The Australia ICOMOS Conference Corrugations: The Romance & Reality of Historic Roads will be held this year in Melbourne, 25-28th November. Information about the call for papers is now available from the website at . The online registration will be up and running soon.
Roads tie us together, and hold great cultural significance, but what bumps have there been along the way, and what rough patches do we face in their future conservation? The Corrugations Conference aims to explore a range of themes, and facilitate discourse on the emerging issues of historic roads and their conservation.
The organising committee members are principally based in Victoria, and come from a wide range of disciplines.
- Dr. Timothy Hubbard (Chair)
- Dr. Max Lay
- Annabel Neylon
- Helen Weston
- Gary Vines
- Gillian Miles
- Roger Borrell
Each fortnight, we will post a brief introduction to a member of the organising committee and post updates and information on the conference.
This week, we will highlight the Conference Organising Committee Chair, Dr. Timothy Hubbard.
Dr. Timothy Hubbard
Timothy Hubbard. A long term member of Australia ICOMOS is a registered architect and planner with extensive qualifications and experience as a consultant in the conservation of historic buildings, gardens, sites and areas. Alone, and in association, he has authored over 80 heritage reports. His company, Timothy Hubbard Pty. Ltd currently provides heritage advisory services to four municipal governments in south west Victoria and provides consultant services to the Royal Melbourne Zoo. Prior to establishing his own practice in 1988, he worked with the Department of Planning during the formative years of the Historic Buildings Council and conservation planning controls under local planning schemes. From 1994 to 1998, he was a member of the RAIA Victorian Chapter Council. He has been a guest editor for Architect, the Chapter’s monthly journal and has been the Chairman of the Conservation category for the Institute’s Awards. He was founding chairman of the RAIA Victoria Heritage Committee until March 1998 and wrote the Institute’s national Heritage Policy. From 1999-2002 he was an alternate member to the Heritage Council of Victoria. He still sits on its Landscape Committee and has written articles for its newsletter, Inherit.
He is currently restoring Old St. Andrews, the former Presbyterian Church and Manse at Port Fairy, where he now lives, for his own use. He recently passed his Ph.D. in architectural history at Deakin University. The thesis, titled Towering Over All, the Italianate Villa in the Colonial Landscape, looks at the origin and meaning of the architecture of Government House, Melbourne.