Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 579

  1. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications
  2. International Day for Monuments and Sites event – Australia
  3. Victorian Heritage Council Annual Heritage Address, Monday 15 April
  4. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific Seminar, Deakin University (VIC)
  5. Vacancies – Heritage Council of Victoria
  6. EHV Talk: 18 April 2013 – The Engineering of Budj Bim
  7. Imagined pasts…, imagined futures 2013 Australia ICOMOS conference – call for papers
  8. Cultural landscapes and the Glass Mountains seminar, Friday 3 May
  9. ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2013
  10. DOCOMOMO Australia / Australia ICOMOS – Sydney Talk Series
  11. ANU Heritage Tours for National Heritage Week (13-21 April 2013)
  12. “Spirit of Place” lecture by Professor Laurence Loh Kwong Yu, UNSW (Sydney), Tuesday 16 April
  13. Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioners Workshop
  14. Preserving war heritage and memorabilia fact sheets
  15. “Filling the Gaps: World Heritage & the 20th Century” conference, Chandigarh, India, 3-4 October 2013
  16. ICOMOS Scientific Symposium 2013 – call for abstracts
  17. Australian Heritage Conference, Rymill House (SA), 18 April 2013
  18. Australia ICOMOS 2012 National Symposium report available online
  19. 15th International Conference of National Trusts, Uganda, September-October 2013
  20. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin (& seminar schedule) available
  21. Australasian Urban History/Planning History Group Biennial Conference, 2-5 February 2014
  22. Call for Papers: The Venice Charter at Fifty issue of Change Over Time
  23. Crinigan’s Hut Open Day, Sunday 21 April
  24. Latest Global Heritage Review (GHR) bulletin available online
  25. News from World Monuments Fund
  26. News from ICCROM
  27. Announcement from AAA 2013 Organisers: Extension of Session Proposal Deadline
  28. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Manager, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority


1. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications

There are many benefits in joining ICOMOS – not only the fantastic people you will meet but Membership of Australia ICOMOS brings discounts at ICOMOS functions, at many conferences in Australia and internationally and on ICOMOS publications. The E-mail News provides a weekly bulletin board of information and events in Australia and overseas, including state based events, conferences and site visits, as well as information on heritage publications, funding and grant opportunities, course details and job offers. Members also receive a number of issues annually of the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment. Applications for members to join the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) are encouraged from all states and territories. For Young Professional and full Members, the International ICOMOS card gives free or reduced rate entry to many historic and cultural sites.

Australia ICOMOS welcomes new members and would like to encourage students and young cultural heritage graduates to apply for membership. There are various membership categories and applications can be to be made to the Secretariat:

  • Those who are interested in ICOMOS but who do not meet the requirements for full membership, or else do not have heritage conservation as their core focus, could apply to become Associates of ICOMOS
  • Those at the beginning of a career in architecture, archaeology, planning or history with 3 years experience and who are under 30 years of age may be eligible for Young Professional membership at reduced rates

For further information go to the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website, or download the Australia ICOMOS 2013 Membership Application Form.

Membership applications are only considered at meetings of the Executive Committee – in order for your application to be considered at the February 2013 Executive Committee meeting, please submit it to the Secretariat by COB Thursday 25 April 2013.

If further information is required, email the Membership Secretary, John Wadsley.


2. International Day for Monuments and Sites events – Australia

Brisbane, Thursday 18 April

National Trust of Queensland and Australia ICOMOS (Queensland) present The Launch of the National Trust Heritage Festival in Queensland and The Celebration of ICOMOS International Day for Monuments and Sites

2.00 pm – 5.00 pm, 18 April 2013
Old Government House, George Street, Brisbane

For further details, see the QLD Heritage Festival Launch & ICOMOS Seminar 18 APRIL 2013 flier.

In presenting this event, the National Trust and Australia ICOMOS greatly appreciate the support of: The Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, Old Government House and QUT.


Perth, Tuesday 16 April

“The History of Education and the Values of Cultural Heritage” lecture, WA

Prof Ian Reid has had a long career in university education and was behind the establishment of Curtin’s now defunct Research Institute for Cultural Heritage. He was also President of Museums Australia in WA and has made significant contributions to the debates around training and education opportunities associated with cultural heritage. Ian’s lecture addresses the theme of this year’s International Day of Monuments and Sites and is held in conjunction with the National Trust of Australia (WA) and the University of Western Australia’s Institute of Advanced Studies.

Time & Date: Tuesday 16 April, 6pm
Venue: Webb Lecture Theatre, Geography Building, UWA

Free but bookings essential. See the The History of Education and the Values of Cultural Heritage for details.


Sydney, Thursday 18 April

“Education in different geo-cultural contexts” seminar

Australia ICOMOS, in collaboration with Sydney Institute TAFE NSW & the National Trust of Australia (NSW) Heritage Festival present this seminar and a guided walking tour of TAFE buildings – 2 Groups of max. 15 each with a stop at the library for a brief presentation by the archivist.

Date: Thursday 18 April
Time: Tour: 3.30 – 5.15pm; Seminar: 5.15pm for 6.00 – 7.00pm
Venue: The Muse, Building C, entrance via 695 Harris Street, Sydney TAFE, Ultimo
Cost: ICOMOS, National Trust Members & SIT students $10, Non-members $15

For further information, including booking details, download the ‘Education in different geo-cultural contexts’ seminar flier.


Adelaide, Monday 22 April

Visit to Adelaide by Professor Laurence Loh, Architect
Hosted by The Adelaide City Council in Association with Australia ICOMOS

Date & Time: Monday 22 April, 5.45pm for 6pm start, with drinks after the event

Venue: Adelaide Town Hall, Queen Adelaide Room

THIS IS A FREE EVENT, with a renowned international speaker and promises to be a lively and stimulating lecture followed by refreshments afterwards. Please RSVP to Deborah Lindsay via email by Thursday 18 April (to provide us with an idea of numbers).

More information is available in the Prof Laurence Loh talk – 22 April 2013, Adelaise Town Hall flier.


3. Victorian Heritage Council Annual Heritage Address, Monday 15 April

Presumed Ned: The Discovery of the Lost Pentridge Burials

In January this year, Ned Kelly’s remains were finally laid to rest beside his mother, 133 years after his death. It has taken a decade of archaeological, historical and forensic sleuthing to uncover the convoluted story of Kelly’s remains.

Launching the Australian Heritage Week in Victoria, this year’s Heritage Address will be chaired by renowned historian Andrew May with archaeologist Jeremy Smith speaking on the quest to find Ned and the lost Pentridge burials.

Date & Time: Monday 15 April 2013, 6.00pm

Location: Museum Theatre, Melbourne Museum, Carlton Gardens

Bookings essential: email the Museum by 12 April

Download the 2013 Annual Heritage Address flier.


4. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific Seminar, Deakin University (VIC)

Deakin’s next cultural heritage seminar will be on Tuesday 23 April at the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. Cliff Ogleby from the University of Melbourne will speak on ‘The Joint Historical Archaeological Survey of the Anzac area, Gallipoli’.

This presentation will give an overview and preliminary results from the three government historical archaeological survey being undertaken on the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey. There have been three seasons of work to date, involving people from the University of Melbourne, The Australian Government, the New Zealand Government, the Turkish Government and the 18th March University in Canakkale.

The expedition combines extensive ground investigation looking for the remains of trenches and tunnels, the collection and conservation of artefacts, and mapping the results in a Geographic Information System. The 2012 season also employed ground penetrating radar (GPR) to detect trench remains under the main monuments at Lone Pine and the surrounds, The Nek and the car park at the 57th Battalion memorial.

Cliff is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Infrastructure Engineering at the University of Melbourne. He has over 30 years experience in the recording and documentation of cultural monuments, ranging from archaeological sites to rock paintings to buildings and structures. He is a foundation member of Australia ICOMOS, and has served on the ICOMOS ISC CIPA Heritage Documentation executive including 3 years as President. Cliff applies modern measurement and mapping technologies including photogrammetry, GIS, GPS, 3d laser scanning and field survey in archaeology and heritage documentation. He is also a member of the JHAS Gallipoli team.

Location  (note new venue)

Royal Historical Society of Victoria
239 A’Beckett Street
Melbourne (entry via William Street)

Date & Time

Tuesday 23 April , starting at 5.30pm

For further information or to RSVP, please email Steven Cooke.


5. Vacancies – Heritage Council of Victoria

Australia ICOMOS has been contacted by the Heritage Council of Victoria to provide information regarding the current vacancies on the Heritage Council of Victoria and also to endorse a candidate who is an ICOMOS member.

This year the Minister for Planning, the Hon. Matthew Guy MLC, is seeking expressions of interest from:

  • individuals with recognised skills in archaeology
  • individuals with recognised skills in engineering or building construction

Two individuals, each with skills in one of these areas will be appointed as members of the Heritage Council. A further two individuals will be appointed as alternate members. These appointments will be from 1 July 2013 for three years.

Women, Indigenous persons, people with a disability, young persons and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

To find out more and download application documents, visit the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) website.

Call for Expressions of Interest from Australia ICOMOS Members for endorsed nomination to the Heritage Council of Victoria

While Australia ICOMOS (AI) members can submit a personal application, members in Victoria are also invited to submit an expression of interest for endorsement by AI for nomination to the Heritage Council of Victoria. You must be a full member of AI to be eligible for endorsed nomination. It must be noted that selection as a nominee endorsed by AI does not ensure appointment by the Heritage Council.

Anyone considering nomination should be prepared to make a substantial commitment in terms of time and expertise and should demonstrate they have relevant qualifications, expertise or experience that meet the criteria outlined above.

Expressions of Interest for this position as an AI endorsed nominee will be considered by a subcommittee and recommendations will be endorsed by the Executive Committee.

If you are interested in being considered as an AI endorsed nominee please email:

  • A short CV
  • A written statement (no more than 500 words) briefly outlining your qualifications, relevant experience and work history and why you want to be a member of the Heritage Council of Victoria

to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat no later than COB Wednesday 17 April. We suggest you also refer to the application requirements as outlined at the DPCD website link provided above – please also refer to this website for further details.


6. EHV Talk: 18 April 2013 – The Engineering of Budj Bim

The Engineering of Budj Bim and the evolution of a societal structure in Aboriginal Australia
Presented by Bill Jordan, FIEAust CEPng

Date & time
Thursday 18th April 2013
Time: 5:30pm (for refreshments), 6:00pm start

Engineers Australia, John Connell Auditorium
21 Bedford Street, North Melbourne VIC

Click here to register for this event


  • EA Members – free
  • National Trust of Australia (Victoria), Museum Victoria (Staff and Members), The Royal Society of Victoria, The Archaeological and Anthropological Society of Victoria are able to register free via the registration process
  • Members can register their partners free via the registration process
  • Non Members – $30

Hosted By
Engineering Heritage Victoria (EHV)

Presentation Outline

In the minds of most present day Australians, both indigenous and non–indigenous, “engineering” came to the continent with the first Europeans. However, if one looks at the broadest definition of engineering as stated by the founders of the Institution of Civil Engineers, “…the profession of a civil engineer, being the art of directing the great sources of power in Nature for the use and convenience of man.”, then there were excellent examples present in this country which may pre-date many European civilisations. The paper will survey the works involved with a particular emphasis on the aquaculture structures at Lake Condah and nearby localities in western Victoria.

About the Speaker

Bill Jordan is a consulting structural and conservation engineer, specialising in heritage buildings and structures. He has been a board member of Engineering Heritage Australia since 1991, chairing it in 1997-98. He is the author or co-author of a number of papers on conservation and restoration. In recent years Bill’s principal duties as an EHA board member have included a five year term chairing the plaquing program committee, and again taking over as chair of the renamed heritage recognition program in 2010, editorship of the EHA Newsletter and responsibility for developing the EHA policy for registration of conservation engineers and preparation of EHA’s heritage and conservation guidelines.

Click here to download the event flier.


7. Imagined pasts…, imagined futures 2013 Australia ICOMOS conference – call for papers

Imagined pasts…, imagined futures
31 October-3November 2013
Canberra, Australia

Call for Papers

‘Imagined pasts…, imagined futures’ is an exciting multidisciplinary conference that coincides with the centenary of the founding of Canberra as the imagined capital for a new nation. Australia ICOMOS is partnering with the Museum of Australian Democracy in the unique setting of Old Parliament House to take advantage of this opportunity for reflection on the role of heritage in sustaining communities and as a means by which communities shape and imagine their futures. The conference is seeking diverse perspectives on and approaches to heritage—from indigenous, local, national and world heritage, to tangible and intangible heritage, from landscapes to virtual communities. Taking the imagining of the city of Canberra as our inspiration, we encourage a focus on imagination, innovation and creativity – in the past, for the present and the future.

We now welcome abstracts for papers, presentations and performances that relate to the conference themes and sessions found on the conference website. Overviews, reviews, reflections and case studies concerning heritage from anywhere in the world are encouraged.

Abstracts should contain the following information:

  • Your name, contact details and affiliation
  • Title of paper
  • Suggested Theme or Session for your paper [please also nominate whether your paper is a full paper (20 mins) or a snapshot (10 mins)]
  • A succinct abstract of your paper, presentation or performance of 250 words

The deadline for abstracts for individual papers is 30 April 2013.

Please email proposals to Tracy Ireland (Conference Organising Committee).

Abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Academic Committee and you will be notified of acceptance during May 2013.

Selected papers and/or sessions will be published in Historic Environment.

Early bird Registration for ICOMOS Members (Full and Associate) $495, Non Members $595

(Registration will open in May 2013)

The main event at Old Parliament House will be preceded by a specialist Symposium on Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes in the 21st Century Issues and Opportunities, so delegates visiting Canberra will have the opportunity to attend both the Symposium and Conference.


8. Cultural landscapes and the Glass Mountains seminar, Friday 3 May

Cultural landscapes and the Glass House Mountains
A seminar about the heritage values of landscapes, using the Glass House Mountains as a case study

This event is supported by the Sunshine Coast Regional Council’s Cultural Heritage Levy. Hear engaging speakers and join the discussion with local people.

DATE & TIME: 10.00 am – 4.00 pm, Friday 3 May 2013

VENUE: Bankfoot House, 1998 Old Gympie Road, Glass House Mountains

COST: Residents of the Sunshine Coast $30.00; Non Residents $40.00

See the Glass House Mountains Cultural Landscapes Seminar Invitation for further information about this event, including details on how to book your place.


9. ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2013

ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2013
A Centenary of Celebrating heritage – The Centenary of Canberra 2013

Date: Saturday 20 July 2013
Time: 8.30am to 5pm
Venue: Sir Roland Wilson Building Theatre, Bldg 120, ANU campus
Cost: $70 full, $50 members of the host organizations, $30 concession & full-time students


  • Presenting Canberra’s heritage through a range of media
  • How to reach the non-believer – significant places accessible to all
  • Collections maketh the memories
  • Bureaucratic and boring – where’s the fun in Canberra?
  • What happened before the Federal bubble burst on this Limestone Plain?

Call for Presentations

Refer to the ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium – Call for Presentations for further information.

Deadline for submissions: Friday 3 May.


10. DOCOMOMO Australia / Australia ICOMOS – Sydney Talk Series

Japans Industrial Revolution – worth valuing?

Nirayama Furnaces

Japan’s heritage is often thought of as wooden temples, stone based castles, cherry blossom and Mount Fuji but there is a reasonable amount of heritage relating to the early period of industrialisation – Japans Industrial Revolution as some call it, which occurred from 1850 to 1912. The modernisation of Japan was a significant event in the late 19th century where a near colony dominated by Imperial powers rose to modernise, defeat Russia and become a colonial power in its own right all in about 50 years. One might even call it an outstanding event and suggest that surviving sites might indeed have universal and outstanding values worthy of World Heritage listing.

The KY World Heritage project began by the recognition by some Japanese, principally Ms Koko Kato, that some sites may have UOV. This idea garnered support to form a committee with funding available to undertake investigation and inspections. Dr Iain Stuart and Dr Michael Pearson are Australian ICOMITES on the panel of official foreign advisors to the KY committee. We have the role of assisting the representatives of the Japanese Government and other interest groups prepare a Draft Nomination document.

This talk by Dr Iain Stuart, speaking in a personal capacity, outlines the key places under consideration and their historical context, with comments on the process of nomination and how the project has evolved over time.

Dr Iain Stuart is an archaeologist who has worked in Government and in private industry over the last 30 years. He considers himself “from Melbourne” although he has lived in Sydney since 1993. He is a Board Member of TICCIH and of the Australasian Society of Historical Archaeology as well as being a long-term member of ICOMOS.

Members of the public are welcome!

Time & Date: Thursday 2 May 2013, 5.30pm for 6pm start
Cost: Members $7, non-members $12, payable at the door. Wine and nibbles will be provided.
Venue: Godden Mackay Logan, 78 George Street, Redfern
RSVP: email Jane Vernon or call (02) 9319 4811. Please note: RSVP is essential as places are limited.


11. ANU Heritage Tours for National Heritage Week (13-21 April 2013)

The Australian National University (ANU) is running a suite of tours to coincide with National Heritage Week. The tours are 1.5hrs in duration and cover different themes and areas of the ANU Acton campus.

Acton Conservation Area Tour
Monday April 15 2013, 12.30pm – Meeting at Old Canberra House

This tour of the Commonwealth Heritage Listed Acton Conservation Area of the ANU Acton Campus demonstrates life in the early days of Canberra’s establishment as the National Capital. The tour will lead participants through the southern portion of ANU, showcasing some of Canberra’s earliest buildings, such as Old Canberra House (1913) and the remnant buildings of the Canberra Community Hospital (1914-42).

Political History of ANU Tour
Tuesday April 16 2013, 12.30pm – Meeting at the Street Theatre

The Political History of ANU tour highlights the University’s political past, ranging from its establishment by an Act of Parliament in 1946 to the antics of would be Prime Ministers, student protestors and self-proclaimed ‘political rat-bags’. This tour will take you through the northeastern portion of the Acton Campus and highlight some of the places and faces which have contributed to the political history of the ANU. Participants will hear about notorious student protests which changed the way students were engaged at ANU, important political decisions which shaped the way ANU developed and even some drunken antics.

Landscape of ANU Tour
Wednesday April 17 2013, 12.30pm – Meeting at the Street Theatre

The landscape is a defining feature of the Acton campus and varies character. From remnant trees which pre-date ANU to plantings by Lindsay Pryor – this tour will inform those interested in learning about both the planning and planting of the campus. This walking tour will take participants through the northern portion of the campus, outlining the significant natural and cultural plantings as well as the significant aspects of the campus’ planning. You will see the oldest tree on the campus, learn more about Sullivan’s Creek and understand the significant planning decisions which led to the campus you see today.

Architecture of ANU Tour
Friday April 19 2013, 12.30pm – Meeting at the Street Theatre

The Architecture of ANU tour will explore the veritable smorgasbord of architectural styles at ANU and how these have evolved from 1911 to today. Once described as an architectural ‘Disneyland’ ANU has examples of buildings designed in 1911 and 2013 and all the significant eras in between. This tour will showcase these early Canberra buildings in contrast to the Brutalist styles of the 1960s, and the modern obsession with concrete.


12. “Spirit of Place” lecture by Professor Laurence Loh Kwong Yu, UNSW (Sydney), Tuesday 16 April

Illustrated Lecture on “Spirit of Place”
Presented by Professor Laurence Loh Kwong Yu, University of Hong Kong, China

Date & Time: Tuesday 16 April, 4.30-5.30pm

Venue: Old Main Building G31, University of NSW (UNSW) Kensington Campus, (enter via Gate 14 Barker Street, Kingsford)

RSVP: by email to Danielle Del Pizzo by Friday 12 April

For further information, see the Spirit of Place seminar flier.


13. Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioners Workshop

Friday 17 May 2013

The next SHAP workshop will be held on Friday 17 May 2013 to kick off Sydney’s National Archaeology Week activities. AHMS and JCIS are hosting, at the Big Dig Centre in The Rocks. This year we are structuring the workshop around the theme:

Significance and Stuff

All the big questions and maybe a few big answers!

  • What is significance?
  • How do you assess it?
  • What do the heritage agencies say?
  • What are the alternative views?
  • What is a threshold and how do you know when you’ve crossed it?

AND THE STUFF! Of course there will be the usual benefits of a SHAP gathering: good company, a chance to catch up and network, the opportunity for updates from professional associations, food and some partying after.

Register your interest by emailing Fenella Atkinson, who will keep you up to date with plans as they come together. Let Fenella know if you would like to present.


14. Preserving war heritage and memorabilia fact sheets

The Veterans Unit in partnership with Heritage Victoria has developed a new suite of Preserving war heritage and memorabilia fact sheets. They are designed for volunteers in RSLs, ex-service organisations, community museums and historical societies. They contain practical and easy-to-understand information about preserving many different types of heritage commonly found in local communities across Victoria.

There are 15 fact sheets to download:

  • General principles
  • War memorials
  • Avenues of honour and botanical features
  • Honour rolls
  • Medals and medallions
  • Photographs
  • Paper and books
  • Uniforms, costume and textiles
  • Wooden objects
  • Metal objects
  • Antique and heritage munitions
  • Outdoor heritage (tanks, cannon)
  • Useful resources and contacts
  • Finding the right conservator, tradespeople and materials
  • Donating war-related heritage

Click here to download the fact sheets.


15. “Filling the Gaps: World Heritage & the 20th Century” conference, Chandigarh, India, 3-4 October 2013

The ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage (ISC 20C) will hold its annual meeting this year in Chandigarh, India on 2 October 2013, with an associated workshop on modern serial site nominations.

Our hosts have a range of tours and visits to Le Corbusier’s extraordinary buildings organized for us already.

The “Filling the Gaps: World Heritage and the Twentieth Century” conference will follow directly after, the first of its type in India. It’s a great opportunity to see a fascinating part of India.

Further information on the conference can be found in the Filling the Gaps conference flier.

ISC 20C is also organizing visits in New Delhi prior. For further information email Sheridan Burke, President ISC 20C.


16. ICOMOS Scientific Symposium 2013 – call for abstracts

The ICOMOS Scientific Council (SC) is making preparations for its next Scientific Symposium, taking place on the occasion of the 2013 Advisory Committee meeting in San José, Costa Rica on 10 October, under the three-year theme of “Tangible Risks, Intangible Opportunities: Long-Term Risk Preparedness and Responses for Threats to Cultural Heritage”.

The 2013 Symposium is being led by co-chairs Sofia Avgerinou-Kolonias (CIVVIH – Historic Cities and Villages President) and Gisle Jakhelln (CIAV – Vernacular Architecture President) and is entitled “Reducing Risks to Cultural Heritage from Uncontrolled Development in a Globalised World”.

Download the call for abstractsdeadline 15 April 2013.


17. Australian Heritage Conference, Rymill House (SA), 18 April 2013

An Australian Heritage Conference (incorporating SA Perspectives) is to be held at Rymill House on 18 April 2013 together with the Heritage Icons Gala Dinner. This conference represents an opportunity to discover and contribute to making heritage the heartbeat of Adelaide and South Australia by contributing to progressive heritage and planning policy. The 2013 conference invites diverse stakeholders to focus on the “value of heritage” from National, South Australian and local heritage perspectives and regulatory regimes.

The agenda aims to explore the dimensions of the “value of heritage”:

  • determining the drivers of the economics of heritage
  • debating appropriate policies to unlock the value of heritage uncovering techniques to promote heritage nationally and internationally
  • integrating cities and rural regions
  • understanding and benchmarking best practice in managing and creating value in heritage
  • considering progressive ways to better restore, sustain and enrich heritage for future generations

The desired outcomes of this Conference are to:

  • Have speakers provide practical recommendations in relation to their topics presented to affect the aims of the Conference
  • Have speakers form a Panel discuss and debate those recommendations with Conference delegates
  • Draw conclusions and provide a summary of the Conference findings to policy makers and relevant stakeholders for consideration and action

Presenters include the Hon. Tony Burke MP Federal Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, the Hon. John Rau MP Minister for Planning, South Australia Professor David Throsby Department of Economics, Macquarie University and others.

For more information refer to the 2013 Australian Heritage Conference brochure and 2013 Heritage Icons Gala Dinner brochure or contact Kali Hunter on 0409 696 446 or by email.


18. Australia ICOMOS 2012 National Symposium report available online

In November 2012, Australia ICOMOS held a National Symposium on the theme of the 40th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention, which was adopted in 1972. Click on the link below to read the report from this Symposium


19. 15th International Conference of National Trusts, Uganda, September-October 2013

15th International Conference of National Trusts
“Our heritage, our future”
Cultural diversity for Responsible Development
30 September – 4 October 2013
Entebbe, Uganda

For more information and to register please visit the conference website or email the Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda.

The call for papers is still open.

There are a limited number of bursaries available to help participants who need financial assistance to attend.


20. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin (& seminar schedule) available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.

Click on the link below to view the Cambridge Heritage Research Group seminar schedule.


21. Australasian Urban History/Planning History Group Biennial Conference, 2-5 February 2014

Australasian Urban History/Planning History Group Biennial Conference
Landscapes and Ecologies of Urban and Planning History
Wellington, New Zealand
2-5 February 2014

The 12th Australasian Urban History/Planning History Conference (UHPH) will take place in Wellington, New Zealand between February 2 and 5, 2014 hosted by the Victoria University of Wellington School of Architecture.

Urbanisation represents a dynamic flux of social histories and natural ecologies woven together across time. The interaction between settlement and landscape told through conflict, discovery, heroism, failure, imagination and policy at different scales presents a rich lode for histories informed by an environmental perspective.

This conference affords a special opportunity to explore these interrelationships but will welcome all contributions related to urban and planning history in Australia and New Zealand.

Wellington is an inspired location in which to consider the complex relationships between cities and their settings. It is situated in a dramatic landscape, with the built environment perched between rugged, bush-clad hills and a magnificent harbour.

The Conference Committee has made a call for paper abstracts. The updated deadline for submitting abstracts is 30 April 2013. Further information on the Call for Papers and conference subthemes can be found at the conference website.

Please contact Morten Gjerde by email with any queries.


22. Call for Papers: The Venice Charter at Fifty issue of Change Over Time

Change Over Time is a new, semiannual journal publishing original, peer-reviewed research papers and review articles on the history, theory, and praxis of conservation and the built environment. Each issue is dedicated to a particular theme as a method to promote critical discourse on contemporary conservation issues from multiple perspectives both within the field and across disciplines. Themes will be examined at all scales, from the global and regional to the microscopic and material. Forthcoming issues will address topics such as economics and heritage, professionalism, vandalism, interpretation and display, the public good, and the Venice Charter at 50.

Call for Papers

Change Over Time seeks papers for its The Venice Charter at Fifty (Spring 2014) issue. Download the Change Over Time_The Venice Charter at Fifty – call for papers for further information.

Visit the Change Over Time webpage for more about the journal.


23. Crinigan’s Hut Open Day, Sunday 21 April

Crinigan’s Hut Open Day
Wanderer Circuit Amaroo
(In the playground area)
Sunday 21 April 2013, 10.00am – 3.00pm

Guides, tours and live music

Bring your family and friends and join the Crinigans’ Family, Canberra Archaeological Society and Gungahlin community to share the story of Crinigan’s Hut and local archaeology.

For further information email Helen Cooke or phone Helen on 0408 443 243. Download the Crinigan’s Hut Open Day flier to distribute through your networks.


24. Latest Global Heritage Review (GHR) bulletin available online

To view the latest issue of the GHR bulletin, click here.


25. News from World Monuments Fund

To read the latest news from the World Monuments Fund, click here.


26. News from ICCROM

To read the latest news from ICCROM, click here.


27. Announcement from AAA 2013 Organisers: Extension of Session Proposal Deadline

The AAA 2013 Organising committee would like to announce that the deadline for session proposals has been extended by 3 weeks. Submissions are now due by COB Friday 3 May 2013. Session proposals should be submitted via the this link.

The organisers particularly welcome session submissions linked with the conference theme (Complexities of Scale), but will certainly consider others. Session organisers should provide a title and brief outline (30 words, 210 characters) of the proposed session(s), with an estimate of the number of speakers and an estimate of the number of individual sessions required. Individual sessions will run for 1.5 hours and should include 4 or 5 presentations. Speakers may only present one paper during the conference, although they may be co-authors on other papers.

In late May, we will announce the conference sessions that have been accepted and place a call for Paper Abstracts to be submitted. Conference registrations will open in late May.

For enquiries, email Julie Jerbic or call Julie on (07) 5580 8677.


28. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Manager, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority

Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA)
Conservation Manager
Salary Range: $93,957-$100,355

PAHSMA manages three of the eleven sites in the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage property: the Port Arthur Historic Site, Coal Mines Historic Site and Cascades Female Factory Historic Site. The first two are located on the Tasman Peninsula, while the Female Factory is in South Hobart. We were looking for a Conservation Manager, who will be responsible for managing capital and maintenance works relating to the conservation of historic fabric and structures and ensuring that the cultural heritage values of the Port Arthur Historic Sites are maintained and protected. This position will be part of the management team within the Conservation and Infrastructure Department, and is based at the Port Arthur Historic Site.

Job kits (including Statement of Duties and Selection Criteria) can be obtained from the Human Resources Coordinator (contact details below), the Port Arthur Historic Site website or the Tasmanian Government Jobs website.

Enquiries to: Dr Jane Harrington, Director Conservation & Infrastructure, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Port Arthur, Tasmania 7182, phone (03) 6251 2330, fax (03) 6251 2322, mobile 0409 344 598, or email Jane.

Applications (addressing selection criteria) to: Philip Johnston, Human Resources Coordinator, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Port Arthur, Tasmania 7182, phone (03) 6251 2357, fax (03) 6251 2322, or email Philip.

Closing Date: Monday 29 April 2013


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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