[NEW ITEM] WEBINAR: ‘Heritage and Climate Change: Mitigation as Practice’ featuring Peter Cox (President, ISCES + CC) | Saturday 20 June, 14.00 (PARIS) | 22.00 (AEST)
[NEW ITEM] WEBINAR: Caring for Country and Legislative Reform, Wednesday 24 June, 3:00 – 4:30 pm, AEST
[NEW ITEM] Inquiry into the destruction of 46,000 year old caves at the Juukan Gorge in the Pilbara region of Western Australia submissions due 31 July 2020
[NEW ITEM] Heritage Council of Victoria 2020 Heritage Address, 15 July via streaming
[NEW ITEM] Multidisciplinary Australian-Danish Exchange (MADE) program – applications due 27 July
[NEW ITEM] Update on the Development of ISC Water and Heritage
[NEW ITEM] Some Highlights of Geelong’s 20th Century Architecture booklet
[NEW ITEM] SA State Planning Commission Phase Two Code Engagement Report available online
[NEW ITEM] New publication: The representation of Roma in major European museum collections – Volume 1: The Louvre
Membership of the Australia ICOMOS Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group – EOI by 3 July 2020
Nominations for the Australia ICOMOS 2020 President’s Award are now open! Close 10 July
Indigenous Cultural Heritage Conference 2020: Taking Control of our Heritage, 24-26 November 2020, Melbourne – call for papers deadline 25 June
CHNT conference, 4-6 November 2020 , Vienna – call for papers, posters and apps: deadline 30 June
Nordic Association of Conservators Congress, 21-22 October 2021, Stockholm – call for abstracts: deadline 1 July 2020
University of Canberra short courses, June/July 2020
National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards 2020 – nominations open and close 28 June
Call for nominations: UNESCO Australian Memory of the World Register – deadline 30 June 2020
Growing Victoria’s Botanic Gardens grants program – Second and Final Round now open & applications close 16 July 2020
World Heritage Management Plan (WHMP) for the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens (REB&CG) review – community consultation open and closes 27 July
SITUATION VACANT Senior Historic Site Officer, NSW National Parks & Wildlife Services
[UPDATED] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, GBA Heritage, Sydney
1. [NEW ITEM] WEBINAR: ‘Heritage and Climate Change: Mitigation as Practice’ featuring Peter Cox (President, ISCES + CC) | Saturday 20 June, 14.00 (PARIS) | 22.00 (AEST)
The ICOMOS International Emerging Professionals Working Group (EPWG) is excited to host a dual webinar series on the subject of ‘Heritage and Climate Change’ over June and July 2020!
Both sessions will feature speakers from the ICOMOS International Climate Change and Heritage Working Group (CCHWG), and will form part of the ongoing ICOMOS International Webinars program.
The first of these sessions will be presented by Peter Cox, President of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Energy Sustainability and Climate Change (ISCES + CC), and Managing Director of Carrig Conservation International. Peter will foreground the intersection of climate change with heritage, by highlighting the effects of extreme weather events, and the integral role of cultural heritage in implementing mitigation measures. For all those interested in further understanding carbon impacts, climate change risk assessment, and links with the United Nations SDGs, this is the webinar for you!
Peter has been an active member of ICOMOS Ireland for many years, and is a past President and Vice President of ICOMOS Ireland. With a background in chemical engineering and material science, Peter has worked on the analysis of decay of historic masonry, and the treatment of stone and mortar in heritage buildings, monuments, and sites, for over 35 years.
Download the ICOMOS EPWG WEBINAR SERIES_Mitigation as Practice_June 2020 program.
Links to the registration forms are below, and contain the ZOOM Links. Please Register to access the ZOOM Links.
2. [NEW ITEM] Webinar: Caring for Country and Legislative Reform, Wednesday 24 June, 3:00 – 4:30 pm, AEST
Caring for Country will provide a platform for Traditional Owners to share their views and experiences about caring for Country and the legislation through which they do this. Particularly, the discussion will focus on the current Australian/ Victorian legislations that protect Aboriginal Cultural Heritage and explore what additional legislative protections are required to ensure all in the community better respect and care for Country.
In partnership with Fed Square, the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council is proud to present this event, full inclusive and accessible, online. Please register here to be sent the zoom link to attend the event on the day.
3. [NEW ITEM] Inquiry into the destruction of 46,000 year old caves at the Juukan Gorge in the Pilbara region of Western Australia submissions due 31 July 2020
On Thursday 11 June 2020, The Senate referred the following inquiry to the Joint Standing Committee on Northern Australia for inquiry and report by 30 September 2020:
The destruction of 46,000 year old caves at the Juukan Gorge in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
The Committee invites submissions addressing any or all of the terms of reference for the inquiry.
Submissions are requested by Friday 31 July 2020.
Details can be found at this link.
4. [NEW ITEM] Heritage Council of Victoria 2020 Heritage Address, 15 July via streaming
The Heritage Council of Victoria is very excited to announce that Stuart Harrison will be giving this year’s Heritage Address as part of Open House Melbourne’s July 2020 digital program.
Stuart Harrison is an Australian architect and hosts Restoration Australia on ABC TV. He has worked across architectural practice, teaching and media during the last 20 years. Stuart is an advocate for good design and the re-use of buildings and believes in a strong link between history and contemporary practice.
He is director of Harrison and White Architects, has worked extensively in public radio and architectural history, and has authored three books on housing.
The 2020 Heritage Address will be held on 15 July via digital platform.
More details will be on the Open House Melbourne website in due course.
5. [NEW ITEM] Multidisciplinary Australian-Danish Exchange (MADE) program – applications due 27 July
Established at the Sydney Opera House’s 40th Anniversary in 2013, MADE by the Opera House is an Australian-Danish exchange program that, in the lead up to the 50th Anniversary in 2023, will create an alumnus group of 100 students to continue the international and interdisciplinary links first forged by Jørn Utzon’s masterpiece. Each year, five students from a NSW university and five students from a Danish tertiary institution will participate in the program in Denmark and Australia respectively. Also known as the Multidisciplinary Australian Danish Exchange, MADE is an extra-curricular program offered to Australian and Danish students of architecture, engineering and design (in the built environment) in their 2nd year of study or above.
If you are a NSW student of architecture, engineering or design, the Multidisciplinary Australian-Danish Exchange program MADE by the Opera House is giving Australian students the chance to win AU$6,000 and the opportunity to work on a collaborative project in Denmark.
Applications close Monday 27 July 2020, 10am (AEST). For more information and to submit an application, visit the Sydney Opera House website.
6. [NEW ITEM] Update on the Development of ISC Water and Heritage
Its formation having been approved at the 2017 GA in Delhi, work continues to form an international scientific committee on Water and Heritage within the wider global water and heritage initiative.
A primary function of the new Water and Heritage ISC will be to provide a clear focal point for a broad range of external partner bodies that seek guidance in relation to cultural heritage of and around water. In performing this function, the new ISC will of course seek to collaborate with other ISCs to achieve optimum outcomes, and it is in this collaboration with other ICOMOS and external bodies that the new ISC looks to develop new grounds for scientific endeavour, especially in relation to the achievement of the SDGs and adaption to climate change.
Click on the link below for an article by Henk van Schaik and Diederik Six of ICOMOS Netherlands on the international symposium on Water and Culture that took place in Tokyo in February, and progress of the water and heritage initiative.
With best wishes to all colleagues in Australia ICOMOS and across the heritage management world.
Ian Travers
Immediate Past President, Australia ICOMOS
Chair, Development Task Force for ISC Water and Heritage
7. [NEW ITEM] Some Highlights of Geelong’s 20th Century Architecture booklet
With the cancellation of Geelong Design Week 2020 in March, the Geelong and Region Branch of the National Trust (GRBNT) is making the booklet Some Highlights of Geelong’s 20th Century Architecture widely available.
It was prepared to support the Branch’s planned Design Week events and is now providing a socially-distanced, interesting activity for people constrained by COVID-19.
The Branch has created a self-guided CBD 20th Century Walking Tour and is offering a package that includes:
– the pocket-sized booklet, which shows 17 buildings/places of 20th Century note and gives information about their architects
– Walking Tour directions
– a bonus list of places outside the CBD for people to extend their 20th Century architectural experience
The package cost is $8 including postage and it is available through Trybooking. Further information is available at the GRBNT website.
The booklet is also up on the Geelong Historical Society’s Facebook page, Geelong in Historical Pictures, a most interesting site.
8. [NEW ITEM] SA State Planning Commission Phase Two Code Engagement Report available online
The State Planning Commission is pleased to advise it has released its Engagement Report for Phase Two (Rural Areas) of the Planning and Design Code.
The Engagement Report reflects the Commission’s key amendments and recommendations to the Minister in response to the feedback received during the 8-week formal public consultation for the State’s rural areas.
The Commission is releasing this Report to support stakeholder and public familiarisation of the Phase Two Code prior to its implementation across South Australia’s rural areas, which is on track to commence on 31 July 2020.
The Report recommends the following changes to the Phase Two Code as a result of public consultation including:
· General changes to better recognise rural context and identity
· The creation of new zones that are more attuned to the requirements of our Regions including ones that recognise on-site waste water management systems, allow larger outbuildings and guide housing near golf courses
· The creation of a new subzone to guide design of development fronting marinas, canals and other waterways
· The creation of a new Heritage Adjacency Overlay to address the potential impact of development on land adjacent to heritage listed places
· The inclusion of the Character Area Overlay and Statement for Mundulla, as well as amendments to the Historic Area Statement for Robe
· Ensuring all national parks and wilderness reserves are covered by the Conservation Zone
· General changes to ensure that overlays do not undermine availability of the accepted and deemed-to-satisfy assessment pathways to low risk developments like dwellings, sheds and carports in townships to facilitate faster approvals.
In addition to finalising the Phase Two Code Engagement Report, the Commission and Department are rolling out a comprehensive program of business readiness and training activities as well as integration and testing of the ePlanning system.
The Engagement Report for Phase Two (Rural Areas) is now available on the SA Planning Portal.
9. [NEW ITEM] New publication: The representation of Roma in major European museum collections – Volume 1: The Louvre
The representation of Roma in major European museum collections – Volume 1: The Louvre
Authored by Sarah Carmona
What do works of art teach us from their period of creation? What do they teach us about human interaction, about social groups?
This publication focuses on what the works exhibited at the Louvre Museum tell us about the place and perception of Roma in Europe from the15th to the 19th centuries.
>> more information & to order a copy
Welcome to GA2023!
Dear Australia ICOMOS Members and friends,
It is a great pleasure to invite you to the 21st Triennial General Assembly of ICOMOS, to be held in Sydney in September 2023.
The 2023 General Assembly will be an extra special opportunity to be together and enjoy the natural and cultural beauty of Sydney. We look forward to sharing knowledge, promoting excellence in practice and enjoying the company of colleagues from around the world.
Australia ICOMOS thanks the ICOMOS Board and our many international friends for their support. The hard work of Australia ICOMOS members planning for GA2020, and their support with moving forward when it could not be held, will not go unrewarded. With the generous assistance of the Australian and NSW State Governments and the City of Sydney, we are thrilled to bring an ICOMOS General Assembly to the Pacific region for the first time.
From 1-9 September 2023, the General Assembly will be held in world-class facilities and offer an exciting program of site visits, workshops, lectures, expert meetings and social gatherings in the inspirational setting of Sydney Harbour. Sydney has vibrant Indigenous and multicultural communities who will actively contribute to the General Assembly.
The General Assembly will be a springing point for people to explore the natural and cultural heritage of Australia and will leave a lasting legacy.
Please join us at the General Assembly in Sydney in 2023!
Helen Lardner,
President, Australia ICOMOS
Announcement from ICOMOS President Toshiyuki Kono
Dear ICOMOS Members and friends,
I have the pleasure of informing you that the ICOMOS Board, in agreement with the Advisory Committee officers, has accepted the generous offer by Australia ICOMOS to host the 2023 Triennial ICOMOS General Assembly in Sydney.
Following the difficult decision our Australian colleagues had to make with regards to the GA2020 – into which they had invested an impressive amount of energy, planning and funds – we are extremely grateful to Australia ICOMOS and all its members for making this alternative proposal in a record time, transforming a disappointing situation into a positive perspective, and for their constant commitment to ICOMOS.
We also thank the Australian Convenor, Richard Mackay and the Scientific Symposium Co-Chairs, Steve Brown and Ona Vileikis, for accepting to again serve for the GA2023 to ensure continuity and build on the work already accomplished.
We all look forward to Sydney 2023.
Yours sincerely,
Toshiyuki Kono
President, ICOMOS
Final ICOMOS GA2020 Statement
Australia ICOMOS is delighted that the ICOMOS Board has graciously determined that the 21st triennial General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS will be hosted by Australia ICOMOS in Sydney in September 2023.
Further information about ‘GA2023’ will be made available in due course, once the situation regarding COVID-19 and implications for global travel and economic recovery have become more apparent, and preliminary plans are in place.
In the meantime, the GA2020 registration process has been suspended, and the GA2020 website will not be updated further. Registered delegates, those who have submitted abstracts and other interested parties will be contacted directly, as information about options and arrangements for the transition to 2023 are determined.
Australia ICOMOS will continue to place the health and safety of GA2020 delegates, ICOMOS members, and event and venue staff at the forefront of our decision making.
Australia ICOMOS will host an online ‘marker’ event in October 2020 to acknowledge the enormous support and goodwill shown towards planning GA2020.
Australia ICOMOS remains committed to supporting and enriching the global work of ICOMOS and looks forward to welcoming delegates to Sydney for GA2023 in September 2023!
Membership of the Australia ICOMOS Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group – EOI by 3 July 2020
Australia ICOMOS has a practice of refreshing membership of its committees and working groups. The current membership of the Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group has been in place for some time and is now due for a refresh.
The preparation and adoption of a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is a tangible expression of Australia ICOMOS’ commitment to Reconciliation and justice for Australia’s First Nations People. The Draft RAP is nearing completion. It follows the format for REFLECT RAPs – the first step in the structured approach set out by Reconciliation Australia.
At the 2019 AGM, Australia ICOMOS resolved to support the Uluru Statement from the Heart – ‘…a national Indigenous consensus position on Indigenous constitutional recognition.’ The major task of the refreshed RAP Working Group will be to consider how Australia ICOMOS’ support of the Uluru Statement can be integrated into the Draft RAP, including what additional actions may be appropriate.
Once the RAP has been finalised, the Working Group will be tasked with guiding how the RAP actions will be implemented and reported.
This Working Group requires active participation to develop the knowledge, skills, and research to support Australia ICOMOS’ commitment to Reconciliation in Australia. Prior experience working and collaborating with Australia’s First Nations people is highly desirable. First Nations people are strongly encouraged to apply.
Young & Emerging Professionals who are willing to play an active role in advancing the work of the Working Group but do not have prior experience are encouraged to express their interest.
In addition to the tasks outlined above, the new group will prepare a Terms of Reference to guide its activities.
Members of Australia ICOMOS can express their interest by emailing Caitlin Mitropoulos, EC Representative on the RAP Working Group. Caitlin will forward a copy of the RAP Working EOI form, which will be due COB 3 July 2020. Caitlin can be reached at this email address or at 0400 213 171 for further information.
Nominations for the Australia ICOMOS 2020 President’s Award are now open! Close 10 July
The Australia ICOMOS President’s Award recognises the important contribution made by the active engagement of younger and/or emerging career heritage practitioners. The award is open to Australia ICOMOS members and non-members.
There are two categories for the President’s Award:
1. A student / young / emerging heritage practitioner; and
2. A trainee / apprentice or emerging tradesperson.
Winners of each category will be awarded a certificate and $1000 cash prize!
Visit the President’s Award webpage to find out more including eligibility criteria and how to submit a nomination.
Nominations close 10 July 2020.
Indigenous Cultural Heritage Conference 2020: Taking Control of our Heritage, 24-26 November 2020, Melbourne – call for papers deadline 25 June
Indigenous Cultural Heritage Conference 2020 – Taking Control of our Heritage
24-26 November 2020
Melbourne, Australia
Call for Abstracts is now open
The National Native Title Council, the University of Melbourne and the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council are now calling for abstracts and proposed panel presentations addressing the following conference themes. We may accept pre-recorded presentations pending travel restrictions.
- Applications of Indigenous Knowledges
- Land Based Cultural Heritage Management
- Ancestral Remains & Artefact Management
- Law & Governance (including UNDRIP)
- Business
- Museums
- Intangible Heritage (including Intellectual Property issues)
- Impact of Climate Change & Cultural Heritage
- Family History Research
- Language Protection and Promotion
- Operation of Lore
Proposals and abstracts should be received by the Conference Organisers by 25 June 2020. Poster presentations will also be accepted.
About the Conference
The Indigenous Cultural Heritage Conference 2020 – Taking Control of our Heritage, provides the first opportunity for Traditional Owners and their allies to meet, discuss, and develop programs, strategies and ideas to take control of their Cultural Heritage in Australia.
The Conference is for all Traditional Owners, their organisations and those that work with them in the promotion, management and protection of Indigenous Cultural Heritage. The Conference program will encompass several relevant themes, prominent international and national speakers as well as a comprehensive social program.
Conference Attendees
- Traditional Owners & others working in Indigenous Cultural Heritage and Native Title organisations
- Government officials
- Cultural Heritage professionals
- Institutional personnel
- Academics with a focus on Cultural Heritage or Indigenous Rights
- Organisations working with Traditional Owners on development proposals
Confirmed Guest Speakers
Edward Halealoha Ayau
Professor Merata Kawharu
For more information, visit the conference website or email Roz Skilton.
CHNT conference, 4-6 November 2020 , Vienna – call for papers, posters and apps: deadline 30 June
Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) conference
Artificial Intelligence : New pathways towards cultural heritage
4-6 November 2020
Vienna, Austria
Call for papers, posters and apps
We know how to digitize our heritage, so what is the next step: making our Cultural Heritage more accessible to the general public / researchers, and even accessible when it is not there anymore.
In recent years, the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches has increased rapidly in cultural heritage (CH) management and research. A main driver is the availability of remote sensing data, allowing us to detect new archaeological sites and to monitor the preservation of known monuments. Due to advances in computer power and a wide range of free machine learning tools, large amounts of remote sensing data can be processed automatically for CH purposes instead of covering only small areas by expert inspection
More information about the calls are available here for papers and posters and here for the app.
Deadline for submissions: 30 June
The organisers have also started a “Culture = Future” page, for which they invite statements and thoughts from you about colleagues who have lost or will lose their jobs, because there are less excavations, less projects, the money is needed for something else but not for archaeology, museums and cultural heritage – view this and consider submitting your thoughts.
Nordic Association of Conservators Congress, 21-22 October 2021, Stockholm – call for abstracts: deadline 1 July 2020
NKF XXII Congress
21-22 October 2021
Abstract submission deadline 1 July 2020.
The Nordic Association of Conservators (NKF) was founded in 1950 and functions as a regional group of the International Institute for the Conservation of Artistic and Historic Works (IIC), and is known as IIC Nordic Group.
NKF XXII Congress is an international congress held every three years and is the main event for heritage conservation professionals in the Nordic countries.
In 2021 the congress will be held over two days in Stockholm from 21-22 October, hosted by the Swedish NKF-S group.
Research and Review – Advancements in conservation and assessment of previous experiences
A congress topic to illustrate how the conservation-restoration discipline has evolved over the last decades.
Progress has been made both through research and trial-and-error. Analytical methods, documentation, conservation treatments, choice of material as well as the circumstances under which conservator-restorers work are continuously developing.
For more information, visit the congress website.
University of Canberra short courses, June/July 2020
The University of Canberra is offering two online short courses over winter, perfect for those who want to broaden their horizons around how the creative and cultural sector and economy works, and how to make better use of digital heritage collections.
Click on the links below for more information.
Creative and Cultural Futures: Understanding the creative and Cultural economy with Stephen Cassidy
22 June – 8 July
Hacking Heritage: the GLAM Workbench with Tim Sherratt
22 – 24 July
National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards 2020 – nominations open and close 28 June
Nominations are now being accepted for this year’s Awards.
The National Trust ACT Heritage Awards are a way of celebrating our heritage and the work done to preserve and protect it.
The awards are a positive way of recognising and promoting best practice heritage action in the Capital.
The awards will cover all aspects of heritage including archaeological, indigenous, built and objects and will consider large and small projects, conservation and adaptive re-use, intangible and tangible heritage, built projects and reports.
For more information, visit the National Trust of Australia (ACT) website.
Nominations close 28 June 2020.
Call for nominations: UNESCO Australian Memory of the World Register – deadline 30 June 2020
The UNESCO Australian Memory of the World Committee is calling for nominations of documentary heritage items and collections of significance to Australia to be added to its Australian Register.
Any government, institution, organisation, group or individual may submit nominations for the UNESCO Australian Memory of the World Register. However, priority will be given to nominations made by or through relevant heritage institutions and to Australian documentary heritage under threat.
In addition, two or more governments, institutions, organisations, groups or individuals may put forward joint nominations where collections are divided among several owners or custodians. Such prior collaboration is strongly encouraged.
Nominations open on 1 November 2019 and close on 30 June 2020.
Information on the nomination process and the nomination form can be found on the Australian Memory of the World Committee website.
Growing Victoria’s Botanic Gardens grants program – Second and Final Round now open & applications close 16 July 2020
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is delivering a $4 million grant program to rejuvenate and enhance botanic gardens across Victoria. The program is being conducted over two competitive funding rounds (2019 and 2020). Applications are open to local councils, community and not-for-profit organisations and committees of management.
Round Two is now open and closes on 16 July 2020. The funding available for the Growing Victoria’s Botanic Gardens grants program in Round Two is close to $2 million.
To be eligible, botanic gardens must meet the definition of a botanic garden included in the funding guidelines and must be publicly accessible.
The grant program aims to rejuvenate Victoria’s botanic gardens by upgrading and enhancing the physical assets and amenities of the gardens and by growing the gardens’ important role in research, conservation and education. The program also aims to address the risks posed by climate-related rainfall and temperature changes.
Applicants may apply for an amount of between $20,000 and $300,000 per project and applications must offer some co-contribution, either financial or in-kind.
Recipients of Round One grants are eligible to apply for grants in Round Two.
For more information visit the DELWP Growing Victoria’s Botanic Gardens webpage.
World Heritage Management Plan (WHMP) for the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens (REB&CG) review – community consultation open and closes 27 July
The review of the World Heritage Management Plan (WHMP) for the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens (REB&CG) (‘the review’) is underway.
The review is being undertaken by the Steering Committee for the REB&CG (‘the Steering Committee’), and is being coordinated by Heritage Victoria within the Department of Environment, Land, Water, and Planning (DELWP); the City of Melbourne and Museums Victoria; with input from the City of Yarra and the National Trust of Australia (Victoria).
The review is required by, and is being undertaken in accordance with, Part 9 of the Heritage Act 2017. There will be several opportunities for you to participate in this review process throughout 2020 and 2021.
Opportunities to participate
Community consultation
The first stage of community consultation is now open. We want to hear your views on how the REB&CG is currently protected, managed and accessed, and what you value most about the site. Please visit this link to:
- Complete the online survey and upload a document (open from 1 June – 27 July 2020)
- Register for forthcoming online information sessions
- Read the review Discussion Paper and Frequently Asked Questions
Comment on the drafts of reviewed component documents
The current World Heritage Management Plan for the RECB&CG was approved by the Minister for Planning in 2013, and includes the following component documents as attachments:
- Attachment A: Conservation Management Plan (to be renamed the “Heritage Management Plan” following the current review process)
- Attachment B: Carlton Gardens Master Plan
- Attachment C: Royal Exhibition Building and Exhibition Reserve Master Plan
- Attachment D: World Heritage Strategy Plan for the World Heritage Environs Area
Each of the above component documents will be individually reviewed as part of this review process, and you will have the opportunity to comment on the reviewed draft of each document. Please visit this link for the latest updates and to read the Discussion Paper and Frequently Asked Questions, which provide detailed information relating to each stage of the review process.
Make a submission in response to draft of the reviewed REB&CG World Heritage Management Plan
It is expected that the draft of the reviewed World Heritage Management Plan document will be available for public comment in late 2021, once the review of all component documents listed above is complete. Sections 184-186 of the Heritage Act 2017 set out the process by which people may make submissions to the Steering Committee in response to the draft of the reviewed World Heritage Management Plan.
For more information, please visit this link and read the Discussion Paper and Frequently Asked Questions.
If you have any enquiries about how you may participate in any stage of this review, please contact Heritage Victoria, via email or phone (03) 7022 6390.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Historic Site Officer, NSW National Parks & Wildlife Services
Job Title: Senior Historic Site Officer
Job Grade / Classification: Clerk Grade 9/10
Employment Type: Ongoing, Full-Time
Location: Mudgee
About the Role
The Senior Historic Site Officer supports the Area Manager Mudgee in the management of Hill End Historic Site, including management of historic heritage assets, management of village water and sewerage utilities, community and stakeholder engagement, strategic and operational planning, environmental assessment, works development, programming and supervision, contract management, management of Hill End staff, adaptive re-use including leasing and licensing, preparation of grant applications and administration of relevant external and internal grants, and promotion and marketing of the Historic Site.
For more information and to apply, visit the i work for NSW website.
Applications close 11:59pm, 28 June 2020.
[UPDATED] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, GBA Heritage, Sydney
GBA Heritage is a well-established built heritage consultancy practice, respected for our role in heritage asset management, advisory services and liaison on heritage issues. Our multi-disciplinary team provides services ranging from conservation and adaptive re-use advice, skilled liaison with government bodies throughout NSW, and the preparation of heritage impact statements, conservation management plans, archival recordings, cultural tourism and interpretation plans, in addition to Land and Environment Court appeals. We have a broad base of private, corporate and government clients, offering the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of challenging projects.
We are seeking a highly motivated Heritage Consultant who can work both independently and as part of a medium-sized team of skilled professional staff.
You will have considerable experience in the heritage field with a good understanding of complex heritage assessments, a familiarity with the relevant legislation, excellent project delivery skills, including the preparation of coherent, legible reports. You will also have a strong track record of establishing trusted advisor/client relationships. Your role will include the provision of responsible, rational and creative expert heritage advice to clients, architectural colleagues and building contractors.
For more information, see the 10 June 2020_GBA Heritage Consultant – long form position description.
Please note: GBA Heritage is not an Archaeology consultancy. This position is full time. Those wishing to apply for this position are encouraged to send a cover letter and their resume by email to GBA Heritage.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131