Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 894


  1. [NEW ITEM] Vale Professor Ian Jack, M.ICOMOS
  2. [NEW ITEM] Tasmanian Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Burra Charter, Tuesday 8 October 2019 – bookings open!
  3. [NEW ITEM] Making Sydney – taking the long perspective, presentation by Professor Philip Thalis, 27 September, Sydney
  4. [NEW ITEM] “Essence of Heritage” photo & video competition – entries close 29 September
  5. [NEW ITEM] “Con/servare Melbourne” Forum, 4 October 2019, Melbourne
  6. [NEW ITEM] Deakin University DUAL AWARD 2020: Master of Cultural Heritage and World Heritage Masters at Brandenburg Technical University – Cottbus, Germany: application deadline 28 October 2019
  7. [NEW ITEM] Victorian Museums & Galleries Forum, 15 October 2019, Melbourne
  8. [NEW ITEM] 22nd General Assembly and Symposium “Building Peace through Heritage”, 13-15 March 2020, Florence – call for papers: deadline 15 October 2019
  9. [NEW ITEM] ‘Restoration Australia’ seeks restoration projects for upcoming shows
  10. [NEW ITEM] Association of Critical Heritage Studies 5th Biennial Conference, London, 26-30 August 2020 – call for papers: deadline 15 October 2019
  11. [NEW ITEM] The Heritage of the Modern Olympic Games conference, Munich, 7-8 November 2019
  12. [NEW ITEM] 15th Australasian Urban History / Planning History conference, Tasmania, 5-7 February 2020 – call for papers: deadline 1 November 2019
  13. [NEW ITEM] CHNT conference, 4-6 November 2019, Vienna – early bird registration close 30 September
  14. [NEW ITEM] New book: Historic Construction and Conservation: Materials, Systems and Damage – promo pricing available
  15. [NEW ITEM] The Best in Heritage conference, Croatia, 25 – 27 September 2019 – program online
  16. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin










1. [NEW ITEM] Vale Professor Ian Jack, M.ICOMOS

It is with sadness that we learnt that Professor Ian Jack, an Australia ICOMOS member, passed away last week. Below are some words from a colleague and friend of Ian’s, and fellow Australia ICOMOS member.

Associate Professor R. Ian Jack was a well-known figure in heritage circles, particularly in New South Wales. Born and educated in Scotland, he arrived in Sydney to take up a lectureship in History at the University of Sydney in 1961, and was appointed Associate Professor in 1970. Ian served a number of terms as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and also Head of the Department of History in a career at Sydney University that spanned 40 years.

During this time he was instrumental, along with Judy Birmingham, in the creation of the course in Historical Archaeology in the 1970s. Ian’s particular forte was industrial archaeology, a subject in which he published profusely. From 1988-94 he co-led Sydney University’s landscape archaeology project in Portugal, intrepidly striding up hill, down dale and through mill-races to record vestiges of medieval technology in the form of flour mills, olive presses, lime kilns and other industrial structures. In true Ian form he learned the rudiments of Portuguese in order to read local archives – such was his attention to detail.

Ian’s love of archives was particularly evident in Australia, where his authorship of histories for conservation management plans has produced some of the best; ferreting out obscure details that often challenged popularly held “truths”, and bringing an element of broader local history to building or site studies that introduced not only a social aspect, but personalities – and thereby more personal connections. For decades his particular area of interest was the settlement of the Hawkesbury Valley, where most recently he has been concerned with the acknowledgement of the five Macquarie Towns of 1810, Windsor, Richmond, Castlereagh, Pitt Town and Wilberforce, as items of State Significance on the NSW Heritage Register.

Ian served as President of the Royal Australian Historical Society from 2003-11, and on the NSW Heritage Council from 1999-2006. Most recently he was President of the Blue Mountains Association of Cultural Heritage Organisations.

The literary legacy of Ian Jack is immense, as are the number of former students whom he mentored and who are today engaged in the heritage industry. Ian was somewhat of a legend, and will be missed. For years to come he will be fondly remembered when former colleagues gather, his name is mentioned, and glasses are raised with a twinkle in many an eye.

Dr Wayne Johnson, M.ICOMOS

Australia ICOMOS offers its deepest condolences to Ian’s family, friends and colleagues.


2. [NEW ITEM] Tasmanian Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Burra Charter, Tuesday 8 October 2019 – bookings open!

Tasmanian Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter
Tuesday 8 October 2019, 5:30 – 7:30 pm

Hadleys Orient Hotel, 34 Murray Street, Hobart

The Burra Charter, the bedrock for heritage practice in Australia, turns 40 this year! The Burra Charter sets out principles and procedures that have been applied throughout Australia since it was written in 1979.

In Tasmania, Australia ICOMOS is celebrating this milestone with a reception at the historic Hadleys Orient Hotel in Hobart on Tuesday 8 October 2019, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. We invite you to come and be part of this cultural heritage celebration.

The reception will also feature a small panel of heritage practitioners who are experts in different areas of cultural heritage and who will share their reflections and thoughts on their experience working with the Burra Charter, its usefulness, and how they think the Burra Charter might usefully evolve in the future. This will be followed by audience questions and comment.

Professor Kate Darian-Smith, a cultural historian and Executive Dean and Pro Vice-Chancellor College of Arts, Law & Education at the University of Tasmania will be MC for the event.

Cost: $15, refreshments provided

Bookings: are required and can be made via Register Now. Please book soon as numbers are limited. Note that bookings close 2 October 2019

This is an Australia ICOMOS event. Australia ICOMOS however acknowledges the support of Hadleys Orient Hotel for this event.


3. [NEW ITEM] Making Sydney – taking the long perspective, presentation by Professor Philip Thalis, 27 September, Sydney

The Twentieth Century Heritage Society of NSW & ACT invites you to:

Making Sydney – taking the long perspective
A presentation by Professor Philip Thalis

Sydney today is in a period of dramatic change – perhaps unmatched in its short history.

Aldo Rossi, the Italian author and architect noted that:

Of course, there are certain epochs or periods of time in which a city is transformed especially quickly … when the changes are impulsive and apparently unexpected… Certain catastrophic phenomena such as wars or expropriations can overturn seemingly stable urban situations very rapidly… In all cases many forces come into play and are applied to the city, and these forces may be of an economic, political or some other nature…

What’s needed in Sydney today is a reorientation of our city, making activities towards embodying the public interest, ingraining durable qualities, promoting genuine sustainability, adopting long-term thinking.

We need to champion good design at the heart of all projects and ‘planning’.

About Philip Thalis

Philip is founding principal of Hill Thalis Architecture + Urban Projects, a practice recognised for its design excellence and independence. He has 30 years’ experience in the design of public space, urban design, multiple housing, infrastructure and heritage adaptation.

Event details

Powerhouse Museum, 500 Harris Street, Ultimo, NSW 2007
Friday 27 September 2019
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Ticket prices

Free for Twentieth Century Heritage Society of NSW & ACT members / $25 for non-members / $15 for Concession & Student

Light refreshments and snacks will be served


Via this link

Download the Philip Thalis – Making Sydney flyer.


4. [NEW ITEM] “Essence of Heritage” photo & video competition – entries close 29 September

Each year Heritage South Australia launches a State Heritage competition to inspire people to connect with and enjoy our State Heritage places. This year we have launched the “Essence of Heritage” photo and video competition with great prizes to give away! This year we have both open categories and schools categories.

There are 2,300 State Heritage Places and 17 State Heritage Areas in South Australia, but not everyone knows about them, why they are of significance and where to find them. Just by entering the competition, you will be helping to promote and celebrate our state’s heritage. 

Essence of Heritage photo & video competition

Share with us an image or a short video of your favourite South Australian State Heritage Place or Area in four main photo or video categories, for your chance to win an amazing prize!

  1. Schools category – Photos of State Heritage Places
  2. Schools category – Videos of State Heritage Places
  3. Open category – Destination Heritage – Photos of your favourite State Heritage Place
  4. Open category – Destination Heritage – Videos of your favourite State Heritage Place 


Student categories:
Family Tickets to Victoria Fossil Cave – Naracoorte Caves
Sailing Experiences on the One & All Tall Ship

Open categories:

A flight experience for 2 on a 1930s Waco Biplane
A flight experience for 1 on a 1940 Tiger Moth Biplane
A cruise on a steam tug – Yelta or Archie Badenoch

Finalists will be invited to an official Award Presentation and finalist photos will be exhibited at a prominent location.

Certificates are awarded to the Winner and Finalists.

For further information (Heritage Places/Areas lists, Terms & Conditions) and to Enter the Competition – click on this link.

Download the competition poster and read the Essence of Heritage competition Media Release.

Entries close at midnight, Sunday 29 September 2019.


5. [NEW ITEM] “Con/servare Melbourne” Forum, 4 October 2019, Melbourne

Bookings are now open for the Con/servare Melbourne Forum to be held at the University of Melbourne on 4 October 2019.  

Join PhD students, independent researchers and arts workers for a forum on the themes of location, relationships and practice in our work.

Launched in Cologne, Germany, in 2018 by three Grimwade Centre PhD Students – Julianne Bell, Ainslee Meredith & Eliza O’Donnell – Con/servare is a network for researchers and practitioners in conservation, heritage, material culture and related fields. The network is open to everyone who undertakes research in these fields, with a particular focus on the themes of location, relationships and practice.

The aim of the Con/servare forums is to bring together researchers in these fields to create connections, encourage discussion and facilitate collaboration among researchers and practitioners who would otherwise be disconnected.

When: Friday 4 October, 10.30am-4.30pm

Where: Arts West Research Lounge, University of Melbourne, Parkville

Session Facilitators: Ainslee Meredith (Location), Julianne Bell (Relationships), Eliza O’Donnell (Practice)

Bookings: free but essential / a light lunch and refreshments will be provided / click here to book

The forum will feature invited presentations from speakers in diverse fields, such as conservation, heritage, archaeology, architecture, art practice and curatorship, and design.

The forum provides a catered lunch and refreshments. Please advise the organisers of any dietary requirements at the time of registering or via email.

For more information: send an email to this email address or email Ainslee Meredith


6. [NEW ITEM] Deakin University DUAL AWARD 2020: Master of Cultural Heritage and World Heritage Masters at Brandenburg Technical University – Cottbus, Germany: application deadline 28 October 2019

Celebrating our 40th year in 2019, applications are now OPEN for 2020 entry to Deakin’s internationally recognised post-graduate programs in Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies.

We offer flexible learning options at the Melbourne Burwood Campus or online. For more information visit the Deakin University website.

Expressions of Interest are now OPEN for our unique dual award with our partners at the World Heritage Studies program at BTU-Cottbus in Germany. To join the 2020 cohort in March, please apply online to enrol in the Master of Cultural Heritage, and also send an Expression of Interest letter to Kristal Buckley by email by 28 October 2019.

For further information, visit our blog.


7. [NEW ITEM] Victorian Museums & Galleries Forum, 15 October 2019, Melbourne

The Australian Museums and Galleries Association Victoria (AMaGA Victoria) is hosting this event.

The Forum will be a one-day event dedicated to discussing trending topics in the museum and gallery sector. The theme for this year is the ‘Healthy Museum’. The Forum aims to provide delegates with information and discussions that demonstrate how museums and galleries can create a healthier, happier future for both our sector and the wider public. The forum will address some of the critical current issues in the sector, such as wellbeing, sustainability and inclusivity.

Date: Tuesday 15 October
Time: 10am-5pm
Venue: Deakin Downtown, Tower 2, Level 12/727 Collins Street, Melbourne
Cost: AMaGA Victoria Members $150, Students $150,  Non-members $225

> Bookings


8. [NEW ITEM] 22nd General Assembly and Symposium “Building Peace through Heritage”, 13-15 March 2020, Florence – call for papers: deadline 15 October 2019

Life Beyond Tourism
22nd General Assembly and Symposium “Building Peace through Heritage”

13-15 March 2020

The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco® and its International Institute Life Beyond Tourism® are pleased to invite you to take part and present an abstract at the 22nd General Assembly and International Symposium “Building Peace through Heritage”.

This is the biggest annual event of the Foundation’s Movement Life Beyond Tourism, which last March 2019 gathered in Florence over 250 participants from 47 countries. The 2020 Edition will widen its content:

  • scientific sessions
  • international showcases for cultural expressions of places: small businesses, artists and craftsmen, less known institutions with an additional dedicated session
  • side events
  • a Guest Country typical cultural expressions exhibition

For more information, visit the Life Beyond Tourism website.


15 October 2019: abstract submission due
20 November 2019: notification of abstract acceptance
15 December 2019: early bird registration
20 January 2020: speakers’ participation confirmation and delivery of the full paper


9. [NEW ITEM] ‘Restoration Australia’ seeks restoration projects for upcoming shows

ABC’s new season of Restoration Australia is seeking restoration projects. Key details as follows:

  • They are looking for residential homes with historic or heritage elements that will be restored to their former glory to feature on Restoration Australia in 2021. The entire building doesn’t need to be a 100% restoration project but there does need to be a significant historic element or elements of restoration involved
  • They are looking for projects that will be starting ASAP or by the end of the year/early next year to be completed by Feb 2021 or Sept 2021 (that gives them 18 months to 2 years to complete)
  • They’d like passionate homeowners who are willing to share their restoration project with us and are happy to be filmed at several stages during their renovation/restoration. Over the course of the next 18 months they plan to follow the restoration journey of several homeowners, offering advice and delving into the past to discover and connect with the building’s history. 
  • The show is not a competition; it is simply a celebration of these wonderful properties and the stories behind them. The size and budget of the project doesn’t matter but passion and history does. This is a great opportunity to showcase the work of everyone involved in the restoration process (builders, architects, designers)

View previous episodes of the show via iView.

Download the Restoration Australia casting call out flyer.

Apply to be on the show via this link.


10. [NEW ITEM] Association of Critical Heritage Studies 5th Biennial Conference, London, 26-30 August 2020 – call for papers: deadline 15 October 2019

The Fifth Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) will be held at University College London.

The conference theme – Futures – aims to engage seriously and critically with the often-stated aims of heritage to address the concerns of future generations, whilst also asking participants to think expansively and creatively about the future of critical heritage studies as an emergent field of focus across a range of academic disciplines.

Papers and sessions will explore a range of issues, including (but not limited to):

  • the future of critical heritage studies
  • newly emerging concepts, themes and methods for the study of heritage
  • the future of heritage management, governance and diplomacy
  • evolving and nascent forms of heritage, and how they might be recognised
  • heritage as future-making; the “time” of heritage and its relationship with the past, present and future
  • future impacts of climatological, ecological, economic, political and social change on heritage
  • future relations of natural and cultural heritage in the light of the recognition of the Anthropocene, and
  • the future of heritage itself

The Call for Participation is currently open and contains detailed information about the conference themes and subthemes.

The deadline for abstract submissions is 15 October 2019.


11. [NEW ITEM] The Heritage of the Modern Olympic Games conference, Munich, 7-8 November 2019

“The Heritage of the Modern Olympic Games. Historic Sports Facilities between Conservation and Conversion”
Munich, Olympic Park, 7-8 November 2019

In 2020, the Olympic Summer Games will take place in Tokyo, for which buildings of the venue for the Games of 1964 will also be used. In 2019, the year before the 2020 Olympic Games in Japan, ICOMOS Germany and the City of Munich are organising an international conference about the significance of Olympic facilities for the history of architecture and sport, on the occasion of the Bavarian initiative for a World Heritage nomination of Munich’s Olympic Park of 1972. Under the patronage of the former mayor of Munich, Dr. Hans-Jochen Vogel, international experts will be presenting conservation perspectives for Olympic buildings of the 20th century and discussing the buildings’ potential to be inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The conference follows the slogan “Sharing Heritage – Sharing Values” of the European Year of Cultural Heritage and will be sponsored by the Federal Government Commissioner for Cultural Affairs and the Media. The event will be hosted by ICOMOS Germany and the Bavarian capital of Munich, in cooperation with the Bavarian Monument Conservation Authority (BLfD), the German Academy for Urban and Regional Planning (DASL), the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) and the Verein “Aktion Welterbe Olympiapark”.

Download the SAVE THE DATE flyer.


12. [NEW ITEM] 15th Australasian Urban History / Planning History conference, Tasmania, 5-7 February 2020 – call for papers: deadline 1 November 2019

Proposals are being invited for the 15th Australasian Urban History / Planning History conference to be held in Launceston, Tasmania from 5-7 February 2020.

Edge Conditions: Invented Peripheries, Hidden Centres

Conference theme:  Australia is a nation of ‘coast-huggers’, with the vast bulk of its population residing within 50km of the sea. The geographical centre of the continent constitutes its demographic periphery. This apparent inversion, in which an edge condition fosters fecundity and the centre is displaced to a margin, neatly encapsulates the thematic focus for the 2020 iteration the Urban History Planning History conference. To be held in Launceston, Tasmania, a regional town within an entire state classified as ‘regional’ – a periphery of a periphery – the conference aims to explore the formation, conditions and potentials of edges, margins, peripheries and islands in illuminating the understanding of cities and urban phenomena. This thematic is open to both literal and metaphorical readings. The ‘edge conditions’ of the title may be understood in geographic, demographic, historical, spatial, disciplinary, or methodological terms. Geographically inspired papers may focus on peri-urban zones or suburbia, settlement and mobility patterns mediating edges and centres, forgotten projects or abandoned sites. Demographic approaches may highlight the experience and environments of marginalised groups, ethnic or religious minorities, indigenous or migrant communities. Edge conditions in historical terms may suggest thresholds or ‘tipping points’ associated with technological, institutional, or environmental change. Spatial and architecturally-oriented studies may consider how edge conditions at various scales may operate variously as transitional or liminal spaces, ‘terrains vague’, contact zones, public spaces, or delineations of culture and identity. Consideration of edge conditions in disciplinary and methodological terms invites productive engagements with alternate ways of researching the shaping of cities, whether through landscape studies or land economics; actor-network theory or action research.

Please note: Submissions on all other aspects of urban and planning history in Australia and New Zealand will also be welcomed.

In the interests of an agile process and a generative gathering, and taking a view of the value of conferences as spaces for developing work-in-progress, we are adopting a simple single-stage review process, reviewing and selecting proposals based on submitted elaborated abstracts of up to 600 words. Full papers and/or presentations will not be further reviewed prior to the conference.

We encourage work from doctoral candidates, early-career researchers, local historians, independent scholars, in addition to established and emerging academics from across the Australasian region.

We invite proposals for both individual presentations and grouped thematic panels of up to four presenters. Proposals for round-tables are also welcomed, and will be assessed on their merits.

Key Dates

1 November 2019 – Abstract submissions

15 November 2019 – Abstract acceptances notified

24 January 2020 – Paper/presentation materials submitted (for inclusion in conference pack)

Organising Committee: David Beynon, Helen Norrie, Stefan Petrow, Andrew Steen, and Julian Worrall

Enquiries: EOIs and enquiries may be made to the conference email address


13. [NEW ITEM] CHNT conference, 4-6 November 2019, Vienna – early bird registration close 30 September

Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) conference
Monumental Computations: Digital archaeology of large urban and underground infrastructures
4-6 November 2019
Vienna, Austria

The schedule for the 24th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies is online.

To register for this conference, click here – note that early bird registration and payment are due by 30 September.


14. [NEW ITEM] New book: Historic Construction and Conservation: Materials, Systems and Damage – promo pricing available

The book Historic Construction and Conservation: Materials, Systems and Damage is now available for sale. This book addresses the history of conservation by exploring materials and structures and the history of construction and damage. The team of authors brings together unique expertise, with high level research and practice around the world.

The book is also a result of the authors’ involvement in the International Master in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions, with 400 alumni from 70 countries, which received the most prestigious cultural heritage recognition in Europe: the EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Award.

Special pricing currently available using the Promo Code (HCC30) until the end of October at this link.

See the Historic Construction & Conservation flyer for details.


15. [NEW ITEM] The Best in Heritage conference, Croatia, 25 – 27 September 2019 – program online

The Best in Heritage
Dubrovnik, Croatia
25 – 27 September 2019

Annual, global conference featuring award-winning museum, heritage and conservation projects.

In partnership with International Council of Museums (ICOM) & Europa Nostra with support of the Creative Europe programme.

For more information and to register, visit the conference website.


16. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin, click on the following link.




GA2020 Functions and Protocol Focal Point – Call for Expressions of Interest: deadline 13 September


The image of the Sydney Opera House is used under licence from the Sydney Opera House Trust


Expressions of interest are invited from Australia ICOMOS Members to become the ‘Functions and Protocol Focal Point’ for the ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium that will be hosted in Sydney in October 2020 (GA2020).

This is a voluntary position, which will involve a range of tasks at irregular times, from now until the end of 2020. Successful applicants are expected to attend and register for GA2020, and cover related personal travel and accommodation costs.

GA2020 will bring together leading cultural heritage professionals from around the world in an engaging program of site visits, functions, workshops and a four-day Scientific Symposium on the theme of ‘Shared Cultures – Shared Heritage – Shared Responsibility’. The GA2020 program includes formal functions such as the Opening Ceremony and Lord Mayoral reception for the ICOMOS Advisory Committee, plus social events such as a Gala Dinner and Luna Park party.

Hosting the GA2020 in Australia is only possible through significant support from the Commonwealth and NSW Governments, the City of Sydney and a committed network of government strategic partners and corporate patrons. These agencies and their key personnel, as well as ICOMOS dignitaries and guests, will be provided with opportunities to be welcomed, to speak and to have their contributions recognised.

The GA2020 team is seeking support from a highly-motivated Australia ICOMOS Member, with flair and skills in event management and knowledge of government protocols and processes, who can contribute to GA2020 as the Focal Point between ICOMOS Members, the GA2020 conference organisers, and our government and corporate supporters.

The GA2020 Functions and Protocol Focal Point will:

  • report to the GA2020 Convenor;
  • become a Member of the GA2020 Executive Committee;
  • collaborate with Arinex Pty Ltd, the GA2020 Professional Conference Organiser;
  • assist in delivering a program of formal functions and social events during the GA2020 program from 1 to 10 October 2020;
  • participate in further development of program content, including selection of performers;
  • consult with Government strategic partners and corporate patrons to ensure that their entitlements are delivered and their expectations are managed;
  • contribute to the preparation of event programs, run sheets, and audio visual support;
  • undertake other related tasks, as necessary.


Richard Mackay, GA2020 Convenor by email

Application information

Expressions of interest to be no more than one page and cover:

  • why the applicant seeks to become the GA2020 Functions and Protocol Focal Point; and
  • relevant skills and experience.

Applicants may add a short CV (no more than two pages), but this is not essential.

Applications to be sent by 5:00pm Friday 13 September 2019 to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email.




Heritage of the Air conference, 14-17 November 2019, Canberra – registration open!

Registration for the Heritage of the Air ARC Linkage Project / Australia ICOMOS Heritage of the Air conference IS NOW OPEN!

Visit the conference website for information on the packed program, or skip straight to the Registration page to download the Registration brochure and register to take advantage of Early Bird rates, which are valid until 14 October.

There is a very exciting array of papers and presentations with over 80 abstracts accepted! Social events will include a Welcome Reception (evening Thursday 14 Nov), Burra Charter 40th Anniversary Event at the Shine Dome (evening Friday 15 Nov), and, on Saturday evening 16 Nov, a fabulous Conference Party with a mid-century mod theme, reflecting our much-loved venue, University House, and the Golden Age of Aviation. Pre-conference workshops are available on Thursday before the Welcome Reception and post-conference tours on Sunday 17 Nov. NOTE that places for some of the conference functions are limited despite inclusion in the full registration rate, so get in quick!

Also check out our discount booking codes for accommodation and flights, courtesy of Qantas.

Follow #HotA2019 and @air_heritage on twitter for regular updates!


Membership of the Australia ICOMOS Pacific Heritage Reference Group – call for EOI: deadline COB Friday 27 September 2019

The current membership of the Australia ICOMOS Pacific Heritage Reference Group (PHRG) has been in place for more than 3 years and it is time to refresh the membership.

The members of the PHRG each have high-level qualifications and/or experience in the cultural heritage of the Pacific region. The purpose of the group is to provide advice as needed to the Australia ICOMOS President and Executive Committee on any issues that arise. Issues may relate to specific sites as in the case of World Heritage Monitoring Missions, capacity building in relation to cultural heritage conservation in the region, or ‘framework’ issues as in the case of preparing submissions on legislation reform. This reference group does not hold regular meetings but is called into action as issues arise.

More information can be found at the Pacific Heritage Reference Group webpage. Please note that all individuals who express an interest in any Australia ICOMOS Working or Reference Group agree to be bound by the documents that can be found here.

Members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to express an interest in becoming a member of this Reference Group by sending a completed PHRG_EOI_August 2019_FINAL form to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB 27 September 2019.

Young and Emerging Professionals with knowledge about Pacific issues, especially those who attended the 2018 CULTURE Conference in Fiji, and members from diverse range of backgrounds are encouraged to express an interest in contributing to the group in accordance with Australia ICOMOS policies.

For further information please contact Kerime Danis (PHRG Acting Convenor) by email or by phone 0414 421 035.


Membership of the Australia ICOMOS Climate Change and Cultural Heritage Working Group – call for EOI: deadline COB Friday 27 September

The current membership of the Australia ICOMOS Climate Change and Cultural Heritage Working Group (CC&CHWG) has been in place for some time and it is now due for a refresh. As Australia ICOMOS foresaw in 2007 when it held a major public forum on Climate Change and Cultural Heritage, as a side event of the eXtreme heritage Conference in Cairns, climate change and the impacts on the world’s tangible and intangible cultural heritage has emerged as a serious challenge facing the long-term conservation of our heritage. The international body of ICOMOS has responded to this with the formation of a Climate Change Working Group (currently led by Andrew Potts of US/ICOMOS). Australia ICOMOS would like to refresh our national CC&CHWG with a focus on climate change, its impact and mitigation, in relation to cultural heritage in Australia and within our Asia Pacific region. More information can be found at the Climate Change and Cultural Heritage Working Group webpage.

One of the first tasks of the newly refreshed CC&CHWG will be the development of a new Terms of Reference (currently in draft format) that reflect this focus and which also look at the way in which this working group can effectively liaise with and input into the work of the international working group. It is expected that in this way the working group members can bring the relevant work of Australia ICOMOS members to national and international attention and work to disseminate emerging knowledge, studies and practices in this field to our members.

This is a Working Group and requires active participation and a desire and commitment to develop and promote the relevant skills, research and projects of our members to support sustainable cultural heritage practice in the face of the risks and challenges arising from climate change. For this reason, although prior experience in climate change research and/or projects is highly desirable, it in not an essential requirement for membership of this group. Young & Emerging Professionals who are willing to play an active role in advancing the work of the Working Group are encouraged to express an interest.

Please note that all individuals who express an interest in any Australia ICOMOS Working or Reference Group agree to be bound by the documents that can be found here.

Members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to express an interest in becoming members of the Climate Change and Cultural Heritage Working Group (CC&CHWG) by sending the completed CC&CHWG_EOI_August 2019_FINAL form to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB 27 September 2019.

For further information please contact Flavia Kiperman (Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee Member) by email or by phone: (+61) 0401 003 800.


UPDATED: NOTE DATE & TIME CHANGE – VICOMITES short talk series, Friday 11 October, Melbourne

VICOMITES short talk series – Friday 11 October 2019
Budj Bim, the World Heritage-listed cultural landscape

Australia ICOMOS members, and prospective members, are invited to a presentation by Damein Bell, a Gunditjmara man and CEO of Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation. Damein will reflect on the journey that led to the inscription of the Budj Bim Cultural Landscape on the World Heritage List (6 July 2019).

The cultural landscape consists of three serial components, and constitutes one of the world’s most extensive and oldest aquaculture systems. The Budj Bim lava flows provide the basis for the complex system of channels, weirs and dams developed by the Gunditjmara in order to trap, store and harvest kooyang (short-finned eel – Anguilla australis). The system provided an economic and social base for Gunditjmara society for six millennia.

Refreshments will be provided.

Location: The Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre, 251 Faraday Street, Carlton

Time: 6:00pm, Friday 11 October – NOTE DATE & TIME CHANGE

RSVP: by email to Adam Mornement by Monday 7 October – note that numbers will be limited to 35 people




Port Arthur Talk, 18 September 2019

Old, new, large, small, basic, luxury: Port Arthur’s relationship with the cruise sector
presented by Anne McVilly

The cruise-shipping sector is one of the fastest growing travel sectors globally. With more than 23 million people expected to take a cruise in 2020 this growth represent challenges and opportunities. Anne McVilly will present a snapshot of this sector, and discuss the challenges faced by Port Arthur. Can cruise growth benefit the site and region, without threatening our heritage values?

Anne is the Director of Tourism Operations for PAHSMA, and sits on the Board of the Australian Cruise Association. Having previously acted as Manager of the Tasmanian Travel & Information Centre in Hobart and Director of Destination Southern Tasmania, she has over 20 years’ experience in the Tasmanian tourism and cruise industry. With specialities covering emergency and risk management, visitor experience and product development, Anne ’s background makes her well equipped to respond to the challenges of increasing cruise ships numbers.

When: Wednesday 18 September 2019 at 5.00pm

Where: Junior Medical Officer’s House Conference Room (the building behind the house), Port Arthur Historic Site

For more information on the talk call (03) 6251 2324.

Download the “Old, new, large, small, basic, luxury: Port Arthur’s relationship with the cruise sector” talk flyer.


Roving Curator Program 2020 Information Session, 19 September, Melbourne

Do you need some expert advice to help develop an exhibition? Find out how the Roving Curator Program could assist you in 2020, and get creative with your exhibition planning. This Information Session will provide tips on common mistakes in Roving Curator Program applications, and how to write a strong application. Applications for the 2020 Roving Curator Program will close on Thursday 17 October 2019.

>Guidelines and Application

Date: Thursday 19 September
Time: 12.30pm-1.30pm
Venue: Melbourne Museum, 11 Nicholson St, Carlton
Cost: Free



Open Weekend: Camden Park House & Garden, Menangle (SW Sydney), 21-22 September



Camden Park House and Garden opens one weekend a year – in September when the Wisteria is flowering. That weekend this year is 21-22 September. Come along!

Been before? You’ll be impressed by how much has changed – been restored, repaired, revitalised, much of that through volunteers devoting their time and skills.

Never been? Here’s your best chance to do that. Don’t forget to stroll the garden’s extensive paths, check out the impressive stables, nursery area, shrubberies and more.

Details: Saturday 21 September: 12pm-4pm; Sunday 22 September: 10am-4pm. House tours; Guided garden tours; Macarthur History Talks; Devonshire teas; BBQ & Refreshment stalls; plant (rare ones), craft and gift stalls; Stables Cafe & collectibles

Entry Price: House and Garden: $22 adults/$16 concession; Garden only: $10

Enquiries: by email to Camden Park

Bookings: via the Camden Park House website; any remaining tickets will also be available at the door (but best to be quick to secure your place)

To get there: Follow the signs from Elizabeth Macarthur Avenue, (cnr. Remembrance Drive), South Camden… not far south of the traffic lights and bridge over the Nepean River

Download the Camden Park open weekend flyer.

Did you know that Camden Park is listed on the NSW State Heritage Register? (So is surrounding Belgenny Farm and the Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute. But they’re another story, and open other days!)


Opera in Denbigh’s Barn, Cobbitty, NSW, Sunday 22 September

If you’re thinking of visiting Camden Park House & Garden open day on Sunday 22/9/19 (10am-4pm), you might like to go on to Denbigh, just up the road (The Northern Road, Cobbitty), about 10 minutes’ drive for this event.

Details: 5.00pm, $75 (includes champagne and canapés on interval)
Bookings: via Trybooking

Denbigh’s is a glorious old colonial farm, there since the 1810s, but with natural pockets of remnant ‘vine forest’ vegetation on the land, creeks and an ensemble of intact farm buildings and yards set in a charming, large, relaxed old garden. Well worth a visit if you’ve never been.

Also listed on the NSW State Heritage Register. Long held by the McIntosh family, and before, by the Hassall family.

Download the Opera in the Denbigh Barn flyer.




Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality conference, Switzerland, 6-8 April 2020, call for papers – deadline: 15 September

Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, International Conference
6-8 April 2020

The Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 4th International Conference (HTHIC2020) will again bring together researchers, practitioners and policymakers to discuss the leading question: How to succeed in attracting tourists while simultaneously engaging all stakeholders in contributing to the preservation of natural and cultural heritage?

HTHIC2020 is organised by the UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites at USI – Università della Svizzera italiana (Lugano, Switzerland) and consultancy Elgin & Co. (Netherlands) in collaboration with UNESCO-UNITWIN Network “Culture, Tourism, and Development”. The conference will evolve around the theme “Living Heritage and Sustainable Tourism”.

Call for Papers and Presentations

The organisers of HTHIC2020 invite researchers, practitioners and policy makers working in tourism, heritage, hospitality, geography, archaeology, architecture and related fields to share knowledge and experience on aspects of preservation, (re)presentation, promotion and profit, in the sense of benefits for all involved and contributions to the well-being of humans and non-humans.

For more information visit the call for papers section of the conference website.

The deadline for submissions is 15 September 2019.


European Architectural History Network International Meeting, 10-13 June 2020, Edinburgh – call for papers: deadline 20 September

The sixth European Architectural History Network International Meeting (EAHN2020) will take place on 10-13 June 2020 in Edinburgh, Scotland. The venue is the University of Edinburgh, and the conference takes full advantage of the university, and the city’s numerous architectural sites. Visit the conference website for more information.

The call for papers (sessions) and discussion positions (round tables) is now LIVE. Visit the call for papers section for more information.

Deadline for submissions is 20 September.


7th International Architectural Finishes Research Conference, 14-16 October 2020, Israel – call for papers deadline: 1 October 2019

7th International Architectural Finishes Research Conference
Hosted By the David Azrieli School of Architecture
The David and Yolanda Katz Faculty of the Arts
Tel Aviv University, Israel
14-16 October 2020

Papers are invited for the 7th International Architectural Finishes Research Conference, to be held in Israel on 14-16 October 2020. The conference is held once every three years and attracts the field’s leading researchers and professionals.

Architectural finishes and color in the built environment give a place its vernacular uniqueness. Finishes connect the material/substance of a place and the life pulsing within it. Throughout history it has served as a tool for establishing local identity.

Architectural Finishes Research goes far beyond uncovering the color of paint layers, to providing historical information on daily and cultural life.

Previous conferences have defined research into these finishes as Architectural Paint Research (APR). We believe it is time to expand the definition of our research to include all architectural finishes. For this conference we will be addressing it as Architectural Finishes Research (AFR).

For more information, visit the call for papers webpage.

Submissions are due by 1 October 2019.




Join the WHITRAP Shanghai network

The World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO, Shanghai Center (WHITRAP Shanghai) invites you to join their network.

WHITRAP Shanghai intends to create a Network to act as a platform for connecting heritage practitioners and institutions of the Asia- Pacific region (Heritage Asia-Pacific, HeritAP). The network is open to individuals and institutions regardless if they are already a member of a Network or Networks. A brief description of the Network can be found in this document. Also visit the HeritAP website for more information and to join the network.


Call for EOI for Fabrications’ reviews editor – deadline 20 September

The Editorial Board of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand calls for Expressions of Interest for the ongoing role of Reviews Editor of the Society’s refereed journal, Fabrications: JSAHANZ published in three issues each year by Taylor & Francis.

The Reviews Editor will work with the journal’s two Editors and support, as needed, those Guest Editors appointed to direct special issues.

For more information, visit the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand website.

Expressions of Interest are open until the close of business on Friday 20 September.


Tasmanian Heritage Council vacancy – Expressions of Interest sought and due 20 September

Expressions of interest are being sought from people with expertise in building surveying, engineering or history to fill a vacancy on the Tasmanian Heritage Council, in accordance with Part 2, Section 6 (1) (c) of the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995.

The Heritage Council fulfils an important role in recognising and protecting places of State historic cultural heritage significance, helping to facilitate their sound statutory management, and highlighting the value and importance of historic cultural heritage to Tasmania.

Female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply, in accordance with the Tasmanian Government’s Women on Boards strategy, which aims to improve gender equity and increase female representation on its boards, statutory bodies and committees.

Those interested need to provide a curriculum vitae that provides two referees and a statement that outlines knowledge, skills or experience of relevance to the position, including previous experience in contemporary governance and statutory decision-making.

For more information, visit the TAS Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment website.

Expressions of Interest must be received by 5:00pm on Friday 20 September 2019.


Opportunities for Scholars at Dumbarton Oaks – application deadline 1 November

Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection is an institute in Washington, D.C., administered by the Trustees for Harvard University. It supports research and learning internationally in Byzantine, Garden and Landscape, and Pre-Columbian studies through fellowships, internships, meetings, and exhibitions.

Residential fellowships for an academic year, semester, or summer are awarded in all three areas of study to scholars from around the world. In addition, Dumbarton Oaks offers one-month non-residential awards to researchers and short-term pre-doctoral residencies to advanced graduate students. A program of project grants primarily supports archaeological research, as well as materials analysis and photographic surveys of objects and monuments. Summer schools and workshops bring together students for in-depth study of languages, material culture, and theory.

For more information, see the summary information here or visit the Dumbarton Oaks website.

The application deadline is 1 November 2019.




SITUATION VACANT Senior Project Specialist (Heritage Recording and Documentation), Getty Conservation Institute

The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) is seeking a heritage conservation practitioner to fill the position of Senior Project Specialist (Heritage Recording and Documentation), in the Institute’s Buildings and Sites department.

The Senior Project Specialist provides advice and guidance to all Buildings and Sites projects about issues, standards and best-practices associated with heritage recording, documentation, and information management, and identifies new methods, emerging technologies, or adaptions of existing tools to support the recording and documentation activities of the Institute. Specifically, the Senior Project Specialist contributes to and facilitates the recording, documentation, and information management components of projects and is responsible for defining recording and documentation needs for the GCI’s international projects in collaboration with the project teams. If needed, he/she identifies external specialist vendors to address project needs and reviews their work on behalf of the project teams.

For more information and to apply, visit the Getty Conservation Institute website.

The deadline for applications is 11 October 2019.


SITUATION VACANT David H. Smith Conservation Research (post-doctoral) Fellowship, USA

Applications are invited from eligible and interested candidates for the The David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship Program.


The purpose of the David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship is to create opportunities for leading conservation scientists to strengthen their skills through two years of applied post-doctoral research, supplemented by training programs, peer networking, and field learning experiences, so that they may:

1. Build productive partnerships with conservation practitioners; and

2. Contribute and communicate scientific knowledge to problems of critical importance in conservation.

Eligibility / Qualification

To be eligible individuals must have completed their doctorate within the past five years or by the time the award is made in 2020.

Applicants who have not yet completed their doctorate must clearly indicate on the application the date the degree is expected.

The Fellowship funders require that the Fellowship be administered by a U.S. based institution and that the research be primarily conducted in the U.S. However, U.S. citizenship is not required.

Job / Position Description

Each Fellow is mentored by:

1) an academic mentor, typically at an academic institution, who encourages the Fellow’s continued academic development, and

2) a field or practitioner mentor who helps the Fellow connect her/his research to practical conservation challenges. The practitioner mentor is typically affiliated with a conservation organization (government agency, non-governmental organization, or other non-academic conservation organization) with expertise and experience in “on-the-ground” application of conservation science.

For more comprehensive information about this opportunity, visit this link.

Applications close 13 September 2019.


SITUATIONS VACANT Policy Officer and Senior Policy Officer – Historical Heritage (2 x roles), Department of the Environment and Energy, Canberra

The Heritage Reef and Marine Division of the Department of the Environment and Energy is looking for people who have experience and proven ability to provide accurate and specialist historic heritage advice, deliver national and international heritage policy outcomes, administration of legislation, and efficient and effective project management, including (where appropriate) the ability to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

About the Role

As a Policy Officer/Senior Policy Officer in the Historic Heritage Section you will:

  • independently research and write clear, detailed heritage assessments and papers for the Australian Heritage Council
  • work in a team to develop and implement policies, programs and regulation for the conservation, protection and sustainable management of Australia’s heritage (with a focus on cultural and historic heritage) and biodiversity
  • undertake work that is complex or sensitive, and operate under broad direction whilst supervising staff (where relevant); exercise sound decision-making and apply good judgement to secure outcomes
  • promote and manage relationships with internal and external stakeholders, community groups and business including to achieve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

We are looking for someone with relevant qualifications (eg. Cultural Heritage Management, history, archaeology, architecture, geography, planning); demonstrated high-level research and writing capacity; great communication, collaborative and interpersonal skills; and experience relating to the assessment, management and protection of Australia’s cultural heritage, specifically historic heritage.

To apply visit the Department’s online recruitment system (note that these roles will go live at this link on Monday 2 September).

Applications close: 11.30pm (AEST) on Sunday 22 September 2019.


SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants, Melbourne

RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd are seeking an experienced heritage conservation architect to join our team.

The position is senior and involves: research, analysis, design, documentation and contract administration of building works to places of heritage significance (both conservation and adaptive reuse works) and providing advice to significant historic building owners and authorities. Projects are diverse – primarily local, but also international and across all types including: commercial, ecclesiastical, education, civic, community, industrial and residential. The office culture is collegiate, cutting edge and research driven.

Required qualifications

· minimum masters’ degree in architecture

· minimum 10 years’ experience working as a heritage conservation architect

· a working knowledge of Australian architectural history

· expertise in remedial conservation interventions to significant heritage building fabric

· proficiency in contemporary and interpretive design and detail resolution

· proficiency in AutoCad, Sketchup, Adobe and Revit pref. + pencil and butter paper

· proficiency in sustainable design


Interested applicants please forward your CV to Roger by email in the first instance.

If you wish to discuss the position please call Roger Beeston (Director) on 0417 140 159.




Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
