Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 545

  1. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications
  2. Cascades Female Factory talk, Port Arthur, Tasmania
  3. Australia ICOMOS QLD World Heritage Forum
  4. ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2012 – revised program and speaker summaries
  5. Development Approvals: The Heritage Perspective Seminar
  6. Barwon Heads Bridge – History or Heritage talk, by David Beauchamp
  7. Celebrating our heritage seminar, Brisbane
  8. The Cultural History of Climate Change conference, Canberra
  9. South Australian state heritage advisory service axed
  10. Melbourne Conversations talk (TONIGHT!): Heritage and Development Innovation
  11. 20th Century Heritage Society of NSW presentation – TONIGHT!
  12. From the Ground Up conference, NSW, 23-24 August 2012
  13. 2012 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize – nomination deadline extended
  14. New ICOMOS working group
  15. News from ICCROM
  16. Mawson’s Huts Historic Site draft management plan 2012-17 – public comment invited
  17. MMAPSS Grant & Internship applications are now open
  18. Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter available online
  19. Subscribe to The Heritage Alliance’s e-bulletin
  20. Flinders Street Station Design Competition
  21. ISC SBH Conference / Meeting, China, 20-27 October 2012
  22. International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures (SHATIS’13) – abstracts invited
  23. AIMA/ASHA 2012 Conference, Fremantle, 30 September to 3 October 2012
  24. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, Shire of Pyrenees


1. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications

There are many benefits in joining ICOMOS – not only the fantastic people you will meet but Membership of Australia ICOMOS brings discounts at ICOMOS functions, at many conferences in Australia and internationally and on ICOMOS publications. The E-mail News provides a weekly bulletin board of information and events in Australia and overseas, including state based events, conferences and site visits, as well as information on heritage publications, funding and grant opportunities, course details and job offers. Members also receive a number of issues annually of the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment. Applications for members to join the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) are encouraged from all states and territories. For Young Professional and full Members, the International ICOMOS card gives free or reduced rate entry to many historic and cultural sites.

Australia ICOMOS welcomes new members and would like to encourage students and young cultural heritage graduates to apply for membership. There are various membership categories and applications can be to be made to the Secretariat:

  • Those who are interested in ICOMOS but who do not meet the requirements for full membership, or else do not have heritage conservation as their core focus, could apply to become Associates of ICOMOS
  • Those at the beginning of a career in architecture, archaeology, planning or history with 3 years experience and who are under 30 years of age may be eligible for Young Professional membership at reduced rates

For further information go to the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website, or download the Australia ICOMOS 2012 Membership Application Form.

Membership applications are only considered at meetings of the Executive Committee – in order for your application to be considered at the August 2012 Executive Committee meeting, please submit it to the Secretariat by COB Friday 3 August 2012.

If further information is required, email the Membership Secretary, Natica Schmeder.


2. Cascades Female Factory talk, Port Arthur, Tasmania

Cascades Female Factory Historic Site – contemporary history and exciting future
Presented by Julie Henderson, Jo Lyngcoln and Jody Steele

The modern history of the Cascades Female Factory has seen many changes from its closure in 1904, purchase of Yard 1 by Government in 1976 for proclamation as a Historic Site, to the present day World Heritage listing as one of eleven Australian Convict Sites World Heritage property managed by Port Arthur Historic Site.

Date & time: Thursday 9 August at 5.30pm
Venue: Junior Medical Officer’s Conference Room, Port Arthur Historic Site

For further information, download the Cascades Female Factory talk flier.


3. Australia ICOMOS QLD World Heritage Forum

World Heritage Forum, QLD

Date: Friday 24 August
Time: 4.15pm for Registration for start at 4.30pm
Venue: Room 211 of the Michie Building (Blg 9 L2), University of QLD
Cost: $ 20.00 (ICOMOS Members) $ 25.00 (Non Members)
RSVP: by Monday 14 August. To secure your place, please complete the AI QLD WH Forum payment form and email it to Jacqui Pearce

Refreshments to be provided at the Anthropology Museum (Blg 9 L1) from 6.15pm.

The ICOMOS theme for 2012 is World Heritage in celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the World Heritage Convention.

To mark the anniversary, you are invited to participate in Queensland’s World Heritage Forum, followed by refreshments in the recently opened UQ Anthropology Museum.

Input from each state into three key questions will be forwarded to the national symposium, to be held in Sydney this November.

For further information, download the Australia ICOMOS QLD World Heritage Forum Invitation.


4. ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2012 – revised program and speaker summaries

The 2012 Symposium will be taking place this Saturday 28 July. Download the revised ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2012 Program and revised ACT Heritage Partnership Symposium 2012 presentation and speakers summaries.

If you haven’t registered yet, please contact Liz on (02) 6230 0533 or email Liz to let her know we can expect you on the day, so we can confirm our catering arrangements.


5. Development Approvals: The Heritage Perspective Seminar

Development Approvals: The Heritage Perspective Seminar

Local Government Learning Solutions (NSW) is again running its highly successful one-day workshop in Sydney on 10 August, facilitated by David Logan.

This seminar will discuss the issues facing local government in the management of heritage properties and areas. It will highlight best practice and show examples of the successful integration of new development, including alterations and additions, adaptive reuse and infill within historic settings. The seminar will consider conservation principles and current methods of assessing and managing heritage sites and areas. It will also discuss the Green Paper on the new Planning Act and how this might affect heritage management.

Topics will include:

  • The Green Paper and the future heritage assessment environment
  • NSW heritage legislation
  • Heritage assessment criteria
  • Heritage conservation principles
  • Applying the Burra Charter
  • Conservation Area management
  • Successful infill
  • A group assessment case study and (local) site visit

Presenter: David Logan BArch (Hons), MBEnv (BldgCons), AffAIA, MPIA, CPP

David Logan is a Partner of Godden Mackay Logan, Heritage Consultants. He has over 30 years’ experience in heritage management in both the public and private sectors, including as a former Manager of the City of Sydney’s Development Assessment Unit. He has worked on many major urban renewal and development projects and was involved in drafting the current version of the Burra Charter. David has undertaken heritage projects across Australia and overseas as well as training programs and UNESCO World Heritage monitoring. He is a Member of the Heritage Council of NSW and the Parramatta Design Excellence Advisory Panel.

Also note: this Workshop will also be presented in Wagga Wagga on 24 October.

REGISTRATION and further information can be found by clicking here.


6. Barwon Heads Bridge – History or Heritage talk, by David Beauchamp

David Beauchamp, Australia ICOMOS member, will present a talk about the Barwon Heads Bridge. Built in 1927, near the mouth of the Barwon River, the Bridge was the largest timber bridge built for the Country Roads Board. During its life it was altered, widened and strengthened to meet changing traffic requirements. In 1999 it was placed on the Victorian Heritage Register.

Thursday 16 August 2012

5.30 pm for refreshments, 6:00 – 7:30 pm

Engineers Australia
John Connell Auditorium
21 Bedford Street, North Melbourne

For further information, download the Barwon Heads Bridge – History or Heritage talk flier.


7. Celebrating our heritage seminar, Brisbane

Celebrate 20 years of heritage legislation in Queensland with a seminar at Brisbane’s only convict-built structure still in use, on Saturday 25 August 2012.

Presented by the Queensland Heritage Council (QHC) and the Royal Historical Society of Queensland (RHSQ), Celebrating our heritage will trace the beginnings of the state’s heritage protection and highlight different aspects – shipwrecks, lighthouses, national parks, religious and workers’ heritage and more.

The seminar will also feature examples of successful adaptive re-use of heritage buildings. Speakers will include historians, heritage professionals and owners/custodians of heritage buildings and places.

Date: Saturday 25 August 2012
Time: 10am–3.30pm, with registration available from 9.30am
Venue: Commissariat Store, 115 William Street, Brisbane
Entry fee: $10
Tea and coffee: gold coin donation

Further information is available at the Queensland Heritage Council website.


8. The Cultural History of Climate Change conference, Canberra

The Humanities Research Centre conference
The Cultural History of Climate Change
Sir Roland Wilson Building #120, Australian National University
27-28 August 2012

Convened by: Dr Tom Ford, HRC, RSHA
Email Tom

The Provisional Program and Registration Form are now online.

Further information can be found at the conference website.

Historians have long acknowledged that climates shape cultures. But culture also shapes climate—this we can no longer ignore. Our climate is increasingly an effect of contemporary forms of human life. Recognition of this interaction opens a significant new field to historical inquiry, bringing the economic, political and technological history of the carbon cycle together with cultural, aesthetic and literary reflections of climate, and linking the emergence of ecological thinking to broader transformations in the organization of knowledge.

Acknowledging that the climate is cultural also compels us to rethink many of our existing means of historical understanding. It challenges traditional notions of the historical period, of collective and individual agency, of the narrative forms of historiography, and of the basic distinction between natural and human history. It demands new ways of relating the existential and historical moments of human knowledge and action to the dimensions of geological and evolutionary time.

The cultural history of climate change is a field of scholarly inquiry that will be of central importance to social, cultural and political debates of the coming century. To provide a first speculative survey of this field, the Humanities Research Centre will hold a special conference on this theme on 27 and 28 August 2012.


9. South Australian state heritage advisory service axed

The Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) has axed the State Heritage Advisory Service as of 1 July, to achieve a saving of $307,000 per annum. The State Heritage Advisers provided support for heritage owners through free on-site consultations, as well as assessing development applications. The service was provided to 42 Council areas across SA by nine professional heritage architects and planners. It has been running for over 25 years. It is a core component of State heritage management in South Australia. There are over 2,215 confirmed State heritage owners and many more property owners in 17 State heritage areas that include Port Adelaide, Burra, Goolwa, Gawler, Hahndorf and Colonel Light Gardens that are also directly affected by this decision.

DEWNR has a statutory responsibility to assess State heritage development referrals. Heritage Advisers were doing much of this assessment and reporting work. Last year there were 112 assessments for developments to the value of $108 million in the City of Adelaide alone.

All heritage enquiries and applications must now be referred directly to DEWNR, to be processed by the State Heritage Unit which has 2.8 in-house heritage architects who are already working at capacity. These in-house architects will not be able to assess the additional development applications, let alone undertake site consultations and provide at-call heritage advice. DEWNR have advised that while every effort will be made to assess applications within the statutory time limit, they anticipate that the full 8 weeks will be used. It is inevitable that a backlog will build up and there will be substantial delays to approvals, disadvantaging State heritage owners.

The South Australian Heritage Council continues to list new State heritage places. But there is now no longer an effective system to support building owners to care for the existing State heritage places, let alone new places.

Some, but not all, Councils have renewed the local heritage contract of the Heritage Advisor, and have agreed to make the services available to State heritage owners. Other Councils have not yet determined their response. All Heritage Advisers have worked closely with State Heritage place owners throughout the whole State for over 20 years, and all are dedicated and determined in caring for heritage places. In regional SA, Councils and community groups have also been strong supporters of Heritage Advisers. As a result of this decision to axe the State Heritage Advisory Service, where there is no local heritage service, the community will be left with no regular heritage advice and conservation service at all.


10. Melbourne Conversations talk (TONIGHT!): Heritage and Development Innovation

Inner Melbourne will experience development and growth to meet contemporary needs and maintain prosperity.

How should Melbourne balance the tangible heritage values of the material form and the newly emerging heritage paradigm associated with the values of cultural identity, memory and the usage of urban spaces and places? Hear from the experts and have your say.

Date: Friday 27 July 2012
Time: 6pm to 7.30pm – entry from 5.30pm
Venue: RMIT Capitol Theatre, (opposite the Town Hall), 113 Swanston Street, Melbourne

Free entry – no bookings


  • Prof William Logan – UNESCO Professor of Heritage and Urbanism and Alfred Deakin Professor, Deakin University
  • Shelley Penn – Architect and National President, Australian Institute of Architects
  • Helen Lardner – Architect and Director, Helen Lardner Conservation and Design
  • Dr Tony Birch – Writer and Academic, University of Melbourne


  • Dr Colin Long – Honorary Fellow, Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific, Deakin University and Victorian Secretary, National Tertiary Education Union


11. 20th Century Heritage Society of NSW presentation – TONIGHT!

Beautiful buildings from afar – Part II
presented by Nonie Hodgson

Date & time: Friday 27 July 2012, 7:30pm to 10:35pm

Venue: The Australian Institute of Architects Auditorium, Tusculum
3 Manning Street, Potts Point, Sydney

For further information and to purchase tickets, click here.


12. From the Ground Up conference, NSW, 23-24 August 2012

Sydney Journal and the Dictionary of Sydney are pleased to be associated with the forthcoming conference on Sydney’s history:

From the Ground Up: People and places in Sydney’s past
Dixson Room, State Library of NSW
23-24 August 2012

Bringing together academics, postgraduate students and professional historians engaged with the history of Sydney and its suburbs, ‘From the Ground Up’ offers an opportunity to explore the complexity of the city’s past, and to consider how we might rethink the history of cities, and Sydney in particular.

The conference is co-sponsored by the Department of Modern History, Politics and International Relations, Macquarie University, the State Library of New South Wales and the Dictionary of Sydney.

A selection of papers from the conference will be collated in a special edition of Sydney Journal, and published in the Dictionary of Sydney. For inquiries about the conference, please email Dr Matt Bailey.

The draft program and registration details are available at the conference website.

Sydney’s history is a dynamic and growing field. Come along and see what the new, emerging and established scholars in the field are doing.


13. 2012 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize – nomination deadline extended

Nominations for the 2012 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize are open! Awarded in fall 2012, the prize is given to a design professional or firm in recognition of an innovative design solution that preserves or enhances a modern landmark.

Attached is a document (available in Spanish upon request) describing the steps and requirements for submissions. The deadline for nominations has been extended to 21 August 2012.

For further information about the call for nominations, visit the World Monuments Fund website.


14. New ICOMOS working group

An ICOMOS International Working Group (WG), Energy Efficiency in Heritage Buildings, has been set up by Peter Cox (ICOMOS Ireland) as a preparatory step to setting up an International Scientific Committee (ISC). The draft resolution GA2011/33 Energy Conservation and Sustainable Development was put together by ICOMOS Ireland and ICOMOS Belgium and presented to the ICOMOS General Assembly (GA) in Paris December 2011. The resolution was adapted by acclamation.

Peter Phillips, Rachel Jackson and Helen Wilson have been listed as members of the International WG. These three Australia ICOMOS members met in Sydney on 23 April 2012 to discuss an Australian work program and the contribution that can be made toward the International WG. Initially this includes contributing to the International collection of resource materials on the subject.

Members interested in joining the group should contact members of the group: Helen Wilson (contact Helen), Peter Phillips (contact Peter) or Rachel Jackson (contact Rachel).


15. News from ICCROM

To view the July 2012 news from ICCROM, click here.


16. Mawson’s Huts Historic Site draft management plan 2012-17 – public comment invited

Following the recent review of the Mawson’s Huts Historic Site management plan 2007-12, the Australian Antarctic Division has prepared a draft replacement management plan as required under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). While the structure of the plan has changed to make it easier to use in the field, the conservation principles listed in the previous plan remain essentially unchanged. Overall, the plan has been updated with recent information and continues its focus on monitoring and maintenance, and the conservation of artefacts.

Interested parties are invited to submit comments on the draft replacement management plan. The draft plan is now available on the Australian Antarctic Division website, with comments due by Friday 24 August 2012.

Copies of the draft plan are also available:

A public notice advertising this public review will be in The Weekend Australian this weekend, with the official public comment period running from 21 July to 24 August 2012.

Comments received will be taken into consideration and help ensure that the plan is a comprehensive and constructive document, to guide the future conservation and management of Mawson’s Huts Historic Site.

Please submit your comments in writing by 24 August 2012:

  • to the Australian Antarctic Division by email
  • via mail to:
    Mawson’s Huts Historic Site Draft Management Plan
    Antarctic Territories Environment and Policy Section
    Australian Antarctic Division
    203 Channel Highway

Please make your comments as specific as possible. If you have any questions on the public comment process, please email Deborah Bourke or call her on (03) 6232 3138.

A review of the implementation plan from the 2007-12 management plan is available on request. This document outlines the actions identified in the previous plan and comments on their current status.


17. MMAPSS Grant & Internship applications are now open

Since 1995 the Maritime Museums of Australia Project Support Scheme (MMAPSS) has distributed over $900,000 in support of over 260 projects across Australia.

Grants are available to support not-for-profit organisations that care for Australia’s maritime heritage.

The focus of MMAPSS is on the areas of collection management, conservation, presentation, education and museological training.


Grants of up to $10,000 are available for General Maritime Heritage Projects, and for 2012 only a separate category gives grants of up to $5,000 for Education and Public Program Development projects.


Since 2000, the ANMM has also hosted MMAPSS internships for up to two weeks. Funding of up to $3,000 is available through the internship program to assist staff and volunteers from regional and remote organisations develop skills and knowledge and to create a valuable network of professional contacts.

Closing date for applications is: 31 August 2012

For details about the application process, key dates, eligibility and for application forms please visit the MMAPSS website.

If you have any questions at all regarding MMAPSS, contact Sharon Babbage on (02) 9298 3743 or by email.

The Maritime Museums of Australia Project Support Scheme is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian National Maritime Museum.


18. Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter available online

To view the July 2012 issue of Inherit, click here.


19. Subscribe to The Heritage Alliance’s e-bulletin

The Heritage Alliance, established in 2002 as Heritage Link, is the biggest alliance of heritage interests in the UK and was set up to promote the central role of the non-Government movement in the heritage sector.

To subscribe to their e-bulletin, click here.


20. Flinders Street Station Design Competition

Registrations are now open for the $1 million (AUD) prize pool Flinders Street Station Design Competition.

The Victorian Government seeks the best ideas from across Australia and around the world to re-energise the station and its surrounds, preserve its heritage and improve transport functions.

Registrations close at 2:00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time, Wednesday 1 August 2012.

For more information click here.


21. ISC SBH Conference / Meeting, China, 20-27 October 2012

The International Scientific Committee on Shared Built Heritage (ISC SBH) is the committee that represents ICOMOS in matters of Shared Built Heritage across the world. Since 2008, ISC SBHhas adopted the policy of shedding light on the issues of Shared Built Heritage across the globe by conducting its annual meeting / symposium in every continent of the world.

After successful ISC SBH symposia / conferences in Europe in 2009 (Gdansk, Pland), in South America in 2010 (Paramaribo, Suriname) and in Africa in 2011 (Cape town, South Africa), ISC SBH will focus their attention on Asia and the Pacific, and are extremely happy to have their 2012 SBH annual meeting / symposium in China.

For further information, download the ICOMOS Shared Built Heritage 2012 conference information package.


22. International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures (SHATIS’13) – abstracts invited

2nd International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures
4-6 September 2013
Trento, Italy

SHATIS’13 will be held jointly by the Trento University Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and the Trees and Timber Institute of the National Research Council, and co-organized by COST ACTION FP 1101 “Assessment, Reinforcement and Monitoring of Timber Structures”.

The Conference will provide a forum for researchers and professionals to exchange experiences and discuss subjects related to the appraisal, control and conservation of timber structures. The aim will be to determine the current state of the art in the field and to foster ideas on future research and new developments.

The form for abstract(s) submission to the SHATIS’13 Conference is now available online, from the conference website.

All abstracts and papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, which will make the final decision on the acceptance of contributions.

The abstracts will be published in the book of abstracts together with CD, including full papers with the identification by ISSN and ISBN.

Papers published on SHATIS’13 conference proceedings will be abstracted/indexed in SCOPUS, Google Scholar, and in open access collections worldwide using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH).

Additionally, selected papers will be published in the International Journal of Architectural Heritage in English.

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 October 2012

For more detailed information, visit the conference website.


23. AIMA/ASHA 2012 Conference, Fremantle, 30 September to 3 October 2012

The 2012 joint Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology (AIMA) / Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (ASHA) conference, with the theme “Surf and Turf”, will be held at the University of Notre Dame and the Western Australian Maritime Museum, Fremantle, Western Australian between 30 September to 3 October.

This conference aims to draw together the shared interests of researchers in historical and maritime archaeology by linking aspects of land and sea – “Surf and Turf”. Together, such sites form a holistic landscape that can be documented and interpreted to provide a better understanding of past events, activities and human behaviour.

Areas of interest to archaeologists such as exploration, colonisation, trade and communications have similar conjunctions with no distinctions between the low tide mark. Papers and posters will explore the netwrosk and connections between land and sea conceptually and archaeologically.

For further information, visit the conference website.


24. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, Shire of Pyrenees

Pyrenees Shire is seeking the services of an experienced Heritage Advisor to assist owners of heritage properties, advise Council on the maintenance of its heritage assets, and to keep the Council and town planning staff informed on heritage issues and practice, including providing referral advice to Council in relation to a range of heritage applications.

The appointment will be subject to Heritage Victoria’s Recommended Consultancy Brief and Statement of Qualifications for a Heritage Advisory Service, a copy of which can be found by clicking here.

At this stage it is envisaged that the time required for the service will be approximately one day per month.

Expressions of Interest should indicate the name and qualifications and relevant experience of the person intending to provide the service, the total cost to the Council for each day of attendance at the Shire and the cost per hour of time provided at the consultant’s office. The rate charged for travelling time outside the shire should also be provided.

Expressions of interest should be lodged no later than Friday 10 August 2012. All submissions should be sent to the Pyrenees Shire Human Resources manager, Mr Greg Lofts, and can be submitted by email . Written expressions can also be mailed to the Shire at 5 Lawrence Street, Beaufort VIC3373.

Further information in relation to the requirements of the position may be obtained from:

Chris Hall
Senior Town Planner
Pyrenees Shire Council
ph: (03) 5349 1125
email Chris


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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