), and is being coordinated by Heritage Victoria within the Department of Environment, Land, Water, and Planning (DELWP); the City of Melbourne and Museums Victoria; with input from the City of Yarra and the National Trust of Australia (Victoria).
The review is required by, and is being undertaken in accordance with, Part 9 of the Heritage Act 2017. There will be several opportunities for you to participate in this review process throughout 2020 and 2021.
Opportunities to participate
Community consultation
The first stage of community consultation is now open. We want to hear your views on how the REB&CG is currently protected, managed and accessed, and what you value most about the site. Please visit this link to:
- Complete the online survey and upload a document (open from 1 June – 27 July 2020)
- Register for forthcoming online information sessions
- Read the review Discussion Paper and Frequently Asked Questions
Comment on the drafts of reviewed component documents
The current World Heritage Management Plan for the RECB&CG was approved by the Minister for Planning in 2013, and includes the following component documents as attachments:
- Attachment A: Conservation Management Plan (to be renamed the “Heritage Management Plan” following the current review process)
- Attachment B: Carlton Gardens Master Plan
- Attachment C: Royal Exhibition Building and Exhibition Reserve Master Plan
- Attachment D: World Heritage Strategy Plan for the World Heritage Environs Area
Each of the above component documents will be individually reviewed as part of this review process, and you will have the opportunity to comment on the reviewed draft of each document. Please visit this link for the latest updates and to read the Discussion Paper and Frequently Asked Questions, which provide detailed information relating to each stage of the review process.
Make a submission in response to draft of the reviewed REB&CG World Heritage Management Plan
It is expected that the draft of the reviewed World Heritage Management Plan document will be available for public comment in late 2021, once the review of all component documents listed above is complete. Sections 184-186 of the Heritage Act 2017 set out the process by which people may make submissions to the Steering Committee in response to the draft of the reviewed World Heritage Management Plan.
For more information, please visit this link and read the Discussion Paper and Frequently Asked Questions.
If you have any enquiries about how you may participate in any stage of this review, please contact Heritage Victoria, via email or phone (03) 7022 6390.
Inquiry into the destruction of 46,000 year old caves at the Juukan Gorge in the Pilbara region of Western Australia – submissions due 31 July 2020
On Thursday 11 June 2020, The Senate referred the following inquiry to the Joint Standing Committee on Northern Australia for inquiry and report by 30 September 2020:
The destruction of 46,000 year old caves at the Juukan Gorge in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
The Committee invites submissions addressing any or all of the terms of reference for the inquiry.
Submissions are requested by Friday 31 July 2020.
Details can be found at this link.
Australia ICOMOS has been deeply concerned about the destruction of the Juukan Gorge rockshelters, and a statement was provided in a previous e-news issue. Several letters have been written to the State and Federal Governments, and to the company involved, Rio Tinto. Australia ICOMOS will make a submission to this Parliamentary inquiry, and individual members may also been interested to make a submission.
ICOMOS Training Course “Heritage Communities and Human Rights”, 2-5 September 2020, Estonia & online – applications close 31 July
The ICOMOS “Our Common Dignity” Working Group is honored to invite heritage experts, community leaders and graduate students from Europe and around the world to training course “Heritage Communities and Human Rights”, which will be held on 2-5 September 2020 in Estonia and via the internet.
The training course “Heritage Communities and Human Rights” focuses on community-based heritage protection and the theory and application of human rights-based approaches in the heritage field. The course combines theoretical approaches with learning from practice, involving field visits in Estonia as well as an exchange among participants.
The principal aim of the training course is to give heritage experts a solid knowledge basis to address human rights issues in heritage management with the focus on the rights of the owners and the communities. The course lecturers will provide an introduction to international human rights law that specifically relates to culture, heritage and communities. In addition to providing basic knowledge about human rights and the UN, UNESCO and IUCN systems and practices, this course will discuss cases of heritage management and rights in protected heritage areas in different countries.
The training course on rights-based approaches is led by Dr. Peter Bille Larsen, the University of Geneva, and Dr. Stener Ekern, Oslo University. Field visit modules will be introduced and moderated by Riin Alatalu and Ave Paulus (ICOMOS “Our Common Dignity” Working Group).
Applications for the course are required and are due by 31 July.
Visit the ICOMOS website for more information.
Heritage Fund Open for Expressions of Interest – deadline: 31 August
Have you been thinking about or planning a project to transform your heritage building? The Landmark and Community Buildings Fund opened on 1 July for Expressions of Interest.
The fund is open to:
- not-for-profit, charity or community-owned or occupied heritage buildings. The fund will contribute between 50 and 100 per cent of the project cost. In exceptional circumstances the fund will be allocated to one project but is most likely to be split across multiple projects.
- privately owned heritage buildings that are landmarks or prominent features in their local areas. These are buildings that are well known, easily recognisable or well-loved, and may have an interesting story to tell. The fund will contribute up to 60 per cent of the total cost.
To find out more and to see if your project is eligible, visit the City of Melbourne website.
The site explains the criteria for the fund and has a short online Expression of Interest form. The EOI is open between 1 July and 31 August. If your project meets the criteria we will contact you to invite you to apply for funding.
The amount an individual project receives depends on the number of projects funded in any given round of funding. The committee of the Victorian Heritage Restoration Fund (VHRF) has the final decision on how the fund is allocated. The VHRF Committee will make decisions about the Landmark and Community Buildings Fund at its meeting on 26 November.
For more information contact Jackie Donkin, Project Officer Heritage, on (03) 9658 7078.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Heritage 21, Sydney
Heritage Consultant – PERMANENT POSITION
Minimum 5 years’ experience in cultural built heritage
With their recent growth in business Heritage 21 is seeking the right candidate to join our team.
We could tell you how fabulous we are…though you really wouldn’t know until you start working here!
If you are self-motivated, have a passion for heritage and a keen eye for detail, then PLEASE APPLY for this position.
Heritage 21 is a specialist firm of dedicated heritage practitioners operating throughout NSW and the ACT.
Our in-house heritage staff have expertise in built heritage, urban planning, history, research and architecture.
The perfect candidate will need to have the ability to take on a variety of tasks, from managing projects and mentoring junior staff. This role involves varied tasks, from site meetings to writing reports. The successful applicant will work closely with the Studio Manager.
This role is a permanent full-time position located at Alexandria. The successful applicant will be required to have appropriate tertiary qualifications. Applicants with a relevant unrestricted working right can apply.
An attractive salary package, commensurate with experience, will be offered. Heritage 21 offers a flexible workplace and tries to ensure a good work/life balance for their employees. Heritage 21 is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We respect and seek to empower each individual and support the diverse cultures, perspectives, skills and experiences within our workplace. All employment is decided based on qualifications, merit and business needs.
Please email your resume to Sue; or for a confidential discussion/enquiry regarding this position, please contact Sue on 0412 486 777.
Closing date for applications: 7 August 2020.
Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Recruitment agencies will not be considered, however, if we believe we require your assistance, we will be in touch.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, GML Heritage, Canberra
GML is a vibrant, attentive, and sustainable interdisciplinary consultancy that collaborates with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. Our consulting team has expertise in urban planning, archaeology, architecture, public history, Aboriginal cultural heritage, and interpretation. We work all over Australia and have a great portfolio of challenging projects and you will work alongside experienced practitioners in an engaged and supportive environment.
GML Heritage is seeking a dynamic heritage specialist/project manager with Commonwealth heritage experience at a senior level. This is a full-time position based in Canberra.
Click on the following links for more information:
- Position Advertisement – Senior Heritage Consultant (Canberra)
- Position Description – Senior Heritage Consultant (Canberra)
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Manager, RPS Group, Brisbane
RPS is seeking to appoint a Heritage Manager on a full-time basis in our Fortitude Valley office to grow our Heritage team and diversify our client offer. If you have senior technical experience, great client management skills, business development acumen and would like to help us build a team we are interested in talking to you.
Follow this link for more information about this opportunity.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Urbis, Sydney
An exciting opportunity has arisen in our Sydney office for a suitably qualified and proactive Heritage Consultant. We are looking for an outstanding communicator and thinker, with a passion for built heritage, who is seeking an opportunity to be involved in city-shaping projects, for a diverse range of private and public sector clients.
Urbis is a market-leading firm with the goal of shaping the cities and communities of Australia for a better future. Drawing together a network of the brightest minds, Urbis consists of practice experts, working collaboratively to deliver fresh thinking and independent advice and guidance – all backed up by real, evidence-based solutions.
If you are an enthusiastic candidate, with the desire to become part of a driven and highly professional team, click on “Apply for this job” via this link.
For any questions please email Anastasia Zappert, Senior HR Consultant.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Consultant/Heritage Architect, URBIS, Brisbane
An exciting opportunity has arisen in our Brisbane office for a suitably qualified and experienced Senior Consultant/Heritage Architect. We are looking for a lateral thinker and an outstanding communicator who is seeking an opportunity to be involved in city-shaping projects, for a diverse range of private and public sector clients.
Urbis is a market-leading firm with the goal of shaping the cities and communities of Australia for a better future. Drawing together a network of the brightest minds, Urbis consists of practice experts, working collaboratively to deliver fresh thinking and independent advice and guidance – all backed up by real, evidence-based solutions.
If you are an enthusiastic candidate, with the desire to become part of a driven and highly professional team, click on “Apply for this job” via this link.
For any questions please email Michelle Scott.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Trethowan Architecture, Melbourne
Trethowan Architecture is seeking an experienced Senior Heritage Consultant to assist with a variety of work and projects. Great office environment and array of projects. Based in Cremorne and close to public transport. Salary commensurate with tertiary education, experience and skills. Email your CV to Mark or give him a call on 0430 962 770 for further information.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131