[NEW ITEM] GA2020 Partners and Patrons Team – Call for Expressions of Interest: deadline 5pm, 16 August
[NEW ITEM] Burra Charter @ 40 – Burra and the future, 30 August, Burra, South Australia
[NEW ITEM] Membership of the Australia ICOMOS Heritage Fabric Conservation Reference Group – call for EOI: deadline COB Friday 30 August
[NEW ITEM] 2019 June Roughley Memorial Lecture, 10 August, Arcadia (NSW)
[NEW ITEM] Regenerating Places of Faith Conference, 16 August, Adelaide
[NEW ITEM] ACT Region Heritage Symposium 2019, 24 August, Canberra – registrations open
[NEW ITEM] Longford Academy Spring Masterclass Program (TAS), beginning Monday 2 September: registrations now open!
[NEW ITEM] Call for Expressions of Interest – ICOMOS World Heritage Advisors: deadline 9 September
[NEW ISSUE] Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
[NEW ISSUE] Heritage Council of WA eNewsletter out now
[NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage bulletin
[NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – What’s On
[NEW ISSUE] Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden – what’s on
[NEW ISSUE] The Best in Heritage July update
The Living Heritage Festival, Sunday 4 August, Sydney
Port Arthur Talk, 7 August 2019
Australian Garden History Society (Sydney and Northern NSW Branch) AGM + talk: Cartographica – Sydney on the Map, 14 August, Sydney
Prince’s Trust Australia Sustainable Urbanism Roadshow: Social Sustainability and Future Resilience, Brisbane, 29 August
International Conference on Conservation of Architectural Heritage, Egypt, 31 January to 2 February 2020 – call for abstracts: deadline 4 August
CIIC Scientific Meeting, 10-17 February 2020, Mexico – call for papers: deadline 16 August
Decolonising Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies conference, 13-14 November 2019, Deakin Uni Burwood – call for papers: deadline 31 August
National Trust Queensland Heritage Awards 2019 – nominations open and close 5 August
Growing Victoria’s Botanic Gardens grants program now open – applications close 7 August
New $260,000 fund for heritage building restoration – deadline 31 August
2020 Keeping It Modern grant program – initial EOI due by 2 December
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Assessment Officer, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Graduate Heritage Consultant, Urbis, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Scientific Officer, Australian Museum / University of Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Heritage/Conservation Projects Manager, International Conservation Services, Sydney
1. [NEW ITEM] GA2020 Partners and Patrons Team – Call for Expressions of Interest: deadline 5pm, 16 August

The image of the Sydney Opera House is used under licence from the Sydney Opera House Trust
Expressions of interest are invited from Australia ICOMOS Members to join the ‘Partners and Patrons’ team for the ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium that will be hosted in Sydney in October 2020 (GA2020).
These are voluntary positions, which are likely to involve a range of tasks at irregular times, from now until the end of 2020. Successful applicants are expected to attend and register for GA2020, and cover related personal travel and accommodation costs.
GA 2020 will bring together leading cultural heritage professionals from around the world in an engaging program of site visits, functions, workshops and a four-day Scientific Symposium on the theme of ‘Shared Cultures – Shared Heritage – Shared Responsibility’.
Partners and Patrons of GA2020 will achieve unprecedented levels of exposure to all with an interest in heritage, both professional and public. Valuable networking and workshop opportunities, unique activations and initiatives plus display space within the Heritage Exposition are just a few of the available opportunities.
Support from strategic partners and corporate patrons is critical to the success of this wide-ranging event. The program for GA2020 partners and patrons was launched earlier this year. The GA2020 prospectus and further information about available opportunities are available here.
The GA2020 team is seeking support and involvement from highly-motivated Australia ICOMOS Members who can help to approach and recruit strategic partners and corporate patrons, both government and non-government.
The GA2020 Partners and Patrons team members will:
- report to the GA2020 Convenor;
- collaborate with Arinex Pty Ltd, the GA2020 Professional Conference Organiser;
- help identify individuals and organisations to be approached;
- receive briefing and training;
- make pro-active approaches to individuals, companies and government agencies;
- liaise to arrange and deliver mutually-beneficial partner and patron packages;
- undertake other related tasks, as necessary.
Richard Mackay, GA2020 Convenor by email
Application information
Expressions of interest to be no more than one page and cover:
- why the applicant seeks to join the GA2020 Partners and Patrons Team; and
- relevant skills and experience.
Applicants may add a short CV (no more than two pages), but this is not essential. Applications to be sent by 5:00PM Friday 16 August 2019 to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email.
2. [NEW ITEM] Burra Charter @ 40 – Burra and the future, 30 August, Burra, South Australia
Join us at 5.30pm on Friday 30 August for a wine and cheese ‘Q & A’ style event to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter and to debate the future management of Burra’s heritage appeal and its future direction as a National Heritage Place. All are welcome to join the debate!
A selection of UniSA’s Master of Architecture student projects focusing on a hypothetical ‘interpretation and innovation centre’ in Hampton Village will also be on display.
The Burra Charter @ 40 event will provide an opportunity to consider a range of issues including:
- The origins of the Burra Charter, its purpose and impact in Australia and beyond
- What a ‘Burra Charter’ approach means in Burra for heritage owners today; its role in repair, adaptive reuse and tourism opportunities; and its ability to respond to emerging challenges in heritage practice
The format of the evening will be based on the ABC’s ‘Q&A’ show. Keith Conlon, Chair of the South Australian Heritage Council, will moderate the panel discussion and the audience will be invited to pose questions to the panel before the event and also on the night. Please submit audience questions to Michael Queale by email by COB Wednesday 28 August 2019.
Dr Jane Lennon, AM, Australia ICOMOS Honorary member, who was involved in the initial Burra Charter in 1979, has generously offered to join us on the night and will reflect on the momentous day and the aspirations of the ICOMOS Committee at the time.
More information is available in the BC 40th year event August 2019_SA flyer.
Cost, Bookings, Accommodation
There is no cost for the event but please book at this link.
Attendees will need to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation. A variety of accommodation options are available here.
Supported by the Getty Conservation Institute
3. [NEW ITEM] Membership of the Australia ICOMOS Heritage Fabric Conservation Reference Group – call for EOI: deadline COB Friday 30 August
The current membership of the Australia ICOMOS Heritage Fabric Conservation Reference Group (FCRG) has been in place for approximately 3 years and it time to refresh the membership.
The FCRG provides advice to Australia ICOMOS on the conservation of heritage fabric in accordance with the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter including maintenance, preservation, restoration, reconstruction and adaptation, as well as considering ways to foster skills in fabric conservation practice. More information can be found at the Heritage Fabric Conservation Reference Group webpage. Also note that all individuals who express an interest in any Australia ICOMOS Working or Reference Group agree to be bound by the documents that can be found here.
Members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to Express an Interest in becoming a member of this Reference Group by sending a completed Heritage Fabric Conservation Reference Group_EOI_August 2019 form to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB 30 August 2019.
Young and Emerging Professionals are also encouraged to express an interest in contributing to the group in accordance with Australia ICOMOS policies.
For further information please contact Flavia Kiperman (Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee Member) by email or by phone: (+61) 0401 003 800.
4. [NEW ITEM] 2019 June Roughley Memorial Lecture, 10 August, Arcadia (NSW)
Hosted by the Dural & District Historical Society
Discovering an Illustrious Ancestor, presented by Brett Sowerby
Brett Sowerby (aka George Brettingham Sowerby V1) had vaguely heard that some records of his forebear James (1757-1822) were held in London’s Natural History Museum. But, on a visit to the UK in 2013, Brett was astonished to find that the museum had 53 boxes of material on James and his descendants.
Brett will have some 200 year-old books on display. All welcome.
Details: Saturday 10 August 2pm / Arcadia Community Hall 136 Arcadia Rd, Arcadia NSW 2159
More information in the Brett Sowerby talk flyer.
5. [NEW ITEM] Regenerating Places of Faith Conference, 16 August, Adelaide
The third in the series of annual conferences entitled Regenerating Places of Faith will take place in Adelaide in mid-August this year. This event will continue the ongoing exploration of how church congregations and their neighbourhood communities can be strengthened. Speakers will show how heritage church buildings can become innovative places to participate in both worship and other beneficial activities.
South Australia’s heritage churches are under pressure due to ageing and diminishing congregations, and from the financial burdens of repairs and maintenance.
The huge global response to the damage to Notre Dame earlier this year clearly shows the sense of public ownership often associated with our heritage sacred places. At the prospect of losing a neighbourhood heritage church that embodies the depth of the spiritual, social and cultural feelings of our communities, great passions can be stirred, even amongst non-believers.
Western governments have all recently acknowledged the growing mental health crisis associated with the loneliness and social isolation now prevalent in modern society. The pivotal role that churches could play in helping to alleviate this crisis will be one of a number of themes that will be addressed in this year’s Regenerating Places of Faith event. If you have an interest in the future role that our churches can play in society, and in how they can be regenerated, please join us for what promises to be fascinating, ongoing discussions.
The event will take place at the Burnside City Uniting Church on Friday 16 August 2019 from 9.00am to 4.30pm. You can register for the conference at the National Trust of South Australia website, and ongoing information will be available through the Regenerating Places of Faith Facebook page.
More information in the Regenerating Places of Faith 2019 flyer.
6. [NEW ITEM] ACT Region Heritage Symposium 2019, 24 August, Canberra – registrations open
The ACT Heritage Partnership Programming Committee is pleased to announce a fantastic program for the ACT Heritage Partnership Symposium on the UNESCO HUL approach in Canberra on Saturday 24 August.
Theme: The Spaces in Between: Connecting Canberra’s Urban Landscape
Saturday 24 August, 9am-5pm, RN Robertson Building (Bld 46), ANU Acton Campus
Please join us and a line-up of knowledgeable, passionate, engaging speakers, story-tellers and workshop facilitators to explore what is special about Canberra and how at a time of rapid growth and change, we can understand what is distinct and valued and work to preserve and protect key elements of our heritage, landscape and lifestyle.
Download the ACT Heritage Symposium Registration Flyer 2019, which includes further details about the program and booking options. Registration deadline is COB 21 August.
Also visit the National Trust website for more details.
7. [NEW ITEM] Longford Academy Spring Masterclass Program (TAS), beginning Monday 2 September: registrations now open!
The Longford Academy (LA) Spring Masterclass Program has now been released and is open for registrations.
Spring Masterclasses are a 6-day program in a number of specialist trades involved in conservation of traditional buildings, structures and fabric, held at the World Heritage inscribed Woolmers & Brickendon Estates in Longford, Tasmania.
This year LA is offering masterclasses in:
– Lime Mortars, Plasters & Washes and their Practical Application, an expanded masterclass from previous years, run by David Young and Ray Wiltshire
– Traditional Metal Roofing Fabrication, run by Greg Owen
Participants enrol for one of the masterclasses but there is opportunity to ‘taste’ the other masterclass subjects during the course.
- Learn advanced conservation repair methods and traditional practices
- Learn how to obtain long term sustainable conservation outcomes in real life situations
- Share knowledge & experience with conservation practitioners and contractors
- Understand environmental impacts, deterioration & how to deal with complex challenges
- Participate in hands-on activities with experienced practitioners
- Relax & learn in an outstanding cultural landscape
For further information see the Longford Academy Sept 2019 flyer. For registrations, complete the Longford Academy_Sept 2019 Reg Form.
8. [NEW ITEM] Call for Expressions of Interest – ICOMOS World Heritage Advisors: deadline 9 September
ICOMOS, as an Advisory Body to the World Heritage Convention, makes every effort to contribute to the scientific credibility of the World Heritage system. The work related to the implementation of the World Heritage Convention requires, among other, a high level of expertise.
In order not only to sustain such a level of expertise within the organisation, but also to further improve the contribution of ICOMOS to the Convention, ICOMOS is launching a World Heritage Atelier programme. Its objective is to train future ICOMOS World Heritage advisors, who may then work for ICOMOS in its tasks related to the evaluation of nominations. This one-year-long programme will provide participants with mentorship by experienced ICOMOS World Heritage advisors.
NOTE: This call for expressions of interest is limited to those wishing to become World Heritage Advisors working on the ICOMOS evaluation work of cultural and mixed properties nominations with the ICOMOS World Heritage Evaluation Unit.
For more information, visit the ICOMOS website.
Submissions due by 9 September 2019 at the latest.
9. [NEW ISSUE] Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
To read the latest news from Heritage Tasmania, click on the link below.
10. [NEW ISSUE] Heritage Council of WA eNewsletter out now
Read the latest edition of the Heritage Council’s eNewsletter, Heritage Matters.
11. [NEW ISSUE] News from ICCROM
To view the latest news from ICCROM, click here.
12. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage bulletin, click on the following link.
13. [NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – What’s On
Click here for information on upcoming events at the Johnston Collection.
14. [NEW ISSUE] Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden – what’s on
To read the latest Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden E-news, click here.
15. [NEW ISSUE] The Best in Heritage July update
Read the latest news from The Best in Heritage: The Best in Heritage 2019 – August 2019
The Living Heritage Festival, Sunday 4 August, Sydney
For the first time in Bayside and the Inner West, leading historians and heritage experts are brought together by the Historic Houses Association (HHA) of Australia for a day-long heritage festival at Tempe House. Join Stephen Gapps, Paul Irish, Ian Tyrrell, Hilary Davidson, Stuart Read, Helen Davies; Paintwrights, Thorne Decorative Plasterwork, and the Heritage Stoneworks Team along with local historical societies and guilds for a celebration of the forgotten crafts of the past and the heritage skills of tomorrow.
Across Discovery Point Park and Mt Olympus enjoy history pop-ups presentations – hear from local historians about the stories of the people, house and life around Tempe House from the 1830s to today’s restoration. Chat to the experts about native bee keeping, heritage sustainability and learn about how life was lived on the banks of the Cooks River.
In the Chapel, Villa and Courtyard, traditional trade skills are on display including heritage stonework, plasterwork and exhibits of paint, stencilling and wood graining techniques. Also on display is an exhibition of rare colonial fashion gowns with demonstrations by a range of craft artisans. Learn about historic lace making, the art of quilling and join a sewing circle.
Heritage Workshops
Heritage workshops will be inside Tempe House. Find out how to research the history of your house from a local studies historian. Learn hands-on practical skills in conservation and how to value your precious antiques. Hear about environmental sustainability for your heritage home. Join in and use recycled material to create a no-waste basket that you can take home. In the former kitchen, historians, writers and community activists delve further into the layered histories of Tempe House site, landscape and the river environment. Speakers focus on specific themes ranging from histories of place, architecture and social life to popular expressions of history and questions of identity.
Artisan craft and local food stalls including vintage fashion, upcycled goods and ‘Willie the Boatman’ craft beer for sale.
For more information, visit the Historic Houses Association website.
Queries can be directed to HHA on (02) 9252 5554.
Download the Festival poster and the Festival media release.
Port Arthur Talk, 7 August 2019
Private Robert McNally’s secret journal of 1820s Van Diemen’s Land
presented by Prof Pam Sharpe
Very occasionally a historian strikes ‘archive gold’. For Pam Sharpe this was discovering the diary/memoir of Private Robert McNally in the National Library of Ireland. Private McNally, 40th Regiment of Foot, served in Van Diemen’s Land during the mid-1820s. Prof Sharpe will discuss the surprise discovery of this damaged and rare anonymous journal providing an insight into Van Diemen’s Land in the years leading up to the Black War.
Pam Sharpe was the first female Professor in History at the University of Tasmania and the first woman nominated to the Australian Academy of the Humanities from Tasmania. A graduate of Edinburgh and Cambridge Universities, she is an expert in British social and economic history who has expanded her interests to Van Diemen’s Land.
When: 7 August 2019 at 5.00pm
Where: Junior Medical Officer’s House Conference Room (the building behind the house), Port Arthur Historic Site
For more information on the talk call (03) 6251 2324.
Download the “Private Robert McNally’s secret journal of 1820s Van Diemen’s Land” talk flyer.
Australian Garden History Society (Sydney and Northern NSW Branch) AGM + talk: Cartographica – Sydney on the Map, 14 August, Sydney
Margaret Betteridge will present the talk Cartographica – Sydney on the Map after the Australian Garden History Society (Sydney and Northern NSW Branch) AGM.
Wednesday 14 August
6:00 PM Nibbles and Drinks / 7:00 PM Illustrated Talk
Annie Wyatt Room, National Trust of Australia (NSW), Upper Fort Street, Miller’s Point
Cartographica: Sydney on the Map was a joint winner in the 2019 National Trust’s Heritage Award in the exhibition, events and tours category. The exhibition is on at Customs House over three levels and runs until 1 September 2019.
For more information see the AGHS 14 August AGM & Cartographica talk flyer.
Bookings essential – online bookings here.
Prince’s Trust Australia Sustainable Urbanism Roadshow: Social Sustainability and Future Resilience, Brisbane, 29 August
The National Trust, University of Queensland, Prince’s Trust Australia (PTA) and International Network of Traditional Building Architecture and Urbanism (INTBAU Australia) invite you to join us for our next roadshow. A presentation and panel discussion series to be held across Australia aimed at discussing the importance of sustainable urbanism and place-making in managing our built environment.
Brisbane Roadshow | 6:00PM, Thursday 29 August
Herston Oral Health Centre
‘Social Sustainability and Future Resilience’
Dr Shaneen Fantin, Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Queensland will facilitate a night of networking, presentations and discussion from a panel with a wealth of experience about Social Sustainabilty and Future Resilience.
Panel Members
- Justin Hewitt – Director of Sustainable Communities | Princes Trust Australia
- Jane Alexander – Heritage Advocacy Manager | National Trust Queensland
- Malcolm Middleton – Government Architect | Queensland Government
- Cathryn Chatburn – Director | Urban Enquiry
Adult: $20 | National Trust Member: $15 | Student: $10
>> more information | >>bookings
International Conference on Conservation of Architectural Heritage, Egypt, 31 January to 2 February 2020 – call for abstracts: deadline 4 August
IEREK (the International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange) is an organisation concerned with the dissemination of research through academic events such as conferences, workshops, international schools, as well as publishing.
IEREK is currently working on establishing the 4th edition of the International Conference on Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH). Following the success of its previews instalments, the CAH conference will be held in Egypt on a Nile Cruise travelling from Aswan to Luxor, with a program that shows the attendees the beauty of the Egyptian Heritage.
The conference is currently calling for abstracts, with a deadline of 4 August 2019. More information about the conference can be found at the conference website.
For participating authors publication is offered through the Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI) Book Series published by Springer in collaboration with IEREK, in addition to an online journal that hosts the conference proceedings.
For more information on the series, please visit the Springer website.
This specific conference has already produced two books in publication with Springer, as per the links below.
Cities’ Identity Through Architecture and Arts
CIIC Scientific Meeting, 10-17 February 2020, Mexico – call for papers: deadline 16 August
The ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Cultural Routes (CIIC) will hold its Scientific Meeting from 10-17 February 2020, with the theme “Living the Cultural Routes”. It will take place in the city of Chihuahua, Mexico.
See the Convocatoria Encuentro CIIC 2020 – inglés call for papers for more information. Contact this email address for queries.
The deadline for submission of the presentation summary is Friday 16 August 2019.
Decolonising Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies conference, 13-14 November 2019, Deakin Uni Burwood – call for papers: deadline 31 August
It is now 40 years since Deakin University began its Museum Studies program in 1979. In celebrating this milestone, we are organising a conference that responds to the enormous changes over that time, both in the fields of museum practice and the wider field of cultural heritage. Given our location in Australia, a settler society, our focus takes its bearing from the increasing pressure on museums, archives and heritage places to ‘decolonize’ their practices and relations with Indigenous and First Nations People. The conference thus seeks to broaden and deepen the cross-disciplinary and cross-sector conversation about new practices, interpretations and lives for collected materials across the GLAM sector, as well as heritage places shaped by colonial contexts. Informed by histories of the production of colonial knowledge and responding to new and interdisciplinary directions in collection theory and research, heritage management and interpretation, this conference will bring together researchers, practitioners, industry partners, and artists to discuss the critical elements of working with and through collections and heritage places within a Decolonising impulse.
For more information on the themes, etc, visit the conference website.
We welcome submissions by 31 August 2019. Please send submissions of a 200 word abstract and 150 word biography to the Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies Team by email.
National Trust Queensland Heritage Awards 2019 – nominations open and close 5 August
Each year, the National Trust of Australia (Queensland) awards outstanding projects and people that demonstrate excellence in the protection, conservation and celebration of Queensland’s environmental, built and cultural heritage.
The National Trust annual Queensland Heritage Awards are a prestigious acknowledgment of the quality of heritage work that is carried out across the State. The Awards seek to showcase the entrants and promote best practice, encourage innovation and collaboration, and celebrate the diversity of heritage places in Queensland.
For more information, visit this link.
The deadline for nominations is Monday 5 August 2019, 4.00pm.
Growing Victoria’s Botanic Gardens grants program now open – applications close 7 August
This grants program is delivered by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) over two annual grant rounds. The first round is now open and closes 5pm, 7 August 2019.
The purpose of the grants program is to rejuvenate Victoria’s botanic gardens by upgrading and enhancing the physical assets and amenities of the gardens and by growing the gardens’ important role in research, conservation and education. The program also aims to address the risks posed by climate-related rainfall and temperature changes.
Definition of botanic gardens to be supported by this grant program:
‘Botanic gardens are recognised as being gardens that are open to the public and which grow plants for public enjoyment and for scientific, horticultural, conservation or educational purposes. These gardens may include institutions holding documented collections of living plants for scientific research, sharing of seed and plant material, and educational display and interpretation’.
It is recommended that managers of botanic gardens included on the Victorian Heritage Register consult Heritage Victoria for advice if physical projects and works are being considered for any grant application.
Applicants may apply for an amount of between $20,000 and $300,000 per project, per grant round. All applications and project proposals must demonstrate some contribution; either financial or in-kind, not necessarily equivalent to the amount of grant funding sought.
For more information, visit the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website.
New $260,000 fund for heritage building restoration – deadline 31 August
The City of Melbourne is inviting heritage building owners to apply for a new $260,000 fund that will provide support to undertake restoration works on community-owned and landmark buildings.
Expressions of interest in the Landmark and Community Buildings Fund are now open to not-for-profit, charity, or community owned or occupied heritage buildings, and privately owned heritage buildings that are considered landmarks, a feature of their local area or well-known meeting places.
Arts, Culture and Heritage portfolio Chair Councillor Rohan Leppert said the new fund was part of the $600,000 multi-year Melbourne Heritage Restoration Fund.
“Melbourne’s heritage buildings tell the stories of our city’s history and create a sense of place that make it somewhere people love to live, work and visit,” Cr Leppert said.
“The City of Melbourne recognises that heritage restoration works are valuable but can also be expensive, which is why we are providing incentives for owners through the Melbourne Heritage Restoration Fund.
“Whether it’s a small restoration project or major renovation works, I encourage heritage building owners to check if they are eligible for financial assistance.”
To be eligible to apply for a grant, heritage properties must be within a heritage overlay and located in the City of Melbourne, and the works must be visible from the public realm.
The fund will contribute between 50 and 100 per cent of the total cost of a project for not-for-profit, charity, or community owned or occupied heritage buildings. In exceptional circumstances, the fund will be allocated to one project but is most likely to be split across multiple projects.
Privately owned and commercial buildings that are landmarks will receive funding of up to 60 per cent of the total cost. The total amount an individual project receives will depend on the number of projects funded in any given round of funding. The final decision on funding allocations is made by a committee of the Victorian Heritage Restoration Fund.
“The expression of interest process is open from now until August 31. It’s designed to be fast and straightforward so that building owners can find out whether they are eligible before they submit a detailed application,” Cr Leppert said.
“The City of Melbourne has already provided six community, commercial and residential grants for smaller scale restoration projects in the last financial year through the Melbourne Heritage Restoration Fund.
“They include the Mission to Seafarers in Docklands for the restoration of its historic nautical weathervane and the reinstatement of decorative keystones on Alcaston House on Collins Street.”
Owners of private and commercial buildings that are not landmarks are encouraged to apply for a grant through the All Heritage Buildings Fund at any time. This stream of the Melbourne Heritage Restoration Fund provides funding for conservation works to any building within a Heritage Overlay in the City of Melbourne, as long as the works are visible to the public.
More information on heritage grants is available here.
Note that the deadline for applications for the Landmark and Community Buildings Fund program is 31 August 2019.
2020 Keeping It Modern grant program – initial EOI due by 2 December
After six years of funding with 64 supported projects, the initiative will now conclude with one last international competition. Thus, 2020 will mark the final Keeping It Modern year, and will be the last opportunity to submit a grant application for modern architecture conservation planning. As a friendly reminder, Keeping It Modern is a fully international grant initiative. Nonprofit or charitable organisations from around the world are eligible to request support. Buildings must be significant, publicly owned, and serve a public function. Please note that grant support is not available for privately held or commercial properties. Projects that focus on deferred maintenance, rebuilding, or major reconstruction of lost fabric fall outside the scope of the initiative.
The Keeping It Modern 2020 timeline is as follows:
1) Inquiry letter: Between now and midnight on 2 December 2019 Los Angeles time, inquiry letters may be submitted via email. We strongly recommend submitting inquiry letters well before the December deadline.
2) Application: By 2 January 2020; eligible and competitive projects will be invited to submit a full proposal.
3) Proposals: Proposals are due by midnight on 2 March 2020.
4) Review process: Proposals will be reviewed by a panel of experts from the field.
5) Awards: Successful candidates will be notified in June 2020.
Detailed information can be found at the Getty Foundation website.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Assessment Officer, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Sydney
Senior Heritage Assessment Officer position (EO9) at Heritage, Community Engagement, Department of Premier and Cabinet
This role involves the assessment of interesting and challenging development proposals related to heritage. Your previous experience in heritage will be put to good use as you will:
- Assess moderate-to-highly complex and standard development proposals
- Provide high level advice on the effective management and conservation of heritage items
- Undertake compliance and enforcement activities
- Prepare accurate and timely written reports, submissions, briefing notes and ministerial correspondence
- Liaise, negotiate and provide feedback to a range of diverse stakeholders
- Contribute to and implement work strategies to achieve business plan objectives
- Assist in the development and maintenance of systems, policies and processes
- Provide advice and information to stakeholders on emerging project issues and present recommendations to support project delivery
For more information, click here.
Closing Date: Wednesday 7 August 2019 [11:59 PM]
SITUATION VACANT Graduate Heritage Consultant, Urbis, Sydney
An opportunity has arisen in our Sydney office for a graduate level Heritage Consultant suitably qualified with a Masters in Heritage Conservation or equivalent experience.
- Established team with strong career development opportunities
- Be part of a truly influential and industry leading team
- Brand new office in premium Sydney CBD location
Urbis is a firm that truly values its people. In our new, contemporary office location in the heart of Sydney’s CBD, it’s a place where you are encouraged to share your ideas in a professional, friendly and agile working environment.
We are looking for someone with a passion for heritage who is wanting to develop their career in an industry leading firm. As a key member of the team, you will be involved in conducting research across a diverse, high profile and challenging range of projects, contributing to reports and advice for our clients.
About You
As a Heritage Consultant there is a requirement to demonstrate an understanding of heritage principles in order to undertake a range of tasks independently and as directed in relation to the day-to-day operation and management of work in the Heritage team.
More information
For full details about this opportunity, view the full ad here.
How to apply?
If you are an enthusiastic candidate, with the desire to become part of a driven and highly professional team, please click apply at the link above. Or for a highly confidential discussion please call Anastasia Zappert, HR Consultant on (02) 8233 9982.
We are looking to appoint this position as soon as possible so encourage applications be lodged as soon as possible.
SITUATION VACANT Scientific Officer, Australian Museum / University of Sydney
The Australian Museum has advertised an archaeology research position: Scientific Officer (equivalent to Lecturer B). This is a joint appointment with the University of Sydney (20%).
Temporary full time for a period of up to 3 years. There is potential for converting to a permanent position.
Role Description
To increase the impact of archaeology at the Australian Museum and the University of Sydney by undertaking an innovative field and collection-based research program in the archaeology of First Nations people, with a preferred focus in New South Wales, and engage diverse audiences in the history of the human past in Australia and the wider Asian and Pacific regions.
This role will further develop the research profile of the Australian Museum Research Institute (AMRI) and of SOPHI within the area of Australian archaeology. S/he will supervise postdoctoral junior academic staff and postgraduate and honours students.
More information about this opportunity is available at this link and in the Final PD Scientific Officer USYD joint position.
Closing Date: 8 August 2019.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage/Conservation Projects Manager, International Conservation Services, Sydney
We have full-time opportunities for Sydney-based heritage/conservation project managers to use hands-on project management and heritage skills in a wide variety of site-based heritage and art projects. Salary is commensurate with experience in the range of $61,560 – $90,480 plus 9.5% superannuation.
Our growing Objects and Outdoor Heritage Team has a variety of roles that are both hands-on and project-management based. These roles will suit people with a background in heritage conservation, who like to work on a variety of materials and projects, and who enjoy working outdoors with occasional travel.
You will be involved in devising and implementing conservation methodologies, preparing quotations and tender submissions, negotiating conditions of contract, managing projects and teams, preparing condition assessments and reports, and working closely with clients and subcontractors.
Conservation work undertaken by the Objects and Outdoor Heritage Team includes a wide range of work for public institutions and private clients covering heritage sites, sculptures, monuments and memorials, artworks, metal objects, organic and plastic objects, ceramics, stone and glass objects, and archaeological and industrial artefacts. The team also regularly consults on and writes condition assessments, maintenance plans and treatment proposals.
Site-based conservation and heritage projects form a significant component of the work, with a requirement for both hands-on technical and project management skills. Projects include conservation of heritage objects and materials in or on buildings, engineering structures, ruins, monuments, and outdoor artworks.
For more information, including the application process, see the ICS Heritage/Conservation Projects Manager position description.
Applications will be reviewed upon receipt.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131