Heritage Pathways Symposium

Australia ICOMOS Symposium:
Heritage Pathways 2021

Join Australia ICOMOS for Heritage Pathways 2021, a half-day symposium exploring issues that are important to early-career professionals and academics, as well as innovations in cultural heritage practice. The symposium will feature the following key components: an Acknowledgement of Country and introduction, a keynote address, a short talks session, and a panel session. Further information regarding each component has been outlined below. 
Acknowledgement of Country and Introduction
The Acknowledgement of Country and introduction will be presented by Leah Hunt, proud Jadawadjali, Gunditj-Mera, Wemba Wemba, Weregia, Ngargad, Bindjali woman, who has worked within various capacities in the heritage industry in South Australia and Victoria over the past 10 years. As part of her introduction Leah will reflect on her experiences within the heritage profession and provide commentary regarding the future of Aboriginal people within the industry.

Keynote Address
We are pleased to announce that our keynote speaker is Stacy Vallis. Stacy was elected to the International Board of ICOMOS at the General Assembly 2020, for the 2020 – 2023 triennium. Prior to this role, she coordinated the ICOMOS International Emerging Professionals Working Group (EPWG)  and has been a member of ICOMOS New Zealand since 2014. Stacy is passionate about fostering diverse, intergenerational dialogue through mentorship to support emerging heritage professionals within especially dynamic and evolving global conditions, which she will expand upon as part of her keynote address. Stacy completed her PhD in Architecture at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and is now pursuing postdoctoral research at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. 
Short Talks Session
The symposium will feature a diverse array of short talks or ‘snapshots’ that critically responding to one or more of the following provocations:

  • Where is the cultural heritage profession currently and where are we going?
  • What impact has the COVID-19 pandemic had on the profession, including successive lockdowns in some states and territories?
  • What new approaches and issues are important to emerging cultural heritage professionals and academics looking towards the future?
  • How is current research and policy responding to issues of social justice, sustainability and climate change, intangible values, Reconciliation and decolonising places and approaches?
  • How can we ensure that cultural heritage is relevant to all people within the community, beyond professional or academic disciplines?
  • How can established cultural heritage practitioners work with early career professionals to future-proof the cultural heritage profession?

The short talks session will be chaired by PhD candidate Catherine Townsend (ACAHUCH). 
Panel Session
The symposium will also feature a panel session of early, mid-career and established professionals discussing the topic of mentoring in heritage practice. Each panelist (to be announced shortly) has been both a mentee and mentor at different points of their career, and will reflect on the following questions:

  • Who were your mentors and how did they facilitate your career progression?
  • What have your mentors taught you?
  • What advice would you give to early career professionals seeking mentoring support?

The panel session will be chaired by Jane Alexander (Advocacy Manager, National Trust of Australia (NSW)). 
For further details, please contact the Heritage Pathways Team: heritagepathways2021@gmail.com