[UPDATED ITEM] CULTURE: Conserving it Together conference, Suva, Fiji, 1-5 October 2018 – early bird deadline next week! (& a correction)
[UPDATED ITEM] Tour of Parliament House, Melbourne, 30 August – places still available! Full Australia ICOMOS members only
[NEW ITEM] Illuminate Series #3: The Arts: ‘Conserving, Creating and Connecting’, 23 August, Melbourne
[NEW ITEM] Expressions of interest open – Design Review Panel, City of Stirling (WA)
[NEW ITEM] Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modeling conference, 10-13 October 2018, Greece
[NEW ITEM] Fuelling the Fire: Tour of Joadaja, 25 October, NSW
[NEW ITEM] Character Preservation Acts Review (SA) – Outcomes Report now available
[NEW ITEM] Queen Victoria Market (Melbourne): National Heritage Listing
[NEW ITEM] The Johnston Collection – What’s On
[NEW ISSUE] News from Sydney Living Museums
Protecting cultural property in conflict: Critical responsibility or unnecessary, impossible, distraction? talk by Prof Peter Stone, Uni of Sydney, 30 July
Launch of book on the architecture of Newman College, 30 July, Uni of Melbourne
(World) Heritage sites as ambassadors for peace, talk by Prof Peter Stone, Uni of Tas, 7 August
Workshop on Conservation Repair Methods at Longford, Tasmania, 1 September
Redefining Leprosy / Disease through Heritage Preservation of Colonial Sites in Asia, South Korea, 18-19 January 2019 – call for papers: deadline 31 July 2018
Space to Place initiative @ Digital Heritage 2018 conference, 26-30 October 2018, USA – call for papers: deadline 31 July 2018
ICOMOS New Zealand AGM conference, 26-28 October 2018 – call for papers call for papers deadline 6 August
Hygge & Heritage – World Heritage and Local Services Seminar, 18 – 20 November 2018, Finland: call for abstracts – deadline 15 August 2018
Unsettling Heritage symposium, 27 September, Melbourne – call for papers deadline: 30 August
70th anniversary of IUCN: “Rencontres de Fontainebleau”, 30 & 31 August 2018, France
Art&Archaeology2018, Jerusalem, 9-12 December 2018 – make a submission (deadline 6 September) & plenum speakers
Symposium on Asia-Pacific Informal Urbanism, Sydney, 25 September – registration open
Call for Papers: Change Over Time – deadline: 1 August 2018
Global Youth Culture Forum, Jeju, Korea, 29 October – 4 November 2018: call for mentees deadline 31 July
National Trust of Australia (Queensland) Brisbane Branch – EOI for President position sought: deadline 14 August
New draft Design Guide for Heritage released for public comment – deadline: 17 August 2018
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer – Permanent part-time, Woollahra Municipal Council (Sydney)
SITUATION VACANT Advocacy Programs Coordinator, National Trust of Australia (Victoria) (Full Time)
SITUATION VACANT Property Management Officer, National Trust of Western Australia
SITUATION VACANT Conservation/Heritage Projects Managers, International Conservation Services (ICS), Sydney
SITUATIONS VACANT ICCROM x 2, various, based in Italy and UAE
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, GBA Heritage, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, RPS, Melbourne
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Architect / Consultant, Purcell, Melbourne
1. CULTURE: Conserving it Together conference, Suva, Fiji, 1-5 October 2018 – early bird deadline next week! (& a correction)
CULTURE: Conserving it Together conference
1-5 October 2018
Suva, Fiji
Australia ICOMOS and ICOMOS Pasifika are pleased to be hosting this joint conference – providing you with an opportunity to share knowledge, celebrate the rich culture of the Pacific and discuss common issues on heritage conservation across the region.
There will be a pre-conference workshop in Levuka and a post-conference thematic tour, basic details below (note that it is only one tour that goes for 1.5 days).
- Day 1: Saturday 6 October 2018 – Sigatoka Sand Dunes National Park + Momi Battery Historic Park
- Day 2: Sunday 7 October 2018 – Lautoka region and site visit to the Lautoka Sugar Mill
A diverse range of keynote speakers (and other speakers!) will deliver papers on an exciting range of topics.
Early bird registrations are still open but close in less than one weeks – 1 August. Get in quick!
2. [NEW ITEM] Tour of Parliament House, Melbourne, 30 August – places still available! Full Australia ICOMOS members only
Melbourne’s Parliament House will be the subject of a guided tour on Thursday 30 August at 4pm. The tour, generously hosted by Peter Lochert, Secretary of Parliamentary Services, will include an early opportunity to see the new two-storey annex designed by Peter Elliott Architecture in collaboration with Taylor Cullity Lethlean.
Numbers are limited to 15, and selection will on a first come, first served basis. PLEASE NOTE: Due to the low numbers, this opportunity is available to full members only.
In the event of over-subscription, there may be an opportunity for a second visit.
Date & time: Thursday 30 August 2018, 4pm
Cost: Free
If you are interested in a tour of Parliament House, contact Adam Mornement by email.
3. [NEW ITEM] Illuminate Series #3: The Arts: ‘Conserving, Creating and Connecting’, 23 August, Melbourne
The Arts: ‘Conserving, Creating and Connecting’ is the third ISS Institute** Illuminate Series Forum. Drawing upon the knowledge, experience and leadership of our Fellows, our aim is to take attendees on a journey of discovery and contrast as we examine Technology and Tradition and their place in The Arts.
Date & Time: Thursday 23 of August 2018, 2pm – 4.30pm
Location: West End Art Space, 185 Rosslyn St, West Melbourne, 3003
Cost: Free
Parking: Street parking in the Docklands can be difficult to find so we recommend using public transport. However, if you do drive several carparks are very close to the venue
For more information on the presenters and to book, click here.
** While you’re clicking on links, check out the ISS Institute July Newsletter.
4. [NEW ITEM] Expressions of interest open – Design Review Panel, City of Stirling (WA)
Interested in advising on design quality and planning?
If you are enthusiastic about helping to shape and influence design, with a background in urban design, architecture, landscape design, planning, sustainability and heritage – we invite you to nominate for the City of Stirling’s new Design Review Panel.
The Panel will draw from a membership of up to 10 suitably qualified professionals to act in a consultative capacity to the City, reviewing development proposals and providing independent design advice.
More information on the Panel and the nomination process is available on the City’s Your Say Stirling website.
Nominations close 5.00pm, Friday 24 August 2018.
5. [NEW ITEM] Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modeling conference, 10-13 October 2018, Greece
Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modeling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage
Eugenides Foundation Athens, Greece
10-13 October 2018
Innovative scientific methodologies and challenging projects marking future trends in the protection of cultural heritage, have initiated a universal conversation within a holistic approach, merging capabilities and know-how from the scientific fields of architecture, civil engineering, surveying engineering, materials science and engineering, information technology and archaeology, as well as heritage professionals on restoration and conservation and policy makers in cultural heritage. The combined utilization of digital documentation technologies with innovative analytical and non-destructive techniques, computational and digital techniques and archaeometric methods supports the creation of a transdisciplinary multispectral modelling towards the sustainable preservation of cultural heritage. Innovation is enhancing and revealing a critical dimension of the preservation of cultural heritage along with social participation and communication.
For more information, visit the conference website.
6. [NEW ITEM] Fuelling the Fire: Tour of Joadaja, 25 October, NSW
Fuelling the Fire: Tour of Joadaja
Presented by the Australian Garden History Society, Southern Highlands Branch
Thursday 25 October 2018
Australian Garden History Society Southern Highlands Branch are pleased to present a symposium to be held in an evocative state-heritage area, Joadja Creek valley, 30kms west of Mittagong, the location of an abandoned nineteenth-century kerosene and shale oil mining town. The site is recognised for its heritage significance:
‘The isolation and beauty of Joadja valley, the comprehensiveness of its physical testimony to a great Australian industry, a vigorous Scottish community and a vanished technology make Joadja an extremely important element in the heritage not just of Wingecarribee Shire but of Australia and the world.’ – State Heritage Register Statement of Significance.
After a Welcome to Country by Gundungurra Elder, Trish Levett, a barbeque lunch will be provided on arrival in the valley. Owner Valero Jiminez and historian, Leonie Knapman, will take you on a tour of the valley including the ruins, the retorts, ‘Carrington Row’ and former orchards. Discussion will continue in the distillery café, led by Professor Emeritus Helen Armstrong AM. The particular focus will be on time and conflicting narratives of ‘gardening’ in the broader landscape. Dr Charles Massey OAM, author of ‘Call of the Reed Warbler’, will bring his deep knowledge of regenerative attitudes to land.
Individual $150
Students: $70
>> Book online
For further information please contact the Australian Garden History Society office on (03) 9650 5043 or 1800 678 446 or via email.
7. [NEW ITEM] Character Preservation Acts Review (SA) – Outcomes Report now available
The Character Preservation (Barossa Valley) Act 2012 and the Character Preservation (McLaren Vale) Act 2012 were recently reviewed as required by legislation. The review is now complete, thank you to those who lodged a submission.
A total of 40 submissions were received during the 4-month consultation phase from the local government sector, members of parliament, peak bodies, industry groups and individual community members.
Review Outcomes
As a result of the review and consultation process, four main recommendations are made. These are:
1. Retain the legislation for the protection for the character preservation districts.
The majority of people engaged in the review supported the legislation and its intention to protect the Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale. The report therefore recommends that it is retained.
2. The State Planning Commission investigate the merit of the proposed amendments to the character preservation districts in the context of Greater Adelaide’s growth.
A number of the submissions received during the consultation process proposed amendments to the boundary of the character preservation districts. While many of these proposals have merit, most require additional consultation with the community, further investigation, or in some cases a rezoning prior to any amendment to the legislated boundary. Accordingly, it is recommended that the State Planning Commission review the proposed amendments to the character preservation districts in the context of Greater Adelaide’s growth. Such a review could be completed in around 12 months and inform the Planning and Design Code and future land supply decisions.
3. Introduce a statutory review process that provides for amendments to the boundaries of the character preservation districts.
The character preservation districts are defined in both Acts by the plan deposited in the General Registry Office. As such, any amendments to the preservation district boundaries require an amendment to the relevant Act. This is different to the way the Environment and Food Production Areas (EFPAs) are reviewed under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (PDI Act). It is considered appropriate that amendments to both the character preservation district boundaries and the EFPA follow the same process. A Bill could be developed following a completion of a review by the State Planning Commission.
4. Provide for greater consistency and clarity of policy within the character preservation districts in preparing the Planning and Design Code.
It is recommended that the Commission seek to improve policies and processes as part of the Code development process, in particular, provide further clarity on the envisaged/desired primary production value-adding and tourism activities in the character preservation districts.
No immediate changes to the Acts will be pursued until the Commission has led a proper review and investigation into boundary adjustments, policy refinements and improved process to make such amendments.
The Review Outcomes Report is available on the SA Planning Portal and was tabled in Parliament on 19 June 2018.
8. [NEW ITEM] Queen Victoria Market (Melbourne): National Heritage Listing
National Heritage Listing announced
Queen Victoria Market is now on the National Heritage List. This recognises the significant place it holds in Australian history, and the heritage value of the site as Melbourne’s first official burial place. It is also one of the country’s great 19th century metropolitan markets. Lord Mayor Sally Capp welcomed the announcement, and said renewal of the market would protect the market’s history, traditions and people.
We’re sharing images and historical items that reflect the market’s long and important history, to mark the market’s addition to the National Heritage List. See a display of what makes the market so special and find out more about the heritage listing. Community groups can contact the renewal team by email to set up a viewing time.
9. [NEW ITEM] The Johnston Collection – What’s On
Read about The Johnston Collection – What’s On.
10. [NEW ISSUE] News from Sydney Living Museums
To read the latest news from the Sydney Living Museums, click here.
Australia ICOMOS 2018 President’s Award – call for nominations: deadline – Monday 20 August 2018
Australia ICOMOS is pleased to invite nominations for the 2018 President’s Award, which recognises the important contribution made by the active engagement of younger and/or early career professionals in the cultural heritage field. Candidates can either apply themselves or be proposed by others (with the approval of the candidate).
Note that the term ‘professional’ is taken to mean anyone who is engaged in a cultural heritage field (or is training to be engaged) as a qualified person.
There are two categories for the President’s Award:
- A student / young / early career heritage practitioner who has made an outstanding contribution to a heritage project; and
- A trainee / apprentice or early career tradesperson who has made an outstanding contribution to a heritage project.
For further information visit the President’s Award webpage and download the nomination form (click on link below).
Closing date for receipt of nominations is 5pm, Monday 20 August 2018.
Protecting cultural property in conflict: Critical responsibility or unnecessary, impossible, distraction? talk by Prof Peter Stone, Uni of Sydney, 30 July
Professor Peter Stone, OBE
Newcastle University, UK
Monday, 30 July 2018, 5:30PM
Quadrangle Building, Philosophy Room S249, The University of Sydney
Cultural property (not only buildings and archaeological sites but archives, library and museum collections, and art) is always damaged and destroyed during conflict – it is what happens, and there is nothing that can be done about it. However, a proportion of such damage and destruction is frequently avoidable and has been regarded as bad practice by military theorists for over 2,000 years.
More information about the talk can be found in the Peter Stone talk flyer_Sydney.
Queries about this event can be directed to the Blue Shield Secretariat by email.
Launch of book on the architecture of Newman College, 30 July, Uni of Melbourne
Jeffrey John Turnbull’s Walter Burley Griffin: the architecture of Newman College, 1915-18, Vivid Publishing, 2018, will be launched by the Chancellor of the University of Melbourne, Allan Myers AC QC.
Monday 30 July 2018, 5:30pm
The Oratory, Newman College, University of Melbourne
Register for this event to Lisa Murden via email
The new self-published book is priced at AUD$100, and can be book can be ordered directly from the author by email or purchased on the day with a cash payment only.
Download the Walter Burley Griffin – the architecture of Newman College, 1915-18 v2 flyer and the Newman College architecture book launch leaflet.
(World) Heritage sites as ambassadors for peace, talk by Prof Peter Stone, Uni of Tas, 7 August
Professor Peter Stone, OBE
Newcastle University, UK
Tuesday, 7 August 2018, 6pm
Centenary Lecture Theatre, Centenary Building, University of Tasmania
All are welcome
It frequently said that UNESCO’s most successful Convention is the 1972 ‘Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage’. The Convention was 192 States Parties (more than any other cultural convention) and there are now 1,052 World Heritage sites spread across the world. However, very few of these acknowledge the link to UNESCO (most only show the World Heritage emblem with no explanation of its meaning) and fewer (any?) emphasise the importance of peace to UNESCO’s activities. Simply put, the interpretation at a World Heritage site dating from the Roman period is all about the Romans; and for Han Dynasty site is all about the Han Dynasty etc.
In the late 1990’s the World Heritage in Young Hands project incorporated peace as one of its main strands. Little has been done about since. There is a massive opportunity to mobilise these 1,052 sites as ‘ambassadors for peace’. Why is no-one talking about this…?
More information about the talk can be found in the Peter Stone talk flyer_Hobart.
Queries about this event can be directed to Professor Peter Wilson by email or phone 0428 245 731.
Workshop on Conservation Repair Methods at Longford, Tasmania, 1 September
The APT Australasia Chapter is presenting a one-day workshop on Conservation Repair Methods at Longford on 1 September, in conjunction with the Spring Masterclasses at Woolmers and Brickendon Estates on 27 August – 1 September.
Details on the workshop are provided in the Longford Academy Spring Workshop notice. For further information and registration, contact the Convenor by email.
Redefining Leprosy / Disease through Heritage Preservation of Colonial Sites in Asia, South Korea, 18-19 January 2019 – call for papers: deadline 31 July 2018
Redefining Leprosy / Disease through Heritage Preservation of Colonial Sites in Asia
Seoul, South Korea
18-19 January 2019
Conference Themes
In this call for papers, we invite contributors from heritage studies, museum studies, medical history, sociology, contemporary archeology, preservation advocacy, etc to investigate the complexity for heritage preservation and interpretation of colonial leprosaria and related sites in Asia, which were involved with human rights, social stigma, and post-colonial reconciliation. Although the main focus of this conference is leprosaria in Asia, we also welcome papers on colonial settlements, including comparable spaces such as asylums and health facilities associated with quarantine regimes.
Key Dates
31 July 2018: Deadline for abstract submission
15 August 2018: Notification of accepted abstracts
30 November 2018: Deadline for submission of final paper (5,000 words)
For more information about the call for papers, visit this link.
Space to Place initiative @ Digital Heritage 2018 conference, 26-30 October 2018, USA – call for papers deadline 31 July 2018
SPACE 2 PLACE initiative @ DH San Francisco 2018
Remote Sensing for Archaeological Heritage in Conflict Zones: CALL FOR PAPERS
New Realities: Authenticity & Automation in the Digital Age
3rd International Congress & Expo
26-30 October 2018
San Francisco, USA
Space to Place initiative past editions available at this link.
Across time parts of the world’s shared archaeological heritage have been affected by damage, destruction or looting in the face of armed conflicts. In recent decades the threat of unintended or unthinking ‘collateral damage’, as by US-led military camps at Babylon, has been exacerbated by a strategy of deliberate destruction, as in the dynamiting of the Bamyan Buddhas in Afghanistan – a calculated attack on the cultural memory that those figures represented. More recently pictures of the methodical destructions of Palmyra and the old city of Aleppo (Syria) or Nimrud (Iraq) have illustrated the systematic targeting of heritage features from prehistoric to Islamic times without regard to their cultural, historical and socio-economic significance, whether in situ or in the illusory sanctuary of museums and those who care for them.
The aim of this workshop will be to gather information from around the world about the problems and possibilities (both practical and political) of using remote sensing in the interests of heritage sites and landscapes before, during and after such events. Discussion will focus on methods of documenting, mapping, managing and above all monitoring heritage assets that can help in measuring and evaluating losses and transformations brought about by conflict situations. A key focus for the future will lie in the definition and implementation of strategies for the analysis and sharing of information through open access publications, websites, freely circulated data sets and related means of dissemination and discussion.
SPECIAL DEADLINE just for Space to Place initiative at DH San Francisco 2018 PAPERS & Expo Proposals – due online by 31 JULY 2018.
To submit your proposal for the Space to Place Initiative @ DH2018, go to this link and be sure to check the “Space2Place: Workshop on Remote Sensing for Archaeological Heritage in Conflict Zones” box so your paper will be reviewed in the correct category. Full submission info is on the DH website.
20 August 2018
According to the number and typology of papers, publication strategy (decided after the conference) will be based on two options: volume or International Journal Special Issue.
ICOMOS New Zealand AGM conference, 26-28 October 2018 – call for papers deadline 6 August
“Figments and Fragments”
Ngā Kōrero Tuku Iho
ICOMOS NZ AGM Conference 2018
26-28 October 2018
Christchurch, New Zealand
The conference committee invites members and interested people to submit proposals for papers to be delivered at this year’s AGM conference.
The theme of ICOMOS NZ’s 2018 AGM weekend is “Figments and Fragments / Ngā Kōrero Tuku Iho.”
This year’s conference aims to explore the intangible aspects of our heritage and the challenges of providing for intangible values when as practitioners our “comfort zone” and expertise may be principally focussed on the conservation of fabric and tangible values.
For detailed information, see the Figments and Fragments call for papers.
Submissions are due by 6 August 2018.
Hygge & Heritage – World Heritage and Local Services Seminar, 18 – 20 November 2018, Finland: call for abstracts – deadline 15 August 2018
Hygge & Heritage – World Heritage and Local Services Seminar
Korpilahti & Petäjävesi, Finland
18 – 20 November 2018
Abstract submission deadline extended to 15 August 2018.
Due to many requests the Seminar organizers have agreed to extend the deadline for abstract submissions. You are welcome to submit your abstract by following the instructions on the Seminar website.
The Hygge & Heritage – World Heritage and Local Services Seminar brings together all those that are interested in developing lesser-known World Heritage Sites and their impact on local communities, organizations and businesses.
We welcome case-studies for the following themes:
- Visitor Analysis
- Destination Management
- Pedagogic Innovations and Approaches to UNESCO World Heritage
- Marketing Strategy
- Interpretation tools
- Co-operation and Development Around Serial and Transnational World Heritage Sites
For more information, visit the seminar website & call for papers page.
Unsettling Heritage symposium, 27 September, Melbourne – call for papers deadline: 30 August
Unsettling Heritage
Friday 27 September 2018 | A one-day symposium presented by the Emerging Heritage Professionals (Vic)
The word ‘heritage’ often conjures up images of static and unchanging buildings, gardens and cultural landscapes. Yet this belies the fact that the field of heritage is very much in flux, a site of conflict and contestation across communities, generations and socio-economic groups, encompassing both tangible and intangible significance and values.
Join the Emerging Heritage Professionals (Vic) for Unsettling Heritage, a symposium exploring the varied and shifting landscape of heritage in the 21st century.
We are currently seeking papers which critically respond to one or more of the following:
- Difficult and uncomfortable stories and historic narratives
- Whose Heritage? Identity, gentrification and multiculturalism
- Social Justice – Reconciliation, self-determination and decolonising places and approaches
- Challenges in responding to climate change and sustainable practice
- Subverting heritage ‘silos’ and embracing interdisciplinary theory, practice and approach
- Digital technologies, social media, virtual reality and new opportunities to understand and communicate the past
We welcome submissions from postgraduate candidates in both coursework and research programs, and early career professionals and practitioners working in or alongside the heritage field. Please submit a 100 word abstract (6-minute presentation) or a 250 word abstract (15-minute presentation) to the Unsettling Heritage organising committee by email by Thursday 30 August 2018. Participants will be notified of their acceptance by Thursday 6 September.
Want to know more? Any questions? Visit the symposium website or send an email to the Unsettling Heritage organising committee by email.
Registration will open next week (Thursday 26 July).
70th anniversary of IUCN: “Rencontres de Fontainebleau”, 30 & 31 August 2018, France
Zhang Xinsheng, President, and Inger Andersen, Director general of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) & Frédéric Valletoux, Mayor of Fontainebleau, France have the pleasure of inviting you to the:
Rencontres de Fontainebleau
« The future of landscapes, a new relationship for people and nature »
Theater of Fontainebleau
30 & 31 August 2018
Art&Archaeology2018, Jerusalem, 9-12 December 2018 – make a submission (deadline 6 September) & plenum speakers
The conference organisers invite you to participate in Art&Archaeology2018, the International Conference to be held in Jerusalem, 9-12 December 2018.
The main objective of Art&Archaeology2018 is to bring to light recent R&D results in the analysis methods that advance the frontiers of knowledge connected with human cultural heritage. Heritage is our legacy from the past. It is our source for understanding the human mind, its capabilities and potential. Knowledge of the past influences our present day life and what we pass on to future generations.
Papers that deal with both analytical and methodological approaches to gaining knowledge, implementation, and case studies are invited. All submissions must be written in English, the official language of the Conference. Abstracts of approximately 250-300 words should be submitted at this link. No pictures, tables or references. Only fully registered participants will have their abstracts published.
Deadline for abstract submission (oral presentations): 6 September 2018
Late deadline (posters only): 4 October 2018
Click here for information on the Plenum Speakers.
For more information, visit the conference website.
Symposium on Asia-Pacific Informal Urbanism, Sydney, 25 September – registration open
Symposium on Asia-Pacific Informal Urbanism
University of Sydney
Tuesday 25 September
10am – 5pm
The University of Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning Urbanism Group will be holding a Symposium on Asia-Pacific Informal Urbanism.
We live in an increasingly urban world of which some one third of inhabitants live in an informal settlement and or slum. Informality cuts across all aspects of the lives of those living in such settlements as well as other parts of the city. This includes: informal architecture and shelter, shared public and private spaces, creative governance arrangements, street-based livelihoods, and sustainable small-scale transport systems. Disasters such as floods and famines, as well as refugee crises, are increasingly driving the breadth and depth of expressions of informality. The reality is the city is increasingly complex and diverse, being constructed and shaped through both formal and informal mechanisms and processes.
Global Youth Culture Forum, Jeju, Korea, 29 October – 4 November 2018: call for mentees deadline 31 July
The Global Youth Culture Forum is a process and an event that relates culture to the sustainable development of Jeju. It is supported by the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province government and the Culture Committee of the world organisation of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), together with JITC-Jeju International Training Center, JFAC-Jeju Foundation for Arts and Culture and JURC-Jeju Urban Regeneration Center.
The Global Youth Culture Forum in 2018 aims to implement, in a very practical and illustrative way, the UCLG toolkit “Culture 21 Actions” on “culture in sustainable cities”, especially its commitment related to “Public Spaces, Urban Planning and Culture”.
The call for mentees is open to international artists and architects who have interest in public space and work in any art media (photography, installations, drawing, ceramics, video, performance, soundscapes, etc).
For more information, visit this link.
The deadline for submissions is 31 July 2018.
Call for Papers: Change Over Time – deadline: 1 August 2018
Call for Papers: Change Over Time
A Heritage of War, Conflict, and Commemoration | Fall 2019
Guest Editor: William Chapman
Sites of war and conflict that symbolise collective loss or that served as pivotal moments in national or global history are sometimes elevated to the status of “heritage.” Battlefields, sites of bombings, or places of terrorist attacks are all marked by human tragedy and acts of violence and their interpretation is inherently conflictual. This issue of Change Over Time examines heritage produced by violent acts of destruction and our efforts to commemorate the complex narratives these sites embody.
Abstracts of 200-300 words are due 1 August 2018. Authors will be notified of provisional paper acceptance by 1 September 2018. Final manuscript submissions will be due late November 2018.
For information about this call for papers and the submission guidelines, visit this link.
Change Over Time is a semi-annual journal publishing original articles on the history, theory, and praxis of conservation and the built environment. Each issue is dedicated to a particular theme as a method to promote critical discourse on contemporary conservation issues from multiple perspectives both within the field and across disciplines. Themes are examined at all scales, from the global and regional to the microscopic and material.
National Trust of Australia (Queensland) Brisbane Branch – EOI for President position sought: deadline 14 August
Our new Brisbane Branch needs a President!
In early 2018 the NTAQ [National Trust of Australia (Queensland)] created the Brisbane Branch – a local branch to represent our Brisbane members and provide a strong voice and presence for the NTAQ in QLD’s capital city. A founding committee has been formed, with the positions of Treasurer and Secretary filled.
However, we are now seeking a dynamic, enthusiastic, well-connected President to lead the Brisbane Branch (all Branch positions are voluntary).
We are seeking an individual that has the following qualities:
- A strong leader
- Well connected in the Brisbane area
- An inspiring character committed to heritage
- Motivated and enthusiastic to “get things done”
- In possession of skills useful to a Branch committee, for example, media relations, event organisation, networking, Board experience, facilitation, etc
For more information on the Brisbane Branch and for the EOI requirements, please see the NTAQ President EOI document.
EOIs are due by 4pm, 14 August 2018.
New draft Design Guide for Heritage released for public comment – deadline: 17 August 2018
New draft Design Guide for Heritage released for public comment by the Heritage Council of NSW in partnership with the NSW Government Architect
Draft Design Guide for Heritage
The Heritage Council of NSW in partnership with the NSW Government Architect have developed a draft design guide for heritage that is intended to make it easier to manage heritage design works.
Have Your Say
The draft Design Guide for Heritage is now available for public comment. The exhibition period provides an opportunity for community members and industry stakeholders to submit feedback on the draft publication.
The draft Design Guide for Heritage is complemented by a set of digital case studies that show how principles of good design have been applied across a wide range of heritage contexts, scales and building types to meet a variety of briefs and requirements. The case studies are currently being developed and will be released later in the year.
More Information
Further details can be found on the Heritage Council website, including the feedback survey link, and a link to download the draft publication.
The Heritage Division Community Engagement Unit directly if required on (02) 9873 8589 or by email.
Submissions close on 17 August 2018.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer – Permanent part-time, Woollahra Municipal Council (Sydney)
Vacancy Details
- Part time role – 7 hours per day, 3 days a week
- Annual salary for 21 hours per week is up to $59,216.73 p.a. plus super. Earn an additional market rate allowance of up to $3,756 p.a.
- Modern harbourside offices with beach and garden surrounds
Woollahra has a rich and diverse history and natural setting that is represented in Victorian, Federation and inter-war buildings, precincts, settings and streetscapes. Council is seeking an enthusiastic and experienced person to join its heritage team in caring for this environmental heritage which has a local, regional and, in many instances, a nationally recognised level of heritage significance.
Your primary role is to provide expert heritage advice on development applications. Your skills and expertise in assessing the impact of development on the heritage significance of buildings and areas and your knowledge and experience with building design and construction will be critical to this role. You will also be required to provide general advice on heritage-related matters and assist with the preparation of conservation policy from time to time.
For more information and to apply, visit this link.
Applications close Monday, 30 July 2018.
**Previous applicants need not re-apply**
SITUATION VACANT Advocacy Programs Coordinator, National Trust of Australia (Victoria) (Full Time)
The National Trust is seeking a full time Advocacy Programs Coordinator to support our small and dynamic heritage advocacy team, while helping us to grow our impact and reach across communities in Victoria.
You will provide administrative and customer service support to our members, Branches, and the general public, as well as coordinating an exciting calendar of programs and events, including the Australian Heritage Festival, local heritage awards, industry labs, and public talks.
The National Trust of Australia (Victoria) an independent not-for-profit organisation, established in 1956. We are the State’s leading voice for heritage, empowering the Government, property owners, corporates and the community to protect, use and celebrate our heritage.
This role will provide you with an opportunity to expand your industry networks, participate in professional development activities, and receive mentoring.
Detailed information about this role and key selection criteria can be found here.
To apply, submit the following to our People & Culture team by email:
- Maximum 2-page CV
- Maximum 2-page response to key selection criteria
- Written statement of no more than 500 words addressing the question: “How can we empower the community to understand, celebrate, and protect their heritage?”
Applications should be provided in PDF format.
Applications will close on 30 July or once a suitable candidate is found.
SITUATION VACANT Property Management Officer, National Trust of Western Australia
**Closing Friday 3 August 2018**
The National Trust of Western Australia is custodian of over 70 heritage places state-wide. An opening exists to fill the position of Property Management Officer, overseeing the management, service and maintenance of the Trust’s asset portfolio including buildings, gardens, equipment and machinery. The successful candidate will work with the Asset Management Team’s architects, conservation officers and garden maintenance officer and volunteers to maintain the heritage values of these significant places.
For more information and to apply, visit the WA Jobs Board website.
SITUATION VACANT Conservation/Heritage Projects Managers, International Conservation Services (ICS), Sydney
Conservation/Heritage Projects Managers
Two full-time positions are available for commencement from Monday 20 August 2018. Applications close Monday 6 August 2018, and will be reviewed upon submission.
International Conservation Services (ICS) is Australia’s largest private conservation practice. We conserve a wide range of cultural and heritage objects and artefacts including paintings, furniture, textiles, paper, sculpture, archaeological artefacts and wall finishes in buildings.
We are seeking two highly organised Conservation/Heritage project managers (a Senior Projects Manager and a Projects Manager) to join our Objects and Outdoor Heritage Team, based at our labs in Chatswood, Sydney.
Conservation work undertaken by the Objects and Outdoor Heritage Team includes a wide range of work for public institutions and private clients covering heritage sites, sculptures, monuments and memorials, artworks, metal objects, organic and plastic objects, ceramics, stone and glass objects, and archaeological and industrial artefacts. The team also regularly consults on and writes condition assessments, maintenance plans and treatment proposals.
Site-based conservation and heritage projects may form a significant component of the work, with a requirement for both project management and hands-on technical skills. On-site projects are focussed on the conservation of heritage objects and materials in or on buildings, engineering structures, monuments, outdoor artworks, ruins, etc.
Responsibilities include devising and implementing appropriate conservation methodologies, estimating and preparing quotations and tender submissions, negotiating conditions of contract, managing projects to achieve on time/on budget outcomes, preparing condition assessments and reports, developing and maintaining excellent relations with clients, and contributing to smooth team functioning.
Go to the International Conservation Services website to download the position description and selection criteria.
Submit your application using this online application form.
Your application must include a detailed resume, two referee contacts from current or previous employers, and a covering letter outlining why you believe you are suited for this job. Please refer to the selection criteria on the final page of the position description.
SITUATIONS VACANT ICCROM x 2, various, based in Italy and UAE
ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) is hiring. Click on the role title links below for more information.
Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Specialist
Post Number: ICCROM-PROJECT POST 2018 – P3
Organizational Unit: ICCROM – ODG
Duty Station: Rome, ITALY
Recruitment open to: internal and external candidates
Type of contract: International Recruitment
Term: Two years (Renewable)
Probation period: 6 months
Grade: P3
Deadline (Midnight Rome Time): 26 August 2018
Project Associate, Communication and Publications
Post Number: ICCROM-Sharjah (05-Re-advertised)
Organizational Unit: ICCROM Regional Conservation Centre, UAE
Primary Location: Sharjah, UAE
Recruitment open to: internal and external candidates
Type of contract: International Recruitment
Grade: P1/1
Term: 1 year (Renewable) (Six-month probation)
Deadline (Midnight Rome Time): 31 July 2018
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, GBA Heritage, Sydney
GBA Heritage is a well-established heritage consultancy practice, respected for our role in heritage asset management, advisory services and liaison on heritage issues. Our multi-disciplinary team provides services ranging from conservation and adaptive re-use advice, skilled liaison with government bodies throughout NSW, and the preparation of heritage impact statements, conservation management plans, archival recordings, cultural tourism and interpretation plans, in addition to Land and Environment Court appeals. We have a broad base of private, corporate and government clients, offering the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of challenging projects.
We are seeking a highly motivated Heritage Consultant who can work both independently and as part of a medium sized team of skilled professional staff.
You will have considerable experience in the heritage field with a good understanding of complex heritage assessments, a familiarity with the relevant legislation and excellent project delivery skills. You will also have a strong track record of establishing trusted advisor/client relationships. Your role will include the provision of responsible, rational and creative expert heritage advice to clients, architectural colleagues and building contractors.
For more information, view the Heritage Consultant, GBA Heritage position description.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, RPS, Melbourne
With a diverse work portfolio in Victoria and across Australia, RPS is looking to appoint a Senior Heritage Consultant who will play a key technical role in the Heritage team, as well as contributing to the growth of the division and expansion of capabilities in Melbourne.
This exciting opportunity will allow you to continue to develop your knowledge and expertise within the field whilst being recognised as a key contributor to various existing and future projects throughout Melbourne. This role will also be responsible for providing mentorship and guidance to junior Heritage graduates, making it a fantastic mix between a technical and managerial role. Interested? Apply for this opportunity today!
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Architect / Consultant, Purcell, Melbourne
Purcell is an award-winning architectural and heritage consultancy practice with a strong commitment to quality. We have staff of approximately 250 talented architects, designers, heritage consultants and surveyors across 18 offices in the UK, HK and Australia. Together, we work on some of the finest buildings; from meticulous heritage and conservation schemes to bold contemporary design, we create thoughtful architecture that enhances its context.
Our Melbourne team is looking for a full-time Senior Heritage Architect / Consultant to join the Practice. This is an excellent opportunity to join a talented team, work on exciting projects and help the studio move from strength to strength. The Melbourne Studio has a wide range of projects including places of regeneration, infrastructure and public buildings.
For more information and to apply, visit the Purcell website.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131