15th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS Xi’an, China 17-21 October 2005

Monuments and Sites in their Setting – Conserving Cultural Heritage in Changing Townscapes and Landscapes

Information about the 15th General Assembly and the Scientific Symposium can be downloaded by clicking here: Xi’an Information (English version), including the call for papers.

See, too the ICOMOS website www.international.icomos.org/xian2005.

The General Assembly will mark the 40th year of ICOMOS. The triennial General Assembly is a key part of the activities of ICOMOS and the theme of the Scientific Symposium is a very important one, with great relevance in Australia and in the Region.

ICOMOS China is working with the International Executive Committee to make the 15th General Assembly a memorable event – not to be missed!