Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 534

  1. Australia ICOMOS strongly encourages everyone to make a submission about the proposed Australian Heritage Strategy
  2. Meet the Members at the Futuro House — Joint ICOMOS and AICCM Event
  3. Australian Institute of Architects “REFUEL SEMINAR”: New Futures for Heritage Buildings: Responsible Adaption, Additions and Re-use
  4. Review of the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 – Your Input to the Australia ICOMOS Response Sought
  5. Draft Heritage Regulation 2012 – Call for AI members’ input
  6. Calling for Victorian ICOMOS Mentors!
  7. ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2012
  8. Proposed amendments to the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA) – call for comments
  9. Free heritage lectures at Mission to Seafarers Victoria
  10. Climate change and cultural heritage
  11. Australia ICOMOS – Sydney Talk Series
  12. News from World Monuments Fund
  13. Living places booklet celebrates 20 years of heritage
  14. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  15. Australia State of the Environment (SoE) report – survey opportunity
  16. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd


1. Australia ICOMOS strongly encourages everyone to make a submission about the proposed Australian Heritage Strategy

As members will have seen in a recent issue of the e news, the Australian Government is seeking public submissions regarding the proposed Australian Heritage Strategy.

Australia ICOMOS will be making a submission, but individuals and other organisations are strongly encouraged to make submissions also.

While submissions can respond to the many questions posed in the public consultation paper, even short submissions highlighting key desired outcomes would be worthwhile. It would also be helpful if a copy of submissions can be emailed to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat.

In addition, if members have brief suggestions they would like to make to contribute to the Australia ICOMOS submission, please email these to Duncan Marshall at by 25 May 2012.

The text of the recent e-news item is reproduced below.

Dr Jane Harrington

Have your say on Australia’s Heritage Strategy

The Australian Government is seeking public input to help develop a new strategy for the identification, management and celebration of Australia’s heritage.

The new strategy will cover natural, Indigenous and historic heritage and set the direction for heritage policies and programs at all levels of government for the next 10 years.

Public consultation is a critical step in the development of the strategy and comment is invited from the community about how we can best recognise, manage and celebrate our heritage.

The feedback received in response to the public consultation paper now available will help inform the development of the Australian Heritage Strategy.

For information on how to make a submission and to download the public consultation paper visit the Australian Heritage Strategy website.

Submissions will be accepted up until 15 June 2012.


2. Meet the Members at the Futuro House — Joint ICOMOS and AICCM Event

The University of Canberra’s Futuro House was previously a part of the Canberra Planetarium and Observatory in Dickson
(Photo: John Greenwood 2012)

Saturday 19 May, 5.30pm at Zierholz@UC and the University of Canberra’s Futuro House

All members and potential members of ICOMOS and AICCM (Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material) are invited to join the National Executive Committee of Australia ICOMOS for a social event at the University of Canberra and an introduction to UC’s conservation project on the ‘cult icon’ Futuro House.

A generous array of woodfired pizzas and other tasty snacks will be provided. Drinks available from the bar. Vegetarian and gluten free snacks provided.

Cost: $5.00 to assist with catering costs

RSVP: Essential Please via email to the Donald Horne Institute

For venue information view the University of Canberra Campus Map.


3. Australian Institute of Architects “REFUEL SEMINAR”: New Futures for Heritage Buildings: Responsible Adaption, Additions and Re-use

Australian Institute of Architects presents:

“REFUEL SEMINAR – New Futures for Heritage Buildings: Responsible Adaption, Additions and Re-use”

To be held in most capital cities throughout Australia late May and June.

It is said that in the near future fifty percent of architects’ work will be to existing buildings: this Professional Development seminar considers the important work of the architect in bringing new roles and new life to existing structures – all part of a sustainable agenda. The seminar will showcase relevant examples of Australian and international adaptive re-use, and also of new architecture in historic precincts, and will discuss the principles behind their success. Each seminar session will conclude with a forum to review specific local issues.

Dates and locations (generally at Institute Architects Chapter Headquarters) are as follows:

  • HOBART: Tues 29 May, 3.00 ‐ 5.00pm, Tasmanian Chapter, 1/19a Hunter Street, Hobart
  • LAUNCESTON: Wed 30 May, details TBC
  • MELBOURNE: Wed 30 May, 6.00 ‐ 8.00pm, Treasury Theatre, Ground Level, 1 Macarthur St, Melbourne
  • LIVESTREAM: Wed 30 May, 6.00 ‐ 8.00pm Regional Livestream Online
  • ADELAIDE: Thurs 31 May, 5.30 – 7.30pm, SA Chapter, 100 Flinders Street, Adelaide
  • BRISBANE: Tues 5 June, 6.00 – 8.00pm, Qld Chapter, Lvl 1, 70 Merivale St, South Brisbane
  • CANBERRA: Wed 6 June, 3.00 – 5.00pm, ACT Chapter, 2A Mugga Way, Red Hill
  • SYDNEY: Thurs 7 June, 9.00 –11.00am, NSW Chapter, ‘Tusculum’,3 Manning St, Potts Point
  • NEWCASTLE: Thurs 7 June, 5.00 – 7.00pm, Newcastle Travelodge, Corner King & Steel Streets, Newcastle
  • PERTH: Wed 13 June, 5.30 – 7.30pm, WA Chapter, 33 Broadway, Nedlands

The seminar will be presented by Elizabeth Vines, of Adelaide-based practice McDougall & Vines. Liz is well known for her positive and entrepreneurial role in the conservation of historic buildings and townscapes. Her key role in the preservation and rejuvenation of Broken Hill, and her career as a heritage advocate in Australia and in Asia, were acknowledged with an Order of Australia in 2009.

For more information refer to the Refuel Seminar flier.


4. Review of the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 – Your Input to the Australia ICOMOS Response Sought

Australia ICOMOS made a submission to this review in November last year (click here to read) and an Issues and Options Paper (available for download from the DPCD website) has now been issued for comment. We are keen to hear from any members, particularly those with experience of working with the current Act, regarding what options you believe Australia ICOMOS should support or resist or any other comments that you believe should be included. Comments are required by 24 May but for individual comments to be considered for inclusion in the AI submission they will need to be submitted to us by 11 May 2012. If you have any questions please call the Victorian State representative, Ian Wight on (03) 9427 7720.

Please email your comments to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat, with a copy to Ian Wight, by 11 May 2012.


5. Draft Heritage Regulation 2012 – Call for AI members’ input

Australia ICOMOS has been invited by the NSW Heritage Branch to make submission on the Heritage Regulation 2012, which will replace the Heritage Regulation 2005. The regular staged repeal and replacement of the regulation is required by the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989.

The current Heritage Regulation 2005 makes provision for:

  • The regular inspection of buildings, works and relics listed on the State Heritage Register and the application of minimum standards of maintenance and repair for these items
  • The collection of fees for applications under the Heritage Act 1977, and for various other functions such as the review of Conservation Management Plans for Heritage Council endorsement

The 2005 regulation can be accessed by clicking here.

No changes are proposed to be made to the existing provisions; however, the draft Regulation makes additional provisions for:

  1. Minimum standards for maintenance of ruins or moveable objects
  2. Owner inspections
  3. Timeframes for Planning and Assessment Commission (PAC) advice

A Regulatory Impact Statement has been prepared to consider various options for regulation and their impacts on government and stakeholders. Both the draft Regulation and the draft Regulatory Impact Statement can be viewed at and downloaded from the Heritage Branch website.

The closing date for submissions is 18 May 2012. AI members are encouraged to review the draft Regulation and the Regulatory Impact Statement and email their comments to Kerime Danis by Monday 14 May 2012 for compilation of the AI submission at an appropriate time. Thanking you all in advance.

Kerime Danis
AI NSW Representative


6. Calling for Victorian ICOMOS Mentors!

Are you willing to mentor and pass on your wisdom and experience to a new generation of cultural heritage professionals?

Deakin University, the University of Melbourne and Monash University are participating in the launch of the Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program in Victoria, and will pilot the scheme during the remainder of 2012. This program is being developed with the support of the Heritage Council of Victoria.

We are looking for ICOMOS members based in Victoria to participate in the program, based on the successful trial held in the ACT during 2009-2010.

What is required?

  • While the mentoring arrangements will vary, we ask that you get together at least 3 times during the program to discuss issues involved in your practice and the student’s study and work interests
  • There will be one or more optional visits arranged for the participants in the program
  • There will be a brief evaluation questionnaire distributed at the end of the year that we ask all participants to complete and return

How do I get involved?

If you would like to become an ICOMOS MENTOR, please send an expression of interest to Georgia Meros at the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by 18 May 2012. Please clearly indicate your contact details and a brief outline of your field of professional experience. This will assist the Victorian Mentoring Team to match mentors and students.

Mentors must be ICOMOS members, and can have professional experience in any sector of cultural heritage practice. We will try to ‘match’ as many Victorian students and mentors as possible.

When do we start?

We will be matching students and mentors over the next month, and will launch the Victorian program at a Careers Night to be held in mid-June (more news about that soon!).

We hope that all Victorian-based members will welcome this opportunity to participate in the efforts of Australia ICOMOS and its partners to support young professionals across a range of cultural heritage disciplines.

Kristal Buckley (Deakin University)
Natica Schmeder and David Young (University of Melbourne)
Keir Reeves (Monash University)
Sandy Blair (ANU) – National Coordinator


7. ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2012

ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2012
Valuing Heritage: Advocating for community attachment in planning

Hosted by Australia ICOMOS, Canberra and District Historical Society, Canberra Archaeological Society, Donald Horne Institute for Cultural Heritage University of Canberra, Institute of Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts ANU, and National Trust of Australia (ACT)

Date: Saturday 28 July 2012
Time: 8.30am to 5pm
Venue: Sir Roland Wilson Building Theatre, Bldg 120, ANU campus
Cost: $80 full, $60 members of the host organizations, $35 concession & full-time students


  • Social attachment to places – community values and memories
  • Archaeology, it’s not just buried in the ground – layers of time in landscapes and buildings
  • 21st Century Heritage Values: are they different?

Call for Session Ideas, Leaders and Papers

Presentations are invited from heritage professionals, planners, Local Government, descendants of families with historical places under threat and anyone with an interest in the celebration of heritage places in the ACT and region. The anticipated time for each presentation is 20 minutes.

Due date for summaries: Thursday 17 May 2012

Please send your ideas to Sally Brockwell via email or phone on (02) 6125-2217 for further information.


8. Proposed amendments to the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA) – call for comments

The WA Government has released a discussion paper on proposed amendments to the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972, the State’s principal legislation enabling the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage.

The Aboriginal Heritage Act amendments are intended to improve protection, certainty and compliance.

The discussion paper, titled ‘Seven proposals to regulate and amend the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 for improved clarity, compliance, effectiveness, efficiency and certainty’, is available from the Department of Indigenous Affairs website.

Feedback on the proposals is due by 5pm, 5 June 2012.


9. Free heritage lectures at Mission to Seafarers Victoria

The Mission to Seafarers Victoria is hosting a series of lectures on heritage architecture and contemporary design.

24 May 2012 – Linda Young. National styles at home? Design as the motivation to preserve and museumise historic houses. Linda Young teaches aspects of Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies at Deakin University, Melbourne.

31 May 2012 – Robin Grow. Transforming Melbourne. How art deco architecture transformed the Melbourne landscape. Robin Grow is president of the Art Deco & Modernism Society.

7 June 2012 – Louis Saeur. Preserving old & new neighbourhood meanings. Urban Renewal in Baltimore & Philadelphia. Louis Saeur is visiting professor of architecture at RMIT, Melbourne.

14 June 2012 – Donald Ellsmore. Reinforced concrete as a ticking time bomb. Donald Ellsmore is an Australian architectural conservationist and educator.

For further information, download the Mission to Seafarers Heritage Lectures flier.


10. Climate change and cultural heritage

Climate change poses threats to many cultural assets through impacts such as increased floods, increasing extreme weather events, and the decay of cultural landscapes. Additionally, as Sydney’s population grows, increased stresses will be placed on the environment and cultural resources, with rising demand for water, energy and land, as well as increased waste production.

As part of the Sydney Adaptation Strategy ‘Review and Synthesis’ Project, the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage has commissioned a review of relevant work relating to the impact of climate change on cultural heritage assets. This project includes:

  • a review and synthesis of existing and emerging research and reports
  • a gap analysis
  • identification of research projects that focus on ‘Cultural Assets’ in the Sydney Metropolitan Area

The Cairns Institute is preparing a ‘Cultural Assets Literature Review and Research Synthesis Paper’. While this work will target the Sydney Metropolitan Area, it is important to also capture relevant work being conducted in other parts of Australia and overseas. As part of this project we have prepared a short 10 question survey aimed at consultants, academics, policy makers and property managers that will assist us in identifying important initiatives that may not have resulted in publications – the so called ‘grey literature’.

Please take the time to participate in this survey by clicking here and answering the 10 short questions.

Further information can be obtained by emailing Dr Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy.


11. Australia ICOMOS – Sydney Talk Series

Our Heritage Report Card: the State of the Environment 2011
Prof Richard Mackay


  • How many places are being added to the National Heritage List?
  • How is the resources boom affecting Indigenous heritage sites throughout Australia’s northwest?
  • Is the National Reserve System an effective tool for conserving natural heritage places?
  • Are the registers and statutes that we used to list heritage places working appropriately?
  • Why does the sustainability agenda pose a significant risk to cultural heritage?
  • What is Australia’s heritage outlook?
  • Join Australia ICOMOS members for a timely look at the state of our nation’s heritage.


The Australian State of the Environment 2011 Report was tabled in the Commonwealth Parliament in December 2011. Written by an independent committee of experts, the report presents a comprehensive review of the state of the Australian environment; an assessment of management effectiveness and continuing risks and a perspective on the overall outlook for the Australian environment.

The report reaches some confronting conclusions about the state of heritage in Australia.

Professor Richard Mackay, AM was a member of the State of the Environment 2011 Committee with particular responsibility for ‘Heritage’. At this talk, Richard will provide a summary of key findings, as well as insight in to some of the challenges facing Australia’s natural and cultural heritage managers.

Richard Mackay is a Partner of Godden Mackay Logan Pty Ltd, a leading Australian heritage management consulting firm. He teaches in the Archaeology Program at La Trobe University and is a Research Associate at the University of Sydney. Professor Mackay is a former member of the NSW Heritage Council and former Non-executive Director of the National Trust, a former Getty Conservation Institute Research Scholar and current Chair of Australia’s World Heritage Advisory Committee. He has worked in archaeology and heritage management throughout Australia and in Asia on sites ranging between Kakadu National Park, Port Arthur, Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Royal Exhibition Building. He is currently the Project Director for the Angkor Heritage Management Framework project in Cambodia. In 2003 Professor Mackay was made a Member of the Order of Australia for services to archaeology and cultural heritage.

Members of the public are welcome!

Time & Date: Thursday 31 May 2012, 5.30pm for 6pm start
Cost: Members $5, non-members $10, payable at the door. Wine and nibbles will be provided.
Venue: Godden Mackay Logan, 78 George Street, Redfern
RSVP: email Jane Vernon or call (02) 9319 4811. Please note: RSVP is essential as places are limited.


12. News from World Monuments Fund

To read the latest news from the World Monuments Fund, click here.


13. Living places booklet celebrates 20 years of heritage

A booklet celebrating 20 years of heritage protection in Queensland was launched by the Queensland government in April.

Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection Andrew Powell MP said the Living Places Our Heritage. Our Future. Our Queensland booklet was an important addition to the story of the conservation of Queensland’s heritage.

Living Places commemorates 20 years of heritage conservation in Queensland through the Queensland Heritage Act 1992,” Mr Powell said.

“It traces the history of Queensland’s growth from the arrival of European settlers, and brings to life through some of the significant places that tell Queensland’s story — places that today enjoy the protection of the Queensland Heritage Register.

“These places signify some of the most important steps, lives and experiences of the Queenslanders who came before us – now conserved by heritage legislation for those to come,” he said.

Living Places is available online at the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection website and the Queensland Heritage Council website.

Living Places was launched during Australian Heritage Week, which ran from 14-22 April and was Queensland’s contribution to Australian Heritage Week.


14. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


15. Australia State of the Environment (SoE) report – survey opportunity

The latest Australia State of the Environment (SoE) report was released in 2011.

The Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities is currently conducting an evaluation of the effectiveness and impacts of SoE 2011. Stakeholder perspectives are an important part of understanding how well SoE reporting is being done.

If you or members of your organisation have used Australia State of the Environment 2011, we would value your feedback and invite you to complete a short online survey.

Survey feedback received as early as possible is appreciated and will have a strong influence on the Department’s plans for SoE 2016. Individuals who directly contributed to the development of SoE 2011 will likely be contacted again about that contribution and process.


16. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd

RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd, based in St Kilda Melbourne, are seeking a conservation architect to join our team.

The position is full time and involves : design, documentation and contract administration of building works to places of heritage significance (both conservation and adaptive reuse works), assisting in preparing statements of significance, heritage impact statements, conservation management plans, providing advice to building owners and authorities, and the like.

Required qualifications:

  • Min Bachelor Degree in Architecture
  • Min 3 years experience working as a conservation architect
  • A working knowledge of Australian architectural history


Interested applicants please forward your CV by email in the first instance.

If you wish to discuss the position please call Roger Beeston (Director) on 0417 140 159.

Applications close Friday 18 May 2012.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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