Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 878


  1. [NEW ITEM] GA 2020 – EOI Invited for Pre and Post GA2020 Tours and Events: deadline Friday 28 June
  2. [NEW ITEM] Lyon Housemuseum Galleries Tour, 20 June, Melbourne
  3. [NEW ITEM] Victorian Museums Awards, 26 June, Melbourne
  4. [NEW ITEM] CHNT conference, 4-6 November 2019, Vienna – call for Papers, Short Papers (Round Tables), Science Slam and Posters: deadline 30 June
  5. [NEW ITEM] Positions available in Masonry Structures, Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (PhD students and postdocs) – submit EOI by 14 June
  6. [NEW ITEM] First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAC) 2019, Nov-Dec 2019, Rome – apply by 31 May
  7. [NEW ITEM] Advance notice: “Celebrating Engineering History” mini-conference, Melbourne, 15 August
  8. [NEW ITEM] Victorian Avenues of Honour Project
  9. [NEW ITEM] National Trust of Western Australia projects recognised at national level
  10. [NEW ITEM] New ICOMOS Publication: European Quality Principles
  11. [NEW ITEM] Change Over Time Issue 8.2 LGBTQ Heritage launched
  12. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage bulletin










1. [NEW ITEM] GA 2020 – EOI Invited for Pre and Post GA2020 Tours and Events: deadline Friday 28 June

Expressions of interest (EOI) are invited for tours and events that might be offered (outside Sydney) before and/or after the Twentieth Triennial General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS (GA2020), which will be held in Sydney between 1 and 10 October 2020.  #icomosga2020 – GA WEBSITE NOW LIVE

At GA2020 as many as 1,500 heritage experts will enjoy an engaging program of site visits, functions, workshops and a four-day Scientific Symposium on the theme of ‘Shared Cultures – Shared Heritage – Shared Responsibility’, which will leave a legacy for the management of cultural heritage and the communities that value and care for it in Australia and globally. There will be associated meetings of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committees, other ICOMOS committees, workshops training sessions and excursions to cultural heritage places.

GA2020 will also provide opportunities for prior or subsequent visits to other parts of Australia, so that delegates may experience and learn about other heritage properties and stories or participate in related activities such as workshops and Australia ICOMOS Members may have the opportunity to contribute to GA2020 in ways other than during the Sydney event itself.

A selection of ‘official’ pre and post tours and events will be included in the GA2020 program and registration process. Expressions of interest are encouraged from Australia ICOMOS Members, and both government and non-government organisations who would be prepared to offer a pre and/or post GA2020 tour or event. This is on the basis that the GA2020 Managers will facilitate bookings, but the host will provide venues, local travel arrangements and program content, including any necessary staffing, support materials or catering. It is expected that delegates will book their own internal domestic flights, if required, based on suggestions from the tour and event organisers, preferably with the GA2020 official airline partner Qantas.

The GA2020 team is looking to offer a small selection of high-quality tours and other events, across a broad spectrum of heritage places.

Expressions of Interest should include the following information:

  • name and contact details (email address and contact number) of the proposed host (person / people / group / organisation)
  • background, size, experience and capability of the organisation
  • name and nature of the proposed event
  • 50 word ‘promotional paragraph’ for the proposed event
  • timing and duration, including indicative dates and program/itinerary
  • proposed event venue(s) and transport arrangements
  • minimum and maximum participant numbers
  • cost to delegates (excluding GA2020 booking / administrative fees)
  • any requirements, restrictions, limits or opportunities
  • how and why the proposed event or tour aligns with the GA2020 theme

The EOIs received will be evaluated by the GA2020 Executive Committee, having regard to the location and nature of the offer, the proposed host, resource implications and potential to align with the GA2020 theme. Subject to the volume and nature of the offers received, it is expected that applicants will be notified of the outcome during August 2019.

Expressions of interest should be should be lodged here by 5pm, Friday 28 June 2019.

Additional information of no more than 4 pages maximum may also be sent to the GA2020 Team by email.

PLEASE NOTE: so that they can be correctly added to the information that is submitted via the online form, please name any additional information files that are sent by email as follows:

  • GA2020_pre-post-tours_YOUR NAME, eg. “GA2020_pre-post-tours_Sally Smith”.

If you are submitting more than one file, please use the following file naming convention:

  • [GA2020_pre-post-tours_YOUR NAME_no], eg. “GA2020_pre-post-tours_Sally Smith_1”, “GA2020_pre-post-tours_Sally Smith_2”, etc.


2. [NEW ITEM] Lyon Housemuseum Galleries Tour, 20 June, Melbourne

Join the Manager of the newly opened Lyon Housemuseum Galleries, leading a guided tour of the inaugural exhibition ENTER, an exhibition of newly commissioned works by sixteen leading Australian contemporary artists. This exhibition explores the interrelationships between art, the space of the museum and the viewer.

Date: Thursday 20 June
Time: 10.15am-12.15pm
Venue: Lyon Housemuseum Galleries, 217-219 Cotham Road, Kew
Cost: Australian Museums and Galleries Association Victoria Members Free, Non-members $15



3. [NEW ITEM] Victorian Museums Awards, 26 June, Melbourne

The Victorian Museum Awards recognise outstanding achievements and service in the museum, gallery and collecting sector, and the Awards Ceremony is always a great opportunity to meet and catch up with the people whose passion and work build a strong Victorian museum and gallery sector.

Date: Wednesday  26 June
Time: 6pm-8.30pm
Venue: NGV International, 180 St Kilda Road, Melbourne
Cost: Australian Museums and Galleries Association Victoria Members $70, Non-members $90



4. [NEW ITEM] CHNT conference, 4-6 November 2019, Vienna – call for Papers, Short Papers (Round Tables), Science Slam and Posters: deadline 30 June

Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) conference
Monumental Computations: Digital archaeology of large urban and underground infrastructures
4-6 November 2019
Vienna, Austria

Call for Papers, Short Papers (Round Table) and Posters

Please mind our new guidelines and template for submitting the “long abstract”. The guidelines are valid for papers, short papers (round table) and posters! The guidelines for poster (printed version) we will soon publish on CHNT Homepage.

Deadline for submissions: 30 June

More information about the call is available at this link.

Call for Apps

This year we will again organize an APP AWARD. We will soon publish the criteria and guidelines on our webpage.

Call for Science Slam

We will do it for the second time and organize a Science Slam – “This is how we know…” We will soon publish the criteria and guidelines on our webpage.


5. [NEW ITEM] Positions available in Masonry Structures, Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (PhD students and postdocs) – submit EOI by 14 June

The Historical and Masonry Structures at ISISE, University of Minho, Portugal, will be opening soon two positions for PhD students (3 years) and two positions for postdoctoral collaborators (4-5 years) on Masonry Structures, Earthquake Engineering and Seismology to join a European Research Council Advanced Grant recently awarded.

If you are interested in any of these positions and have excellent academic / scientific qualifications, please send your résumé to Prof. Paulo B. Lourenço by email by 14 June.

The positions will address: (1) Study of the seismic action (signal); (2) Shaking table testing of masonry specimens; (3) Numerical and analytical approaches for out-of-plane masonry behaviour.


6. [NEW ITEM] First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAC) 2019, Nov-Dec 2019, Rome – apply by 31 May

Culture cannot wait. Whether it is the rescue of the ancient manuscripts in besieged Timbuktu or the careful salvage of destroyed temples in the earthquake that struck the Kathmandu Valley, affected communities will always strive to protect their cultural heritage following an emergency. But where does one start?

Are you interested in learning how to safeguard cultural heritage in times of crisis? Targeted at professionals working in the fields of humanitarian assistance, civil protection, military and disaster risk management, and those working in the field of cultural heritage, First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAC) 2019 offers an interconnected learning and field-application opportunity.

The training is based on a field-tested three-step framework for cultural heritage first aid, which can be adapted to any emergency context, whether conflict or disaster. The guiding philosophy of the training is to interlock cultural first aid with humanitarian assistance in order to promote inclusivity and respect for diversity. Together, we will develop a culture of preparedness, ongoing risk management, collaboration and coordination in order to build disaster resilient communities.

Start date: 11 November, 2019
End date: 5 December, 2019
Deadline to apply: 31 May, 2019
Location: Rome, Italy
Working language: English
Course Fee: € 900
Scholarships: Once selected, participants who are unable to secure funding from other sources can apply for a partial or full scholarship.



7. [NEW ITEM] Advance notice: “Celebrating Engineering History” mini-conference, Melbourne, 15 August

An afternoon mini-conference, “Celebrating Engineering History”, is planned for Thursday 15 August 2019, 1pm-5pm, at the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV), organised by Engineering Heritage Victoria in conjunction with the RHSV.

Engineering has been defined as being “a vital art, working with the great sources of power in nature for the wealth and well-being of the whole of society”.  We often just think of engineering as being something that started when engineers became a separate profession, but engineering dates back many thousands of years.

Victoria has many outstanding world-leading engineering works, but many of these achievements are not well documented, or have been forgotten, and need to be celebrated.

Four papers will be presented focussing on the history of some of the significant engineering works in Victoria. This year is the 150th anniversary of the Great Melbourne Telescope; the 100th anniversary of the Electrification of Melbourne’s suburban railways; and the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, and as many notable indigenous engineering works survive in Australia, we hope to include a paper on this topic as well.

Put the date in your diary, and look out for more information soon.


8. [NEW ITEM] Victorian Avenues of Honour Project

As you may be aware, the Victorian Government has commissioned a study of Victorian Avenues of Honour in order to support their protection into the future.

The Government has engaged Context, part of the GML Heritage group, to undertake a state-wide audit and identification project to deliver information and tools to support caretakers of Avenues of Honour. This project will ensure our Avenues of Honour are preserved, and that threats against them are addressed effectively.

In December 2018 the Veterans Branch carried out a survey to assist with defining Victorian Avenues of Honour for this project. The survey had an excellent response rate. Thank you to everyone who completed the survey.

The project will involve a state-wide audit of all Victorian Avenues of Honour. A key part of the audit involves consultation with each of Victoria’s 79 local governments, seeking information on each Avenue of Honour and how they are managed.

Local governments play a key role in preserving and maintaining Victoria’s significant war heritage, and we thank you for your assistance and participation in the project to date.

Should you require further information about the Victorian Avenues of Honour Project or have any questions, please contact Alexis Arrowsmith, Manager, Veterans Branch via email or on (03) 9651 2033 or Dr Christina Dyson, Associate, Context by email or on (03) 9380 6933.


9. [NEW ITEM] National Trust of Western Australia projects recognised at national level

Two innovative National Trust of Western Australia projects – REST at East Perth Cemeteries and Ellensbrook at Mokidup – were applauded at the prestigious Museums and Galleries National Awards on 15 May.

REST at East Perth Cemeteries won the Interpretation, Learning & Engagement Award in the Level 2 category for projects with budgets between $20,000 – $150,000. REST was an immersive site-specific promenade night theatre experience that combined historical evidence with the contemporary perspectives of young people to provide a layered, nuanced and innovative investigation of the Cemeteries and the stories this significant heritage place represents.

Ellensbrook at Mokidup received an honourable mention in the Interpretation, Learning & Engagement category Level 4 for projects with a budget over $500,000. Ellensbrook was a major two-year project to conserve and re-interpret this significant heritage place for the benefit of the community. The project took an integrated approach to interpretation, conservation, education and public engagement to deliver a new visitor experience.


10. [NEW ITEM] New ICOMOS Publication: European Quality Principles

ICOMOS is pleased to share the European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with Potential Impact upon Cultural Heritage, available via the ICOMOS Open Archive.

This document stems from the work of an expert group assembled by the ICOMOS, under the mandate of the European Commission and in the framework of the flagship EU Initiative of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, “Cherishing heritage: developing quality standards for EU-funded projects that have the potential to impact on cultural heritage”.

The main objective of the document is to provide guidance on quality principles for all stakeholders directly or indirectly engaged in EU-funded heritage conservation and management (ie. European institutions, managing authorities, international organisations, civil society and local communities, private sector, and experts).

This version of the document results from the discussions at the Venice conference in November 2018. We hope that it will be put into practice and continue to be revised according to lessons learned in the field.


11. [NEW ITEM] Change Over Time Issue 8.2 LGBTQ Heritage launched

Change Over Time is pleased to announce the launch of issue 8.2 LGBTQ Heritage. Published in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising, this issue explores the theoretical and practical dimensions of preserving a historically invisible and transient history. By employing a variety of disciplinary methods to identify, document, and interpret LGBTQ heritage, the contributors to this issue demonstrate inclusive conservation practices and challenge the architectural biases of existing preservation criteria. The digital version of this issue and all back issues are available through Project Muse, Web of Science, and EBSCO.

In this issue:

LGBTQ Heritage (editorial), Ken Lustbader, Guest Editor
Beyond the Bar: Types of Properties Related to LGBTQ History, Susan Ferentinos
Emerging Strategies for Sustaining San Francisco’s Diverse Heritage, Donna Graves, James Michael Buckley & Gail Dubrow
Photo-Documenting the Lost Landscape of Lesbian Nightclubs in New York City, Gwen Shockey & Karen Loew
Twentieth-century Jewish LGBTQ London and the Rainbow Jews Heritage Project, James Lesh
A Gay Man Was Murdered Here: Space, Sex, and Antigay Violence in Boston, David White
Marking Time and the Critical Reading of Space, Mark Robbins


12. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage bulletin, click on the following link.




Call for Expressions of Interest – GA2020 Side Events Focal Point: deadline 31 May

Expressions of interest are invited for an Australia ICOMOS member from Sydney to be the Focal Point for (Sydney-based) Side Events that will be offered as part of the ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium that will be hosted in Sydney in October 2020 (GA2020).

This is a voluntary position, based in Sydney, which is likely to involve consistent work from now until October 2020.The successful applicant is expected to attend and register for GA2020, as well as cover personal travel and accommodation costs during GA2020.

Official GA 2020 side events will be offered immediately before (1 – 5 October) and after (10 – 11 October) the core General Assembly and Scientific Symposium – including the period when official ICOMOS meetings are in progress. There will also be a small number of side events, including early-morning tours or lunchtime discussions, during the core General Assembly and Scientific Symposium period. These official side events have been selected following a call for Expressions of Interest and will be included in the GA 2020 program. The selected events include:

  • Site visits and on-site talks
  • Functions
  • Excursions ranging from a few hours to a full day
  • Workshops and facilitated discussions

The GA2020 Side Events Focal Point will:

  • report to the A2020 Convenor;
  • collaborate with Arinex Pty Ltd, the GA2020 Professional Conference Organiser;
  • review the selected events and identify information needs, issues and opportunities;
  • make pro-active approaches to relevant individuals or agencies to address any gaps in the GA2020 side event program;
  • liaise with the Australia ICOMOS Members and agencies who have offered to host these events;
  • assist with recruitment of other people needed to deliver the side event program;
  • contribute to website content and other side event marketing activities; and
  • undertake other related tasks, as necessary.


To Richard Mackay, GA2020 Convenor via email

Application information

Expressions of interest to be no more than one page and cover:

  • the reason why the applicant seeks appointment;
  • indicate relevant skills and experience relative to the position; and
  • indicate commitment to the time available and timeframe required.

Applicants may add a short CV (no more than two pages), but this is not essential.

Applications to be sent by 17:00pm Friday 31 May 2019 to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email




DEADLINE EXTENDED: ‘Heritage of the Air’ conference, 14 – 17 November 2019, Canberra – call for papers deadline now 7 June

Paper abstract submission deadline: 7 June 2019

Contact: Ashley Harrison by email

The Heritage of the Air ARC Linkage Project /Australia ICOMOS ‘Heritage of the Air’ conference, to be held from the 14 – 17 November 2019, at University House in Canberra, is now inviting submissions for papers!

You are invited to submit your abstracts for papers for the conference sessions by 7 June 2019.

The main themes for the 2019 Heritage of the Air Conference are:

  • Modernism
  • Machines
  • Migration
  • Memories

Abstracts can relate to one or more of the conference themes and link to one of the conference sessions. A full list of the proposed conference sessions, including a general session, can be found on the conference website.

More sessions may be added so please check the website regularly.

Abstracts must be submitted on the submission form available at the call for papers webpage.

A standard paper is 15-20 minutes and blitz papers 5-6 minutes- some sessions may vary this format.

Abstracts should be no more than 200 words each.

Diverse responses to the themes and sessions are encouraged.

We encourage you to email the session convenors (see conference sessions) to discuss the session and the relevance of your submission.

Final paper abstract submissions and questions about the conference must be sent directly through to Ashley Harrison via email.

The Heritage of the Air Conference Committee will review all submissions and advise of the outcome in June.


The Burra Charter turns 40 – Melbourne Discussion panel, 27 June – RSVP deadline 14 June

The Burra Charter turns 40 – Discussion panel series

As you will all know, the Burra Charter turns 40 in 2019, and as part of our acknowledgement of this significant landmark, Australia ICOMOS is hosting a series of panel discussions to celebrate and reflect on the document’s success and evolution, and to consider its capacity to respond to an evolving heritage landscape. Does the Burra Charter address all of the issues relevant to contemporary heritage practice? Is there, for example, a need for the Charter to respond more directly to intangible heritage? How can the Charter be adopted more completely in all areas of heritage practice? Is there a risk that the essence of the Charter will be diluted through further reviews?

The first of the discussion panels will take place at the University of Melbourne on 27 June 2019 (details below). The format, based on the ABC’s ‘Q and A’ show, will see a panel of four speakers respond to questions from the audience, with the discussion chaired by a moderator. Details about the panel members will be provided in the coming weeks.

The ‘Q & A’ will run for approximately an hour and a half and will be streamed live. The event is open to all.

Date & Time: 5:45pm (for 6:00pm), Thursday 27 June 2019
Location: Singapore Theatre, Room B120, Glyn Davis Building (133), Masson Road, The University of Melbourne
RSVP: to Adam Mornement via email by Friday 14 June. Those wishing to pose a question (or questions) should include the question in the RSVP. You will be advised in advance if your question has been selected, and you will be invited to pose it at the event.

The next Burra Charter ‘Q & A’ will be held at the University of Sydney on Saturday 13 July (11:30am to 1:00pm) – further details will follow soon. 


Supported by the Getty Conservation Institute




Sulman in Australia talk, Sydney, 31 May

Dr Zeny Edwards presents SULMAN IN AUSTRALIA 1885-1934
7.15pm, Friday 31 May 2019
AIA Tusculum Auditorium, 3 Manning Street Potts Point

In this talk, Zeny Edwards discusses Sulman’s first impressions of the Australian colonies, the commencement of his Sydney practice and his first partnership with C.H.E. Blackmann. It gives a detailed account of his involvement with the Institute of Architects of New South Wales and his feud with John Horbury Hunt.

Cost: Members $20 Non Members: $25 pp; Concessions $15 pp. This price includes our usual delicious supper and wine.

For more information, see the Sulman in Australia talk flyer.

Click here to book.


Audience Insights, an MA VIC event, 3 June, Melbourne

Audience Insights

Join the Museums Victoria (MA VIC) Audience Insights team for a morning workshop that will cover the following topics:

  • Understanding the importance of audiences
  • Making audiences part of your planning, programming and delivery
  • Identifying barriers
  • How to create a practical visitor survey that works
  • A hands-on audience categorisation exercise

Date: Monday 3 June
Time: 9.30am-1pm
Venue: Melbourne Museum, Melbourne
Cost: Members $45, Non-members $65



Midland Railway Workshops talk, Dr Bobbie Oliver, 8 June, Armadale Library, WA

A Natural Battleground – The fight to establish a rail heritage centre at Western Australia’s Midland Railway Workshops – Dr Bobbie Oliver

Honorary Research Fellow in History at The University of Western Australia, Dr Bobbie Oliver, will discuss the heritage importance of the Midland Railway Workshops.

Saturday 8 June, 1.30-2.30pm Armadale Library

Places are limited and bookings are essential. Call (08) 9394 5125 or book online here.

Download the A Natural Battleground – June 2019 flyer.


Ideas of Gardens: From England to Australia, a garden history seminar, 11 June, Canberra


Join prominent landscape architects, designers and garden historians as they share their insights into the theme of ‘Ideas of Gardens: From England to Australia’.

This seminar will be chaired by landscape architect and horticulturist Ms Fleur Flanery.

Date & time: Tuesday 11 June 2019, 3:30-5.30pm
Venue: National Museum of Australia, Visions Theatre
Free but book online

For more information and to book, click here.


Narratives of Nations Symposium, Saturday 15 June 2019, Sydney

The Australiana Fund’s Narratives of Nations Symposium, Sydney, Saturday 15 June 2019
In Partnership With Australian National Maritime Museum

Following the success of the Fund’s inaugural Symposium in Canberra in 2017 this will be the core event of The Fund’s Sydney AGM

Discovery – The theme of the second Narratives of Nations symposium encompasses the physical act of discovering and, the intellectual satisfaction of unearthing new facts, developing new theories and establishing fresh connections thereby opening up new perspectives on the way we interpret and describe our world through the prism of cultural heritage.

Our special overseas guest speakers include:

View the program here.

Members of The Australiana Fund will benefit from a special reduced ticket price of $90; Non-members $140. The ticket price includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.

Book at this link.


Australia ICOMOS Sydney Talk Series, 18 June

Heritage, Construction and Fire
presented by Catherine Forbes

Globally, over the years, many iconic heritage sites have experienced severe damage or loss as a result of fire. Cases have included Windsor Castle (1992), Kapellbrücke (Chapel Bridge), Lucerne (1993), Sungyemun (South gate) Seoul, South Korea (2008), the Cutty Sark (2014), the Glasgow School of Art (2015 and 2018), the National Museum of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro (2018) and many more. Most recently Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was in the limelight as we watched images of its roof burning and spire collapsing (May, 2019). During the same period, significant sites and collections in Australia have also been impacted by fire, including Essendon Historical Society Museum, Melbourne (2016), the historic Byron Arcade, Inverell (2010), numerous historic Australian pubs, including the General Gordon Hotel in Sydneham (2018), the Lyceum Hotel, Longreach (2018) and the Broadway Hotel in Woolloongabba, Brisbane (2018), a number of places of worship, including Melbourne’s oldest Greek Orthodox Church (2016), the Geelong Mosque (2016), and St Paul’s Catholic Church, Glenreagh, in the Clarence Valley (2018), and a number of schools, including the 1923 Parramatta Public School building in Sydney (2018).

Although some of these fires were the result of arson and others accidental, it must be noted that many of the buildings affected were undergoing some form of construction work. Catherine Forbes will discuss recent research findings on common causes of fire on heritage construction sites and what is involved in preventing, preparing for and mitigating fire risk prior to and during construction. With specific reference to the Parramatta Public School fire, she will also highlight the issues arising during the emergency response to fire in heritage buildings and the new risks that emerge and must be dealt with in the aftermath of fire.

Catherine Forbes
Catherine is an expert member of ICORP (ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness) and Convenor of the Australia ICOMOS and ICOMOS New Zealand joint working group on Cultural Heritage Risk Preparedness. Catherine is also the heritage architect assisting Schools Infrastructure NSW on recovery of the Parramatta Public School.

Time & Date: Tuesday 18 June 2019, 5.30pm for 6pm start

Cost: Students $10, Members $15, Non-members $20 payable in cash at GML Heritage

Venue: GML Heritage Level 6, Australia Council Building, 372 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills, 2010 (corner of Cooper Street – south from Central Station North Concourse exit to Elizabeth Street). Please report to the reception desk on the Australia Council Ground Floor on arrival to be ticked off on the list and to obtain a Visitors Pass

RSVP: by Friday 14 June 2019 via email to Louise Cox.

Bookings are essential as places are limited.

Download the Sydney Talk Series 2019_18 June_Catherine Forbes flyer.




ICOFORT Symposium, Shenyang, China, 27-28 September 2019 – call for papers: deadline 31 May

ICOFORT (ICOMOS ISC on Fortifications and Military Heritage), ICOMOS China and Shenyang Jianzhu University will hold the ICOFORT Symposium on the “The Conservation of Historic War & Fortification Monuments and Sites” in Shenyang, China, from 27-28 September 2019.

Due to China’s long history, vast territory and diverse cultures, unique historic sites and buildings can be found in different regions, especially a large number of ancient city defense, wars and other historic sites which reflect diverse cultures. These sites, therefore, have become important parts of the world cultural heritage and research targets in the field of architectural history and cultural heritage in East Asia and China.

In the process of rapid development of urban and rural areas, a variety of war sites and cultural heritage have been destroyed to varying degrees. Therefore, studies from the perspectives of architectural history and conservation have become extremely necessary. The symposium, with the theme of “Conservation of Historic War & Fortification Monuments and Sites” will focus on such topics as the ancient city defense system, the historical landscape of ancient walled cities (villages, forts), the regional architectural technology and cultural heritage, the diversity of cultural heritage, as well as historical protection and cultural construction in urban and rural areas.

For more information, see the ICOFORT Symposium information guide.

The deadline for abstracts is 31 May 2019.


IIWC 2019 Scientific Symposium (Bilbao, Spain) & Course (San Sebastian, Spain), 30 September to 5 October 2019 – call for papers: deadline 3 June

The ICOMOS International Wood Committee (IIWC), is organising the 22nd International Scientific Symposium in Bilbao (30 September- 2 October) and the 1st Course on Wooden Heritage Conservation in San Sebastian (3 -5 October).

The International Scientific Symposium will consist of two days of presentations in Bilbao and a one-day visit to some of the outstanding wooden heritage sites in the region. The IIWC is inviting papers on all aspects related to wooden heritage conservation, both in its material and intangible sides, and applied to built, temporary, evolving, maritime or any other existing wooden heritage.

Abstracts or inquiries should be sent via email by 3 June 2019.

The Course will consist of two days of lectures given by an international selection of experts, and a one-day visit to another selection of outstanding wooden heritage sites in the region. Attendants and lecturers will have the opportunity to exchange and discuss with the authors of the interventions.

For more information and to register, visit the symposium/course website and also view the documents below.

IIWC-2019-22nd Symposium-Bilbao-PROGRAMME
IIWC-2019-1st Course-San Sebastian-PROGRAMME
IIWC-2019-22nd Symposium-Bilbao-CALL FOR PAPERS




Intensive Course Training for Trainers Life Beyond Tourism, Florence, 17-21 June 2019 – apply by 31 May

The deadline for registration at the 5th edition of the Intensive Course Training for Trainers Life Beyond Tourism (Florence, 17-21 June 2019) has been extended to 31 May 2019.


The course is a unique opportunity to start teaching Life Beyond Tourism in your country and to join an international community of trainers all over the world. The 30-hour intensive program includes lectures, independent work on the creation of a personal Life Beyond Tourism educational program and a series of visits in Florence and Tuscany, as well as to the Life Beyond Tourism Movement best practices in order to let the participants understand the philosophy and practical implementation of the Life Beyond Tourism Movement.



Review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 – Phase 2 – have your say closes 31 May

Have your say on the discussion paper for the review of the Western Australian Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972. It sets out proposals to recognise, protect, manage and celebrate the places and objects that are important to Aboriginal culture. Importantly, it also identifies a framework for efficient land use by industry and other land users. Among the recommendations are changes to how heritage is defined, so it better reflects a living culture that is central to the wellbeing of Aboriginal people. Traditional owners and knowledge holders would be actively engaged in decision making for heritage places to which they have a connection, through the establishment of local Aboriginal heritage services and an Aboriginal Heritage Council.

For more information, see the WA Dept of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.

All submissions must be received by 31 May 2019.


Call for EOI to prepare a case study in “Recovery and Reconstruction” project – deadline 3 June

ICCROM and ICOMOS invite authors for expressions of interest in preparing a case study within the joint project “Analysis of Case Studies in Recovery and Reconstruction”.

After review of proposals, a selection will be made by a Working Group for the development of selected case studies. The selected authors will receive an honorarium in recognition of their work.

To know more about the project, the criteria of selection, deadlines and terms of submission please click the link below:

Call for proposals ICCROM-ICOMOS

The deadline for submissions is 3 June 2019.


2019 ACT Heritage Awards nominations open and close 28 June 2019

The National Trust Awards recognise projects in the ACT that make a significant contribution to the conservation of the built, indigenous and natural environment.

Which projects are eligible?

  • projects located in the ACT, and which make a contribution to the public domain, are visible from the street or public place or have public access; and
  • have been completed within the last 3 years (no earlier than 1 January 2016).

Intangible Heritage can be anything, but must be distinctly ACT, and can include icons or an aspect of ACT culture or life. This must be strongly evident over the past 3 years.

For more information and to download the nomination form, visit the ACT National Trust website.

Nominations close 28 June 2019.




[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Quandamooka Country World Heritage Listing Coordinator, Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Co, Brisbane

Quandamooka or Moreton Bay is a mainly shallow marine environment, semi-enclosed by a number of sand barrier islands. The area contains diverse wetlands of international conservation importance for wildlife and unique ecosystems. Much of the terrestrial and marine landscapes retain the cultural landscape values associated with over 20,000 years of land management by the Quandamooka People. These landscapes contain native vegetation, wildlife and many Aboriginal cultural sites which form part of the heritage of the Quandamooka people who are actively leading the nomination of this landscape for UNESCO World Heritage Status listing. 

A World Heritage Listing Coordinator is being sought to support the implementation of preparing an Aboriginal led World Heritage Submission for a suite of marine and terrestrial protected areas in the Quandamooka Land and Sea Country. 

For more information, visit this link.

Applications close 31 May 2019.


[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant (Mid-Level), WolfPeak Environment & Heritage, Sydney

Due to the expansion of our business service offerings WolfPeak are currently seeking a mid-level Heritage Consultant to join our dynamic Heritage Team. We offer a diverse and growing portfolio of work spanning the Built environment, Aboriginal Cultural Values and Archaeology in NSW and across Australia.

We are looking for a suitably qualified Heritage Consultant with at least two years’ experience who is willing to work across all disciplines of heritage. You will be a team player who can work autonomously as required, with high-level written and verbal communication skills.

For more information, see the Heritage Consultant_WolfPeak_May 2019 position description.

 Applications close 7 June 2019.


[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Trethowan Architecture, Melbourne

Trethowan Architecture is seeking an experienced Heritage Consultant to assist with a variety of work and projects. Great office environment. Based in Cremorne and close to public transport. Salary commensurate with tertiary education, experience and skills. Email your CV to Mark or give him a call on (03) 9421 5448 for further information.


[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, element, Perth

element is hiring! We are looking for an emerging Heritage Consultant seeking to build on their experience and knowledge of heritage philosophy, work on WA’s most strategic and influential urban development projects, and collaborate with an award-winning heritage practice. For more information email Flavia Kiperman or apply via this link.

While there is no closing date for applications, we will be reviewing applications as they are received and will be making a decision once we believe we have the right candidate.


[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, NBRSArchitecture, Sydney

A rare career opportunity for a Heritage Consultant to join the NBRS team and work on some exciting Heritage and architectural projects.

The Role

Working within the Heritage Studio and as part of a dynamic team, you will be responsible for writing reports and providing heritage advice to external clients and NBRS architectural projects.   

Utilising your excellent writing and advisory skills, the role will see you prepare reports on development feasibility with respect to heritage management issues; recommend maintenance strategies to remediate deteriorated fabric and maintain buildings and sites; and assist in the development of precedents of services and products.

For more information, visit this link.


[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage/Conservation Projects Manager, International Conservation Services, Sydney

We have full-time opportunities for Sydney-based heritage/conservation project managers to use hands-on project management and heritage skills in a wide variety of site-based heritage and art projects. Salary is commensurate with experience in the range of $61,560 – $84,840 plus 9.5% superannuation.

Our growing Objects and Outdoor Heritage Team has a variety of roles that are both hands-on and project-management based. These roles will suit people with a background in heritage conservation, who like to work on a variety of materials and projects, and who enjoy working outdoors with occasional travel.


You will be involved in devising and implementing conservation methodologies, preparing quotations and tender submissions, negotiating conditions of contract, managing projects and teams, preparing condition assessments and reports, and working closely with clients and subcontractors. 


Conservation work undertaken by the Objects and Outdoor Heritage Team includes a wide range of work for public institutions and private clients covering heritage sites, sculptures, monuments and memorials, artworks, metal objects, organic and plastic objects, ceramics, stone and glass objects, and archaeological and industrial artefacts.  The team also regularly consults on and writes condition assessments, maintenance plans and treatment proposals.


Site-based conservation and heritage projects form a significant component of the work, with a requirement for both hands-on technical and project management skills.  Projects include conservation of heritage objects and materials in or on buildings, engineering structures, ruins, monuments, and outdoor artworks. 

For more information, including the application process, see the ICS Heritage/Conservation Projects Manager position description.

Applications will be reviewed upon receipt.


TENDER OPPORTUNITY North Melbourne and Parkville Heritage Review, City of Melbourne

The City of Melbourne is currently seeking tenders from experienced consultants to review the heritage in North Melbourne and Parkville.

The tender documents are on the City of Melbourne website and the closing date for receipt of tenders is 27 May 2019.


TENDER OPPORTUNITY Interpretation Strategy, Royal Perth Hospital Precinct and Historic Heart of Perth, National Trust of Western Australia

The National Trust of Western Australia is seeking proposals from consultant teams experienced in the interpretation of the values associated with heritage places, to prepare an interpretation strategy focussed on the Royal Perth Hospital Precinct and the Historic Heart of Perth neighbourhood in which it is situated.

The brief can be found at this link.

Submissions are due 9am, Monday 27 May 2019.


SITUATION VACANT Full time Fellow Position, UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage / Digital Heritage Research Lab, Cyprus University of Technology

Applications are invited from candidates who possess the necessary qualifications in order to fill one (1) full time Marie S. Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Fellow Position in the newly established UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage / Digital Heritage Research Lab of the Cyprus University of Technology in the research field of Enrichment of 3D volumetric objects with Metadata and Semantics in Cultural Heritage. The selected Marie S. Curie ESR will work for thirty six (36) months within the H2020 Initial Training Network CHANGE Marie S. Curie ITN Project, an EU-funded programme bringing together eight (8) leading European Institutions as full beneficiaries and ten (10) other as partners in a transnational network, aiming at implementing a multidisciplinary and intersectorial research and training programme between academic, research and the industrial partners.

For more details about the fellowship, such as salary, other benefits and how to submit an application, click here.

Application deadline: 31 May 2019




Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
