Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 581

  1. Imagined pasts…, imagined futures 2013 Australia ICOMOS conference – call for papers
  2. Tree Forum, WA, Friday 10 May
  3. Cultural landscapes and the Glass Mountains seminar, Friday 3 May
  4. 17th National Engineering Heritage Conference, Canberra, November 2013
  5. Architecture at the Ragged Edge of Empire symposium, Brisbane – call for abstracts
  6. Heritage Awards 2013, Sydney
  7. Mining, Materiality and Cultural Heritage, a one-day symposium, 17 May, QLD
  8. 47th Conference on Historic and Underwater Archaeology, Québec City, Canada – call for papers
  9. Heritage education focus for Melanesian Mission
  10. DOCOMOMO Australia / Australia ICOMOS – Sydney Talk Series
  11. Empire, faith and conflict conference, Fremantle, 3 – 5 October 2013
  12. Xi’an 2013 – International Conference of Modern Architecture Conservation – call for papers
  13. 9th International Masonry Conference, Portugal – call for abstracts
  14. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  15. New publication available for free download
  16. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Manager, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority


1. Imagined pasts…, imagined futures 2013 Australia ICOMOS conference – call for papers

Imagined pasts…, imagined futures
31 October-3November 2013
Canberra, Australia

Call for Papers

‘Imagined pasts…, imagined futures’ is an exciting multidisciplinary conference that coincides with the centenary of the founding of Canberra as the imagined capital for a new nation. Australia ICOMOS is partnering with the Museum of Australian Democracy in the unique setting of Old Parliament House to take advantage of this opportunity for reflection on the role of heritage in sustaining communities and as a means by which communities shape and imagine their futures. The conference is seeking diverse perspectives on and approaches to heritage—from indigenous, local, national and world heritage, to tangible and intangible heritage, from landscapes to virtual communities. Taking the imagining of the city of Canberra as our inspiration, we encourage a focus on imagination, innovation and creativity – in the past, for the present and the future.

We now welcome abstracts for papers, presentations and performances that relate to the conference themes and sessions found on the conference website. Overviews, reviews, reflections and case studies concerning heritage from anywhere in the world are encouraged.

Abstracts should contain the following information:

  • Your name, contact details and affiliation
  • Title of paper
  • Suggested Theme or Session for your paper [please also nominate whether your paper is a full paper (20 mins) or a snapshot (10 mins)]
  • A succinct abstract of your paper, presentation or performance of 250 words

The deadline for abstracts for individual papers is 30 April 2013.

Please email proposals to Tracy Ireland (Conference Organising Committee).

Abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Academic Committee and you will be notified of acceptance during May 2013.

Selected papers and/or sessions will be published in Historic Environment.

Early bird Registration for ICOMOS Members (Full and Associate) $495, Non Members $595

(Registration will open in May 2013)

The main event at Old Parliament House will be preceded by a specialist Symposium on Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes in the 21st Century Issues and Opportunities, so delegates visiting Canberra will have the opportunity to attend both the Symposium and Conference.


2. Tree Forum, WA, Friday 10 May

Following on from the Landscape Forum in 2011, which involved people from the National Trust of WA, ICOMOS and the Australian Garden History Society, Australian Garden History Society’s WA branch running a Tree Forum on Friday 10 May, with sponsorship from the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects, Ellenby Tree Farms and the Arbor Centre.

Most of the concerns raised at the Landscape Forum related to the lack of protection for trees in the metropolitan area and on the fringes, including orchards in the hills and the vineyards and old olive trees in the Swan Valley. Therefore we are running a Tree Forum in order to provide an opportunity for a cross-section of experts and enthusiasts to engage in a dialogue about trees in Perth and beyond. Some of the speakers will be familiar to those who attended the Landscape Forum, including Craig Burton and Stuart Read, but we also have Australia ICOMOS expert Jane Lennon presenting on trees as markers in cultural landscapes.

Click here to register.

If necessary, it is possible to register by obtaining an invoice and payment via bank to bank transfer or by cheque. In either case, please email Caroline Grant.

Download the Tree Forum flier.


3. Cultural landscapes and the Glass Mountains seminar, Friday 3 May

Cultural landscapes and the Glass House Mountains
A seminar about the heritage values of landscapes, using the Glass House Mountains as a case study

This event is supported by the Sunshine Coast Regional Council’s Cultural Heritage Levy. Hear engaging speakers and join the discussion with local people.

DATE & TIME: 10.00 am – 4.00 pm, Friday 3 May 2013

VENUE: Bankfoot House, 1998 Old Gympie Road, Glass House Mountains

COST: Residents of the Sunshine Coast $30.00; Non Residents $40.00

See the Glass House Mountains Cultural Landscapes Seminar Invitation for further information about this event, including details on how to book your place.


4. 17th National Engineering Heritage Conference, Canberra, November 2013

The 17th National Engineering Heritage Conference is to be held 17–20 November 2013, at the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra. It is hosted and organised by the Canberra Division of Engineers Australia and Engineering Heritage Australia and is being held in Canberra as part of the Centenary celebrations of the naming of the city. The theme, “Canberra 100 – Building the Capital, Building the Nation”, has been selected to highlight the contribution all states and territories of the Commonwealth have played in creating and sustaining the nation and its capital. A pre-conference tour is also planned covering, among other things, some of the sites that were considered for the National Capital.

The call for abstracts has officially closed, but proposals for papers can still be considered if they are emailed directly to Keith Baker within the next week. More information is available at the conference website.


5. Architecture at the Ragged Edge of Empire symposium, Brisbane – call for abstracts

Architecture at the Ragged Edge of Empire: Race, Place, Taste and the Colonial Context
Brisbane, Australia
27-28 June 2013

In his History of Queensland (2007), the historian Raymond Evans described the penal outpost of Moreton Bay (est. 1824 and later to become the colony of Queensland in 1859) as existing at the “ragged edge of Empire.” Initially a site of secondary punishment¬¬ for reoffending convicts, ensuring it was both geographically and morally remote from the imperial centre, the later colony was also climatically diverse (ranging from the sub-tropical to the tropical), racially conflicted (the Indigenous population at times outnumbering convicts and settlers four to one) and ethnically diverse (having the highest percentage of mainland European migrants within the Australian colonies). Undermining the ideal of a homogenous (British) settlement, such contingencies also effectively threatened, in the words of Evans, to undermine the creation of a new Britannia in the Southern semi-tropics.

The aim of the symposium Architecture at the Ragged Edge of Empire: Race, Place, Taste and the Colonial Context is to consider factors or contingencies of the colonial experience that challenged, worked against, or sat alongside the more formal (governmental) representations of colonisation. It will also consider their impact on, or expression through, colonial and/or settler architecture. While colonial architecture is often assumed to approximate that of ‘home’, especially in formal and material terms, a question regarding architecture’s disciplinarity –it’s conceptual framing as an aesthetic or a high art – is often difficult to reconcile with the climatic, geographical, ethnic and racial complexity of the colonial context. By attaching architecture to philosophical and aesthetic concepts of beauty (such as the sublime or picturesque) and artistic agency (imagination, association, genius or judgement), western architecture has also been historically linked to specific climatic, racial and social ideals. Building on Kay Anderson’s thesis (2002) that European contact with Australian Aborigines generated a “crisis” for Enlightenment ideals of humanism, the symposium seeks to consider whether the climatic, geographical, racial and ethnic variations presented by the colonial context also challenged and/or altered western conceptions of architectural practice.

Papers that consider factors or contingencies that challenge the colonial context and its architectural representation are invited. These may explore but are not limited to the following topics:


While the deterministic role of climate and landscape on colonial architecture is commonly argued, the disciplinary positioning of architecture within the colonial context is rarely considered. How was the practice of architecture framed or viewed by architects working in colonial settings? Could the entanglement of taste (architecture as a cultivated rather than mechanical art, painting instead of engineering) be maintained? What effect did the topographical and climatic diversity revealed by colonisation have? Was architecture rendered mute or reduced to a technical practice in such circumstances? Was it possible to cultivate an artistic practice or architectural culture within tropical/sub-tropical/arid settings? Did the aspiring artist/architect need to leave for more temperate climes in order to develop an aesthetic sense or could these concerns be addressed locally (southern versus northern colonies, or east versus west)? Or, from a slightly difference perspective, did colonial communities view climate as degenerate or redemptive, and did climate theorists explicitly address the arts/ architecture alongside the problems of labour and national character?


While British colonial institutions governed the early penal and settler societies of Australia, the populations of these new communities were often heterogeneous, ethnically diverse, and racially conflicted. In Australia, this was perhaps made most explicit by the imbalance of settler and indigenous populations and the conflict and dispossession that resulted, and further complicated by the ethnic diversity of settler populations themselves. Such conditions were often mirrored in colonial settlements the world over.

While racial and ethnic diversity and conflict are acknowledged as attributes of the colonial condition, their impact on the architecture of white settlement is less considered. How did issues of race, ethnic heterogeneity, hybrid populations or racial conflict impact on colonial architectural practice? Did architecture participate in broader agendas of cultural representation, racial division and/or ‘reform’? Did ethnic and racial diversity challenge the authority of colonial institutions and/or Enlightenment and humanitarian values of universality and equality? Were “hybrid” communities viewed, in accordance with nineteenth century theories on race—as potentially infertile, unproductive and lacking in character (Young 1995, Beasley 2010)— or did they make explicit and support alternative models, such cosmopolitanism? Was the ‘other,’ external or internal, framed by discourses other than that of colonisation or ‘empire’?


A final issue to consider is the problem of taste. Within Australia, colonised initially under a penal system and later through free settlement and migration schemes, significant proportions of early populations were often illiterate or semiliterate, valued for their physical labour rather than their intellectual capacity. Cultural refinement, as Evans has suggested, though not entirely lacking, often remained somewhat at a discount—at best a luxury and at worst a distraction. What role did the concept of ‘taste’ play in these societies? What was the impact on the practice of architecture of such a demographic mix? How was architecture viewed by such communities (technical practice or higher art) and was it valued? Did architecture, and the broader arts, play a role in the lives, education and ‘improvement’ of such communities or was it the sole domain of government and a wealthy elite? Was a culture of architectural taste developed and if so how and by whom?

This symposium invites papers that consider the above and related issues, both within Australia and other colonial contexts. We invite abstracts of up to 300 words for 20-minute papers.

Please submit abstracts to Deborah van der Plaat via email no later than 10 May 2013.


6. Heritage Awards 2013, Sydney

The President Mr Ian Carroll OAM, The Chief Executive Officer Mr Brian Scarsbrick AM and the Board Members of the National Trust of Australia (NSW) invite you to the Heritage Awards 2013, to be held at the heritage-listed Doltone House Jones Bay Wharf.

Time & Date
Wednesday 8 May, 11.30am-2.00pm

Venue & Parking
Doltone House – South Pier, Piers 19-21 Upper Deck
26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont Point, NSW

Click on the following link for Venue Parking information: JBW Invitation Directions Map

Flat rate $14 at Wilson’s Jones Bay Wharf Car Park, must be validated at the venue

RSVP & Cost
Early Bird RSVP Friday 19 April

  • Single tickets $95
  • Table of 10 $900

RSVP Tuesday 30 April

  • Single tickets $105
  • Table of 10 $1000


Please inform us of any special requirements

Dress Code

Please Note New Venue & New Day

Click here


7. Mining, Materiality and Cultural Heritage, a one-day symposium, 17 May, QLD

Mining, Materiality and Cultural Heritage: one-day symposium
Dr Kirsty Gillespie, Professor Ian Lilley, Dr Diana Young
Friday 17 May 2013

Time: 10.00am – 12 noon
Location: University of Queensland, Level 4 Seminar Room, Sir James Foots Building (47A) (St Lucia)

The Call for Papers closes Monday 22 April.

The exhibition ‘Musical Landscapes of Lihir’, currently showing at the University of Queensland’s Anthropology Museum, addresses the relationship of mining and cultural heritage. In Lihir, New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea, gold mining has impacted on the local and regional economy enabling, amongst other things, increased access to consumer goods and a correspondingly increased level of kastom – feasting that pays for performance and ancestral maintenance.

In conjunction with this exhibition a one-day symposium will explore scholarly approaches to the intersection between resource industries, materiality and cultural life. The symposium aims to connect with the growing concern, amongst people who experience resource industry activity in the place where they live, to strike a balance between an engagement with economic growth and development, and the maintenance of cultural identity. Registration for the symposium is free.

Symposium convenors:
Dr Kirsty Gillespie
Professor Ian Lilley
Dr Andrew Sneddon

Dr Diana Young


8. 47th Conference on Historic and Underwater Archaeology, Québec City, Canada – call for papers

SHA Québec 2014 – 47th Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology
8-12 January 2014, Québec City, Canada

The Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA) and Advisory Council for Underwater Archaeology (ACUA) present the 47th Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, to be held 8-12 January 2014, in Québec City, Canada, on the theme “Questions That Count: A critical evaluation of historical archaeology in the 21st Century”.

The call for papers is available at the conference website.

Follow the conference on Twitter: #sha2014.

The Call for Papers is open from 1 May to 10 July 2013.


9. Heritage education focus for Melanesian Mission

Excerpt from Voxy website

The Heritage of Education is the theme of this year’s International Day for Monuments and Sites on April 18 – a day that highlights and celebrates different aspects of heritage, organised by ICOMOS (the International Council on Monuments and Sites).

And according to the NZ Historic Places Trust’s Heritage Adviser Registration, Martin Jones, one iconic building in Auckland’s Eastern suburbs fits the education heritage criteria perfectly.

“Most people are aware of the Melanesian Mission building at Mission Bay, but its long and diverse history of education may not be quite so well known,” says Martin.

Built in 1859 of basalt quarried from Rangitoto Island, the mission building was originally part of St Andrew’s College – an Anglican institution for the Christian education of boys from Melanesia.

Read the entire article


10. DOCOMOMO Australia / Australia ICOMOS – Sydney Talk Series

Japans Industrial Revolution – worth valuing?

Nirayama Furnaces

Japan’s heritage is often thought of as wooden temples, stone based castles, cherry blossom and Mount Fuji but there is a reasonable amount of heritage relating to the early period of industrialisation – Japans Industrial Revolution as some call it, which occurred from 1850 to 1912. The modernisation of Japan was a significant event in the late 19th century where a near colony dominated by Imperial powers rose to modernise, defeat Russia and become a colonial power in its own right all in about 50 years. One might even call it an outstanding event and suggest that surviving sites might indeed have universal and outstanding values worthy of World Heritage listing.

The KY World Heritage project began by the recognition by some Japanese, principally Ms Koko Kato, that some sites may have UOV. This idea garnered support to form a committee with funding available to undertake investigation and inspections. Dr Iain Stuart and Dr Michael Pearson are Australian ICOMITES on the panel of official foreign advisors to the KY committee. We have the role of assisting the representatives of the Japanese Government and other interest groups prepare a Draft Nomination document.

This talk by Dr Iain Stuart, speaking in a personal capacity, outlines the key places under consideration and their historical context, with comments on the process of nomination and how the project has evolved over time.

Dr Iain Stuart is an archaeologist who has worked in Government and in private industry over the last 30 years. He considers himself “from Melbourne” although he has lived in Sydney since 1993. He is a Board Member of TICCIH and of the Australasian Society of Historical Archaeology as well as being a long-term member of ICOMOS.

Members of the public are welcome!

Time & Date: Thursday 2 May 2013, 5.30pm for 6pm start
Cost: Members $7, non-members $12, payable at the door. Wine and nibbles will be provided.
Venue: Godden Mackay Logan, 78 George Street, Redfern
RSVP: email Jane Vernon or call (02) 9319 4811. Please note: RSVP is essential as places are limited.


11. Empire, faith and conflict conference, Fremantle, 3 – 5 October 2013

Empire, faith and conflict
3 – 5 October 2013
Fremantle, WA

On the eve of the centenary of the Great War, the World History Association and the Australian Historical Association have combined forces to deliver this unique event which will consider the intersection of empire, faith and conflict in world history.

The University of Notre Dame Australia is proud to host this event on its Fremantle campus.

Proposals for conference papers, panels and posters are now welcome. Papers are invited from scholars and postgraduate students of all historical traditions, periods and genres, including the Ancient, Medieval and Modern ages.

Session themes might include (but are not limited to) imperialism; science and faith; mission; church history; military history; gender studies; colonisation and post-colonialism; trans-national, regional and national histories; historiography; art, artefacts and visual evidence; strategy, security, terrorism and diplomacy; faith in war; and myth and legend.

To submit your conference proposal click here and follow the links. More information about the call for submissions is available by clicking here.

Registration is now open. For more information visit the conference website.


12. Xi’an 2013 – International Conference of Modern Architecture Conservation – call for papers

Xi’an 2013 – International Conference of Modern Architecture Conservation
Other MoMo, Other Heritage
8-10 October 2013
Xi’an, China

Deadline for submissions: 1 June 2013

Conference themes

  • The Travels of Archi-MoMo
  • MoMo of East & West
  • MoMo in A.O (Asia & Oceania)
  • Xtreme MoMo
  • Historic City Walls and Modern Metropolitan

For further information, see the 2013 Xi’an Conference – Other MoMo Other Heritage call for papers.


13. 9th International Masonry Conference, Portugal – call for abstracts

9th International Masonry Conference
Guimarães, Portugal
7-9 July 2014

The 9th International Masonry Conference is a joint initiative from the University of Minho and the International Masonry Society. This Conference series has become a great forum for dissemination of the latest scientific and technical developments, and for the exchange of new ideas in emerging topics in masonry.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 30 June 2013. The abstracts should be submitted through the conference website after the registration of the authors “First time registration” and accessing the “Restricted Area. You should select the option “Author” to proceed with the submission process. In your private area you can also track the abstract status. Note that in the submission you can choose from a topic or a special session, according to the subject of your abstract. For details about the topics and special sessions, please check the conference website.


14. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


15. New publication available for free download

We’re a dreaming country: guidelines for the interpretation of Aboriginal heritage

Prof Carmen Lawrence launched the latest National Trust of Australia (WA) publication We’re a dreaming country: guidelines for the interpretation of Aboriginal heritage as part of celebrations for International Day of Monuments and Sites. The guidelines have been developed to ensure respect, acknowledgement and ownership of Aboriginal place and story unfolds in a respectful and sensitive way for a variety of audiences. It has been written for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people working on the interpretation of Aboriginal heritage.

We’re a dreaming country: guidelines of the interpretation of Aboriginal heritage can be downloaded free by clicking here (publication available under the heading “Guidelines for Interpretation of Aboriginal Heritage”).


16. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Manager, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority

Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA)
Conservation Manager
Salary Range: $93,957-$100,355

PAHSMA manages three of the eleven sites in the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage property: the Port Arthur Historic Site, Coal Mines Historic Site and Cascades Female Factory Historic Site. The first two are located on the Tasman Peninsula, while the Female Factory is in South Hobart. We were looking for a Conservation Manager, who will be responsible for managing capital and maintenance works relating to the conservation of historic fabric and structures and ensuring that the cultural heritage values of the Port Arthur Historic Sites are maintained and protected. This position will be part of the management team within the Conservation and Infrastructure Department, and is based at the Port Arthur Historic Site.

Job kits (including Statement of Duties and Selection Criteria) can be obtained from the Human Resources Coordinator (contact details below), the Port Arthur Historic Site website or the Tasmanian Government Jobs website.

Enquiries to: Dr Jane Harrington, Director Conservation & Infrastructure, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Port Arthur, Tasmania 7182, phone (03) 6251 2330, fax (03) 6251 2322, mobile 0409 344 598, or email Jane.

Applications (addressing selection criteria) to: Philip Johnston, Human Resources Coordinator, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Port Arthur, Tasmania 7182, phone (03) 6251 2357, fax (03) 6251 2322, or email Philip.

Closing Date: Monday 29 April 2013


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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