[NEW ITEM] Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition 2017 – KEEN PHOTOGRAPHERS NOTE: just over two weeks to submit an image
[NEW ITEM] APT Australasia Chapter Spring workshop, 2 September, Woolmers Estate, TAS
[NEW ITEM] ‘Travelling Stories’ ASHA and IA Joint Conference, 10-14 October 2017, Tasmania – call for papers and presentations
[NEW ITEM] Sustainable Integrated Cities conference, 4-5 December 2017, Perth – call for abstracts deadline: 31 July
Australia ICOMOS 2017 President’s Award – call for nominations
‘No More Waste’ – Steam Train Picnic to Lithgow, Saturday 9 September
ACT & Region Heritage Symposium 2017, 19 August, Canberra – registration open
2017 Jim Kerr Address video vignette now online
The Destruction of Memory film screening, 17 August, University of Western Australia
38th Australian Garden History Society, Melbourne, 27-29 October 2017
Proposed new heritage regulations in Victoria – submissions period closes 28 July 2017
UNESCO’s Response to Protect Culture in Crises – available online
New publication on the History of Botany and Gardens
CHNT 2017, Vienna, Austria, 8-10 November 2017 – program online
New publication on World Heritage and Human Rights
Illuminate Series #2 Forum: ‘Preservation of Artisan and Rare Trade Skills – Our Collective Responsibility’ – 9 August, Carlton, VIC
digital cultural heritage: FUTURE VISIONS symposium, 13-15 November 2017, London – call for papers
Public consultation on key Reef policies invited – deadline 17 August 2017
Save the Date for the 2018 Blue Shield Australia Symposium, 29-30 January 2018, Canberra
Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions conference, Peru, 11-13 September 2018 – abstract submission deadline final extension
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Sydney Opera House
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Historical Archaeologist, AMBS Ecology & Heritage
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Context, Melbourne
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Manager, Archaeology, GML Heritage, Sydney
SITUATIONS VACANT Conservation Manager & Conservation Project Officer (Archaeology), Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Tasmania
SITUATION VACANT Senior Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of Queensland
1. [NEW ITEM] Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition 2017 – KEEN PHOTOGRAPHERS NOTE: just over two weeks to submit an image

Australia ICOMOS, in conjunction with National Skills Week, SkillsOne Television, the National Trust of South Australia and the International Specialised Skills Institute, is holding a digital photographic ‘Heroes of Traditional Trades’ competition to record individuals involved with traditional trades, crafts or other practices.
At a time when there is concern about the gradual loss of skills, celebrating those dedicated to traditional trades and crafts associated with the conservation of heritage places in Australia has never been more important. The competition is part of National Skills Week 2017 (28 August – 3 September 2017) in order to reach the desired audience and provide encouragement to skilled tradespeople; apprentices learning a traditional trade and those providing technical training courses in traditional trades.
Entries must be received by email to SkillsOne by 4pm, Tuesday 8 August 2017. The shortlisted images, subjects and photographers will be announced on 16 August 2017, and winners will be announced at a National Skills Week function.
For more detailed information about the competition, read the Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition 2017 media release and visit the competition website.
2. [NEW ITEM] APT Australasia Chapter Spring workshop, 2 September, Woolmers Estate, TAS
In conjunction with the 2017 Longford Academy Spring Masterclass, the APT Australasia Chapter is pleased to announce a one-day workshop at Woolmers Estate on Saturday 2 September 2017. This workshop will provide an opportunity for property owners and managers, and all those involved with the maintenance of traditional buildings, to learn about sustainable conservation procedures for windows, woodwork, masonry walls and applied finishes.
For further details, including how to register, download this information flyer.
3. [NEW ITEM] ‘Travelling Stories’ ASHA and IA Joint Conference, 10-14 October 2017, Tasmania – call for papers and presentations
This conference is the first-ever collaboration between the Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (ASHA) and Interpretation Australia (IA). The theme is “Travelling Stories: connecting people and landscapes” and it will bring people together to explore new ways of telling stories about the important landscapes, places and environments in which we live and work. It will be a travelling conference, moving through venues from Launceston to Hobart via key places along the Midlands Highway. We anticipate the attendance of people from a broad range of disciplines and professions – interpretation specialists, archaeologists, writers, designers, heritage consultants, heritage tourism operators, digital technology specialists, museum curators, tour guides, parks rangers, naturalists, visitor program managers – to explore common ground and approaches.
The Call for Papers and Presentations is now open!
We welcome all proposals for papers or presentations but especially those that fit in one of the sessions or with the general theme of the conference. There is currently room in the draft programme for both ASHA and IA to have a ‘general’ session where papers or presentations on any topic might be scheduled. However, please be aware that if new sessions are developed or existing sessions attract large numbers of proposals, these general sessions may be curtailed or dropped.
Sessions are divided into:
- ‘Joint Sessions’, which will be scheduled as plenaries; there will be no other concurrent sessions
- ‘ASHA Sessions’, which will have a focus on historical archaeology but which are open to all to present in and attend. These will be concurrent with IA sessions and possibly other ASHA sessions
- ‘IA Sessions’, which will have a focus on interpretation but which are open to all to present in and attend. These will be concurrent with ASHA sessions and possibly other IA sessions
For details on the call for papers, presentations and information about sessions, click on this link.
Paper and presentation proposals should be submitted by COB 14 August 2017 using the “Call for Papers Form”, which can be downloaded from here.
Early bird registrations are still available (and end 31 August) – click here for more information.
4. [NEW ITEM] Sustainable Integrated Cities conference, 4-5 December 2017, Perth – call for abstracts deadline: 31 July
Sustainable Integrated Cities
4-5 December 2017
The Conference Organising Committee invites you to be part of the Sustainable Integrated Cities conference, hosted by the Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute. This year’s conference theme is “Integrated Thinking for Sustainable Cities and Communities”.
The exciting and extensive Sustainable Integrated Cities 2017 two-day program featuring local, national and international speakers will promote stimulating discussion of both existing practice and new developments in recognising the unique opportunities that come with sustainable urban development. Sustainable Integrated Cities 2017 Having the Conference in Perth will allow us to put Western Australia on the global agenda of sustainability and innovative thinking. Given your work and the reputation of the Sustainable Built Environment National research Centre, it would be our pleasure to see you as a keynote speaker at Sustainable Integrated Cities 2017. We look forward to hearing from you and hoping for a positive response.
Call for abstracts open now
Deadline: Please submit your abstract electronically following the instructions given online no later than 31 July 2017.
Early bird registration
Register before 14 August 2017 to receive a 15% further discount on early bird.
5. Australia ICOMOS 2017 President’s Award – call for nominations
Australia ICOMOS is pleased to invite nominations for the 2017 President’s Award, which recognises the important contribution made by the active engagement of younger and/or early career professionals in the cultural heritage field. Candidates can either apply themselves or be proposed by others (with the approval of the candidate).
Note that the term ‘professional’ is taken to mean anyone who is engaged in a cultural heritage field (or is training to be engaged) as a qualified person.
There are two categories for the President’s Award:
- A student / young / early career heritage practitioner who has made an outstanding contribution to a heritage project; and
- A trainee / apprentice or early career tradesperson who has made an outstanding contribution to a heritage project.
For further information visit the President’s Award webpage and download the nomination form (click on links below).
- Australia ICOMOS 2017 President’s Award Nomination Form (PDF)
- Australia ICOMOS 2017 President’s Award Nomination Form (Word)
Closing date for receipt of nominations is 5pm, Monday 21 August 2017.
The Award will be formally presented at an event to be determined and that will take place in October 2017.0
6. ‘No More Waste’ – Steam Train Picnic to Lithgow, Saturday 9 September
Join family descendants of Thomas Mort, Eugene Nicolle and Augustus Morris for a re-enactment of the 1875 celebration of their achievements in refrigeration technology.
Lachlan Valley Railway’s 3237 steam locomotive will pick you up from Sydney, Strathfield, Parramatta, Katoomba or Mount Victoria and take you to Lithgow, re-enacting the train trip that brought 300 guests to Mort’s slaughter and freezing works in 1875. The luncheon was served after a tour of the works; all the food had been chilled or frozen – a world first!
Join the families at the Hoskins Uniting Church, with its beautiful Paul Sorensen-designed garden, on the corner of Mort & Bridge Streets for a Victorian picnic, which recreates, in part, the picnic 142 years ago.
Date & time
Saturday 9 September 2017 at 8.00am
Meeting place
Central Station, (Country Platforms), Sydney: train to depart from Central Station 8am, Saturday 9 September, 2017 and return at 7pm. (Details & timetable will be posted once confirmed, closer to the event)
Ticket prices
Return train trip and picnic lunch – $220 – ONLY 100 TICKETS AVAILABLE!
Return train trip only – $135
>>More information and bookings
7. ACT & Region Heritage Symposium 2017, 19 August, Canberra – registration open
Convened by Heritage Partners: Australia ICOMOS, Canberra Archaeological Society, Canberra & District Historical Society and National Trust of Australia (ACT).
‘The Politics of Heritage: the art of the possible’ asks what are the possibilities for cultural heritage in a city designed for democracy and diplomacy and political action, in a world of multiple stakeholders, where real and virtual borders transect our region and where digital technology is rewriting the rules of engagement between politicians, citizens and trusted cultural institutions.
For more information download the [Updated] 2017 ACT & Region Heritage Symposium flyer. Download the Registration Form – 2017 ACT & Region Heritage Symposium.
8. 2017 Jim Kerr Address video vignette now online
Presented by Australia ICOMOS in association with the Sydney Opera House and the Heritage Council of NSW, the 2017 Jim Kerr Address was held on Tuesday 18 April, the International Day on Monuments & Sites.
The 2017 guest speaker was Richard Johnson AO MBE, whose talk was titled HERITAGE – INHERITANCE “Contemporary Relevance and Continuity”. The talk explored that which we have inherited from the past and its continued value and contemporary relevance as an expression of our living culture.
Click here to view the video vignette.
9. The Destruction of Memory film screening, 17 August, University of Western Australia
A powerful award-winning film on the war against culture, and the battle to save it
Over the past century, cultural destruction has wrought catastrophic results across the globe. This war against culture is not over – it’s been steadily increasing. In Syria and Iraq, the ‘cradle of civilization’, millennia of culture are being destroyed. The push to protect, salvage and rebuild has moved in step with the destruction. Legislation and policy have played a role, but heroic individuals have fought back, risking and losing their lives to protect not just other human beings, but our cultural identity – to save the record of who we are.
Based on the book of the same name by Robert Bevan, The Destruction of Memory tells the whole story – looking not just at the ongoing actions of Daesh (ISIS) and at other contemporary situations, but revealing the decisions of the past that allowed the issue to remain hidden in the shadows for so many years. Interviewees in the film include the Director-General of UNESCO, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, as well as diverse and distinguished international experts, whose voices combine to address this urgent issue.
Event Details
Join us for a film screening followed by a panel discussion and Q&A, chaired by Jenny Gregory, Emeritus Professor of History, UWA, with Andrea Witcomb, Professor of Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies, Deakin University; Ben Smith, Professor of World Rock Art, UWA; Dr John Taylor, UWA, national and international heritage award-winning architect; and Rebecca Repper, UWA, affiliate researcher with The Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa Project, Oxford University.
When: 17 August 2017, 6.30–8.30pm
Where: Theatre Auditorium, The University Club, University of Western Australia
Cost: Free
Bookings: RSVP online at this link
10. 38th Australian Garden History Society, Melbourne, 27-29 October 2017
Australian Garden History Society
38th Annual National Conference 2017
Marvellous Melbourne – The Challenge of Change
Melbourne, Australia
27 – 29 October 2017
Pre Conference Tour: Victorian Western District 23 – 25 October 2017
Post Conference tour: NZ South Island 31 October -13 November 2017
More information at the conference website; registrations via this link.
11. Proposed new heritage regulations in Victoria – submissions period closes 28 July 2017
The Minister for Planning provided notice on Thursday 29 June 2017 of the proposed new regulations to support the operation of the Heritage Act 2017, which comes into operation on 1 November 2017.
The regulations and a Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) are available from this link. The webpage provides information about making a submission, including a link to an online submission form.
Comments are invited on the RIS and the proposed regulations from now until Friday 28 July 2017.
12. UNESCO’s Response to Protect Culture in Crises – available online
Read UNESCO’s recent publication on their response to protect culture in crises, current challenges, the importance of culture in emergency situations and human rights.
13. New publication on the History of Botany and Gardens
Journal of Early Modern Studies
Volume 6, issue 1 (Spring 2017)
Gardens as Laboratories. The History of Botany through the History of Gardens
Click here for more information and to purchase.
14. CHNT 2017, Vienna, Austria, 8-10 November 2017 – program online
The 22nd International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 2017) will take place at the City Hall of Vienna, Austria from 8-10 November 2017.
The main topic of this year: Urban Archaeology and Integration – Combining archaeology, history, and new technologies.
Early bird registration is open until 2 October 2017.
The CALL for APPS and the CALL for SCIENCE SLAM are still open until 15 August 2017.
This year there will be for the first time a special APP-Award for Young Scientists – the Vienna City Award for Innovative Apps in Cultural Heritage for Young Researchers. This award will be sponsored by the Vienna Municipal Department of Cultural Affairs with a prize of 1000 euro.
Specific terms and conditions
- Age under 35
- Not a commercial product
- The app should be produced in English
- The app presenter(s) must be on site
- The app should be available to interested users in any appropriate form, including from the Play Store and Apple Store – free download is required
15. New publication on World Heritage and Human Rights
World Heritage and Human Rights – Lessons from the Asia-Pacific and global arena
Edited by Peter Bille Larsen
The World Heritage community is currently adopting policies to mainstream human rights as part of a wider sustainability agenda. This interdisciplinary book combines a state of the art review of World Heritage policy and practice at the global level with ethnographic case studies from the Asia-Pacific region by leading scholars in the field. By joining legal reviews, anthropology and practitioner experience through in-depth case studies, it shows the diversity of human rights issues in both natural and cultural heritage sites.
Download the World Heritage and Human Rights flyer to enjoy 20% off.
16. Illuminate Series #2 Forum: ‘Preservation of Artisan and Rare Trade Skills – Our Collective Responsibility’ – 9 August, Carlton, VIC
‘Heritage Conservation and Preservation of Artisan and Rare Trade Skills – Our Collective Responsibility’ is the second ISS Institute Illuminate Series Forum. Drawing upon the knowledge, experience and leadership of our Fellows and supporters, our aim is to take attendees on a journey of understanding about why the preservation of heritage and rare trades is critical for Australia’s future.
At this FREE event we will also be launching our Ian Potter Foundation funded ‘Heritage Preservation Network (supporting Australian artisans and rare tradespersons)’.This initiative will see ISS Institute draw upon our rich connections to build a national network of rare arts, crafts, trades and heritage experts to collectively share knowledge and learnings and support the transfer of these skills to future generations.
Date & Time: Wednesday 9 August 2017, 3:00pm – 5:30pm AEST
Location: Co.As.It, 54 University Street, Carlton
>> More information and register your attendance
17. digital cultural heritage: FUTURE VISIONS symposium, 13-15 November 2017, London – call for papers
Following the success of the first digital cultural heritage: FUTURE VISIONS symposium in Brisbane in April, we are pleased to announce a further symposium on 13-15 November 2017 at University College London, hosted by the Bartlett Real Estate Institute and supported by the Architecture Theory Criticism History research centre and The University of Queensland.
Confirmed keynote speakers are Professor Sarah Kenderdine (EPFL Switzerland) and Professor Andong Lu (Nanjing University).
Conference theme
Innovative new data collection and digital visualisation techniques can capture and share historic artefacts, places and practices faster, in greater detail and amongst a wider community than ever before. Creative virtual environments that provide interactive interpretations of place, archives enriched with digital film and audio recordings, histories augmented by crowd-sourced data all have the potential to engage new audiences, engender alternative meanings and enhance current management practices. At a less tangible level, new technologies can also contribute to debates about societal relationships with the historical past, contemporary present and possible futures, as well as drive questions about authenticity, integrity, authorship and the democratisation of heritage.
Yet for many, gaps still exist between these evolving technologies and their application in everyday heritage practice. Following the success of a sister conference in Brisbane, Australia in April, this symposium will focus on the emerging disciplines of digital cultural heritage and the established practice of heritage management, providing a platform for critical debate between those developing and applying innovative digital technology, and those seeking to integrated best practice into the preservation, presentation and sustainable management of cultural heritage. Confirmed keynote speakers include Professor Sarah Kenderdine (EPFL, Switzerland) and Professor Andong Lu (Nanjing University, China).
Call for papers
This symposium is designed to encourage critical debate across a wide range of heritage-related disciplines. We welcome papers from practitioners and academics working in cultural heritage and related fields such as architecture, anthropology, archaeology, geography, media studies, museum studies and tourism. We particularly encourage papers that explore the challenges of digitising tangible and intangible cultural heritage, those that identify issues with digitisation and digital interaction, and those that address the theoretical challenges posed by digital cultural heritage.
Visit the call for papers webpage and download a PDF version of the call for papers for more detailed information.
Submission details
Abstracts of 300 words should be submitted no later than Monday 7 August 2017 via the online form available at this link.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit full papers (5,000 words maximum) following the conference for peer-review and publication in the conference proceedings. For any other queries please contact Chris Landorf via email or Kelly Greenop via email. More information is also available at the symposium website.
18. Public consultation on key Reef policies invited – deadline 17 August 2017
Reducing multiple pressures and improving the health and resilience of the Great Barrier Reef are the focus of two draft Reef 2050 policies released for public consultation. The draft policies are essentially ‘how to’ guides, setting out how communities and industries whose activities might impact the Reef can identify and reduce threats and improve Reef resilience. The policies are part of a suite of actions to protect the Reef including protecting coral cover through dedicated crown-of-thorns starfish control and working with landholders to improve water quality.
The draft policies are available online and consultation closes 17 August 2017.
19. Save the Date for the 2018 Blue Shield Australia Symposium, 29-30 January 2018, Canberra
Blue Shield Australia will be holding its 2018 Symposium on Cultural Heritage, Climate Change and Natural Disasters at the National Library of Australia, Canberra. Please save the date in your calendars and check the website for ongoing updates about tours and registration costs.
For more information, click on the links below.
20. Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions conference, Peru, 11-13 September 2018 – abstract submission deadline final extension
Due to the high number of requests received, the deadline for abstract submission to the 11th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions – SAHC 2018 – has been extended until 21 July 2017 (please note that no additional extensions will be considered).
Submissions must be made electronically via the SAHC 2018 website or via this link. Please note that only one paper submission will be allowed per presenting author.
All accepted papers will be included in the proceedings that will be published by Springer in the RILEM Bookseries. The RILEM Bookseries is indexed in SCOPUS, Google Scholar and SpringerLink. In addition, selected papers will be published in a special issue of the International Journal of Architectural Heritage that will be devoted to SAHC 2018.
Check the conference website regularly for up-to-date information.
21. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Sydney Opera House
The Sydney Opera House is an iconic Australian institution that embodies beauty, inspiration and the liberating power of art and ideas. Our vision is to be as bold and inspiring as the Opera House itself.
Our mission is twofold:
- To treasure and renew the Opera House for future generations of artists, audiences and visitors
- To inspire and strengthen the community, through everything we do
For more information about the Sydney Opera House please refer to our website.
The purpose of this role is to provide expert advice in relation to planning and heritage matters affecting the Sydney Opera House and to meet obligations under relevant planning and heritage policies and legislation.
Further more detailed information about the role and its requirements can be obtained from the role description.
- Relevant qualifications and experience in the delivery of construction, conservation or interpretation projects in a multi-disciplinary public venue, museum or heritage environment
- Knowledge of current heritage conservation principles and practices in Australia, NSW Government Sector policy and standards, as well as the State and Commonwealth legislative environment
- High level business and commercial acumen complimented with knowledge of contemporary trends in heritage conservation and architecture
- Demonstrated high-level written and oral communication skills, including the ability to communicate complex policy issues in a clear and consistent manner to a variety of internal and external stakeholders
For more information and to apply, visit the i work for nsw website.
Applications close: 2 August 2017 (11:59 PM)
22. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Historical Archaeologist, AMBS Ecology & Heritage
AMBS Ecology & Heritage was founded by former members of the Australian Museum’s heritage and ecology teams and was established in January 2016. We have a strong commitment to maintaining the high standards that have made us the consultancy of choice for our many clients.
We have successfully tendered for a large infrastructure project that includes extensive historical archaeological excavations. The project will extend over the next few years and we are looking to fill a number of positions. In particular, we need a Senior Historical Archaeologist to assist and to take the lead on excavations. You will also be involved in the preparation of the final excavation reports and management of the artefact analysis.
The position is full-time and salary will be commensurate with experience and skills.
Essential Criteria
- an Honours degree in Archaeology.
- not less than five (5) years’ experience in Historical Archaeology.
- experience in directing, or assisting the director on, historical archaeological excavations in the Sydney area
- meeting the Heritage Councils’ Excavation Director criteria would be desirable
- skilled at interpreting the archaeological record
- good understanding of artefact assemblages
- demonstrated report and computer skills
- good working knowledge of the relevant legislation and Heritage Council documents
- WorkCover General Induction Card (‘white card’), or willingness to obtain one
- a drivers’ licence
Please email Jennie Lindbergh, Director Historic Heritage for more information or to submit an Expression of Interest and CV, by Monday 7 August 2017.
23. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Context, Melbourne
Heritage Consultant: Opportunity to connect people, place and heritage
We are seeking an experienced heritage consultant to join our busy Melbourne office.
Context is a multi-disciplinary heritage consultancy with a national reputation for integrity and innovation in heritage conservation. Our projects are exciting and challenging and we are looking for people to join us who are passionate about heritage. We work with private clients as well as all levels of government, primarily delivering services in the domains of built, landscape and community heritage. We also work in the fields of Aboriginal heritage, museums and collections, interpretation and with places and legislation relating to national and world heritage.
Candidates will have at least 3 years’ experience in heritage planning or management and will be suitably qualified in a relevant discipline such as architecture, landscape architecture, conservation or urban planning. A graduate qualification in a heritage-related field is highly desirable.
Our team is multi-disciplinary and we support our staff in their professional development. Our office is located in central Brunswick close to public transport and with some on street parking.
More information about us, our team and our projects can be found on our website.
To obtain a position description, please email Mary Ward. Applications close Friday 4 August.
24. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Manager, Archaeology, GML Heritage, Sydney
Manager, Archaeology
GML Heritage is excited to offer an opportunity for an experienced or aspiring Manager, Archaeology. The Manager, Archaeology role is a leadership position within GML and contributes to the strategic direction of the firm. The key requirement of the position is to lead and manage our cohesive and successful team of archaeology specialists. This role requires relevant technical and management skills, and the passion and drive to continue to build on the success of our Archaeology team and portfolio of projects throughout Australia. This position is full-time, based in our Sydney office, and is initially offered as a maternity leave backfill role for a 12 month period. GML offers our employees flexible working arrangements and a range of added benefits to support work/life balance. We encourage social activities and gatherings, and enjoy a rewarding, worthwhile and shared purpose of shaping our future environment with consideration for heritage conservation and revitalisation.
Click here for more information – please note a link to the role will be available online later today.
25. SITUATIONS VACANT Conservation Manager & Conservation Project Officer (Archaeology), Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Tasmania
The Port Arthur Historic Sites (Port Arthur, Coal Mines and Cascades Female Factory) are important places of outstanding heritage value at local, state and national level. All three historic sites are part of the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage Property. As major Tasmanian tourist attractions, they receive visitors from all walks of life and all parts of the world. The Authority currently has two vacancies in the Department of Conservation & Infrastructure. Both positions are based at the Port Arthur Historic Site, on the Tasman Peninsula. Further information can be obtained from Tracey Rainbird, Recruitment Officer on (03) 6251 2357 or email Tracey.
Permanent full-time, Salary range $104,409 – $106,497
The Conservation Manager is responsible for the management of capital and maintenance works relating to the conservation of historic fabric and structures and for ensuring that the cultural heritage values of the Port Arthur Historic Sites are maintained and protected.
Details about the position, including a statement of duties, can be found at this link. Questions about the position should be directed to Jane Harrington, Director Conservation & Infrastructure, (03) 6251 2330 or email Jane.
Applications close at 5pm on Thursday 27 July 2017.
Permanent full-time, Salary range $60,753 – $78,552
The Conservation Project Officer (Archaeology) is responsible for assisting with the effective and efficient management of conservation and infrastructure tasks and projects, including archaeology projects, for the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA).
Details about the position, including a statement of duties, can be found at this link. Questions about the position should be directed to David Roe, Archaeology Manager, (03) 6251 2368 / 0457 675 357 or email David.
Applications close at 5pm on Monday 24 July 2017.
26. SITUATION VACANT Senior Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of Queensland
Job no: 500838
Area: Faculty Of Engineering, Architecture & Info Tech
Salary (FTE): Academic Level C ($112,874.46 – $130,150.91)
Work type: Full Time – Continuing
Location: St Lucia
The School of Architecture offers a three year Bachelor of Architectural Design and a two year Master of Architecture that are professionally accredited. Postgraduate training in research is provided through the Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy. The School of Architecture has an international profile for its design education and the high quality of the buildings and publications of staff and graduates. It is the home to two successful research centres, the Centre for Architecture Theory Criticism and History (ATCH) and the Aboriginal Environments Research Centre (AERC).
The role
The successful appointee will have an international reputation for research that situates architectural design and discourse within broader cultural, social, economic, and political contexts. With scholarship in design of immediate relevance to the teaching of future architects, the successful candidate will develop innovative teaching that enhances students’ capacity to respond critically and constructively to social and technological change. New staff will have access to start-up funding in their first 12 months to assist in the development of their research activity.
The person
Candidates must possess a PhD in Architecture and have a proven track record of successful teaching and research in Design and History and Theory. A commitment to the internationalisation of architectural education is essential and it is expected that they establish collaborative studio engagements with universities and practices outside of Australia. Skills in building relationships with the profession, industry, government and the wider community will be valued. The candidate we seek will teach design, history and theory as mutually reinforcing, integrated modes of inquiry and develop innovative teaching and research projects of international significance.
The University of Queensland values diversity and inclusion. Applications are particularly encouraged from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
This is a full-time, continuing appointment at Academic Level C. The remuneration package will be in the range $112,874.46 – $130,150.91 p.a., plus employer superannuation contributions of up to 17% (total package will be in the range $132,063.12 – $152,276.56 p.a.). There is generous research support for new academic appointees.
For more information including the position description and to apply, follow this link and use the Apply button. All applicants must supply the following documents: Cover letter, Resume and Selection Criteria responses.
To discuss this role please contact Professor Sandra Kaji-O’Grady by email.
Applications close: 27 July 2017 (11:55 PM) E. Australia Standard Time
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au