Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 1002


NEW ITEM: Australia ICOMOS secretariat Christmas shutdown and changes to e-news
NEW ITEM: Australia ICOMOS makes urgent request to WA Premier to withdraw the WA Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2021
NEW ITEM: David Logan awarded Honorary Membership of Australia ICOMOS
NEW ITEM: Australia ICOMOS Christmas get together | Canberra | Wednesday 15 December, 5pm
NEW ITEM: The Climate.Culture.Peace conference (24-28 January, 2022) is calling for contributions | deadline 22 December 2021
NEW ITEM: The Big Stuff 2022 conference (Portugal) is calling for contributions | deadline 5 February 2022
NEW ITEM: Longford Academy Summer School | Longford Tasmania | 6-12 February 2022
NEW ITEM: Nominate a significant heritage place for listing | nominations close 9 February 2022
NEW ISSUE: Release of inaugural edition of Scroll, a publication by Student Conservators at Melbourne


National Scientific Committee on Industrial Heritage: call for new members | deadline 10 December 2021


Erich-Mendelsohn-Symposium, Berlin, 21-22 March 2022: Call for papers | deadline 20 December 2021
Call for Abstracts – 5th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism | deadline 30 January 2022 


WA Heritage Council Heritage Grants Program | applications close 10 December
DEADLINE EXTENDED: City of Hobart releases Central Hobart Precinct Discussion Paper | community consultation extended to 17 December
Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions | applications close 20 January 2022


NEW SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant | Heritage 21 | Alexandria, NSW | applications reviewed upon submission
SITUATION VACANT Consultant – Heritage | Urbis | Melbourne | deadline 31 December
SITUATION VACANT Senior Consultant – Heritage | Urbis | Melbourne | deadline 31 December
SITUATION VACANT Archaeologist positions | GML Heritage | Sydney | applications reviewed upon submission
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Advisor (Aboriginal Archaeology) | Mott MacDonald | Sydney | applications reviewed upon submission
SITUATION VACANT Built Heritage Consultant / Architectural Historian | RBA Architects + Conservation Consultants | deadline extended to 17 December
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Edwards Heritage Consultants (EHC) | Sydney | applications reviewed upon submission




NEW ITEM: Australia ICOMOS secretariat Christmas shutdown and changes to e-news

The secretariat office will be closed over the Christmas break from 17 December to 10 January. Next week’s e-news will be the last issue for 2021. 

Starting next week, the e-news will be going out on Thursdays. Please send any items you would like posted by Wednesday evening.

All the best for a festive and relaxing break, however you choose to spend it!


NEW ITEM: Australia ICOMOS makes urgent request to WA Premier to withdraw the WA Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2021

Australia ICOMOS has written to the WA Premier to express its deep concern that the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2021 is being rushed through Parliament and will result in very poor outcomes for Aboriginal peoples and their heritage. The Bill is deeply flawed. Australia ICOMOS has urgently called for the Bill to be withdrawn and for further development of this legislation. We understand the Bill has been introduced to both houses of the Western Australian Parliament and is due to be voted on imminently with limited debate. The Bill needs to be substantially revised to address the significant issues it contains. In its current form the Bill does not provide respect for Indigenous Western Australians or good heritage protection.

The submission can be viewed here.

Other recent submissions by Australia ICOMOS include:

  • Submission on the Proposal to Raise the Warragamba Dam Wall
  • Submission on Tasmanian Planning Policies
  • Submission on the draft strategy and management plan for Carlton Gardens and the Royal Exhibition Building.

All Australia ICOMOS submissions can be found here.


NEW ITEM: David Logan awarded Honorary Membership of Australia ICOMOS

Congratulations to David Logan, who was awarded Honorary Membership at the November AGM of Australia ICOMOS.

David became a member of Australia ICOMOS in the early 1980s. He served on the Australia ICOMOS National Executive Committee from 1993 to 1999 and was elected Vice President in 1997 and again in 1998. During that time, David coordinated the Australia ICOMOS Cultural Heritage Places Policy document and was a member of the Burra Charter working group which drafted revisions to the Charter.

David has been a member of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Historic Cities, Towns and Villages (CIVVIH) since 2009 and has served as Vice-President of this Committee since 2017. He was instrumental in establishing the Asia-Pacific Subcommittee of CIVVIH in 2018, an express purpose being to promote HUL in the region. He was appointed by ICOMOS to assist the newly-established HUL Focal Point Group in 2018.

David has undertaken World Heritage monitoring (State of Conservation) missions on behalf of ICOMOS and has also undertaken several World Monuments Funds desktop reviews on behalf of ICOMOS. Locally, David has contributed to several Australia ICOMOS working groups and to many advocacy submissions made by Australia ICOMOS. He has served as the Australian voting member on CIVVIH since 2009. 

David has made an extraordinary contribution to the development of the heritage industry and the application of heritage principles in the planning domain through his presentations, publications, training workshops, advocacy, and consulting projects. In the course of a career committed to responsible heritage outcomes he has undertaken thousands of heritage consulting projects throughout Sydney and across NSW, Australia and overseas. In the process he has led, guided and mentored hundreds of staff, colleagues and students. His lifetime of work has been at the forefront of heritage conservation across Australia and throughout the world. 


NEW ITEM: Australia ICOMOS Christmas get together | Canberra | Wednesday 15 December, 5pm

Join Australia ICOMOS colleagues and friends for an end of year get together on Wednesday 15th December at 5pm. To be held at the University of Canberra Building 7, Level C, Room 5.

RSVP: To Katrina Keller via email by this Sunday (12 December). Please advise of any specific dietary requirements.


NEW ITEM: The Climate.Culture.Peace conference (24-28 January, 2022) is calling for contributions | deadline 22 December 2021

ICCROM’s flagship programme – FAR (First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis) and the British Council’s Cultural Protection Fund have formed an alliance, for the upcoming innovative project– Climate. Culture. Peace. Australia ICOMOS is a conference partner.

The conference aims to highlight the risks to heritage stemming from climate change, gather evidence of how the knowledge embedded in heritage can be used to promote climate resilience, facilitate inter-agency dialogue and highlight good practices and innovative strategies.

Join us and contribute to a knowledge-building initiative connecting climate change to the diversity of human cultures and heritage. 

To read the call, please go to the ICCROM website.
To access the web form  

Proposal deadline: 22 December 2021

Climate.Culture.Peace aims to share and exchange knowledge, research, practices and capacities through a multi-day virtual conference, knowledge portal, and network of invested communities and individuals. 

This initiative is generously supported by the British Council’s Cultural Protection Fund (CPF) in partnership with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). 

The conference seeks participation from all around the world; contributions from the CPF target countries (Afghanistan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda and Yemen) across the Middle East and Africa are particularly encouraged.

Culture can and should play a role in reducing the impacts of climate change.

To guide this initiative, Climate.Culture.Peace outlines four themes that broadly capture how culture and heritage are intertwined with climate change and human experiences of peace, conflict, and disasters. These themes may be interpreted broadly and creatively.

  • Culture – the missing link
  • Climate change as a risk driver for culture and people
  • Culture-based mitigation, adaptation and renewal 
  • State of knowledge and action

Do you have a story to share? 

Do you have research, knowledge, experiences, art or ideas on the connection between climate change, culture and heritage, disaster resilience, peace and peace-building, or conflict? With this call, we warmly invite you to submit a proposal for contribution .


NEW ITEM: The Big Stuff 2022 conference (Portugal) is calling for contributions | deadline 5 February 2022

The Big Stuff 2022 conference will be hosted in Seixal in Portugal (near Lisbon)  and online, with a focus on the Seixal Ecomuseum (Ecomuseu Municipal do Seixal) and the amazing Vale de Milhaços Gunpowder Factory. 

We are currently calling for abstracts on the theme “Working together? Conservation and safeguarding of industrial and technology heritage”.

Abstracts are invited that address the safeguarding and conservation of industrial and technological heritage from different perspectives, such as:

i) In-situ industrial heritage conservation processes;
ii) Experiences and methodologies for operational conservation of industrial objects;
ii) Agents and processes for safeguarding and conservation;
iii) Training of professionals in conservation of industrial and technological heritage.

Abstracts are due by 5th February 2022 and can be submitted here.

For more information, contact details, and registration visit the Big Stuff 2022 website


NEW ITEM: Longford Academy Summer School | Longford Tasmania | 6-12 February 2022

Longford Academy is  pleased  to advise that its Summer School for 2022 is proceeding and registration are now open.

The Summer School, formerly run at University of Canberra, and run by David Young, was a “must do” for those in the heritage industry and now is available again, with the Longford Academy, at the World Heritage Sites of Woolmers and Brickendon Estates in Tasmania. David has revised and updated the course material and it is destined to be an intensive week in wonderful surrounds.

Click on the links for the flyer on the course and registration form with advice for participants.

Unfortunately the 2021 Summer School had to be cancelled due to COVID 19, so don’t delay if you wish to come along, as there is high demand and limited places.

Enquiries can be made to Greg Owen at


NEW ITEM: Nominate a significant heritage place for listing | nominations close 9 February 2022

The Australian Government is inviting Australians to nominate the sites they would like to see added to the National Heritage List and Commonwealth Heritage List.

National Heritage List
The National Heritage List includes 119 exceptional cultural, historic and natural places that contribute to Australia’s national identity. National heritage defines the critical moments in our development as a nation and reflects the richness of Australia’s natural heritage, as well as the achievements, sorrows, and joys in the lives of Australians.

Commonwealth Heritage List
The Commonwealth Heritage List (CHL) contains nearly 400 places of Indigenous, historic, and natural value. The Australian Government acts as a custodian of heritage on Commonwealth Land and works together with Commonwealth agencies and local communities to celebrate and protect the places that are important to us.

To find out more or to nominate a place, visit:

Nominations are open until 9 February 2022.


NEW ISSUE: Release of inaugural edition of Scroll, a publication by Student Conservators at Melbourne

Scroll is a new publication by conservation students at the Grimwade Centre  at the University of Melbourne. You can download the inaugural edition from the Scroll website.

Contributions for the inaugural edition of Scroll include:

  • The fun of condition reporting in public – Frances Lojkine
  • Conserving oppression: Historical revisionism and the preservation of cultural materials in a post-Marcos Philippines – Gabriel Garde
  • Shifting perspectives in conservation: Interview with time-based art conservator Asti Sherring – Emma Ward
  • Manufacturing a karibari board: A project report – Sandra Song
  • A masters online – Michael Iles
  • Lessons from Haeinsa: What a Korean Buddhist temple can teach us about preventive conservation – Elizabeth Gralton
  • Digitisation as conservation: A discussion of The Hellenic Museum Digitisation Project – Thomas Keep
  • The Care and ID of Photographs workshop: A review – Sophie Antulov
  • The changing approach to relining canvas paintings: A review of the methods and materials applied to painting relining in Europe from the 17th to 20th century – Jordan Aarsen
  • Effluence and affluence – Michael Davies




National Scientific Committee on Industrial Heritage: call for new members | deadline 10 December 2021

The NSC on Industrial Heritage aims to be a voice for industrial heritage advocating for the preservation, conservation, investigation, documentation, research and interpretation of Australia and the region’s industrial heritage.

The NSC on Industrial Heritage is calling for new members. Any ICOMOS/TICCIH member with established or emerging expertise and interest in the field of industrial heritage may apply.

Non ICOMOS/TICCIH members can apply in the Affiliate category.

Membership categories are:

  • Expert member – member of either ICOMOS or TICCH with a high level of expertise
  • Affiliate member -non Australia ICOMOS members who are engaged in activities relevant to the objective of the NSC and who can contribute to its work, or early career ICOMOS or TICCIH members with a strong interest who wish to develop expertise in Industrial Heritage.

If you are interested, please visit the NSC IH page on the Australia ICOMOS website for more information. To apply, please complete an application form and include a brief CV.

Date applications due: 10 December, 2021




Erich-Mendelsohn-Symposium, Berlin, 21-22 March 2022: Call for papers | deadline 20 December 2021

Erich-Mendelsohn-Symposium is planned to be held on 21-22 March 2022 in Berlin.

The two-day symposium will take place in the Chamber of Architects (Architektenkammer) Berlin, the former Metalworker´s Union building in Berlin (Alte Jakobstraße 149, 10969 Berlin), realized by Erich Mendelsohn 1928-30. The lectures will be preceded by a day excursion to Mendelsohn´s buildings in Berlin and Brandenburg, including the Einstein Tower in Potsdam, and the Mendelsohn Collection in the Art Library Berlin (Kunstbibliothek). On the occasion of Mendelsohn’s 135th birthday on 21st March 2022, a cinema evening is planned with movies about the life and work of Erich Mendelsohn.

Please find the call for presentations here.

Abstracts of no more than 500 words should be sent to (supplementary
short CVs desired) by 20 December 2021 at latest.


Call for Abstracts – 5th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism | deadline 30 January 2022 

The organising committee of the 5th International Conference on Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism (ICCAUA 2022) is inviting participation in this recently emerged platform of exchanging ideas and research studies. The ICCAUA 2022 conference will be held online at Alanya HEP University/Alanya/Turkey, on 11-13 May 2022. For this year’s conference, we will focus on Architecture and Technology, Sustainability and Urban Design, Heritage and Cultural Landscapes, Habitat Studies and Infra Habitation and Civil engineering.

Please see the extended topics of the conference.

Deadline for abstract submission is 30 January 2022.




WA Heritage Council Heritage Grants Program | applications close 10 December

The WA Heritage Council’s Heritage Grants Program is now open for applications. The program offers funding assistance to projects that conserve or celebrate State Registered Heritage places, and supports investment in the preservation of WA’s rich history. The Minister for Heritage announced the opening of the program on 30 September, the full media release can be read here.

More information on the Heritage Grants Program, including how to apply, can be found at the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.

Applications close at 4pm, Friday 10 December.

Contact: Emily Craig-Wadham, Senior Heritage Grants Administrator
Phone enquiries: (08) 6552 4031
Email enquiries via this address


DEADLINE EXTENDED: City of Hobart releases Central Hobart Precinct Discussion Paper | community consultation extended to 17 December

The City of Hobart would love to hear from you about the future of Central Hobart, as we embark on a period of transformation for our city.

The City recently released its Central Hobart Precinct Plan Discussion Paper to help inform conversations about the future of Central Hobart. The paper considers topics related to Central Hobart’s land use, built form, public realm, connectivity and investment.

Your ideas and experiences can help to shape the future of Central Hobart, as we embark on a period of transformation for our city. We need to hear from our community organisations, and our industry leaders in architecture, planning, transport, the arts, heritage, property development and business so that we can protect and enhance what we love most about Hobart. The next era in Central Hobart’s evolution will be defined by embracing opportunities for growth that is aligned with our community vision.

We encourage you to join the conversation and make your voice heard before 17 December by:

  • Reviewing the Discussion Paper
  • Completing our online survey
  • Providing feedback on behalf of your organisation by uploading a formal submission or sending an email to

Please visit the Your Say Hobart project page for more information and feel free to distribute this email to your networks.


Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions | applications close 20 January 2022

After 10 years of European funding, 430 students from 70 countries, applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions are opened up to January 20, 2022. This is the leading international course on conservation of heritage structures, winner of the 2017 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage “Europa Nostra”, and a unique opportunity to meet people from all over the world.

This Master Course, which is running its 15th edition, is organized by a Consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, composed by University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic).

The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications.

A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4,000 to 13,000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.

Please find full details on the MSc programme, as well as electronic application procedure, on the SAHC website.

Visit also the SAHC blog  and LinkedIn.




NEW SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant | Heritage 21 | Alexandria NSW | applications reviewed upon submission

Heritage 21 is seeking the right candidate to join their team. We are a specialist firm of dedicated heritage practitioners operating throughout NSW and the ACT. Located in Alexandria, the firm assists clients with heritage projects within the private, public and government sectors through the heritage approval process at both State and Local government levels.

Our in-house heritage staff have expertise in built heritage, urban planning, history, research, and architecture. The perfect candidate will need to have the ability to take on a variety of tasks, from managing projects, preparing cultural heritage assessments, report writing and mentoring junior staff. The successful applicant will work closely with the other team leader and will report to the Studio Manager.

If you are self-motivated, have a passion for heritage and attention to detail, then PLEASE APPLY for this position by sending us your confidential CV to

More information can be found at Careers – Heritage 21.


SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant | Urbis | Melbourne | deadline 31 December

We are seeking a Heritage Consultant with a strong client focus and excellent communication skills to join our Melbourne practice as part of the wider national heritage team. We are looking for someone with a passion for built heritage who is wanting to develop their career. You will have the opportunity to be work across a diverse range of projects, contributing to reports and providing advice to our clients.

For more information on this position, and to apply, please click here.

Applications close  31 December 2021


SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant | Urbis | Melbourne | deadline 31 December

We are seeking a suitably qualified Senior Heritage Consultant with a strong client focus, excellent communication skills and the ability to deliver technical excellence to join our Melbourne practice as part of the wider national heritage team. We are looking for someone with a passion for built heritage who is wanting to develop their career. As a key member of the team, you will have the opportunity to be work across a diverse range of projects, contributing to reports and providing advice to our clients.

For more information on this position, and to apply, please click here.

Applications close  31 December 2021


SITUATION VACANT Archaeologist positions | GML Heritage | Sydney | applications reviewed upon submission

Work with us on our exciting archaeological projects in 2022 and contribute to significant research and public archaeology outcomes. 

About the roles 
We have a range of opportunities for archaeologists of all levels of experience and technical expertise. We are also interested in hearing from archaeologists with specialist skills. We can offer roles to suit your availability and preferences. A range of contracts are on offer, including casual, temporary, full-time, part-time and ongoing. 

At a minimum you will have a degree in archaeology or a related discipline, a passion for Australian archaeology, and a desire to work on large-scale high profile archaeology projects. 

We are particularly keen to hear from field and project archaeologist who are looking for excellent contracts. 

About the projects 
GML will commence several archaeological projects in Parramatta, Sydney and Western Sydney in 2022. The works are components of large-scale, significant projects. 

The sites have potential for significant archaeology associated with convict and early colonial settlement, and nineteenth domestic, commercial and industrial archaeology. There is also potential for significant Aboriginal archaeology. 

The archaeological projects are starting in March 2022, ongoing throughout the year and into 2023.  

There will be several intakes of archaeologists over this time. 

Go to our website and click on the news link for more information about how to express your interest in field and project roles. 


SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Advisor (Aboriginal Archaeology) | Mott MacDonald | Sydney | applications reviewed on submission

Mott MacDonald is a global engineering, management and development consultancy focused on improving society by considering social outcomes in all we do. We are wholly independent, employee-owned company that offers a range of opportunities to work with expert practitioners on expansive and challenging construction projects.

Due to our growing presence in the environment and sustainability market and recent large project wins, we have an exciting opportunity for a Senior Heritage Advisor (Aboriginal Archaeology) to join our growing team. This position can be a part time or fulltime role. You will be joining a diverse team of consultants who are passionate about what they do, with a proven track record guiding our clients, and leading delivery of critical infrastructure projects.

For more information see the job advertisement on the Mott MacDonald website: Senior Heritage Advisor (Aboriginal Archaeology) – Mott MacDonald 


SITUATION VACANT Built Heritage Consultant / Architectural Historian | RBA Architects + Conservation Consultants | deadline extended to 17 December

RBA Architects + Conservation Consultants is an established, mid-sized, leading built heritage conservation practice based in St Kilda, Melbourne. We are independent and research-driven. Passionate about engaging in and advancing the constantly emerging and dynamic discipline of contemporary heritage management, both in Australia and globally. We investigate deeply, we assess strategically, we conserve practically, and we adapt creatively. Comprised of committed designers, experienced conservation professionals, and heritage planning specialists, we work dexterously and collaboratively within the domain of historic environment management. There is no template for our approach.

An exciting and meaningful opportunity exists for an experienced Built Heritage Consultant/Architectural Historian to join us.

Applicants should have a thorough working knowledge of the built heritage planning systems and hold an honours or postgraduate degree in a relevant field. At least five years of hands-on experience in built heritage planning is desirable. Applications from heritage practitioners in the public sector are welcome.

Excellent employment arrangements are available. We are committed to flexibility and seek individuals eager to grow into the role with an eye to a long-term commitment to our practice. The role offers broad scope for career development along with the prospect of working with a dynamic, good-humoured team on an array of stimulating conservation projects.

Applicants are encouraged to explore our website and email a CV to Roger Beeston, Director, by 17 December. Video submissions are accepted.


SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant | Edwards Heritage Consultants (EHC) | Sydney | applications reviewed upon submission

An exciting opportunity exists for an experienced and self-motivated Heritage Consultant to join EHC’s growing team on a full-time, permanent basis. 

About EHC
Established in 2008, Edwards Heritage Consultants Pty Ltd (‘EHC’) is a respected and leading heritage consultancy, having built a strong reputation in delivering high quality and successful outcomes with an extensive range of heritage services.

Based in the northwest of Sydney, EHC has a diverse and impressive portfolio of over 650 different clients, working closely with private property owners, local Councils, Government agencies, corporate organisations, institutional and ecclesiastical groups. We also work closely with Architects, Planners, Developers and other owners and custodians of some pretty amazing heritage places.

Our experienced and dedicated team think outside the square and are experts in providing a practical and balanced approach to our work, proactively identifying, assessing and managing heritage, on a variety of projects ranging in complexity and significance.

We prepare heritage advice and impact assessments, conservation management documentation, interpretation strategies and plans, photographic archival recordings, heritage studies, expert evidence in Land and Environment Court appeals, architectural and building conservation advice, as well as a range of heritage advisory services to Local Councils, including referrals to statutory applications, strategic advice, grant administration and policy development.

Our core focus is in built heritage conservation, inclusive of heritage buildings and structures, landscapes and moveable objects. However, our team is expanding and we are also looking to incorporate archaeological services and expertise.

About the Role
If you have 2-5 years’ experience in heritage management and conservation practice, with a background in architecture, planning, archaeology, or other similar and relevant fields, and keen to work in a small but dedicated and respected practice in northwest Sydney, undertaking some exciting and challenging projects – we’d love to hear from you!

You would need to be comfortable working closely within a small team as well as working independently when needed. You should have a passion for heritage management and conservation practice, have good ‘people skills’ and value building great relationships with our Clients and stakeholders, as well as being an all-round great fit within our team. 

You should have experience in preparing complex heritage management documentation, a demonstrated ability to provide responsible, rational and creative expert heritage advice, and a good understanding of heritage legislation and the NSW heritage system generally. 
You should also be willing to be involved in the full spectrum of office and project tasks, including general admin and have good time management skills.

If you have slightly more experience, but this sounds like you, don’t be shy – we’d still love to hear from you! 
Introduce yourself by email – you might like to send us some examples of your work that grabs our attention, together with a short CV. 




Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Elizabeth Gralton
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
