[NEW ITEM] Blue Shield 25th Anniversary Panel Discussion, 7 June, 9.30pm AEST
[NEW ITEM] NSW Heritage Act Review Forum, 9 June, Sydney
[NEW ITEM] Join the New Heritage Approaches Globinar in June!
[NEW ITEM] AICCM Agents of Change series: #4: LIGHT – 17 June, 7-9pm AEST
[NEW ITEM] 2011 UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, 10th Anniversary Celebration, 23-24 June
[NEW ITEM] Heritage Council of Victoria publishes new online resource for homeowners of heritage houses
[NEW ITEM] THOROUGHLY MODERN: Moir + Sutherland Architects – now available for purchase
[NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin
ICOMOS Slovenia Symposium, 16-18 September 2021, online – call for papers deadline EXTENDED: 30 June
CHNT conference, 2-4 November 2021, Vienna – call for submissions: deadline 30 July
M/C Journal Special Issue: ‘Design’ | call for papers – deadline: 11 June 2021
World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize – nominations close 15 June
National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards 2021 – nominations close 21 June
Seaplanes on Lake Burley Griffin – public consultation invited by 22 June
NSW Heritage Act Review – submissions close 27 June
[NEW] TENDER OPPORTUNITY Sydney Metro, Expert Conservation Team [DEADLINE: 24 June]
SITUATION VACANT Architect / Access Consultant, Eric Martin and Associates, Canberra [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Architect, Eric Martin and Associates, Canberra [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Historian, Artefact Heritage Services, Sydney [DEADLINE: 13 June]
SITUTATION VACANT Senior Heritage Architect, Tanner Kibble Denton Architects, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Context, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
TENDER OPPORTINUTY Sydney Metro West archaeologist [DEADLINE: 4 June]
1. [NEW ITEM] Blue Shield 25th Anniversary Panel Discussion, 7 June, 9.30pm AEST
Panel Discussion: The creation of the Blue Shield, 6 June 1996
with the founding signatories of the Blue Shield and the first President of the Association
This year the Blue Shield is celebrating our 25th anniversary! Please join the us for our free upcoming Webinar, via Zoom:
Date: Monday 7 June 2021 | Time: 12.30 – 14.00 British Summertime (GMT+1) / 9.30pm AEST
Register for free here
We’re starting our anniversary celebrations with a panel discussion with the four people who founded Blue Shield on 6 June 1996, looking back at what inspired them, and their vision for the organisation, to be chaired by the first President of the Blue Shield Association, Karl Habsburg. Join us to explore the founding of our organisation and learn about what inspired its creation? What was their vision for the future, and what do they see as the challenges and obstacles in realising it?
For more information, download the BSI Panel discussion 7 June flyer and the BSI Anniversary Communications pack_June 2021.
2. [NEW ITEM] NSW Heritage Act Review Forum, 9 June, Sydney
The National Trust, together with the Australian Archaeological Association, Australasian Society for Historical Archaeologists, Engineering Heritage NSW, Historic Houses Association and Australia ICOMOS, would like to invite you to their Independent Forum on the recently announced government review of the NSW Heritage Act.
75 years after the birth of the National Trust in NSW, 50 years since the first Green Ban and 44 years since heritage protection was enacted, it is once again time for the community, experts, academia and advocates to join forces and ensure that any proposed amendments to our Heritage Act do not further erode the identification, protection and conservation of our heritage places.
The Forum aims to generate cross-industry collaboration, help identify key responses and most importantly, to arm participants with information and encourage the community to prepare individual submissions and responses.
It brings together stakeholders, experts, community members and representatives from industry for an open discussion on the Review and the key issues facing NSW’s heritage, and the identification of what Review outcomes would be desirable.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead.
Wednesday 9 June, 2021, Sydney Masonic Centre, from 12pm – 4.30pm
Further information and registration can be found at this link
3. [NEW ITEM] Join the New Heritage Approaches Globinar in June!
On November 16, 2020, a global call to action – the Our World Heritage (OWH) initiative – was launched to promote civil society engagement and renew the spirit of the World Heritage Convention.
Initially composed of researchers and activists from more than 50 countries, this movement is constantly expanding, including associations of local communities, non-governmental organizations, social movements, academia, artists, site managers, protection agencies and private institutions.
The initiative is currently in a process of knowledge building with monthly open thematic events, involving different voices in debates on cultural, natural and mixed heritage.
As part of the activities of the OWH initiative, there will be a global forum dedicated to the debate on New Heritage Approaches during the month of June 2021 – starting on 7 June, promoted and coordinated by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the University of Bologna, in partnership with other universities and institutions.
Discussions will address conceptual and methodological issues about integration, connection, approaches to perception and interpretation and management processes. The majority of the roundtables will be in English. In two of them, there will be consecutive translations to English.
For more details, visit the New Heritage Approaches theme page.
4. [NEW ITEM] AICCM Agents of Change series: #4: LIGHT – 17 June, 7-9pm AEST
Agents of Change: 10 Agents Over 10 Months
The AICCM Preventive Special Interest Group is hosting a series of online forums. Following on from the successful 2019 conference Managing Risks to Collections, 10 AGENTS OVER 10 MONTHS will explore and expand the traditional 10 Agents of Deterioration to encompass relevant and topical themes – such as the climate change, bushfires, repatriation, and COVID.
The series will run from March to December covering one Agent per month, and has been developed to enable our Conservation community to continue to share knowledge, insights and experiences virtually through talks, presentations, workshops, panel discussions and hybrid events throughout 2021.
17 June 2021
>> more information | registration
Speakers: David Saunders, Scott Rosenfeld & Ian Langston
5. [NEW ITEM] 2011 UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, 10th Anniversary Celebration, 23-24 June
The HUL Anniversary Event (23-24 June) not only marks the start of the 2021 celebration but serves as a catalyst for greater adoptions of the HUL approach. At the same time, the event serves as a platform to share lessons learned from COVID-19 and to resume discussions on the future of urban management. Topics such as public space, renovations, tourism, infrastructure and livelihoods will be explored. The Recommendation will provide an overall framework, while local needs and resources determine the implementation form.
On 23 June, the HUL Call for Action will be launched. The Call breaks the Recommendation down into concrete “Three Actions” (see “Call for Action”), in order to promote the HUL implementation for cities. The main participants will be Mayors, partners and high-level representatives from World Heritage and non-World Heritage cities, as they have the capacity to champion and mainstream the approach in their urban planning. Following the launch, panel discussions will explore the role of the Recommendation within the post-COVID-19 urban setting. Thematic lenses such as crisis response and recovery and local-actor empowerment will closely reflect the Call.
On 24 June, the session will focus on the application of the HUL approach to the World Heritage cities. Challenges triggered by the pandemic such as the drop in tourism and restricted urban-based activities will be discussed, with HUL serving as a potential mitigation framework. The invitees will consist of site managers, national focal points, city planning departments and experts, devising in-depth, practical conversations. Case studies collected, analysed and developed during preparatory technical meetings will also be presented.
In the context of this event, the World Heritage Centre is calling for case studies on urban heritage management practices. Topics include transportation and infrastructure, public space, renovations, tourism, traditional livelihoods and circular/green economies, revolving around the idea of recovery and “building back better” with heritage cities as thriving, sustainable and resilient urban centres strongly connected to their communities. The case studies will be presented in the preparatory technical meetings, which will take place on 16 and 21 June.
Submit a case study
See Concept Note
See HUL Call for Action
6. [NEW ITEM] Heritage Council of Victoria publishes new online resource for homeowners of heritage houses
The Heritage Council of Victoria has just released an online guide and 12 case studies to assist homeowners who are renovating or creating a home in a heritage building.
‘At home with heritage: a considered approach to renovating your house’ has been created to provide inspiration and demonstrate how good design and cultural heritage awareness can support the heritage values of a place while also providing a contemporary liveable home.
The guide provides a practical starting point, explaining the concepts of heritage value and significance, the opportunities and challenges that may be encountered and the design questions that need to be considered along the way. It also provides a brief overview of the heritage processes and procedure in Victoria.
The case studies show how others have designed and managed change to different kinds of heritage houses with differing levels of heritage protection, to inspire and demonstrate what might be possible.
The ‘At home with heritage’ guide and case studies can be found at this link.
7. [NEW ITEM] THOROUGHLY MODERN: Moir + Sutherland Architects – now available for purchase
The book, THOROUGHLY MODERN: Moir + Sutherland Architects, studies the lives of early Canberra architects Malcolm Moir and Heather Sutherland – their work, their impact on the developing city, the times in which they lived, and the legacy that remains.
>> more information | Canberra Times review
8. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin, click on the following link.
Membership of the Australia ICOMOS Indigenous Heritage Reference Group – call for Expressions of Interest: deadline COB 21 June 2021
The membership of the Australia ICOMOS Indigenous Heritage Reference Group (IHRG) was last refreshed in late 2017. In accordance with the Australia ICOMOS policy for all groups for a number of years, it is now time to refresh the membership.
The purpose of the IHRG is to advise Australia ICOMOS on matters pertaining to Indigenous heritage conservation principles, policies and practice. (It should be noted that while Australia ICOMOS recognises that Indigenous cultural heritage encompasses a broad range of values including, but not limited to, sites and places of historical or contemporary importance and the land itself, the consideration of Indigenous heritage by Australia ICOMOS does not include general land management and conservation, which is outside the focus of Australia ICOMOS). The IHRG provides advice as needed to the President and the Executive Committee on any issues that arise in relation to the conservation of Indigenous cultural heritage. Issues may relate to specific sites as in the case of Indigenous issues in World Heritage Monitoring Missions, or ‘framework’ issues as in the case of preparing submissions on legislation reform. This reference group, initially a Working Group, has existed since 1998. The Group does not hold regular meetings, but acts as issues arise.
Members of the IHRG will be selected based on demonstrated expertise and experience in the area of Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage conservation. Members must have a high level of expertise in Australian Indigenous heritage management. In selecting members, regard will also be given to ensuring the IHRG has broad geographic representation across Australia and that the membership represents a broad range of expertise in the area of Indigenous heritage conservation. Membership is open to Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia ICOMOS members. Indigenous members are strongly encouraged to apply. Current IHRG members are able to nominate to renew their membership. Young and/or Emerging Professional members with a specialist skill or interest in Australian Indigenous heritage management, but who don’t have sufficient expertise to become a member, may apply to be an Adjunct member (this is initially a one year appointment, which is reviewed at the end of the year).
More information can be found on the Indigenous Heritage Reference Group webpage and in the EOI document (link below). Please note that all individuals who express an interest in any Australia ICOMOS Working or Reference Group agree to be bound by the documents that can be found here.
Members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to express an interest in becoming a member of this Reference Group by sending a completed IHRG_EOI form_May 2021 to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB 21 June 2021.
For further information please contact the current convenor, Anne McConnell by email.
DOCOMOMO Australia + ACAHUCH : Heritage and activism in Modern sites and neighbourhoods, 16 June, 5.30pm AEST, Zoom
Jointly hosted by DOCOMOMO Australia and ACAHUCH on Wednesday 16 June from 5:30pm, discussion will focus on current and recent case studies of advocacy and campaigns colleagues have been engaged in to preserve, conserve, protect, document and list 20th century sites – successfully and unsuccessfully.
More information and bookings at this link.
ICOMOS Slovenia Symposium, 16-18 September 2021, online – call for papers deadline EXTENDED: 30 June
ICOMOS Slovenia invites you to the 4th International Symposium of ICOMOS Slovenia, which will be held via Zoom on 16-18 September 2021.
The theme this year is Resilient Heritage. The working language of the symposium will be Slovenian and English and it will be conducted in three parts:
I. The situation and how prepared are we?
II. Key challenges
III. Cultural heritage as an example: experiences and case studies
The deadline for submissions is now 30 June 2021.
More information can be found in the ICOMOS Slovenia Symposium_call for papers.
Also visit the symposium website.
CHNT conference, 2-4 November 2021, Vienna – call for submissions: deadline 30 July
International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies
Hybrid CHNT 26, 2021
The World’s Heritage in the Digital Age
2-4 November 2020
Vienna, Austria
After 25 years, the organization of the “International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies” is under new management. From 2021 onwards, the conference will be organized by the newly founded association CHNT – ICOMOS Austria, a branch of ICOMOS Austria, in cooperation with the Municipal Department for Cultural Affairs. With a heartfelt thank you to the Museen der Stadt Wien – Urban Archaeology Vienna for making the conference possible the last 25 years.
Call for submissions: papers, short papers, posters, apps and science slam
Submissions can be made according to the themes found in the 2021 program.
More information about the call is available here.
Deadline for submissions: 30 July
M/C Journal Special Issue: ‘Design’ | call for papers – deadline: 11 June 2021
Between its broader sense of intent and that of making a drawing or plan, design appears to be expanding in both meaning and its application. Design is well understood when related to our material culture, where the medium often bears the imprint of the designer/s. Design has moved relatively seamlessly from the physical into the digital world. It makes sense that someone designs the applications that we use and that digital content, just as much as a poster, requires design. Design activities are rarely inseparable from a market economy, but the language of design has infiltrated business more broadly.
>> more information about the special issue and how to submit an article
Article deadline: 11 June 2021
World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize – nominations close 15 June
Forward-thinking. Experimental. Bold. Progressive. Innovative. Once recognized for these defining characteristics, significant modern structures around the world often fall victim to material deterioration, perceived obsolescence, and public apathy. As many of these modern buildings are too young to qualify for landmark designation and protection, the need for preservation and increased public awareness of these unique resources is urgent.
In 2008, World Monuments Fund (WMF) launched the biennial World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize with founding sponsor Knoll to celebrate preservation success stories in buildings that are emblematic of the modern movement.
The prize honors contemporary architects, preservationists, planners, and community leaders who have implemented a physical intervention to preserve a threatened modern building or complex. Nominated projects must have been completed in the last ten years, and the site must have faced challenges or threats before it was preserved.
Nominations are now open for the World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize until 15 June 2021.
National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards 2021 – nominations close 21 June
The National Trust Awards recognise projects in the ACT that make a significant contribution to the conservation of the built, indigenous and natural environment in accordance with the principles set out in the Burra Charter.
The Burra Charter provides guidance for the conservation and management of places of cultural significance (cultural heritage places). The Charter sets a standard of practice for those who provide advice, make decisions about, or undertake works to places of cultural significance, including owners, managers and custodians.
More information about the awards can be found here.
Nominations close 21 June.
Seaplanes on Lake Burley Griffin – public consultation invited by 22 June
The National Capital Authority (NCA) has released for public consultation a Discussion Paper concerning possible seaplane operations on Lake Burley Griffin (the Lake).
The NCA is established under the Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Act 1999. The agency manages the Australian Government’s continuing interest in the planning, development and enhancement of Canberra as the National Capital. In performing its functions under the PALM Act and other relevant legislation, the NCA manages the Lake and is responsible for licensing commercial activities.
The Discussion Paper has been prepared to encourage feedback from the community and stakeholders. Community consultation will provide valuable feedback to ensure that the potential impacts of the activity on the Lake and other lake users, as well as the benefits that the seaplane activity may bring to Canberra, are fully understood. The National Capital belongs to all Australians, and the NCA seeks to understand and reflect a broader, national perspective about activities in Canberra.
More information is available at the National Capital Authority website.
The NCA welcomes feedback by close of business on 22 June 2021.
NSW Heritage Act Review – submissions close 27 June
An Upper House committee has established an inquiry into the Heritage Act 1977 (NSW). The inquiry will examine the effectiveness of the Heritage Act and the NSW heritage regulatory system, along with heritage aspects of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Read the entire media release here: Media release – Establishment – Review of the Heritage Act 1977
Other relevant links:
Submissions are open until 27 June 2021.
[NEW] TENDER OPPORTUNITY Sydney Metro, Expert Conservation Team [DEADLINE: 24 June]
Sydney Metro is seeking the services of an expert conservation team to undertake the next stage of conservation works for the Barangaroo boat uncovered during excavations for the Barangaroo station box. This open tender can be accessed through the NSW procurement website.
Tenders must be received by 12:00pm, 24 June 2021.
SITUATION VACANT Architect / Access Consultant, Eric Martin and Associates, Canberra [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Eric Martin and Associates is a long-standing niche architecture firm with specialist expertise in the provision of advice on conservation and adaptive reuse of heritage buildings and the assessment and design of buildings to ensure the provision of equal access for people with disabilities. These specialties are built on the foundation of architectural services of design, documentation and construction. We are one of the few practices in Australia that brings these three areas together into a universal design framework.
We are looking for an experienced architect and access consultant to assist in the demands on the Practice for the provision of disability access assessment and advice. Experience in the provision of access advice for people with disabilities and/or design for access using appropriate legislation, codes and standards is essential. Accreditation with the Association of Consultants in Access Australia and other access frameworks (such as LHA and SDA) is highly desirable. However in recognition of the specialist nature of the field we will consider applicants who wish to develop this area of expertise and are willing to undertake the development required for accreditation.
More information (including how to apply) is available in these docs: Architect – Access Consultant ad_EMAA_May 2021 | PD – Architect Access Consultant_EMAA_May 2021
SITUATION VACANT Senior Architect, Eric Martin and Associates, Canberra [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Eric Martin and Associates is a long-standing niche architecture firm with specialist expertise in the provision of advice on conservation and adaptive reuse of heritage buildings and the assessment and design of buildings to ensure the provision of equal access for people with disabilities. These specialties are built on the foundation of architectural services of design, documentation and construction. We are one of the few practices in Australia that brings these three areas together into a universal design framework.
We are looking for an experienced registered architect with the ability to lead a technical team and manage contracts as well as bringing a design flair to meet the needs of clients. Experience in contract management is essential.
More information (including how to apply) is available in these docs: Senior Architect ad_EMAA_May 2021 | PD – Senior Architect_EMAA_May 2021
SITUATION VACANT Historian, Artefact Heritage Services, Sydney [DEADLINE: 13 June]
About Artefact “Illuminate the Past – Inspire the Future”
At Artefact we create great heritage outcomes. While we know worthwhile things are not always easy, we believe innovative thinking and solid advice from our exceptional team will lead to solutions that engage and empower our clients.
We strive to support each other, achieving empowerment both as individuals and together as a team. This is how we grow our unique culture. We recognise that work should be rewarding, challenging and fun. Career is such a big part of life why not make it count? Especially when we love what we do.
We are looking for people who are curious, collaborative and brave to help create a company that works, lives and plays by its values every day.
About the role
The role will undertake detailed archival research and prepare thorough site-based and thematic histories for key projects located in Sydney and regional NSW. The role would also train and mentor team members to improve their historical research, interpretive and writing skills.
The role would be responsible for identifying and pursuing prospects for new clients, partnerships and product areas for history projects. The ideal candidate would maintain contacts across the history and heritage sector, leveraging programs, grants and opportunities to enhance Artefact’s reputational and sales prospects.
Our historian will be an expert in their field, a first-rate project manager and dedicated mentor to our talented up and coming Graduates and Heritage Consultants. In fulfilling these responsibilities, our historian will be supported by the management team and technical Principals to ensure they can bring their best to the role.
For more information about this opportunity, click here.
Applications close 11.59pm, Sunday 13 June 2020.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Architect, Tanner Kibble Denton Architects, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Tanner Kibble Denton Architects is seeking a Senior Heritage Architect, offering a great opportunity to work with our award-winning heritage team. We’re passionate about heritage conservation and adaptive re-use and we have some exciting projects across the full range of heritage practice – adaptive reuse, CMPs, heritage appraisals, archival records and fabric repairs.
We are looking for people who enjoy unique challenges, are focussed and have a range of skills and local experience in heritage architecture. Immediate start available.
Please contact George Phillips by email for more information. A detailed role description will be provided on request.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Context, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Context is seeking a bright and dynamic Heritage Consultant to join our consulting team. This is a full-time position, based in Melbourne.
About us
Context is part of the GML Heritage Group, which has offices in Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra. We are one of Australia’s most respected heritage consultancies and provide balanced solutions for heritage places and communities that respond to our clients’ needs and the complexities, opportunities and challenges of our time.
We have over 30 years’ experience and a reputation that sees us working on some of the most interesting and challenging projects in heritage.
We share a commitment to provide heritage advice and services that are founded on trust, intellectual rigour, industry best practice and effective community engagement. Our people are creative and committed specialists including archaeologists, architects, historians and built heritage experts.
The Position
In this role, you will work with and learn from experienced consultants across a range of built heritage services. You will take project inquiries, prepare proposals, undertake research, project manage and participate in a wide range of heritage projects. You will also get out of the office to participate in fieldwork including site inspections and on-site client meetings.
How to Apply
Go to our website to find out more about who we are and what we do. A position description can be accessed on our careers page.
If you are an enthusiastic heritage specialist who enjoys working as part of a dynamic multi-disciplinary team we’d love to hear from you. For this position we are particularly interested in your understanding of heritage planning.
Please send your application including a CV and covering letter addressing the role description to Dr Janine Major, Principal, Context via email.
Applications will be reviewed upon submission.
TENDER OPPORTUNITY Sydney Metro West archaeologist [DEADLINE: 4 June]
Sydney Metro is seeking the services of an archaeological team with both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal archaeological experience to provide expert documentation and advice in relation to our Parramatta and Bays station sites. This open tender can be accessed through the NSW procurement website.
RFT ID: SMC-21-0118
RFT Title: Sydney Metro West – Archaeological Services – Parramatta and The Bays Precincts
Department: Transport NSW
Agency: Sydney Metro
Tenders must be received by 12:00pm, 4 June 2021.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131