Science Heritage symposium

Under the Microscope – Exploring Science Heritage

UMESH AICOMOS Symposium Hobart Nov 2018 info sheet v5.1

Individuals who have an interest in the physical heritage of Australia’s long history of science and innovation, and the identification and conservation of this ‘science heritage’ are invited to participate in the Australia ICOMOS Under the Microscope – Exploring Science Heritage Symposium being held in Hobart, Tasmania, in November 2018.

The Symposium has been organised by Australia ICOMOS with the support of Cultural Heritage Practitioners Tasmania and the Royal Society of Tasmania, and with assistance from CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere.

The Symposium will run over two days, with a one-day field excursion on Sunday, 11th November and a day of presentations and discussion on Monday 12th November.

The aim of the Symposium is to have a multidisciplinary dialogue that explores the heritage of Australian science, including what science heritage is, what significant science heritage we have in Australia, and whether there are particular management needs for the conservation of this heritage.