Australia ICOMOS 50th Anniversary Working Group EOI
In anticipation of the upcoming 50th Anniversary of Australia ICOMOS in 2026 the Executive Committee seeks expressions of interest from interested members to join a working group to help plan the celebrations. We welcome applications from all members and especially seek a representative committee that reflects the rich history and future of the organisation.
It is anticipated that the majority of the commitment would occur in 2025 in terms of forward planning events for 2026 and that in 2024 expectations would largely relate to initial brainstorming and preliminary meetings.
To nominate for the working group please provide a brief (2-300 words) outline of your involvement with Australia ICOMOS and any initial ideas to contribute to the celebration year by 12th July to
Nominations for Australia ICOMOS Honorary membership invited
Honorary Membership of Australia ICOMOS may be conferred by the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee to honour an outstanding contribution made to, or on behalf of, Australia ICOMOS. It is intended that this will be a rare honour to be considered annually but not necessarily bestowed each year.
Existing Australia ICOMOS Honorary members (and ICOMOS Honorary members – who automatically become Honorary members of Australia ICOMOS) are listed here:
We now invite you to nominate one of your Australia ICOMOS colleagues for Honorary Membership, to be considered by the Executive Committee for this year. Members who have previously been nominated but not awarded with Honorary membership may be re nominated.
The nomination criteria are set out below:
- The individual must currently be a Full International Member of Australia ICOMOS, or have been a longstanding Full International Member.
- The outstanding contribution must be for a sustained period over many years.
- Honorary Membership may recognise a range of types of outstanding contributions made to Australia ICOMOS.
- These contributions must be in addition to those normally made to a voluntary organisation. Hence the performance of Executive Committee duties would be insufficient for Australia ICOMOS Honorary Membership consideration.
- The contribution may be made within Australia or internationally, but must be specifically to, or on behalf of, Australia ICOMOS.
To nominate an Australia ICOMOS member for Honorary membership, please respond to this email with the following information:
- Name of nominee
- A comprehensive statement outlining the nominee’s outstanding contribution to Australia ICOMOS. Please note that this statement may become the basis of the information that is added to the Australia ICOMOS website if Honorary Membership is conferred on the individual you nominate.
Please submit a nomination by COB 29 July 2024 to the secretariat:
All nominations will be treated as confidential and will be made available to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat and the small Selection Committee that will assess the nominations.
If selected for Honorary Membership, the individual you nominate will have this bestowed on them at the 2024 AGM. Please direct any queries to Katrina Keller, Australia ICOMOS Membership Secretary.
2024/2025 Membership Fees now due
Fees for the 2024-2025 membership year are now due. If you have any questions regarding your membership, please contact Rebecca Davies Secretariat Officer: Prompt payment will assist with the financial workflow and budget preparations. Thanks to those who have already paid!
ICOMOS Emerging Professionals Working Group EOI
Australia ICOMOS seeks nominations for the Australian representative to the ICOMOS Emerging Professionals Working Group (EPWG). The EPWG is an international working group established by representatives from each national committee and supported by senior members of ICOMOS. The majority of the work of the EPWG is undertaken virtually with monthly online meetings. The preference is for the representative to be a full member of ICOMOS, however applications from Associate members will be considered if appropriate. Please note that there is no age or experience limit for the label ‘emerging professional’ and it is up to nominees to self identify as such.
To nominate for the EPWG please provide your CV and a brief (2-300 word) statement outlining your experience and interest in the role by 12th July to:
Questions regarding the role can be directed to the current representative, Michelle Bashta, via
ICOMOS Full International Membership: Electronic cards (E-cards)
You can now download your membership card from your profile in the ICOMOS International membership database. In order to do this, you must:
- have renewed your 2024/25 membership
- have uploaded a picture on your profile in the membership database.
ICOMOS_e-cards: How to upload a picture on your profile.
Please email the Secretariat ( if there are any problems.
NEW Australia ICOMOS Caring for a Sunburnt Country 2024 National Symposium Call for Abstracts
Australia ICOMOS members are invited to submit 500 word abstracts or single case studies for inclusion in our 2024 national symposium program under the theme of adaptive and regenerative management of cultural landscapes, cultural routes and waterways, historic urban landscapes and cultural heritage tourism.
The symposium will be held October 25th and 26th at Curtin University’s heritage-listed Old Boys School and Technical School Campus on St Georges Terrace, Perth.
Successful abstract submissions may be invited to present individual papers, or to participate in panel discussions related to the material submitted.
There will be a final “State of the Nation” round up, in which selected authors be invited to present their case studies. Successful submissions may also be invited to present case studies in a poster format at the symposium venue.
- The deadline to submit an abstract is 31 July 2024.
- Authors will be notified by 31 August 2024.
- Authors will be required to register for the symposium by 15 September 2024 to be included in the program.
- The full program will be released on 30 September 2024.
Please find the abstract submission form here.
Please email your abstract to
NEW ACT Region Heritage Symposium ‘Planning for Heritage’ Call for Papers submissions due 8 July 2024
Change in the built and natural environment is both inevitable and necessary. Factors such as land development, increased housing demand, climate change and regulation of land use, can have a significant impact on heritage values and heritage places and landscapes.
We are delighted that our keynote speaker will be Dr James Lesh of Deakin University, author of Values in Cities: Urban Heritage in Twentieth-Century Australia (Routledge 2023).
You are invited to offer a paper, or a short 5-minute vignette, related to the above. Proposals should include a title and a brief abstract.
Please send your proposals or inquiries to
Further information about the conference can be found here
NEW 10th biannual International Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Digital Heritage (EuroMed2024) Call for Papers | Submissions due 20 July 2024
Celebrating its twentieth anniversary, this key conference on digital cultural heritage will bring together researchers, policymakers, professionals and practitioners from the multidisciplinary heritage domains to discuss the challenges facing and successes in cultural heritage today. EuroMed2024 focuses on the interdisciplinary and intersectoral research on digital cultural heritage and use of cutting-edge technologies for the protection, restoration, preservation, mass digitalisation, documentation and presentation of heritage content. The conference provides a forum to explore new heritage research, novel sustainable approaches and technological advances.
Submissions for the event are completely electronic through on-line submission via the EuroMed2024 website Paper Submission page website and must be submitted by midnight CET on Saturday the 20thJuly 2024. The conference accepts only original, unpublished work written in English which will be blind reviewed and published by the prestigious SPRINGER-NATURE LNCS.
For further information visit the conference website: EuroMed 2024 – 10th International Conference on Digital Heritage
NEW NADOC Week | Various Events | 7-14 July 2024
This year’s theme celebrates the unyielding spirit of our communities and invites all to stand in solidarity, amplifying the voices that have long been silenced.
NAIDOC Community Day – Linden New Art Gallery St Kilda 12-4 pm 14 July 2024
Linden New Art’s NAIDOC Week Community Day promises an engaging blend of cultural immersion and community building. The event, held in celebration of the rich heritage, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, will offer a diverse program catering to all ages.
This year’s theme is Keep the fire burning! Blak, loud and proud. The theme honours the enduring strength and vitality of First Nations culture – with fire a symbol of connection to Country, to each other, and to the rich tapestry of traditions that define Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples .Central to the day’s activities is a drop-in workshop tailored for kids, providing them with a hands-on experience to explore First Nations art forms and traditions under the guidance of Boonwurrung artist, Bianca Easton.
A historical talk will be given by Boon Wurrung elder Aunty Janet Galpin, offering invaluable insights into the rich First Nations history and heritage of Euro Yuroke (St Kilda). Aunty Janet’s talk promises to be both educational and inspiring, providing attendees with a deeper understanding of Bunurong/Boonwurrung culture, and its significance to the local area.
Further information can be found here
AICOMOS WA Event – Como Theatre 9 & 10 July 2024
This NAIDOC week, in conjunction with the Preston Street Arts Collective, AICOMOS are proud to be supporting the screening of two great Australian films.
Both films will be screened on 35mm reel projection at the State Heritage Registered Como Theatre (16 Preston Street, Como).
Tuesday 9th July: Rabbit Proof Fence
Wednesday 10th July: The Tracker
This is a free event, however numbers will be strictly limited by the venue capacity and will also be available to the public.
Colours of Country with Virginia Keft | Powerhouse Museum Castle Hill| 7 July 2024
Join Dr Virginia Keft, proud Murriwarri woman, multidisciplinary artist, performer and researcher, in a creative mixed-media workshop for families. Colours of Country invites you and your family to be inspired by place, Country and nature. The artist will guide you through an adventure with colour, texture and design to spark your creativity while you experiment with techniques and textiles.
Duration – 1 hour 30 minutes
Times: 10.30am & 1.30pm Sunday 7 July 2024
Cost: $10 Adults & Children Further information can be found here
There are many events happening around the country. Please visit to search for other events in your state.
NEW Talking Intangibles presented by AICOMOS NSC-ICH ‘Intangible lessons from the past year’ 12-1pm 11 July 2024
All are welcome to join the Australia ICOMOS national scientific committee on intangible cultural heritage for a lunchtime discussion. The theme of the discussion is intangible lessons from the past year. These lunchtime sessions are designed to be a welcoming and informal space to chat about intangible cultural heritage.
To register please contact Rebecca Roberts
NEW 10th biannual International Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Digital Heritage (EuroMed2024) | University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus | 2-4 Dec 2024
Celebrating its twentieth anniversary, this key conference on digital cultural heritage will bring together researchers, policymakers, professionals and practitioners from the multidisciplinary heritage domains to discuss the challenges facing and successes in cultural heritage today. EuroMed2024 focuses on the interdisciplinary and intersectoral research on digital cultural heritage and use of cutting-edge technologies for the protection, restoration, preservation, mass digitalisation, documentation and presentation of heritage content.
Further information can be found on the conference website: EuroMed 2024 – 10th International Conference on Digital Heritage
NEW Heritage Skills Workshop Broken Hill 19-30 August 2024
This ten-day training workshop located in the National Heritage Listed City of Broken Hill, is an exciting and unique federal government supported heritage grant initiative.
Stage 1, completed in April 2024, was a 5-day conservation training program which transformed a very run down and dilapidated heritage facade into a conserved upper street frontage. Fourteen participants learned focused skills in stone and render conservation.
Stage 2, 19 – 30 August 2024, will reconstruct the original ground floor verandah and shopfronts. The workshop is aimed at developing the knowledge of heritage trades amongst people in the construction industry (up-skilling), homeowners, heritage professionals and those with a general interest in conservation and restoration. The program will extend understanding of heritage roofing, carpentry, painting, render repairs and leadlight work.
For expressions of interest and further information, please contact Applied Building Conservation Training (ABCT) during business hours on 1300 853 003, alternatively you can register through Places for this course are limited.
NEW Docomomo Australia Sydney Talk Series 2024- Contextualising Brutalism, July 25 2024
Contextualising Brutalism: NSW public architecture between 1958-1988 and its reinterpretation today at a time of growing conservatism.
By the early 1960s, the use of unpainted concrete in many NSW public buildings represented an aesthetic shift. Inspired by the discourse called the New Brutalism, these buildings were primarily designed by the NSW Government Architect.
Architect and researcher Glenn Harper will examine the architects who reshaped NSW public buildings between 1958 and 1988. Following this architecture writer Heidi Dokulil will discuss the fascinating stories and details uncovered for her recent book Sydney Brutalism, from the public’s mood for brutalism, the architects behind some of Sydney’s favourite examples – both public and private, and why there is a growing outcry for modernist architecture to be saved.
Time & Date: Tuesday 25th July 2024, 5.30pm for 6pm start
Cost: Students $10, Members $15, Non-Members $20, all payable through Eventbrite
Book here
Venue: NBRS Architecture, Level 2, 4 Glen Street, Milsons Point, 2061
Bookings are essential as places are limited. Any queries to
Booking and further details here:
The Uncovered Past Institute | Harrietville Vic | Chinese Mining Village Archaeological excavation – Chinese Mining Village Nov – Dec 2024
Join us to discover more about the Chinese miners who once lived and worked in the 19th century Harrietville Chinese Mining Village. For around fifty years from the early 1860s Harrietville was home to many of the thousands of Victoria’s Chinese gold miners. This will be the fifth season of archaeological excavation at the Chinese Mining Village, following on from the previous four seasons in October 2017, October 2019, October 2022 and January-February 2024. The largely undisturbed site includes mine workings, water races, building foundations, and gardens: a rare survivor of the heyday of Chinese gold mining in Victoria. The foundations of at least 19 buildings were discovered during a survey undertaken during Season One fieldwork in 2017. Huge quantities of food, liquor, medicines, utensils, ceramics and even coins were imported from China for the Chinese mining communities. Many fragments of these were discovered during the earlier excavation seasons, along with fragments of European tableware ceramics and glass bottles. Season Five research objectives will be to undertake more intensive excavations on hut site WC1, in order to determine its size, footprint and how it was constructed; and also to gain a greater understanding of the lifestyle of the Chinese miners.
For more information or to book in for Season 5 please visit:
Kinchela Boys Home 100th Anniversary Gathering | 18-20 October 2024
2024 marks 100 years since the gates of Kinchela Boys Home (KBH) opened. At those gates, the spirits of the children who walked through the gates were left behind. To mark this 100th anniversary, the KBH Survivors, their descendants and families are honouring the spirits of those children and celebrating the past, present and future of the Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation (KBHAC) Community.
To recognise this important anniversary, a three-day gathering will take place from October 18th – 20th 2024. We would like to invite you to join KBHAC Survivors, their descendants and families in truth telling, cultural wellbeing, and ceremony which will take place across the Kinchela Boys Home site and the Macleay Valley, including Kempsey and South West Rocks.
Support Needed
There is important collective work to be done and KBHAC survivors and descendants are inviting you to walk alongside them, not just on “Sorry Day” or for this weekend, but in meaningful and sustained ways.
This includes supporting their vision for transforming the Kinchela Boys Home Site into a national site of truth telling and healing through the creation of a living museum and healing centre. This anniversary event foregrounds the importance of connecting with each other, to empower one another and inspire each other through shared stories. This is an opportunity to join and support the KBHAC Community to witness, remember and grow. Many of the survivors of KBH have passed and the hope for the last generations of survivors is to have the former site that inflicted so much pain and suffering into a site of healing and truth telling. We are asking for your support in working to support their vision.
If you would like to provide sponsorship please email for a prospectus.
For further information please visit:
International Course on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture | Getty | Al Ain UAE | Applications open for Jan – Feb 2025
We are pleased to announce that applications are now open for the International Course On the Conservation of Earthen Architecture (EAC25). The third iteration of this month-long course will be held January 25 to February 23, 2025 in the World Heritage city of Al Ain, UAE, and in Nizwa, Oman. The course is organized by the Getty Conservation Institute in partnership with Department of Culture and Tourism–Abu Dhabi and the Oman Ministry of Heritage and Tourism.
Please find more information and application instructions on the course webpage:
Backyard Archaeology Exhibition Canberra Museum & Gallery 16 March – 1 September 2024
The exhibition presents thousands of objects that Steve Brown collected from around an ordinary suburban house and garden in the suburb of Arncliffe, Sydney. Some of the objects were collected during house renovations, others while gardening, and many from archaeological digs. The exhibition shows how a person can become deeply connected to found objects and how everyday encounters with lost and forgotten things can create a ‘sense of place’.
The exhibition includes an original artwork – 35mm sieve – by artist and archaeologist UK Frederick.
Backyard Archaeology is presented in partnership with the ARC-funded Everyday Heritage Project, the University of Canberra, Canberra Museum + Gallery, and GML Heritage.
Information and Catalogue: Backyard Archaeology
Save the Date – 2024 Everyday Heritage Symposium Western Australia 28 November 2024
This one-day symposium will explore ‘everyday heritage and difficult legacies’, starting with the work of international keynote speakers – Prof. Laura McAtackney (University College Cork, Ireland) and Dr Timo Ylimaunu (University of Oulu, Finland) and drawing in diverse perspectives from Western Australia and all around the nation. Please save-the-date for this event hosted by the ARC Everyday Heritage Linkage Project team and our special guests at this in-person, one-day Symposium at the University of Western Australia (UWA).
The ‘Save-the-Date’ flyer for the symposium can be accessed here.
The Symposium is a partnership event with the Australian Historical Association (AHA), the Congress of the Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (CHASS), and Business Events Perth (BEPerth).
Everyday Heritage website.
NEW University of Canberra & Engineers Australia | Survey on the future of fossil fuels in heritage machinery
The University of Canberra and Engineers Australia are conducting a survey on current and future use of fossil fuels and lubricants in operating heritage machines.
Fossil Fuels keep our heritage machines working so whether you are a private owner, a small museum or a government funded institution, we are keen to know what types of fuels and lubricants your machines use and how you might prepare for a potential phasing out of fossil fuels. We are interested in historic motor vehicles, steam, aviation, maritime, farm and industrial equipment, early electric machines, and any other old machines that you keep in working order.
Help us prepare for the future of operating heritage by participating in our survey here:
NEW QLD Government Survey | The Effects of Climate Change on Queensland Heritage Places | Closes 25 July 2024
The effects of climate change are a significant threat to historic heritage places across Queensland.
Queensland’s heritage places teach us about our history and help us understand how our state has grown and changed over time. They also contribute to our sense of wellbeing and belonging. We need to take care of these places and make sure they are protected so that Queenslanders now, and future generations, can enjoy them.
We’re developing a plan to provide a clear understanding of the climate change risks and impacts to our historic heritage places so that we can prioritise and coordinate actions to preserve them into the future. In developing this plan we are consulting with those who own, manage and/or protect, and regulate heritage-listed places. This includes a range of people and organisations from government to industry and individual heritage property owners.
To access the survey and further information please follow this link.
NEW SITUATION VACANT | Tasmania Parks & Wildlife | Historic Heritage Officer | FT | Hobart or Launceston | Applications close 16 July 2024
The Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service is now hiring for a Historic Heritage Officer.
In this position you will provide specialist heritage advice, facilitate and assist with conservation, identification, protection and promotion of historic heritage places in Tasmania.
Intrastate travel to remote and iconic locations is part of this role. You may find yourself in a helicopter one day or camping the next! You will have exclusive access to work on some of Tasmania’s most significant heritage sites within our famous National Parks, including Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Areas.
Visit the Tasmanian Government Jobs website to enquire or apply now if you are ready to explore the opportunities this role can provide!
Applications close Tuesday 16 July 2024 at 11:55PM (AEST)
NEW SITUATION VACANT | CMAG | Education Program Producer | FT | Canberra | Applications close 12 July 2024
The Cultural Facilities Corporation has an exciting opportunity for an experienced creative professional to be an Education Program Producer to develop and coordinate the delivery of education programs at Canberra Museum and Gallery (CMAG), The Nolan Collection, Lanyon Homestead, Calthorpes House and Mugga Mugga Cottage.
The position is part of the Visitor Experiences team within the Galleries, Museums and Heritage (GMH) Unit, which includes Public Programs and Visitor Services. You will work collaboratively with the Exhibitions and Collections team to develop, deliver and evaluate education programs (onsite, offsite and outreach) that reflect contemporary museum education theory, meet curriculum requirements, are appropriate for the intended audiences and supports the GHM’s Learning Policy and the CFC’s Strategic Plan (2023-27).
For more details go to
SITUATION VACANT | Heritage 21 | Heritage Consultant | Alexandria | FT | Applications reviewed on submission
Heritage 21 is seeking a Heritage Consultant to join our fast-growing and dynamic team located at our boutique studio in Alexandria NSW. We are seeking a passionate individual with 2-3 years’ experience in Built Cultural Heritage. For more information about the role and how to apply, click on the link
SITUATION VACANT | Heritage 21 | Senior Heritage Consultant & Team Leader | Alexandria | FT | Applications reviewed on submission
Heritage 21 is seeking a Senior Heritage Consultant & Team Leader to join our fast-growing and dynamic team located at our boutique studio in Alexandria NSW. We are seeking an experienced and professional individual with 5+ years’ experience in Built Cultural Heritage. For more information about the role and how to apply, click on the link
SITUATION VACANT | Conservation Studio | Architect/Experienced Graduate of Architecture (Conservation / Heritage Experience) | Melbourne | FT | Applications reviewed upon submission
Conservation Studio Australia welcomes applicants seeking full-time employment in our specialist team of conservation architects, historians, and heritage consultants, in the position of experienced Heritage Consultant working in applied architectural conservation, universal access upgrade, and adaptation of heritage listed/registered buildings.
Applicants with comprehensive experience across all stages of architectural work are encouraged to apply, with the following minimum experience requirements:
Master level (formerly Bachelor) qualification in Architecture from an Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA) accredited architectural qualification provider
minimum 5-7 years’ architectural experience
preferably 1-3 years’ experience working in Australia
preferably Registered Architect in Australia
For further information please follow this link to submit your application please send it to :
SITUATION VACANT | Conservation Studio | Heritage Consultant with built environment experience | Melbourne | FT | Applications reviewed on submission
Conservation Studio Australia welcomes applicants seeking full-time employment in our specialist team of conservation architects, historians, and heritage consultants, in the position of experienced Heritage Consultant working in applied architectural conservation, universal access upgrade, and adaptation of heritage listed/registered buildings.
Applicants with comprehensive experience across all elements of heritage consulting work are encouraged to apply, with the following minimum experience requirements:
Master or Post Graduate level qualification in Urban and Cultural Heritage or equivalent architectural conservation from an Australian or mutually recognised provider
minimum 5-7 years’ industry experience including built environment experience
preferably 1-3 years’ experience working in Australia
For further information please follow this link to submit your application please send it to :
SITUATION VACANT | LVI Recruitment | Senior Cultural Heritage Consultant (Archaeologist) | Byron Bay NSW | FT | Applications reviewed on submission
We are working with a leading, national heritage consulting firm that offers management of complex heritage projects to clients. They strive to provide the highest quality services to ensure that they make a positive impact to the heritage community and environment.
Alongside heritage, they provide geospatial and charity services – one of the very few companies that genuinely gives back to the community. For this position, they are seeking a Senior or a Principal Cultural Heritage (Indigenous heritage, archaeology) Consultant in Byron Bay to join their team.
Key Responsibilities:
- Conduct archaeological fieldwork, including surveys, test excavations, and site recording
- Analyze and interpret archaeological data
- Prepare detailed archaeological reports and assessments
- Liaise with clients, stakeholders, and regulatory authorities
- Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Archaeology or related field
- Minimum of 5 years of experience in cultural heritage management, with a focus on archaeology
- Demonstrated fieldwork experience, including excavation and survey techniques
- Strong written and verbal communication skills
- Ability to work effectively both independently and as part of a team
- Knowledge of relevant legislation and guidelines
For further information & to apply follow the link.
SITUATION VACANT | Biosis | Built Heritage Consultant | Sydney NSW | FT or PT continuing | Applications reviewed upon submission
We have an excellent opportunity for a mid-level Built Heritage Consultant in our Sydney office.
As a key member of our team, you will have the chance to contribute your expertise to a variety of exciting projects. Your primary focus will be working under the guidance of the Principal (Built Heritage), where you’ll be responsible for conducting background research, assisting with site inspections, writing technical consulting reports, and providing advice to clients.
Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with clients, participate in community consultations, and collaborate with internal teams to deliver comprehensive solutions.
To excel in this role previous consulting experience is essential, and field experience will be highly regarded. Your ability to adapt to diverse projects and locations will be crucial as you will work on multiple assignments with varying demands. Flexibility and a willingness to travel are essential attributes to ensure success in this position.
A valid driver’s license and Australian work rights are required for this role.
To apply, please submit your CV and cover letter addressing how you meet the below selection criteria:
- Bachelor’s degree or higher in heritage conservation, history, architecture, or related field.
- Minimum of 2 years of experience in either consulting or the public sector with a focus on built heritage.
- Developing project management skills, including managing small budgets and delivery within set timeframes.
- Sound proposal and report writing skills
- Understanding of Commonwealth and NSW legislation and guidelines.
- Willingness to undertake periods of fieldwork in both urban and remote locations.
Applications should be sent to:

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131