Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 899


  1. [NEW ITEM] Burra Charter 40th Anniversary celebration, Canberra, 15 November
  2. [NEW ITEM] Sustainable Urbanism Roadshow, 31 October, Hobart – registration open
  3. [NEW ITEM] National Archives of Australia/Australian Historical Association Postgraduate Scholarships – applications due 31 October 2019
  4. [NEW ITEM] Open House Sydney, 2 November – new Focus Tours announced!
  5. [NEW ITEM] John Andrews x Tim Ross: Public Conversation, Canberra, 13 November
  6. [NEW ITEM] PhD Colloquium 2020, 6 July 2020, Melbourne – call for abstracts: deadline 21 November
  7. [NEW ITEM] Australia House and visions of an Imperial London talk, 22 November, Sydney
  8. [NEW ITEM] Book in Exchange for Book Review
  9. [NEW ITEM] The University of Tasmania: Master of Tourism, Environmental and Cultural Heritage – applications open
  10. [NEW ITEM] CHNT conference, 4-6 November 2019, Vienna – programme online
  11. [NEW ITEM] The Heritage of the Modern Olympic Games conference, Munich, 7-8 November 2019: programme available
  12. [NEW ITEM] ICOMOS Mexico, 36th International Symposium on Cultural and Natural Heritage Conservation, 13-15 November 2019
  13. [NEW ITEM] Big Wins for Western Sydney Parklands at the National Landscape Architecture Awards – Western Sydney Parklands media release
  14. [NEW ITEM] UNESCO Asia Pacific Awards – winners announced










1. [NEW ITEM] Burra Charter 40th Anniversary celebration, Canberra, 15 November

In the 40th anniversary year of the Burra Charter and in conjunction with its national conference on the theme of Heritage of the Air, Australia ICOMOS is pleased to host a celebratory event to mark this occasion.

A highlight of this reception, with drinks and nibbles, will be a presentation on Australia’s latest World Heritage property – Budj Bim in western Victoria, which was inscribed in July 2019. Australia ICOMOS is delighted that Denis Rose, Land Manager at the Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Corporation, has agreed to speak about the World Heritage journey for this remarkable Indigenous heritage place.


Time & date: 6.15 – 8.00 pm, Friday 15 November 2019
Location: Shine Dome (National Heritage listed), 15 Gordon Street, Acton, ACT
Entry: Free for Australia ICOMOS members (all categories); Others – $30 + booking fee
Bookings: via this link

Download the BurraCharter-40th AnniversaryCelebration-15Nov flyer.


Supported by the Getty Conservation Institute


2. [NEW ITEM] Sustainable Urbanism Roadshow, 31 October, Hobart – registration open

TAS Sustainable Urbanism Roadshow
Thursday 31 October 2019 | 5.30pm – 7.30pm | Australian Institute of Architects (TAS) 1/19A Hunter Street, Hobart

As part of Open House Hobart 2019, Prince’s Trust Australia, Australian Institute of Architects (TAS), Heritage Tasmania and the International Network of Traditional Building Architecture and Urbanism invite you to join us for our next Sustainable Urbanism Roadshow in Hobart this October.

Jennifer Nichols, Executive Director for the Australian Institute of Architects (TAS) will facilitate an evening of networking, presentations and a panel discussion exploring the importance of sustainable urbanism and place-making in ‘Doing Density Well’.

Panel Members

  • Justin Hewitt – Director of Sustainable Communities | Prince’s Trust Australia
  • Deirdre MacDonald – Heritage Advisor | Heritage Tasmania
  • Leigh Woolley – Architect | Australian Institute of Architects
  • Megan Baynes – Urbanist | Australian Institute of Architects

Click here for more information and to register.

Free Entry: Inclusive of light food and drinks


3. [NEW ITEM] National Archives of Australia/Australian Historical Association Postgraduate Scholarships – applications due 31 October 2019

The second round of 2019 scholarships for Masters and PhD students has been jointly announced by the National Archives of Australia (NAA) and the Australian Historical Association (AHA). Postgraduate students can apply for funding of up to $2,375 in digitisation services, plus facilitated access to records in the National Archives collection. The scholarships are open to both Australian and international postgraduate students of Australian history.

For conditions and how to apply visit the National Archives of Australia website.

Applications close 31 October.


4. [NEW ITEM] Open House Sydney, 2 November – new Focus Tours announced!

Discover micro-houses, warehouse conversions and an innovative science and learning institute in our exciting new release for Focus Tours on Saturday 2 November. 

Every Focus Tour ticket purchased by midnight on 27 October will go into the draw to win a double pass to climb St Mary’s Cathedral Bell Tower.

Click here for more information.


5. [NEW ITEM] John Andrews x Tim Ross: Public Conversation, Canberra, 13 November

Internationally acclaimed architect, John Andrews, will be joined by Tim Ross, creator of the award-winning ABC series Streets of Your Town, in a public conversation to discuss John’s work and architectural legacy. The event will begin with a screening of a 1979 Film Australia documentary film.

Light refreshments will be served after the event.

Date & time: 6pm, Wednesday 13 November
Venue: ANU Kambri Cinema Cultural Centre Kambri (ANU Building 153)
Cost: $25

More information / bookings via this link.


6. [NEW ITEM] PhD Colloquium 2020, 6 July 2020, Melbourne – call for abstracts: deadline 21 November

SAHANZ PhD Colloquium 2020
University of Melbourne
6 July 2020

Abstracts are invited for participation in the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) PhD Colloquium for 2020, to be held on 6 July 2020 and to be hosted by the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning and the Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH), at the University of Melbourne.

This one-day event is being held in collaboration with the Society of Architectural & Urban Historians of Asia (SAUH) Asia Built Environments stream at the Asian Studies Association of Australia biennial conference (6-9 July 2020) and participants will have the option to attend that conference at student rates.

Participants will have the opportunity to share their research with fellow postgraduates, and will gain critical feedback from mid-career and senior academics who are experts in a broad range of national and international historical and heritage fields.

For more information and contacts for queries, visit the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand website.

Abstracts due Thursday 21 November 2019.


7. [NEW ITEM] Australia House and visions of an Imperial London talk, 22 November, Sydney

Australia House and visions of an Imperial London – a presentation by art historian and author Eileen Chanin
hosted by the Twentieth Century Heritage Society of NSW & ACT

Australia House in London, officially opened in 1918 by King George V, was built to be the pride of the Commonwealth in London – to ‘raise the thought and touch the heart’ of all who saw it.

Today, it is a Grade II listed building, and still a prominent landmark on the Strand, one of the busiest parts of the city.

How did it end up there?

What visions of the British Empire and of London itself was it intended to realise?

And what is its significance as heritage, and as both a site and a symbol of relations between Britain and Australia?

From the point of view of public diplomacy, is it still capable of ‘Telling Australia’s Story to the World’?

About the presenter

Dr. Eileen Chanin is author of Capital Designs: Australia House and Visions of an Imperial London (2018). She is a Research Associate at the Australian Studies Institute (ANU), and recent Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Menzies Institute for Australian Studies, King’s College London (2016-2017), where she was also Menzies Foundation Fellow (2015) and Rydon Fellow (2014).

Light refreshments will be served.

Date & time: 6:30–8:00 pm, 22 November 2019
Location: The Australian Institute of Architects Auditorium, Tusculum, 3 Manning St, Potts Point
Cost: $15-25
Bookings: via this link


8. [NEW ITEM] Book in Exchange for Book Review

The following new publication is available for review. You will need to write a review of about 700-800 words to be published in Historic Environment (HE), in exchange for the free book. The book review will need to be submitted in approx. 3 months.

Please email Ian Kelly, the HE Reviews Editor, if you are interested in reviewing any of the above title. First come, first served!


9. [NEW ITEM] The University of Tasmania: Master of Tourism, Environmental and Cultural Heritage – applications open

Applications are now OPEN for 2020 entry to The University of Tasmania’s new Master of Tourism, Environmental and Cultural Heritage.

This immersive degree offers a unique learning experience using Tasmania’s UNESCO world heritage sites. The course includes field trips to Cradle Mountain, Port Arthur Historic Site and gives students an opportunity to pitch their business idea to a venture capitalist and undertake an internship, allowing them to experience the industry first hand. Study part-time or accelerate and complete over a 12-month period.

For more information please visit the University of Tasmania website.


10. [NEW ITEM] CHNT conference, 4-6 November 2019, Vienna – programme online

Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) conference
Monumental Computations: Digital archaeology of large urban and underground infrastructures
4-6 November 2019
Vienna, Austria

In less than four weeks, the 14th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies will be opened by Mag. Veronica KAUP-HASLER, Executive City Councillor for Cultural Affairs and Science, City of Vienna.

Additional Information

For more information, visit the conference website.


11. [NEW ITEM] The Heritage of the Modern Olympic Games conference, Munich, 7-8 November 2019: programme available

“The Heritage of the Modern Olympic Games. Historic Sports Facilities between Conservation and Conversion”
Munich, Olympic Park, 7-8 November 2019

In 2020, the Olympic Summer Games will take place in Tokyo, for which buildings of the venue for the Games of 1964 will also be used. In 2019, the year before the 2020 Olympic Games in Japan, ICOMOS Germany and the City of Munich are organising an international conference about the significance of Olympic facilities for the history of architecture and sport, on the occasion of the Bavarian initiative for a World Heritage nomination of Munich’s Olympic Park of 1972. Under the patronage of the former mayor of Munich, Dr. Hans-Jochen Vogel, international experts will be presenting conservation perspectives for Olympic buildings of the 20th century and discussing the buildings’ potential to be inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The conference follows the slogan “Sharing Heritage – Sharing Values” of the European Year of Cultural Heritage and will be sponsored by the Federal Government Commissioner for Cultural Affairs and the Media. The event will be hosted by ICOMOS Germany and the Bavarian capital of Munich, in cooperation with the Bavarian Monument Conservation Authority (BLfD), the German Academy for Urban and Regional Planning (DASL), the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) and the Verein “Aktion Welterbe Olympiapark”.

You can register via an email to There will be no conference fee.

The programme of the conference can be found here.


12. [NEW ITEM] ICOMOS Mexico, 36th International Symposium on Cultural and Natural Heritage Conservation, 13-15 November 2019

ICOMOS Mexico will be celebrating its 36th International Symposium on Cultural and Natural Heritage Conservation, on 13-15 November 2019.

For more information, see the Symposium poster and the Symposium leaflet. (Please note that these are in Spanish).


13. [NEW ITEM] Big Wins for Western Sydney Parklands at the National Landscape Architecture Awards – Western Sydney Parklands media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Western Sydney Parklands, dated 15 October 2019.

Western Sydney Parklands and its consultants have scooped two new awards on a national stage, at the prestigious 2019 Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) Awards.

The annual awards celebrate leading Australian projects, recognising 32 winners across 14 categories. An additional 13 Awards of Excellence are presented for outstanding projects.

In the National AILA awards Western Sydney Parklands and its consultants won:

  • Award of Excellence to Western Sydney Parklands Plan of Management 2030 by Western Sydney Parklands Trust (Category: Landscape Planning)
  • Award of Excellence to Southern Parklands Framework by TYRRELLSTUDIO, Western Sydney Parklands Trust (Category: Parks and Open Space)

Western Sydney Parkland’s Executive Director Suellen Fitzgerald said it’s a huge honour for the Parklands to receive recognition on a national stage.

“We’re delighted to have been recognised along with our consultants at these prestigious awards alongside such high-calibre Australian projects,” Ms Fitzgerald said.

“Western Sydney Parklands is Sydney’s biggest backyard where people of all backgrounds come together to meet, play, relax and simply enjoy nature.

“We’re proud to offer world-class sporting and recreation venues, award-winning playgrounds, urban farms and fantastic events spaces.

“Thanks to all our consultants and staff for their ongoing hard work. We will continue to create, innovate and commit to design excellence so our beautiful Parklands remain among Australia’s top open spaces.”

The Western Sydney Plan of Management 2030 was honoured with an Award of Excellence in the Planning category. Adopted in 2018, the Plan guides the planning and management of the Parklands over the next decade.

The Parks and Open Space Award for Excellence went to TYRRELLSTUDIO, in collaboration with Western Sydney Parklands, for its Southern Parklands design framework. The framework draws on the Parklands’ unique characteristics and offers exciting new infrastructure and sculptural interventions celebrating a sense of place.

The national award announcement follows Western Sydney Parklands’ success at the state awards earlier in the year.

In the NSW awards in July 2019, Western Sydney Parklands and its consultants won:

  • Award of Excellence to Western Sydney Parklands Trust for Western Sydney Parklands Plan of Management 2030 (Category: Landscape Planning)
  • Award of Excellence to TYRRELLSTUDIO in collaboration with the Trust for Southern Parklands Framework (Category: Parks and Open Space)
  • Award of Excellence to Newscape Design in collaboration with the Trust for Western Sydney Parklands Design Manual (Category: Land Management)


14. [NEW ITEM] UNESCO Asia Pacific Awards – winners announced

The 2019 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation were announced as part of the Asia-Pacific Heritage 20/20 Forum in Penang, Malaysia on Monday 14 October.

Winners included two New Zealand and three Australian projects:

  • Award of Distinction – Nelson School of Music, Nelson, New Zealand – by Irving Smith Architects and Ian Bowman Architect & Conservator in association
  • Award of Merit – Lyttleton Timeball Station, Christchurch, New Zealand – by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga in association with David Pearson Architects
  • Honourable Mention – The 5s Classroom, Persil The Margaret Lyttle Memorial School, Kew, Victoria, Australia – by Gina Levenspiel (Grimwade Miegunyah Fellow), together with Preshil the Margaret Lyttle Memorial School
  • Honourable Mention – Westpac Long Gallery, Sydney, Australia – by Australian Museum and Design 5 – Architects
  • Award for New Design in Heritage Contexts – Joan Sutherland Theatre Passageway & Lift, Sydney Opera House, Sydney Australia – by Scott Carver Architects and Design 5

Further information on the awards can be found at this link.




Membership of the Australia ICOMOS World Heritage Reference Group – call for EOI: deadline COB Friday 25 October

The current membership of the Australia ICOMOS World Heritage Reference Group (WHRG) has been in place for a number of years, and in accordance with the broader strategy of the Executive Committee for Australia ICOMOS Working Groups and Reference Groups, it is time to refresh the membership. Reference Groups are ongoing, but Australia ICOMOS policy is that membership will be refreshed at least every three years through a call for expressions of interest from Australia ICOMOS members. The WHRG provides advice to Australia ICOMOS on World Heritage issues when required. Currently there are no formal Terms of Reference for the WHRG, so one of the first tasks of the new reference group will be to draft these.

There will be a spill of all current positions, except for that of the nominated EC representative (currently Australia ICOMOS President Ian Travers). Members of the WHRG will be selected based on demonstrated expertise and experience, although expressions of interest are invited from those who have a particular interest in World Heritage but may not have had extensive experience in the area. Current WHRG members are able to nominate to renew their membership. The final selection will be determined by the EC on the basis of a recommendation from a subcommittee.

More information can be found on the World Heritage Reference Group webpage and in the EOI document (link below). Please note that all individuals who express an interest in any Australia ICOMOS Working or Reference Group agree to be bound by the documents that can be found here.

Members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to express an interest in becoming a member of this Reference Group by sending a completed WHRG_EOI_September 2019_FINAL form to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB 25 October 2019.

For further information please contact the WHRG EC representative Ian Travers by email or phone 0420 514 508.


Become a member of ICOMOS and enjoy discounts on GA2020 registration! Submit your Australia ICOMOS membership application by Monday 28 October

Next year Australia will host the International 20th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS (ICOMOS GA2020), with the theme ‘Shared Cultures – Shared Heritage – Shared Responsibility’, in Sydney, in October 2020.

Early bird registration for ICOMOS GA2020 will open on 4 November 2019. The early bird prices will offer substantial discounts to members of Australia ICOMOS. As a Full member accessing early bird prices, you will save up to $300 compared to a non-member (note: the early bird rate for Associate ICOMOS members is $920 – a saving of $100).

Now is the time for you, and your staff and colleagues, to become an Australia ICOMOS member! The application process is online and membership application information can be found at this link.

If you have any questions or need some help with the application or finding a nominator, please contact your Australia ICOMOS state representative.

Individuals who wish to become members of ICOMOS via Australia ICOMOS and have their application assessed this year should submit an application soon – the deadline for the last batch of applications for 2019 is COB Monday 28 October.

Join now and be part of the amazing heritage experience coming to Australia in 2020!


Review of the Practice Note – Intangible Cultural Heritage and Place – take a short survey by 31 October

At the launch of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Place Practice Note in Canberra in October 2017, we proposed to seek feedback from Australia ICOMOS members and other heritage practitioners. The key questions are: how are you using the Practice Note and is it effective in guiding your heritage practice?

We are calling for feedback on the Practice Note in the lead up to our workshop on 14 November through a short online survey. The survey will take around 10 minutes: it is open now and closes at 6pm on 31 October 2019.

The survey is anonymous. Alternatively you can send an email to the National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage.


Heritage of the Air conference, 14-17 November 2019, Canberra

The 2019 Heritage of the Air conference program will feature and exciting array of speakers, workshops, social events and tours. The conference will be held at University House, Canberra from 14-17 November. Find out more about the venue, accommodation and getting there.

Workshops are filling fast! Included in full registration, you can find information on our Oral History, Intangible Cultural Heritage and Digital Heritage Workshops here. You may also like purchase a ticket to our special Masterclass with the Martini Whisperer!

The Conference Party will be a Canberra Modern style throwback to the Golden Age of flying; tickets for this fabulous event can be added to your conference registration. We are also offering Welcome Drinks, featuring “Company B” and a 40th Anniversary Burra Charter event. Find more about our unique conference events here.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to this lively and thought-provoking celebration of Heritage of the Air. Registration details available here.

This conference is brought to you by the Heritage of the Air ARC Linkage team, Australia ICOMOS, University of Canberra, ISC 20C, Airservices Australia, Canberra Modern and Aviation Cultures.




Beaumaris Open, Sunday 20 October, Melbourne

Beaumaris Open – Sunday 20 October – 10am – 4.00pm – Tickets $55

Some of Australia’s best known mid-century modern architects designed their earliest homes in Beaumaris; these architects were experimenting with new materials and design ideas including the Boyd-designed Stegbar Windowall, to let in light and maximise garden views. Houses were placed on the block to gain northern light; roofs were often flat or skillion and with large eaves; carports were placed at the front of the house to allow for views into the garden. Inside, houses were open-plan, full of colour and modern patterns and often featured BECO (Brown Evans & Co.) light fittings and Featherston furniture.

We are fortunate in Beaumaris to still have some of these extraordinary houses. This year we have selected 4 houses for our Beaumaris Open event, now lived in by a new generation of families, who appreciate the unique architectural qualities of these houses. And we have an inspiring architect-designed new home, for a client who previously lived in a mid-century Beaumaris home and wanted to downsize and stay in the suburb. This house has been designed to sit harmoniously in a mid-century streetscape; inside the house has been designed to capture northern light and to suit the owners collection of classic mid-century furniture. We have a beautiful architect designed Kevin Knight home with a contemporary renovation to suit modern family life. An original 50’s but then extensively renovated in the 60’s home, complete with swimming pool. An ‘Age Small Homes Service’ home, featured in the Beaumaris Modern book, thoughtfully renovated to enhance its features. And finally, the original home of architect Charles Bricknell, now being sympathetically restored by his grandson and partner.

>> more information & bookings


Climate Heritage Network Global Launch, 24-25 October 2019, Edinburgh – registration open

The Climate Heritage Network Global Launch is a two-day program devoted to urgently mobilizing the cultural heritage sector for climate action across the globe. The program will serve as a key catalyst for accelerating the ambition of culture and heritage actors to help the communities they work in to deliver on ambitions of the Paris Agreement. The launch builds on the Climate Heritage Mobilization @ Global Climate Action Summit held in San Francisco in 2018.

A key outcome of the program will be the launch of the new Climate Heritage Network, a voluntary, mutual support network of local and city, state/provincial and regional, indigenous and tribal, and national arts, culture and heritage governmental and quasi-governmental boards, offices, ministries and site management agencies as well as NGOs, universities, businesses and other organizations committed to aiding their jurisdictions in tackling climate change and achieving the ambitions of the Paris Agreement.

For more information, visit the Climate Heritage Network Global Launch website.

>> bookings


Open House returns to Bendigo – 26 & 27 October 2019

The Open House Bendigo building list is now live! Filter through your favourite buildings below, and start planning your Bendigo Weekend. Read everything you need to know to find out more.

Some buildings require pre-booking due to their limited capacity, with a $5 commitment fee to reserve your place. Bookings open 8.30am, Monday 14 October, sharp.

Open House Bendigo is presented in partnership with City of Greater Bendigo.

Visit the Open House website for more information.


Bronte House Open Weekend, 26 & 27 October 2019, Sydney

Before there was a suburb named Bronte, there was an estate named…Charlotte? Anne? Duke of (Bronte)? This house, garden and ‘core’ of the former estate are listed on the NSW State Heritage Register, as a ‘marine villa’.

… of a style not commonly found in Australian Colonial architecture, with its superb siting and substantial garden it is a significant essay in the picturesque. The property has connections with colonial architect Mortimer Lewis and more importantly with Robert Lowe, later created Viscount Sherbrooke. It is especially notable stylistically as an individual mid-Victorian design reflecting a romantic and picturesque interpretation of the medieval past. It is substantially intact and retains its outstanding original setting. Bronte House is the oldest known residence in the Waverley Council area. Sources: Dowd, pp. 154-161. Kerr J, Broadbent J, Gothic Taste in the Colony of New South Wales, p. 107.

A historic, extremely rare, picturesque garden constructed in a naturally irregular site as a setting for an equally picturesque colonial house by one of the colony’s rarest inhabitants – a cultivated lady. (James Broadbent for National Trust of Australia, 1981)

Bronte House is one of Australia’s most picturesque surviving colonial residences and dates back to 1845. Built in the ‘Gothick’ taste so fashionable in the late 18th & early 19th centuries it is a perfect example of the cottage ornee, not a mansion but a romantic retreat from more formal city life. Its restored and adapted garden is now a small scale botanic garden, a repository for rare and beautiful plants, and one of Australia’s best new private gardens. (Schofield, 2002).

470 Bronte Road, Bronte
10am to 2pm, both days
$2 entry fee

Insider tip: don’t bother driving – catch a bus: they’re frequent and go past the gate, with cafes etc 5mins away.

Courtesy of Waverley Council and residents Wes & Anna van der Gardner.

>> more information


Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Wednesday 30 October

Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage Seminar will be a presentation by Dr Alexandra Roginski (Research Fellow, Alfred Deakin Institute, Deakin University) on “Somatic histories, stolen remains and contemporary Indigenous art in the settler-colonial state”.


The histories of European researchers, doctors and collectors exhuming and hoarding Indigenous ancestral remains ripple through public memory as some of the greatest transgressions of western knowledge practices. Since the 1960s, Indigenous activists and groups, and (increasingly) the settler state have sought to remediate the material legacies of these practices by campaigning for the repatriation and respectful reburial of ancestral remains still held in historical collections. The symbolic powers of these narratives of bodily desecration resonate through the respective works of Daniel Boyd and Brook Andrew, who hold dual roles in Australian culture as celebrated Indigenous artists and contributors to public memory. As examples of what I call “somatic histories”, many of their works localise stories of past transgressions – together with the lived experience and aspirations of present-day Indigenous Australians – within human remains. In charting connections between historical violence and contemporary Australian life, they ultimately challenge the settler state’s search for symbolic closure.


Dr Alexandra Roginski is a research fellow with the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation. Her work spans history of science, anthropology and heritage studies, and she completed her PhD through the ANU in 2018. She is the author of The Hanged Man and the Body Thief: Finding Lives in a Museum Mystery (Monash University Publishing, 2015).

Free of charge. All welcome. Bookings not required.

Date: Wednesday 30 October 2019

Time: 5.00-6.00pm

Venue: Deakin Downtown, 727 Collins St, Tower 2, Level 12

Venue Tip: Deakin’s new city centre campus is between Southern Cross Station and Docklands, on tram routes 11 and 48 (Stop D15). Entry is via Tower Two. The reception desk directs you to an escalator to a bank of lifts and Deakin Downtown is on Level 12.

Further enquiries: email Beatrice Harris


National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards, 30 October, Canberra

We look forward to seeing you at this year’s presentation and to hear about the projects submitted for this year’s awards.

National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards Presentation Night 2019
30 October 2019
5:45 pm-7:30 pm

CMAG Theatrette, 176 London Circuit, Canberra City.

Drinks & Nibbles from 5.45 to 6.15pm. Presentation by Minister Mick Gentleman from 6.15 to 7.00pm and drinks to 7.30pm.

Please RSVP by email (for catering purposes) by Monday 28 October.

Download the invitation


Art handling and Installation workshop, 31 October, Melbourne

Australian Museums and Galleries Association Victoria (AMaGA Victoria) invites you to attend this event.

Join Joseph Dawson from TITLE UNTITLED to gain practical insights from a professional Gallery Technician, preparing two dimensional and three dimensional art works for display, safe handling of artworks and installation techniques.

Date: Thursday 31 October
Time: 1.30pm-4.30pm
Venue: Res Artis, 44 Glasshouse Road, Collingwood
Cost: Members $60, Students $60, Non-members $120



Back to the Future: A Place for Emotional Significance within Urban Conservation? talk, 31 October, University of Sydney

Join the University of Sydney School of Architecture, Design & Planning in discussion with visiting Professor of Urban Studies, Rebecca Madgin, from the University of Glasglow.

The heritage sector has continually evolved its thinking with regards to the value and significance of the historic environment. Largely this has been achieved through seminal interventions such as the Burra Charter, which along with international charters such as the Nara Document on Authenticity and the Quebec Declaration and national strategies including Our Place in Time (Scotland, 2014) have shifted thinking around why the past matters.

Date: Thursday 31 October
Time: 6.00pm, refreshments from 5.30pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre 250, Level 2, Wilkinson Building, University of Sydney 2006

About Rebecca Madgin

Rebecca Madgin is Professor of Urban Studies at the University of Glasgow. Rebecca is an urban historian who works broadly on the relationship between heritage and place-making. More specifically, Rebecca’s research examines the emotional and economic values of heritage in the context of urban redevelopment initiatives and she has published work on examples of heritage-led redevelopment initiatives in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries using examples drawn from the UK, Europe and China.

>>more information

>>free but please register


Sustainable Urbanism Roadshow – Perth | Doing Density Well | 7 November

Prince’s Trust Australia, Curtin University, Government Architect WA, Climate Clever and the International Network of Traditional Building Architecture and Urbanism (INTBAU) invite you to join us for our next Sustainable Urbanism Roadshow event in Perth this November.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, The Australian National Outlook Report and many other studies all identify the built environment as a critical area in which to address the challenges of climate change and population growth. Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics suggests the population of Perth may exceed 3.5 million people by 2050 requiring an estimated 800,000 new homes with supporting services and infrastructure. How do we manage the pressure of increasing urban density and minimise the impacts of development on the environment? How do we manage our existing places and build new places that not only meet the need for additional housing but creates socially sustainable and resilient communities?

Sandra Brewer, WA Executive Director for the Property Council of Australia, will facilitate an evening of networking, presentations and a panel discussion exploring the importance of sustainable urbanism and place making in ‘Doing Density Well’.


Thursday 7 November 2019
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm AWST
Curtin University – Old Perth Technical School, 137 St Georges Terrace, Perth

Free admission: Inclusive of light food and drinks

>> more information / bookings


“Future directions in heritage” Panel Discussion / Wine & Cheese event, 8 November, Sydney

The Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists Inc. NSW invites you to their “Future directions in heritage” Panel Discussion / Wine & Cheese event.


  • Dr Steve Brown – ICOMOS GA2020 Scientific Symposium Co-chair; lead author Budj Bim Cultural Landscape World Heritage Nomination
  • Dr Paul Irish – Historian, archaeologist; director Coast History & Heritage; author of: Hidden in Plain View. The Aboriginal People of Coastal Sydney
  • Dr Marjorie Sullivan – Geographer; former Cultural Resources Manager NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Southeast Region; Professor of Geography, UPNG; AusAID in-house Environment Adviser

Friday 8 November
6.30pm for 7pm
Thirning Villa, 40 Arthur Street, Ashfield

Entry by donation – all proceeds go to The Refugee Art Project
Please RSVP by 1 November 2019 to Michael Lever by email

Download the Future directions_AACAI event flyer.




Geocultural Futures panel session @ ACHS Conference, London, 26-30 August 2020 – call for papers: deadline 25 October 2019

Geocultural Futures – ACHS Conference
Panel @ 5th Biennial Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) Conference on the theme ‘Futures’
UCL, London, 26-30 August 2020

Today geocultural pasts lie at the heart of international affairs. In Europe, Brexit is first and foremost a geocultural question, to remain or to depart? How to (re)unite – as a country, a kingdom or as a region – seems the profoundly challenging question.

In an increasingly multipolar world, civilisation has returned as a platform for dialogue. Museums and heritage sites look to post-national discourses to craft geocultural citizens. China’s highly ambitious Belt and Road Initiative draws on one of the most compelling geocultural forms of modern times, the Silk Road, to build alliances and new cooperative futures across more than 70 countries. In Russia’s Eurasianism, and Modi’s use of Buddhist and Hindu geocultures for India’s foreign policy, are we seeing a new politics of heritage and history emerge, or a circling back to previous pan-regionalisms?

This panel takes the geocultural as its analytical starting point for investigating key trends in international and regional affairs. How are we to conceptualise and analyse the geopolitical, localised and minority consequences of geocultural heritage? In today’s multilateral trade and diplomacy architecture, geoculturalisms continue to gain currency and funding, manifest in the language of ‘shared heritage’ or cultural routes and corridors. The Maritime Silk Road is an ascendent geostrategic concept that links East Asia, East Africa and the Mediterranean, bringing maritime histories into focus through tourism and its infrastructures.

The concept of geocultural heritage can help us reframe questions of empire, citizenship, borders; look beyond the national and grapple with the emergent forces of competition and collaboration through which politics, places, and identities are being forged, remade and recycled.

If such themes speak to your research interests, please submit a 200-250 word abstract for consideration by Friday 25 October to Tim Winter by email.


National Trust (QLD) 2019 Heritage Symposium & Awards, 29-30 October, Brisbane – registration open

In its mission to protect, conserve and celebrate Queensland’s environmental, built and cultural heritage, the National Trust has curated an inspiring, forward-looking series of events over two days in late October that explore emerging heritage issues and celebrate the work being done for Queensland’s heritage.

The two days of events include:

• Tuesday 29 October, 9.30am-3.30pm: Heritage Symposium Expanding the Past – The Future of our Heritage
• Tuesday 29 October, 6pm-9.30pm: 2019 Queensland Heritage Awards
• Wednesday 30 October, 8am-10am: National Trust Branch Breakfast
• Wednesday 30 October, 10.30pm-1.30pm: Post-Symposium Walking Tour – Brisbane’s modernist high rises and their hidden histories

Attendees have the flexibility to book 1, 2, 3 or all 4 of the events over the two days! Detailed information about ticketing is available at the National Trust QLD website.

This is a wonderful opportunity to network with professionals, government representatives, volunteers and enthusiasts; be inspired by internationally renowned speakers at the Symposium; be entertained by comedian Tim Ross at the Heritage Awards; discover the heritage of Brisbane’s hidden histories on the Walking Tour and to support the important work of the National Trust of Australia (Queensland)

>> booking link


UPDATED ITEM Association of Critical Heritage Studies 5th Biennial Conference, London, 26-30 August 2020 – call for papers: deadline extended to 31 October 2019

The Fifth Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) will be held at University College London.

The conference theme – Futures – aims to engage seriously and critically with the often-stated aims of heritage to address the concerns of future generations, whilst also asking participants to think expansively and creatively about the future of critical heritage studies as an emergent field of focus across a range of academic disciplines.

Papers and sessions will explore a range of issues, including (but not limited to):

  • the future of critical heritage studies
  • newly emerging concepts, themes and methods for the study of heritage
  • the future of heritage management, governance and diplomacy
  • evolving and nascent forms of heritage, and how they might be recognised
  • heritage as future-making; the “time” of heritage and its relationship with the past, present and future
  • future impacts of climatological, ecological, economic, political and social change on heritage
  • future relations of natural and cultural heritage in the light of the recognition of the Anthropocene, and
  • the future of heritage itself

The Call for Participation is currently open and contains detailed information about the conference themes and subthemes.

The deadline for abstract submissions is 31 October 2019.


15th Australasian Urban History / Planning History conference, Tasmania, 5-7 February 2020 – call for papers: deadline 1 November 2019

Proposals are being invited for the 15th Australasian Urban History / Planning History conference to be held in Launceston, Tasmania from 5-7 February 2020.

Edge Conditions: Invented Peripheries, Hidden Centres

Conference theme: Australia is a nation of ‘coast-huggers’, with the vast bulk of its population residing within 50km of the sea. The geographical centre of the continent constitutes its demographic periphery. This apparent inversion, in which an edge condition fosters fecundity and the centre is displaced to a margin, neatly encapsulates the thematic focus for the 2020 iteration the Urban History Planning History conference. To be held in Launceston, Tasmania, a regional town within an entire state classified as ‘regional’ – a periphery of a periphery – the conference aims to explore the formation, conditions and potentials of edges, margins, peripheries and islands in illuminating the understanding of cities and urban phenomena. This thematic is open to both literal and metaphorical readings. The ‘edge conditions’ of the title may be understood in geographic, demographic, historical, spatial, disciplinary, or methodological terms. Geographically inspired papers may focus on peri-urban zones or suburbia, settlement and mobility patterns mediating edges and centres, forgotten projects or abandoned sites. Demographic approaches may highlight the experience and environments of marginalised groups, ethnic or religious minorities, indigenous or migrant communities. Edge conditions in historical terms may suggest thresholds or ‘tipping points’ associated with technological, institutional, or environmental change. Spatial and architecturally-oriented studies may consider how edge conditions at various scales may operate variously as transitional or liminal spaces, ‘terrains vague’, contact zones, public spaces, or delineations of culture and identity. Consideration of edge conditions in disciplinary and methodological terms invites productive engagements with alternate ways of researching the shaping of cities, whether through landscape studies or land economics; actor-network theory or action research.

Please note: Submissions on all other aspects of urban and planning history in Australia and New Zealand will also be welcomed.

In the interests of an agile process and a generative gathering, and taking a view of the value of conferences as spaces for developing work-in-progress, we are adopting a simple single-stage review process, reviewing and selecting proposals based on submitted elaborated abstracts of up to 600 words. Full papers and/or presentations will not be further reviewed prior to the conference.

We encourage work from doctoral candidates, early-career researchers, local historians, independent scholars, in addition to established and emerging academics from across the Australasian region.

We invite proposals for both individual presentations and grouped thematic panels of up to four presenters. Proposals for round-tables are also welcomed, and will be assessed on their merits.

Key Dates

1 November 2019 – Abstract submissions

15 November 2019 – Abstract acceptances notified

24 January 2020 – Paper/presentation materials submitted (for inclusion in conference pack)

Organising Committee: David Beynon, Helen Norrie, Stefan Petrow, Andrew Steen, and Julian Worrall

Enquiries: EOIs and enquiries may be made to the conference email address

Visit the conference website.


UPDATED ITEM 22nd General Assembly and Symposium “Building Peace through Heritage”, 13-15 March 2020, Florence – call for papers: deadline extended to 10 November 2019

Life Beyond Tourism
22nd General Assembly and Symposium “Building Peace through Heritage”

13-15 March 2020

The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco® and its International Institute Life Beyond Tourism® are pleased to invite you to take part and present an abstract at the 22nd General Assembly and International Symposium “Building Peace through Heritage”.

This is the biggest annual event of the Foundation’s Movement Life Beyond Tourism, which last March 2019 gathered in Florence over 250 participants from 47 countries. The 2020 Edition will widen its content:

  • scientific sessions
  • international showcases for cultural expressions of places: small businesses, artists and craftsmen, less known institutions with an additional dedicated session
  • side events
  • a Guest Country typical cultural expressions exhibition

For more information, visit the Life Beyond Tourism website.


10 November 2019: abstract submission due
20 November 2019: notification of abstract acceptance
15 December 2019: early bird registration
20 January 2020: speakers’ participation confirmation and delivery of the full paper


‘Decolonising Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies’ conference, 13-14 November 2019, Deakin Uni, Burwood – registration open

Registrations are now OPEN for the ‘Decolonising Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies’ conference to be held at Deakin University Burwood Campus on 13 and 14 November.

It is now 40 years since Deakin University began its Museum Studies program in 1979. In celebrating this milestone, we are organising a conference that responds to the enormous changes over that time, both in the fields of museum practice and the wider field of cultural heritage. Given our location in Australia, a settler society, our focus takes its bearing from the increasing pressure on museums, archives and heritage places to ‘decolonize’ their practices and relations with Indigenous and First Nations People.

The ‘Decolonising Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies’ conference thus seeks to broaden and deepen the cross-disciplinary and cross-sector conversation about new practices, interpretations and lives for collected materials across the GLAM sector, as well as heritage places shaped by colonial contexts. Informed by histories of the production of colonial knowledge and responding to new and interdisciplinary directions in collection theory and research, heritage management and interpretation, this conference will bring together researchers, practitioners, industry partners and artists to discuss the critical elements of working with and through collections and heritage places within a Decolonising impulse.

The conference will include keynote presentations from:

  • Dr Julie Gough (Curator, Indigenous Cultures, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery)
  • Dr Laura Van Broekhoven (Director, Pitt Rivers Museum, UK)
  • Professor Philipp Schorch (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany)
  • Dr Steve Brown (GML Heritage and University of Canberra) and Denis Rose (Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation)

plus a whole lot more – see the draft program for more details.

Registrations and the complete program are available via this link.

Please contact the Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies team by email with any queries.


ICOMOS International Scientific Conference on Indigenous Cultural Heritage, 13-15 November 2019, Canada

ICOMOS International Scientific Conference on Indigenous Cultural Heritage
13-15 November 2019
Vancouver, Canada

A forum with Indigenous communities to develop new approaches for heritage conservation.

Organized by THEOPHILOS, the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee (ISC) on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration, co-hosted by the First Nations House of Learning (FNHL) at the University of British Columbia (UBC), in collaboration with the ICOMOS ISC for the Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites, and with administrative support from ICOMOS Canada.

The aim of this conference/gathering is to provide a forum for dialogue with Indigenous communities in developing new approaches and best practices for World Heritage criteria, valorisation, conservation and restoration that both recognises and ensures the protection of Indigenous Cultural Heritage in all its diverse forms.

View the TheoPhilos ISC Conference Program.

Register via this link.




ACT Heritage Council vacancies – applications close 25 October 2019

Expressions of interest are invited from persons in the ACT Region who may be interested in being considered for appointment to the ACT Heritage Council (the Council).

The Council is an independent body established under the Heritage Act 2004. The Council’s role includes, among other functions, identification and assessment of nominations to the ACT Heritage Register and providing advice on appropriate conservation of cultural, natural and Aboriginal heritage places and objects in the ACT.

The Council meets at least six times a year to consider a range of matters related to its functions. In addition, Council members serve on various taskforces comprising small numbers of Council members. The taskforces relate to the Council’s functions, and meet or communicate regularly to consider matters in detail outside of Council meetings.

Expressions of interest for three vacancies on the Council are invited from people with experience in archaeology, architecture, or history.

These positions will commence on 12 June 2020.

The application form is available here, by contacting ACT Heritage on 13 22 81, or by request to the Heritage Council.

Completed application forms must be accompanied by a brief letter outlining suitability for appointment and a current CV. Applications can be submitted via email or via mail to: The Secretary, ACT Heritage Council, GPO Box 158, CANBERRA ACT 2601.

Applications will be kept on a register for three years and the Minister for the Environment and Heritage may use this register to appoint new members should vacancies occur.

Applications close on 25 October 2019.


Deakin University DUAL AWARD 2020: Master of Cultural Heritage and World Heritage Masters at Brandenburg Technical University – Cottbus, Germany: application deadline 28 October 2019

Celebrating our 40th year in 2019, applications are now OPEN for 2020 entry to Deakin’s internationally recognised post-graduate programs in Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies.

We offer flexible learning options at the Melbourne Burwood Campus or online. For more information visit the Deakin University website.

Expressions of Interest are now OPEN for our unique dual award with our partners at the World Heritage Studies program at BTU-Cottbus in Germany. To join the 2020 cohort in March, please apply online to enrol in the Master of Cultural Heritage, and also send an Expression of Interest letter to Kristal Buckley by email by 28 October 2019.

For further information, visit our blog.


Applications for PALRC scholarships – close 31 October 2019

The Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC) scholarship program supports emerging leaders from Australia, Asia and the Pacific to build knowledge and skills in natural and cultural heritage protection, stewardship and conservation management.

Scholarships are awarded to outstanding applicants who can demonstrate a commitment to excellence in governance and management of protected areas. PALRC scholarships provide a one-off payment of $2,000 to support students beginning study in 2020.

PALRC courses are available in a range of subjects at collaboration institutions Tasmanian Land Conservancy and co-founder University of Tasmania, Murdoch Uni, Charles Sturt University – CSU and Charles Darwin University.

Browse available courses online now.

The final round of scholarships for the year close at 5pm AEST, 31 October 2019.


Opportunities for Scholars at Dumbarton Oaks – application deadline 1 November

Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection is an institute in Washington, D.C., administered by the Trustees for Harvard University. It supports research and learning internationally in Byzantine, Garden and Landscape, and Pre-Columbian studies through fellowships, internships, meetings, and exhibitions.

Residential fellowships for an academic year, semester, or summer are awarded in all three areas of study to scholars from around the world. In addition, Dumbarton Oaks offers one-month non-residential awards to researchers and short-term pre-doctoral residencies to advanced graduate students. A program of project grants primarily supports archaeological research, as well as materials analysis and photographic surveys of objects and monuments. Summer schools and workshops bring together students for in-depth study of languages, material culture, and theory.

For more information, see the summary information here or visit the Dumbarton Oaks website.

The application deadline is 1 November 2019.


Draft Fremantle Prison Master Plan 2019-2029 – have your say until 3 November

Fremantle Prison’s vision is to preserve the heritage values of the Fremantle Prison Precinct through conservation and community engagement.

We aim to do this by:

  • Being one of Western Australia’s premier heritage precincts and heritage icon to the people of WA.
  • Providing a lasting legacy for the people of Australia by conserving and interpreting the most intact convict era site in Australia, which will greatly enrich the cultural life of the state and nation.
  • Being one of Western Australia’s premier destinations for tourism, cultural and educational activities.
  • Becoming a highly sought after location for a variety of uses, enhancing the vitality of the metropolitan and local area.
  • Being a model for the care and management of exceptionally significant heritage properties in Australia.

The draft Fremantle Prison Master Plan 2019-2029 is currently available for public comment.

The proposed Master Plan recognises the potential of Fremantle Prison to contribute to Western Australia’s tourism, culture, arts, heritage and education industries.

You can have your say until 3 November 2019.

More information at this link and also at this link.




New book and website on Shared Heritage

Geocultural Power: China’s Quest to Revive the Silk Roads for the Twenty First Century
by Tim Winter

The Silk Road – Geocultural and Geostrategic Futures

China’s Belt and Road Initiative aims to connect continents and integrate Eurasia through collaborations spanning trade and infrastructure, culture and finance. Launched in 2013, it incorporates more than seventy countries and two-thirds of the world’s population. But what does it mean to “revive” the Silk Roads for the twenty-first century?

Until now Belt and Road has been discussed as a geopolitical and geoeconomic project. This book introduces geocultural power to the analysis of international affairs.

Tim Winter highlights how Belt and Road bundles geopolitical ambition and infrastructure with carefully curated histories to produce a grand narrative of transcontinental connectivity: past, present and future. As Iran, Greece, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Malaysia and others mobilize the Silk Roads to find diplomatic and cultural connection, China becomes the new author of Eurasian history and the architect of the bridge between East and West. In a diplomatic dance of forgetting, episodes of violence and bloodshed are left behind for a language of shared heritage that crosses borders in ways that further an increasingly networked China-driven economy.

Available via this link.




SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Sydney Opera House Trust


The Sydney Opera House is an iconic Australian institution that embodies beauty, inspiration and the liberating power of art and ideas.

Our vision is to be as bold and inspiring as the Opera House itself.

Our mission is twofold:

  • To treasure and renew the Opera House for future generations of artists, audiences and visitors
  • To inspire, and strengthen the community, through everything we do

For more information about the Sydney Opera House please refer to our website.


This role provides timely advice and support in relation to planning and heritage matters affecting Sydney Opera House. The role manages and coordinates the development, implementation and evaluation of heritage related projects including conservation, interpretation and training projects. The role supports the implementation of the fourth edition of the Sydney Opera House conservation management plan throughout the organisation.

Further more detailed information about the role and its requirements can be obtained from the role description and the full job ad.

Applications Close: Sunday 20 October 2019, 11:59pm


SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants, Melbourne

RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd are seeking an experienced heritage conservation architect to join our team.

The position is senior and involves: research, analysis, design, documentation and contract administration of building works to places of heritage significance (both conservation and adaptive reuse works) and providing advice to significant historic building owners and authorities. Projects are diverse – primarily local, but also international and across all types including: commercial, ecclesiastical, education, civic, community, industrial and residential. The office culture is collegiate, cutting edge and research driven.

Required qualifications

· minimum masters’ degree in architecture

· minimum 10 years’ experience working as a heritage conservation architect

· a working knowledge of Australian architectural history

· expertise in remedial conservation interventions to significant heritage building fabric

· proficiency in contemporary and interpretive design and detail resolution

· proficiency in AutoCad, Sketchup, Adobe and Revit pref. + pencil and butter paper

· proficiency in sustainable design


Interested applicants please forward your CV to Roger by email in the first instance.

If you wish to discuss the position please call Roger Beeston (Director) on 0417 140 159.




Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
