[NEW ITEM] From Academic to Public: Reusing Architectural Heritage as Medium to Do “Practical History” – Friday 30 June [TODAY!] University of Sydney, 12.30-1.30pm
[NEW ITEM] Attention Vicomites: Save the date – Friday 4 August
[NEW ITEM] The House that Jack Built author talk, 12 July, Adelaide
[NEW ITEM] Built Heritage Tourism Forum, 25-26 August 2017, Longford, Tasmania – early registration deadline extended
[NEW ITEM] Stronger environmental protection for the Pilbara – the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP & Senator the Hon Matthew Canavan media release
[NEW ITEM] Global recognition for WA reserve – the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP media release
[NEW ITEM] The Best in Heritage 2017, 28-30 September, Dubrovnik – Projects of Influence
[NEW ITEM] CIPA Ottawa: Digital Workflows for Conservation, 28 August-1 September, Canada – draft program online
[NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – What’s On
[NEW ISSUE] Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
[NEW ISSUE] News from Sydney Living Museums
[NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
UQ Library invites you to ‘Voices in the Archive’
Travelling Stories, 10-14 October 2017, Tasmania: A conference with a difference – call for papers & registration open
Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition 2017 – entries open
ACT & Region Heritage Symposium 2017, 19 August, Canberra – call for papers
Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications & the 2018 US/ICOMOS Internship program
Call for Expressions of Interest for the Australia ICOMOS Heritage Planning Working Group
Call for New Members for the Australia ICOMOS Indigenous Heritage Reference Group
Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO / AIA NSW Chapter Sydney Talk Series, 20 July
Annual Heritage Address, 19 July, Melbourne
Longford Academy’s Spring Masterclasses and workshop, Tasmania, 28 August – 2 September 2017
AIMA conference, Adelaide, 22-23 September 2017 – early bird registration available
ACT Heritage Awards 2017 – nominations open
Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Wednesday 19 July
Registration for ITIC 2017 is now open
Researcher seeking information on Housing Performance – more information
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Manager Strategic Projects, Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Strategic Planner, Woollahra Municipal Council
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of Queensland
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Assessment Officer, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
SITUATION VACANT Lecturer / Senior Lecturer: Architectural Design And History, University of Melbourne
SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultants (various levels), Heritage 21, Sydney
1. [NEW ITEM] From Academic to Public: Reusing Architectural Heritage as Medium to Do “Practical History” – Friday 30 June [TODAY!] University of Sydney, 12.30-1.30pm
Contemporary “historical practices” take different forms. The power of the past in the public is often overlooked in the academic study of history. Before history emerged as a profession, the vast majority of “historians” were “lay” practitioners involved in family history, community activities, and the re-enactment of historical events.
Public history is primarily concerned with the production and consumption of past narratives through the language of heritage. Its approaches may challenge the base of what is conventionally regarded as the limits of historical knowledge. The heritage industry and its practitioners disseminate forms of history through heritage interpretation, especially guided tours of architectural heritage. In doing so they contribute to the production of public histories.
By highlighting recent examples of heritage conservation in Xiamen and Shanghai, Qing shows how architectural heritage may be reused as medium to disseminate historical knowledge among the general public.
Mei Qing is a professor of architectural history and architectural conservation in the department of architecture at Tongji University in Shanghai, China, an Expert Committee member of ICOMOS ISC SBH, and a consultant expert in world heritage institute of training and research for the Asia and the Pacific Region (Shanghai) under the auspices of UNESCO. Mei received her Ph.D. from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her academic interests focus on overseas Chinese architecture – particular Chinese building types: garden, temple, and huiguan. These types were transmitted from China to Southeast Asian countries along the maritime Silk Road. She has received Excellent Teaching Awards, Overseas Chinese Research Awards, China Post Doctor Award, Pujiang Talents Award, George R. Collins Award from SAH, and J. Paul Getty Trust’s GRI Connecting Art History Award 2013-2014. In recent years, Mei has taught architectural history and heritage, conservation and design studio. She has established close connections with ARC, ICOMOS, WHC UNESCO as well as universities, research organizations and institutes.
Friday 30 June 2017, 12:30 – 1:30pm
Room 557, Wilkinson Building (G04)
148 City Road
Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning
The University of Sydney
This talk is open to the public. No registration is required.
2. [NEW ITEM] Attention Vicomites: Save the date – Friday 4 August
The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee is meeting in Melbourne on the weekend of 5-6 August in Melbourne, and will be convening for an informal get-together on Friday 4 August night somewhere (TBA) in South Melbourne or the CBD. At this stage put this in your diaries and look out for more information closer to the date.
3. [NEW ITEM] The House that Jack Built author talk, 12 July, Adelaide
The story of how an ordinary bloke from the bush became the key figure in a movement that would change the appearance of our cities. James Colman will talk about North Adelaide’s valued contribution to a nation-wide grassroots campaign that led to widespread reforms in planning and heritage laws.
Wednesday 12 July 2017 at 7pm
North Adelaide Community Centre, 176 Tynte St North Adelaide
All welcome – no bookings necessary.
Download The House that Jack Built author talk flyer.
4. [NEW ITEM] Built Heritage Tourism Forum, 25-26 August 2017, Longford, Tasmania – early registration deadline extended
Built Heritage Tourism Forum
25-26 August 2017
Longford, Tasmania
The Built Heritage Tourism Forum is in response to the Legislative Council’s Inquiry which identified a need for the heritage tourism sector of Tasmania to work together to optimise outcomes for the sector and the Tasmanian economy in general.
For more information, open the links below.
Early registration fee deadline extended to Friday 7 July.
5. [NEW ITEM] Stronger environmental protection for the Pilbara – the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP & Senator the Hon Matthew Canavan media release
Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Hon Josh Frydenberg & Senator the Hon Matthew Canavan, dated 23 June 2017.
A new strategic assessment program agreed between the Turnbull Government and BHP will protect the unique environment of the Pilbara and support environmentally sustainable development of iron ore mines.
The program locks in strong environmental standards and protection measures for the remarkable environment of the Pilbara.
The outcome will be that BHP will apply the strongest environmental standards to all new mining operations in the Pilbara.
The company will consult the community on new activities, invest to safeguard our nationally protected species and report publicly on their environmental performance.
The program will be subject to regulatory oversight by the Federal Government, with regular review and approval required, and a limit on environmental impacts.
The approval provides BHP with certainty for their ongoing iron ore business, which has a workforce of about 16,000 people. The next new mining project could be a multi-billion dollar investment that, if approved, could create several thousand construction jobs.
Investment by BHP in conservation measures across the Pilbara will benefit nationally protected species. This gives the community confidence that environmental standards must be applied to all future mining activity.
This is a great outcome for nationally protected species including the northern quoll, the Pilbara leaf nosed bat and the Pilbara olive python.
BHP should be congratulated for investing in this work over several years to deliver better outcomes for these important species.
The Government has approved the program under Australia’s national environment law, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
For further information visit this link.
6. [NEW ITEM] Global recognition for WA reserve – the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP media release
Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Hon Josh Frydenberg & Senator the Hon Matthew Canavan, dated 27 June 2017.
The Turnbull Government has welcomed a UNESCO decision to recognise Western Australia’s expanded Fitzgerald Biosphere Reserve as part of the World Biosphere Network.
Originally 330,000 hectares, the reserve – surrounding the Fitzgerald River National Park – now covers over 1.5 million hectares in the south-west of the state.
Recognised for its relatively pristine state and high biological diversity, the Fitzgerald Biosphere Reserve includes over 40 species or communities recognised in WA as threatened. More than 30 of these are also listed by the Commonwealth.
The area’s forests, river basins, small mountain ranges, wetlands and estuaries are formally recognised under the Man and the Biosphere Programme.
Biospheres balance three important goals: conservation of biodiversity, promotion of economic development and maintenance of cultural values.
They allow sustainable development based on local community efforts and sound science.
First recognised in 1978, this expansion of the Fitzgerald Biosphere Reserve is testament to the success of a community-driven approach to integrated landscape management.
There is strong community support in the region for the biosphere and its innovate approaches to living and working in harmony with nature.
7. [NEW ITEM] The Best in Heritage 2017, 28-30 September, Dubrovnik – Projects of Influence
The Best in Heritage is an international, annual survey of award-winning museum, heritage and conservation projects. The conference takes place each September in Dubrovnik, a UNESCO World heritage site.
The Best in Heritage conference runs over three days, includes a day focused on multimedia and new technology achievements called IMAGINES, and two days of presentations from around the world. The programme is composed of handpicked selection of more than 40 award-winning museum, heritage and conservation projects from Europe, China, the US, Japan, India, Russia, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The gathering culminates with the audience, judges and keynote speakers voting for two “The Project of Influence 2017” prize winners. The conference will feature museums visits and tours around Dubrovnik, and dinner-receptions located in the city’s historic palaces where delegates can network, discuss potential collaborations and get to know prize-winning professionals in person.
Read more about The Best in Heritage 2017 – Projects of Influence.
8. [NEW ITEM] CIPA Ottawa: Digital Workflows for Conservation, 28 August-1 September, Canada – draft program online
CIPA2017 – Digital Workflows for Conservation
28 August – 1 September 2017
Ottawa, Canada
CIPA 2017 Preliminary detailed Symposium Agenda is now online. Browse session contents and abstracts at this link. Plan ahead and do not miss any of the exciting contributions and activities planned!
Registration deadline is 30 June 2017. Do not miss this opportunity to learn and exchange information about Digital Workflows for Heritage Conservation.
9. [NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – What’s On
Click here to read the latest news from the Johnston Collection.
10. [NEW ISSUE] Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
To read the latest news from Heritage Tasmania, click on the link below.
11. [NEW ISSUE] News from Sydney Living Museums
To read the latest news from the Sydney Living Museums, click here.
12. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
13. UQ Library invites you to ‘Voices in the Archive’
The University of Queensland’s Fryer Library houses important collections that document the experience of asylum seekers, including correspondence and artworks in the Julian Burnside and Kate Durham Collection and the Elaine Smith Collection.
Three works by artist Kate Durham collectively titled SIEV X consist of 272 painted panels, oil on composition board. The title references the acronym for Suspected Irregular Entry Vessel X. It is a response to a maritime tragedy that occurred in 2001, when a dilapidated Indonesian fishing boat carrying over 400 asylum seekers sank on its way to Australia. Almost all on board drowned.
Please join us for a viewing of the SIEV X artwork, followed by a panel discussion featuring Professor Gillian Whitlock in conversation with Julian Burnside AO QC, Kate Durham, Professor Andreas Schloenhardt and Adele Rice AM.
The panel will explore legal, educational and artistic responses to the plight of refugees, and the vital role played by libraries and archives in preserving their narratives.
Friday 7 July 2017
Viewing of the SIEV X artwork in the Fryer Library, Level 4, Duhig Tower (#2)
The University of Queensland, St Lucia Campus
Drinks and canapes served in the foyer of the Fryer Library
Panel discussion in the Auditorium, Level 2, Sir Llew Edwards Building (#14)
Register at this link – the event is free – or phone (07) 3365 6362 by Monday 3 July 2017.
More information about parking on campus is available online. If you have any questions please contact the UQ Events Team by email or on (07) 3365 6362.
14. Travelling Stories, 10-14 October 2017, Tasmania: A conference with a difference – call for papers & registration open
The first-ever collaboration between the Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (ASHA) and Interpretation Australia (IA) will bring people together for a conference in Tasmania to explore new ways of telling stories about the important landscapes, places and environments in which we live and work. More detailed information about this conference (and the call for papers) can be found here. To facilitate the timely completion of the conference programme we ask that session proposals be submitted to the Organising Committee by Monday 3 July.
We are pleased to announce that registrations for the Travelling Stories conference are now open!
Full registration covers:
- October 10: attendance at the opening evening event in Launceston
- October 11: full day conference sessions in Launceston at The Tramsheds
- October 12: day trip by coach from Launceston to Hobart via key places along the Midlands Highway (the World Heritage-listed Brickendon Estate; Ross; and either Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary or Shene Estate)
- October 13: full day conference sessions in Hobart at The Baha’i Centre for Learning (morning and lunch) and the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (afternoon)
- Morning tea, a light lunch and afternoon tea on October 11, 12 and 13
An early bird rate will apply to registrations until 31 August.
Two optional tours are available:
- October 10, Visit to Oura Oura in the Liffey Valley (numbers limited to 24) – $20.00
- October 14, Port Arthur Seminar, Port Arthur Historic Site (numbers limited to 50) – $50.00
For full details and to register visit this link.
15. Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition 2017 – entries open
Australia ICOMOS, in conjunction with National Skills Week, SkillsOne Television, the National Trust of South Australia and the International Specialised Skills Institute, is holding a digital photographic ‘Heroes of Traditional Trades’ competition to record individuals involved with traditional trades, crafts or other practices.
At a time when there is concern about the gradual loss of skills, celebrating those dedicated to traditional trades and crafts associated with the conservation of heritage places in Australia has never been more important. The competition is part of National Skills Week 2017 (28 August – 3 September 2017) in order to reach the desired audience and provide encouragement to skilled tradespeople; apprentices learning a traditional trade and those providing technical training courses in traditional trades.
Entries must be received by email to SkillsOne by 4pm, Tuesday 8 August 2017. The shortlisted images, subjects and photographers will be announced on 16 August 2017, and winners will be announced at a National Skills Week function.
For more detailed information about the competition, read the Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition 2017 media release.
16. ACT & Region Heritage Symposium 2017, 19 August, Canberra – call for papers
Convened by Heritage Partners: Australia ICOMOS, Canberra Archaeological Society, Canberra & District Historical Society and National Trust of Australia (ACT); venue and cost details to be advised.
‘The Politics of Heritage: the art of the possible’ asks what are the possibilities for cultural heritage in a city designed for democracy and diplomacy and political action, in a world of multiple stakeholders, where real and virtual borders transect our region and where digital technology is rewriting the rules of engagement between politicians, citizens and trusted cultural institutions.
How can we extend our understanding of the political landscape of our city; from the institutions that inhabit it, to the way politics and legislation features in heritage conservation and management. What is the role of cultural heritage management and conservation in the area of international cooperation as well as an instrument of ‘soft’ influence by states? How is the digital environment extending and enhancing experience with heritage values, not just in respect both to the processes of conservation and restoration, but in building active and engaged communities? Sub-themes are: Connecting the Dots in Heritage: gaps across statutory systems; Negotiating Outcomes for Heritage; Crossing Borders: sharing heritage objects and idea[l]s.
Call for Papers: We are seeking papers from a diverse range of viewpoints; from Aboriginal community members, heritage and museum and practitioners, educators and students, architects, archaeologists, planners, embassies, artists and community advocates that explore and examine the interactions between people, place and practice focusing on the heritage of/as/in politics, democracy and diplomacy.
To propose a paper, please submit a summary to the National Trust (ACT) by email by 7 July 2017.
Download the 2017 ACT & Region Heritage Symposium flyer.
17. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications & the 2018 US/ICOMOS Internship program
There are many benefits in joining ICOMOS – not only the fantastic people you will meet, but membership of Australia ICOMOS brings discounts at ICOMOS functions, at many conferences in Australia and internationally and on ICOMOS publications. The E-mail News provides a weekly bulletin board of information and events in Australia and overseas, including state-based events, conferences and site visits, as well as information on heritage publications, funding and grant opportunities, course details and job offers. Members also receive a number of issues annually of the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment. For all Full Members (including Young Professionals), the ICOMOS members’ card gives free or reduced-rate entry to many historic and cultural sites.
Australia ICOMOS welcomes new members in all the available membership categories, and particularly encourages students and young cultural heritage graduates to apply for membership. For further information go to the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website.
2018 US/ICOMOS Internship Program – you must be a member to apply
US/ICOMOS offers an international Summer Internship each year. Applications can be made by individuals who are either Full or Associate members of Australia ICOMOS and while there are no age restrictions, the program is designed for those nearing the end of their graduate programs (usually 2nd-year students) or individuals who have been working professionally for 1-3 years. Those who are eligible must apply for the program via Australia ICOMOS. The program runs annually for three months, usually between June and August.
The timing of the Call for Participants usually occurs late in the year, and often after the final annual meeting of the Executive Committee. Thus, we are inviting individuals who are interested in applying for the 2018 US/ICOMOS Internship Program to apply for Australia ICOMOS membership now – please note that Australia ICOMOS membership is a prerequisite for US/ICOMOS internship applications.
Individuals who are considering applying for Australia ICOMOS membership for the sole purpose of being eligible for the 2018 US/ICOMOS Internship Program should first read the Internship Program Overview information; note that the selection process for the US/ICOMOS International Exchange Program is highly competitive; less than one in five applications is successful.
Membership applications are only considered at meetings of the Executive Committee – in order for your application to be considered at the August 2017 Executive Committee meeting, please apply via the online form by COB Monday 10 July 2017.
If further information is required, email the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat.
18. Call for Expressions of Interest for the Australia ICOMOS Heritage Planning Working Group
The Heritage Planning Working Group is a newly formed Australia ICOMOS Working Group. The need for such a group was noted by the Executive Committee in 2016 given the extensive statutory planning changes occurring throughout Australia at present, much of which has significant potential impacts for cultural heritage. The purpose of the Group is to examine planning policy and provisions and current proposed changes to this across Australia in relation to cultural heritage and its conservation; and to identify issues for heritage conservation as well as actions that could be taken by Australia ICOMOS alone, or in partnership, to address or mitigate identified issues.
The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee is looking for members for this new group. Members of the Working Group will need to have expertise and experience with cultural heritage planning, however they do not need to be practising planners. We are also looking for broad Australian representation in the Working Group.
If you are interested in being part of this Working Group, please complete the Heritage Planning Working Group EOI – May 2017 form and email it to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. The closing date for EOIs is the 30 June 2017.
If you have any queries in relation to the working Group please contact Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee member, Anne McConnell by email.
19. Call for New Members for the Australia ICOMOS Indigenous Heritage Reference Group
The purpose of the Indigenous Heritage Reference Group is to provide advice as needed to the President and the Executive Committee on any issues that arise in relation to the conservation of Indigenous cultural heritage. Issues may relate to specific sites as in the case of Indigenous issues in World Heritage Monitoring Missions or ‘framework’ issues as in the case of preparing submissions on legislation reform.
This reference group, initially a Working Group, has existed since 1998. The Group does not hold regular meetings, but is called into action as issues arise. Members are required to have high level qualifications and/or experience in Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage.
The Indigenous Heritage Reference Group currently has eight members, but in line with Australia ICOMOS policy, the Group is seeking to refresh its membership. We are therefore interested to hear from Australia ICOMOS members who are interested in becoming new members of the Indigenous Heritage Reference Group. Please note that members will be selected based on demonstrated expertise and experience.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Indigenous Heritage Reference Group please email an EOI to the Convenor, Anne McConnell. The closing date for EOIs is the 30 June 2017.
For more information on the Indigenous Heritage Reference Group or Australia ICOMOS Reference Groups and other groups and committees more generally click here.
20. Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO / AIA NSW Chapter Sydney Talk Series, 20 July
Sydney Brutalism: Et tu, Brute?
Once openly supported for its architectural authenticity and desired social outcomes, the brutalist buildings of Sydney now face destruction or disfigurement by many of their patrons, including the NSW State Government. Join us for a discussion on what has happened and where to from here in this utmost of betrayals.
Glenn is an architect and independent researcher. A graduate of the University of Sydney, he is currently a Senior Associate and Urban Designer at PTW Architects. Awarded the NSW Board of Architects Byera Hadley Travelling Scholarship in 2015, his study focused on Brutalism within Greater Sydney. Since then Glenn has continued to write on this topic and has an active Instagram Feed @brutalist_project_sydney, which contributes to the debate for the recognition of ‘recent heritage’. Earlier this year he edited the Sydney Brutalist Map, a guide by Blue Crow Media, an independent London publisher.
Date & time: Thursday 20 July 2017, 5:30pm for 6:00pm sharp
Venue: Tusculum, 3 Manning St, Potts Point NSW 2011
Cost: Students $5, Members $10, Non-members $15 all payable at Tusculum in cash at the door
RSVP: by Monday 17 July 2017 via email to Jane Vernon. Bookings are essential as places are limited
21. Annual Heritage Address, 19 July, Melbourne
The Heritage Council of Victoria is very excited to be holding its annual Heritage Address as part of Open House Melbourne’s 10 year celebrations this year.
Dr Gerard Vaughan, director of the National Gallery of Australia and formerly of the NGV will present this year’s address on 19 July at 6.15pm at Deakin Edge, Federation Square.
His talk will be a thought-provoking look at the role heritage plays in our cities and lives.
The Heritage Council of Victoria recognises, protects and celebrates Victoria’s cultural heritage. As part of its outreach program, the Council holds the Heritage Address each year.
Since its inception in 2009, prominent individuals have given their personal and professional reflections on heritage. Tickets to Gerard’s talk are available at this link.
22. Longford Academy’s Spring Masterclasses and workshop, Tasmania, 28 August – 2 September 2017
APT is pleased to offer three masterclasses and a one-day workshop to be delivered at Longford in the week of 28 August – 2 September 2017. For more information, click on the links below.
- APT_LA Spring 2017 Masterclass_General Notice
- APT_LA Spring 2017 Masterclass_Carpentry and Joinery
- APT_LA Spring 2017 Masterclass_Lime Mortar Repair
- APT_LA Spring 2017 Masterclass_Painting
23. AIMA conference, Adelaide, 22-23 September 2017 – early bird registration available
Early bird registration for the 2017 Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology (AIMA) conference ‘Claimed By the Sea’ to be held at Flinders University, Adelaide on 22-23 September 2017 is now open!
Visit the conference website for more information.
24. ACT Heritage Awards 2017 – nominations open
The scope of projects that can be nominated is broad, ranging from reports to building conservation or adaptation, and all aspects of heritage including indigenous and natural. Projects can be small or large but must be located in the ACT and have been completed within the last 3 years.
Nominations close on 7 July 2017.
Further details and nomination forms are available at the National Trust (ACT) website.
25. Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Wednesday 19 July
Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage Seminar will be a presentation by Kaja Antlej, Ben Horan (Deakin University) and Georgia Melville (National Wool Museum), on “Merging Tactile Experiences with Virtual Reality in Museums: Bringing Little Leaellynasaura from the Otways to Life”.
For centuries, museums have been using tactile copies to better engage visitors with their collections. Digital technologies provide a whole new perspective for storytelling in museums, but often lack a tactile experience that enables closer connection with objects. Deakin University is working together with palaeontologist Professor Pat Vickers-Rich and the National Wool Museum to investigate merging physical exhibits with virtual environments. As a case study, a wallaby-size dinosaur from Otway, Leaellynasaura, is used to explore engaging ways of interpreting heritage in museums through virtual reality, augmented realty and 3D printing.
Kaja is a designer and academic interested in human-centred design, digital technologies and heritage interpretation. She has a Master’s Degree in Industrial Design and a Doctoral Degree in Heritage Studies. She has extensive expertise in the 3D printing industry from working for an SME. Through an eight-month EU-funded voluntary project in Morocco, Kaja gained experience in cross-cultural communications. In 2014, she participated a four-month entrepreneurship training (ESF) at the Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region. She was an NMC Horizon Report 2015 and 2016 Museum Edition Expert Panel Member. As one of the eCult Ambassadors, she was a facilitator between the technology and heritage sectors, involved in the eCultValue project (EC FP7). In 2015, Kaja completed her Endeavour Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the Centre for Creative and Cultural Research, University of Canberra. Recently, she has been invited to one of the working groups of ViMM – Virtual Multimodal Museums (Horizon 2020).
Ben led the design and development of the CAVE and Virtual Reality Facility within the Centre for Advanced Design and Engineering Training (CADET) at Deakin University. Ben is leading the CADET VR Lab and the Head of Discipline for Mechatronics within the School of Engineering at Deakin University. Ben has been awarded an Endeavour Research Fellowship, Australian Academy of Science – Australia Korea Foundation Early Career Fellowship and Australia Research Council (ARC) research grant, and has been a visiting researcher at Seoul National University – South Korea, Korea Institute of Science and Technology – South Korea, University of Canterbury – New Zealand, and the University of Texas – USA. Ben’s research focus is on new methods for advanced human computer interaction (HCI) in particular those involving Virtual Reality (VR) and haptic interaction.
Georgia is Senior Curator at the National Wool Museum, Geelong. Previously Georgia has worked in cultural heritage roles for museums and galleries, local government, Context Pty Ltd Heritage Consultants, the Office of Aboriginal Affairs Victoria and the Rockefeller Foundation. Georgia completed her PhD focused on the anthropology of museums, and has a strong interest in the importance of heritage for community wellbeing.
Date: Wednesday 19 July 2017
Time: 5.00pm
Venue: Deakin Downtown, 727 Collins St, Tower 2, Level 12
Venue Tip: Deakin’s new city centre campus is between Southern Cross Station and Docklands, on tram routes 11 and 48 (Stop D15). Entry is via Tower Two. The reception desk directs you to an escalator to a bank of lifts and Deakin Downtown is on Level 12.
26. Registration for ITIC 2017 is now open

Information Technologies Indigenous Communities (ITIC) is a two-day Symposium which will be held on 27–28 September 2017 at the University of Melbourne.
The 2017 ITIC Symposium explores how recent advancements in information technologies enhance linkages among archives, images, collections and Indigenous knowledges in new ways. Presentations will explore Indigenous engagements with information technologies in education, health, heritage, languages, mapping, creative arts, broadcasting and beyond.
A stream within the symposium is dedicated to examining the application of information technologies in the maintenance and understanding of Indigenous music and dance repertoires. Another stream is dedicated to exploring the contribution of the late Dr JN Gumbula to expanding knowledge and Indigenous research agency through his work with the National Recording Project for Indigenous Performance in Australia and a broad array of Indigenous archives and collections.
Explore the program for further information about the presentations, workshops and tours on offer at ITIC 2017. Register before 28 July 2017 to take advantage of the early bird offer.
ITIC 2017 is held with the support of, and in conjunction with, the Australian Society of Archivists National Conference.
Annelie de Villiers is the ITIC Coordinator. Please address any communications for the ITIC Committee directly to Annelie by email. Follow @asaitic17 on Twitter for updates.
27. Researcher seeking information on Housing Performance – more information
Professor Fionn Stevenson, Head of School of Architecture at the University of Sheffield, is doing research on Housing Performance (POE – post occupancy evaluation or BPE – building performance evaluation) and is interested in what was happening in Australia and the USA in the 19th Century.
She is looking for any information or possible contacts who might know about health officials, conservationists or building scientists who carried out any kind of monitoring studies in Australia, historically in 19th century eg. around creating sanitation laws, building regs etc. Fionn is particularly interested in how housing was evaluated in 19th and early 20th Century Australia in terms of fitness for habitation, as well as residents satisfaction, in order to make comparisons with what was happening in England where various housing boards and local councils were developing regulations to cover sanitation of housing as well as dealing with overcrowding. I wondered if similar evaluations were carried out in Australia e.g. visits by local authorities into slum areas in order to gauge the level of overcrowding as well as the sanitary facilities. Generally these were done by brief surveys and visits.
Any individuals who can assist Professor Stevenson can contact her directly by email.
28. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Manager Strategic Projects, Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House
Reference number: NP
Title: Manager Strategic Projects
Classification: EL1
Employment Type: Full-time, Non-ongoing / Specific Task
Salary: $90,795 – $102,638 + Super
Contact Officer: Chris Grebert on (02) 6270 8141
Closing date: Midnight – Wednesday 5 July 2017
The Manager Strategic Projects will play a key role in the successful delivery of the Museum’s capital works program for the next 3 years. This position will manage a small team responsible for strategic planning and delivery of capital works, with a focus on planning and scheduling for major refurbishments and capital works and will also include minor works projects, developing briefs and specifications, arranging contracts and overseeing the management of the works including staff and contract management and financial control.
For more information about this opportunity, download the EL1 Manager Strategic Projects application pack.
29. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Strategic Planner, Woollahra Municipal Council
Strategic Planner
- Salary from $80,287.64 to $94,083.70 pa + super
- Potential to earn additional allowance of up to $6,233 pa
- Private use leaseback vehicle
- 9 day fortnight
Woollahra Council is looking for a tertiary-qualified and experienced planner to join our Strategic Planning team, made up of town planning, heritage conservation and urban design professionals.
Located within the Planning and Development division, this team is responsible for preparing and maintaining statutory planning documents such as planning proposals, local environmental plans and development control plans.
You will participate in planning projects, consult with the community, conduct economic analysis and model development outcomes. Presentation of projects to Councillors, working parties and community groups is an important aspect of the position and can require after-hours work.
Essential Criteria
- A tertiary qualification in either town planning, urban planning or a similar planning qualification
- Extensive skills and demonstrated current hands-on experience in the preparation, assessment and implementation of planning policies, planning proposals, local environmental plans and planning strategies
- A thorough current working knowledge of and experience with NSW planning legislation.
- Well-developed skills in the use of PC office software such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Skills and experience in the preparation and implementation of community consultation programmes, including presentations to public forums
- A proficiency in research and problem solving, providing clear concise recommendations for action
- Time management skills, with a particular ability to balance priorities
- Highly developed skills in project development and project management
- Demonstrated commitment to the provision of quality customer service
- The ability to provide creative input in to the operation of a team of multi-skilled professionals
- Commitment to EEO principles
- Class C drivers licence or equivalent
Desirable Criteria
- Experience with appeals in the Land and Environment Court
- Hands on experience with the development and operation of digital 3D modelling for the purpose of preparing and testing built form planning controls and assessing the physical impact of development proposals
How to apply
- View the full Position Description & apply online by clicking here
- You will be asked to demonstrate how you meet each of the selection criteria
- If you have a separate statement addressing the selection criteria, please upload it as a cover letter and simply refer to it in the online questionnaire
- You will be able to upload 2 documents only.
- For information on applying for Council jobs, please visit this link
- For further information about the role, please contact Chris Bluett, Manager Strategic Planning on (02) 9391 7083 during business hours
- Our preference is for applications to be submitted online, however, we will accept hard copy applications
CLOSING DATE: Thursday 6 July 2017
Woollahra Council is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing a working environment that embraces and values diversity and inclusion. If you have any support or access requirements, we encourage you to advise us at time of application.
We value:
- Respect for people
- Integrity and excellent performance
- Professional, quality service
- Open, accountable communication
30. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of Queensland
Job no: 500838
Area: Faculty Of Engineering, Architecture & Info Tech
Salary (FTE): Academic Level C ($112,874.46 – $130,150.91)
Work type: Full Time – Continuing
Location: St Lucia
The School of Architecture offers a three year Bachelor of Architectural Design and a two year Master of Architecture that are professionally accredited. Postgraduate training in research is provided through the Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy. The School of Architecture has an international profile for its design education and the high quality of the buildings and publications of staff and graduates. It is the home to two successful research centres, the Centre for Architecture Theory Criticism and History (ATCH) and the Aboriginal Environments Research Centre (AERC).
The role
The successful appointee will have an international reputation for research that situates architectural design and discourse within broader cultural, social, economic, and political contexts. With scholarship in design of immediate relevance to the teaching of future architects, the successful candidate will develop innovative teaching that enhances students’ capacity to respond critically and constructively to social and technological change. New staff will have access to start-up funding in their first 12 months to assist in the development of their research activity.
The person
Candidates must possess a PhD in Architecture and have a proven track record of successful teaching and research in Design and History and Theory. A commitment to the internationalisation of architectural education is essential and it is expected that they establish collaborative studio engagements with universities and practices outside of Australia. Skills in building relationships with the profession, industry, government and the wider community will be valued. The candidate we seek will teach design, history and theory as mutually reinforcing, integrated modes of inquiry and develop innovative teaching and research projects of international significance.
The University of Queensland values diversity and inclusion. Applications are particularly encouraged from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
This is a full-time, continuing appointment at Academic Level C. The remuneration package will be in the range $112,874.46 – $130,150.91 p.a., plus employer superannuation contributions of up to 17% (total package will be in the range $132,063.12 – $152,276.56 p.a.). There is generous research support for new academic appointees.
For more information including the position description and to apply, follow this link and use the Apply button. All applicants must supply the following documents: Cover letter, Resume and Selection Criteria responses.
To discuss this role please contact Professor Sandra Kaji-O’Grady by email.
Applications close: 27 July 2017 (11:55 PM) E. Australia Standard Time
31. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Assessment Officer, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
The Department of Planning and Environment is the lead NSW Government agency in planning for a growing NSW.
- Are you interested in a challenging role managing the heritage of NSW in an evolving organisation?
- Do you want to contribute to the timely delivery of heritage approvals?
- Join our team of heritage specialists to provide effective heritage management solutions
The Department’s vision – Planning for a growing NSW: inspiring strong communities, protecting our environment – provides the benchmark for our partnership and leadership approach to engaging and working collaboratively with key State and Local Government, community and industry stakeholders to deliver better outcomes in the areas of planning, local government and the environment.
Agency overview: The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage is a part of the Planning and Environment Cluster. It aims to enrich life in NSW by helping the community to conserve and enjoy our environment and heritage.
Primary purpose of the role: The Heritage Officer undertakes the assessment of standard and complex development applications and recommends an approval pathway for applications that relate to items listed on the State Heritage Register and other statutory lists. The Heritage Officer also provides high level expert advice on heritage conservation documents that develop outcomes in accordance with State Government Policy and Legislation.
For more information about this role and to apply, visit the i work for nsw website.
Applications close: 11.59pm, 3 July 2017.
32. SITUATION VACANT Lecturer / Senior Lecturer: Architectural Design And History, University of Melbourne
The Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne seeks to appoint an outstanding academic with a passion for the field of Australian architectural history and architectural design. The successful candidate will have a research focus in Australian architectural history and heritage. The appointee will be capable of making significant contributions both in their areas of expertise as well as in the broader field of architecture, and have the desire to help build an architecture program of world excellence. As a multi-disciplinary Faculty, we welcome candidates who while focussing on architecture can contribute broadly to the Faculty’s research strengths, in this case, to the Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH). We also encourage applicants who can contribute to ongoing built environment related policy debate nationally and internationally.
The successful candidate will have a proven capability to make a significant contribution to teaching, research and engagement in Australian architectural history and architectural design. Their academic qualifications will be demonstrated through a strong track record in teaching and learning, research and engagement, with an emphasis on international dissemination of research findings and locally grounded knowledge.
For more information visit this link.
Closing date: 6 July 2017
Enquiries about the position should be directed to ABP’s Deputy Dean, A/Prof Andrew Hutson by email.
33. SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultants (various levels), Heritage 21, Sydney
About Heritage 21 (H21): H21 is a medium-sized heritage consultancy, based in Alexandria, specialising in cultural built heritage and operating throughout NSW for over 25 years. The clients of H21 vary from the home owner to State and Federal Government agencies; Local Councils; H21 assists town planners, architects, owners, managers and developers of heritage properties through the heritage approval process at both State and Local government levels.
What Heritage 21 offers: H21 is a flexible workplace and tries to ensure a good work/life balance for their employees.
Positions available at Heritage 21: Heritage 21 is recruiting for the right people to join the team; H21 is recruiting for various levels of expertise: entry level, intermediate (3-5 years’ experience) and/or senior positions (6 years’ plus). The roles and positions will vary due to the wide range of projects.
What Heritage 21 is looking for: H21 is looking to employ enthusiastic people, with a degree in heritage, architecture, urban design or related fields, and/or someone who may be studying towards a master of heritage conservation or similar. The right candidates will need to have effective communication skills, including an excellent command of the English language and excellent writing skills, with general research skills. H21 is looking for the right people, who will have the ability and willingness to take on a wide variety of tasks and have the determination for the development and knowledge of their heritage skills.
The roles are permanent full-time positions located at Alexandria. The successful applicants will be required to have appropriate tertiary qualifications. An attractive salary package, commensurate with experience, will be offered for each position.
Please email your resume to Diane Tipping; or for a confidential discussion/enquiry regarding these positions, please contact Diane Tipping on (02) 9519 2521.
Applications close 14 July 2017 – note extended deadline.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au