Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 897


  1. [NEW ITEM] Make a donation and enable Indigenous Australians to share their cultural heritage expertise
  2. [NEW ITEM] ACT Heritage Council vacancies – applications close 25 October 2019
  3. [NEW ITEM] Student Explorations Abroad exhibition – opening night: 10 October, Sydney
  4. [NEW ITEM] University of Sydney lunchtime research seminar, 10 October
  5. [NEW ITEM] Modernist Architecture in the Eastern Suburbs & The Paddington Society and Conservation, Sydney, 15 October
  6. [NEW ITEM] Beaumaris Open, Sunday 20 October, Melbourne
  7. [NEW ITEM] National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards, 30 October, Canberra
  8. [NEW ITEM] SAVE THE DATE: Sustainable Urbanism Roadshow, 31 October, Hobart
  9. [NEW ITEM] Art handling and Installation workshop, 31 October, Melbourne
  10. [NEW ITEM] Back to the Future: A Place for Emotional Significance within Urban Conservation? talk, 31 October, University of Sydney
  11. [NEW ITEM] Histories of Australian Rock Art Research symposium, 8-9 December, Griffith University, Gold Coast
  12. [NEW ITEM] Applications for PALRC scholarships – close 31 October 2019
  13. [NEW ITEM] Abandoned Mines and Associated risks (QLD) – results of consultation on discussion papers
  14. [NEW ITEM] VIC Heritage Council Ray Tonkin Volunteer award winner announced
  15. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House
  16. [NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – What’s On
  17. [NEW ISSUE] Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden E-news
  18. [NEW ISSUE] News from ICCROM
  19. [NEW ISSUE] The Best in Heritage 2019 report









1. [NEW ITEM] Make a donation and enable Indigenous Australians to share their cultural heritage expertise

Did you know that Australia ICOMOS has an Indigenous Conference and Education Fund?

The Fund was established nearly 20 years ago in recognition of the special role of Indigenous Australians with respect to Indigenous cultural heritage, and in the spirit of reconciliation.

Dedicated for the use of Indigenous Australians to develop and share their professional knowledge and skills in cultural heritage, the Fund provides financial support for attendance at conferences, courses or other training opportunities.

This year the Fund is supporting 12 Indigenous participants from the Northern Territory, Pilbara and Kimberley regions to attend and present at the Histories of Australian Rock Art Research Symposium, 8-9 December at Griffith University, Gold Coast (see details at item 11).

The Fund is maintained through generous donations by Australia ICOMOS members. Every time you renew your membership, you can choose to contribute to the Fund and ensure the ongoing support of Indigenous people in managing Australia’s cultural heritage.

To contribute to the Fund or to find out more, email the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat.


2. [NEW ITEM] ACT Heritage Council vacancies – applications close 25 October 2019

Expressions of interest are invited from persons in the ACT Region who may be interested in being considered for appointment to the ACT Heritage Council (the Council).

The Council is an independent body established under the Heritage Act 2004. The Council’s role includes, among other functions, identification and assessment of nominations to the ACT Heritage Register and providing advice on appropriate conservation of cultural, natural and Aboriginal heritage places and objects in the ACT.

The Council meets at least six times a year to consider a range of matters related to its functions. In addition, Council members serve on various taskforces comprising small numbers of Council members. The taskforces relate to the Council’s functions, and meet or communicate regularly to consider matters in detail outside of Council meetings.

Expressions of interest for three vacancies on the Council are invited from people with experience in archaeology, architecture, or history.

These positions will commence on 12 June 2020.

The application form is available here, by contacting ACT Heritage on 13 22 81, or by request to the Heritage Council.

Completed application forms must be accompanied by a brief letter outlining suitability for appointment and a current CV. Applications can be submitted via email or via mail to: The Secretary, ACT Heritage Council, GPO Box 158, CANBERRA ACT 2601.

Applications will be kept on a register for three years and the Minister for the Environment and Heritage may use this register to appoint new members should vacancies occur.

Applications close on 25 October 2019.


3. [NEW ITEM] Student Explorations Abroad exhibition – opening night: 10 October, Sydney

The Sydney School of Architecture, Design & Planning presents an exhibition in the Tin Sheds Gallery displaying the diversity and richness of our students’ experience overseas.

With over 60 students exhibiting works from 31 different countries, the selection presents pieces captured by students whilst travelling as part of international studios, study abroad and exchange and overseas research projects. Every image evokes the unique student experience of being immersed in the architecture, design and urban cultures that exist abroad.

Join us on opening night to learn about the stories behind the images and celebrate with our talented students. Three winning prizes will judged by a panel and presented as part of the opening event.

6pm, Thursday 10 October
Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building, 148 City Rd Darlington 2006

Tin Sheds Gallery
10 October – 27 November
Tuesday – Friday 11am-5pm

The opening night is a FREE event, however please RSVP to confirm attendance


4. [NEW ITEM] University of Sydney lunchtime research seminar, 10 October

12:30-1:30pm, Thursday 10 October
Rm 317, Wilkinson Building, 148 City Rd Darlington

In this seminar Dr James Lesh will discuss his forthcoming monograph on urban conservation in twentieth-century Australia. His book will examine conservation cultures and regimes from a variety of perspectives including those of planners, architects, boosters, policymakers, historians and activists. All are welcome.


5. [NEW ITEM] Modernist Architecture in the Eastern Suburbs & The Paddington Society and Conservation, Sydney, 15 October

SYDNEY EAST ARCHITECTS inc. presents: Modernist Architecture in the Eastern Suburbs & The Paddington Society and Conservation

From its establishment in the early 1950s, the Paddington Society has successfully preserved one of the most intact ensembles of Victorian housing.

Simultaneously in Sydney, architects pursued a Modernist “tabula rasa” vision of housing and infrastructure intended to obliterate the traditional city.


  • Stephen Davies is a former Chair of the Heritage Council, a former councillor of Woollahra Municipal Council and a director of Urbis. He is a highly respected heritage consultant and negotiator. Stephen will discuss the Paddington Society’s stewardship of the former working class suburb, and the beginnings of Architectural conservation in Australia.
  • Rebecca Hawcroft and Kieran McInerney will illustrate examples of prominent and unknown Modernist architecture in the Eastern suburbs. Rebecca is the curator of the acclaimed book and exhibition The Other Moderns: Sydney’s Forgotten European Design Legacy. Kieran is a registered architect practicing in Sydney.


Date & time: Tuesday 15 October, 5:30 PM for a 6 PM start
Club Rose Bay, corner of Vickery Road and New South Head Road, Rose Bay
$45 or $25 for students

CPE: 2 formal hours on completion of questionnaire

Units of Competency: Design            

Knowledge Domains: Regulatory, Social, Ethical, Disciplinary and Communication.



6. [NEW ITEM] Beaumaris Open, Sunday 20 October, Melbourne

Beaumaris Open – Sunday 20 October – 10am – 4.00pm – Tickets $55

Some of Australia’s best known mid-century modern architects designed their earliest homes in Beaumaris; these architects were experimenting with new materials and design ideas including the Boyd-designed Stegbar Windowall, to let in light and maximise garden views. Houses were placed on the block to gain northern light; roofs were often flat or skillion and with large eaves; carports were placed at the front of the house to allow for views into the garden. Inside, houses were open-plan, full of colour and modern patterns and often featured BECO (Brown Evans & Co.) light fittings and Featherston furniture.

We are fortunate in Beaumaris to still have some of these extraordinary houses. This year we have selected 4 houses for our Beaumaris Open event, now lived in by a new generation of families, who appreciate the unique architectural qualities of these houses. And we have an inspiring architect-designed new home, for a client who previously lived in a mid-century Beaumaris home and wanted to downsize and stay in the suburb. This house has been designed to sit harmoniously in a mid-century streetscape; inside the house has been designed to capture northern light and to suit the owners collection of classic mid-century furniture. We have a beautiful architect designed Kevin Knight home with a contemporary renovation to suit modern family life. An original 50’s but then extensively renovated in the 60’s home, complete with swimming pool. An ‘Age Small Homes Service’ home, featured in the Beaumaris Modern book, thoughtfully renovated to enhance its features. And finally, the original home of architect Charles Bricknell, now being sympathetically restored by his grandson and partner. 

>> more information & bookings


7. [NEW ITEM] National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards, 30 October, Canberra

We look forward to seeing you at this year’s presentation and to hear about the projects submitted for this year’s awards.

National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards Presentation Night 2019
30 October 2019
5:45 pm-7:30 pm

CMAG Theatrette, 176 London Circuit, Canberra City.

Drinks & Nibbles from 5.45 to 6.15pm. Presentation by Minister Mick Gentleman from 6.15 to 7.00pm and drinks to 7.30pm.

Please RSVP by email (for catering purposes) by Monday 28 October.

Download the invitation


8. [NEW ITEM] SAVE THE DATE: Sustainable Urbanism Roadshow, 31 October, Hobart

TAS Sustainable Urbanism Roadshow
Thursday 31 October 2019 | 5.30pm – 7.30pm | Australian Institute of Architects (TAS) 1/19A Hunter Street, Hobart

Join the Prince’s Trust Australia and guest speakers as they explore the theme of “Doing Density Well”.

The Sustainable Urbanism Roadshow is a presentation and panel discussion series being held across Australia, aimed at discussing the importance of sustainable urbanism and place-making in managing our built environment. 

Each Sustainable Urbanism Roadshow event will showcase successful development projects from Australia and the United Kingdom, including the ‘Prince’s Terrace Adelaide’, followed by a panel discussion with local industry professionals.

Each event will be an ideal networking opportunity and we encourage students, industry professionals and the general public to attend!   


9. [NEW ITEM] Art handling and Installation workshop, 31 October, Melbourne

Australian Museums and Galleries Association Victoria (AMaGA Victoria) invites you to attend this event.

Join Joseph Dawson from TITLE UNTITLED to gain practical insights from a professional Gallery Technician, preparing two dimensional and three dimensional art works for display, safe handling of artworks and installation techniques.

Date: Thursday 31 October
Time: 1.30pm-4.30pm
Venue: Res Artis, 44 Glasshouse Road, Collingwood
Cost: Members $60, Students $60,  Non-members $120



10. [NEW ITEM] Back to the Future: A Place for Emotional Significance within Urban Conservation? talk, 31 October, University of Sydney

Join the University of Sydney School of Architecture, Design & Planning in discussion with visiting Professor of Urban Studies, Rebecca Madgin, from the University of Glasglow.
The heritage sector has continually evolved its thinking with regards to the value and significance of the historic environment. Largely this has been achieved through seminal interventions such as the Burra Charter, which along with international charters such as the Nara Document on Authenticity and the Quebec Declaration and national strategies including Our Place in Time (Scotland, 2014) have shifted thinking around why the past matters.

Date: Thursday 31 October
Time: 6.00pm, refreshments from 5.30pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre 250, Level 2, Wilkinson Building, University of Sydney 2006

About Rebecca Madgin

Rebecca Madgin is Professor of Urban Studies at the University of Glasgow. Rebecca is an urban historian who works broadly on the relationship between heritage and place-making. More specifically, Rebecca’s research examines the emotional and economic values of heritage in the context of urban redevelopment initiatives and she has published work on examples of heritage-led redevelopment initiatives in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries using examples drawn from the UK, Europe and China.

>>more information

>>free but please register


11. [NEW ITEM] Histories of Australian Rock Art Research symposium, 8-9 December, Griffith University, Gold Coast

Histories of Australian Rock Art Research
Gold Coast Symposium
8 – 9 December 2019

There comes a time in every field of research when enough time has passed for its early practitioners to become founding members and their actions to become the subject of critical reflection. Now is that time for the study of Australian rock art. This complex history of research is imbued with unique personalities, international influences, politically charged debate and shifting relationships within and across established disciplines, such as archaeology.

This symposium aims to bring together people to reflect upon unique events, ideas and trajectories in the history of Australian rock art. Papers from a variety of viewpoints will be presented, including but not limited to the discussion of Australian rock art research from international perspectives, Indigenous engagement and community experiences, regional studies, reflections on the work of individuals, particular sites, techniques and influential paradigms.

>> more information


12. [NEW ITEM] Applications for PALRC scholarships – close 31 October 2019

The Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC) scholarship program supports emerging leaders from Australia, Asia and the Pacific to build knowledge and skills in natural and cultural heritage protection, stewardship and conservation management. 

Scholarships are awarded to outstanding applicants who can demonstrate a commitment to excellence in governance and management of protected areas. PALRC scholarships provide a one-off payment of $2,000 to support students beginning study in 2020.

PALRC courses are available in a range of subjects at collaboration institutions Tasmanian Land Conservancy and co-founder University of Tasmania, Murdoch Uni, Charles Sturt University – CSU and Charles Darwin University. 

Browse available courses online now.
The final round of scholarships for the year close at 5pm AEST, 31 October 2019.


13. [NEW ITEM] Abandoned Mines and Associated risks (QLD) – results of consultation on discussion papers

In 2018, the Queensland Government invited submissions on one of the following discussion papers:

  • Achieving improved rehabilitation for Queensland: other associated risks and proposed solutions
  • Achieving improved rehabilitation for Queensland: addressing the state’s abandoned mines legacy

The results of this consultation process are outlined in the Queensland Government Consultation Report: Abandoned Mines and Associated Risks.

The consultation report outlines reforms on the future management of the State’s abandoned mines. The Queensland Government has published an overarching, whole-of-government policy statement on the management of abandoned mines. The Abandoned Mines Management Policy details the commitment to managing abandoned mine sites so that they are safe, secure, durable and, where possible, productive.

Further, as a result of feedback on the discussion papers, the Queensland Government will progress legislative changes that:

  • increase the scrutiny of the financial and technical capabilities of a resource authority holder when there is a change in ownership
  • improve the state’s oversight of resource sites that enter into care and maintenance
  • broaden the powers for remediating abandoned mine sites and increase transparency and accountability in the management of these sites

Representatives from the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy will be consulting on proposed legislative changes later this year.


14. [NEW ITEM] VIC Heritage Council Ray Tonkin Volunteer award winner announced

Congratulations to Elaine Race – this year’s Heritage Council Ray Tonkin Volunteer award winner – for her extraordinary project mapping the entirety of Kew Cemetery.

This passion project has taken more than three years and was conducted as a solo pursuit by Elaine.

>> read more


15. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House

To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click here.


16. [NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – What’s On

Click here for information on upcoming events at the Johnston Collection.


17. [NEW ISSUE] Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden E-news

To read the latest Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden E-news, click on the link below.


18. [NEW ISSUE] News from ICCROM

To view the latest news from ICCROM, click here.


19. [NEW ISSUE] The Best in Heritage 2019 report

Read the latest news from The Best in Heritage:  The Best in Heritage 2019 – Report




Tasmanian Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Burra Charter, Tuesday 8 October 2019 – REGISTRATIONS CLOSE TODAY!

Tasmanian Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter
Tuesday 8 October 2019, 5:30 – 7:30 pm

Hadleys Orient Hotel, 34 Murray Street, Hobart

In Tasmania, Australia ICOMOS is celebrating the 40th anniversary of The Burra Charter with a reception at the historic Hadleys Orient Hotel in Hobart on Tuesday 8 October 2019, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. We invite you to come and be part of this cultural heritage celebration.

The reception will also feature a small panel of heritage practitioners who are experts in different areas of cultural heritage and who will share their reflections and thoughts on their experience working with the Burra Charter, its usefulness, and how they think the Burra Charter might usefully evolve in the future. This will be followed by audience questions and comment.

Speakers include:

  • Dr Jane Harrington – Director, Conservation & Infrastructure, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority and currently a member of the Australian Heritage Council
  • Brendan Lennard – a heritage architect with long-term experience in the field, including initially with the National Trust in NSW, but mainly with local government in Tasmania
  • Lesley Gulson – a landscape architect with an interest in heritage
  • David Parham – an archaeologist with an interest in planning at the local government level

Professor Kate Darian-Smith, a cultural historian and Executive Dean and Pro Vice-Chancellor, College of Arts, Law & Education at the University of Tasmania, will be MC for the event.

Cost: $15, refreshments provided

Bookings: are required and can be made via Register Now. Please book soon as numbers are limited. Note that bookings NOW close 4 October 2019

This is an Australia ICOMOS event. Australia ICOMOS however acknowledges the support of Hadleys Orient Hotel for this event.


Lost or found? Intangible cultural heritage workshop, 14 November, Canberra – presentation EOIs due 7 October

Lost or found? Intangible cultural heritage workshop
Thursday 14 November, 1pm-3.50pm, University House (ANU), Canberra

As part of the Heritage of the Air conference, this workshop will consider whether intangible cultural heritage is now part of ‘place-based heritage practice’ or is it still lost in the wilderness?

Join members of the Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage (NSC-ICH) to unearth the intangible cultural heritage of place through selected case studies. Discuss what tools, techniques and guidance are needed by heritage professionals today, and contribute to a review of the Practice Note – Intangible Cultural Heritage and Place.

The NSC-ICH invites expressions of interest for short case study presentations at the workshop focusing on approaches to identifying/documenting intangible cultural heritage in relation to place. Please submit your EOI (with your name, institution, contact email and phone, and a brief description of the case study) preferably no later than 7 October by email to the NSC-ICH.

The workshop is free if booked as part of your conference registration or $50 if you are not attending the conference. Book via the conference website. Workshop places are limited

Following the Lost or found? Intangible Cultural Heritage workshop, we will be holding a brief Annual Meeting for the NSC. We hope you can join us.


Heritage of the Air conference, 14-17 November 2019, Canberra – registration open!

Registration for the Heritage of the Air ARC Linkage Project / Australia ICOMOS Heritage of the Air conference IS NOW OPEN!

Visit the conference website for information on the packed program, or skip straight to the Registration page to download the Registration brochure and register to take advantage of Early Bird rates, which are valid until 14 October.

There is a very exciting array of papers and presentations with over 80 abstracts accepted! Social events will include a Welcome Reception (evening Thursday 14 Nov), Burra Charter 40th Anniversary Event at the Shine Dome (evening Friday 15 Nov), and, on Saturday evening 16 Nov, a fabulous Conference Party with a mid-century mod theme, reflecting our much-loved venue, University House, and the Golden Age of Aviation. Pre-conference workshops are available on Thursday before the Welcome Reception and post-conference tours on Sunday 17 Nov. NOTE that places for some of the conference functions are limited despite inclusion in the full registration rate, so get in quick!

Also check out our discount booking codes for accommodation and flights, courtesy of Qantas.

Follow #HotA2019 and @air_heritage on twitter for regular updates!


Membership of the Australia ICOMOS World Heritage Reference Group – call for EOI: deadline COB Friday 25 October

The current membership of the Australia ICOMOS World Heritage Reference Group (WHRG) has been in place for a number of years, and in accordance with the broader strategy of the Executive Committee for Australia ICOMOS Working Groups and Reference Groups, it is time to refresh the membership. Reference Groups are ongoing, but Australia ICOMOS policy is that membership will be refreshed at least every three years through a call for expressions of interest from Australia ICOMOS members. The WHRG provides advice to Australia ICOMOS on World Heritage issues when required. Currently there are no formal Terms of Reference for the WHRG, so one of the first tasks of the new reference group will be to draft these.

There will be a spill of all current positions, except for that of the nominated EC representative (currently Australia ICOMOS President Ian Travers). Members of the WHRG will be selected based on demonstrated expertise and experience, although expressions of interest are invited from those who have a particular interest in World Heritage but may not have had extensive experience in the area. Current WHRG members are able to nominate to renew their membership. The final selection will be determined by the EC on the basis of a recommendation from a subcommittee.

More information can be found on the World Heritage Reference Group webpage and in the EOI document (link below). Please note that all individuals who express an interest in any Australia ICOMOS Working or Reference Group agree to be bound by the documents that can be found here.

Members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to express an interest in becoming a member of this Reference Group by sending a completed WHRG_EOI_September 2019_FINAL form to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB 25 October 2019.

For further information please contact the WHRG EC representative Ian Travers by email or phone 0420 514 508.


Proposed Formation of an NSC on Twentieth Century Heritage – Meeting Canberra, 16 November 2019

A number of ICOMOS members have suggested that it could be timely to develop a National Scientific Committee (NSC) on Twentieth Century Cultural Heritage. This would be consistent with the Eger-Xi’an Principles, which encourage the formation of such committees and they are supported by Australia ICOMOS. Indeed, several Australia ICOMOS NSCs have been formed.

A meeting will be held during the Heritage of the Air Conference in Canberra on Saturday 16 November to discuss this proposal.

The Heritage of the Air is a very Twentieth Century topic!

NSCs are intended as forums for Australian ICOMOS members to debate cultural heritage issues, promote professional development and share knowledge. They are intended to complement and engage with the work of International Scientific Committees. ICOMOS India has a very active Twentieth Century Cultural Heritage NSC and several other national scientific committees are in development. In Sydney, ICOMOS members have been running monthly talks with Docomomo for some years now, and there is clearly a lot of interest in modern heritage conservation!

Read more about the work of the international ISC20C.

Please spread the word to interested colleagues, and please let me know if you’d like to be involved in developing this idea, and also if you can join the discussion on 16 November. Written inputs and ideas very welcome, via the email link below.

Sheridan Burke
Secretary General, ICOMOS ISC20C
email Sheridan




NERVI with SEIDLER exhibition, Sydney, until 10 October 2019

EXHIBITION at Australia Square – NERVI with SEIDLER

Australia Square tower Sydney is hosting a smaller version of the exhibition “Designed in Italy, Made in Australia – Discovering the Australian work of Pier Luigi Nervi” until 10 October 2019.

Nervi was the engineer behind Seidler’s Australia Square tower, MLC Centre, Theatre Royal and CTA club in Sydney. The exhibition includes drawings, models and panels with previously unseen photos and archival correspondence. Curated by University of Sydney architectural technology lecturer Dr Paolo Stracchi.

Opening hours are Mon- Fri 10-5pm (including Labor Day 7 Oct) + weekends daytime. Note: Weekend daytime visit possible when concierge or security at desk. If the concierge desk is unmanned, access cannot be granted. For groups of 10+, security will reserve the right to ask for staged entry to view the exhibition.

Venue: Australia Square tower lobby (north side), 264 George Street, Sydney


>> more information
(NOTE: ignore map which shows previous venue)


Aspects of Modernism in Canberra, long weekend, 5 to 7 October, Canberra

Join us as we delve into a wealth of fine and innovative architecture

In a series of guided walks, we are exploring the work of notable architects including John Andrews, Robin Boyd, Roy Grounds, Frederick Romberg, Enrico Taglietti and Ken Woolley.

Over the long weekend, we will be viewing some of Harry Seidler’s most important works, plus one of Australia’s finest Brutalist style buildings. In addition, we will be seeing important buildings on the campus of the Australian National University.

Walks will be led by ANU Heritage Officer, Amy Jarvis, and Heritage Architect Roy Lumby.

Canberra provides a unique opportunity to explore individual residences, group housing and institutional buildings.

You can join us just for one or two walks – or all of them – it’s up to you. A range of ticket options is available, starting at $20 for members or $25 for non-members.

For more details click here.


Victorian Museums & Galleries Forum, 15 October 2019, Melbourne

The Australian Museums and Galleries Association Victoria (AMaGA Victoria) is hosting this event.

The Forum will be a one-day event dedicated to discussing trending topics in the museum and gallery sector. The theme for this year is the ‘Healthy Museum’. The Forum aims to provide delegates with information and discussions that demonstrate how museums and galleries can create a healthier, happier future for both our sector and the wider public. The forum will address some of the critical current issues in the sector, such as wellbeing, sustainability and inclusivity.

Date: Tuesday 15 October
Time: 10am-5pm
Venue: Deakin Downtown, Tower 2, Level 12/727 Collins Street, Melbourne
Cost: AMaGA Victoria Members $150, Students $150, Non-members $225

> Bookings




AICCM 2019 National Conference – Sponsorship Opportunities

The Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM) is the professional organisation for conservators of cultural heritage in Australia. Our membership consists of industry professionals, conservation students and related cultural heritage organisations.

The AICCM National Conference is a biennial event, which brings together over 150 professionals from conservation, preservation and allied fields. The goal of this conference is to provide a platform to present academic papers and discussions on a wide range of issues in conservation practice, from the highly practical and scientific, to the more conceptual and philosophical. This conference also offers a significant opportunity to create networks, foster learning and introduce new techniques and developing areas of interest.

At the AICCM National Conference 2019, which will be held at the Arts Centre Melbourne from 13-15 November 2019, we invite you to consider how we make our profession. Broadly divided into three themes – making conservation sustainable, innovative and connected – we want to discuss what excites you and what challenges you. How are we making conservation now and how can the way we make conservation shape the future?

In order to ensure that the conference remains accessible to all, however, we are seeking corporate sponsorship from relevant organisations. Sponsorship opportunities are varied, but all will provide invaluable access to conference attendees.

We have prepared a prospectus of sponsorship opportunities for the AICCM National Conference 2019. Please contact Elizabeth McCartney (details below) if you would like a copy of the prospectus. If you have specific requirements or desired outcomes linked to your sponsorship, we are happy to provide flexibility and can tailor a package to suit your needs.

For further information about the conference and to see a draft program, please see the AICCM website. The conference will feature three days of presentations, panel discussions, posters and a trade fair. There will be welcome drinks on the Wednesday evening and an optional dinner at the delicious Charcoal Lane on Thursday. Day registration is available and early bird registration closes on 30 September.

Elizabeth McCartney
President, AICCM Victorian Division
Committee Member, AICCM National Conference 2019
email Elizabeth


22nd General Assembly and Symposium “Building Peace through Heritage”, 13-15 March 2020, Florence – call for papers: deadline 15 October 2019

Life Beyond Tourism
22nd General Assembly and Symposium “Building Peace through Heritage”

13-15 March 2020

The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco® and its International Institute Life Beyond Tourism® are pleased to invite you to take part and present an abstract at the 22nd General Assembly and International Symposium “Building Peace through Heritage”.

This is the biggest annual event of the Foundation’s Movement Life Beyond Tourism, which last March 2019 gathered in Florence over 250 participants from 47 countries. The 2020 Edition will widen its content:

  • scientific sessions
  • international showcases for cultural expressions of places: small businesses, artists and craftsmen, less known institutions with an additional dedicated session
  • side events
  • a Guest Country typical cultural expressions exhibition

For more information, visit the Life Beyond Tourism website.


15 October 2019: abstract submission due
20 November 2019: notification of abstract acceptance
15 December 2019: early bird registration
20 January 2020: speakers’ participation confirmation and delivery of the full paper


Association of Critical Heritage Studies 5th Biennial Conference, London, 26-30 August 2020 – call for papers: deadline 15 October 2019

The Fifth Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) will be held at University College London.

The conference theme – Futures – aims to engage seriously and critically with the often-stated aims of heritage to address the concerns of future generations, whilst also asking participants to think expansively and creatively about the future of critical heritage studies as an emergent field of focus across a range of academic disciplines.

Papers and sessions will explore a range of issues, including (but not limited to):

  • the future of critical heritage studies
  • newly emerging concepts, themes and methods for the study of heritage
  • the future of heritage management, governance and diplomacy
  • evolving and nascent forms of heritage, and how they might be recognised
  • heritage as future-making; the “time” of heritage and its relationship with the past, present and future
  • future impacts of climatological, ecological, economic, political and social change on heritage
  • future relations of natural and cultural heritage in the light of the recognition of the Anthropocene, and
  • the future of heritage itself

The Call for Participation is currently open and contains detailed information about the conference themes and subthemes.

The deadline for abstract submissions is 15 October 2019.




Docomomo Landscapes Book – call for submissions deadline: 7 October

Docomomo International approved the preparation of a special thematic book on designed landscapes of the Modern Movement era. Docomomo’s International Specialist Committee on Urbanism and Landscape (ISC/U+L) invites Docomomo Australia members and supporters to submit up to 3 landscape sites for inclusion in the book.

The Book

The book will contribute towards an understanding of the significance of modern landscapes, their present conditions, and challenges faced in their ongoing viability or management. It will highlight the importance of landscapes within the context of Docomomo and from a number of different perspectives. In so doing, we aim to generate a book that will make the significance of modern landscapes more readily understood and accessible within the activities of Docomomo.

The publication will organise international sites under thematic chapters. The focus within each chapter will include current challenges and understanding, the present condition, and discussion of the conservation of sites.

For more information, see the Docomomo Landscapes Book_Call for Submissions leaflet. Please use the to Docomomo Landscapes Book_Word Template for Submissions make a submission.


NSW Conservation Management Plan process survey – participate by 11 October

Dear ICOMOS Members and Friends,

The Heritage Council of NSW has engaged Positive Solutions to review and develop options to improve NSW’s Conservation Management Plan (CMP) practice and processes through close consultation with sector stakeholders.

A critical success factor for this project is the effective engagement with stakeholders. A number of interviews and round-table discussions have already been facilitated. This survey has been informed by these discussions and provides another opportunity of directly input into this review process.

Your completed survey will be treated as strictly confidential to the consultant. Data provided will be incorporated into future reports on a non-attributable basis. Your details will be collected only to validate responses, enable the distribution of following reports and facilitate any necessary follow up contact.

This survey is open and available to any peak body agents, internal stakeholders, government custodians, heritage consultants, asset managers, and private owners with an interest in CMP practice and processes.

Please complete the survey no later than Friday 11 October 2019.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Positive Solutions by email.


Deakin University DUAL AWARD 2020: Master of Cultural Heritage and World Heritage Masters at Brandenburg Technical University – Cottbus, Germany: application deadline 28 October 2019

Celebrating our 40th year in 2019, applications are now OPEN for 2020 entry to Deakin’s internationally recognised post-graduate programs in Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies.

We offer flexible learning options at the Melbourne Burwood Campus or online. For more information visit the Deakin University website.

Expressions of Interest are now OPEN for our unique dual award with our partners at the World Heritage Studies program at BTU-Cottbus in Germany. To join the 2020 cohort in March, please apply online to enrol in the Master of Cultural Heritage, and also send an Expression of Interest letter to Kristal Buckley by email by 28 October 2019.

For further information, visit our blog.


Opportunities for Scholars at Dumbarton Oaks – application deadline 1 November

Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection is an institute in Washington, D.C., administered by the Trustees for Harvard University. It supports research and learning internationally in Byzantine, Garden and Landscape, and Pre-Columbian studies through fellowships, internships, meetings, and exhibitions.

Residential fellowships for an academic year, semester, or summer are awarded in all three areas of study to scholars from around the world. In addition, Dumbarton Oaks offers one-month non-residential awards to researchers and short-term pre-doctoral residencies to advanced graduate students. A program of project grants primarily supports archaeological research, as well as materials analysis and photographic surveys of objects and monuments. Summer schools and workshops bring together students for in-depth study of languages, material culture, and theory.

For more information, see the summary information here or visit the Dumbarton Oaks website.

The application deadline is 1 November 2019.


‘Restoration Australia’ seeks restoration projects for upcoming shows

ABC’s new season of Restoration Australia is seeking restoration projects. Key details as follows:

  • They are looking for residential homes with historic or heritage elements that will be restored to their former glory to feature on Restoration Australia in 2021. The entire building doesn’t need to be a 100% restoration project but there does need to be a significant historic element or elements of restoration involved
  • They are looking for projects that will be starting ASAP or by the end of the year/early next year to be completed by Feb 2021 or Sept 2021 (that gives them 18 months to 2 years to complete)
  • They’d like passionate homeowners who are willing to share their restoration project with us and are happy to be filmed at several stages during their renovation/restoration. Over the course of the next 18 months they plan to follow the restoration journey of several homeowners, offering advice and delving into the past to discover and connect with the building’s history.
  • The show is not a competition; it is simply a celebration of these wonderful properties and the stories behind them. The size and budget of the project doesn’t matter but passion and history does. This is a great opportunity to showcase the work of everyone involved in the restoration process (builders, architects, designers)

View previous episodes of the show via iView.

Download the Restoration Australia casting call out flyer.

Apply to be on the show via this link.




[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Sydney Opera House Trust 


The Sydney Opera House is an iconic Australian institution that embodies beauty, inspiration and the liberating power of art and ideas.

Our vision is to be as bold and inspiring as the Opera House itself.

Our mission is twofold:

  • To treasure and renew the Opera House for future generations of artists, audiences and visitors
  • To inspire, and strengthen the community, through everything we do

For more information about the Sydney Opera House please refer to our website.


This role provides timely advice and support in relation to planning and heritage matters affecting Sydney Opera House. The role manages and coordinates the development, implementation and evaluation of heritage related projects including conservation, interpretation and training projects. The role supports the implementation of the fourth edition of the Sydney Opera House conservation management plan throughout the organisation.

Further more detailed information about the role and its requirements can be obtained from the role description and the full job ad.

Applications Close: Sunday 20 October 2019, 11:59pm


SITUATION VACANT Senior Project Specialist (Heritage Recording and Documentation), Getty Conservation Institute

The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) is seeking a heritage conservation practitioner to fill the position of Senior Project Specialist (Heritage Recording and Documentation), in the Institute’s Buildings and Sites department.

The Senior Project Specialist provides advice and guidance to all Buildings and Sites projects about issues, standards and best-practices associated with heritage recording, documentation, and information management, and identifies new methods, emerging technologies, or adaptions of existing tools to support the recording and documentation activities of the Institute. Specifically, the Senior Project Specialist contributes to and facilitates the recording, documentation, and information management components of projects and is responsible for defining recording and documentation needs for the GCI’s international projects in collaboration with the project teams. If needed, he/she identifies external specialist vendors to address project needs and reviews their work on behalf of the project teams.

For more information and to apply, visit the Getty Conservation Institute website.

The deadline for applications is 11 October 2019.


SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants, Melbourne

RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd are seeking an experienced heritage conservation architect to join our team.

The position is senior and involves: research, analysis, design, documentation and contract administration of building works to places of heritage significance (both conservation and adaptive reuse works) and providing advice to significant historic building owners and authorities. Projects are diverse – primarily local, but also international and across all types including: commercial, ecclesiastical, education, civic, community, industrial and residential. The office culture is collegiate, cutting edge and research driven.

Required qualifications

· minimum masters’ degree in architecture

· minimum 10 years’ experience working as a heritage conservation architect

· a working knowledge of Australian architectural history

· expertise in remedial conservation interventions to significant heritage building fabric

· proficiency in contemporary and interpretive design and detail resolution

· proficiency in AutoCad, Sketchup, Adobe and Revit pref. + pencil and butter paper

· proficiency in sustainable design


Interested applicants please forward your CV to Roger by email in the first instance.

If you wish to discuss the position please call Roger Beeston (Director) on 0417 140 159.




Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
