[NEW ITEM] ACT & Region Heritage Symposium 2017, 19 August, Canberra – program available
[NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS 2017 President’s Award – nomination deadline fast approaching!
[NEW ITEM] The past as tool and material in the work of Romaldo Giurgola, lunchtime talk at Uni of Melbourne, Monday 21 August
[NEW ITEM] Industry PhD Scholarship in Cultural Heritage Management at La Trobe University
[NEW ITEM] Infrastructure Sustainability Heritage Category survey
[NEW ITEM] Chinese Mining Village Excavation, Victoria, October 2017 – new model for public archaeology in Australia
[NEW ITEM] 2017 UNITAR Workshop on World Heritage Nominations – applications open
[NEW ITEM] Sacred objects return home after 100 years – Department of Communications and the Arts media release
[NEW ISSUE] What’s On at Old Parliament House
[NEW ITEM] Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality conference, Finland, 27-29 September 2017 – updates
[NEW ITEM] Sustainable Integrated Cities conference, 4-5 December 2017, Perth – abstract deadline extended
[NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
[NEW ISSUE] Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin available online
Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition 2017 – deadline for entries EXTENDED
Call for applications: 2018-2019 Getty Residential Grants
Invitation for Expressions of Interest – Appointments to the ACT Heritage Council
‘Travelling Stories’ ASHA and IA Joint Conference, 10-14 October 2017, Tasmania – call for papers and presentations
Port Arthur Talks, Wednesday 23 August 2017
Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series, Thursday 17 August
Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO / AIA NSW Chapter Sydney Talk Series, 17 August
Royal Historical Society of Queensland seminar, 2 September 2017
Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Wednesday 30 August
Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Developments – second round of applications open
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Project Coordinator, Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Team Leader (Heritage Register), Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (Queensland)
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Urbis, Sydney
[UPDATED] SITUATION VACANT Manager, Archaeology, GML Heritage, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, GBA Heritage, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Senior Manager Marketing and Community Services, National Trust of Western Australia
SITUATION VACANT Manager, Archaeology, GML Heritage, Sydney Senior Historical Heritage Consultant, Jacobs, Melbourne
1. [NEW ITEM] ACT & Region Heritage Symposium 2017, 19 August, Canberra – program available
The ACT & Region Heritage Symposium is convened by Heritage Partners: Australia ICOMOS, Canberra Archaeological Society, Canberra & District Historical Society and National Trust of Australia (ACT).
‘The Politics of Heritage: the art of the possible’ asks what are the possibilities for cultural heritage in a city designed for democracy and diplomacy and political action, in a world of multiple stakeholders, where real and virtual borders transect our region and where digital technology is rewriting the rules of engagement between politicians, citizens and trusted cultural institutions.
For more information download the 2017 ACT & Region Heritage Symposium – Program & Registration.
The organisers request that interested individuals register by 16 August to assist with catering.
2. [NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS 2017 President’s Award – nomination deadline fast approaching
The Australia ICOMOS President’s Award recognises the important contribution made by the active engagement of younger and/or early career professionals in the cultural heritage field. Candidates can either apply themselves or be proposed by others (with the approval of the candidate).
Note that the term ‘professional’ is taken to mean anyone who is engaged in a cultural heritage field (or is training to be engaged) as a qualified person.
There are two categories for the President’s Award:
- A student / young / early career heritage practitioner who has made an outstanding contribution to a heritage project; and
- A trainee / apprentice or early career tradesperson who has made an outstanding contribution to a heritage project.
For further information visit the President’s Award webpage and download the nomination form (click on links below).
- Australia ICOMOS 2017 President’s Award Nomination Form (PDF)
- Australia ICOMOS 2017 President’s Award Nomination Form (Word)
Closing date for receipt of nominations is 5pm, Monday 21 August 2017.
The Award will be formally presented at an event to be determined, which will take place in October 2017.
3. [NEW ITEM] The past as tool and material in the work of Romaldo Giurgola, lunchtime talk at Uni of Melbourne, Monday 21 August
The past as tool and material in the work of Romaldo Giurgola
Date & time: Monday 21 August 2017, 1:00-2:00pm
Venue: Malaysia Theatre, Basement, Melbourne School of Design Building, University of Melbourne
The Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) at the University of Melbourne is hosting a lunchtime lecture by Professor Paolo Tombesi on the life and work of Romaldo Giurgola (1920-2016), architect of Parliament House Canberra.
In the course of a career lasting more than 60 years and dotted with professional achievements and disciplinary recognitions with a few equals, Romaldo Giurgola came across (or set out to cross) profoundly different cultures and architectural landscapes, from Italy to America, America to Scandinavia, Scandinavia to Australia, Australia to Asia.
Though very heterogeneous in terms of program, commissioning and also formal results, the work produced along this epochal path retains a strong overall organic nature, reflecting Giurgola’s typical way to interpret the social and productive context of his physical interventions in a rational manner, while also betraying the presence of a strong classical culture continuously filtered and enriched by his own life experience and brought to bear on every architectural decision.
About Paolo Tombesi
Trained as an architect in Italy, Paolo Tombesi holds the Chair in Construction and Architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), where he directs the Institute of Architecture in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC), and the research laboratory FAR as part of the newly established Fribourg-based ‘Smart Living Lab’. Prior to his appointment, in 2016, he was the Chair in Construction at the University of Melbourne, Australia, where he retains the Professorship of Building.
Free tickets available via Eventbrite.
4. [NEW ITEM] Industry PhD Scholarship in Cultural Heritage Management at La Trobe University
‘Impact of past gold mining on waterways and its implications on cultural heritage management in Victoria, Australia’
A doctoral scholarship is being offered by La Trobe University to an outstanding candidate to undertake research on the impact of past gold mining on waterways and its implications on cultural heritage management in Victoria, Australia. This Industry PhD scholarship, established by La Trobe University in partnership with Aboriginal Victoria, a Victorian State Government Agency, will be awarded to a qualified applicant with a background in Archaeology.
Current research shows that Victoria’s historic gold mining disturbed a great deal of land in the region, especially along waterways, impacting land far beyond the location of the actual mine. The aim of this PhD project is to use existing research to model how Victorian waterways may have been affected by mining disturbance and how that may affect the archaeological visibility and management of Aboriginal sites. The candidate will collaborate closely with staff at Aboriginal Victoria and relevant Traditional Owners, and the research will inform Aboriginal cultural heritage management policies and practices in Victoria.
For further information about the project and application process, visit this link.
The closing date for applications is 26 August 2017.
5. [NEW ITEM] Infrastructure Sustainability Heritage Category survey
The Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA) is currently undertaking a review of the Infrastructure Sustainability (IS) rating scheme and as part of that review, ISCA is updating the Heritage Category. By aspiring to go beyond ‘business as usual’ in how we manage and advocate heritage within infrastructure, great outcomes can be achieved for industry, government and community.
We would like to invite you to have your say on the draft criteria that will inform how heritage is assessed against national best practice. A survey has been prepared to gain your understanding and experience with heritage and infrastructure, as well as providing feedback of how we can improve our proposed criteria.
You will also have the opportunity to sign up to be a part of our Australian and New Zealand stakeholder interviews to further explore how heritage and sustainability principles can be incorporated into the rating system.
Click here to complete the survey
If you would like further information on this project please contact Flavia Kiperman via email.
The survey closes on 18 August.
6. [NEW ITEM] Chinese Mining Village Excavation, Victoria, October 2017 – new model for public archaeology in Australia
The Uncovered Past Institute is running a 3-week excavation of the Harrietville Chinese Mining Village in north-east Victoria, on 9-28 October 2017.
The Uncovered Past Institute is a not-for-profit organisation established in 2016 to run archaeology projects based on public participation and funding.
Currently, most archaeological work in Australia is conducted as part of building and development projects. This new model of public participation allows more sites to be excavated, and based on their archaeological significance. This model also allows sites such as this, which can be under more general threat from fossickers and bottle hunters, to have increased levels of heritage protection by increasing public awareness of the benefits of systematic professional archaeology and site preservation.
The Harrietville project will be the first archaeological excavation in Victoria of a Chinese mining settlement. For around thirty years from the late 1850s, Harrietville was home to hundreds of Victoria’s Chinese gold miners. The largely undisturbed site includes mine workings, water races, building foundations, and gardens: a rare survivor of the heyday of Chinese gold mining in Victoria. This region is one of the key areas of 19th-century Chinese mining history in Australia.
With 5 archaeologists and 3 historians on the project team, and led by archaeologist Gordon Grimwade, the excavation will be run as a field school, and funded by public participation, along the lines of public field schools held overseas. Members of the public as well as archaeology students are being encouraged to participate.
The project team at Harrietville will include archaeologists Gordon Grimwade, Melissa Dunk, Jennifer Chandler, Alison Carrol and Asa Ferrier, and historians Paul Macgregor, Diann Talbot and Andrew Swift.
For more information, please visit the project website.
7. [NEW ITEM] 2017 UNITAR Workshop on World Heritage Nominations – applications open
Registrations are now open for the 2017 United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Workshop: World Heritage Nominations: Comparative Analysis.
Workshop Overview
The 2017 workshop will take place in Hiroshima, Japan between 27 November and 1 December 2017.
Featuring leading experts from the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, ICCROM, ICOMOS and IUCN, the workshop will equip participants from around the globe with a deeper understanding of not only the basics of World Heritage Nominations, but also the crucial area of Comparative Analysis, and its central role to Tentative Lists and Nominations Dossiers. The workshop includes interactive lectures, study tours to two World Heritage sites and real world simulation exercises.
Target Audience
The workshop is targeted at participants who are:
- Involved in the preparation of World Heritage nominations
- State Party Members
- Potential or current World Heritage site managers
- Natural/cultural conservation specialists and trainers
- Decision makers and government officers
- Representatives of academic institutions, think-tanks, and civil society
Participation Cost
The USD$1500 participation fee covers all tuition, study tours and materials.
Travel costs to and from Hiroshima, accommodation, and meal costs are the responsibility of the participant and/or their organization.
More Information and Registration
Information regarding previous workshops in the series is available at the UNITAR website.
For more information about the 2017 workshop, please download the Workshop Call for Registrations (PDF, 698 KB).
Applications close 15 September 2017.
8. [NEW ITEM] Sacred objects return home after 100 years – Department of Communications and the Arts media release
Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Department of Communications and the Arts, dated 7 August 2017.
In July 2017, Museums Victoria repatriated 26 sacred objects to Arrernte elders in Alice Springs, under the Indigenous Repatriation Program.
Arrernte elders identified the objects from the Museums Victoria collection to be returned and stored at the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory’s (MAGNT) Strehlow Research Centre. The Centre has worked closely with the Arrernte elders to ensure storage and access to the objects is consistent with Arrernte cultural protocols.
A handover ceremony was held to welcome the return of these sacred objects to the Arrernte community after being held in the Museums Victoria collection for over 100 years. It is important that the museums sector works closely with communities to ensure a successful and smooth repatriation process.
The Australian Government’s domestic Indigenous Repatriation Program supports the repatriation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ancestral remains and secret sacred objects held in major Australian museums to their communities of origin.
Find out more: learn more about the Indigenous Repatriation Program
9. [NEW ISSUE] What’s On at Old Parliament House
To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click on the link below.
10. [NEW ITEM] Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality conference, Finland, 27-29 September 2017 – updates
The Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality conferences bring together researchers, policymakers, and professionals working for destination management and marketing organisations (DMOs), consultancies, heritage organisations, economic development agencies and related organisations.
They address the question “how can tourism destinations succeed in attracting tourists while simultaneously engaging all stakeholders in contributing to the preservation of natural and cultural heritage?” and discuss aspects of “preservation, presentation, promotion and profit”.
Click here for more information.
11. [NEW ITEM] Sustainable Integrated Cities conference, 4-5 December 2017, Perth – abstract deadline extended
Sustainable Integrated Cities – Integrated Thinking about Sustainable Cities and Communities
4-5 December 2017
Perth, Australia
The Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute is hosting the annual conference of the International Centre for Integrated Urban Planning and Transport (ICIUPT).
Meet the Keynote Speakers
- Michael Nolan, Chair UN Global Compact – Cities Programme
- David Singleton, Chairman and Director of the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia
- Brad Pettitt, Mayor at Fremantle City Council
- Peter Newman, Professor of Sustainability at Curtin University and Board of Infrastructure Australia
- John Thwaites, Professor & Chairman, Monash Sustainable Development Institute & Climate Works Australia
- Arvind Varshne, Urban designers, planners, policy-makers, and landscape architects with innovative decision-making systems
- Ray Wills, Managing Director, Future Smart Strategies
- Jiuchang Wei, Professor of School of Management at University of Science and Technology of China
- Stella Whittaker, Principal Sustainability & Climate Change, Ramboll
- Larry Quick, CEO of Resilient Futures
- Laurie Buys, Professor, School of Design, Theme Leader, Infrastructure for Sustainable Communities, Queensland University
- of Technology
- Dora Marinova, Conference Chairman, Director Curtin University Sustainability Policy WA
- Ken Welsh, Chair International Centre for Urban Planning & Transport (ICIUPT) and Facilitator
- Colin Munsie, Chairman – Regions Urban Design Group
- Allison Hailes, CEO, WA of the Urban Development Institute of Australia
Early Bird Registration is open until Monday 2 October 2017.
The Call for Abstracts has been extended until 4pm (EST), 31 August 2017. Please note the system will still accept abstracts until this new deadline.
For more information, visit the conference website.
12. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
13. [NEW ISSUE] Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin available online
To view the latest issue of the GCI bulletin, click here.
14. Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition 2017 – deadline for entries EXTENDED

Australia ICOMOS, in conjunction with National Skills Week, SkillsOne Television, the National Trust of South Australia and the International Specialised Skills Institute, is holding a digital photographic ‘Heroes of Traditional Trades’ competition to record individuals involved with traditional trades, crafts or other practices.
At a time when there is concern about the gradual loss of skills, celebrating those dedicated to traditional trades and crafts associated with the conservation of heritage places in Australia has never been more important. The competition is part of National Skills Week 2017 (28 August – 3 September 2017) in order to reach the desired audience and provide encouragement to skilled tradespeople; apprentices learning a traditional trade and those providing technical training courses in traditional trades.
Entries must be received by email to SkillsOne by the extended deadline of 9am, Monday 14 August 2017. The shortlisted images, subjects and photographers will be announced on 18 August 2017, and winners will be announced at a National Skills Week function.
For more detailed information about the competition, read the Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition 2017 media release and visit the competition website.
15. Call for applications: 2018-2019 Getty Residential Grants
The Getty Research Institute and the Getty Villa invite proposals for the 2018–2019 academic year.
Deadline: 2 October 2017
Monumentality (Research Institute)
The 2018–2019 academic year at the Getty Research Institute will be devoted to MONUMENTALITY. Monuments and the monumental address fundamental questions of art and architectural history such as size and scale. Applicants are encouraged to address monumentality in all of its distinct forms, as embodied by various cultures and powers throughout history. Research trajectories to consider include the role of monumentality as a tool for nation-building, the subversive potential of monument-making, and the monumental in buildings, sculptures, installations, murals, and even small-scale objects.
The Classical World in Context: Persia (Villa)
For a second year, the 2018-2019 term of the Getty Scholars Program at the Villa will address the political, intellectual, religious, and artistic relations between Persia, Greece, and Rome from the ninth century BC to AD 651. The Greeks viewed the Persian Empire, which reached from the borders of Greece to India, as a vastly wealthy and powerful rival and often as an existential threat. When the Macedonian king Alexander the Great finally defeated the Persians in 331 BC, Greek culture spread throughout the Near East, but native dynasties—first the Parthian (247 BC–AD 224) and then the Sasanian (AD 224–651)—soon re-established themselves. The rise of the Roman Empire as a world power quickly brought it, too, into conflict with Persia, despite the common trade that flowed through their territories. Priority will be given to research projects that are cross-cultural and interdisciplinary, and that utilize a wide range of archaeological, textual, and other evidence.
Detailed application guidelines are available online.
For more information about each theme click here.
Please address inquiries to the Getty Research Grants Team by email.
16. Invitation for Expressions of Interest – Appointments to the ACT Heritage Council
The Minister for the Environment and Heritage (the Minister) is inviting expressions of interest from persons in the ACT Region who may be interested in being considered for appointment to the ACT Heritage Council (the Council).
The Council is an independent body established under the Heritage Act 2004. The Council’s role includes, among other functions, identification and assessment of nominations to the ACT Heritage Register and providing advice on appropriate conservation of cultural, natural and Aboriginal heritage places and objects in the ACT.
The Council meets at least six times a year to consider a range of matters related to its functions. In addition, Council members serve on various taskforces comprising small numbers of Council members. The taskforces relate to the Council’s functions, and meet or communicate regularly to consider matters in detail outside of Council meetings.
Expressions of interest for five vacancies on the Council are invited from people with experience in any of the following areas:
- Aboriginal culture
- Aboriginal history
- archaeology
- architecture
- engineering
- history
- landscape architecture
- nature conservation
- object conservation
- town planning
- urban design
Expressions of interest are also sought for positions representing: the community; the Aboriginal community; and the property ownership, management and development sector.
These positions will commence on 2 March 2018.
The application period opened on 28 July 2017. Application forms and further information are available from the ACT Heritage website. A completed application form, current CV and brief letter outlining suitability for appointment are required to be provided. The application period closes on 25 August 2017.
Applications will be kept on a register for three years and should vacancies occur, the Minister may use this register to appoint new members.
Further information about the Council is available at this link.
17. ‘Travelling Stories’ ASHA and IA Joint Conference, 10-14 October 2017, Tasmania – call for papers and presentations
This conference is the first-ever collaboration between the Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (ASHA) and Interpretation Australia (IA). The theme is “Travelling Stories: connecting people and landscapes” and it will bring people together to explore new ways of telling stories about the important landscapes, places and environments in which we live and work. It will be a travelling conference, moving through venues from Launceston to Hobart via key places along the Midlands Highway. We anticipate the attendance of people from a broad range of disciplines and professions – interpretation specialists, archaeologists, writers, designers, heritage consultants, heritage tourism operators, digital technology specialists, museum curators, tour guides, parks rangers, naturalists, visitor program managers – to explore common ground and approaches.
The Call for Papers and Presentations is now open!
We welcome all proposals for papers or presentations but especially those that fit in one of the sessions or with the general theme of the conference. There is currently room in the draft programme for both ASHA and IA to have a ‘general’ session where papers or presentations on any topic might be scheduled. However, please be aware that if new sessions are developed or existing sessions attract large numbers of proposals, these general sessions may be curtailed or dropped.
Sessions are divided into:
- ‘Joint Sessions’, which will be scheduled as plenaries; there will be no other concurrent sessions
- ‘ASHA Sessions’, which will have a focus on historical archaeology but which are open to all to present in and attend. These will be concurrent with IA sessions and possibly other ASHA sessions
- ‘IA Sessions’, which will have a focus on interpretation but which are open to all to present in and attend. These will be concurrent with ASHA sessions and possibly other IA sessions
For details on the call for papers, presentations and information about sessions, click on this link.
Paper and presentation proposals should be submitted by COB 14 August 2017 using the “Call for Papers Form”, which can be downloaded from here.
Early bird registrations are still available (and end 31 August) – click here for more information.
18. Port Arthur Talks, Wednesday 23 August 2017
Cooking the Colonial Way
presented by Sally Wise
For about fifteen years, Sally Wise has been fascinated by the food provided to the convicts, and meals of the colonial period in general; from the style of cookery and the cooking equipment to the culture that it related to. In this presentation, Sally will discuss the methods of cooking and the availability of ingredients during the colonial era in Tasmania including references to meals and rations eaten by the officials and convicts at the Port Arthur penal settlement.
Sally Wise is passionate about seasonal produce and cooking with natural, readily-available ingredients. A bestselling author of 15 cookbooks and owner/operator of the Sally Wise Cooking School, she is a regular guest on ABC radio in Tasmania and has been a presenter at functions such as the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival as well as various community events. A teacher/trainer at secondary school, Adult Education, Vocational Education and Training level, she has also recently conducted a cooking course to prison inmates.
For more information call 6251 2324
When: Wednesday 23 August 2017 at 5.30pm
Where: Junior Medical Officer’s House Conference Room (rear of the house), Port Arthur Historic Site
For more information call (03) 6251 2324.
Download the ‘Cooking the Colonial Way’ flyer.
19. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series, Thursday 17 August
Memorials and memory from Queensland to Tasmania: Contemporary research at the University of Canberra
Three heritage and museum studies students from the University of Canberra, who are undertaking research projects for a Bachelor of Arts and Design (Honours) course, will discuss their research and results to date
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Sam Cook: Remembering the 2016 Dreamworld tragedy through social media
My research is considering the Dreamworld tragedy of 2016 and how it was memorialised through the use of social media. Traditional memorialisation has focused on how physical memorials lead to a unique sense of both public and private memory. I am considering how social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have extended and/or shifted traditional paradigms around memorialisation.
Daniel Auld: Aprons of Affect
This project considers how “object-mediated empathy” occurs between cultural heritage objects and people. The affective capacity of objects informs the conservation process for the Ladies’ Cottage textiles, from the New Norfolk Insane Asylum in Tasmania, with a focus on an apron found under the floorboards of one the cottages.
Julia Morgan: Contemporary Australian memorials: the Sydney siege and the Tasman Bridge disaster memorials
My research is a comparative analysis of the response to two Australian tragedies: the Sydney siege in Martin Place in 2014 where flowers were left immediately afterwards and planning is continuing for a memorial, and the Tasman Bridge Memorial in Hobart, which was built 38 years after the bridge collapsed.
Members and the public are welcome. This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS. Do come and join us.
Refreshments available appropriate to the talk’s topic! (A $5.00 donation is appreciated)
Date & Time: 5.00-7.00pm, Thursday 17 August 2017 – 5.30pm start for talk
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: to Marilyn Truscott via email
Download the CanberraTalks-Memorials and memory flyer.
20. Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO / AIA NSW Chapter Sydney Talk Series, 17 August
Conserving the Ross Island Huts
and the work of ICOMOS’ International Polar Heritage Committee
With Julian Bickersteth
Julian Bickersteth is President of the International Polar Heritage Committee (IPHC), and managing director of International Conservation Services (ICS). Julian will provide a brief overview of the work being undertaken by IPHC members in polar regions before discussing the major project he has been involved in over the past 12 years in the conservation of the Ross Island huts built by Scott and Shackleton, and more lately Ed Hillary.
Time & Date: Thursday 17 August 2017. Drinks start 5.30pm, talk at 6.00pm
Cost: Students $5, Members $10, non-members $15 all payable at the door in cash
Venue: GML Heritage, Level 6, 372 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills
RSVP: by Monday 14 August 2017 via email to Jane Vernon. Bookings are essential as places are limited
Download the AICOMOS-DOCOMOMO-AIA NSW CHAPTER 17 August talk flyer.
21. Royal Historical Society of Queensland seminar, 2 September 2017
Building Brisbane: Preserving heritage values in changing landscapes
Saturday 2 September 2017
9.00am for a 9.30am start
Seminar concludes at 1.00pm
Commissariat Store Museum
115 William Street, Brisbane
Ticket prices
* $25 members
* $30 guests
For more information and to book, see the RHSQ Annual Seminar flyer.
22. Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Wednesday 30 August
Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage Seminar will be a presentation by Fara Azmat, Emma Winston, Ahmed Ferdous and Ruth Rentschler (Deakin University), on “How museums create value as a means of sustainable development”.
The purpose of the study is to explore in a deep, rich study how stakeholders of the Islamic Museum of Australia (IMA) create value through the work that is conducted at the museum. The IMA is used as a case study for exploring the role of its arts based initiatives (ABIs) as a source of value creation for sustainable development (SD) and how the value created is retained. Drawing on the standpoints of multiple stakeholders and methods—focus groups, interviews, forums and documentary evidence—our findings highlight the need for using ABIs as a ‘soft’ and ‘non-threatening’ tool to promote SD and facilitate social inclusion with the more important goal of retaining value over time. The challenges of SD have intensified following the increasing rise of terrorism, with its catastrophic effects posing threats for security and social inclusion. As Islam is being increasingly associated with terrorism, fear of Islam has increased polarisation in regard to Muslim and non-Muslim integration in secular societies, including Australia. Given this background, the results of the report have important policy implications for policy makers, communities, individuals and the IMA.
Dr Fara Azmat is a Senior Lecturer in Department of Management at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. Her areas of research interest are: social inclusion, corporate social responsibility in developing countries, women and migrant entrepreneurship, and sustainable development. She has published her work in highly ranked peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Business Ethics, Australian Journal of Management, European Management Journal, International Journal of Public administration, Contemporary South Asia, Thunderbird International Business Review, Social Responsibility Journal, and International Review of Administrative Sciences.
Dr Ahmed Ferdous is a Lecturer of Marketing in the Department of Marketing, Deakin University, Australia. His key research interest is in the area of internal marketing and transformative business practices. He has published in several journals including Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Management, Strategic Marketing, Transfusion, The Marketing Review, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Journal of International Consumer Marketing and Corporate Communications: An International Journal.
Ms Emma Winston will be working with us on this project as part of her honours year of study. She has worked for two years with Ruth Rentschler at Deakin University as a research assistant. Her interest is in diversity and the arts. She has also worked with Multicultural Arts Victoria and has developed a marketing plan for the Duldig Studio, museum and sculpture garden.
Professor Ruth Rentschler is the Associate Dean Research Education, University of South Australia and undertakes work is on diversity, equity and participation in governance, management and marketing settings in arts and cultural organisations. Her work is published in international journals and books such as Arts Governance: People Passion Performance (Routledge 2015). She was awarded the OAM for services to education, to the arts and to the community. She has received numerous other awards for best papers, outstanding doctoral student supervision, research excellence and service excellence. Ruth has partnered with many organisations in conducting her research and industry projects, eg. Arts Queensland, Creative Victoria.
Date: Wednesday 30 August 2017
Time: 5.00pm
Venue: Deakin Downtown, 727 Collins St, Tower 2, Level 12
Venue Tip: Deakin’s new city centre campus is between Southern Cross Station and Docklands, on tram routes 11 and 48 (Stop D15). Entry is via Tower Two. The reception desk directs you to an escalator to a bank of lifts and Deakin Downtown is on Level 12.
23. Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Developments – second round of applications open
The ITCILO (part of the UN system and training arm of International Labour Organisation) is launching a second call for applications for the Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development, which will take place from 16 October 2017 to 12 October 2018.
The Master is designed by the University of Turin, the Politecnico di Torino and the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO), in collaboration with the UNESCO Cultural sector and World Heritage Centre and ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property).
The Master will take place from 16 October 2017 to 12 October 2018 and is divided into three major learning cycles:
- The first cycle will be conducted through a distance learning component that will start on 16 October 2017 and will end on 19 January 2018.
- The second cycle, from 22 January 2018 to 18 May 2018, is a face-to-face learning period that will be held in Turin, Italy, at the International Training Centre of the ILO. Class attendance is compulsory for the entire period.
- The third cycle, from 21 May 2018 to 12 October 2018, will be a research and study period during which the students are expected to finalize their final project.
During the Master’s period, students will receive a solid foundation in a variety of cultural economics topics and the value chain of cultural and natural sites. Moreover economic, social, institutional and legal considerations that govern the diverse categories of UNESCO designated World Heritage Sites will be explored in detail while strategic and project management competences will be put into practice.
The deadline for applications is 25 August 2017.
For further information visit The International Training Centre website or email the Course Organisers.
24. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Project Coordinator, Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House
APS 6 – Heritage Project Coordinator
Type: Non-ongoing, full-time
Closes: 27 August 2017
Contact: Sharon Towns
The Heritage Project Coordinator has the responsibility for providing specialist built heritage services to ensure the successful completion of capital works and major refurbishments consistent with obligations under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and the Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Management Plan (HMP).
The capital works project is expected to be completed within three years. A non-ongoing contract will be offered for this period.
If you have questions about the position, please contact Sharon Towns on (02) 6270 8192.
More information, including the Application Pack, is available at this link.
25. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Team Leader (Heritage Register), Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (Queensland)
We are looking for a person with expertise in assessing cultural heritage significance and extensive practical experience in managing complex processes associated with a statutory heritage register. You will lead a close-knit group of technical specialists based in Brisbane within the Queensland Heritage Council Secretariat and Queensland Heritage Register (QHCS+QHR) Team. The team provides policy direction to the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP), manages the statutory processes associated with the Queensland heritage register (in particular applications for entry of places in the register), provides expert advice and administrative assistance to the Queensland Heritage Council and deals with development proposed by Queensland Government departments and agencies on State heritage places.
Closing date: 17 August 2017
For more information and to apply, visit the QLD smartjobs website.
26. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Urbis, Sydney
Senior Heritage Consultant
- Established team with strong career development opportunities
- Flexible and dynamic environment
- Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team of industry experts & leaders
- Deliver projects across a diverse range of projects & clients
- Be truly influential in strategically advising clients
Who We Are
Urbis is a market-leading firm with the goal of shaping the cities and communities of Australia for a better future. Drawing together a network of the brightest minds, Urbis consists of practice experts, working collaboratively to deliver fresh thinking and independent advice and guidance – all backed up by real, evidence-based solutions.
Working across the areas of planning, design, policy, heritage, valuations, transactions, economics and research, the expert team at Urbis connect their clients in the public and private sectors to a better outcome, every time.
The Opportunity
Currently, an opportunity has arisen in our Sydney office for a suitably qualified and experienced Senior Consultant with a professional work history of 5+ years in Heritage advisory consulting or a related field.
We are looking for a lateral thinker and outstanding communicator who is seeking an opportunity to be involved in city-shaping projects for a diverse range of private and public sector clients. As a key member of the team, you will be involved in conducting research across a diverse and challenging range of projects, providing reports and strategic advice to our clients.
This position is also suitable for archaeologists (European or aboriginal) or heritage architects.
About You
As a Senior Consultant there is a requirement to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of Heritage principles and an ability to provide a range of advice to clients on a range of projects including heritage studies, conservation management plans, heritage impact statements, interpretation, archival recording and heritage architectural conservation supervision.
As a Senior Consultant, your responsibilities will include:
- Directing and assisting more junior staff with assessments
- Ability to work autonomously on mid-level projects and provide advice to clients
- Working across a wide range of applications with proven ability to develop proposals, tenders & submissions for potential projects
- Project-leading under the directors in the undertaking of projects; client and other stakeholder relationships and working to specifications and deadlines
This position would suit someone who has a minimum of five years’ experience in a similar role with a combination of the following competencies:
- Detailed understanding of Heritage design principles and the ability to apply them
- Demonstrated understanding of and ability to apply appropriate statutory heritage and planning legislation to heritage issues, particularly the Heritage Act 1977
- Excellent client, project and time management skills
- Demonstrated ability to generate innovative solutions to situations and the effective exploration of alternatives and positions to reach outcomes that gain the support and acceptance of all parties
- Ability to undertake heritage research utilising multiple sources and methodologies, and present a preliminary assessment of findings
- Demonstrated ability in research, problem solving and lateral interpretation skills, report writing and communication skills
- Demonstrated understanding of architectural styles, fabric identification and analysis, and building conservation
Desirable but not essential skills that are applicable to the role depend on background and experience and include any of:
- Architectural drafting experience (autocad)
- European or aboriginal archaeological experience
- Photoshop
Why Urbis?
Working for Urbis means working with individuals who are passionate about what they do. It’s a place where you are encouraged to share your ideas in a professional but friendly office environment. To find out more about us visit our website.
Urbis is a firm that truly values its people and provides a broad range of benefits, which include a competitive remuneration package, salary continuance insurance, regular social activities, health and wellbeing programs and ongoing training and professional development opportunities.
Urbis is committed to fostering a work environment that is inclusive, supports flexibility, and welcomes diversity. We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are encouraged to apply.
How to apply?
If you are an enthusiastic candidate, with the desire to become part of a driven and highly professional team, email our HR team directly via email to Grace Lee.
Applications close Friday 25 August 2017.
27. [UPDATED] SITUATION VACANT Manager, Archaeology, GML Heritage, Sydney
Manager, Archaeology
GML Heritage is excited to offer an opportunity for an experienced or aspiring Manager, Archaeology. The Manager, Archaeology role is a leadership position within GML and contributes to the strategic direction of the firm. The key requirement of the position is to lead and manage our cohesive and successful team of archaeology specialists. This role requires relevant technical and management skills, and the passion and drive to continue to build on the success of our Archaeology team and portfolio of projects throughout Australia. This position is initially offered as a maternity leave back-fill role for a 12 month period, based in our Sydney office. We will consider full-time or part-time arrangements. GML offers our employees flexible working arrangements and a range of added benefits to support work/life balance. We encourage social activities and gatherings, and enjoy a rewarding, worthwhile and shared purpose of shaping our future environment with consideration for heritage conservation and revitalisation.
Click here for more information.
28. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, GBA Heritage, Sydney
GBA Heritage is a well-established heritage consultancy practice, respected for our role in heritage asset management, advisory services and liaison on heritage issues. Our multi-disciplinary team provides services ranging from conservation and adaptive re-use advice, skilled liaison with government bodies throughout NSW, and the preparation of heritage impact statements, conservation management plans, archival recordings, cultural tourism and interpretation plans, in addition to Land and Environment Court appeals. We have a broad base of private, corporate and government clients, offering the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of challenging projects.
We are seeking a highly motivated Heritage Consultant who can work both independently and as part of a medium-sized team of skilled professional staff.
You will have considerable experience in the heritage field. You will have had prior experience in complex heritage assessments, a familiarity with the relevant legislation and excellent project delivery skills. You will also have a strong track record of establishing trusted advisor/client relationships. Your role will include the provision of responsible, rational and creative expert heritage advice to clients, architectural colleagues and building contractors.
The ideal applicant for this position will have:
- Relevant professional qualification/s
- Experience in Australian heritage conservation practice
- Familiarity with traditional building construction methods and materials
- Experience in adaptive re-use projects
- Familiarity with New South Wales heritage legislation
- Skills to liaise and negotiate with government agencies, clients, architects and the community to facilitate positive heritage outcomes
- Demonstrated historical research skills
- Demonstrated ability to prepare heritage impact statements, conservation management plans, archival recordings, and interpretation plans
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Ability to meet deadlines and balance priorities
Desirable but not essential:
- Post-graduate qualifications in Heritage Conservation, Conservation Architecture or other related conservation fields
- Australia ICOMOS membership
This position is full time. Those wishing to apply for this position are encouraged to email a cover letter and their resume to GBA Heritage by email.
29. SITUATION VACANT Senior Manager Marketing and Community Services, National Trust of Western Australia
A unique opportunity exists for an inspiring and motivated individual who will lead the National Trust’s community engagement portfolio by developing strategic programs that promote opportunities for the community to value Western Australia’s heritage. The role requires the incumbent to ensure that heritage values are dynamically promoted, stories are told in ways that engage existing and attract new audiences, that the National Trust is competitively positioned to build its credentials and profile, and to secure new capacity building opportunities.
For a copy of the key duties and the selection criteria, please contact Enzo Sirna AM by email, call (08) 9321 6088 or go online.
Closing date for applications: 5.00pm, Friday 18 August 2017
30. SITUATION VACANT Senior Historical Heritage Consultant, Jacobs, Melbourne
Jacobs is one of the world’s leading providers in technical, professional and construction services. We specialise in water, architecture, engineering and construction, operations and maintenance, as well as scientific and consulting. Our client portfolio includes industrial, commercial, and government clients across multiple markets and geographies.
About the opportunity
With a strong pipeline of work, we are looking for a highly motivated historical heritage consultant to join our Cultural Heritage team, which forms a part of our broader Environment and Spatial operations centre in our Melbourne office. The successful candidate will play a key role in the development and successful performance of our historical heritage practice in Victoria, NSW and nationally.
This role will provide technical input into historical heritage assessments and management plans, as well as supporting the delivery of projects through the application of project management experience. The role will also be integral in the development and management of client relationships both internal and external. The role also provides the opportunity to mentor and train heritage staff within the team in the practice of historical heritage.
About you
You will hold an honours or postgraduate degree in a relevant field (eg. heritage architecture, history, heritage management, archaeology). You will also have 5-7 years’ consulting experience, with a focus on historical heritage, and have the following key knowledge and skills:
- Comprehensive technical knowledge of State (preferably Victoria, NSW or Queensland) and Commonwealth heritage protection legislation and guidelines and the ability to apply this
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Demonstrated ability to complete heritage projects in a timely manner, within budget, and to a high level of quality
- Demonstrated ability to independently manage small technical teams in the delivery of cultural heritage services and projects
- Demonstrated ability to provide heritage advice and guidance to internal and external clients, to fellow team members, and to other technical specialists
- Excellent reporting and research skills
- Demonstrated ability in developing relationships and business with existing and new clients, both internal and external
- Demonstrated ability in the preparation of proposals and successfully bidding for heritage projects
Why Jacobs
The Jacobs Cultural Heritage team comprises 11 heritage specialists with experience in historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology, maritime archaeology, and built heritage. We work on projects from large-scale multi-disciplinary infrastructure development to smaller heritage-specific projects. Our key clients include state government road, rail and transport agencies, infrastructure construction contractors, water utilities companies, local government and Commonwealth government departments including Department of Defence. We provide services including preparing historical heritage assessments, statements of significance, heritage impact statements, archival photographic recording and conservation management plans; preparing applications for heritage permits and approvals; and field survey, archaeological excavation and analysis of historical artefacts.
At Jacobs we offer rewarding careers with ongoing development opportunities, flexible working arrangements and a culture that is collaborative and inclusive. We believe in collaboration and knowledge sharing, from global virtual teams to local work sharing options.
To apply for the position, please go to this link.
For further information or to discuss the position, please contact Dr Karen Murphy, Technical Leader, Historical Heritage, on (03) 8668 3088 or email Karen.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au